2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
# include "..\..\General\gen_ml/ml.h"
# include "..\..\General\gen_ml/ml_ipc_0313.h"
# include "./config.h"
# include "./drivemngr.h"
# include "./drive.h"
# include "./medium.h"
# include "api__ml_disc.h"
# include "..\..\General\gen_ml/menu.h"
# include "./copyfiles.h"
# include "./copyinternal.h"
# include <shlobj.h>
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
# include <arch.h>
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
# include <commctrl.h>
# ifndef LONGX86
# ifdef _WIN64
# define LONGX86 LONG_PTR
# else /*_WIN64*/
# define LONGX86 LONG
# endif /*_WIN64*/
# endif // LONGX86
# define OLD_AAC_CODEC mmioFOURCC('A','A','C',' ')
# define BN_EX_GETTEXT 0x0FFF
# define WM_EXTRACTDISC (WM_APP + 0x010)
# define WM_SHOWFILEINFO (WM_APP + 0x11) // (wParam)(UINT)WISF_, (lParam)(LPCWSTR)file(track)name (can be NULL to reset)
# define WM_QUERYFILEINFO (WM_APP + 0x12)
# define WM_TAGUPDATED (WM_APP + 0x13) // wParam = 0, lParam = (LPCWSTR)pszFileName
# define VCM_GETCOMMANDBAR (WM_APP + 0x22)
HWND hwndOwner ;
UINT resourceId ;
DLGPROC fnDialogProc ;
# define MSGRESULT(__hwnd, __result) { SetWindowLongPtrW((__hwnd), DWLP_MSGRESULT, ((LONGX86)(LONG_PTR)(__result))); return TRUE; }
# define ViewContainer_CreateCmdBar( /*HWND*/ __hwndViewContainer, /*HWND*/ __hwndOwner, /*INT_PTR*/ __resourceId, /*DLGPROC*/ __fnDialogProc, /*ULONG_PTR*/ __uData)\
{ CMDBARCREATESTRUCT cs ; cs . hwndOwner = ( __hwndOwner ) ; cs . resourceId = ( __resourceId ) ; cs . fnDialogProc = ( __fnDialogProc ) ; cs . uData = ( __uData ) ; \
( ( HWND ) SNDMSG ( ( __hwndViewContainer ) , VCM_CREATECOMMANDBAR , 0 , ( LPARAM ) ( & cs ) ) ) ; }
# define ViewContainer_DestroyCmdBar( /*HWND*/ __hwndViewContainer)\
( ( BOOL ) SNDMSG ( ( __hwndViewContainer ) , VCM_DESTROYCOMMANDBAR , 0 , 0L ) )
# define ViewContainer_GetCmdBar( /*HWND*/ __hwndViewContainer)\
( ( HWND ) SNDMSG ( ( __hwndViewContainer ) , VCM_GETCOMMANDBAR , 0 , 0L ) )
# define ViewContainer_GetMiniInfoEnabled( /*HWND*/ __hwndViewContainer)\
( ( HWND ) SNDMSG ( ( __hwndViewContainer ) , VCM_GETMININFOENABLED , 0 , 0L ) )
# define ViewContainer_GetMiniInfoVisible( /*HWND*/ __hwndViewContainer)\
( ( HWND ) SNDMSG ( ( __hwndViewContainer ) , VCM_GETMININFOVISIBLE , 0 , 0L ) )
extern winampMediaLibraryPlugin plugin ;
extern LARGE_INTEGER freq ;
void CleanupDirectoryString ( LPTSTR pszDirectory ) ;
LPWSTR GetExtensionString ( LPWSTR pszBuffer , INT cchBufferMax , DWORD fourcc ) ;
HRESULT FormatFileName ( LPTSTR pszTextOut , INT cchTextMax , LPCTSTR pszFormat ,
INT nTrackNo , LPCTSTR pszArtist ,
LPCTSTR pszAlbum , LPCTSTR pszTitle ,
LPCTSTR pszGenre , LPCTSTR pszYear ,
LPCTSTR pszTrackArtist ,
LPCTSTR pszFileName , LPCTSTR pszDisc ) ;
bool RegisteredEncoder ( DWORD fourcc ) ;
extern C_Config * g_config ;
extern HMENU g_context_menus ;
extern C_Config * g_view_metaconf ;
# define DSF_CANRECORD 0x00010000
# define DSF_PLAYING 0x00000001
# define DSF_RIPPING 0x00000002
# define DSF_BURNING 0x00000004
# define DSF_GETTINGINFO 0x00000008
typedef struct _DRIVE
CHAR cLetter ;
CHAR cMode ;
WCHAR szTitle [ 64 ] ;
DWORD textSize ;
BOOL textOrigWidth ;
WORD itemWidth ;
BYTE nBtnState ;
BOOL bEjectVisible ;
UINT_PTR timerId ;
typedef BOOL ( CALLBACK * NAVITEMENUMPROC ) ( HNAVITEM hItem , DRIVE * pDrive , LPARAM param ) ;
DRIVE * Plugin_GetDriveFromNavItem ( HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
HNAVITEM Plugin_GetNavItemFromLetter ( CHAR cLetter ) ;
BOOL Plugin_EnumerateNavItems ( NAVITEMENUMPROC callback , LPARAM param ) ;
void Plugin_RegisterListener ( HWND hwnd , UINT uMsg , CHAR cLetter ) ; // active view can register itself to be notified about drive/medium changes if cLetter = 0 you will be notifed for all drives
