2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
* Moddoc . cpp
* - - - - - - - - - -
* Purpose : Module document handling in OpenMPT .
* Notes : ( currently none )
* Authors : OpenMPT Devs
* The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license . Read LICENSE for more details .
# include "stdafx.h"
# include "Mptrack.h"
# include "Mainfrm.h"
# include "InputHandler.h"
# include "Moddoc.h"
# include "ModDocTemplate.h"
# include "../soundlib/mod_specifications.h"
# include "../soundlib/plugins/PlugInterface.h"
# include "Childfrm.h"
# include "Mpdlgs.h"
# include "dlg_misc.h"
# include "TempoSwingDialog.h"
# include "mod2wave.h"
# include "ChannelManagerDlg.h"
# include "MIDIMacroDialog.h"
# include "MIDIMappingDialog.h"
# include "StreamEncoderAU.h"
# include "StreamEncoderFLAC.h"
# include "StreamEncoderMP3.h"
# include "StreamEncoderOpus.h"
# include "StreamEncoderRAW.h"
# include "StreamEncoderVorbis.h"
# include "StreamEncoderWAV.h"
# include "mod2midi.h"
# include "../common/version.h"
# include "../tracklib/SampleEdit.h"
# include "../soundlib/modsmp_ctrl.h"
# include "CleanupSong.h"
# include "../common/mptStringBuffer.h"
# include "../common/mptFileIO.h"
# include <sstream>
# include "../common/FileReader.h"
# include "FileDialog.h"
# include "ExternalSamples.h"
# include "Globals.h"
# include "../soundlib/OPL.h"
# ifndef NO_PLUGINS
# include "AbstractVstEditor.h"
# endif
# include "mpt/binary/hex.hpp"
# include "mpt/base/numbers.hpp"
# include "mpt/io/io.hpp"
# include "mpt/io/io_stdstream.hpp"
const TCHAR FileFilterMOD [ ] = _T ( " ProTracker Modules (*.mod)|*.mod|| " ) ;
const TCHAR FileFilterXM [ ] = _T ( " FastTracker Modules (*.xm)|*.xm|| " ) ;
const TCHAR FileFilterS3M [ ] = _T ( " Scream Tracker Modules (*.s3m)|*.s3m|| " ) ;
const TCHAR FileFilterIT [ ] = _T ( " Impulse Tracker Modules (*.it)|*.it|| " ) ;
const TCHAR FileFilterMPT [ ] = _T ( " OpenMPT Modules (*.mptm)|*.mptm|| " ) ;
const TCHAR FileFilterNone [ ] = _T ( " " ) ;
const CString ModTypeToFilter ( const CSoundFile & sndFile )
const MODTYPE modtype = sndFile . GetType ( ) ;
switch ( modtype )
case MOD_TYPE_MOD : return FileFilterMOD ;
case MOD_TYPE_XM : return FileFilterXM ;
case MOD_TYPE_S3M : return FileFilterS3M ;
case MOD_TYPE_IT : return FileFilterIT ;
case MOD_TYPE_MPT : return FileFilterMPT ;
default : return FileFilterNone ;
// CModDoc
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP ( CModDoc , CDocument )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_FILE_SAVE_COPY , & CModDoc : : OnSaveCopy )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_FILE_SAVEASTEMPLATE , & CModDoc : : OnSaveTemplateModule )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_FILE_SAVEASWAVE , & CModDoc : : OnFileWaveConvert )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_FILE_SAVEMIDI , & CModDoc : : OnFileMidiConvert )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_FILE_SAVEOPL , & CModDoc : : OnFileOPLExport )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_FILE_SAVECOMPAT , & CModDoc : : OnFileCompatibilitySave )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_FILE_APPENDMODULE , & CModDoc : : OnAppendModule )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_PLAYER_PLAY , & CModDoc : : OnPlayerPlay )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_PLAYER_PAUSE , & CModDoc : : OnPlayerPause )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_PLAYER_STOP , & CModDoc : : OnPlayerStop )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_PLAYER_PLAYFROMSTART , & CModDoc : : OnPlayerPlayFromStart )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_VIEW_SONGPROPERTIES , & CModDoc : : OnSongProperties )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_VIEW_GLOBALS , & CModDoc : : OnEditGlobals )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_VIEW_PATTERNS , & CModDoc : : OnEditPatterns )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_VIEW_SAMPLES , & CModDoc : : OnEditSamples )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_VIEW_INSTRUMENTS , & CModDoc : : OnEditInstruments )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_VIEW_COMMENTS , & CModDoc : : OnEditComments )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_VIEW_EDITHISTORY , & CModDoc : : OnViewEditHistory )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_EDIT_CLEANUP , & CModDoc : : OnShowCleanup )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_EDIT_SAMPLETRIMMER , & CModDoc : : OnShowSampleTrimmer )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_PATTERN_MIDIMACRO , & CModDoc : : OnSetupZxxMacros )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_CHANNEL_MANAGER , & CModDoc : : OnChannelManager )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_ESTIMATESONGLENGTH , & CModDoc : : OnEstimateSongLength )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_APPROX_BPM , & CModDoc : : OnApproximateBPM )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_PATTERN_PLAY , & CModDoc : : OnPatternPlay )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_PATTERN_PLAYNOLOOP , & CModDoc : : OnPatternPlayNoLoop )
ON_COMMAND ( ID_PATTERN_RESTART , & CModDoc : : OnPatternRestart )
ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI ( ID_FILE_SAVECOMPAT , & CModDoc : : OnUpdateCompatExportableOnly )
// CModDoc construction/destruction
CModDoc : : CModDoc ( )
: m_notifyType ( Notification : : Default )
, m_PatternUndo ( * this )
, m_SampleUndo ( * this )
, m_InstrumentUndo ( * this )
// Set the creation date of this file (or the load time if we're loading an existing file)
time ( & m_creationTime ) ;
ReinitRecordState ( ) ;
CMainFrame : : UpdateAudioParameters ( m_SndFile , true ) ;
CModDoc : : ~ CModDoc ( )
ClearLog ( ) ;
void CModDoc : : SetModified ( bool modified )
static_assert ( sizeof ( long ) = = sizeof ( m_bModified ) ) ;
m_modifiedAutosave = modified ;
if ( ! ! InterlockedExchange ( reinterpret_cast < long * > ( & m_bModified ) , modified ? TRUE : FALSE ) ! = modified )
// Update window titles in GUI thread
CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) - > SendNotifyMessage ( WM_MOD_SETMODIFIED , reinterpret_cast < WPARAM > ( this ) , 0 ) ;
// Return "modified since last autosave" status and reset it until the next SetModified() (as this is only used for polling during autosave)
bool CModDoc : : ModifiedSinceLastAutosave ( )
return m_modifiedAutosave . exchange ( false ) ;
BOOL CModDoc : : OnNewDocument ( )
if ( ! CDocument : : OnNewDocument ( ) ) return FALSE ;
m_SndFile . Create ( FileReader ( ) , CSoundFile : : loadCompleteModule , this ) ;
m_SndFile . ChangeModTypeTo ( CTrackApp : : GetDefaultDocType ( ) ) ;
theApp . GetDefaultMidiMacro ( m_SndFile . m_MidiCfg ) ;
m_SndFile . m_SongFlags . set ( ( SONG_LINEARSLIDES | SONG_ISAMIGA ) & m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) . songFlags ) ;
ReinitRecordState ( ) ;
InitializeMod ( ) ;
SetModified ( false ) ;
return TRUE ;
BOOL CModDoc : : OnOpenDocument ( LPCTSTR lpszPathName )
const mpt : : PathString filename = lpszPathName ? mpt : : PathString : : FromCString ( lpszPathName ) : mpt : : PathString ( ) ;
ScopedLogCapturer logcapturer ( * this ) ;
if ( filename . empty ( ) ) return OnNewDocument ( ) ;
BeginWaitCursor ( ) ;
MPT_LOG_GLOBAL ( LogDebug , " Loader " , U_ ( " Open... " ) ) ;
InputFile f ( filename , TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . MiscCacheCompleteFileBeforeLoading ) ;
if ( f . IsValid ( ) )
FileReader file = GetFileReader ( f ) ;
MPT_ASSERT ( GetPathNameMpt ( ) . empty ( ) ) ;
SetPathName ( filename , FALSE ) ; // Path is not set yet, but loaders processing external samples/instruments (ITP/MPTM) need this for relative paths.
