2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
* * Copyright ( C ) 1997 - 2008 Nullsoft , Inc .
* *
* * This software is provided ' as - is ' , without any express or implied warranty . In no event will the authors be held
* * liable for any damages arising from the use of this software .
* *
* * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose , including commercial applications , and to
* * alter it and redistribute it freely , subject to the following restrictions :
* *
* * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented ; you must not claim that you wrote the original software .
* * If you use this software in a product , an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required .
* *
* * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such , and must not be misrepresented as being the original software .
* *
* * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution .
* *
# ifndef _WA_IPC_H_
# define _WA_IPC_H_
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# include <arch.h>
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# include <stddef.h>
# if (_MSC_VER <= 1200)
typedef int intptr_t ;
# endif
* * This is the modern replacement for the classic ' frontend . h ' . Most of these
* * updates are designed for in - process use , i . e . from a plugin .
* *
/* Most of the IPC_* messages involve sending the message in the form of:
* * result = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( parameter ) , IPC_ * ) ;
* * Where different then this is specified ( typically with WM_COPYDATA variants )
* *
* * When you use SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( parameter ) , IPC_ * ) and specify a IPC_ *
* * which is not currently implemented / supported by the Winamp version being used then it
* * will return 1 for ' result ' . This is a good way of helping to check if an api being
* * used which returns a function pointer , etc is even going to be valid .
# define WM_WA_IPC WM_USER
# define WINAMP_VERSION_MAJOR(winampVersion) ((winampVersion & 0x0000FF00) >> 12)
# define WINAMP_VERSION_MINOR(winampVersion) (winampVersion & 0x000000FF) // returns, i.e. 0x12 for 5.12 and 0x10 for 5.1...
/* int version = SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GETVERSION);
* *
* * The version returned will be 0x20 yx for Winamp 2. yx .
* * Versions previous to Winamp 2.0 typically ( but not always ) use 0x1 zyx for 1. zx .
* * Just a bit weird but that ' s the way it goes .
* *
* * For Winamp 5. x it uses the format 0x50 yx for Winamp 5. yx
* * e . g . 5.01 - > 0x5001
* * 5.09 - > 0x5009
* * 5.1 - > 0x5010
* *
* * Notes : For 5.02 this api will return the same value as for a 5.01 build .
* * For 5.07 this api will return the same value as for a 5.06 build .
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETREGISTEREDVERSION ) ;
* *
* * This will open the Winamp Preferences and show the Winamp Pro page .
typedef struct {
const char * filename ;
const char * title ;
int length ;
} enqueueFileWithMetaStruct ; // send this to a IPC_PLAYFILE in a non WM_COPYDATA,
// and you get the nice desired result. if title is NULL, it is treated as a "thing",
// otherwise it's assumed to be a file (for speed)
typedef struct {
const wchar_t * filename ;
const wchar_t * title ;
int length ;
} enqueueFileWithMetaStructW ;
# define IPC_PLAYFILE 100 // dont be fooled, this is really the same as enqueufile
# define IPC_ENQUEUEFILE 100
# define IPC_PLAYFILEW 1100
# define IPC_ENQUEUEFILEW 1100
/* This is sent as a WM_COPYDATA with IPC_PLAYFILE as the dwData member and the string
* * of the file / playlist to be enqueued into the playlist editor as the lpData member .
* * This will just enqueue the file or files since you can use this to enqueue a playlist .
* * It will not clear the current playlist or change the playback state .
* *
* * COPYDATASTRUCT cds = { 0 } ;
* * cds . dwData = IPC_ENQUEUEFILE ;
* * cds . lpData = ( void * ) " c: \\ test \\ folder \\ test.mp3 " ;
* * cds . cbData = lstrlen ( ( char * ) cds . lpData ) + 1 ; // include space for null char
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_COPYDATA , 0 , ( LPARAM ) & cds ) ;
* *
* *
* * With 2.9 + and all of the 5. x versions you can send this as a normal WM_WA_IPC
* * ( non WM_COPYDATA ) with an enqueueFileWithMetaStruct as the param .
* * If the title member is null then it is treated as a " thing " otherwise it will be
* * assumed to be a file ( for speed ) .
* *
* * enqueueFileWithMetaStruct eFWMS = { 0 } ;
* * eFWMS . filename = " c: \\ test \\ folder \\ test.mp3 " ;
* * eFWMS . title = " Whipping Good " ;
* * eFWMS . length = 300 ; // this is the number of seconds for the track
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & eFWMS , IPC_ENQUEUEFILE ) ;
# define IPC_DELETE 101
# define IPC_DELETE_INT 1101
/* SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_DELETE);
* * Use this api to clear Winamp ' s internal playlist .
* * You should not need to use IPC_DELETE_INT since it is used internally by Winamp when
* * it is dealing with some lame Windows Explorer issues ( hard to believe that ! ) .
# define IPC_STARTPLAY 102
# define IPC_STARTPLAY_INT 1102
/* SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_STARTPLAY);
* * Sending this will start playback and is almost the same as hitting the play button .
* * The IPC_STARTPLAY_INT version is used internally and you should not need to use it
* * since it won ' t be any fun .
# define IPC_CHDIR 103
/* This is sent as a WM_COPYDATA type message with IPC_CHDIR as the dwData value and the
* * directory you want to change to as the lpData member .
* *
* * COPYDATASTRUCT cds = { 0 } ;
* * cds . dwData = IPC_CHDIR ;
* * cds . lpData = ( void * ) " c: \\ download " ;
* * cds . cbData = lstrlen ( ( char * ) cds . lpData ) + 1 ; // include space for null char
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_COPYDATA , 0 , ( LPARAM ) & cds ) ;
* *
* * The above example will make Winamp change to the directory ' C : \ download ' .
# define IPC_ISPLAYING 104
/* int res = SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_ISPLAYING);
* * This is sent to retrieve the current playback state of Winamp .
* * If it returns 1 , Winamp is playing .
* * If it returns 3 , Winamp is paused .
* * If it returns 0 , Winamp is not playing .
/* int res = SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,mode,IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME);
* * This api can return two different sets of information about current playback status .
* *
* * If mode = 0 then it will return the position ( in ms ) of the currently playing track .
* * Will return - 1 if Winamp is not playing .
* *
* * If mode = 1 then it will return the current track length ( in seconds ) .
* * Will return - 1 if there are no tracks ( or possibly if Winamp cannot get the length ) .
* *
* * If mode = 2 then it will return the current track length ( in milliseconds ) .
* * Will return - 1 if there are no tracks ( or possibly if Winamp cannot get the length ) .
# define IPC_JUMPTOTIME 106
/* (requires Winamp 1.60+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ms , IPC_JUMPTOTIME ) ;
* * This api sets the current position ( in milliseconds ) for the currently playing song .
* * The resulting playback position may only be an approximate time since some playback
* * formats do not provide exact seeking e . g . mp3
* * This returns - 1 if Winamp is not playing , 1 on end of file , or 0 if it was successful .
# define IPC_EX_ISRIGHTEXE 666
/* usually shouldnt bother using these, but here goes:
* * send a WM_COPYDATA with IPC_GETMODULENAME , and an internal
* * flag gets set , which if you send a normal WM_WA_IPC message with
* * IPC_EX_ISRIGHTEXE , it returns whether or not that filename
* * matches . lame , I know .
/* (requires Winamp 1.666+)
* * int cur = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_WRITEPLAYLIST ) ;
* *
* * IPC_WRITEPLAYLIST will write the current playlist to ' < winampdir > \ \ Winamp . m3u ' and
* * will also return the current playlist position ( see IPC_GETLISTPOS ) .
* *
* * This is kinda obsoleted by some of the newer 2. x api items but it still is good for
* * use with a front - end program ( instead of a plug - in ) and you want to see what is in the
* * current playlist .
* *
* * This api will only save out extended file information in the # EXTINF entry if Winamp
* * has already read the data such as if the file was played of scrolled into view . If
* * Winamp has not read the data then you will only find the file with its filepath entry
* * ( as is the base requirements for a m3u playlist ) .
/* (requires Winamp 2.0+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , position , IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS )
* * IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS sets the playlist position to the specified ' position ' .
* * It will not change playback status or anything else . It will just set the current
* * position in the playlist and will update the playlist view if necessary .
* *
* * If you use SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_COMMAND , MAKEWPARAM ( WINAMP_BUTTON2 , 0 ) , 0 ) ;
* * after using IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS then Winamp will start playing the file at ' position ' .
# define IPC_SETVOLUME 122
/* (requires Winamp 2.0+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , volume , IPC_SETVOLUME ) ;
* * IPC_SETVOLUME sets the volume of Winamp ( between the range of 0 to 255 ) .
* *
* * If you pass ' volume ' as - 666 then the message will return the current volume .
* * int curvol = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , - 666 , IPC_SETVOLUME ) ;
# define IPC_GETVOLUME(hwnd_winamp) SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,-666,IPC_SETVOLUME)
/* (requires Winamp 2.0+)
* * int curvol = IPC_GETVOLUME ( hwnd_winamp ) ;
* * This will return the current volume of Winamp or
# define IPC_SETPANNING 123
/* (requires Winamp 2.0+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , panning , IPC_SETPANNING ) ;
* * IPC_SETPANNING sets the panning of Winamp from 0 ( left ) to 255 ( right ) .
* *
* * At least in 5. x + this works from - 127 ( left ) to 127 ( right ) .
* *
* * If you pass ' panning ' as - 666 to this api then it will return the current panning .
* * int curpan = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , - 666 , IPC_SETPANNING ) ;
/* (requires Winamp 2.0+)
* * int length = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETLISTLENGTH ) ;
* * IPC_GETLISTLENGTH returns the length of the current playlist as the number of tracks .
# define IPC_GETLISTPOS 125
/* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
* * int pos = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETLISTPOS ) ;
* * IPC_GETLISTPOS returns the current playlist position ( which is shown in the playlist
* * editor as a differently coloured text entry e . g is yellow for the classic skin ) .
* *
* * This api is a lot like IPC_WRITEPLAYLIST but a lot faster since it does not have to
* * write out the whole of the current playlist first .
# define IPC_GETINFO 126
/* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
* * int inf = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , mode , IPC_GETINFO ) ;
* * IPC_GETINFO returns info about the current playing song . The value
* * it returns depends on the value of ' mode ' .
