2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
# define PLUGIN_NAME L"Nullsoft Tray Control"
# define PLUGIN_VERSION L"2.49"
// Winamp general purpose plug-in mini-SDK
// Copyright (C) 1997, Justin Frankel/Nullsoft
// Modifications and useability enhancements by DrO aka Darren Owen 2006-2014
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
# include <arch.h>
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
# include <commctrl.h>
# include <shlwapi.h>
# include "../winamp/gen.h"
# include "../winamp/wa_ipc.h"
# include "../winamp/ipc_pe.h"
# include "resource.h"
# include "winampcmd.h"
# include "api__gen_tray.h"
# include <strsafe.h>
# ifndef _DEBUG
BOOL WINAPI _DllMainCRTStartup ( HINSTANCE hInst , ULONG ul_reason_for_call , LPVOID lpReserved )
DisableThreadLibraryCalls ( hInst ) ;
return TRUE ;
# endif
# define NUM_ICONS 8
# define FOURWAY_NUM 7
# define SYSTRAY_ICON_BASE 1024
// used for Win7+ usage inorder to get the direct location of the icon instead of the prior hacks (thanks MS!)
typedef HRESULT ( WINAPI * SHELL_NOTIFYICONGETRECT ) ( const NOTIFYICONIDENTIFIER * identifier , RECT * iconLocation ) ;
SHELL_NOTIFYICONGETRECT g_Shell_NotifyIconGetRect = 0 ;
// Use a guid to uniquely identify our icon
class __declspec ( uuid ( " B4E5FE9B-6A22-450e-9565-941EF50CFEEB " ) ) CompactIcon ;
// wasabi based services for localisation support
api_service * WASABI_API_SVC = 0 ;
api_language * WASABI_API_LNG = 0 ;
int config_enabled = 0 ,
xporhigher = 0 ,
custom_enabled = 0 ,
winver = 0 ,
flip = 0 ,
on = 1 ,
update_file = 0 ,
isX64 = 0 ,
no_uninstall = 1 ,
dlg_init = 0 ;
UINT s_uTaskbarRestart = 0 ;
HWND configwnd = 0 ;
WNDPROC lpWndProcOld = 0 ;
HICON Icons [ NUM_ICONS ] = { 0 } , dummyIcon = 0 ;
HBITMAP compact = 0 ;
fileinfo2W file = { 0 } ;
wchar_t ico_pack [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ,
ico_pack_base [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ,
ico_pack_safe [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ,
wa_path [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ,
* ini_file = 0 ,
szDescription [ 256 ] = { 0 } ;
int tips [ NUM_ICONS ] = {
} ;
int tips_ex [ NUM_ICONS ] = {
- 1 ,
- 1 ,
- 1 ,
} ;
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc ( HWND hwnd , UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) ;
BOOL CALLBACK ConfigProc ( HWND hwndDlg , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) ;
HICON CreateInternalIcon ( void ) ;
int FileExists ( char * filename ) ;
void config ( void ) ;
void quit ( void ) ;
int init ( void ) ;
void config_write ( ) ;
void config_read ( ) ;
extern " C " winampGeneralPurposePlugin plugin =
" nullsoft(gen_tray.dll) " ,
init ,
config ,
quit ,
} ;
extern " C " __declspec ( dllexport ) winampGeneralPurposePlugin * winampGetGeneralPurposePlugin ( ) { return & plugin ; }
HWND GetPlaylistWnd ( HWND winamp ) {
HWND pl_wnd = 0 ;
// get the playlist editor window (either v2.9x method or the older
// for compatibility incase < 2.9x are used
if ( SendMessage ( winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETVERSION ) > = 0x2900 )
pl_wnd = ( HWND ) SendMessage ( winamp , WM_WA_IPC , IPC_GETWND_PE , IPC_GETWND ) ;
if ( ! pl_wnd )
pl_wnd = FindWindow ( L " Winamp PE " , 0 ) ;
return pl_wnd ;
void FormCompactText ( wchar_t * szTip , int szTipLength ) {
int got = 0 ;
// only update if we really have to (to better mimick Winamp's title behaviour, etc)
// otherwise we query in all cases which can often reflect what appears to be the wrong information since
// the current playlist entry is altered, etc on playlist modification hence an incorrect observation
if ( ! update_file ) {
update_file = 1 ;
file . fileindex = ( int ) SendMessage ( GetPlaylistWnd ( plugin . hwndParent ) , WM_WA_IPC , IPC_PE_GETCURINDEX , 0 ) ;
got = ( int ) SendMessage ( GetPlaylistWnd ( plugin . hwndParent ) , WM_WA_IPC , IPC_PE_GETINDEXTITLEW , ( LPARAM ) & file ) ;
// if it returns 0 then track information was received
if ( ! got & & file . filetitle [ 0 ] ) {
int time = ( int ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndParent , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME ) ;
wchar_t buf [ MAX_PATH * 2 ] = { 0 } , temp [ 1024 ] = { 0 } , * t = temp , * p = 0 ;
int over = 0 , state = 0 , blah = 0 ;
wchar_t stateStr [ 32 ] = { 0 } ;
switch ( SendMessage ( plugin . hwndParent , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_ISPLAYING ) ) {
case 0 :
state = lstrlen ( stateStr ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
state = lstrlen ( stateStr ) ;
break ;
p = file . filetitle ;
while ( p & & * p ) {
* t + + = * p + + ;
if ( * ( p - 1 ) = = ' & ' ) {
* t + + = ' & ' ;
* t + + = ' & ' ;
* t = 0 ;
StringCchPrintf ( buf , MAX_PATH * 2 , L " %d. %s " , ( file . fileindex ) + 1 , file . filetitle ) ;
over = lstrlen ( buf ) ;
if ( over > szTipLength - 1 ) { over = szTipLength - 1 ; }
lstrcpyn ( szTip , buf , szTipLength ) ;
if ( time ! = - 1 ) {
time = time / 1000 ;
if ( file . filelength [ 0 ] ) {
StringCchPrintf ( buf , MAX_PATH * 2 , L " [%02d:%02d/%s] " , ( time / 60 ) , time % 60 , file . filelength ) ;
blah = lstrlen ( buf ) ;
else {
StringCchPrintf ( buf , MAX_PATH * 2 , L " [%02d:%02d] " , ( time / 60 ) , time % 60 ) ;
blah = lstrlen ( buf ) ;
if ( ( over + blah + state ) > szTipLength ) {
int adj = szTipLength - blah - state - 1 ;
szTip [ adj ] = 0 ;
szTip [ adj - 1 ] = L ' . ' ;
szTip [ adj - 2 ] = L ' . ' ;
szTip [ adj - 3 ] = L ' . ' ;
if ( time ! = - 1 ) {
StringCchCat ( szTip , szTipLength , buf ) ;
if ( state ) {
StringCchCat ( szTip , szTipLength , stateStr ) ;
// fall back to the Winamp version just incase
else {
wchar_t temp [ 16 ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchPrintf ( temp , 16 , L " %X " , SendMessage ( plugin . hwndParent , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETVERSION ) ) ;
StringCchPrintf ( szTip , szTipLength , L " Winamp %c.%s " , temp [ 0 ] , & temp [ 2 ] ) ;
void free_icons ( void ) {
int i = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < NUM_ICONS ; i + + )
if ( Icons [ i ] ) {
DestroyIcon ( Icons [ i ] ) ;
Icons [ i ] = 0 ;
if ( dummyIcon ) {
DestroyIcon ( dummyIcon ) ;
dummyIcon = 0 ;
if ( compact ) {
DeleteObject ( compact ) ;
void do_icons ( int force )
static int l = 0 ;
int i = NUM_ICONS ;
if ( l = = config_enabled & & ! force ) return ;
if ( force ) free_icons ( ) ;
while ( i - - )
if ( l & ( 1 < < i ) )
NOTIFYICONDATAW tnid = { 0 } ;
tnid . cbSize = sizeof ( NOTIFYICONDATAW ) ;
tnid . hWnd = plugin . hwndParent ;
tnid . uID = i + SYSTRAY_ICON_BASE ;
Shell_NotifyIcon ( NIM_DELETE , & tnid ) ;
l = config_enabled ;
if ( ! on ) { return ; }
// have to do XP+ specific changes here in order for the icon addition order to appear as expected and not back to front!
