2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
# define PLUGIN_VERSION L"2.79"
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
# include <arch.h>
# include <archx.h>
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
# include <stdio.h>
# include <shlwapi.h>
# include <shlobj.h>
# include "..\..\General\gen_ml/ml.h"
# include "../winamp/wa_ipc.h"
# include "../nu/AutoWide.h"
# include "../nu/ns_wc.h"
# include "../nu/AutoChar.h"
# include "..\..\General\gen_ml/itemlist.h"
# include "../playlist/ifc_playlistloadercallback.h"
# include "LinkedQueue.h"
# include "resource.h"
# include <vector>
# include <api/service/waServiceFactory.h>
# include "api__ml_transcode.h"
# include <strsafe.h>
static int init ( ) ;
static void quit ( ) ;
static HWND GetDialogBoxParent ( ) ;
static INT_PTR PluginMessageProc ( int message_type , INT_PTR param1 , INT_PTR param2 , INT_PTR param3 ) ;
extern " C " winampMediaLibraryPlugin plugin =
" nullsoft(ml_transcode.dll) " ,
init ,
quit ,
PluginMessageProc ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 ,
} ;
typedef std : : vector < const wchar_t * > PtrListWCharPtr ;
LinkedQueue transcodeQueue ;
int transcodeConfig ( HWND parent ) ; // returns fourcc
void transcode ( const itemRecordListW * ice , HWND parent ) ;
void transcode ( PtrListWCharPtr & filenames , HWND parent ) ;
void addTrackToTranscodeQueue ( itemRecordW * track , unsigned int format , const wchar_t * dest , const wchar_t * folder ) ;
void addTrackToTranscodeQueue ( const wchar_t * track , unsigned int format , const wchar_t * dest , const wchar_t * folder ) ;
void filenameToItemRecord ( const wchar_t * file , itemRecordW * ice ) ;
void copyTags ( const itemRecordW * in , const wchar_t * out ) ;
extern void RecursiveCreateDirectory ( wchar_t * buf1 ) ;
extern wchar_t * FixReplacementVars ( wchar_t * str , size_t str_size , itemRecordW * song ) ;
void FixFileLength ( wchar_t * str ) ;
HWND transcoderWnd = NULL ;
wchar_t inifile [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
char inifileA [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
// wasabi based services for localisation support
api_language * WASABI_API_LNG = 0 ;
api_metadata * AGAVE_API_METADATA = 0 ;
api_application * WASABI_API_APP = 0 ;
api_playlistmanager * AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER = 0 ;
api_albumart * AGAVE_API_ALBUMART = 0 ;
api_stats * AGAVE_API_STATS = 0 ;
template < class api_T >
void ServiceBuild ( api_T * & api_t , GUID factoryGUID_t )
if ( plugin . service )
waServiceFactory * factory = plugin . service - > service_getServiceByGuid ( factoryGUID_t ) ;
if ( factory )
api_t = reinterpret_cast < api_T * > ( factory - > getInterface ( ) ) ;
template < class api_T >
void ServiceRelease ( api_T * api_t , GUID factoryGUID_t )
if ( plugin . service & & api_t )
waServiceFactory * factory = plugin . service - > service_getServiceByGuid ( factoryGUID_t ) ;
if ( factory )
factory - > releaseInterface ( api_t ) ;
api_t = NULL ;
int init ( )
ServiceBuild ( WASABI_API_APP , applicationApiServiceGuid ) ;
ServiceBuild ( WASABI_API_LNG , languageApiGUID ) ;
ServiceBuild ( AGAVE_API_METADATA , api_metadataGUID ) ;
ServiceBuild ( AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER , api_playlistmanagerGUID ) ;
ServiceBuild ( AGAVE_API_ALBUMART , albumArtGUID ) ;
ServiceBuild ( AGAVE_API_STATS , AnonymousStatsGUID ) ;
const wchar_t * iniDirectory = WASABI_API_APP - > path_getUserSettingsPath ( ) ;
PathCombine ( inifile , iniDirectory , L " Plugins \\ ml \\ ml_transcode.ini " ) ;
lstrcpynA ( inifileA , AutoChar ( inifile ) , MAX_PATH ) ;
// need to have this initialised before we try to do anything with localisation features
WASABI_API_START_LANG ( plugin . hDllInstance , MlTranscodeLangGUID ) ;
static wchar_t szDescription [ 256 ] ;
plugin . description = ( char * ) szDescription ;
void quit ( )
if ( IsWindow ( transcoderWnd ) )
SendMessage ( transcoderWnd , WM_TRANSCODE_ABORT , 0 , 0 ) ;
ServiceRelease ( WASABI_API_APP , applicationApiServiceGuid ) ;
ServiceRelease ( WASABI_API_LNG , languageApiGUID ) ;
ServiceRelease ( AGAVE_API_METADATA , api_metadataGUID ) ;
ServiceRelease ( AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER , api_playlistmanagerGUID ) ;
ServiceRelease ( AGAVE_API_ALBUMART , albumArtGUID ) ;
ServiceRelease ( AGAVE_API_STATS , AnonymousStatsGUID ) ;
class TranscodePlaylistLoader : public ifc_playlistloadercallback
public :
TranscodePlaylistLoader ( PtrListWCharPtr * _fileList ) ;
void OnFile ( const wchar_t * filename , const wchar_t * title , int lengthInMS , ifc_plentryinfo * info ) ;