* * Mode Meaning
* * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* * 0 Samplerate , in kilohertz ( i . e . 44 )
* * 1 Bitrate ( i . e . 128 )
* * 2 Channels ( i . e . 2 )
* * 3 ( 5 + ) Video LOWORD = w HIWORD = h
* * 4 ( 5 + ) > 65536 , string ( video description )
* * 5 ( 5.25 + ) Samplerate , in hertz ( i . e . 44100 )
# define IPC_GETEQDATA 127
/* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
* * int data = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , pos , IPC_GETEQDATA ) ;
* * IPC_GETEQDATA queries the status of the EQ .
* * The value returned depends on what ' pos ' is set to :
* * Value Meaning
* * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* * 0 - 9 The 10 bands of EQ data . 0 - 63 ( + 20 db - - 20 db )
* * 10 The preamp value . 0 - 63 ( + 20 db - - 20 db )
* * 11 Enabled . zero if disabled , nonzero if enabled .
* * 12 Autoload . zero if disabled , nonzero if enabled .
# define IPC_SETEQDATA 128
/* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , pos , IPC_GETEQDATA ) ;
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , value , IPC_SETEQDATA ) ;
* * IPC_SETEQDATA sets the value of the last position retrieved
* * by IPC_GETEQDATA . This is pretty lame , and we should provide
* * an extended version that lets you do a MAKELPARAM ( pos , value ) .
* * someday . . .
new ( 2.92 + ) :
if the high byte is set to 0xDB , then the third byte specifies
which band , and the bottom word specifies the value .
# define IPC_ADDBOOKMARK 129
/* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
* * This is sent as a WM_COPYDATA using IPC_ADDBOOKMARK as the dwData value and the
* * directory you want to change to as the lpData member . This will add the specified
* * file / url to the Winamp bookmark list .
* *
* * COPYDATASTRUCT cds = { 0 } ;
* * cds . dwData = IPC_ADDBOOKMARK ;
* * cds . lpData = ( void * ) " http://www.blah.com/listen.pls " ;
* * cds . cbData = lstrlen ( ( char * ) cds . lpData ) + 1 ; // include space for null char
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_COPYDATA , 0 , ( LPARAM ) & cds ) ;
* *
* *
* * In Winamp 5.0 + we use this as a normal WM_WA_IPC and the string is null separated as
* * the filename and then the title of the entry .
* *
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ( char * ) " filename \0 title \0 " , IPC_ADDBOOKMARK ) ;
* *
* * This will notify the library / bookmark editor that a bookmark was added .
* * Note that using this message in this context does not actually add the bookmark .
* * Do not use , it is essentially just a notification type message : )
/* This is not implemented (and is very unlikely to be done due to safety concerns).
* * If it was then you could do a WM_COPYDATA with a path to a . wpz and it would then
* * install the plugin for you .
* *
* * COPYDATASTRUCT cds = { 0 } ;
* * cds . dwData = IPC_INSTALLPLUGIN ;
* * cds . lpData = ( void * ) " c: \\ path \\ to \\ file.wpz " ;
* * cds . cbData = lstrlen ( ( char * ) cds . lpData ) + 1 ; // include space for null char
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_COPYDATA , 0 , ( LPARAM ) & cds ) ;
/* (requires Winamp 2.2+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_RESTARTWINAMP ) ;
* * IPC_RESTARTWINAMP will restart Winamp ( isn ' t that obvious ? : ) )
* * If this fails to make Winamp start after closing then there is a good chance one ( or
* * more ) of the currently installed plugins caused Winamp to crash on exit ( either as a
* * silent crash or a full crash log report before it could call itself start again .
# define IPC_ISFULLSTOP 400
/* (requires winamp 2.7+ I think)
* * int ret = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_ISFULLSTOP ) ;
* * This is useful for when you ' re an output plugin and you want to see if the stop / close
* * happening is a full stop or if you are just between tracks . This returns non zero if
* * it is a full stop or zero if it is just a new track .
* * benski > i think it ' s actually the other way around -
* * ! 0 for EOF and 0 for user pressing stop
/* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
* * int val = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_INETAVAILABLE ) ;
* * IPC_INETAVAILABLE will return 1 if an Internet connection is available for Winamp and
* * relates to the internet connection type setting on the main general preferences page
* * in the Winamp preferences .
# define IPC_UPDTITLE 243
/* (requires Winamp 2.2+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_UPDTITLE ) ;
* * IPC_UPDTITLE will ask Winamp to update the information about the current title and
* * causes GetFileInfo ( . . ) in the input plugin associated with the current playlist entry
* * to be called . This can be called such as when an input plugin is buffering a file so
* * that it can cause the buffer percentage to appear in the playlist .
/* (requires Winamp 2.2+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_REFRESHPLCACHE ) ;
* * IPC_REFRESHPLCACHE will flush the playlist cache buffer and you send this if you want
* * Winamp to go refetch the titles for all of the entries in the current playlist .
* *
* * 5.3 + : pass a wchar_t * string in wParam , and it ' ll do a strnicmp ( ) before clearing the cache
# define IPC_GET_SHUFFLE 250
/* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
* * int val = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GET_SHUFFLE ) ;
* * IPC_GET_SHUFFLE returns the status of the shuffle option .
* * If set then it will return 1 and if not set then it will return 0.
# define IPC_GET_REPEAT 251
/* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
* * int val = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GET_REPEAT ) ;
* * IPC_GET_REPEAT returns the status of the repeat option .
* * If set then it will return 1 and if not set then it will return 0.
# define IPC_SET_SHUFFLE 252
/* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , value , IPC_SET_SHUFFLE ) ;
* * IPC_SET_SHUFFLE sets the status of the shuffle option .
* * If ' value ' is 1 then shuffle is turned on .
* * If ' value ' is 0 then shuffle is turned off .
# define IPC_SET_REPEAT 253
/* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , value , IPC_SET_REPEAT ) ;
* * IPC_SET_REPEAT sets the status of the repeat option .
* * If ' value ' is 1 then shuffle is turned on .
* * If ' value ' is 0 then shuffle is turned off .
# define IPC_ENABLEDISABLE_ALL_WINDOWS 259 // 0xdeadbeef to disable
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( enable ? 0 : 0xdeadbeef ) , IPC_ENABLEDISABLE_ALL_WINDOWS ) ;
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* * Sending this message with 0xdeadbeef as the param will disable all winamp arch and
* * any other values will enable all of the Winamp arch again . When disabled you won ' t
* * get any response on clicking or trying to do anything to the Winamp arch . If the
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* * taskbar icon is shown then you may still have control ; )
# define IPC_GETWND 260
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * HWND h = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , IPC_GETWND_xxx , IPC_GETWND ) ;
* * returns the HWND of the window specified .
# define IPC_GETWND_EQ 0 // use one of these for the param
# define IPC_GETWND_PE 1
# define IPC_GETWND_MB 2
# define IPC_ISWNDVISIBLE 261 // same param as IPC_GETWND
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * in - process only ( WE LOVE PLUGINS )
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# define IPC_SETSKINW 199
# define IPC_SETSKIN 200
/* (requires Winamp 2.04+, only usable from plug-ins (not external apps))
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) " skinname " , IPC_SETSKIN ) ;
* * IPC_SETSKIN sets the current skin to " skinname " . Note that skinname
* * can be the name of a skin , a skin . zip file , with or without path .
* * If path isn ' t specified , the default search path is the winamp skins
* * directory .
# define IPC_GETSKIN 201
# define IPC_GETSKINW 1201
/* (requires Winamp 2.04+, only usable from plug-ins (not external apps))
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) skinname_buffer , IPC_GETSKIN ) ;
* * IPC_GETSKIN puts the directory where skin bitmaps can be found
* * into skinname_buffer .
* * skinname_buffer must be MAX_PATH characters in length .
* * When using a . zip ' d skin file , it ' ll return a temporary directory
* * where the ZIP was decompressed .
# define IPC_EXECPLUG 202
/* (requires Winamp 2.04+, only usable from plug-ins (not external apps))
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) " vis_file.dll " , IPC_EXECPLUG ) ;
* * IPC_EXECPLUG executes a visualization plug - in pointed to by WPARAM .
* * the format of this string can be :
* * " vis_whatever.dll "
* * " vis_whatever.dll,0 " // (first mod, file in winamp plug-in dir)
* * " C: \\ dir \\ vis_whatever.dll,1 "
/* (requires Winamp 2.04+, only usable from plug-ins (not external apps))
* * char * name = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , index , IPC_GETPLAYLISTFILE ) ;
* * IPC_GETPLAYLISTFILE gets the filename of the playlist entry [ index ] .
* * returns a pointer to it . returns NULL on error .
/* (requires Winamp 2.04+, only usable from plug-ins (not external apps))
* * char * name = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , index , IPC_GETPLAYLISTTITLE ) ;
* *
* * IPC_GETPLAYLISTTITLE gets the title of the playlist entry [ index ] .
* * returns a pointer to it . returns NULL on error .
/* retrieves a function pointer to a HTTP retrieval function.
* * if this is unsupported , returns 1 or 0.
* * the function should be :
* * int ( * httpRetrieveFile ) ( HWND hwnd , char * url , char * file , char * dlgtitle ) ;
* * if you call this function , with a parent window , a URL , an output file , and a dialog title ,
* * it will return 0 on successful download , 1 on error .
/* int (*httpRetrieveFileW)(HWND hwnd, char *url, wchar_t *file, wchar_t *dlgtitle); */
# define IPC_MBOPEN 241
/* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_MBOPEN ) ;
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) url , IPC_MBOPEN ) ;
* * IPC_MBOPEN will open a new URL in the minibrowser . if url is NULL , it will open the Minibrowser window .
/* (requires Winamp 2.05+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) file , IPC_CHANGECURRENTFILE ) ;
* * IPC_CHANGECURRENTFILE will set the current playlist item .
/* (requires Winamp 5.3+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) file , IPC_CHANGECURRENTFILEW ) ;
* * IPC_CHANGECURRENTFILEW will set the current playlist item .
# define IPC_GETMBURL 246
/* (requires Winamp 2.2+)
* * char buffer [ 4096 ] ; // Urls can be VERY long
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) buffer , IPC_GETMBURL ) ;
* * IPC_GETMBURL will retrieve the current Minibrowser URL into buffer .
* * buffer must be at least 4096 bytes long .
# define IPC_MBBLOCK 248
/* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , value , IPC_MBBLOCK ) ;
* *
* * IPC_MBBLOCK will block the Minibrowser from updates if value is set to 1
# define IPC_MBOPENREAL 249
/* (requires Winamp 2.4+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) url , IPC_MBOPENREAL ) ;
* *
* * IPC_MBOPENREAL works the same as IPC_MBOPEN except that it will works even if
* * IPC_MBBLOCK has been set to 1
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * int newpos = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) adjust_offset , IPC_ADJUST_OPTIONSMENUPOS ) ;
* * moves where winamp expects the Options menu in the main menu . Useful if you wish to insert a
* * menu item above the options / skins / vis menus .