for ( i = ( xporhigher ? ( NUM_ICONS - 1 ) : 0 ) ; ( xporhigher ? i > - 1 : i < NUM_ICONS ) ; ( xporhigher ? i - - : i + + ) )
if ( config_enabled & ( 1 < < i ) )
// check if an icon pack has not been set or it's not a valid file that's being passed
// if so then need to use the default icons
if ( ! ico_pack [ 0 ] | | ! PathFileExists ( ico_pack ) )
if ( ! Icons [ i ] ) Icons [ i ] = LoadIcon ( plugin . hDllInstance , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDI_ICON1 + i ) ) ;
if ( i = = 5 ) {
compact = ( HBITMAP ) LoadImage ( plugin . hDllInstance , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDB_BITMAP1 ) , IMAGE_BITMAP , 0 , 0 , LR_SHARED ) ;
Icons [ i ] = CreateInternalIcon ( ) ;
wchar_t * icpb = 0 ;
lstrcpyn ( ico_pack_base , ico_pack , ARRAYSIZE ( ico_pack_base ) ) ;
icpb = ico_pack_base + lstrlen ( ico_pack_base ) - 1 ;
while ( icpb & & * icpb & & * icpb ! = L ' \\ ' ) { icpb = CharPrev ( ico_pack , icpb ) ; }
if ( icpb ) * icpb = 0 ;
if ( ! Icons [ i ] ) {
wchar_t entry [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } , buf [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
int compact_loaded = 0 ;
StringCchPrintf ( entry , MAX_PATH , L " ico%d " , i + 1 ) ;
GetPrivateProfileString ( L " tray icon pack " , entry , buf , buf , ARRAYSIZE ( buf ) , ico_pack ) ;
StringCchPrintf ( entry , MAX_PATH , L " %s \\ %s " , ico_pack_base , buf ) ;
Icons [ i ] = ( HICON ) LoadImage ( 0 , entry , ( i ! = 5 ? IMAGE_ICON : IMAGE_BITMAP ) , 0 , 0 , LR_LOADFROMFILE | LR_SHARED ) ;
if ( i = = 5 ) {
compact = ( HBITMAP ) Icons [ i ] ;
if ( compact ) {
compact_loaded = 1 ;
// if this fails then we use the built-in versions
if ( ! Icons [ i ] ) Icons [ i ] = LoadIcon ( plugin . hDllInstance , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDI_ICON1 + i ) ) ;
if ( i = = 5 ) {
if ( ! compact_loaded ) {
compact = ( HBITMAP ) LoadImage ( plugin . hDllInstance , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( IDB_BITMAP1 ) , IMAGE_BITMAP , 0 , 0 , LR_SHARED ) ;
Icons [ i ] = CreateInternalIcon ( ) ;
NOTIFYICONDATAW tnid = { 0 } ;
tnid . cbSize = sizeof ( NOTIFYICONDATAW ) ;
tnid . hWnd = plugin . hwndParent ;
tnid . uID = i + SYSTRAY_ICON_BASE ;
tnid . uCallbackMessage = WM_USER + 2707 ;
tnid . hIcon = Icons [ i ] ;
if ( i ! = 5 )
StringCchPrintf ( tnid . szTip , sizeof ( tnid . szTip ) / sizeof ( wchar_t ) , L " %s - Winamp " , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW ( tips [ i ] ) ) ;
FormCompactText ( tnid . szTip , ( sizeof ( tnid . szTip ) / sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ) ;
Shell_NotifyIcon ( NIM_ADD , & tnid ) ;
void config ( void )
if ( ! IsWindow ( configwnd ) )
SetActiveWindow ( configwnd ) ;
void quit ( void )
config_enabled = 0 ;
do_icons ( 0 ) ;
free_icons ( ) ;
BOOL CALLBACK FindTrayWnd ( HWND hwnd , LPARAM lParam )
wchar_t szClassName [ 256 ] = { 0 } ;
GetClassName ( hwnd , szClassName , 255 ) ; // Did we find the Main System Tray? If so, then get its size and quit
if ( ! lstrcmpi ( szClassName , L " TrayNotifyWnd " ) )
HWND * pWnd = ( HWND * ) lParam ;
* pWnd = hwnd ;
return FALSE ;
//Original code I found on Internet were seeking here for system clock and it was assumming that clock is on the right side of tray.
//After that calculated size of tray was adjusted by removing space occupied by clock.
//This is not a good idea - some clocks are ABOVE or somewhere else on the screen. I found that is far safer to just ignore clock space.