if ( ! m_SndFile . Create ( file , CSoundFile : : loadCompleteModule , this ) )
EndWaitCursor ( ) ;
return FALSE ;
} catch ( mpt : : out_of_memory e )
mpt : : delete_out_of_memory ( e ) ;
EndWaitCursor ( ) ;
AddToLog ( LogError , U_ ( " Out of Memory " ) ) ;
return FALSE ;
} catch ( const std : : exception & )
EndWaitCursor ( ) ;
return FALSE ;
MPT_LOG_GLOBAL ( LogDebug , " Loader " , U_ ( " Open. " ) ) ;
EndWaitCursor ( ) ;
logcapturer . ShowLog (
MPT_CFORMAT ( " File: {} \n Last saved with: {}, you are using OpenMPT {} \n \n " )
( filename , m_SndFile . m_modFormat . madeWithTracker , Version : : Current ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ( m_SndFile . m_nType = = MOD_TYPE_NONE ) | | ( ! m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ) )
return FALSE ;
const bool noColors = std : : find_if ( std : : begin ( m_SndFile . ChnSettings ) , std : : begin ( m_SndFile . ChnSettings ) + GetNumChannels ( ) , [ ] ( const auto & settings ) {
return settings . color ! = ModChannelSettings : : INVALID_COLOR ;
} ) = = std : : begin ( m_SndFile . ChnSettings ) + GetNumChannels ( ) ;
if ( noColors )
SetDefaultChannelColors ( ) ;
// Convert to MOD/S3M/XM/IT
switch ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) )
case MOD_TYPE_S3M :
case MOD_TYPE_XM :
case MOD_TYPE_IT :
break ;
default :
m_SndFile . ChangeModTypeTo ( m_SndFile . GetBestSaveFormat ( ) , false ) ;
m_SndFile . m_SongFlags . set ( SONG_IMPORTED ) ;
break ;
// If the file was packed in some kind of container (e.g. ZIP, or simply a format like MO3), prompt for new file extension as well
// Same if MOD_TYPE_XXX does not indicate actual song format
if ( m_SndFile . GetContainerType ( ) ! = MOD_CONTAINERTYPE_NONE | | m_SndFile . m_SongFlags [ SONG_IMPORTED ] )
m_ShowSavedialog = true ;
ReinitRecordState ( ) ;
if ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . rememberSongWindows )
DeserializeViews ( ) ;
// This is only needed when opening a module with stored window positions.
// The MDI child is activated before it has an active view and thus there is no CModDoc associated with it.
CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) - > UpdateEffectKeys ( this ) ;
auto instance = CChannelManagerDlg : : sharedInstance ( ) ;
if ( instance ! = nullptr )
instance - > SetDocument ( this ) ;
// Show warning if file was made with more recent version of OpenMPT except
if ( m_SndFile . m_dwLastSavedWithVersion . WithoutTestNumber ( ) > Version : : Current ( ) )
Reporting : : Notification ( MPT_UFORMAT ( " Warning: this song was last saved with a more recent version of OpenMPT. \r \n Song saved with: v{}. Current version: v{}. \r \n " ) (
m_SndFile . m_dwLastSavedWithVersion ,
Version : : Current ( ) ) ) ;
SetModified ( false ) ;
m_bHasValidPath = true ;
// Check if there are any missing samples, and if there are, show a dialog to relocate them.
for ( SAMPLEINDEX smp = 1 ; smp < = GetNumSamples ( ) ; smp + + )
if ( m_SndFile . IsExternalSampleMissing ( smp ) )
MissingExternalSamplesDlg dlg ( * this , CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ) ;
dlg . DoModal ( ) ;
break ;
return TRUE ;
bool CModDoc : : OnSaveDocument ( const mpt : : PathString & filename , const bool setPath )
ScopedLogCapturer logcapturer ( * this ) ;
if ( filename . empty ( ) )
return false ;
bool ok = false ;
BeginWaitCursor ( ) ;
m_SndFile . m_dwLastSavedWithVersion = Version : : Current ( ) ;
mpt : : SafeOutputFile sf ( filename , std : : ios : : binary , mpt : : FlushModeFromBool ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . MiscFlushFileBuffersOnSave ) ) ;
mpt : : ofstream & f = sf ;
if ( f )
if ( m_SndFile . m_SongFlags [ SONG_IMPORTED ] & & ! ( GetModType ( ) & ( MOD_TYPE_MOD | MOD_TYPE_S3M ) ) )
// Check if any non-supported playback behaviours are enabled due to being imported from a different format
const auto supportedBehaviours = m_SndFile . GetSupportedPlaybackBehaviour ( GetModType ( ) ) ;
bool showWarning = true ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < kMaxPlayBehaviours ; i + + )
if ( m_SndFile . m_playBehaviour [ i ] & & ! supportedBehaviours [ i ] )
if ( showWarning )
AddToLog ( LogWarning , mpt : : ToUnicode ( mpt : : Charset : : ASCII , MPT_AFORMAT ( " Some imported Compatibility Settings that are not supported by the {} format have been disabled. Verify that the module still sounds as intended. " )
( mpt : : ToUpperCaseAscii ( m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) . fileExtension ) ) ) ) ;
showWarning = false ;
m_SndFile . m_playBehaviour . reset ( i ) ;
f . exceptions ( f . exceptions ( ) | std : : ios : : badbit | std : : ios : : failbit ) ;
FixNullStrings ( ) ;
switch ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) )
case MOD_TYPE_MOD : ok = m_SndFile . SaveMod ( f ) ; break ;
case MOD_TYPE_S3M : ok = m_SndFile . SaveS3M ( f ) ; break ;
case MOD_TYPE_XM : ok = m_SndFile . SaveXM ( f ) ; break ;
case MOD_TYPE_IT : ok = m_SndFile . SaveIT ( f , filename ) ; break ;
case MOD_TYPE_MPT : ok = m_SndFile . SaveIT ( f , filename ) ; break ;
} catch ( const std : : exception & )
ok = false ;
EndWaitCursor ( ) ;
if ( ok )
if ( setPath )
// Set new path for this file, unless we are saving a template or a copy, in which case we want to keep the old file path.