# define IPC_GET_HMENU 281
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * HMENU hMenu = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) 0 , IPC_GET_HMENU ) ;
* * values for data :
* * 0 : main popup menu
* * 1 : main menubar file menu
* * 2 : main menubar options menu
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* * 3 : main menubar arch menu
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* * 4 : main menubar help menu
* * other values will return NULL .
# define IPC_GET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFO 290 //pass a pointer to the following struct in wParam
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * to use , create an extendedFileInfoStruct , point the values filename and metadata to the
* * filename and metadata field you wish to query , and ret to a buffer , with retlen to the
* * length of that buffer , and then SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , & struct , IPC_GET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFO ) ;
* * the results should be in the buffer pointed to by ret .
* * returns 1 if the decoder supports a getExtendedFileInfo method
typedef struct {
const char * filename ;
const char * metadata ;
char * ret ;
size_t retlen ;
} extendedFileInfoStruct ;
# define IPC_GET_BASIC_FILE_INFO 291 //pass a pointer to the following struct in wParam
typedef struct {
const char * filename ;
int quickCheck ; // set to 0 to always get, 1 for quick, 2 for default (if 2, quickCheck will be set to 0 if quick wasnot used)
// filled in by winamp
int length ;
char * title ;
int titlelen ;
} basicFileInfoStruct ;
# define IPC_GET_BASIC_FILE_INFOW 1291 //pass a pointer to the following struct in wParam
typedef struct {
const wchar_t * filename ;
int quickCheck ; // set to 0 to always get, 1 for quick, 2 for default (if 2, quickCheck will be set to 0 if quick wasnot used)
// filled in by winamp
int length ;
wchar_t * title ;
int titlelen ;
} basicFileInfoStructW ;
# define IPC_GET_EXTLIST 292 //returns doublenull delimited. GlobalFree() it when done. if data is 0, returns raw extlist, if 1, returns something suitable for getopenfilename
# define IPC_GET_EXTLISTW 1292 // wide char version of above
# define IPC_INFOBOX 293
typedef struct {
HWND parent ;
char * filename ;
} infoBoxParam ;
# define IPC_INFOBOXW 1293
typedef struct {
HWND parent ;
const wchar_t * filename ;
} infoBoxParamW ;
# define IPC_SET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFO 294 //pass a pointer to the a extendedFileInfoStruct in wParam
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * to use , create an extendedFileInfoStruct , point the values filename and metadata to the
* * filename and metadata field you wish to write in ret . ( retlen is not used ) . and then
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , & struct , IPC_SET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFO ) ;
* * returns 1 if the metadata is supported
* * Call IPC_WRITE_EXTENDED_FILE_INFO once you ' re done setting all the metadata you want to update
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * writes all the metadata set thru IPC_SET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFO to the file
* * returns 1 if the file has been successfully updated , 0 if error
# define IPC_FORMAT_TITLE 297
typedef struct
char * spec ; // NULL=default winamp spec
void * p ;
char * out ;
int out_len ;
char * ( * TAGFUNC ) ( const char * tag , void * p ) ; //return 0 if not found
void ( * TAGFREEFUNC ) ( char * tag , void * p ) ;
} waFormatTitle ;
# define IPC_FORMAT_TITLE_EXTENDED 298 // similiar to IPC_FORMAT_TITLE, but falls back to Winamp's %tags% if your passed tag function doesn't handle it
typedef struct
const wchar_t * filename ;
int useExtendedInfo ; // set to 1 if you want the Title Formatter to query the input plugins for any tags that your tag function fails on
const wchar_t * spec ; // NULL=default winamp spec
void * p ;
wchar_t * out ;
int out_len ;
wchar_t * ( * TAGFUNC ) ( const wchar_t * tag , void * p ) ; //return 0 if not found, -1 for empty tag
void ( * TAGFREEFUNC ) ( wchar_t * tag , void * p ) ;
} waFormatTitleExtended ;
typedef struct
const char * source ;
const char * dest ;
} copyFileInfoStruct ;
typedef struct
const wchar_t * source ;
const wchar_t * dest ;
} copyFileInfoStructW ;
typedef struct {
int ( * inflateReset ) ( void * strm ) ;
int ( * inflateInit_ ) ( void * strm , const char * version , int stream_size ) ;
int ( * inflate ) ( void * strm , int flush ) ;
int ( * inflateEnd ) ( void * strm ) ;
unsigned long ( * crc32 ) ( unsigned long crc , const unsigned char * buf , unsigned int len ) ;
} wa_inflate_struct ;
/* returns a function pointer to uncompress().
* * int ( * uncompress ) ( unsigned char * dest , unsigned long * destLen , const unsigned char * source , unsigned long sourceLen ) ;
* * right out of zlib , useful for decompressing zlibbed data .
* * if you pass the parm of 0x10100000 , it will return a wa_inflate_struct * to an inflate API .
typedef struct _prefsDlgRec {
HINSTANCE hInst ; // dll instance containing the dialog resource
int dlgID ; // resource identifier of the dialog
void * proc ; // window proceedure for handling the dialog defined as
char * name ; // name shown for the prefs page in the treelist
intptr_t where ; // section in the treelist the prefs page is to be added to
// 0 for General Preferences
// 1 for Plugins
// 2 for Skins
// 3 for Bookmarks (no longer in the 5.0+ prefs)
// 4 for Prefs (the old 'Setup' section - no longer in 5.0+)
intptr_t _id ;
struct _prefsDlgRec * next ; // no longer implemented as a linked list, now used by Winamp for other means
} prefsDlgRec ;
typedef struct _prefsDlgRecW {
HINSTANCE hInst ; // dll instance containing the dialog resource
int dlgID ; // resource identifier of the dialog
void * proc ; // window proceedure for handling the dialog defined as
wchar_t * name ; // name shown for the prefs page in the treelist
intptr_t where ; // section in the treelist the prefs page is to be added to
// 0 for General Preferences
// 1 for Plugins
// 2 for Skins
// 3 for Bookmarks (no longer in the 5.0+ prefs)
// 4 for Prefs (the old 'Setup' section - no longer in 5.0+)
intptr_t _id ;
struct _prefsDlgRec * next ; // no longer implemented as a linked list, now used by Winamp for other means
} prefsDlgRecW ;
# define IPC_ADD_PREFS_DLG 332
# define IPC_ADD_PREFS_DLGW 1332
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & prefsRec , IPC_ADD_PREFS_DLG ) ;
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & prefsRec , IPC_REMOVE_PREFS_DLG ) ;
* *
* * To use this you need to allocate a prefsDlgRec structure ( either on the heap or with
* * some global data but NOT on the stack ) and then initialise the members of the structure
* * ( see the definition of the prefsDlgRec structure above ) .
* *
* * hInst - dll instance of where the dialog resource is located .
* * dlgID - id of the dialog resource .
* * proc - dialog window procedure for the prefs dialog .
* * name - name of the prefs page as shown in the preferences list .
* * where - see above for the valid locations the page can be added .
* *
* * Then you do SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & prefsRec , IPC_ADD_PREFS_DLG ) ;
* *
* * example :
* *
* * prefsDlgRec * prefsRec = 0 ;
* * prefsRec = GlobalAlloc ( GPTR , sizeof ( prefsDlgRec ) ) ;
* * prefsRec - > hInst = hInst ;
* * prefsRec - > dlgID = IDD_PREFDIALOG ;
* * prefsRec - > name = " Pref Page " ;
* * prefsRec - > where = 0 ;
* * prefsRec - > proc = PrefsPage ;
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & prefsRec , IPC_ADD_PREFS_DLG ) ;
* *
* *
* * To use you pass the address of the same prefsRec you used when adding the prefs page
* * though you shouldn ' t really ever have to do this but it ' s good to clean up after you
* * when you ' re plugin is being unloaded .
* *
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & prefsRec , IPC_REMOVE_PREFS_DLG ) ;
* *
* * requires Winamp 5.53 +
/* SendMessage(hwnd_winamp,WM_WA_IPC,(WPARAM)&prefsRec,IPC_OPENPREFSTOPAGE);
* *
* * There are two ways of opening a preferences page .
* *
* * The first is to pass an id of a builtin preferences page ( see below for ids ) or a
* * & prefsDlgRec of the preferences page to open and this is normally done if you are
* * opening a prefs page you added yourself .
* *
* * If the page id does not or the & prefsRec is not valid then the prefs dialog will be
* * opened to the first page available ( usually the Winamp Pro page ) .
* *
* * ( requires Winamp 5.04 + )
* * Passing - 1 for param will open the preferences dialog to the last page viewed .
* *
* * Note : v5 .0 to 5.03 had a bug in this api
* *
* * On the first call then the correct prefs page would be opened to but on the next call
* * the prefs dialog would be brought to the front but the page would not be changed to the
* * specified .
* * In 5.04 + it will change to the prefs page specified if the prefs dialog is already open .
/* Builtin Preference page ids (valid for 5.0+)
* * ( stored in the lParam member of the TVITEM structure from the tree item )
* *
* * These can be useful if you want to detect a specific prefs page and add things to it
* * yourself or something like that ; )
* *
* * Winamp Pro 20
* * General Preferences 0
* * File Types 1
* * Playlist 23
* * Titles 21
* * Playback 42 ( added in 5.25 )
* * Station Info 41 ( added in 5.11 & removed in 5.5 )
* * Video 24
* * Localization 25 ( added in 5.5 )
* * Skins 40
* * Classic Skins 22
* * Plugins 30
* * Input 31
* * Output 32
* * Visualisation 33
* * DSP / Effect 34
* * General Purpose 35
* *
* * Note :
* * Custom page ids begin from 60
* * The value of the normal custom pages ( Global Hotkeys , Jump To File , etc ) is not
* * guaranteed since it depends on the order in which the plugins are loaded which can
* * change on different systems .
* *
* * Global Hotkeys , Jump To File , Media Library ( under General Preferences and child pages ) ,
* * Media Library ( under Plugins ) , Portables , CD Ripping and Modern Skins are custom pages
* * created by the plugins shipped with Winamp .
# define IPC_GETINIFILE 334
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * char * ini = ( char * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETINIFILE ) ;
* * This returns a pointer to the full file path of winamp . ini .