return TRUE ;
BOOL CALLBACK FindToolBarInTrayWnd ( HWND hwnd , LPARAM lParam )
wchar_t szClassName [ 256 ] = { 0 } ;
GetClassName ( hwnd , szClassName , 255 ) ; // Did we find the Main System Tray? If so, then get its size and quit
if ( ! lstrcmpi ( szClassName , L " ToolbarWindow32 " ) )
HWND * pWnd = ( HWND * ) lParam ;
* pWnd = hwnd ;
return FALSE ;
return TRUE ;
HWND GetTrayNotifyWnd ( BOOL a_bSeekForEmbedToolbar )
HWND hWndTrayNotifyWnd = 0 , hWndShellTrayWnd = FindWindow ( L " Shell_TrayWnd " , 0 ) ;
if ( hWndShellTrayWnd )
EnumChildWindows ( hWndShellTrayWnd , FindTrayWnd , ( LPARAM ) & hWndTrayNotifyWnd ) ;
if ( hWndTrayNotifyWnd & & IsWindow ( hWndTrayNotifyWnd ) )
HWND hWndToolBarWnd = 0 ;
EnumChildWindows ( hWndTrayNotifyWnd , FindToolBarInTrayWnd , ( LPARAM ) & hWndToolBarWnd ) ;
if ( hWndToolBarWnd )
return hWndToolBarWnd ;
return hWndTrayNotifyWnd ;
return hWndShellTrayWnd ;
typedef BOOL ( WINAPI * ISWOW64PROCESS ) ( HANDLE hProcess , PBOOL Wow64Process ) ;
BOOL IsRunningX64 ( void ) {
ISWOW64PROCESS iswow64process = ( ISWOW64PROCESS ) GetProcAddress ( GetModuleHandle ( L " kernel32 " ) , " IsWow64Process " ) ;
if ( iswow64process ) {
BOOL Wow64Process = 0 ;
if ( iswow64process ( GetCurrentProcess ( ) , & Wow64Process ) ) {
return Wow64Process ;
return FALSE ;
HWND hwnd ;
UINT uCallbackMessage ;
DWORD Reserved [ 2 ] ;
HICON hIcon ;
} ;
typedef struct _TBBUTTON64 {
int iBitmap ;
int idCommand ;
BYTE fsState ;
BYTE fsStyle ;
BYTE bReserved [ 6 ] ; // padding for alignment
DWORD_PTR dwData ;
INT_PTR iString ;
typedef const TBBUTTON64 * LPCTBBUTTON64 ;
// this is used on Win7+ installs where the OS has a direct api to allow for the querying of the icon position
// most likely added natively due to the notification area fly out
BOOL NotifyIconGetRect ( LPRECT a_rcIcon ) {
if ( g_Shell_NotifyIconGetRect ) {
NOTIFYICONIDENTIFIER niid = { sizeof ( NOTIFYICONIDENTIFIER ) , plugin . hwndParent , SYSTRAY_ICON_BASE + 5 , 0 } ;
return SUCCEEDED ( g_Shell_NotifyIconGetRect ( & niid , a_rcIcon ) ) ;
return FALSE ;
//First tracking method: attaches to Tray process and reads data directly, is fast and reliable but will fail if user uses non standard tray software
//It was suggested by Neal Andrews with VB example: http://www.codeproject.com/shell/ctrayiconposition.asp?select=999036&forumid=14631&df=100#xx999036xx
//Ported to C++ by Ireneusz Zielinski
//Made vaguely 64-bit compatible in v2.2 of this plugin
BOOL FindOutPositionOfIconDirectly ( HWND a_hWndOwner , const int a_iButtonID , LPRECT a_rcIcon )
if ( ! NotifyIconGetRect ( a_rcIcon ) )
DWORD dwTrayProcessID = - 1 , tbSize = ( isX64 ? sizeof ( TBBUTTON64 ) : sizeof ( TBBUTTON ) ) ;
HANDLE hTrayProc = NULL ;
int iButtonsCount = 0 , iButton = 0 ;
LPVOID lpData = 0 , lpData2 = 0 ;
BOOL bIconFound = FALSE ;
//first of all let's find a Tool bar control embed in Tray window
HWND hWndTray = GetTrayNotifyWnd ( TRUE ) ;
if ( hWndTray = = NULL )
return FALSE ;
//now we have to get an ID of the parent process for system tray
GetWindowThreadProcessId ( hWndTray , & dwTrayProcessID ) ;
if ( ! dwTrayProcessID )
return FALSE ;
// need to use the older PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS define as it otherwise causes
// this to fail on all XP machines but will still work ok on Vista / Win7
hTrayProc = OpenProcess ( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS_XP /*PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS*/ , 0 , dwTrayProcessID ) ;
if ( hTrayProc = = NULL )
return FALSE ;
//now we check how many buttons is there - should be more than 0
iButtonsCount = ( int ) SendMessage ( hWndTray , TB_BUTTONCOUNT , 0 , 0 ) ;
//We want to get data from another process - it's not possible to just send messages like TB_GETBUTTON with a localy
//allocated buffer for return data. Pointer to localy allocated data has no usefull meaning in a context of another
//process (since Win95) - so we need to allocate some memory inside Tray process.
//We allocate sizeof(TBBUTTON) bytes of memory - because TBBUTTON is the biggest structure we will fetch. But this buffer
//will be also used to get smaller pieces of data like RECT structures.
lpData = VirtualAllocEx ( hTrayProc , NULL , tbSize , MEM_COMMIT , PAGE_READWRITE ) ;
if ( lpData = = NULL | | iButtonsCount < 1 )
CloseHandle ( hTrayProc ) ;
return FALSE ;
for ( iButton = 0 ; iButton < iButtonsCount ; iButton + + )
HWND hWndOfIconOwner = 0 ;
int iIconId = 0 ;
//first let's read TBUTTON information about each button in a task bar of tray
SIZE_T dwBytesRead = - 1 ;
TBBUTTON64 buttonData64 = { 0 } ;
TBBUTTON buttonData = { 0 } ;
TRAYDATA traydata = { 0 } ;
SendMessage ( hWndTray , TB_GETBUTTON , iButton , ( LPARAM ) lpData ) ;
ReadProcessMemory ( hTrayProc , lpData , ( isX64 ? ( LPVOID ) & buttonData64 : & buttonData ) , tbSize , & dwBytesRead ) ;
if ( dwBytesRead < tbSize )
continue ;
// now let's read extra data associated with each button: there will be a HWND of the window that created an icon and icon ID
ReadProcessMemory ( hTrayProc , ( LPCVOID ) ( isX64 ? buttonData64 . dwData : buttonData . dwData ) , ( LPVOID ) & traydata , sizeof ( TRAYDATA ) , & dwBytesRead ) ;
if ( dwBytesRead < sizeof ( TRAYDATA ) )
continue ;
// will get the hwnd and icon id of the 'button' being checked factoring for x86 and x64 structures
if ( ! isX64 )
hWndOfIconOwner = traydata . hwnd ;
iIconId = traydata . uID ;
LPARAM * tb = ( LPARAM * ) & traydata ;
hWndOfIconOwner = ( HWND ) tb [ 0 ] ;
iIconId = ( int ) tb [ 2 ] ;
if ( hWndOfIconOwner ! = a_hWndOwner | | iIconId ! = a_iButtonID )
continue ;
//we found our icon - in WinXP/Vista+ it could be hidden - let's check it:
if ( buttonData . fsState & TBSTATE_HIDDEN )
break ;
//now just ask a tool bar of rectangle of our icon
SendMessage ( hWndTray , TB_GETITEMRECT , iButton , ( LPARAM ) lpData ) ;
ReadProcessMemory ( hTrayProc , lpData , a_rcIcon , sizeof ( RECT ) , & dwBytesRead ) ;
if ( dwBytesRead < sizeof ( RECT ) )
continue ;
MapWindowPoints ( hWndTray , NULL , ( LPPOINT ) a_rcIcon , 2 ) ;
bIconFound = TRUE ;
break ;
VirtualFreeEx ( hTrayProc , lpData , 0 , MEM_RELEASE ) ;
VirtualFreeEx ( hTrayProc , lpData2 , 0 , MEM_RELEASE ) ;
CloseHandle ( hTrayProc ) ;
return bIconFound ;
return TRUE ;
HICON CreateInternalIcon ( void )
HICON hGrayIcon = 0 ;
HDC hMainDC = 0 , hMemDC1 = 0 , hMemDC2 = 0 ;
BITMAP bmp = { 0 } ;
ICONINFO csII = { 0 } , csGrayII = { 0 } ;
// destroy the old version of the icon where possible otherwise we'll get a resource leak
// which can have a nasty effect if allowed to grow too large
if ( Icons [ 5 ] ) {
DestroyIcon ( Icons [ 5 ] ) ;
// create a dummy base icon with which to work on (saves having to bundle a blank on in the dll)
if ( ! dummyIcon ) { dummyIcon = CreateIcon ( plugin . hDllInstance , 32 , 32 , 1 , 32 , 0 , 0 ) ; }