protected :
PtrListWCharPtr * fileList ;
} ;
TranscodePlaylistLoader : : TranscodePlaylistLoader ( PtrListWCharPtr * _fileList )
fileList = _fileList ;
void TranscodePlaylistLoader : : OnFile ( const wchar_t * filename , const wchar_t * title , int lengthInMS , ifc_plentryinfo * info )
fileList - > push_back ( _wcsdup ( filename ) ) ;
# define CBCLASS TranscodePlaylistLoader
# undef CBCLASS
INT_PTR PluginMessageProc ( int message_type , INT_PTR param1 , INT_PTR param2 , INT_PTR param3 )
if ( message_type = = ML_MSG_ONSENDTOBUILD )
if ( param1 = = ML_TYPE_ITEMRECORDLIST | | param1 = = ML_TYPE_FILENAMES | |
| | ( AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER & & ( param1 = = ML_TYPE_PLAYLIST | | param1 = = ML_TYPE_PLAYLISTS ) ) )
mlAddToSendToStructW s ;
s . context = param2 ;
s . user32 = ( intptr_t ) PluginMessageProc ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndLibraryParent , WM_ML_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & s , ML_IPC_ADDTOSENDTOW ) ;
else if ( message_type = = ML_MSG_ONSENDTOSELECT )
if ( param2 & & param3 = = ( INT_PTR ) PluginMessageProc )
if ( param1 = = ML_TYPE_FILENAMES )
PtrListWCharPtr fileList ;
TranscodePlaylistLoader loader ( & fileList ) ;
const char * filenames = ( const char * ) param2 ;
while ( filenames & & * filenames )
// try to load as playlist first
if ( AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER - > Load ( AutoWide ( filenames ) , & loader ) ! = PLAYLISTMANAGER_SUCCESS )
// not a playlist.. just add it directly
fileList . push_back ( AutoWideDup ( filenames ) ) ;
filenames + = strlen ( filenames ) + 1 ;
transcode ( fileList , GetDialogBoxParent ( ) ) ;
for ( auto file : fileList )
free ( ( void * ) file ) ;
fileList . clear ( ) ;
return 1 ;
else if ( param1 = = ML_TYPE_FILENAMESW )
PtrListWCharPtr fileList ;
TranscodePlaylistLoader loader ( & fileList ) ;
const wchar_t * filenames = ( const wchar_t * ) param2 ;
while ( filenames & & * filenames )
// try to load as playlist first
if ( AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER - > Load ( filenames , & loader ) ! = PLAYLISTMANAGER_SUCCESS )
// not a playlist.. just add it directly
fileList . push_back ( filenames ) ;
filenames + = wcslen ( filenames ) + 1 ;
transcode ( fileList , GetDialogBoxParent ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
else if ( param1 = = ML_TYPE_ITEMRECORDLIST )
const itemRecordList * ico = ( const itemRecordList * ) param2 ;
itemRecordListW list = { 0 , } ;
convertRecordList ( & list , ico ) ;
transcode ( & list , GetDialogBoxParent ( ) ) ;
freeRecordList ( & list ) ;
return 1 ;
else if ( param1 = = ML_TYPE_ITEMRECORDLISTW )
const itemRecordListW * list = ( const itemRecordListW * ) param2 ;
transcode ( list , GetDialogBoxParent ( ) ) ;
return 1 ;
else if ( param1 = = ML_TYPE_PLAYLIST )
mlPlaylist * playlist = ( mlPlaylist * ) param2 ;
PtrListWCharPtr fileList ;
fileList . reserve ( playlist - > numItems ) ;
TranscodePlaylistLoader loader ( & fileList ) ;
AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER - > Load ( playlist - > filename , & loader ) ;
transcode ( fileList , GetDialogBoxParent ( ) ) ;
for ( auto file : fileList )
free ( ( void * ) file ) ;
fileList . clear ( ) ;
return 1 ;
else if ( param1 = = ML_TYPE_PLAYLISTS )
mlPlaylist * * playlists = ( mlPlaylist * * ) param2 ;
PtrListWCharPtr fileList ;
while ( playlists & & * playlists )
mlPlaylist * playlist = * playlists ;
fileList . reserve ( fileList . size ( ) + playlist - > numItems ) ;
TranscodePlaylistLoader loader ( & fileList ) ;
AGAVE_API_PLAYLISTMANAGER - > Load ( playlist - > filename , & loader ) ;
playlists + + ;
transcode ( fileList , GetDialogBoxParent ( ) ) ;
for ( auto file : fileList )
free ( ( void * ) file ) ;
fileList . clear ( ) ;
return 1 ;
else if ( message_type = = ML_MSG_CONFIG )
transcodeConfig ( ( HWND ) param1 ) ;
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
class TranscodeItem
public :
itemRecordW ice ;
unsigned int fourcc ;
wchar_t * outfile ;
TranscodeItem ( unsigned int fourcc , const wchar_t * folder , const wchar_t * outfile , const itemRecordW * i ) : fourcc ( fourcc )
ZeroMemory ( & ice , sizeof ( ice ) ) ;
copyRecord ( & ice , const_cast < itemRecordW * > ( i ) ) ; // TODO: remove for 5.53. this just works around some 5.52 build weirdness
makefn ( folder , outfile ) ;
TranscodeItem ( unsigned int fourcc , const wchar_t * folder , const wchar_t * outfile , const wchar_t * i ) : fourcc ( fourcc )
ZeroMemory ( & ice , sizeof ( ice ) ) ;
filenameToItemRecord ( i , & ice ) ;
makefn ( folder , outfile ) ;
