2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
# define PLUGIN_VER L"1.81"
# define FORCED_REBUILD_VERSION 1 // When changing this be sure to update 'forcedRebuildVersion' logic if no breaking changes are introduced in the new version
# include "api__ml_plg.h"
# include "../../General/gen_ml/ml.h"
# include "resource.h"
# include "main.h"
# include "../winamp/wa_ipc.h"
# include "../winamp/ipc_pe.h"
# include "../nu/MediaLibraryInterface.h"
# include "../nu/AutoChar.h"
# include "../nu/ns_wc.h"
# include <api/service/waservicefactory.h>
# include "playlist.h"
# include "../Agave/Language/api_language.h"
# include "resource.h"
//#include "mldbcallbacks.h"
# include "../../General/gen_ml/menufucker.h"
# include "../nu/ServiceWatcher.h"
//#include "api_playlist_generator.h"
# include "../nu/Singleton.h"
# include "PlaylistGeneratorApi.h"
//#include "wacmldbcallbacks.h"
# include <strsafe.h> // make sure this always gets #include'd last
// For the playlist generator API
static PlaylistGeneratorAPI playlistGeneratorAPI ;
static SingletonServiceFactory < api_playlist_generator , PlaylistGeneratorAPI > playlistGeneratorFactory ;
api_threadpool * WASABI_API_THREADPOOL = 0 ;
api_application * WASABI_API_APP = 0 ;
api_playlistmanager * AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMGR = 0 ;
api_language * WASABI_API_LNG = 0 ;
api_config * AGAVE_API_CONFIG = 0 ;
api_gracenote * AGAVE_API_GRACENOTE = 0 ;
api_decodefile * AGAVE_API_DECODE = 0 ;
api_metadata * AGAVE_API_METADATA = 0 ;
api_mldb * AGAVE_API_MLDB = 0 ;
api_playlists * AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS = 0 ;
api_stats * AGAVE_API_STATS = 0 ;
api_syscb * WASABI_API_SYSCB = 0 ;
class MLDBWatcher : public ServiceWatcherSingle
public :
void OnDeregister ( )
StopScan ( ) ;
} ;
static MLDBWatcher mldbWatcher ;
extern winampMediaLibraryPlugin plugin ;
template < class api_T >
void ServiceBuild ( api_T * & api_t , GUID factoryGUID_t )
if ( plugin . service )
waServiceFactory * factory = plugin . service - > service_getServiceByGuid ( factoryGUID_t ) ;
if ( factory )
api_t = reinterpret_cast < api_T * > ( factory - > getInterface ( ) ) ;
template < class api_T >
void ServiceRelease ( api_T * & api_t , GUID factoryGUID_t )
if ( plugin . service & & api_t )
waServiceFactory * factory = plugin . service - > service_getServiceByGuid ( factoryGUID_t ) ;
if ( factory )
factory - > releaseInterface ( api_t ) ;
api_t = NULL ;
static HWND winampPlaylist ;
bool pluginEnabled = true ;
int scanMode = 0 ; // 0 = not inited, 1 = on start, 2 = on use
int plLengthType = PL_ITEMS ; // 0 = not inited, 1 = items (# of), 2 = length (minutes), 3 = size (kilobytes)
//int plLength = 20; // Length of playlist, used for either # of items or for minutes target of the playlist
int plItems = 20 ; // Number of desired items in the playlist
int plMinutes = 60 ; // Number of desired minutes in the playlist
int plMegabytes = 650 ; // Size of the desired playlist in kilobytes
int multipleArtists = FALSE ; // Generate tracks from the same artists in a single playlist
int multipleAlbums = FALSE ; // Generate tracks from the same albums in a single playlist
int useSeed = TRUE ; // Put the seed track into the generated playlist
int useMLQuery = FALSE ; // Use a custom query against the media library database to post process the results
wchar_t mlQuery [ MAX_ML_QUERY_SIZE ] = { 0 } ; // Storage for the custom query
int forcedRebuildVersion = 0 ; // Stores the ID of a forced rebuild when upgrading, 0 is never reset, 1 reset with ml_plg rewrite, 2+ and on are reserved for future scenarios
ThreadID * plg_thread = 0 ; // Thread ID for the single gracenote thread that we always make API calls on.
bool reset_db_flag = false ; // Flag that gets set whenever the DB needs to be reset before a scan.