if ( ! GetIconInfo ( dummyIcon , & csII ) ) { return 0 ; }
if ( ! ( hMainDC = GetDC ( plugin . hwndParent ) ) | | ! ( hMemDC1 = CreateCompatibleDC ( hMainDC ) ) | | ! ( hMemDC2 = CreateCompatibleDC ( hMainDC ) ) ) {
return 0 ;
if ( GetObject ( csII . hbmColor , sizeof ( BITMAP ) , & bmp ) )
int width = 0 , height = 0 ;
csGrayII . hbmColor = CreateBitmap ( ( width = csII . xHotspot * 2 ) , ( height = csII . yHotspot * 2 ) , bmp . bmPlanes , bmp . bmBitsPixel , 0 ) ;
if ( csGrayII . hbmColor ) {
int is_playing = ( int ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndParent , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_ISPLAYING ) , dwLoopY = 0 , dwLoopX = 0 ;
// this is used for the temporary bitmap where the mask is created for the transparency (magic pink fun)
HBITMAP hAndMask = CreateCompatibleBitmap ( hMemDC2 , width , height ) ;
HDC hAndMaskDC = CreateCompatibleDC ( hMemDC2 ) ;
SelectObject ( hAndMaskDC , hAndMask ) ;
HBITMAP hOldBmp1 = ( HBITMAP ) SelectObject ( hMemDC1 , csII . hbmColor ) ;
HBITMAP hOldBmp2 = ( HBITMAP ) SelectObject ( hMemDC2 , csGrayII . hbmColor ) ;
SetStretchBltMode ( hMemDC2 , COLORONCOLOR ) ;
// play or pause or 'blank' image would go here
SelectObject ( hMemDC1 , compact ) ;
// not the most elegant code but it'll correctly select the play/pause icon as needed based on
// the current playback state and it's flip play/pause state as appropriately
StretchBlt ( hMemDC2 , 0 , 0 , 16 , 16 , hMemDC1 , ( ! is_playing ? 0 : ( is_playing ! = 1 ? ( flip ? 32 : 0 ) : 32 ) ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , SRCCOPY ) ;
// open or stop image would go here
StretchBlt ( hMemDC2 , 16 , 0 , 16 , 16 , hMemDC1 , ( ! is_playing ? 8 : 40 ) , 0 , 8 , 8 , SRCCOPY ) ;
// previous track image
StretchBlt ( hMemDC2 , 0 , 16 , 16 , 16 , hMemDC1 , 16 , 0 , 8 , 8 , SRCCOPY ) ;
// next track image
StretchBlt ( hMemDC2 , 16 , 16 , 16 , 16 , hMemDC1 , 24 , 0 , 8 , 8 , SRCCOPY ) ;
// process the image now that we've generated it
for ( dwLoopX = 0 ; dwLoopX < width ; + + dwLoopX )
for ( dwLoopY = 0 ; dwLoopY < height ; + + dwLoopY )
COLORREF MainBitPixel = GetPixel ( hMemDC2 , dwLoopX , dwLoopY ) ;
// checks for magic pink and then will remove it and clear/set the relevant areas in the image mask
if ( MainBitPixel = = 0xff00ff )
SetPixel ( hAndMaskDC , dwLoopX , dwLoopY , RGB ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ) ;
SetPixel ( hMemDC2 , dwLoopX , dwLoopY , RGB ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
SetPixel ( hAndMaskDC , dwLoopX , dwLoopY , RGB ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
SetPixel ( hMemDC2 , dwLoopX , dwLoopY , MainBitPixel ) ;
// set the mask for the transparent areas, etc
csGrayII . hbmMask = hAndMask ;
DeleteDC ( hAndMaskDC ) ;
SelectObject ( hMemDC1 , hOldBmp1 ) ;
SelectObject ( hMemDC2 , hOldBmp2 ) ;
csGrayII . fIcon = 1 ;
hGrayIcon = CreateIconIndirect ( & csGrayII ) ;
DeleteObject ( hAndMask ) ;
DeleteObject ( csGrayII . hbmColor ) ;
DeleteObject ( csGrayII . hbmMask ) ;
DeleteObject ( csII . hbmColor ) ;
DeleteObject ( csII . hbmMask ) ;
DeleteDC ( hMemDC1 ) ;
DeleteDC ( hMemDC2 ) ;
ReleaseDC ( plugin . hwndParent , hMainDC ) ;
return hGrayIcon ;
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc ( HWND hwnd , UINT message , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
// this will detect the start of playback and allow us to query for the new compact mode text
// done in 2.1+ to resolve issues with the compact mode text not updating correctly in all cases
if ( lParam = = IPC_PLAYING_FILE ) {
update_file = 0 ;
if ( ( lParam = = IPC_CB_MISC & & wParam = = IPC_CB_MISC_STATUS ) ) {
if ( config_enabled & ( 1 < < 5 ) ) {
NOTIFYICONDATAW tnid = { 0 } ;
tnid . cbSize = sizeof ( NOTIFYICONDATAW ) ;
tnid . hWnd = plugin . hwndParent ;
tnid . uID = 1029 ;
tnid . uFlags = NIF_ICON | NIF_TIP ;
tnid . hIcon = ( Icons [ 5 ] = CreateInternalIcon ( ) ) ;
// force an update if stopping and the playlist is clear
if ( ! SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_ISPLAYING ) ) {
if ( ! SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETLISTLENGTH ) ) {
file . filetitle [ 0 ] = 0 ;
update_file = 0 ;
FormCompactText ( tnid . szTip , ( sizeof ( tnid . szTip ) / sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ) ;
Shell_NotifyIcon ( NIM_MODIFY , & tnid ) ;
if ( message = = WM_TIMER & & wParam = = 64 ) {
if ( config_enabled & ( 1 < < 5 ) ) {
if ( SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_ISPLAYING ) = = 3 ) {
NOTIFYICONDATAW tnid = { 0 } ;
tnid . cbSize = sizeof ( NOTIFYICONDATAW ) ;
flip = ! flip ;
tnid . hWnd = plugin . hwndParent ;
tnid . uID = 1029 ;
tnid . uFlags = NIF_ICON | NIF_TIP ;
tnid . hIcon = ( Icons [ 5 ] = CreateInternalIcon ( ) ) ;
FormCompactText ( tnid . szTip , ( sizeof ( tnid . szTip ) / sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ) ;
Shell_NotifyIcon ( NIM_MODIFY , & tnid ) ;
NOTIFYICONDATAW tnid = { 0 } ;
// this resets the play/pause flashing so it's in a known state when not paused
tnid . cbSize = sizeof ( NOTIFYICONDATAW ) ;
tnid . hWnd = plugin . hwndParent ;
tnid . uID = 1029 ;
tnid . uFlags = ( flip ? NIF_ICON : 0 ) | NIF_TIP ;
// only re-create the icon when it's needed to be done otherwise, just update the tooltip
if ( flip )
tnid . hIcon = ( Icons [ 5 ] = CreateInternalIcon ( ) ) ;
flip = 0 ;
FormCompactText ( tnid . szTip , sizeof ( tnid . szTip ) / sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ;
Shell_NotifyIcon ( NIM_MODIFY , & tnid ) ;
if ( message = = WM_USER + 2707 )
switch ( LOWORD ( lParam ) )
if ( config_enabled ) switch ( LOWORD ( wParam ) )
// previous icon
case 1024 :
int a ;
if ( ( a = ( int ) SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_USER , 0 , IPC_ISPLAYING ) ) = = 0 ) // not playing, let's hit prev
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( a ! = 3 ) // restart or full previous action
if ( ( GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL ) & 0x1000 ) & & SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_USER , 0 , IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME ) > 2000 )
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON2 , 0 ) ; // restart (only on a ctrl+click)
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON1 , 0 ) ; // move to the previous track and then start
{ // prev
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON1 , 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
// play/pause icon
case 1025 :
if ( ( GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL ) & 0x1000 ) ) // restart the current track
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON4 , 0 ) ;
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON2 , 0 ) ;
// do play/pause switching to maintain current usability of the plugin