void makefn ( const wchar_t * folder , const wchar_t * outfile )
if ( GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " transcoder " , L " usefilename " , 0 , inifile ) )
size_t len = wcslen ( ice . filename ) + 10 ;
this - > outfile = ( wchar_t * ) calloc ( len , sizeof ( this - > outfile [ 0 ] ) ) ;
StringCchCopyW ( this - > outfile , len , ice . filename ) ;
const wchar_t * extn = wcsrchr ( outfile , L ' . ' ) ;
wchar_t * exto = wcsrchr ( this - > outfile , L ' . ' ) ;
if ( extn & & exto & & wcslen ( extn ) < 10 )
StringCchCopy ( exto , len , extn ) ;
wchar_t filename [ 2048 ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchCopy ( filename , 2048 , outfile ) ;
FixReplacementVars ( filename , 2048 , & ice ) ;
FixFileLength ( filename ) ;
PathCombine ( filename , folder , filename ) ;
this - > outfile = _wcsdup ( filename ) ;
~ TranscodeItem ( )
free ( outfile ) ; freeRecord ( & ice ) ;
} ;
void getViewport ( RECT * r , HWND wnd , int full , RECT * sr )
POINT * p = NULL ;
if ( p | | sr | | wnd )
if ( sr )
hm = MonitorFromRect ( sr , MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST ) ;
else if ( wnd )
hm = MonitorFromWindow ( wnd , MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST ) ;
else if ( p )
hm = MonitorFromPoint ( * p , MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST ) ;
if ( hm )
memset ( & mi , 0 , sizeof ( mi ) ) ;
mi . cbSize = sizeof ( mi ) ;
if ( GetMonitorInfoW ( hm , & mi ) )
if ( ! full )
* r = mi . rcWork ;
* r = mi . rcMonitor ;
return ;
if ( full )
{ // this might be borked =)
r - > top = r - > left = 0 ;
r - > right = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CXSCREEN ) ;
r - > bottom = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CYSCREEN ) ;
SystemParametersInfoW ( SPI_GETWORKAREA , 0 , r , 0 ) ;
BOOL windowOffScreen ( HWND hwnd , POINT pt )
RECT r = { 0 } , wnd = { 0 } , sr = { 0 } ;
GetWindowRect ( hwnd , & wnd ) ;
sr . left = pt . x ;
sr . top = pt . y ;
sr . right = sr . left + ( wnd . right - wnd . left ) ;
sr . bottom = sr . top + ( wnd . bottom - wnd . top ) ;
getViewport ( & r , hwnd , 0 , & sr ) ;
return ! PtInRect ( & r , pt ) ;
bool transcoding = false ;
bool transcoderIdle = false ;
int totalItems = 0 ;
int itemsDone = 0 ;
int itemsFailed = 0 ;
static BOOL CALLBACK transcode_dlgproc ( HWND hwndDlg , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
static convertFileStructW * cfs ;
switch ( uMsg )
transcoderWnd = hwndDlg ;
cfs = ( convertFileStructW * ) calloc ( 1 , sizeof ( convertFileStructW ) ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_TRACKPROGRESS , PBM_SETRANGE32 , 0 , 100 ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_TOTALPROGRESS , PBM_SETRANGE32 , 0 , totalItems * 100 ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_TRACKPROGRESS , PBM_SETPOS , 0 , 0 ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_TOTALPROGRESS , PBM_SETPOS , 0 , 0 ) ;
PostMessage ( hwndDlg , WM_TRANSCODE_START , 0 , 0 ) ;
// show edit info window and restore last position as applicable
POINT pt = { GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " transcoder " , L " convert_x " , - 1 , inifile ) ,
GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " transcoder " , L " convert_y " , - 1 , inifile ) } ;
if ( ! windowOffScreen ( hwndDlg , pt ) )
SetWindowPos ( hwndDlg , HWND_TOP , pt . x , pt . y , 0 , 0 , SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING ) ;
ShowWindow ( hwndDlg , SW_SHOWNA ) ;
break ;
for ( ; ; )
TranscodeItem * t = ( TranscodeItem * ) transcodeQueue . Peek ( ) ;
if ( ! t )
SendMessage ( transcoderWnd , WM_TRANSCODE_UPDATEUI , 0 , 0 ) ;
transcoderIdle = true ;
return 0 ;
transcoderIdle = false ;
RecursiveCreateDirectory ( t - > outfile ) ;
ZeroMemory ( cfs , sizeof ( * cfs ) ) ;
cfs - > callbackhwnd = hwndDlg ;
cfs - > sourcefile = t - > ice . filename ;
cfs - > destfile = t - > outfile ;
cfs - > destformat [ 0 ] = t - > fourcc ;
//cfs->destformat[1] = 44100;
//cfs->destformat[2] = 16;
//cfs->destformat[3] = 2;
cfs - > destformat [ 6 ] = mmioFOURCC ( ' I ' , ' N ' , ' I ' , ' ' ) ;
cfs - > destformat [ 7 ] = ( intptr_t ) inifileA ;
cfs - > error = L " " ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_TRACKPROGRESS , PBM_SETPOS , 0 , 0 ) ;
wchar_t buf [ 1024 ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchPrintf ( buf , 1024 , L " %s - %s " , t - > ice . artist ? t - > ice . artist : L " " , t - > ice . title ? t - > ice . title : L " " ) ;
SetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_CURRENTTRACK , buf ) ;
if ( SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) cfs , IPC_CONVERTFILEW ) ) break ;
if ( cfs - > error & & * cfs - > error )
delete ( TranscodeItem * ) transcodeQueue . Poll ( ) ;
itemsDone + + ; itemsFailed + + ;
case WM_TRANSCODE_ADD : // update totals, stuff added to queue
SetWindowPos ( hwndDlg , HWND_TOP , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE ) ;
if ( transcoderIdle )
SendMessage ( hwndDlg , WM_TRANSCODE_START , 0 , 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
} // else update UI
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_TOTALPROGRESS , PBM_SETRANGE32 , 0 , totalItems * 100 ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_TOTALPROGRESS , PBM_SETPOS , itemsDone * 100 , 0 ) ;
wchar_t buf [ 100 ] = { 0 } ;
itemsDone - itemsFailed , totalItems - itemsDone , itemsFailed ) ;
SetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_TOTALCAPTION , buf ) ;
break ;
case WM_WA_IPC :
switch ( lParam )
if ( wParam > = 0 & & wParam < = 100 )
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_TOTALPROGRESS , PBM_SETPOS , ( int ) wParam + itemsDone * 100 , 0 ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_TRACKPROGRESS , PBM_SETPOS , ( int ) wParam , 0 ) ;
break ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_TRACKPROGRESS , PBM_SETPOS , 100 , 0 ) ;
TranscodeItem * t = ( TranscodeItem * ) transcodeQueue . Poll ( ) ;
itemsDone + + ;
cfs - > callbackhwnd = NULL ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) cfs , IPC_CONVERTFILEW_END ) ;
copyTags ( & t - > ice , t - > outfile ) ;
AGAVE_API_STATS - > IncrementStat ( api_stats : : TRANSCODE_COUNT ) ;
AGAVE_API_STATS - > SetStat ( api_stats : : TRANSCODE_FORMAT , t - > fourcc ) ;
delete t ;
PostMessage ( hwndDlg , WM_TRANSCODE_START , 0 , 0 ) ;
break ;
break ;
switch ( LOWORD ( wParam ) )
case IDC_ABORT :
transcode_dlgproc ( hwndDlg , WM_TRANSCODE_ABORT , 0 , 0 ) ;
break ;
break ;
case WM_CLOSE :
transcoding = false ;
cfs - > callbackhwnd = NULL ;
if ( ! transcoderIdle ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) cfs , IPC_CONVERTFILEW_END ) ;
TranscodeItem * t ;
while ( ( t = ( TranscodeItem * ) transcodeQueue . Poll ( ) ) ! = NULL )
// prompt to delete incomplete conversions
if ( PathFileExists ( t - > outfile ) )
wchar_t title [ 64 ] = { 0 } , prompt [ 512 ] = { 0 } , file [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
lstrcpyn ( file , t - > outfile , MAX_PATH ) ;
PathStripPath ( file ) ;
StringCchPrintf ( prompt , 512 , WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW ( IDS_REMOVE_PARTIAL_FILE ) , file ) ;
if ( MessageBox ( hwndDlg , prompt ,
DeleteFile ( t - > outfile ) ;
delete t ;
RECT rect = { 0 } ;
GetWindowRect ( hwndDlg , & rect ) ;
wchar_t buf [ 16 ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchPrintf ( buf , 16 , L " %d " , rect . left ) ;
WritePrivateProfileString ( L " transcoder " , L " convert_x " , buf , inifile ) ;
StringCchPrintf ( buf , 16 , L " %d " , rect . top ) ;
WritePrivateProfileString ( L " transcoder " , L " convert_y " , buf , inifile ) ;
EndDialog ( hwndDlg , 0 ) ;
itemsDone = 0 ;
totalItems = 0 ;
itemsFailed = 0 ;
transcoderWnd = NULL ;
transcoding = false ;
transcoderIdle = false ;
free ( cfs ) ;
break ;
return 0 ;
void startTranscoding ( )
if ( transcoding )
totalItems + + ;
SendMessage ( transcoderWnd , WM_TRANSCODE_ADD , 0 , 0 ) ;
transcoding = true ;
totalItems = 1 ;
void addTrackToTranscodeQueue ( const wchar_t * track , unsigned int format , const wchar_t * filepart , const wchar_t * folder )
transcodeQueue . Offer ( new TranscodeItem ( format , folder , filepart , track ) ) ;
startTranscoding ( ) ;
void addTrackToTranscodeQueue ( itemRecordW * track , unsigned int format , const wchar_t * filepart , const wchar_t * folder )
transcodeQueue . Offer ( new TranscodeItem ( format , folder , filepart , track ) ) ;
startTranscoding ( ) ;
static void fourccToString ( unsigned int f , wchar_t * str , int str_len )
char s [ 4 ] = { ( char ) ( f & 0xFF ) , ( char ) ( ( f > > 8 ) & 0xFF ) , ( char ) ( ( f > > 16 ) & 0xFF ) , 0 } ;
StringCchCopy ( str , str_len , AutoWide ( s ) ) ;
CharLower ( str ) ;
wchar_t * GetDefaultSaveToFolder ( wchar_t * path_to_store )
if ( FAILED ( SHGetFolderPath ( NULL , CSIDL_MYMUSIC , NULL , SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT , path_to_store ) ) )
if ( FAILED ( SHGetFolderPath ( NULL , CSIDL_PERSONAL , NULL , SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT , path_to_store ) ) )
// and if that all fails then do a reasonable default
lstrcpyn ( path_to_store , L " C: \\ My Music " , MAX_PATH ) ;