* *
* * char ini_path [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
* *
* * void GetIniFilePath ( HWND hwnd ) {
* * if ( SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETVERSION ) > = 0x2900 ) {
* * // this gets the string of the full ini file path
* * lstrcpyn ( ini_path , ( char * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETINIFILE ) , sizeof ( ini_path ) ) ;
* * }
* * else {
* * char * p = ini_path ;
* * p + = GetModuleFileName ( 0 , ini_path , sizeof ( ini_path ) ) - 1 ;
* * while ( p & & * p ! = ' . ' ) { p - - ; }
* * lstrcpyn ( p + 1 , " ini " , sizeof ( ini_path ) ) ;
* * }
* * }
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * char * dir = ( char * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETINIDIRECTORY ) ;
* * This returns a pointer to the directory where winamp . ini can be found and is
* * useful if you want store config files but you don ' t want to use winamp . ini .
/* (requires Winamp 5.11+)
* * char * plugdir = ( char * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETPLUGINDIRECTORY ) ;
* * This returns a pointer to the directory where Winamp has its plugins stored and is
* * useful if you want store config files in plugins . ini in the plugins folder or for
* * accessing any local files in the plugins folder .
/* (requires Winamp 5.11+)
* * char * m3udir = ( char * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETM3UDIRECTORY ) ;
* * This returns a pointer to the directory where winamp . m3u ( and winamp . m3u8 if supported ) is stored in .
/* (requires Winamp 5.3+)
* * wchar_t * m3udirW = ( wchar_t * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETM3UDIRECTORYW ) ;
* * This returns a pointer to the directory where winamp . m3u ( and winamp . m3u8 if supported ) is stored in .
# define IPC_SPAWNBUTTONPOPUP 361 // param =
// 0 = eject
// 1 = previous
// 2 = next
// 3 = pause
// 4 = play
// 5 = stop
# define IPC_OPENURLBOX 360
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * HGLOBAL hglobal = ( HGLOBAL ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ( HWND ) parent , IPC_OPENURLBOX ) ;
* * You pass a hwnd for the dialog to be parented to ( which modern skin support uses ) .
* * This will return a HGLOBAL that needs to be freed with GlobalFree ( ) if this worked .
# define IPC_OPENFILEBOX 362
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ( HWND ) parent , IPC_OPENFILEBOX ) ;
* * You pass a hwnd for the dialog to be parented to ( which modern skin support uses ) .
# define IPC_OPENDIRBOX 363
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ( HWND ) parent , IPC_OPENDIRBOX ) ;
* * You pass a hwnd for the dialog to be parented to ( which modern skin support uses ) .
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ( HWND ) parent , IPC_SETDIALOGBOXPARENT ) ;
* * Pass ' parent ' as the window which will be used as the parent for a number of the built
* * in Winamp dialogs and is useful when you are taking over the whole of the UI so that
* * the dialogs will not appear at the bottom right of the screen since the main winamp
* * window is located at 3000 x3000 by gen_ff when this is used . Call this again with
* * parent = null to reset the parent back to the orginal Winamp window .
/* (requires Winamp 5.51+)
* * HWND hwndParent = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) 0 , IPC_GETDIALOGBOXPARENT ) ;
* * hwndParent can / must be passed to all modal dialogs ( including MessageBox ) thats uses winamp as a parent
/* (requires Winamp 5.53+)
* * if you previous called IPC_SETDIALOGBOXPARENT , call this every time your window resizes
# define IPC_DRO_MIN 401 // reserved for DrO
/* pass me an int (__cdecl *)(const char *, const char *) in wParam */
/* pass me an int (__cdecl *)(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *) in wParam ... maybe someday :) */
# define IPC_DRO_MAX 499
// pass 0 for a copy of the skin HBITMAP
// pass 1 for name of font to use for playlist editor likeness
// pass 2 for font charset
// pass 3 for font size
typedef struct
HWND me ; //hwnd of the window
// set this bit to keep window from being resizable
// set this bit to make gen_ff turn transparency off for this window
// set this bit to prevent gen_ff from automatically adding your window to the right-click menu
# define EMBED_FLAGS_GUID 0x8
// (5.31+) call SET_EMBED_GUID(yourEmbedWindowStateStruct, GUID) to define a GUID for this window
# define SET_EMBED_GUID(windowState, windowGUID) { windowState->flags |= EMBED_FLAGS_GUID; *((GUID *)&windowState->extra_data[4])=windowGUID; }
# define GET_EMBED_GUID(windowState) (*((GUID *)&windowState->extra_data[4]))
int flags ; // see above
RECT r ;
void * user_ptr ; // for application use
int extra_data [ 64 ] ; // for internal winamp use
} embedWindowState ;
# define IPC_GET_EMBEDIF 505
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * HWND myframe = ( HWND ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & wa_wnd , IPC_GET_EMBEDIF ) ;
* *
* * or
* *
* * HWND myframe = 0 ;
* * HWND ( * embed ) ( embedWindowState * params ) = 0 ;
* * * ( void * * ) & embed = ( void * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GET_EMBEDIF ) ;
* * myframe = embed ( & wa_wnd ) ;
* *
* * You pass an embedWindowState * and it will return a hwnd for the frame window or if you
* * pass wParam as null then it will return a HWND embedWindow ( embedWindowState * ) ;
# define IPC_SKINWINDOW 534
typedef struct __SKINWINDOWPARAM
HWND hwndToSkin ;
GUID windowGuid ;
# define IPC_EMBED_ENUM 532
typedef struct embedEnumStruct
int ( * enumProc ) ( embedWindowState * ws , struct embedEnumStruct * param ) ; // return 1 to abort
int user_data ; // or more :)
} embedEnumStruct ;
// pass
# define IPC_EMBED_ISVALID 533
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * int valid = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) embedhwnd , IPC_EMBED_ISVALID ) ;
* * Pass a hwnd in the wParam to this to check if the hwnd is a valid embed window or not .
# define IPC_CONVERTFILE 506
/* (requires Winamp 2.92+)
* * Converts a given file to a different format ( PCM , MP3 , etc . . . )
* * To use , pass a pointer to a waFileConvertStruct struct
* * This struct can be either on the heap or some global
* * data , but NOT on the stack . At least , until the conversion is done .
* *
* * eg : SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , & myConvertStruct , IPC_CONVERTFILE ) ;
* *
* * Return value :
* * 0 : Can ' t start the conversion . Look at myConvertStruct - > error for details .
* * 1 : Conversion started . Status messages will be sent to the specified callbackhwnd .
* * Be sure to call IPC_CONVERTFILE_END when your callback window receives the
* * IPC_CB_CONVERT_DONE message .
typedef struct
char * sourcefile ; // "c:\\source.mp3"
char * destfile ; // "c:\\dest.pcm"
intptr_t destformat [ 8 ] ; // like 'PCM ',srate,nch,bps.
//hack alert! you can set destformat[6]=mmioFOURCC('I','N','I',' '); and destformat[7]=(int)my_ini_file; (where my_ini_file is a char*)
HWND callbackhwnd ; // window that will receive the IPC_CB_CONVERT notification messages
//filled in by winamp.exe
char * error ; //if IPC_CONVERTFILE returns 0, the reason will be here
int bytes_done ; //you can look at both of these values for speed statistics
int bytes_total ;
int bytes_out ;
int killswitch ; // don't set it manually, use IPC_CONVERTFILE_END
intptr_t extra_data [ 64 ] ; // for internal winamp use
} convertFileStruct ;
// (requires Winamp 5.36+)
typedef struct
wchar_t * sourcefile ; // "c:\\source.mp3"
wchar_t * destfile ; // "c:\\dest.pcm"
intptr_t destformat [ 8 ] ; // like 'PCM ',srate,nch,bps.
//hack alert! you can set destformat[6]=mmioFOURCC('I','N','I',' '); and destformat[7]=(int)my_ini_file; (where my_ini_file is a char*)
HWND callbackhwnd ; // window that will receive the IPC_CB_CONVERT notification messages
//filled in by winamp.exe
wchar_t * error ; //if IPC_CONVERTFILE returns 0, the reason will be here
int bytes_done ; //you can look at both of these values for speed statistics
int bytes_total ;
int bytes_out ;
int killswitch ; // don't set it manually, use IPC_CONVERTFILE_END
intptr_t extra_data [ 64 ] ; // for internal winamp use
} convertFileStructW ;
/* (requires Winamp 2.92+)
* * Stop / ends a convert process started from IPC_CONVERTFILE
* * You need to call this when you receive the IPC_CB_CONVERTDONE message or when you
* * want to abort a conversion process
* *
* * eg : SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , & myConvertStruct , IPC_CONVERTFILE_END ) ;
* *
* * No return value
// (requires Winamp 5.36+)
typedef struct {
HWND hwndParent ;
int format ;
//filled in by winamp.exe
HWND hwndConfig ;
int extra_data [ 8 ] ;
//hack alert! you can set extra_data[6]=mmioFOURCC('I','N','I',' '); and extra_data[7]=(int)my_ini_file; (where my_ini_file is a char*)
} convertConfigStruct ;
typedef struct
void ( * enumProc ) ( intptr_t user_data , const char * desc , int fourcc ) ;
intptr_t user_data ;
} converterEnumFmtStruct ;
/* (requires Winamp 2.92+)
typedef struct
char cdletter ;
char * playlist_file ;
HWND callback_hwnd ;
//filled in by winamp.exe
char * error ;
} burnCDStruct ;
# define IPC_BURN_CD 511
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
typedef struct
convertFileStruct * cfs ;
int priority ;
} convertSetPriority ;
typedef struct
convertFileStructW * cfs ;
int priority ;
} convertSetPriorityW ;
// (requires Winamp 5.36+)
typedef struct
unsigned int format ; //fourcc value
char * item ; // config item, eg "bitrate"
char * data ; // buffer to recieve, or buffer that contains the data
int len ; // length of the data buffer (only used when getting a config item)
char * configfile ; // config file to read from
} convertConfigItem ;
# define IPC_CONVERT_CONFIG_SET_ITEM 513 // returns TRUE if successful
# define IPC_CONVERT_CONFIG_GET_ITEM 514 // returns TRUE if successful
typedef struct
const char * filename ;
char * title ; // 2048 bytes
int length ;
int force_useformatting ; // can set this to 1 if you want to force a url to use title formatting shit
} waHookTitleStruct ;
# define IPC_HOOK_TITLES 850
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * If you hook this message and modify the information then make sure to return TRUE .
* * If you don ' t hook the message then make sure you pass it on through the subclass chain .
* *
* * LRESULT CALLBACK WinampWndProc ( HWND hwnd , UINT umsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
* * {
* * LRESULT ret = CallWindowProc ( ( WNDPROC ) WinampProc , hwnd , umsg , wParam , lParam ) ;
* *
* * if ( message = = WM_WA_IPC & & lParam = = IPC_HOOK_TITLES )
* * {
* * waHookTitleStruct * ht = ( waHookTitleStruct * ) wParam ;
* * // Doing ATF stuff with ht->title, whatever...
* * return TRUE ;
* * }
* * return ret ;
* * }
typedef struct
const wchar_t * filename ;
wchar_t * title ; // 2048 characters
int length ;
int force_useformatting ; // can set this to 1 if you want to force a url to use title formatting shit
} waHookTitleStructW ;
# define IPC_HOOK_TITLESW 851
/* (requires Winamp 5.3+)
* * See information on IPC_HOOK_TITLES for how to process this .
// 0: returns a char *export_sa_get() that returns 150 bytes of data
// 1: returns a export_sa_setreq(int want);
// 0: returns a int export_vu_get(int channel) that returns 0-255 (or -1 for bad channel)
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * int visible = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_ISMAINWNDVISIBLE ) ;
* * You send this to Winamp to query if the main window is visible or not such as by
* * unchecking the option in the main right - click menu . If the main window is visible then
* * this will return 1 otherwise it returns 0.
typedef struct
int numElems ;
int * elems ;
HBITMAP bm ; // set if you want to override
} waSetPlColorsStruct ;
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * This is sent by gen_ff when a modern skin is being loaded to set the colour scheme for
* * the playlist editor . When sent numElems is usually 6 and matches with the 6 possible
* * colours which are provided be pledit . txt from the classic skins . The elems array is
* * defined as follows :
* *
* * elems = 0 = > normal text
* * elems = 1 = > current text
* * elems = 2 = > normal background
* * elems = 3 = > selected background
* * elems = 4 = > minibroswer foreground
* * elems = 5 = > minibroswer background
* *
* * if ( uMsg = = WM_WA_IPC & & lParam = = IPC_SETPLEDITCOLORS )
* * {
* * waSetPlColorsStruct * colStr = ( waSetPlColorsStruct * ) wp ;
* * if ( colStr )
* * {
* * // set or inspect the colours being used (basically for gen_ff's benefit)
* * }
* * }
typedef struct
HWND wnd ;
int xpos ; // in screen coordinates
int ypos ;
} waSpawnMenuParms ;
// waSpawnMenuParms2 is used by the menubar submenus
typedef struct
HWND wnd ;
int xpos ; // in screen coordinates
int ypos ;
int width ;
int height ;
} waSpawnMenuParms2 ;
// the following IPC use waSpawnMenuParms as parameter
# define IPC_SPAWNFILEMENU 934 //menubar
# define IPC_SPAWNOPTIONSMENU 935 //menubar
# define IPC_SPAWNWINDOWSMENU 936 //menubar
# define IPC_SPAWNHELPMENU 937 //menubar
# define IPC_SPAWNPLAYMENU 938 //menubar
# define IPC_SPAWNPEFILEMENU 939 //menubar
# define IPC_SPAWNPEPLAYLISTMENU 940 //menubar
# define IPC_SPAWNPESORTMENU 941 //menubar
# define IPC_SPAWNPEHELPMENU 942 //menubar
# define IPC_SPAWNMLFILEMENU 943 //menubar
# define IPC_SPAWNMLVIEWMENU 944 //menubar
# define IPC_SPAWNMLHELPMENU 945 //menubar
/* This is sent by the system tray when an event happens (you might want to simulate it).
* *
* * if ( uMsg = = WM_WA_SYSTRAY )
* * {
* * switch ( lParam )
* * {
* * // process the messages sent from the tray
* * }
* * }
/* Input plugins send this when they are done playing back the current file to inform
* * Winamp or anyother installed plugins that the current
* *
* * if ( uMsg = = WM_WA_MPEG_EOF )
* * {
* * // do what is needed here
* * }
//// video stuff
# define IPC_IS_PLAYING_VIDEO 501 // returns >1 if playing, 0 if not, 1 if old version (so who knows):)
# define IPC_GET_IVIDEOOUTPUT 500 // see below for IVideoOutput interface
# define VIDEO_MAKETYPE(A,B,C,D) ((A) | ((B)<<8) | ((C)<<16) | ((D)<<24))
# define VIDUSER_SET_VFLIP 0x1002
# define VIDUSER_SET_TRACKSELINTERFACE 0x1003 // give your ITrackSelector interface as param2
typedef struct
int w ;
int h ;
int vflip ;
double aspectratio ;
unsigned int fmt ;
} VideoOpenStruct ;
# ifdef __cplusplus
class VideoOutput ;
class SubsItem ;
# ifndef _NSV_DEC_IF_H_
struct YV12_PLANE {
unsigned char * baseAddr ;
long rowBytes ;
} ;
struct YV12_PLANES {
YV12_PLANE y ;
YV12_PLANE u ;
YV12_PLANE v ;
} ;
# endif
class IVideoOutput
public :
virtual ~ IVideoOutput ( ) { }
virtual int open ( int w , int h , int vflip , double aspectratio , unsigned int fmt ) = 0 ;
virtual void setcallback ( LRESULT ( * msgcallback ) ( void * token , HWND hwnd , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) , void * token ) { ( void ) token ; ( void ) msgcallback ; /* to eliminate warning C4100 */ }
virtual void close ( ) = 0 ;
virtual void draw ( void * frame ) = 0 ;
virtual void drawSubtitle ( SubsItem * item ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER ( item ) ; }
virtual void showStatusMsg ( const char * text ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER ( text ) ; }
virtual int get_latency ( ) { return 0 ; }
virtual void notifyBufferState ( int bufferstate ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER ( bufferstate ) ; } /* 0-255*/
virtual INT_PTR extended ( INT_PTR param1 , INT_PTR param2 , INT_PTR param3 ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER ( param1 ) ; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER ( param2 ) ; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER ( param3 ) ; return 0 ; } // Dispatchable, eat this!
} ;
class ITrackSelector
public :
virtual int getNumAudioTracks ( ) = 0 ;
virtual void enumAudioTrackName ( int n , const char * buf , int size ) = 0 ;
virtual int getCurAudioTrack ( ) = 0 ;
virtual int getNumVideoTracks ( ) = 0 ;
virtual void enumVideoTrackName ( int n , const char * buf , int size ) = 0 ;
virtual int getCurVideoTrack ( ) = 0 ;
virtual void setAudioTrack ( int n ) = 0 ;
virtual void setVideoTrack ( int n ) = 0 ;
} ;
# endif //cplusplus
// these messages are callbacks that you can grab by subclassing the winamp window
// wParam =
# define IPC_CB_WND_EQ 0 // use one of these for the param
# define IPC_CB_WND_PE 1
# define IPC_CB_WND_MB 2
# define IPC_CB_WND_VIDEO 3
# define IPC_CB_WND_MAIN 4
# define IPC_CB_ONSHOWWND 600
# define IPC_CB_ONHIDEWND 601
# define IPC_CB_GETTOOLTIP 602
# define IPC_CB_MISC 603
# define IPC_CB_MISC_TITLE 0 // start of playing/stop/pause
# define IPC_CB_MISC_VOLUME 1 // volume/pan
# define IPC_CB_MISC_STATUS 2 // start playing/stop/pause/ffwd/rwd
# define IPC_CB_MISC_EQ 3
# define IPC_CB_MISC_INFO 4
# define IPC_CB_MISC_TITLE_RATING 6 // (5.5+ for when the rating is changed via the songticker menu on current file)
/* Example of using IPC_CB_MISC_STATUS to detect the start of track playback with 5.x
* *
* * if ( lParam = = IPC_CB_MISC & & wParam = = IPC_CB_MISC_STATUS )
* * {
* * if ( SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_ISPLAYING ) = = 1 & &
* * ! SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETOUTPUTTIME ) )
* * {
* * char * file = ( char * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC ,
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETLISTPOS ) , IPC_GETPLAYLISTFILE ) ;
* * // only output if a valid file was found
* * if ( file )
* * {
* * MessageBox ( hwnd_winamp , file , " starting " , 0 ) ;
* * // or do something else that you need to do
* * }
* * }
* * }
# define IPC_CB_CONVERT_STATUS 604 // param value goes from 0 to 100 (percent)
# define IPC_CB_CONVERT_DONE 605
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * int newpos = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) adjust_offset , IPC_ADJUST_FFWINDOWSMENUPOS ) ;
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
* * This will move where Winamp expects the freeform arch in the menubar arch main
* * menu . This is useful if you wish to insert a menu item above extra freeform arch .
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * int dsize = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_ISDOUBLESIZE ) ;
* * You send this to Winamp to query if the double size mode is enabled or not .
* * If it is on then this will return 1 otherwise it will return 0.
/* (requires Winamp 2.9+)
* * int newpos = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) adjust_offset , IPC_ADJUST_FFOPTIONSMENUPOS ) ;
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
* * moves where winamp expects the freeform preferences item in the menubar arch main
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
* * menu . This is useful if you wish to insert a menu item above the preferences item .
* *
* * Note : This setting was ignored by gen_ff until it was fixed in 5.1
* * gen_ff would assume thatthe menu position was 11 in all cases and so when you
* * had two plugins attempting to add entries into the main right click menu it
* * would cause the ' colour themes ' submenu to either be incorrectly duplicated or
* * to just disappear . instead .
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * int mode = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETTIMEDISPLAYMODE ) ;
* * This will return the status of the time display i . e . shows time elapsed or remaining .
* * This returns 0 if Winamp is displaying time elapsed or 1 for the time remaining .
# define IPC_SETVISWND 611
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * int viswnd = ( HWND ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ( HWND ) viswnd , IPC_SETVISWND ) ;
* * This allows you to set a window to receive the following message commands ( which are
* * used as part of the modern skin integration ) .
* * When you have finished or your visualisation is closed then send wParam as zero to
* * ensure that things are correctly tidied up .
/* The following messages are received as the LOWORD(wParam) of the WM_COMMAND message.
* * See % SDK % \ winamp \ wa5vis . txt for more info about visualisation integration in Winamp .
# define ID_VIS_NEXT 40382
# define ID_VIS_PREV 40383
# define ID_VIS_RANDOM 40384
# define ID_VIS_FS 40389
# define ID_VIS_CFG 40390
# define ID_VIS_MENU 40391
# define IPC_GETVISWND 612
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * int viswnd = ( HWND ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETVISWND ) ;
* * This returns a HWND to the visualisation command handler window if set by IPC_SETVISWND .
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * int visrunning = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_ISVISRUNNING ) ;
* * This will return 1 if a visualisation is currently running and 0 if one is not running .
