2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
#pragma once
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
#include <arch.h>
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
#include "./ml_imagelist.h"
/// Rating_Draw Styles
#define RDS_SHOWEMPTY_I 0x00000001 // Draw elements that not set.
#define RDS_OPAQUE_I 0x00000002 // Fill rest of the rectangle with rgbBk.
#define RDS_HOT_I 0x00000004 // Draw elements as "hot".
#define RDS_LEFT_I 0x00000000 // Aligns elements to the left.
#define RDS_TOP_I 0x00000000 // Justifies elements to the top of the rectangle.
#define RDS_RIGHT_I 0x00000010 // Aligns elements to the right.
#define RDS_BOTTOM_I 0x00000020 // Justifies elements to the bottom of the rectangle.
#define RDS_HCENTER_I 0x00000040 // Centers elements horizontally in the rectangle.
#define RDS_VCENTER_I 0x00000080 // Centers elements horizontally in the rectangle.
#define RDS_INACTIVE_HOT_I 0x00000100 // Draw elements as "hot" when inactive
// Rating_HitTest hitFlags
#define RHT_NOWHERE_I 0x0001
#define RHT_ONVALUE_I 0x0002
#define RHT_ONVALUEABOVE_I 0x0004
#define RHT_ONVALUEBELOW_I 0x0008
#define RHT_TOLEFT_I 0x0100
#define RHT_TORIGHT_I 0x0200
// Draws Rating based on RATINGDRAWPARAMS
BOOL MLRatingI_Draw(HDC hdc, INT maxValue, INT value, INT trackingVal, HMLIMGLST hmlil, INT index, RECT *prc, UINT fStyle);
// HIWORD - hitFlags LOWORD - index if any
LONG MLRatingI_HitTest(POINT pt, INT maxValue, HMLIMGLST hmlil, RECT *prc, UINT fStyle);
BOOL MLRatingI_CalcMinRect(INT maxValue, HMLIMGLST hmlil, RECT *prc);