// if there's no valid My Music folder (typically win2k) then default to %my_documents%\my music
PathCombine ( path_to_store , path_to_store , L " My Music " ) ;
return path_to_store ;
DWORD GetPrivateProfileStringUTF8 ( LPCSTR lpAppName , LPCSTR lpKeyName , LPCSTR lpDefault , LPTSTR lpReturnedString , DWORD nSize , LPCSTR lpFileName )
char utf8_text [ 2048 ] = { 0 } ;
GetPrivateProfileStringA ( lpAppName , lpKeyName , lpDefault , utf8_text , 2048 , lpFileName ) ;
return MultiByteToWideCharSZ ( CP_UTF8 , 0 , utf8_text , - 1 , lpReturnedString , nSize ) ;
BOOL WritePrivateProfileStringUTF8 ( LPCSTR lpAppName , LPCSTR lpKeyName , LPCTSTR lpString , LPCSTR lpFileName )
return WritePrivateProfileStringA ( lpAppName , lpKeyName , AutoChar ( lpString , CP_UTF8 ) , lpFileName ) ;
class EncodableFormat
public :
unsigned int fourcc ;
wchar_t * desc ;
EncodableFormat ( unsigned int fourcc , wchar_t * desc ) :
fourcc ( fourcc ) { this - > desc = _wcsdup ( desc ) ; }
~ EncodableFormat ( ) { free ( desc ) ; }
} ;
static void enumProc ( intptr_t user_data , const char * desc , int fourcc ) {
( ( C_ItemList * ) user_data ) - > Add ( new EncodableFormat ( ( unsigned int ) fourcc , AutoWide ( desc ) ) ) ;
static void BuildEncodableFormatsList ( C_ItemList * list , HWND winampWindow , wchar_t * inifile ) {
converterEnumFmtStruct e = { enumProc , ( intptr_t ) list } ;
SendMessage ( winampWindow , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & e , IPC_CONVERT_CONFIG_ENUMFMTS ) ;
unsigned int transcodeGatherSettings ( wchar_t * format , wchar_t * folder , int format_len , HWND parent )
if ( GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " transcoder " , L " showconf " , 1 , inifile ) )
if ( ! transcodeConfig ( parent ) )
return 0 ;
wchar_t tmp [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
GetPrivateProfileStringUTF8 ( " transcoder " , " fileformat " , " <Artist> - <Album> \\ ## - <Title> " , format , 1024 , inifileA ) ;
GetPrivateProfileStringUTF8 ( " transcoder " , " fileroot " , AutoChar ( GetDefaultSaveToFolder ( tmp ) , CP_UTF8 ) , folder , MAX_PATH , inifileA ) ;
unsigned int fourcc = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " transcoder " , L " format " , mmioFOURCC ( ' A ' , ' A ' , ' C ' , ' f ' ) , inifile ) ;
char extA [ 8 ] = " . " ;
convertConfigItem c = { fourcc , " extension " , & extA [ 1 ] , 7 , inifileA } ;
if ( ! SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & c , IPC_CONVERT_CONFIG_GET_ITEM ) )
// if there was an error, see if it's from an invalid fourcc and try to fallback
C_ItemList * formats = new C_ItemList ;
BuildEncodableFormatsList ( formats , plugin . hwndWinampParent , inifile ) ;
bool doFail = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < formats - > GetSize ( ) ; i + + ) {
EncodableFormat * f = ( EncodableFormat * ) formats - > Get ( i ) ;
// if it exists then abort and fail as prior behaviour
if ( f - > fourcc = = fourcc )
doFail = true ;
break ;
if ( ! doFail )
fourcc = mmioFOURCC ( ' A ' , ' A ' , ' C ' , ' f ' ) ;
c . format = fourcc ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & c , IPC_CONVERT_CONFIG_GET_ITEM ) ;
if ( extA [ 1 ] ) StringCchCat ( format , format_len , AutoWide ( extA ) ) ;
wchar_t ext [ 8 ] = L " . " ;
fourccToString ( fourcc , & ext [ 1 ] , 8 ) ;
StringCchCat ( format , format_len , ext ) ;
return fourcc ;
void transcode ( PtrListWCharPtr & filenames , HWND parent )
wchar_t format [ 2048 ] = { 0 } , folder [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
unsigned int fourcc = transcodeGatherSettings ( format , folder , 2048 , parent ) ;
if ( ! fourcc )
return ;
for ( const wchar_t * l_filename : filenames )
addTrackToTranscodeQueue ( l_filename , fourcc , format , folder ) ;
void transcode ( const itemRecordListW * ice , HWND parent )
wchar_t format [ 2048 ] = { 0 } , folder [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
unsigned int fourcc = transcodeGatherSettings ( format , folder , 2048 , parent ) ;
if ( ! fourcc ) return ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ice - > Size ; i + + ) {
addTrackToTranscodeQueue ( & ice - > Items [ i ] , fourcc , format , folder ) ;
static void FreeEncodableFormatsList ( C_ItemList * list ) {
int l = list - > GetSize ( ) ;
while ( - - l > = 0 ) {
delete ( ( EncodableFormat * ) list - > Get ( l ) ) ;
list - > Del ( l ) ;
static void doConfigResizeChild ( HWND parent , HWND child ) {
if ( child ) {
RECT r ;
GetWindowRect ( GetDlgItem ( parent , IDC_ENC_CONFIG ) , & r ) ;
ScreenToClient ( parent , ( LPPOINT ) & r ) ;
SetWindowPos ( child , 0 , r . left , r . top , 0 , 0 , SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER ) ;