bool run_full_scan_flag = true ; // Flag that gets set whenever there are media library changes so step 4 (pass 2) can be rerun for any changed files
volatile bool run_pass2_flag = false ; // Flag that gets set whenever there are media library changes so step 4 (pass 2) can be rerun for any changed files
void WriteIntToIni ( const char * key , const int value )
char buf [ 32 ] = { 0 } ;
_itoa ( value , buf , 10 ) ;
WritePrivateProfileStringA ( " ml_plg " , key , buf , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIni ( ) ) ;
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
// BE CAREFULL! Using this could potentially internationalize floats on some versions of arch eg. '1,6' instead of '1.6'
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
void WriteFloatToIni ( const char * key , const float value )
char buf [ 32 ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchPrintfA ( buf , 32 , " %.2f " , value ) ;
WritePrivateProfileStringA ( " ml_plg " , key , buf , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIni ( ) ) ;
int Init ( )
mediaLibrary . library = plugin . hwndLibraryParent ;
mediaLibrary . winamp = plugin . hwndWinampParent ;
mediaLibrary . instance = plugin . hDllInstance ;
ServiceBuild ( WASABI_API_SYSCB , syscbApiServiceGuid ) ;
ServiceBuild ( WASABI_API_APP , applicationApiServiceGuid ) ;
ServiceBuild ( AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMGR , api_playlistmanagerGUID ) ;
ServiceBuild ( AGAVE_API_CONFIG , AgaveConfigGUID ) ;
ServiceBuild ( AGAVE_API_DECODE , decodeFileGUID ) ;
ServiceBuild ( AGAVE_API_GRACENOTE , gracenoteApiGUID ) ;
ServiceBuild ( AGAVE_API_METADATA , api_metadataGUID ) ;
ServiceBuild ( AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS , api_playlistsGUID ) ;
ServiceBuild ( AGAVE_API_STATS , AnonymousStatsGUID ) ;
ServiceBuild ( WASABI_API_LNG , languageApiGUID ) ;
ServiceBuild ( WASABI_API_THREADPOOL , ThreadPoolGUID ) ;
playlistGeneratorFactory . Register ( plugin . service , & playlistGeneratorAPI ) ;
plg_thread = WASABI_API_THREADPOOL - > ReserveThread ( api_threadpool : : FLAG_REQUIRE_COM_STA ) ;
if ( ! plg_thread )
return ML_INIT_FAILURE ; // if we weren't able to get a thread from the threadpool, bail out
// no guarantee that AGAVE_API_MLDB will be available yet, so we'll start a watcher for it
mldbWatcher . WatchWith ( plugin . service ) ;
mldbWatcher . WatchFor ( & AGAVE_API_MLDB , mldbApiGuid ) ;
WASABI_API_SYSCB - > syscb_registerCallback ( & mldbWatcher ) ;
// need to have this initialised before we try to do anything with localisation features
WASABI_API_START_LANG ( plugin . hDllInstance , MlPlgLangGUID ) ;
ML_IPC_MENUFUCKER_BUILD = ( int ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & " menufucker_build " , IPC_REGISTER_WINAMP_IPCMESSAGE ) ;
ML_IPC_MENUFUCKER_RESULT = ( int ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & " menufucker_result " , IPC_REGISTER_WINAMP_IPCMESSAGE ) ;
winampPlaylist = ( HWND ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , IPC_GETWND_PE , IPC_GETWND ) ;
static wchar_t szDescription [ 256 ] ;
StringCchPrintf ( szDescription , ARRAYSIZE ( szDescription ) ,
plugin . description = ( char * ) szDescription ;
// Load variables from winamp.ini
scanMode = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " ml_plg " , L " scanmode " , 0 , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIniW ( ) ) ;
pluginEnabled = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " ml_plg " , L " enable " , 1 , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIniW ( ) ) ! = 0 ;
multipleArtists = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " ml_plg " , L " multipleArtists " , multipleArtists , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIniW ( ) ) ;
