2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
# if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
# pragma once
# endif
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
# include <arch.h>
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
# include "./config.h"
# include "./ml_imagelist.h"
typedef struct _NAVITEM_I
UINT mask ;
INT id ;
LPWSTR pszText ;
INT cchTextMax ;
LPWSTR pszInvariant ;
INT cchInvariantMax ;
INT iImage ;
INT iSelectedImage ;
UINT state ;
UINT stateMask ;
UINT style ;
UINT styleMask ;
HFONT hFont ;
LPARAM lParam ;
typedef struct _NAVITEMDRAW_I
HDC hdc ; //
COLORREF clrText ; //
COLORREF clrTextBk ; //
HFONT hFont ; //
RECT * prc ; //
UINT itemState ; // NIS_XXX
UINT drawStage ; // NIDS_XXX
INT iLevel ; // Zero-based level of the item being drawn.
// navigation control styles
# define NCS_NORMAL_I 0x0000
# define NCS_FULLROWSELECT_I 0x0001
# define NCS_SHOWICONS_I 0x0002
// nav item draw stage
# define NIDS_PREPAINT_I 0x0001
# define NIDS_POSTPAINT_I 0x0002
// item custom draw callback return values
# define NICDRF_DODEFAULT_I 0x0001
# define NICDRF_SKIPDEFAULT_I 0x0002
# define NICDRF_NEWFONT_I 0x0008
// hit test flags
# define NAVHT_NOWHERE_I 0x0001
# define NAVHT_ONITEM_I 0x0002
# define NAVHT_ONITEMBUTTON_I 0x0004 // only if item currently has children
# define NAVHT_ONITEMINDENT_I 0x0010
# define NAVHT_ONITEMRIGHT_I 0x0020
# define NAVHT_ABOVE_I 0x0100
# define NAVHT_BELOW_I 0x0200
# define NAVHT_TORIGHT_I 0x0400
# define NAVHT_TOLEFT_I 0x0800
// navigation item masks
# define NIMF_ITEMID_I 0x0001
# define NIMF_TEXT_I 0x0002
# define NIMF_TEXTINVARIANT_I 0x0004
# define NIMF_IMAGE_I 0x0008
# define NIMF_IMAGESEL_I 0x0010
# define NIMF_STATE_I 0x0020
# define NIMF_STYLE_I 0x0040
# define NIMF_FONT_I 0x0080
# define NIMF_PARAM_I 0x0100
// states
# define NIS_NORMAL_I 0x0000
# define NIS_SELECTED_I 0x0001
# define NIS_EXPANDED_I 0x0002
# define NIS_DROPHILITED_I 0x0004
# define NIS_FOCUSED_I 0x0008 // used with draw item
// styles
# define NIS_HASCHILDREN_I 0x0001 // item has children
# define NIS_ALLOWCHILDMOVE_I 0x0002 // allow children to be moved (re-ordered)
# define NIS_ALLOWEDIT_I 0x0004 // allow title edit
# define NIS_ITALIC_I 0x0100 // when displaying item text draw it with italic style
# define NIS_BOLD_I 0x0200 // when displaying item text draw it with bold style
# define NIS_UNDERLINE_I 0x0400 // when displaying item text draw it with underline style
# define NIS_CUSTOMDRAW_I 0x0010 // custom draw calback
# define NIS_WANTSETCURSOR_I 0x0020 // item want to recive set cursor notification
# define NIS_WANTHITTEST_I 0x0040 // item want to monitor/modify hittest results
/// internal style - do not use
# define NIS_WANTPOSTPAINT_I 0x8000 // custom draw calback
// image types
# define IMAGE_NORMAL_I 0x0000
# define IMAGE_SELECTED_I 0x0001
// item expand command flags
# define NAVITEM_TOGGLE_I 0x0000
# define NAVITEM_EXPAND_I 0x0001
# define NAVITEM_COLLAPSE_I 0x0002
// action codes