ShowWindow ( child , SW_SHOW ) ;
BOOL CALLBACK browseEnumProc ( HWND hwnd , LPARAM lParam )
wchar_t cl [ 32 ] = { 0 } ;
GetClassNameW ( hwnd , cl , ARRAYSIZE ( cl ) ) ;
if ( ! lstrcmpiW ( cl , WC_TREEVIEW ) )
PostMessage ( hwnd , TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE , 0 , ( LPARAM ) TreeView_GetSelection ( hwnd ) ) ;
return FALSE ;
return TRUE ;
int CALLBACK WINAPI BrowseCallbackProc ( HWND hwnd , UINT uMsg , LPARAM lParam , LPARAM lpData )
if ( uMsg = = BFFM_INITIALIZED )
wchar_t buf [ 4096 ] = L " " ;
GetDlgItemText ( ( HWND ) lpData , IDC_ROOTDIR , buf , sizeof ( buf ) / sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ;
SendMessageW ( hwnd , BFFM_SETSELECTIONW , 1 , ( LPARAM ) buf ) ;
// this is not nice but it fixes the selection not working correctly on all OSes
EnumChildWindows ( hwnd , browseEnumProc , 0 ) ;
return 0 ;
static BOOL CALLBACK config_dlgproc ( HWND hwndDlg , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
static C_ItemList * formats ;
static convertConfigStruct * ccs ;
switch ( uMsg )
bool usefn = ! ! GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " transcoder " , L " usefilename " , 0 , inifile ) ;
if ( GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " transcoder " , L " showconf " , 1 , inifile ) ) CheckDlgButton ( hwndDlg , IDC_SHOWEVERY , BST_CHECKED ) ;
if ( usefn ) CheckDlgButton ( hwndDlg , IDC_USE_FILENAME , BST_CHECKED ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_ROOTDIR ) , ! usefn ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_BROWSE ) , ! usefn ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_NAMING ) , ! usefn ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_FORMATHELP ) , ! usefn ) ;
wchar_t buf [ 4096 ] = L " " , tmp [ MAX_PATH ] = L " " ;
GetPrivateProfileStringUTF8 ( " transcoder " , " fileformat " , " <Artist> - <Album> \\ ## - <Title> " , buf , 4096 , inifileA ) ;
SetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_NAMING , buf ) ;
GetPrivateProfileStringUTF8 ( " transcoder " , " fileroot " , AutoChar ( GetDefaultSaveToFolder ( tmp ) , CP_UTF8 ) , buf , 4096 , inifileA ) ;
SetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_ROOTDIR , buf ) ;
formats = new C_ItemList ;
BuildEncodableFormatsList ( formats , plugin . hwndWinampParent , inifile ) ;
ccs = ( convertConfigStruct * ) calloc ( sizeof ( convertConfigStruct ) , 1 ) ;
ccs - > extra_data [ 6 ] = mmioFOURCC ( ' I ' , ' N ' , ' I ' , ' ' ) ;
ccs - > extra_data [ 7 ] = ( int ) inifileA ;
ccs - > hwndParent = hwndDlg ;
ccs - > format = GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " transcoder " , L " format " , mmioFOURCC ( ' A ' , ' A ' , ' C ' , ' f ' ) , inifile ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < formats - > GetSize ( ) ; i + + ) {
EncodableFormat * f = ( EncodableFormat * ) formats - > Get ( i ) ;
int a = SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_ENCFORMAT , CB_ADDSTRING , 0 , ( LPARAM ) f - > desc ) ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_ENCFORMAT , CB_SETITEMDATA , ( WPARAM ) a , ( LPARAM ) f ) ;
if ( f - > fourcc = = ccs - > format )
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_ENCFORMAT , CB_SETCURSEL , ( WPARAM ) a , 0 ) ;
// if there is no selection then force things to the correct default
if ( SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_ENCFORMAT , CB_GETCURSEL , ( WPARAM ) 0 , 0 ) = = CB_ERR ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_ENCFORMAT , CB_GETCOUNT , 0 , 0 ) ; i + + ) {
EncodableFormat * f = ( EncodableFormat * ) SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_ENCFORMAT , CB_GETITEMDATA , ( WPARAM ) i , 0 ) ;
if ( f - > fourcc = = mmioFOURCC ( ' A ' , ' A ' , ' C ' , ' f ' ) ) {
ccs - > format = f - > fourcc ;
SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_ENCFORMAT , CB_SETCURSEL , ( WPARAM ) i , 0 ) ;
break ;
HWND h = ( HWND ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ccs , IPC_CONVERT_CONFIG ) ;
doConfigResizeChild ( hwndDlg , h ) ;
// show config window and restore last position as applicable
POINT pt = { GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " transcoder " , L " showconf_x " , - 1 , inifile ) ,
GetPrivateProfileInt ( L " transcoder " , L " showconf_y " , - 1 , inifile ) } ;
if ( ! windowOffScreen ( hwndDlg , pt ) )
SetWindowPos ( hwndDlg , HWND_TOP , pt . x , pt . y , 0 , 0 , SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING ) ;
break ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ccs , IPC_CONVERT_CONFIG_END ) ;
free ( ccs ) ; ccs = 0 ;