# define IPC_CB_VISRANDOM 628 // param is status of random
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * This is sent by Winamp back to itself so it can be trapped and adjusted as needed with
* * the desired width in HIWORD ( wParam ) and the desired height in LOWORD ( wParam ) .
* *
* * if ( uMsg = = WM_WA_IPC ) {
* * if ( lParam = = IPC_SETIDEALVIDEOSIZE ) {
* * wParam = MAKEWPARAM ( height , width ) ;
* * }
* * }
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * int sovc = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETSTOPONVIDEOCLOSE ) ;
* * This will return 1 if ' stop on video close ' is enabled and 0 if it is disabled .
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * int sovc = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , enabled , IPC_SETSTOPONVIDEOCLOSE ) ;
* * Set enabled to 1 to enable and 0 to disable the ' stop on video close ' option .
typedef struct {
HWND hwnd ;
int uMsg ;
WPARAM wParam ;
LPARAM lParam ;
} transAccelStruct ;
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * ( deprecated as of 5.53 x + )
typedef struct {
int cmd ;
int x ;
int y ;
int align ;
} windowCommand ; // send this as param to an IPC_PLCMD, IPC_MBCMD, IPC_VIDCMD
# define IPC_GETPREFSWND 619
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * HWND prefs = ( HWND ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETPREFSWND ) ;
* * This will return a handle to the preferences dialog if it is open otherwise it will
* * return zero . A simple check with the OS api IsWindow ( . . ) is a good test if it ' s valid .
* *
* * e . g . this will open ( or close if already open ) the preferences dialog and show if we
* * managed to get a valid
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_COMMAND , MAKEWPARAM ( WINAMP_OPTIONS_PREFS , 0 ) , 0 ) ;
* * MessageBox ( hwnd_winamp , ( IsWindow ( ( HWND ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETPREFSWND ) ) ? " Valid " : " Not Open " ) , 0 , MB_OK ) ;
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & point , IPC_SET_PE_WIDTHHEIGHT ) ;
* * You pass a pointer to a POINT structure which holds the width and height and Winamp
* * will set the playlist editor to that size ( this is used by gen_ff on skin changes ) .
* * There does not appear to be any bounds limiting with this so it is possible to create
* * a zero size playlist editor window ( which is a pretty silly thing to do ) .
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * HINSTANCE hInst = ( HINSTANCE ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETLANGUAGEPACKINSTANCE ) ;
* * This will return the HINSTANCE to the currently used language pack file for winamp . exe
* *
* * ( 5.5 + )
* * If you pass 1 in wParam then you will have zero returned if a language pack is in use .
* * if ( ! SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 1 , IPC_GETLANGUAGEPACKINSTANCE ) ) {
* * // winamp is currently using a language pack
* * }
* *
* * If you pass 2 in wParam then you will get the path to the language pack folder .
* * wchar_t * lngpackfolder = ( wchar_t * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 2 , IPC_GETLANGUAGEPACKINSTANCE ) ;
* *
* * If you pass 3 in wParam then you will get the path to the currently extracted language pack .
* * wchar_t * lngpack = ( wchar_t * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 3 , IPC_GETLANGUAGEPACKINSTANCE ) ;
* *
* * If you pass 4 in wParam then you will get the name of the currently used language pack .
* * wchar_t * lngname = ( char * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 4 , IPC_GETLANGUAGEPACKINSTANCE ) ;
# define LANG_IDENT_STR 0
# define LANG_LANG_CODE 1
* * ( 5.51 + )
* * If you pass 5 in LOWORD ( wParam ) then you will get the ident string / code string
* * ( based on the param passed in the HIWORD ( wParam ) of the currently used language pack .
* * The string returned with LANG_IDENT_STR is used to represent the language that the
* * language pack is intended for following ISO naming conventions for consistancy .
* *
* * wchar_t * ident_str = ( wchar_t * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , MAKEWPARAM ( 5 , LANG_XXX ) , IPC_GETLANGUAGEPACKINSTANCE ) ;
* *
* * e . g .
* * For the default language it will return the following for the different LANG_XXX codes
* * LANG_IDENT_STR - > " en-US " ( max buffer size of this is 9 wchar_t )
* * LANG_LANG_CODE - > " en " ( language code )
* * LANG_COUNTRY_CODE - > " US " ( country code )
* *
* * On pre 5.51 installs you can get LANG_IDENT_STR using the following method
* * ( you ' ll have to custom process the string returned if you want the langugage or country but that ' s easy ; ) )
* *
* * # define LANG_PACK_LANG_ID 65534 ( if you don ' t have lang . h )
* * HINSTANCE hInst = ( HINSTANCE ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETLANGUAGEPACKINSTANCE ) ;
* * TCHAR buffer [ 9 ] = { 0 } ;
* * LoadString ( hInst , LANG_PACK_LANG_ID , buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) ) ;
* *
* *
* *
* * The following example shows how using the basic api will allow you to load the playlist
* * context menu resource from the currently loaded language pack or it will fallback to
* * the default winamp . exe instance .
* *
* * HINSTANCE lang = ( HINSTANCE ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETLANGUAGEPACKINSTANCE ) ;
* * HMENU popup = GetSubMenu ( GetSubMenu ( ( LoadMenu ( lang ? lang : GetModuleHandle ( 0 ) , MAKEINTRESOURCE ( 101 ) ) ) , 2 ) , 5 ) ;
* * // do processing as needed on the menu before displaying it
* * TrackPopupMenuEx ( orig , TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON , rc . left , rc . bottom , hwnd_owner , 0 ) ;
* * DestroyMenu ( popup ) ;
* *
* * If you need a specific menu handle then look at IPC_GET_HMENU for more information .
# define IPC_CB_PEINFOTEXT 622 // data is a string, ie: "04:21/45:02"
# define IPC_CB_OUTPUTCHANGED 623 // output plugin was changed in config
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * char * outdll = ( char * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETOUTPUTPLUGIN ) ;
* * This returns a string of the current output plugin ' s dll name .
* * e . g . if the directsound plugin was selected then this would return ' out_ds . dll ' .
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , enabled , IPC_SETDRAWBORDERS ) ;
* * Set enabled to 1 to enable and 0 to disable drawing of the playlist editor and winamp
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
* * gen class arch ( used by gen_ff to allow it to draw its own window borders ) .
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , enabled , IPC_DISABLESKINCURSORS ) ;
* * Set enabled to 1 to enable and 0 to disable the use of skinned cursors .
/* (requires Winamp 5.36+)
* * data = ( WACURSOR ) cursorId . ( check wa_dlg . h for values )
# define IPC_CB_RESETFONT 629
# define IPC_IS_FULLSCREEN 630
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * int val = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_IS_FULLSCREEN ) ;
* * This will return 1 if the video or visualisation is in fullscreen mode or 0 otherwise .
# define IPC_SET_VIS_FS_FLAG 631
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * A vis should send this message with 1 / as param to notify winamp that it has gone to or has come back from fullscreen mode
# define IPC_GETSKININFO 633
# define IPC_GETSKININFOW 1633
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * This is a notification message sent to the main Winamp window by itself whenever it
* * needs to get information to be shown about the current skin in the ' Current skin
* * information ' box on the main Skins page in the Winamp preferences .
* *
* * When this notification is received and the current skin is one you are providing the
* * support for then you return a valid buffer for Winamp to be able to read from with
* * information about it such as the name of the skin file .
* *
* * if ( uMsg = = WM_WA_IPC & & lParam = = IPC_GETSKININFO ) {
* * if ( is_our_skin ( ) ) {
* * return is_our_skin_name ( ) ;
* * }
* * }
/* (requires Winamp 5.03+)
* * int val = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GET_MANUALPLADVANCE ) ;
* * IPC_GET_MANUALPLADVANCE returns the status of the Manual Playlist Advance .
* * If enabled this will return 1 otherwise it will return 0.
/* (requires Winamp 5.03+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , value , IPC_SET_MANUALPLADVANCE ) ;
* * IPC_SET_MANUALPLADVANCE sets the status of the Manual Playlist Advance option .
* * Set value = 1 to turn it on and value = 0 to turn it off .
# define IPC_GET_NEXT_PLITEM 636
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_EOF_GET_NEXT_PLITEM ) ;
* *
* * Sent to Winamp ' s main window when an item has just finished playback or the next
* * button has been pressed and requesting the new playlist item number to go to .
* *
* * Subclass this message in your application to return the new item number .
* * Return - 1 for normal Winamp operation ( default ) or the new item number in
* * the playlist to be played instead of the originally selected next track .
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_EOF_GET_PREVIOUS_PLITEM ) ;
* *
* * Sent to Winamp ' s main window when the previous button has been pressed and Winamp is
* * requesting the new playlist item number to go to .
* *
* * Return - 1 for normal Winamp operation ( default ) or the new item number in
* * the playlist to be played instead of the originally selected previous track .
* *
* * This is primarily provided for the JTFE plugin ( gen_jumpex . dll ) .
# define IPC_IS_WNDSHADE 638
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * int is_shaded = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , wnd , IPC_IS_WNDSHADE ) ;
* * Pass ' wnd ' as an id as defined for IPC_GETWND or pass - 1 to query the status of the
* * main window . This returns 1 if the window is in winshade mode and 0 if it is not .
* * Make sure you only test for this on a 5.04 + install otherwise you get a false result .
* * ( See the notes about unhandled WM_WA_IPC messages ) .
# define IPC_SETRATING 639
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+ with ML)
* * int rating = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , rating , IPC_SETRATING ) ;
* * This will allow you to set the ' rating ' on the current playlist entry where ' rating '
* * is an integer value from 0 ( no rating ) to 5 ( 5 stars ) .
* *
* * The following example should correctly allow you to set the rating for any specified
* * playlist entry assuming of course that you ' re trying to get a valid playlist entry .
* *
* * void SetPlaylistItemRating ( int item_to_set , int rating_to_set ) {
* * int cur_pos = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETLISTPOS ) ;
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , item_to_set , IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS ) ;
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , rating_to_set , IPC_SETRATING ) ;
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , cur_pos , IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS ) ;
* * }
# define IPC_GETRATING 640
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+ with ML)
* * int rating = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETRATING ) ;
* * This returns the current playlist entry ' s rating between 0 ( no rating ) to 5 ( 5 stars ) .
* *
* * The following example should correctly allow you to get the rating for any specified
* * playlist entry assuming of course that you ' re trying to get a valid playlist entry .