multipleAlbums = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " ml_plg " , L " multipleAlbums " , multipleAlbums , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIniW ( ) ) ;
plLengthType = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " ml_plg " , L " plLengthType " , plLengthType , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIniW ( ) ) ;
plItems = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " ml_plg " , L " plItems " , plItems , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIniW ( ) ) ;
plMinutes = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " ml_plg " , L " plMinutes " , plMinutes , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIniW ( ) ) ;
plMegabytes = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " ml_plg " , L " plMegabytes " , plMegabytes , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIniW ( ) ) ;
useSeed = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " ml_plg " , L " useSeed " , useSeed , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIniW ( ) ) ;
useMLQuery = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " ml_plg " , L " useMLQuery " , useMLQuery , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIniW ( ) ) ;
char temp [ MAX_ML_QUERY_SIZE ] = { 0 } ;
GetPrivateProfileStringA ( " ml_plg " , " mlQuery " , DEFAULT_ML_QUERY , temp , sizeof ( temp ) , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIni ( ) ) ;
MultiByteToWideCharSZ ( CP_UTF8 , 0 , temp , - 1 , mlQuery , sizeof ( mlQuery ) / sizeof ( mlQuery [ 0 ] ) ) ;
//GetPrivateProfileStringA("ml_plg", "forcedRebuildVersion", "", temp, sizeof(temp), mediaLibrary.GetWinampIni());
//forcedRebuildVersion = (float)atof(temp);
forcedRebuildVersion = GetPrivateProfileIntA ( " ml_plg " , " forcedRebuildVersion " , forcedRebuildVersion , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIni ( ) ) ;
// Here we check if the person is upgrading from the old ml_plg, if that value is less than our current version then we need to force a rebuild
if ( forcedRebuildVersion < FORCED_REBUILD_VERSION /*atof(PLUGIN_VER)*/ ) // NOTE: Hard code this to a version if no breaking changes were made
{ // Otherwise there will be a forced reset every time version is incremented
reset_db_flag = true ;
forcedRebuildVersion = FORCED_REBUILD_VERSION ; //(float)atof(PLUGIN_VER);
if ( scanMode = = 1 ) // If scanmode is set to rescan on winamp launch
WASABI_API_CREATEDIALOGPARAMW ( IDD_NAG , plugin . hwndWinampParent , BGScanProcedure , 1 ) ; // 1 means silent!
void Quit ( )
StopScan ( ) ;
HANDLE wait_event = CreateEvent ( NULL , FALSE , FALSE , 0 ) ;
WASABI_API_THREADPOOL - > RunFunction ( plg_thread , ShutdownScanner , ( void * ) wait_event , 0 , api_threadpool : : FLAG_REQUIRE_COM_STA ) ;
WaitForSingleObject ( wait_event , INFINITE ) ;
mldbWatcher . StopWatching ( ) ;
WASABI_API_THREADPOOL - > ReleaseThread ( plg_thread ) ;
ServiceRelease ( WASABI_API_APP , applicationApiServiceGuid ) ;
ServiceRelease ( AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMGR , api_playlistmanagerGUID ) ;
ServiceRelease ( AGAVE_API_CONFIG , AgaveConfigGUID ) ;
ServiceRelease ( AGAVE_API_DECODE , decodeFileGUID ) ;
ServiceRelease ( AGAVE_API_GRACENOTE , gracenoteApiGUID ) ;
ServiceRelease ( AGAVE_API_METADATA , api_metadataGUID ) ;
ServiceRelease ( AGAVE_API_MLDB , mldbApiGuid ) ;
ServiceRelease ( AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTS , api_playlistsGUID ) ;
ServiceRelease ( AGAVE_API_STATS , AnonymousStatsGUID ) ;
ServiceRelease ( WASABI_API_THREADPOOL , ThreadPoolGUID ) ;
playlistGeneratorFactory . Deregister ( plugin . service ) ;
static void FixAmps ( wchar_t * str , size_t len )