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON2 + ( SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_USER , 0 , IPC_ISPLAYING ) = = 1 ) , 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
// stop icon
case 1026 :
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON4 + ( ( GetKeyState ( VK_SHIFT ) & 0x1000 ) ? 100 : 0 ) , 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
// next icon
case 1027 :
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON5 , 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
// open file(s) icon
case 1028 :
SetForegroundWindow ( hwnd ) ;
if ( GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL ) & ( 1 < < 15 ) )
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_FILE_LOC , 0 ) ;
else if ( GetKeyState ( VK_SHIFT ) & ( 1 < < 15 ) )
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_FILE_DIR , 0 ) ;
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_FILE_PLAY , 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
// 4way mode handling, etc
case 1029 :
RECT rc = { 0 } , r = { 0 } ;
// Note: this isn't compatible with hidden icons on Win7 (still to be fixed for v2.4)
if ( FindOutPositionOfIconDirectly ( hwnd , 1029 , & rc ) )
int i = 0 ,
// on at least Win7 (possibly earlier) the icon size is different than a fixed size
// so for v2.3 we're just going to split the icon based on the reported size rather
// than assuming it is a 16x16 (really 18x18 icon) as Win7's taskbar is different!
height = ( rc . bottom - rc . top ) / 2 ,
width = ( rc . right - rc . left ) / 2 ,
x [ 4 ] = { 0 , width , 0 , width } ,
y [ 4 ] = { 0 , 0 , height , height } ;
POINT pt = { 0 } ;
GetCursorPos ( & pt ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i + + )
CopyRect ( & r , & rc ) ;
r . right = r . left + x [ i ] + width ;
r . bottom = r . top + y [ i ] + height ;
if ( PtInRect ( & r , pt ) )
switch ( i )
// play/pause icon
case 0 :
if ( ( GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL ) & 0x1000 ) ) // restart the current track
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON4 , 0 ) ;
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON2 , 0 ) ;
// do play/pause switching to maintain current usability of the plugin
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON2 + ( SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_USER , 0 , IPC_ISPLAYING ) = = 1 ) , 0 ) ;
break ;
// open file(s) / stop icon
case 1 :
if ( ! SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_USER , 0 , IPC_ISPLAYING ) ) {
SetForegroundWindow ( hwnd ) ;
if ( GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL ) & ( 1 < < 15 ) )
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_FILE_LOC , 0 ) ;
else if ( GetKeyState ( VK_SHIFT ) & ( 1 < < 15 ) )
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_FILE_DIR , 0 ) ;
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_FILE_PLAY , 0 ) ;
else {
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON4 + ( ( GetKeyState ( VK_SHIFT ) & 0x1000 ) ? 100 : 0 ) , 0 ) ;
break ;
// previous icon
case 2 :
int a ;
if ( ( a = ( int ) SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_USER , 0 , IPC_ISPLAYING ) ) = = 0 ) // not playing, let's hit prev
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( a ! = 3 ) // restart or full previous action
if ( ( GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL ) & 0x1000 ) & & SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_USER , 0 , IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME ) > 2000 )
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON2 , 0 ) ; // restart (only on a ctrl+click)
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON1 , 0 ) ; // move to the previous track and then start
{ // prev
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON1 , 0 ) ;
break ;
// next icon
case 3 :
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON5 , 0 ) ;
break ;
break ;
return 0 ;
// vol down
case 1030 :
int curvol = ( int ) SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_WA_IPC , - 666 , IPC_SETVOLUME ) - ( ( GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL ) & 0x1000 ) ? 30 : 10 ) ;
if ( curvol < 0 ) { curvol = 0 ; }
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_WA_IPC , curvol , IPC_SETVOLUME ) ;
return 0 ;
// vol up
case 1031 :
int curvol = ( int ) SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_WA_IPC , - 666 , IPC_SETVOLUME ) + ( ( GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL ) & 0x1000 ) ? 30 : 10 ) ;
if ( curvol > 255 ) { curvol = 255 ; }
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_WA_IPC , curvol , IPC_SETVOLUME ) ;
return 0 ;
break ;
if ( config_enabled ) switch ( LOWORD ( wParam ) )
// previousicon
case 1024 :
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON5 , 0 ) ;
break ;
// next icon
case 1027 :
int a ;
if ( ( a = ( int ) SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_USER , 0 , IPC_ISPLAYING ) ) = = 0 ) // not playing, let's hit prev
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON1 , 0 ) ;
else if ( a ! = 3 ) // restart or full previous action
if ( ( GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL ) & 0x1000 ) & & SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_USER , 0 , IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME ) > 2000 )
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON2 , 0 ) ; // restart (only on a ctrl+click)
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON1 , 0 ) ; // move to the previous track and then start
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON2 , 0 ) ;
{ // prev
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_COMMAND , WINAMP_BUTTON1 , 0 ) ;
break ;
// vol down
case 1031 :
int curvol = ( int ) SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_WA_IPC , - 666 , IPC_SETVOLUME ) - ( ( GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL ) & 0x1000 ) ? 30 : 10 ) ;
if ( curvol < 0 ) { curvol = 0 ; }
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_WA_IPC , curvol , IPC_SETVOLUME ) ;
return 0 ;
// vol up
case 1030 :
int curvol = ( int ) SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_WA_IPC , - 666 , IPC_SETVOLUME ) + ( ( GetKeyState ( VK_CONTROL ) & 0x1000 ) ? 30 : 10 ) ;
if ( curvol > 255 ) { curvol = 255 ; }
SendMessage ( hwnd , WM_WA_IPC , curvol , IPC_SETVOLUME ) ;
return 0 ;
break ;
int ret = ( int ) CallWindowProc ( lpWndProcOld , hwnd , message , wParam , lParam ) ;
// do this after passing the main batch of messages onto Winamp/rest of the subclass chain so
// that Winamp will restore its tray icon first and then we do ours (otherwise it looks silly)
if ( message = = s_uTaskbarRestart )
// have to force the icons to be displayed since there are none in the tray at this point
do_icons ( 1 ) ;
return ret ;
// GetWindowsVersionRunningOnCompact(...)