void Plugin_UnregisterListener ( HWND hwnd ) ;
void Plugin_ShowRippingPreferences ( void ) ;
BOOL Plugin_IsExtractScheduled ( CHAR cLetter ) ;
int getFileInfo ( const char * filename , const char * metadata , char * dest , int len ) ;
int getFileInfoW ( const wchar_t * filename , const wchar_t * metadata , wchar_t * dest , int len ) ;
# define HF_DOMODAL 0x0001
# define HF_ALLOWRESIZE 0x0010
HWND MLDisc_ShowHelp ( HWND hParent , LPCWSTR pszWindowTitle , LPCWSTR pszCaption , LPCWSTR pszText , UINT uFlags ) ; // returns hwnd only if not HF_DOMODAL
# define QBF_SHOW_CHECKBOX 0x00000001L
# define QBF_SHOW_EXTRA_BUTTON 0x00000002L
# define QBF_TOPMOST 0x00000100L
# define QBF_SETFOREGROUND 0x00000200L
# define QBF_BEEP 0x00000400L
# define QBF_FLASH 0x00000800L
# define QBF_DEFAULT_OK 0x00000000L
# define QBF_DEFAULT_CANCEL 0x00001000L
# define QBF_DEFAULT_EXTRA1 0x00002000L
typedef struct _QUESTIONBOX
HWND hParent ; // [in]
LPCTSTR pszIcon ; // [in]
UINT uBeepType ; // [in]
LPCTSTR pszTitle ; // [in] accepts MAKEINTRESOURCE() as parameters.
LPCTSTR pszMessage ; // [in] accepts MAKEINTRESOURCE() as parameters.
UINT uFlags ; // [in]
LPCTSTR pszBtnOkText ; // [in] accepts MAKEINTRESOURCE() as parameters.
LPCTSTR pszBtnCancelText ; // [in] accepts MAKEINTRESOURCE() as parameters.
LPCTSTR pszCheckboxText ; // [in] accepts MAKEINTRESOURCE() as parameters.
LPCTSTR pszBtnExtraText ; // [in] accepts MAKEINTRESOURCE() as parameters.
BOOL checkboxChecked ; // [in][out]
INT_PTR MLDisc_ShowQuestionBox ( QUESTIONBOX * pQuestionBox ) ; // returns pressed button id;
// cdrip.cpp
BOOL CALLBACK CDRipPrefsProc ( HWND hwndDlg , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) ;
typedef struct
char drive_letter ;
wchar_t * album ;
wchar_t * artist ;
wchar_t * genre ;
wchar_t * year ;
wchar_t * publisher ; // record label
wchar_t * disc ; // disc ##/##
wchar_t * comment ; // notes from CDDB
wchar_t * * composers ;
wchar_t * * conductors ;
wchar_t * * gracenoteFileIDs ;
wchar_t * * gracenoteExtData ;
int total_length_bytes ;
int ntracks ; // total number of tracks
wchar_t * * tracks ; // set these to NULL to not rip em
wchar_t * * trackArtists ;
int * lengths ; // lengths, in seconds
wchar_t * * filenames ; // can be used internally to override output filenames
// (should always allocate, but leave NULL ptrs in the array)
wchar_t * * tempFilenames ; //where we are ripping to, we'll move at the end
} cdrip_params ;
void cdrip_extractFiles ( cdrip_params * parms ) ;
int cdrip_isextracting ( char drive ) ;
void cdrip_stop_all_extracts ( ) ;
void gracenoteInit ( ) ;
int gracenoteQueryFile ( const char * filename ) ;
void gracenoteCancelRequest ( ) ;
int gracenoteDoTimerStuff ( ) ;
void gracenoteSetValues ( char * artist , char * album , char * title ) ;
char * gracenoteGetTuid ( ) ;
int gracenoteIsWorking ( ) ;
INT_PTR CALLBACK view_ripburnDialogProc ( HWND hwndDlg , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ) ;
// view_cdrom.cpp
void saveCDToItemRecordList ( CHAR cLetter , itemRecordList * obj , char * album ) ;
int cdrom_contextMenu ( HWND parent , CHAR cLetter , HNAVITEM hItem ) ;
void cdburn_appendItemRecord ( itemRecordList * obj , char driveletter ) ;
HWND CreateContainerWindow ( HWND hwndParent , CHAR cLetter , BOOL bQueryInfo ) ;
HWND CreateWaitWindow ( HWND hwndParent , CHAR cLetter ) ;
HWND CreateInfoWindow ( HWND hwndParent , CHAR cLetter ) ;
HWND CreateCDViewWindow ( HWND hwndParent , DM_NOTIFY_PARAM * phdr ) ;
HWND CreateCDBurnWindow ( HWND hwndParent , CHAR cLetter ) ;
HWND CreateCDRipWindow ( HWND hwndParent , CHAR cLetter ) ;
HWND CreateCdDataViewWindow ( HWND hwndParent , CHAR cLetter ) ;
BOOL CALLBACK browseEnumProc ( HWND hwnd , LPARAM lParam ) ;
# endif