* *
* * int GetPlaylistItemRating ( int item_to_get , int rating_to_set ) {
* * int cur_pos = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETLISTPOS ) , rating = 0 ;
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , item_to_get , IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS ) ;
* * rating = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETRATING ) ;
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , cur_pos , IPC_SETPLAYLISTPOS ) ;
* * return rating ;
* * }
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * int n = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETNUMAUDIOTRACKS ) ;
* * This will return the number of audio tracks available from the currently playing item .
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * int n = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETNUMVIDEOTRACKS ) ;
* * This will return the number of video tracks available from the currently playing item .
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * int cur = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETAUDIOTRACK ) ;
* * This will return the id of the current audio track for the currently playing item .
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * int cur = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETVIDEOTRACK ) ;
* * This will return the id of the current video track for the currently playing item .
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , track , IPC_SETAUDIOTRACK ) ;
* * This allows you to switch to a new audio track ( if supported ) in the current playing file .
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , track , IPC_SETVIDEOTRACK ) ;
* * This allows you to switch to a new video track ( if supported ) in the current playing file .
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_PUSH_DISABLE_EXIT ) ;
* * This will let you disable or re - enable the UI exit functions ( close button , context
* * menu , alt - f4 ) . Remember to call IPC_POP_DISABLE_EXIT when you are done doing whatever
* * was required that needed to prevent exit otherwise you have to kill the Winamp process .
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_POP_DISABLE_EXIT ) ;
# define IPC_IS_EXIT_ENABLED 649
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_IS_EXIT_ENABLED ) ;
* * This will return 0 if the ' exit ' option of Winamp ' s menu is disabled and 1 otherwise .
# define IPC_IS_AOT 650
/* (requires Winamp 5.04+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_IS_AOT ) ;
* * This will return the status of the always on top flag .
* * Note : This may not match the actual TOPMOST window flag while another fullscreen
* * application is focused if the user has the ' Disable always on top while fullscreen
* * applications are focused ' option under the General Preferences page is checked .
/* (requires Winamp 5.09+)
* * int use_bin = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_USES_RECYCLEBIN ) ;
* * This will return 1 if the deleted file should be sent to the recycle bin or
* * 0 if deleted files should be deleted permanently ( default action for < 5.09 ) .
* *
* * Note : if you use this on pre 5.09 installs of Winamp then it will return 1 which is
* * not correct but is due to the way that SendMessage ( . . ) handles un - processed messages .
* * Below is a quick case for checking if the returned value is correct .
* *
* * if ( SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_USES_RECYCLEBIN ) & &
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETVERSION ) > = 0x5009 )
* * {
* * // can safely follow the option to recycle the file
* * }
* * else
* {
* * // need to do a permanent delete of the file
* * }
# define IPC_FLUSHAUDITS 652
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_FLUSHAUDITS ) ;
* *
* * Will flush any pending audits in the global audits queue
* *
/* (requires Winamp 5.36+)
* * int show_state = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_INITIAL_SHOW_STATE ) ;
* * returns the processed value of nCmdShow when Winamp was started
* * ( see MSDN documentation the values passed to WinMain ( . . ) for what this should be )
* *
* * e . g .
* * if ( SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_INITIAL_SHOW_STATE ) = = SW_SHOWMINIMIZED ) {
* * // we are starting minimised so process as needed (keep our window hidden)
* * }
* *
* * Useful for seeing if winamp was run minimised on startup so you can act accordingly .
* * On pre - 5.36 versions this will effectively return SW_NORMAL / SW_SHOWNORMAL due to the
* * handling of unknown apis returning 1 from Winamp .
// >>>>>>>>>>> Next is 658
# define IPC_PLCMD 1000
# define PLCMD_ADD 0
# define PLCMD_REM 1
# define PLCMD_SEL 2
# define PLCMD_MISC 3
# define PLCMD_LIST 4
//#define IPC_MBCMD 1001
# define MBCMD_BACK 0
# define MBCMD_FORWARD 1
# define MBCMD_STOP 2
# define MBCMD_RELOAD 3
# define MBCMD_MISC 4
# define IPC_VIDCMD 1002
# define VIDCMD_1X 1
# define VIDCMD_2X 2
# define VIDCMD_LIB 3
# define VIDPOPUP_MISC 4
//#define IPC_MBURL 1003 //sets the URL
//#define IPC_MBGETCURURL 1004 //copies the current URL into wParam (have a 4096 buffer ready)
//#define IPC_MBGETDESC 1005 //copies the current URL description into wParam (have a 4096 buffer ready)
//#define IPC_MBCHECKLOCFILE 1006 //checks that the link file is up to date (otherwise updates it). wParam=parent HWND
//#define IPC_MBREFRESH 1007 //refreshes the "now playing" view in the library
//#define IPC_MBGETDEFURL 1008 //copies the default URL into wParam (have a 4096 buffer ready)
# define IPC_STATS_LIBRARY_ITEMCNT 1300 // updates library count status
* * IPC ' s in the message range 2000 - 3000 are reserved internally for freeform messages .
* * These messages are taken from ff_ipc . h which is part of the Modern skin integration .
# define IPC_FF_FIRST 2000
* * This is a notification message sent when the user changes the colour theme in a Modern
* * skin and can also be detected when the Modern skin is first loaded as the gen_ff plugin
* * applies relevant settings and styles ( like the colour theme ) .
* *
* * The value of wParam is the name of the new color theme being switched to .
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ( const char * ) colour_theme_name , IPC_FF_ONCOLORTHEMECHANGED ) ;
* *
* * ( IPC_FF_COLOURTHEME_CHANGE is the name i ( DrO ) was using before getting a copy of
* * ff_ipc . h with the proper name in it ) .
* * int ismainwnd = ( HWND ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ( HWND ) test_wnd , IPC_FF_ISMAINWND ) ;
* *
* * This allows you to determine if the window handle passed to it is a modern skin main
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* * window or not . If it is a main window or any of its archhade variants then it will
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
* * return 1.
* *
* * Because of the way modern skins are implemented , it is possible for this message to
* * return a positive test result for a number of window handles within the current Winamp
* * process . This appears to be because you can have a visible main window , a compact main
* * window and also a winshaded version .
* *
* * The following code example below is one way of seeing how this api works since it will
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* * enumerate all arch related to Winamp at the time and allows you to process as
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* * required when a detection happens .
* *
* *
* * EnumThreadWindows ( GetCurrentThreadId ( ) , enumWndProc , 0 ) ;
* *
* * BOOL CALLBACK enumWndProc ( HWND hwnd , LPARAM lParam ) {
* *
* * if ( SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) hwnd , IPC_FF_ISMAINWND ) ) {
* * // do processing in here
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
* * // or continue the enum for other main arch (if they exist)
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* * // and just comment out the line below
* * return 0 ;
* * }
* * return 1 ;
* * }
* * HWND wa2embed = ( HWND ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ( HWND ) test_wnd , IPC_FF_GETCONTENTWND ) ;
* *
* * This will return the Winamp 2 window that is embedded in the window ' s container
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* * i . e . if hwnd is the playlist editor archhade hwnd then it will return the Winamp 2
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
* * playlist editor hwnd .
* *
* * If no content is found such as the window has nothing embedded then this will return
* * the hwnd passed to it .
* * This is a notification message sent when the user uses a global hotkey combination
* * which had been registered with the gen_hotkeys plugin .
* *
* * The value of wParam is the description of the hotkey as passed to gen_hotkeys .
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ( const char * ) hotkey_desc , IPC_FF_NOTIFYHOTKEY ) ;
# define IPC_FF_LAST 3000
* * General IPC messages in Winamp
* *
* * All notification messages appear in the lParam of the main window message proceedure .
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * IDropTarget * IDrop = ( IDropTarget * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETDROPTARGET ) ;
* *
* * You call this to retrieve a copy of the IDropTarget interface which Winamp created for
* * handling external drag and drop operations on to it ' s Windows . This is only really
* * useful if you ' re providing an alternate interface and want your Windows to provide the
* * same drag and drop support as Winamp normally provides the user . Check out MSDN or
* * your prefered search facility for more information about the IDropTarget interface and
* * what ' s needed to handle it in your own instance .
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * This is a notification message sent to the main Winamp window whenever the playlist is
* * modified in any way e . g . the addition / removal of a playlist entry .
* *
* * It is not a good idea to do large amounts of processing in this notification since it
* * will slow down Winamp as playlist entries are modified ( especially when you ' re adding
* * in a large playlist ) .
* *
* * if ( uMsg = = WM_WA_IPC & & lParam = = IPC_PLAYLIST_MODIFIED )
* * {
* * // do what you need to do here
* * }
# define IPC_PLAYING_FILE 3003
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * This is a notification message sent to the main Winamp window when playback begins for
* * a file . This passes the full filepath in the wParam of the message received .
* *
* * if ( uMsg = = WM_WA_IPC & & lParam = = IPC_PLAYING_FILE )
* * {
* * // do what you need to do here, e.g.
* * process_file ( ( char * ) wParam ) ;
* * }
# define IPC_PLAYING_FILEW 13003
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * This is a notification message sent to the main Winamp window when playback begins for
* * a file . This passes the full filepath in the wParam of the message received .
* *
* * if ( uMsg = = WM_WA_IPC & & lParam = = IPC_PLAYING_FILEW )
* * {
* * // do what you need to do here, e.g.
* * process_file ( ( wchar_t * ) wParam ) ;
* * }
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * This is a notification message sent to the main Winamp window when a file ' s tag
* * ( e . g . id3 ) may have been updated . This appears to be sent when the InfoBox ( . . ) function
* * of the associated input plugin returns a 1 ( which is the file information dialog / editor
* * call normally ) .
* *
* * if ( uMsg = = WM_WA_IPC & & lParam = = IPC_FILE_TAG_MAY_HAVE_UPDATED )
* * {
* * // do what you need to do here, e.g.
* * update_info_on_file_update ( ( char * ) wParam ) ;
* * }
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , allow , IPC_ALLOW_PLAYTRACKING ) ;
* * Send allow as nonzero to allow play tracking and zero to disable the mode .
# define IPC_HOOK_OKTOQUIT 3010
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * This is a notification message sent to the main Winamp window asking if it ' s okay to
* * close or not . Return zero to prevent Winamp from closing or return anything non - zero
* * to allow Winamp to close .
* *
* * The best implementation of this option is to let the message pass through to the
* * original window proceedure since another plugin may want to have a say in the matter
* * with regards to Winamp closing .
* *
* * if ( uMsg = = WM_WA_IPC & & lParam = = IPC_HOOK_OKTOQUIT )
* * {
* * // do what you need to do here, e.g.