FreeEncodableFormatsList ( formats ) ;
delete formats ; formats = 0 ;
break ;
switch ( LOWORD ( wParam ) )
bool usefn = IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , IDC_USE_FILENAME ) ! = 0 ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_ROOTDIR ) , ! usefn ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_BROWSE ) , ! usefn ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_NAMING ) , ! usefn ) ;
EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwndDlg , IDC_FORMATHELP ) , ! usefn ) ;
break ;
if ( HIWORD ( wParam ) ! = CBN_SELCHANGE ) return 0 ;
int sel = SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_ENCFORMAT , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( sel ! = CB_ERR )
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ccs , IPC_CONVERT_CONFIG_END ) ;
EncodableFormat * f = ( EncodableFormat * ) SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_ENCFORMAT , CB_GETITEMDATA , sel , 0 ) ;
ccs - > format = f - > fourcc ;
HWND h = ( HWND ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) ccs , IPC_CONVERT_CONFIG ) ;
doConfigResizeChild ( hwndDlg , h ) ;
break ;
wchar_t titleStr [ 64 ] = { 0 } ;
break ;
BROWSEINFO bi = { 0 } ;
LPMALLOC lpm = 0 ;
wchar_t bffFileName [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
bi . hwndOwner = hwndDlg ;
bi . pszDisplayName = bffFileName ;
bi . lpfn = BrowseCallbackProc ;
bi . lParam = ( LPARAM ) hwndDlg ;
LPITEMIDLIST iil = SHBrowseForFolder ( & bi ) ;
if ( iil )
SHGetPathFromIDList ( iil , bffFileName ) ;
SHGetMalloc ( & lpm ) ;
lpm - > Free ( iil ) ;
SetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_ROOTDIR , bffFileName ) ;
break ;
case IDOK :
DWORD fourcc = 0 ;
if ( LOWORD ( wParam ) = = IDOK )
wchar_t buf [ 4096 ] = L " " ;
GetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_NAMING , buf , sizeof ( buf ) / sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ;
WritePrivateProfileStringUTF8 ( " transcoder " , " fileformat " , buf , inifileA ) ;
GetDlgItemText ( hwndDlg , IDC_ROOTDIR , buf , sizeof ( buf ) / sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ;
WritePrivateProfileStringUTF8 ( " transcoder " , " fileroot " , buf , inifileA ) ;
WritePrivateProfileString ( L " transcoder " , L " showconf " , IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , IDC_SHOWEVERY ) ? L " 1 " : L " 0 " , inifile ) ;
WritePrivateProfileString ( L " transcoder " , L " usefilename " , IsDlgButtonChecked ( hwndDlg , IDC_USE_FILENAME ) ? L " 1 " : L " 0 " , inifile ) ;
LRESULT esel = SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_ENCFORMAT , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( esel ! = CB_ERR )
LRESULT data = SendDlgItemMessage ( hwndDlg , IDC_ENCFORMAT , CB_GETITEMDATA , esel , 0 ) ;
if ( data ! = CB_ERR )
EncodableFormat * f = ( EncodableFormat * ) data ;
StringCchPrintf ( buf , 4096 , L " %d " , f - > fourcc ) ;
WritePrivateProfileString ( L " transcoder " , L " format " , buf , inifile ) ;
fourcc = f - > fourcc ;
EndDialog ( hwndDlg , ( LOWORD ( wParam ) ? fourcc : 0 ) ) ;
RECT rect = { 0 } ;
GetWindowRect ( hwndDlg , & rect ) ;
wchar_t buf [ 16 ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchPrintf ( buf , 16 , L " %d " , rect . left ) ;
WritePrivateProfileString ( L " transcoder " , L " showconf_x " , buf , inifile ) ;
StringCchPrintf ( buf , 16 , L " %d " , rect . top ) ;
WritePrivateProfileString ( L " transcoder " , L " showconf_y " , buf , inifile ) ;
break ;
break ;
return 0 ;
int transcodeConfig ( HWND parent ) { // returns fourcc
return WASABI_API_DIALOGBOXW ( IDD_TRANSCODE_CONFIG , parent , config_dlgproc ) ;
// metadata shit
extern wchar_t * guessTitles ( const wchar_t * filename , int * tracknum , wchar_t * * artist , wchar_t * * album , wchar_t * * title ) ;
# define atoi_NULLOK(s) ((s)?_wtoi(s):0)
void filenameToItemRecord ( const wchar_t * file , itemRecordW * ice )
int gtrack = 0 ;
wchar_t * gartist = NULL , * galbum = NULL , * gtitle = NULL ;
wchar_t * guessbuf = guessTitles ( file , & gtrack , & gartist , & galbum , & gtitle ) ;
if ( ! gartist ) gartist = L " " ;
if ( ! galbum ) galbum = L " " ;
if ( ! gtitle ) gtitle = L " " ;
wchar_t buf [ 512 ] = { 0 } ;
AGAVE_API_METADATA - > GetExtendedFileInfo ( file , L " title " , buf , 512 ) ;
if ( buf [ 0 ] ) { ice - > title = _wcsdup ( buf ) ; gartist = L " " ; galbum = L " " ; gtrack = - 1 ; }
else ice - > title = _wcsdup ( gtitle ) ;
buf [ 0 ] = 0 ;
AGAVE_API_METADATA - > GetExtendedFileInfo ( file , L " album " , buf , 512 ) ;
if ( buf [ 0 ] ) ice - > album = _wcsdup ( buf ) ;