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
// Function to get the version of arch being run on
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
// Optionally a 'short version[2]' can be passed into the
// function as 'GetWindowsVersionRunningOnCompact(version)'
// which allows the OS version to be returned for the user to
// be able to make use of
int GetWindowsVersionRunningOnCompact ( DWORD * version )
OSVERSIONINFO osvi = { sizeof ( OSVERSIONINFO ) , 0 } ;
int ver_detect = - 1 ;
// Win9x detection
// Windows 95 - Major 4 & Minor 0 ver_detect = 1
// Windows 98 - Major 4 & Minor 10 ver_detect = 2
// Windows ME - Major 4 & Minor 90 ver_detect = 3
// Win NT detection
// Windows NT 3.51 - Major 3 & Minor 51 ver_detect = 4
// Windows NT 4 - Major 4 & Minor 0 ver_detect = 5
// Windows 2000 - Major 5 & Minor 0 ver_detect = 6
// Windows XP - Major 5 & Minor 1 ver_detect = 7
// Windows Server 2003 - Major 5 & Minor 2 ver_detect = 8
// Windows Vista - Major 6 & Minor 0 ver_detect = 9
// Windows 7 - Major 6 & Minor 1 ver_detect = 9
// Windows 8 - Major 6 & Minor 2 ver_detect = 9
// Windows 8.1 - Major 6 & Minor 3 ver_detect = 9
// Windows 10 - Major 10 & Minor 0 ver_detect = 10
// Windows 11 - Major 11 & Minor 0 ver_detect = 11
// Unknown OS version ver_detect = -1
GetVersionEx ( & osvi ) ;
// is it a Win9x platform that we are running on?
if ( osvi . dwPlatformId = = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS )
// Windows 98 (4.10)
if ( osvi . dwMinorVersion = = 10 ) {
ver_detect = 2 ;
// Windows ME (4.90)
else if ( osvi . dwMinorVersion = = 90 ) {
ver_detect = 3 ;
// Windows 95 (4.0)
else {
ver_detect = 1 ;
// is it a WinNT platform that we are running on?
else if ( osvi . dwPlatformId = = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT )
// Windows NT 4 (4.0)
if ( osvi . dwMajorVersion = = 4 & & osvi . dwMinorVersion = = 0 )
ver_detect = 5 ;
else if ( osvi . dwMajorVersion = = 5 )
// Windows XP (5.1)
if ( osvi . dwMinorVersion = = 1 )
ver_detect = 7 ;
// Windows Server 2003 (5.2)
else if ( osvi . dwMinorVersion = = 2 )
ver_detect = 8 ;
// Windows 2000 (5.0)
ver_detect = 6 ;
// Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 (6.0)
else if ( osvi . dwMajorVersion = = 6 )
ver_detect = 9 ;
// Windows 10 (10.0)
else if ( osvi . dwMajorVersion = = 10 )
ver_detect = 10 ;
// Windows 11 (11.0)
else if ( osvi . dwMajorVersion = = 11 )
ver_detect = 11 ;
// Windows NT 3.51 (3.51)
ver_detect = 4 ;
ver_detect = - 1 ;
// copies the value into the structure
if ( version )
* version = MAKELONG ( osvi . dwMinorVersion , osvi . dwMajorVersion ) ;
return ver_detect ;
void GetWinampPath ( void )
wchar_t * p = wa_path ;
p + = GetModuleFileName ( 0 , wa_path , ARRAYSIZE ( wa_path ) ) - 1 ;
while ( p & & * p & & * p ! = L ' \\ ' ) { p = CharPrev ( wa_path , p ) ; }
if ( p ) * p = 0 ;
int init ( void )
// loader so that we can get the localisation service api for use
WASABI_API_SVC = ( api_service * ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndParent , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GET_API_SERVICE ) ;
if ( WASABI_API_SVC = = ( api_service * ) 1 ) WASABI_API_SVC = NULL ;
if ( ! WASABI_API_SVC | | WASABI_API_SVC = = ( api_service * ) 1 )
xporhigher = ( ( winver = GetWindowsVersionRunningOnCompact ( 0 ) ) > 6 ) ;
isX64 = IsRunningX64 ( ) ;
s_uTaskbarRestart = RegisterWindowMessage ( TEXT ( " TaskbarCreated " ) ) ;
g_Shell_NotifyIconGetRect = ( SHELL_NOTIFYICONGETRECT ) GetProcAddress ( GetModuleHandle ( L " SHELL32 " ) , " Shell_NotifyIconGetRect " ) ;
waServiceFactory * sf = WASABI_API_SVC - > service_getServiceByGuid ( languageApiGUID ) ;
if ( sf ) WASABI_API_LNG = reinterpret_cast < api_language * > ( sf - > getInterface ( ) ) ;
// need to have this initialised before we try to do anything with localisation features
WASABI_API_START_LANG ( plugin . hDllInstance , GenTrayLangGUID ) ;
StringCchPrintf ( szDescription , ARRAYSIZE ( szDescription ) ,
plugin . description = ( char * ) szDescription ;
GetWinampPath ( ) ;
config_read ( ) ;
if ( IsWindowUnicode ( plugin . hwndParent ) )
lpWndProcOld = ( WNDPROC ) SetWindowLongPtrW ( plugin . hwndParent , GWLP_WNDPROC , ( LPARAM ) WndProc ) ;
lpWndProcOld = ( WNDPROC ) SetWindowLongPtrA ( plugin . hwndParent , GWLP_WNDPROC , ( LPARAM ) WndProc ) ;
do_icons ( 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
static HCURSOR link_hand_cursor ;
LRESULT link_handlecursor ( HWND hwndDlg , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
LRESULT ret = CallWindowProcW ( ( WNDPROC ) GetPropW ( hwndDlg , L " link_proc " ) , hwndDlg , uMsg , wParam , lParam ) ;
// override the normal cursor behaviour so we have a hand to show it is a link
if ( uMsg = = WM_SETCURSOR )
if ( ( HWND ) wParam = = hwndDlg )
if ( ! link_hand_cursor )
link_hand_cursor = LoadCursor ( NULL , IDC_HAND ) ;
SetCursor ( link_hand_cursor ) ;
return TRUE ;
return ret ;
void link_startsubclass ( HWND hwndDlg , UINT id ) {
HWND ctrl = GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , id ) ;
if ( ! GetPropW ( ctrl , L " link_proc " ) )
SetPropW ( ctrl , L " link_proc " ,
( HANDLE ) SetWindowLongPtrW ( ctrl , GWLP_WNDPROC , ( LONG_PTR ) link_handlecursor ) ) ;
BOOL CALLBACK ConfigProc ( HWND hwndDlg , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
switch ( uMsg )
int count = CB_ERR ;
configwnd = hwndDlg ;
dlg_init = 1 ;
link_startsubclass ( hwndDlg , IDC_LINK ) ;
CheckDlgButton ( hwndDlg , IDC_ONOFF , on ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ICONS ; i + + )
wchar_t str [ 512 ] = { 0 } , tmp [ 256 ] = { 0 } , tmp2 [ 256 ] = { 0 } ;
CheckDlgButton ( hwndDlg , IDC_PREV + i , ( config_enabled & ( 1 < < i ) ) ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED ) ;
StringCchPrintf ( str , 512 , L " %s %s " ,
WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF ( tips [ i ] , tmp2 , 256 ) ,
( tips_ex [ i ] ! = - 1 ? WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF ( tips_ex [ i ] , tmp , 256 ) : L " " ) ) ;
SetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_PREV + i , str ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_PREV + i ) , on ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 ) , on ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_BUTTON1 ) , custom_enabled & & on ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_EDIT1 ) , custom_enabled & & on ) ;
SetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_EDIT1 , ico_pack_safe ) ;
dlg_init = 0 ;
WIN32_FIND_DATA findfile = { 0 } ;
wchar_t use [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchPrintf ( use , MAX_PATH , L " %s \\ Plugins \\ Tray_Control \\ *.* " , wa_path ) ;
HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile ( use , & findfile ) ;
while ( hFind & & hFind ! = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
if ( findfile . dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) {
WIN32_FIND_DATA subfile = { 0 } ;
StringCchPrintf ( use , MAX_PATH , L " %s \\ Plugins \\ Tray_Control \\ %s \\ *.icp " ,
wa_path , findfile . cFileName , findfile . cFileName ) ;
HANDLE hsubFind = FindFirstFile ( use , & subfile ) ;
while ( hsubFind & & hsubFind ! = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
wchar_t icpname [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchPrintf ( icpname , MAX_PATH ,
L " %s \\ Plugins \\ Tray_Control \\ %s \\ %s " ,
wa_path , findfile . cFileName , subfile . cFileName ) ;
if ( PathFileExists ( icpname ) )
// need to ideally make this one work with CharPrev(..)
wchar_t * p = subfile . cFileName + lstrlen ( subfile . cFileName ) - 1 ;
while ( p & & * p & & * p ! = L ' . ' ) { p = CharPrevW ( subfile . cFileName , p ) ; }
if ( p ) * p = 0 ;
if ( ! lstrcmpiW ( findfile . cFileName , subfile . cFileName ) )
SendDlgItemMessageW ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) subfile . cFileName ) ;
wchar_t str [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
int insertpos = 0 ;
StringCchPrintf ( str , MAX_PATH , L " %s \\ %s " , findfile . cFileName , subfile . cFileName ) ;
insertpos = ( int ) SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) str ) ;
if ( insertpos ! = CB_ERR )
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 , CB_SETITEMDATA , insertpos , 1 ) ;
// if there are no more files then stop the search
if ( hsubFind & & ! FindNextFile ( hsubFind , & subfile ) )
FindClose ( hsubFind ) ;
hsubFind = 0 ;
// if there are no more files then stop the search
if ( hFind & & ! FindNextFileW ( hFind , & findfile ) )
FindClose ( hFind ) ;
hFind = 0 ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_EDIT1 ) , custom_enabled ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_BUTTON1 ) , custom_enabled ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_PREV6 ) , winver > = 6 & & on ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 , CB_INSERTSTRING , 0 ,
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 , CB_INSERTSTRING ,
( count = ( int ) SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 , CB_GETCOUNT , 0 , 0 ) ) ,
if ( ! custom_enabled )
if ( ico_pack [ 0 ] )
wchar_t base [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } , * pack = 0 , use [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchPrintf ( use , MAX_PATH , L " %s \\ Plugins \\ Tray_Control \\ " , wa_path ) ;
lstrcpyn ( base , ico_pack , ARRAYSIZE ( base ) ) ;
if ( StrStrI ( base , use ) )
pack = PathFindFileName ( base ) ;
if ( pack & & * pack )
PathRemoveExtension ( pack ) ;
count = ( int ) SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 , CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT , 0 , ( LPARAM ) pack ) ;
if ( count = = CB_ERR )
count = 0 ;
count = 0 ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 , CB_SETCURSEL , count , 0 ) ;
SetFocus ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 ) ) ;
break ;
// mimicks the get... links in the winamp preferences
if ( lpdis - > CtlID = = IDC_LINK )
HFONT OldFont = 0 ;
LOGFONT lf = { 0 } ;
RECT rc = lpdis - > rcItem , r = { 0 } ;
POINT pt = { 0 } ;
int in = 0 ;
wchar_t gicpStr [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
GetObject ( GetCurrentObject ( lpdis - > hDC , OBJ_FONT ) , sizeof ( lf ) , & lf ) ;
lf . lfUnderline = TRUE ;
OldFont = ( HFONT ) SelectObject ( lpdis - > hDC , CreateFontIndirect ( & lf ) ) ;
// Calculate needed size of the control
DrawText ( lpdis - > hDC , gicpStr , - 1 , & rc , DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CALCRECT ) ;
// Make some more room so the focus rect won't cut letters off
rc . right = min ( rc . right + 2 , lpdis - > rcItem . right ) ;
GetWindowRect ( lpdis - > hwndItem , & r ) ;
GetCursorPos ( & pt ) ;
in = PtInRect ( & r , pt ) ;
SetTextColor ( lpdis - > hDC , ( COLORREF ) RGB ( ( in ? 255 : 0 ) , 0 , ( ! in ? 255 : 0 ) ) ) ;
// Draw the text
DrawText ( lpdis - > hDC , gicpStr , - 1 , & rc , DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE ) ;
DeleteObject ( SelectObject ( lpdis - > hDC , OldFont ) ) ;
break ;
if ( LOWORD ( wParam ) > = IDC_PREV & & LOWORD ( wParam ) < = IDC_PREV + NUM_ICONS )
config_enabled = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ICONS ; i + + )
if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , IDC_PREV + i ) )
config_enabled | = 1 < < i ;
do_icons ( 0 ) ;
else if ( LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDOK | | LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDCANCEL )
GetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_EDIT1 , ico_pack_safe , ARRAYSIZE ( ico_pack_safe ) ) ;
config_write ( ) ;
EndDialog ( hwndDlg , 0 ) ;
configwnd = 0 ;