size_t realSize = 0 ;
size_t extra = 0 ;
wchar_t * itr = str ;
while ( itr & & * itr )
if ( * itr = = L ' & ' )
extra + + ;
itr + + ;
realSize + + ;
extra = min ( len - ( realSize + 1 ) , extra ) ;
while ( extra )
str [ extra + realSize ] = str [ realSize ] ;
if ( str [ realSize ] = = L ' & ' )
extra - - ;
str [ extra + realSize ] = L ' & ' ;
realSize - - ;
static void FixStrForMenu ( wchar_t * str , size_t len )
FixAmps ( str , len ) ;
// Triggered once some seed tracks are selected and added by the user
HWND SongsSelected ( void )
// I know this function is a one-liner but it may not be the case forever
//WASABI_API_CREATEDIALOG(IDD_GENERATE, GetDesktopWindow(), GenerateProcedure);
return WASABI_API_CREATEDIALOGW ( IDD_GENERATE , plugin . hwndLibraryParent , GenerateProcedure ) ;
// Display the warning message that the current file is not in ML so it cannot be used as a seed track
void NotInMLWarning ( const wchar_t * filename )
wchar_t message [ MAX_PATH + 256 ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchPrintfW ( message , MAX_PATH + 256 , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW ( IDS_CANT_USE_SEED ) , filename ) ;
MessageBoxW ( plugin . hwndLibraryParent , message , ( LPWSTR ) plugin . description , MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ) ;
void MultipleInstancesWarning ( void )
MessageBoxW ( plugin . hwndLibraryParent , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW ( IDS_THERE_CAN_BE_ONLY_ONE ) , ( LPWSTR ) plugin . description , MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ) ;
// Add seed tracks from main media library view
int AddSeedTracks ( menufucker_t * mf )
const int count = mf - > extinf . mediaview . items - > Size ;
int position = ListView_GetNextItem ( mf - > extinf . mediaview . list , - 1 , LVNI_SELECTED ) ; // Start the search from -1 so that we dont ignore the 0th selection
while ( position > = 0 & & position < count )
wchar_t winamp_title [ MAX_TITLE_SIZE ] = { 0 } ;
itemRecordW * item = & mf - > extinf . mediaview . items - > Items [ position ] ;
if ( item )
GetTitleFormattingML ( item - > filename , item , winamp_title , MAX_TITLE_SIZE ) ;
seedPlaylist . AppendWithInfo ( item - > filename , winamp_title , item - > length * 1000 , item - > filesize * 1024 ) ;
AGAVE_API_MLDB - > FreeRecord ( item ) ;
position = ListView_GetNextItem ( mf - > extinf . mediaview . list , position , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
return true ;
// Add seed tracks from a media library playlist
int AddSeedTracksMlPlaylist ( menufucker_t * mf )
int position = ListView_GetNextItem ( mf - > extinf . mlplaylist . list , - 1 , LVNI_SELECTED ) ; // Start the search from -1 so that we dont ignore the 0th selection
while ( position > = 0 )
wchar_t filename [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
mf - > extinf . mlplaylist . pl - > GetItem ( position , filename , MAX_PATH ) ;
itemRecordW * item = AGAVE_API_MLDB - > GetFile ( filename ) ;
if ( item )
wchar_t winamp_title [ MAX_TITLE_SIZE ] = { 0 } ;
GetTitleFormattingML ( item - > filename , item , winamp_title , MAX_TITLE_SIZE ) ;
seedPlaylist . AppendWithInfo ( item - > filename , winamp_title , item - > length * 1000 , item - > filesize * 1024 ) ;
AGAVE_API_MLDB - > FreeRecord ( item ) ;
position = ListView_GetNextItem ( mf - > extinf . mlplaylist . list , position , LVNI_SELECTED ) ;
return true ;
// Add tracks from the winamp playlist
int AddSeedTracksPlaylist ( menufucker_t * mf , int first_selection )
bool isSuccess = true ;
int position = first_selection ;
while ( position > = 0 )
wchar_t winamp_title [ MAX_TITLE_SIZE ] = { 0 } ;
fileinfoW inf = { 0 } ;
inf . index = position ;
SendMessage ( winampPlaylist , WM_WA_IPC , IPC_PE_GETINDEXINFOW_INPROC , ( LPARAM ) & inf ) ;
itemRecordW * item = AGAVE_API_MLDB - > GetFile ( inf . file ) ;
if ( item )
GetTitleFormattingML ( inf . file , item , winamp_title , MAX_TITLE_SIZE ) ;
seedPlaylist . AppendWithInfo ( item - > filename , winamp_title , item - > length * 1000 , item - > filesize * 1024 ) ;
AGAVE_API_MLDB - > FreeRecord ( item ) ;
NotInMLWarning ( inf . file ) ; // Popup to warn that its not in the ML
position = ( int ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , position , IPC_PLAYLIST_GET_NEXT_SELECTED ) ;
if ( seedPlaylist . GetNumItems ( ) = = 0 )
isSuccess = false ;
return isSuccess ;
// Add a single seed track from the now playing song ticker
int AddSeedTrack ( const wchar_t * filename )
bool isSuccess = true ;
if ( filename )
wchar_t winamp_title [ MAX_TITLE_SIZE ] = { 0 } ;
itemRecordW * item = AGAVE_API_MLDB - > GetFile ( filename ) ;
if ( item )
GetTitleFormattingML ( filename , item , winamp_title , MAX_TITLE_SIZE ) ;
seedPlaylist . AppendWithInfo ( filename , winamp_title , item - > length * 1000 , item - > filesize * 1024 ) ;
AGAVE_API_MLDB - > FreeRecord ( item ) ;
NotInMLWarning ( filename ) ; // Popup to warn that its not in the ML
NotInMLWarning ( filename ) ; // Popup to warn that its not in the ML
if ( seedPlaylist . GetNumItems ( ) = = 0 )
isSuccess = false ;
return isSuccess ;
void WriteSettingsToIni ( HWND hwndDlg )
/*char buf[32] = {0};
StringCchPrintfA ( buf , 32 , " %d " , plLengthType ) ;
WritePrivateProfileStringA ( " ml_plg " , " plLengthType " , buf , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIni ( ) ) ; */
WriteIntToIni ( " plLengthType " , plLengthType ) ;
WriteIntToIni ( " plItems " , plItems ) ;
WriteIntToIni ( " plMinutes " , plMinutes ) ;
WriteIntToIni ( " plMegabytes " , plMegabytes ) ;
WriteIntToIni ( " forcedRebuildVersion " , forcedRebuildVersion ) ;
//WriteFloatToIni("forcedRebuildVersion", forcedRebuildVersion);
WriteIntToIni ( " multipleArtists " , multipleArtists ) ;
WriteIntToIni ( " multipleAlbums " , multipleAlbums ) ;
WriteIntToIni ( " useSeed " , useSeed ) ;
WriteIntToIni ( " useMLQuery " , useMLQuery ) ;
/*multipleArtists = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg,IDC_CHECK_MULTIPLE_ARTISTS);
WritePrivateProfileStringA ( " ml_plg " , " multipleArtists " , multipleArtists ? " 1 " : " 0 " , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIni ( ) ) ;
multipleAlbums = IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , IDC_CHECK_MULTIPLE_ALBUMS ) ;
WritePrivateProfileStringA ( " ml_plg " , " multipleAlbums " , multipleAlbums ? " 1 " : " 0 " , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIni ( ) ) ;
useSeed = IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , IDC_CHECK_USE_SEED ) ;
WritePrivateProfileStringA ( " ml_plg " , " useSeed " , useSeed ? " 1 " : " 0 " , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIni ( ) ) ;
useMLQuery = IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , IDC_CHECK_ML_QUERY ) ;
WritePrivateProfileStringA ( " ml_plg " , " useMLQuery " , useMLQuery ? " 1 " : " 0 " , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIni ( ) ) ; */
//WritePrivateProfileStringW(L"ml_plg",L"mlQuery", mlQuery ,mediaLibrary.GetWinampIniW());
WritePrivateProfileStringA ( " ml_plg " , " mlQuery " , AutoChar ( mlQuery , CP_UTF8 ) , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIni ( ) ) ;
static bool IsInternetAvailable ( )
return ! ! SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_INETAVAILABLE ) ;
INT_PTR MessageProc ( int message_type , INT_PTR param1 , INT_PTR param2 , INT_PTR param3 )
static int mymenuid = 0 ;