else ice - > album = _wcsdup ( galbum ) ;
buf [ 0 ] = 0 ;
AGAVE_API_METADATA - > GetExtendedFileInfo ( file , L " artist " , buf , 512 ) ;
if ( buf [ 0 ] ) ice - > artist = _wcsdup ( buf ) ;
else ice - > artist = _wcsdup ( gartist ) ;
buf [ 0 ] = 0 ;
AGAVE_API_METADATA - > GetExtendedFileInfo ( file , L " albumartist " , buf , 512 ) ;
if ( buf [ 0 ] ) ice - > albumartist = _wcsdup ( buf ) ;
else ice - > albumartist = _wcsdup ( ice - > artist ) ;
buf [ 0 ] = 0 ;
AGAVE_API_METADATA - > GetExtendedFileInfo ( file , L " track " , buf , 512 ) ;
if ( buf [ 0 ] ) ice - > track = atoi_NULLOK ( buf ) ;
else ice - > track = gtrack ;
buf [ 0 ] = 0 ;
AGAVE_API_METADATA - > GetExtendedFileInfo ( file , L " genre " , buf , 512 ) ;
ice - > genre = _wcsdup ( buf ) ;
buf [ 0 ] = 0 ;
AGAVE_API_METADATA - > GetExtendedFileInfo ( file , L " comment " , buf , 512 ) ;
ice - > comment = _wcsdup ( buf ) ;
buf [ 0 ] = 0 ;
AGAVE_API_METADATA - > GetExtendedFileInfo ( file , L " year " , buf , 512 ) ;
ice - > year = atoi_NULLOK ( buf ) ;
basicFileInfoStructW b = { 0 } ;
b . filename = const_cast < wchar_t * > ( file ) ; //benski> changed extendedFileInfoStruct but not basicFileInfoStruct, i'll have to do that later so we can get rid of this cast
b . quickCheck = 0 ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & b , IPC_GET_BASIC_FILE_INFOW ) ;
ice - > length = b . length ;
ice - > filename = _wcsdup ( file ) ;
free ( guessbuf ) ;
void copyTags ( const itemRecordW * in , const wchar_t * out )
// check if the old file still exists - if it does, we will let Winamp copy metadata for us
if ( wcscmp ( in - > filename , out ) & & PathFileExists ( in - > filename ) )
copyFileInfoStructW copy ;
copy . dest = out ;
copy . source = in - > filename ;
if ( SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & copy , IPC_COPY_EXTENDED_FILE_INFOW ) = = 0 ) // 0 indicates success here
AGAVE_API_ALBUMART - > CopyAlbumArt ( in - > filename , out ) ;
return ;
wchar_t buf [ 32 ] = { 0 } , file [ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 } ;
StringCchCopy ( file , MAX_PATH , out ) ;
extendedFileInfoStructW e = { 0 } ;
e . filename = file ;
e . metadata = L " album " ;
e . ret = in - > album ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & e , IPC_SET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFOW ) ;
e . metadata = L " artist " ;
e . ret = in - > artist ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & e , IPC_SET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFOW ) ;
e . metadata = L " albumartist " ;
e . ret = in - > albumartist ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & e , IPC_SET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFOW ) ;
e . metadata = L " title " ;
e . ret = in - > title ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & e , IPC_SET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFOW ) ;
e . metadata = L " track " ;
StringCchPrintf ( buf , 32 , L " %d " , in - > track ) ;
e . ret = buf ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & e , IPC_SET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFOW ) ;
e . metadata = L " genre " ;
e . ret = in - > genre ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & e , IPC_SET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFOW ) ;
e . metadata = L " comment " ;
e . ret = in - > comment ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & e , IPC_SET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFOW ) ;
if ( in - > year > 0 )
e . metadata = L " year " ;
StringCchPrintf ( buf , 32 , L " %d " , in - > year ) ;
e . ret = buf ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & e , IPC_SET_EXTENDED_FILE_INFOW ) ;
SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , ( WPARAM ) & e , IPC_WRITE_EXTENDED_FILE_INFO ) ;
extern " C " {
__declspec ( dllexport ) winampMediaLibraryPlugin * winampGetMediaLibraryPlugin ( ) {
return & plugin ;
__declspec ( dllexport ) int winampUninstallPlugin ( HINSTANCE hDllInst , HWND hwndDlg , int param ) {
// prompt to remove our settings with default as no (just incase)
wchar_t title [ 256 ] = { 0 } ;
title , MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 ) = = IDYES )
DeleteFile ( inifile ) ;
// if not transcoding then can remove on the fly (5.37+)
if ( ! IsWindow ( transcoderWnd ) ) {
// otherwise allow for any prompting/full restart removal (default)
} ;
static HWND GetDialogBoxParent ( )
HWND parent = ( HWND ) SendMessage ( plugin . hwndWinampParent , WM_WA_IPC , 0 , IPC_GETDIALOGBOXPARENT ) ;
if ( ! parent | | parent = = ( HWND ) 1 )
return plugin . hwndWinampParent ;
return parent ;