else if ( LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDC_ONOFF )
on = ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , LOWORD ( wParam ) ) = = BST_CHECKED ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ICONS ; i + + )
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_PREV + i ) , on ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_PREV6 ) , winver > = 6 & & on ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 ) , on ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_BUTTON1 ) , custom_enabled & & on ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_EDIT1 ) , custom_enabled & & on ) ;
do_icons ( 1 ) ;
else if ( LOWORD ( wParam ) = = ID_INFO )
wchar_t str [ 2560 ] = { 0 } , str1 [ 2048 ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchPrintf ( str , 2560 , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF ( IDS_CONFIG_INFO , str1 , 2048 ) , wa_path ) ;
MessageBoxW ( hwndDlg , str , szDescription , 0 ) ;
else if ( LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDC_LINK & & HIWORD ( wParam ) = = BN_CLICKED )
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) " https://winampheritage.com/plugin/nullsoft-tray-control-plug-in-icon-pack/222396 " , IPC_OPEN_URL ) ;
else if ( LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDC_BUTTON1 )
OPENFILENAME of = { sizeof ( OPENFILENAME ) , 0 } ;
wchar_t titleStr [ 128 ] , filterStr [ 128 ] = { 0 } ;
of . hwndOwner = hwndDlg ;
of . hInstance = plugin . hDllInstance ;
of . lpstrFilter = WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF ( IDS_OFD_FILTER_STR , filterStr , 128 ) ;
StringCchCat ( filterStr + lstrlen ( filterStr ) + 1 , 128 , L " *.icp " ) ;
of . nMaxCustFilter = 64 ;
of . lpstrFile = ico_pack ;
of . nMaxFile = ARRAYSIZE ( ico_pack ) ;
of . lpstrTitle = WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF ( IDS_OFD_TITLE_STR , titleStr , 128 ) ;
of . nMaxFileTitle = lstrlen ( of . lpstrTitle ) ;
of . lpstrDefExt = L " icp " ;
if ( GetOpenFileName ( & of ) )
SetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_EDIT1 , ico_pack ) ;
do_icons ( 1 ) ;
else if ( LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDC_EDIT1 & & HIWORD ( wParam ) = = EN_CHANGE )
if ( ! dlg_init )
GetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_EDIT1 , ico_pack , ARRAYSIZE ( ico_pack ) ) ;
do_icons ( 1 ) ;
else if ( LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDC_COMBO2 & & HIWORD ( wParam ) = = CBN_SELCHANGE )
wchar_t buf [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
int cursel = ( int ) SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 , CB_GETLBTEXT , cursel , ( LPARAM ) buf ) ;
custom_enabled = 0 ;
if ( cursel & & cursel ! = CB_ERR )
if ( cursel ! = ( SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 , CB_GETCOUNT , 0 , 0 ) - 1 ) )
// this will detect if it was a multi-entry style icon pack and form as required
if ( ! SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_COMBO2 , CB_GETITEMDATA , cursel , 0 ) )
StringCchPrintf ( ico_pack , MAX_PATH , L " %s \\ Plugins \\ Tray_Control \\ %s \\ %s.icp " , wa_path , buf , buf ) ;
StringCchPrintf ( ico_pack , MAX_PATH , L " %s \\ Plugins \\ Tray_Control \\ %s.icp " , wa_path , buf ) ;
custom_enabled = 1 ;
GetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_EDIT1 , ico_pack , ARRAYSIZE ( ico_pack ) ) ;
ico_pack [ 0 ] = 0 ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_EDIT1 ) , custom_enabled ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_BUTTON1 ) , custom_enabled ) ;
do_icons ( 1 ) ;
break ;
return FALSE ;
void config_read ( void )
// this will only correctly work with Winamp 2.9+/5.x+
// see IPC_GETINIFILE for a way to query the location of Winamp.ini correctly
// whatever version of Winamp is being run on
// as of v2.41 this now uses IPC_GETINIFILEW though it's trivial to use
// IPC_GETINIFILE as a fallback on older clients (built for 5.58+)
ini_file = ( wchar_t * ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndParent , WM_USER , 0 , IPC_GETINIFILEW ) ;
config_enabled = GetPrivateProfileInt ( PLUGIN_NAME , L " BEN " , config_enabled , ini_file ) ;
custom_enabled = GetPrivateProfileInt ( PLUGIN_NAME , L " custom " , custom_enabled , ini_file ) ;
on = GetPrivateProfileInt ( PLUGIN_NAME , L " on " , on , ini_file ) ;
GetPrivateProfileString ( PLUGIN_NAME , L " ico_pack " , ico_pack , ico_pack , ARRAYSIZE ( ico_pack ) , ini_file ) ;
GetPrivateProfileString ( PLUGIN_NAME , L " ico_pack_safe " , ico_pack_safe , ico_pack_safe , ARRAYSIZE ( ico_pack_safe ) , ini_file ) ;
void config_write ( void )
if ( ! no_uninstall ) return ;
wchar_t string [ 32 ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchPrintf ( string , 32 , L " %d " , config_enabled ) ;
WritePrivateProfileString ( PLUGIN_NAME , L " BEN " , string , ini_file ) ;
WritePrivateProfileString ( PLUGIN_NAME , L " ico_pack " , ico_pack , ini_file ) ;
WritePrivateProfileString ( PLUGIN_NAME , L " ico_pack_safe " , ico_pack_safe , ini_file ) ;
StringCchPrintf ( string , 32 , L " %d " , custom_enabled ) ;
WritePrivateProfileString ( PLUGIN_NAME , L " custom " , string , ini_file ) ;
StringCchPrintf ( string , 32 , L " %d " , on ) ;
WritePrivateProfileString ( PLUGIN_NAME , L " on " , string , ini_file ) ;
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern " C " {
# endif
__declspec ( dllexport ) int winampUninstallPlugin ( HINSTANCE hDllInst , HWND hwndDlg , int param ) {
// prompt to remove our settings with default as no (just incase)
szDescription , MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) = = IDYES )
WritePrivateProfileString ( PLUGIN_NAME , 0 , 0 , ini_file ) ;
no_uninstall = 0 ;
// as we're doing too much in subclasses, etc we cannot allow for on-the-fly removal so need to do a normal reboot
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif