2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
#ifndef STRICT
#define STRICT
#include "../Agave/Language/api_language.h"
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
#include <arch.h>
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
#include <malloc.h>
#ifndef NOVTABLE
#define NOVTABLE _declspec(novtable)
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include "core_api.h"
#include "../pfc/string_unicode.h"
#include "locale.h"
#define VER L"3.57"
#include "utils.h"
//#define USE_LOG
#ifdef USE_LOG
void log_write(char*);
void log_start();
void log_quit();
#define log_write(X)
#define log_start()
#define log_quit()
class CStream;
struct CTempoMap;
struct CSysexMap;
class player_base;
class NOVTABLE MIDI_device
friend class MIDI_driver;
MIDI_device * next;
MIDI_driver * driver;
string_w dev_name,dev_info;
void set_name(const wchar_t * src) {dev_name=src;}
void set_info(const wchar_t * src) {dev_info=src;}
//override me
virtual player_base * create()=0;
virtual GUID get_guid()=0;
virtual ~MIDI_device() {};
virtual bool is_default() {return 0;}
virtual bool has_output() {return 0;}
virtual bool has_dls() {return 0;}
virtual bool has_freq() {return 0;}
virtual bool volctrl_happy() {return 0;}
const wchar_t * get_name() {return dev_name;}
const wchar_t * get_info() {return dev_info;}
MIDI_driver * get_driver() {return driver;}
class NOVTABLE MIDI_driver//ONLY for static objects !!!!!
static MIDI_driver * driver_list;
MIDI_driver * next;
MIDI_device * device_list;
bool inited;
void init() {if (!inited) {do_init();inited=1;};}
void deinit() {if (inited) {do_deinit();reset_devices();inited=0;};}
void reset_devices();
void add_device(MIDI_device * dev);//call this to add new device
//override me
virtual void do_init() {};
virtual void do_deinit() {}
static MIDI_driver * driver_enumerate(int n);
static int driver_count();
MIDI_device * device_enumerate(int n);
int device_count();
static MIDI_device * find_device(GUID guid_driver,GUID guid_device);
static MIDI_driver * find_driver(GUID guid_driver);
static MIDI_device * find_device_default();
static void shutdown();
//override me
virtual const wchar_t * get_name()=0;
virtual GUID get_guid()=0;
virtual bool is_default() {return 0;}
#include "midifile.h"
class NOVTABLE player_base
virtual ~player_base() {}
virtual int gettime()=0;
virtual int settime(int)=0;
virtual void pause()=0;
virtual void unpause()=0;
virtual int setvol(int) {return 0;};
virtual int setpan(int) {return 0;};
class MIDI_core
static int Init();
static int UsesOutput() {return use_out;}
static int OpenFile(MIDI_file * file);
static void Close();
static int GetSamples(void *sample_buffer, int bytes, char *killswitch);
static void GetPCM(int * srate,int * nch,int * bps) {*srate=format_srate;*nch=format_nch;*bps=format_bps;}
static int SetPosition(int);
static void Pause(int pause);
static int GetPosition(void);
static int GetLength(void);
static void Eof();
static int SetVolume(int volume);
static int SetPan(int pan);
//setvolune/setpan safe to call at any moment
static int player_getVol() {return volume;}
static int player_getPan() {return pan;}
static inline void player_setSource(CStream *s) {data_src=s;}
static void MM_error(DWORD code);
static inline MIDI_file * getFile() {return theFile;}
static inline MIDI_device * getDevice() {return device;}
static inline bool HavePCM() {return !!data_src;}
static inline bool HavePlayer() {return !!plr;}
static int IsOurFile(const char *fn);
static void GlobalInit();
static void GlobalQuit();
static int Config(HWND wnd);
static void WriteConfig();
static int FileTypes_GetNum();
static const char * FileTypes_GetExtension(int);
static char * FileTypes_GetDescription(int);
static BOOL CALLBACK KarProc(HWND wnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wp,LPARAM lp);
static void update_vol();
static bool use_out,use_smp;
static MIDI_file* theFile;
static CStream* data_src;
static player_base* plr;
static int format_srate,format_nch,format_bps;
static int volume,pan;
static bool eof;
static UINT volmod;
static UINT mix_dev,mix_idx;
static HWND kwnd;
static KAR_ENTRY *kmap;
static UINT kmap_size,kmap_ptr;
static char * kmap_data;
static critical_section sync;
static MIDI_device * device;
namespace MIDI_callback //per-winamp implementations
HWND GetMainWindow();
HINSTANCE GetInstance();
void NotifyEOF();
void Error(const char *);
void Idle(int ms=0);
//#pragma warning(disable:4800)
void get_temp_file(char* fn);
extern cfg_int cfg_hardware_reset;
extern cfg_int cfg_smp,cfg_reverb,cfg_chorus,cfg_nosysex;
extern cfg_int cfg_sampout,cfg_dm_imm;
extern cfg_int cfg_loop_type,cfg_loop_count,cfg_loop_infinite;
extern cfg_int cfg_wavein_dev,cfg_wavein_sr,cfg_wavein_ch,cfg_wavein_bps,cfg_wavein_src;
extern cfg_int cfg_ctrl_x,cfg_ctrl_y;
extern cfg_int cfg_ext_mask;
extern cfg_string cfg_extra_exts;
extern cfg_int cfg_volmode;
extern cfg_int cfg_recover_tracks;
extern cfg_int cfg_quick_seek;
extern cfg_int cfg_rmi_def;
extern cfg_int cfg_logvol;
extern cfg_struct_t<GUID> cfg_driver,cfg_device;
extern cfg_int cfg_playback_mode;
extern cfg_int cfg_eof_delay;
extern cfg_int cfg_bugged;
extern cfg_int cfg_freq;
extern cfg_int cfg_cur_tab;
extern sysex_table cfg_sysex_table;
void ReleaseObject(IUnknown* o);
#include "in2.h"
extern In_Module mod;