# define ACTION_CLICKL_I 0x0000
# define ACTION_CLICKR_I 0x0001
# define ACTION_ENTER_I 0x0002
# define ACTION_DBLCLICKL_I 0x0003
# define ACTION_DBLCLICKR_I 0x0004
// navigation callbacks ident
# define CALLBACK_ONCLICK_I 0x0001
# define CALLBACK_ONKEYDOWN_I 0x0003
typedef BOOL ( CALLBACK * ONNAVITEMCLICK_I ) ( HNAVCTRL /*hNav*/ , HNAVITEM /*hItem*/ , INT /*actionId*/ ) ; // return TRUE if you want to prevent further processing
typedef void ( CALLBACK * ONNAVITEMSELECTED_I ) ( HNAVCTRL /*hNav*/ , HNAVITEM /*hItemOld*/ , HNAVITEM /*hItemNew*/ ) ;
typedef BOOL ( CALLBACK * ONNAVCTRLKEYDOWN_I ) ( HNAVCTRL /*hNav*/ , HNAVITEM /*hItem*/ , NMTVKEYDOWN * /*ptvkd*/ ) ;
typedef void ( CALLBACK * ONNAVCTRLBEGINDRAG_I ) ( HNAVCTRL /*hNav*/ , HNAVITEM /*hItem*/ , POINT /*pt*/ ) ;
typedef INT ( CALLBACK * ONNAVITEMGETIMAGEINDEX_I ) ( HNAVCTRL /*hNav*/ , HNAVITEM /*hItem*/ , INT /*imageType*/ ) ; // if item image index == -1 you can provide some some other index
typedef BOOL ( CALLBACK * ONNAVITEMBEGINTITLEEDIT_I ) ( HNAVCTRL /*hNav*/ , HNAVITEM /*hItem*/ ) ; // return TRUE to allow edit
typedef BOOL ( CALLBACK * ONNAVCTRLENDTITLEEDIT_I ) ( HNAVCTRL /*hNav*/ , HNAVITEM /*hItem*/ , LPCWSTR /*pszNewTitle*/ ) ; // if pszNewTitle == NULL edit wa canceled. Return TRUE to accept new title
typedef void ( CALLBACK * ONNAVITEMDELETE_I ) ( HNAVCTRL /*hNav*/ , HNAVITEM /*hItem*/ ) ; //
typedef UINT ( CALLBACK * ONNAVITEMDRAW_I ) ( HNAVCTRL /*hNav*/ , HNAVITEM /*hItem*/ , NAVITEMDRAW_I * /*pnicd*/ , LPARAM /*lParam*/ ) ; // custom draw
typedef BOOL ( CALLBACK * ONNAVITEMSETCURSOR_I ) ( HNAVCTRL /*hNav*/ , HNAVITEM /*hItem*/ , LPARAM /*lParam*/ ) ; // set cursor
typedef void ( CALLBACK * ONNAVITEMHITTEST_I ) ( HNAVCTRL /*hNav*/ , POINT /*pt*/ , UINT * /*pFlags*/ , HNAVITEM * /*phItem*/ , LPARAM /*lParam*/ ) ;
typedef void ( CALLBACK * ONNAVCTRLDESTROY_I ) ( HNAVCTRL /*hNav*/ ) ;
// name compare flags
# define NICF_DISPLAY_I 0x0001 // compare display name (if specified in combination with othe flags will be used last)
# define NICF_INVARIANT_I 0x0002 // compare invariant name (if specified in combination with other flags will be used after FULL and before DISPLAY
# define NICF_IGNORECASE_I 0x0004 // ignore case (always used when comparing invariant names)
// NavItemI_SetOrder flags
# define NOF_MOVEONEBEFORE_I 0x00 // if order inded already used set order for this item and move old item on one position after until all items rearranged
# define NOF_MOVEONEAFTER_I 0x01 //
# define NOF_MOVEBEFORE_I 0x02 //
# define NOF_MOVEAFTER_I 0x03 //
// NavCtrlI_EnumItems callback
typedef BOOL ( CALLBACK * NAVENUMPROC_I ) ( HNAVITEM /*hItem*/ , LPARAM /*lParam*/ ) ; // return FALSE to stop enumeration
// Use this to in NavCtrlI_InertItem to create hInsertAfter
# define IS_NAVITEMSORTORDER(_i) ((((ULONG_PTR)(_i)) >> 16) == 0)
# define NUF_LOCK_NONE_I 0x00
# define NUF_LOCK_SELECTED_I 0x01 // try to remember selected position if no selected items in the view it will fallback to NUF_REMEMBER_TOP_I