* * if ( no_shut_down ( ) )
* * {
* * return 1 ;
* * }
* * }
# define IPC_WRITECONFIG 3011
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , write_type , IPC_WRITECONFIG ) ;
* *
* * Send write_type as 2 to write all config settings and the current playlist .
* *
* * Send write_type as 1 to write the playlist and common settings .
* * This won ' t save the following ini settings : :
* *
* * defext , titlefmt , proxy , visplugin_name , dspplugin_name , check_ft_startup ,
* * visplugin_num , pe_fontsize , visplugin_priority , visplugin_autoexec , dspplugin_num ,
* * sticon , splash , taskbar , dropaotfs , ascb_new , ttips , riol , minst , whichicon ,
* * whichicon2 , addtolist , snap , snaplen , parent , hilite , disvis , rofiob , shownumsinpl ,
* * keeponscreen , eqdsize , usecursors , fixtitles , priority , shuffle_morph_rate ,
* * useexttitles , bifont , inet_mode , ospb , embedwnd_freesize , no_visseh
* * ( the above was valid for 5.1 )
* *
* * Send write_type as 0 to write the common and less common settings and no playlist .
# define IPC_UPDATE_URL 3012
// pass the URL (char *) in lparam, will be free()'d on done.
# define IPC_GET_RANDFUNC 3015 // returns a function to get a random number
/* (requires Winamp 5.1+)
* * int ( * randfunc ) ( void ) = ( int ( * ) ( void ) ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndParent , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GET_RANDFUNC ) ;
* * if ( randfunc & & randfunc ! = 1 ) {
* * randfunc ( ) ;
* * }
* *
* * This will return a positive 32 - bit number ( essentially 31 - bit ) .
* * The check for a returned value of 1 is because that ' s the default return value from
* * SendMessage ( . . ) when it is not handled so is good to check for it in this situation .
/* (requires Winamp 5.1+)
* * int changed = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ( char * ) field , IPC_METADATA_CHANGED ) ;
* * a plugin can SendMessage this to winamp if internal metadata has changes .
* * wParam should be a char * of what field changed
* *
* * Currently used for internal actions ( and very few at that ) the intent of this api is
* * to allow a plugin to call it when metadata has changed in the current playlist entry
* * e . g . a new id3v2 tag was found in a stream
* *
* * The wparam value can either be NULL or a pointer to an ansi string for the metadata
* * which has changed . This can be thought of as an advanced version of IPC_UPDTITLE and
* * could be used to allow for update of the current title when a specific tag changed .
* *
* * Not recommended to be used since there is not the complete handling implemented in
* * Winamp for it at the moment .
# define IPC_SKIN_CHANGED 3018
/* (requires Winamp 5.1+)
* * This is a notification message sent to the main Winamp window by itself whenever
* * the skin in use is changed . There is no information sent by the wParam for this .
* *
* * if ( message = = WM_WA_IPC & & lparam = = IPC_SKIN_CHANGED )
* * {
* * // do what you need to do to handle skin changes, e.g. call WADlg_init(hwnd_winamp);
* * }
/* (requires Winamp 5.1+)
* * WORD id = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_REGISTER_LOWORD_COMMAND ) ;
* * This will assign you a unique id for making your own commands such as for extra menu
* * entries . The starting value returned by this message will potentially change as and
* * when the main resource file of Winamp is updated with extra data so assumptions cannot
* * be made on what will be returned and plugin loading order will affect things as well .
* * 5.33 +
* * If you want to reserve more than one id , you can pass the number of ids required in wParam
# define IPC_GET_DISPATCH_OBJECT 3020 // gets winamp main IDispatch * (for embedded webpages)
# define IPC_GET_UNIQUE_DISPATCH_ID 3021 // gives you a unique dispatch ID that won't conflict with anything in winamp's IDispatch *
# define IPC_ADD_DISPATCH_OBJECT 3022 // add your own dispatch object into winamp's. This lets embedded webpages access your functions
// pass a pointer to DispatchInfo (see below). Winamp makes a copy of all this data so you can safely delete it later
typedef struct
wchar_t * name ; // filled in by plugin, make sure it's a unicode string!! (i.e. L"myObject" instead of "myObject).
struct IDispatch * dispatch ; // filled in by plugin
DWORD id ; // filled in by winamp on return
} DispatchInfo ;
// see IPC_JSAPI2_GET_DISPATCH_OBJECT for version 2 of the Dispatchable scripting interface
# define IPC_GET_PROXY_STRING 3023
/* (requires Winamp 5.11+)
* * char * proxy_string = ( char * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GET_PROXY_STRING ) ;
* * This will return the same string as is shown on the General Preferences page .
# define IPC_USE_REGISTRY 3024
/* (requires Winamp 5.11+)
* * int reg_enabled = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_USE_REGISTRY ) ;
* * This will return 0 if you should leave your grubby hands off the registry ( i . e . for
* * lockdown mode ) . This is useful if Winamp is run from a USB drive and you can ' t alter
* * system settings , etc .
# define IPC_GET_API_SERVICE 3025
/* (requires Winamp 5.12+)
* * api_service * api_service = ( api_service ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GET_API_SERVICE ) ;
* * This api will return Winamp ' s api_service pointer ( which is what Winamp3 used , heh ) .
* * If this api is not supported in the Winamp version that is being used at the time then
* * the returned value from this api will be 1 which is a good version check .
* *
* * As of 5.12 there is support for . w5s plugins which reside in % WinampDir % \ System and
* * are intended for common code that can be shared amongst other plugins e . g . jnetlib . w5s
* * which contains jnetlib in one instance instead of being duplicated multiple times in
* * all of the plugins which need internet access .
* *
* * Details on the . w5s specifications will come at some stage ( possibly ) .
typedef struct {
const wchar_t * filename ;
const wchar_t * metadata ;
wchar_t * ret ;
size_t retlen ;
} extendedFileInfoStructW ;
/* (requires Winamp 5.13+)
* * Pass a pointer to the above struct in wParam
/* (requires Winamp 5.13+)
* * Pass a pointer to the above struct in wParam
/* (requires 5.2+)
* * int pl_item = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , start , IPC_PLAYLIST_GET_NEXT_SELECTED ) ;
* *
* * This works just like the ListView_GetNextItem ( . . ) macro for ListView controls .
* * ' start ' is the index of the playlist item that you want to begin the search after or
* * set this as - 1 for the search to begin with the first item of the current playlist .
* *
* * This will return the index of the selected playlist according to the ' start ' value or
* * it returns - 1 if there is no selection or no more selected items according to ' start ' .
* *
* * Quick example :
* *
* * int sel = - 1 ;
* * // keep incrementing the start of the search so we get all of the selected entries
* * while ( ( sel = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , sel , IPC_PLAYLIST_GET_NEXT_SELECTED ) ) ! = - 1 ) {
* * // show the playlist file entry of the selected item(s) if there were any
* * MessageBox ( hwnd_winamp , ( char * ) SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , sel , IPC_GETPLAYLISTFILE ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
* * }
/* (requires 5.2+)
* * int selcnt = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_PLAYLIST_GET_SELECTED_COUNT ) ;
* * This will return the number of selected playlist entries .
// returns wchar_t * of the currently playing filename
# define IPC_OPEN_URL 3032
// send either ANSI or Unicode string (it'll figure it out, but it MUST start with "h"!, so don't send ftp:// or anything funny)
// you can also send this one from another process via WM_COPYDATA (unicode only)
# define IPC_USE_UXTHEME_FUNC 3033
/* (requires Winamp 5.35+)
* * int ret = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , param , IPC_USE_UXTHEME_FUNC ) ;
* *
* * If you pass a hwnd then it will apply EnableThemeDialogTexture ( ETDT_ENABLETAB )
* * so your tabbed dialogs can use the correct theme ( on supporting OSes ie XP + ) .
* *
* * Otherwise this will return a value based on the param passed ( as defined below ) .
* * For compatability , the return value will be zero on success ( as 1 is returned
* * for unsupported ipc calls on older Winamp versions )
/* This will return 0 if uxtheme.dll is present
* * int isthemethere = ! SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , IPC_ISWINTHEMEPRESENT , IPC_USE_UXTHEME_FUNC ) ;
/* This will return 0 if aero composition is active
* * int isaero = ! SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , IPC_ISAEROCOMPOSITIONACTIVE , IPC_USE_UXTHEME_FUNC ) ;
// returns wchar_t * of the current title
# define IPC_CANPLAY 3035
// pass const wchar_t *, returns an in_mod * or 0
typedef struct {
// fill these in...
size_t size ; // init to sizeof(artFetchData)
HWND parent ; // parent window of the dialogue
// fill as much of these in as you can, otherwise leave them 0
const wchar_t * artist ;
const wchar_t * album ;
int year , amgArtistId , amgAlbumId ;
int showCancelAll ; // if set to 1, this shows a "Cancel All" button on the dialogue
// winamp will fill these in if the call returns successfully:
void * imgData ; // a buffer filled with compressed image data. free with WASABI_API_MEMMGR->sysFree()
int imgDataLen ; // the size of the buffer
wchar_t type [ 10 ] ; // eg: "jpg"
const wchar_t * gracenoteFileId ; // if you know it
} artFetchData ;
# define IPC_FETCH_ALBUMART 3036
/* pass an artFetchData*. This will show a dialog guiding the use through choosing art, and return when it's finished
* * return values :
* * 1 : error showing dialog
* * 0 : success
* * - 1 : cancel was pressed
* * - 2 : cancel all was pressed
/* pass your service's unique ID, as a wchar_t * string, in wParam
* * Winamp will copy the string , so don ' t worry about keeping it around
* * An IDispatch * object will be returned ( cast the return value from SendMessage )
* * This IDispatch can be used for scripting / automation / VB interaction
* * Pass to IE via IDocHostUIHandler : : GetExternal and it will become window . external in javscript
/* (requires Winamp 5.0+)
* * DWORD id = SendMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) name , IPC_REGISTER_WINAMP_IPCMESSAGE ) ;
* * The value ' id ' returned is > 65536 and is incremented on subsequent calls for unique
* * ' name ' values passed to it . By using the same ' name ' in different plugins will allow a
* * common runtime api to be provided for the currently running instance of Winamp
* * e . g .
* * PostMessage ( hwnd_winamp , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) my_param , registered_ipc ) ;
* * Have a look at wa_hotkeys . h for an example on how this api is used in practice for a
* * custom WM_WA_IPC message .
* *
* * if ( uMsg = = WM_WA_IPC & & lParam = = id_from_register_winamp_ipcmessage ) {
* * // do things
* * }
# endif //_WA_IPC_H_