SetPathName ( filename ) ;
logcapturer . ShowLog ( true ) ;
if ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . rememberSongWindows )
SerializeViews ( ) ;
} else
ErrorBox ( IDS_ERR_SAVESONG , CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ) ;
return ok ;
BOOL CModDoc : : SaveModified ( )
if ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) = = MOD_TYPE_MPT & & ! SaveAllSamples ( ) )
return FALSE ;
return CDocument : : SaveModified ( ) ;
bool CModDoc : : SaveAllSamples ( bool showPrompt )
if ( showPrompt )
ModifiedExternalSamplesDlg dlg ( * this , CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ) ;
return dlg . DoModal ( ) = = IDOK ;
} else
bool ok = true ;
for ( SAMPLEINDEX smp = 1 ; smp < = GetNumSamples ( ) ; smp + + )
ok & = SaveSample ( smp ) ;
return ok ;
bool CModDoc : : SaveSample ( SAMPLEINDEX smp )
bool success = false ;
if ( smp > 0 & & smp < = GetNumSamples ( ) )
const mpt : : PathString filename = m_SndFile . GetSamplePath ( smp ) ;
if ( ! filename . empty ( ) )
auto & sample = m_SndFile . GetSample ( smp ) ;
const auto ext = filename . GetFileExt ( ) . ToUnicode ( ) . substr ( 1 ) ;
const auto format = FromSettingValue < SampleEditorDefaultFormat > ( ext ) ;
mpt : : SafeOutputFile sf ( filename , std : : ios : : binary , mpt : : FlushModeFromBool ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . MiscFlushFileBuffersOnSave ) ) ;
if ( sf )
mpt : : ofstream & f = sf ;
f . exceptions ( f . exceptions ( ) | std : : ios : : badbit | std : : ios : : failbit ) ;
if ( sample . uFlags [ CHN_ADLIB ] | | format = = dfS3I )
success = m_SndFile . SaveS3ISample ( smp , f ) ;
else if ( format ! = dfWAV )
success = m_SndFile . SaveFLACSample ( smp , f ) ;
success = m_SndFile . SaveWAVSample ( smp , f ) ;
} catch ( const std : : exception & )
success = false ;
if ( success )
sample . uFlags . reset ( SMP_MODIFIED ) ;
AddToLog ( LogError , MPT_UFORMAT ( " Unable to save sample {}: {} " ) ( smp , filename ) ) ;
return success ;
void CModDoc : : OnCloseDocument ( )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( pMainFrm ) pMainFrm - > OnDocumentClosed ( this ) ;
CDocument : : OnCloseDocument ( ) ;
void CModDoc : : DeleteContents ( )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( pMainFrm ) pMainFrm - > StopMod ( this ) ;
m_SndFile . Destroy ( ) ;
ReinitRecordState ( ) ;
BOOL CModDoc : : DoSave ( const mpt : : PathString & filename , bool setPath )
const mpt : : PathString docFileName = GetPathNameMpt ( ) ;
const std : : string defaultExtension = m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) . fileExtension ;
switch ( m_SndFile . GetBestSaveFormat ( ) )
MsgBoxHidable ( ModSaveHint ) ;
break ;
case MOD_TYPE_S3M :
break ;
case MOD_TYPE_XM :
MsgBoxHidable ( XMCompatibilityExportTip ) ;
break ;
case MOD_TYPE_IT :
MsgBoxHidable ( ItCompatibilityExportTip ) ;
break ;
break ;
default :
ErrorBox ( IDS_ERR_SAVESONG , CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ) ;
return FALSE ;
mpt : : PathString ext = P_ ( " . " ) + mpt : : PathString : : FromUTF8 ( defaultExtension ) ;
mpt : : PathString saveFileName ;
if ( filename . empty ( ) | | m_ShowSavedialog )
mpt : : PathString drive = docFileName . GetDrive ( ) ;