# define NUF_LOCK_TOP_I 0x02 // try to remeber top item...
// insert item Insert after flags
# define NCI_FIRST_I ((HNAVITEM)(ULONG_PTR)-0x0FFFF) // insert first item
# define NCI_LAST_I ((HNAVITEM)(ULONG_PTR)-0x00000) // insert as last item
// Navigation Control
// NavCtrlI_Create - create new navigation manager
HNAVCTRL NavCtrlI_Create ( HWND hwndParent ) ;
BOOL NavCtrlI_SetRect ( HNAVCTRL hNav , RECT * prc ) ;
BOOL NavCtrlI_Show ( HNAVCTRL hNav , INT nCmdShow ) ;
BOOL NavCtrlI_Enable ( HNAVCTRL hNav , BOOL fEnable ) ;
BOOL NavCtrlI_Destroy ( HNAVCTRL hNav ) ;
BOOL NavCtrlI_Update ( HNAVCTRL hNav ) ; // calls UpdateWindow for the host;
BOOL NavCtrlI_ProcessNotifications ( HNAVCTRL hNav , LPNMHDR pnmh , LRESULT * pResult ) ;
C_Config * NavCtrlI_SetConfig ( HNAVCTRL hNav , C_Config * pConfig ) ;
BOOL NavCtrlI_BeginUpdate ( HNAVCTRL hNav , UINT fRememberPos ) ; // call to prevent redraw (use NUF_REMEMBER_XXX)
BOOL NavCtrlI_EndUpdate ( HNAVCTRL hNav ) ; // call to allow redraw
BOOL NavCtrlI_DeleteItem ( HNAVCTRL hNav , HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
BOOL NavCtrlI_DeleteAll ( HNAVCTRL hNav ) ;
HNAVITEM NavCtrlI_FindItem ( HNAVCTRL hNav , INT itemId ) ;
HNAVITEM NavCtrlI_FindItemByName ( HNAVCTRL hNav , LCID Locale , UINT compFlags , LPCWSTR pszName , INT cchLength ) ; // use one of the NICF_* flags
HNAVITEM NavCtrlI_FindItemByFullName ( HNAVCTRL hNav , LCID Locale , UINT compFlags , LPCWSTR pszName , INT cchLength , BOOL fAncestorOk ) ; // use one of the NICF_* flags. if fAncestor is set and item with this name not exist - will fall back to closest ancestor
HNAVITEM NavCtrlI_InsertItem ( HNAVCTRL hNav , HNAVITEM hInsertAfter , HNAVITEM hParent , NAVITEM_I * pnis ) ; // if hInsertAfter > 0xFFFF it is consider as an item otherwise it is sort order, Use MAKE_NAVITEMSORTORDER macro
HNAVITEM NavCtrlI_GetRoot ( HNAVCTRL hNav ) ;
HNAVITEM NavCtrlI_GetSelection ( HNAVCTRL hNav ) ;
HNAVITEM NavCtrlI_GetFirstVisible ( HNAVCTRL hNav ) ;
HNAVITEM NavCtrlI_GetLastVisible ( HNAVCTRL hNav ) ;
BOOL NavCtrlI_UpdateLook ( HNAVCTRL hNav ) ;
HMLIMGLST NavCtrlI_SetImageList ( HNAVCTRL hNav , HMLIMGLST hmlil ) ;
HMLIMGLST NavCtrlI_GetImageList ( HNAVCTRL hNav ) ;
LPVOID NavCtrlI_RegisterCallback ( HNAVCTRL hNav , LPVOID fnCallback , INT cbType ) ;
HNAVITEM NavCtrlI_HitTest ( HNAVCTRL hNav , POINT * ppt , UINT * pFlags ) ;
BOOL NavCtrlI_SetInsertMark ( HNAVCTRL hNav , HNAVITEM hItem , BOOL fAfter ) ;
BOOL NavCtrlI_EnumItems ( HNAVCTRL hNav , NAVENUMPROC_I pEnumFunc , HNAVITEM hItemStart , LPARAM lParam ) ;
INT NavCtrlI_MapPointsTo ( HNAVCTRL hNav , HWND hwndTo , POINT * ppt , UINT cPoints ) ;
INT NavCtrlI_MapPointsFrom ( HNAVCTRL hNav , HWND hwndFrom , POINT * ppt , UINT cPoints ) ;
BOOL NavCtrlI_EndEditTitle ( HNAVCTRL hNav , BOOL fCancel ) ;
INT NavCtrlI_GetIndent ( HNAVCTRL hNav ) ;
DWORD NavCtrlI_GetStyle ( HNAVCTRL hNav ) ; // NCS_XXX
// Navigation Item
BOOL NavItemI_EditTitle ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
HNAVITEM NavItemI_GetChild ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
INT NavItemI_GetChildrenCount ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
HFONT NavItemI_GetFont ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