if ( message_type = = ML_IPC_MENUFUCKER_BUILD & & pluginEnabled & & IsInternetAvailable ( ) )
menufucker_t * mf = ( menufucker_t * ) param1 ;
wchar_t str [ 100 ] = { 0 } , str2 [ 64 ] = { 0 } ;
sizeof ( MENUITEMINFOW ) ,
( UINT ) mf - > nextidx ,
} ;
mymenuid = mf - > nextidx ;
mf - > nextidx + + ;
if ( mf - > type = = MENU_MEDIAVIEW )
int n = ListView_GetSelectionMark ( mf - > extinf . mediaview . list ) ;
if ( n = = - 1 )
mymenuid = 0 ;
return 0 ;
itemRecordW * ice = & mf - > extinf . mediaview . items - > Items [ n ] ;
if ( ! ice - > title | | ! ice - > title [ 0 ] )
mymenuid = 0 ;
return 0 ;
int len = lstrlenW ( ice - > title ) ;
if ( len > 39 )
StringCchPrintfW ( str2 , 40 , L " %.36s... " , ice - > title ) ;
StringCchPrintfW ( str , 100 , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW ( IDS_PLAY_TRACKS_SIMILAR_TO ) , str2 ) ;
StringCchPrintfW ( str , 100 , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW ( IDS_PLAY_TRACKS_SIMILAR_TO ) , ice - > title ) ;
FixStrForMenu ( str , 100 ) ;
mii . dwTypeData = str ;
mii . cch = ( UINT ) wcslen ( str ) ;
if ( ! InsertMenuItem ( mf - > menu , 0xdeadbeef , FALSE , & mii ) )
InsertMenuItem ( mf - > menu , 40012 , FALSE , & mii ) ;
mii . wID = 0xdeadbeef ;
mii . fType = MFT_SEPARATOR ;
InsertMenuItem ( mf - > menu , 40012 , FALSE , & mii ) ;
else if ( mf - > type = = MENU_MLPLAYLIST )
int n = ListView_GetSelectionMark ( mf - > extinf . mlplaylist . list ) ;
if ( n = = - 1 )
mymenuid = 0 ;
return 0 ;
wchar_t filename [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } , title [ 75 ] = { 0 } ;
mf - > extinf . mlplaylist . pl - > GetItem ( n , filename , MAX_PATH ) ;
AGAVE_API_METADATA - > GetExtendedFileInfo ( filename , L " title " , title , 75 ) ;
if ( ! title [ 0 ] )
mymenuid = 0 ;
return 0 ;
int len = lstrlenW ( title ) ;
if ( len > 39 )
StringCchPrintfW ( str2 , 40 , L " %.36s... " , title ) ;
StringCchPrintfW ( str , 100 , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW ( IDS_PLAY_TRACKS_SIMILAR_TO ) , str2 ) ;
StringCchPrintfW ( str , 100 , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW ( IDS_PLAY_TRACKS_SIMILAR_TO ) , title ) ;
FixStrForMenu ( str , 100 ) ;
mii . dwTypeData = str ;
mii . cch = ( UINT ) wcslen ( str ) ;
InsertMenuItem ( mf - > menu , 3 , TRUE , & mii ) ;
mii . wID = 0xdeadc0de ;
mii . fType = MFT_SEPARATOR ;
InsertMenuItem ( mf - > menu , 3 , TRUE , & mii ) ;
else if ( mf - > type = = MENU_PLAYLIST )
int n = ( int ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , - 1 , IPC_PLAYLIST_GET_NEXT_SELECTED ) ;
if ( n = = - 1 ) {
mymenuid = 0 ;
return 0 ;
fileinfoW inf = { 0 } ;
inf . index = n ;
SendMessage ( winampPlaylist , WM_WA_IPC , IPC_PE_GETINDEXINFOW_INPROC , ( LPARAM ) & inf ) ;
wchar_t title [ 75 ] = { 0 } ;
AGAVE_API_METADATA - > GetExtendedFileInfo ( inf . file , L " title " , title , 75 ) ;
if ( ! title [ 0 ] )
mymenuid = 0 ;
return 0 ;
int len = lstrlenW ( title ) ;
if ( len > 39 )
StringCchPrintfW ( str2 , 40 , L " %.36s... " , title ) ;
StringCchPrintfW ( str , 100 , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW ( IDS_PLAY_TRACKS_SIMILAR_TO ) , str2 ) ;
StringCchPrintfW ( str , 100 , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW ( IDS_PLAY_TRACKS_SIMILAR_TO ) , title ) ;
FixStrForMenu ( str , 100 ) ;
mii . dwTypeData = str ;
mii . cch = ( UINT ) wcslen ( str ) ;
InsertMenuItem ( mf - > menu , 40470 /*40208*/ , FALSE , & mii ) ;
mii . wID = 0xdeadc0de ;
mii . fType = MFT_SEPARATOR ;
InsertMenuItem ( mf - > menu , 40470 /*40208*/ , FALSE , & mii ) ;
else if ( mf - > type = = MENU_SONGTICKER )
wchar_t * file = ( wchar_t * ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GET_PLAYING_FILENAME ) ;
wchar_t title [ 75 ] = { 0 } ;