INT NavItemI_GetId ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
INT NavItemI_GetImageIndex ( HNAVITEM hItem , INT imageType ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_GetIndirect ( HNAVITEM hItem , NAVITEM_I * pnis ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_GetText ( HNAVITEM hItem , LPWSTR pszText , INT cchMaxLen ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_GetInvariantText ( HNAVITEM hItem , LPWSTR pszText , INT cchMaxLen ) ;
HNAVITEM NavItemI_GetNext ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
WORD NavItemI_GetOrder ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
HNAVITEM NavItemI_GetParent ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
HNAVITEM NavItemI_GetPrevious ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_GetRect ( HNAVITEM hItem , RECT * prc , BOOL fItemRect ) ;
HNAVITEM NavItemI_GetRoot ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
UINT NavItemI_GetState ( HNAVITEM hItem , UINT stateMask ) ;
UINT NavItemI_GetStyle ( HNAVITEM hItem , UINT styleMask ) ;
INT NavItemI_GetFullName ( HNAVITEM hItem , LPWSTR pszFullName , INT cchMaxLen ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_HasChildren ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ; // checks if item style for NIS_HASCHILDREN_I
BOOL NavItemI_HasChildrenReal ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ; // cheks if item actually has at least one child
BOOL NavItemI_IsSelected ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_IsExpanded ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_Expand ( HNAVITEM hItem , UINT flag ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_Move ( HNAVITEM hItem , HNAVITEM hItemDest , BOOL fAfter ) ;
HFONT NavItemI_SetFont ( HNAVITEM hItem , HFONT hFont ) ; // you stil own this font !!! (set hFont to NULL if you want to use treeview font). Returns previously set font.
BOOL NavItemI_SetId ( HNAVITEM hItem , INT itemId ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_SetImageIndex ( HNAVITEM hItem , INT mlilIndex , INT imageType ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_SetIndirect ( HNAVITEM hItem , NAVITEM_I * pnis ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_SetState ( HNAVITEM hItem , UINT state , UINT stateMask ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_SetStyle ( HNAVITEM hItem , UINT style , UINT mask ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_SetText ( HNAVITEM hItem , LPCWSTR pszText ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_SetInvariantText ( HNAVITEM hItem , LPCWSTR pszText ) ;
// Sets Item order and modifies all items oreder after it if required.
// if oder == 0xFFFF order will be set to max + 1 for this group
// returns new item order or 0xFFFF if error;
// minimal order value 1.
// flags one of the NOF_XXX
WORD NavItemI_SetOrder ( HNAVITEM hItem , WORD order , UINT flags ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_EnsureVisible ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_Select ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
HIMAGELIST NavItemI_CreateDragImage ( HNAVITEM hItem , LPCWSTR pszTipText ) ;
BOOL NavItemI_Invalidate ( HNAVITEM hItem , RECT * prc , BOOL fErase ) ;