AGAVE_API_METADATA - > GetExtendedFileInfo ( file , L " title " , title , 75 ) ;
if ( ! title [ 0 ] )
mymenuid = 0 ;
return 0 ;
int len = lstrlenW ( title ) ;
if ( len > 39 )
StringCchPrintfW ( str2 , 40 , L " %.36s... " , title ) ;
StringCchPrintfW ( str , 100 , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW ( IDS_PLAY_TRACKS_SIMILAR_TO ) , str2 ) ;
StringCchPrintfW ( str , 100 , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW ( IDS_PLAY_TRACKS_SIMILAR_TO ) , title ) ;
FixStrForMenu ( str , 100 ) ;
mii . dwTypeData = str ;
mii . cch = ( UINT ) wcslen ( str ) ;
InsertMenuItem ( mf - > menu , 0 , TRUE , & mii ) ;
else if ( message_type = = ML_IPC_MENUFUCKER_RESULT & & mymenuid ! = 0 & & pluginEnabled )
menufucker_t * mf = ( menufucker_t * ) param1 ;
DeleteMenu ( mf - > menu , mymenuid , MF_BYCOMMAND ) ;
if ( mf - > type = = MENU_PLAYLIST | | mf - > type = = MENU_MLPLAYLIST ) DeleteMenu ( mf - > menu , 0xdeadc0de , MF_BYCOMMAND ) ;
if ( param2 = = mymenuid & & mymenuid ! = 0 )
if ( mf - > type = = MENU_MEDIAVIEW ) // Main Media Library View
int n = ListView_GetSelectionMark ( mf - > extinf . mediaview . list ) ;
if ( n = = - 1 )
mymenuid = 0 ;
return 0 ;
if ( hwndDlgCurrent ) // Warn if trying to open two seperate playlist generators
MultipleInstancesWarning ( ) ;
if ( AddSeedTracks ( mf ) ) // Make sure that we added the seed tracks successfully
SongsSelected ( ) ;
else if ( mf - > type = = MENU_MLPLAYLIST ) // Media library playlist view
// Check to see if anything is selected
int n = ListView_GetSelectionMark ( mf - > extinf . mlplaylist . list ) ;
if ( n = = - 1 )
mymenuid = 0 ;
return 0 ;
if ( hwndDlgCurrent ) // Warn if trying to open two seperate playlist generators
MultipleInstancesWarning ( ) ;
if ( AddSeedTracksMlPlaylist ( mf ) ) // Make sure that we added the seed tracks successfully
SongsSelected ( ) ;
else if ( mf - > type = = MENU_PLAYLIST ) // Main window playlist
// Check to see if anything is selected
int n = ( int ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , - 1 , IPC_PLAYLIST_GET_NEXT_SELECTED ) ;
if ( n = = - 1 )
mymenuid = 0 ;
return 0 ;
if ( hwndDlgCurrent ) // Warn if trying to open two seperate playlist generators
MultipleInstancesWarning ( ) ;
if ( AddSeedTracksPlaylist ( mf , n ) ) // Make sure that we added the seed tracks successfully
SongsSelected ( ) ;
else if ( mf - > type = = MENU_SONGTICKER ) // Current playing track in the song ticker
wchar_t * file = ( wchar_t * ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GET_PLAYING_FILENAME ) ;
if ( file )
if ( hwndDlgCurrent ) // Warn if trying to open two seperate playlist generators
MultipleInstancesWarning ( ) ;
if ( AddSeedTrack ( file ) ) // Make sure that we added the seed tracks successfully
SongsSelected ( ) ;
mymenuid = 0 ;
else switch ( message_type )
HWND parent = ( HWND ) param1 ;
WASABI_API_DIALOGBOXW ( IDD_PREFS , parent , PrefsProcedure ) ;
return TRUE ;
break ;
return 0 ;
extern " C " winampMediaLibraryPlugin plugin =
" nullsoft(ml_plg.dll) " , // name filled in later
Init ,
Quit ,
MessageProc ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 ,
} ;
extern " C "
__declspec ( dllexport ) winampMediaLibraryPlugin * winampGetMediaLibraryPlugin ( )
return & plugin ;
__declspec ( dllexport ) int winampUninstallPlugin ( HINSTANCE hDllInst , HWND hwndDlg , int param ) {
// prompt to remove our settings with default as no (just incase)
static wchar_t title [ 256 ] ;
StringCchPrintf ( title , ARRAYSIZE ( title ) ,
title , MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) = = IDYES )
WritePrivateProfileStringW ( L " ml_plg " , 0 , 0 , mediaLibrary . GetWinampIniW ( ) ) ;
// allow an on-the-fly removal (since we've got to be with a compatible client build)
} ;