mpt : : PathString dir = docFileName . GetDir ( ) ;
mpt : : PathString fileName = docFileName . GetFileName ( ) ;
if ( fileName . empty ( ) )
fileName = mpt : : PathString : : FromCString ( GetTitle ( ) ) . SanitizeComponent ( ) ;
mpt : : PathString defaultSaveName = drive + dir + fileName + ext ;
FileDialog dlg = SaveFileDialog ( )
. DefaultExtension ( defaultExtension )
. DefaultFilename ( defaultSaveName )
. ExtensionFilter ( ModTypeToFilter ( m_SndFile ) )
. WorkingDirectory ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . PathSongs . GetWorkingDir ( ) ) ;
if ( ! dlg . Show ( ) ) return FALSE ;
TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . PathSongs . SetWorkingDir ( dlg . GetWorkingDirectory ( ) ) ;
saveFileName = dlg . GetFirstFile ( ) ;
} else
saveFileName = filename ;
// Do we need to create a backup file ?
if ( ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . CreateBackupFiles )
& & ( IsModified ( ) ) & & ( ! mpt : : PathString : : CompareNoCase ( saveFileName , docFileName ) ) )
if ( saveFileName . IsFile ( ) )
mpt : : PathString backupFileName = saveFileName . ReplaceExt ( P_ ( " .bak " ) ) ;
if ( backupFileName . IsFile ( ) )
DeleteFile ( backupFileName . AsNative ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
MoveFile ( saveFileName . AsNative ( ) . c_str ( ) , backupFileName . AsNative ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( OnSaveDocument ( saveFileName , setPath ) )
SetModified ( false ) ;
m_SndFile . m_SongFlags . reset ( SONG_IMPORTED ) ;
m_bHasValidPath = true ;
m_ShowSavedialog = false ;
CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) - > UpdateTree ( this , GeneralHint ( ) . General ( ) ) ; // Update treeview (e.g. filename might have changed)
return TRUE ;
} else
return FALSE ;
void CModDoc : : OnAppendModule ( )
FileDialog : : PathList files ;
CTrackApp : : OpenModulesDialog ( files ) ;
ScopedLogCapturer logcapture ( * this , _T ( " Append Failures " ) ) ;
auto source = std : : make_unique < CSoundFile > ( ) ;
for ( const auto & file : files )
InputFile f ( file , TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . MiscCacheCompleteFileBeforeLoading ) ;
if ( ! f . IsValid ( ) )
AddToLog ( " Unable to open source file! " ) ;
continue ;
if ( ! source - > Create ( GetFileReader ( f ) , CSoundFile : : loadCompleteModule ) )
AddToLog ( " Unable to open source file! " ) ;
continue ;
} catch ( const std : : exception & )
AddToLog ( " Unable to open source file! " ) ;
continue ;
AppendModule ( * source ) ;
source - > Destroy ( ) ;
SetModified ( ) ;
} catch ( mpt : : out_of_memory e )
mpt : : delete_out_of_memory ( e ) ;
AddToLog ( " Out of memory. " ) ;
return ;
UpdateAllViews ( nullptr , SequenceHint ( ) . Data ( ) . ModType ( ) ) ;
void CModDoc : : InitializeMod ( )
// New module ?
if ( ! m_SndFile . m_nChannels )
switch ( GetModType ( ) )
m_SndFile . m_nChannels = 4 ;
break ;
case MOD_TYPE_S3M :
m_SndFile . m_nChannels = 16 ;
break ;
default :
m_SndFile . m_nChannels = 32 ;
break ;
SetDefaultChannelColors ( ) ;
if ( GetModType ( ) = = MOD_TYPE_MPT )
m_SndFile . m_nTempoMode = TempoMode : : Modern ;
m_SndFile . m_SongFlags . set ( SONG_EXFILTERRANGE ) ;
m_SndFile . SetDefaultPlaybackBehaviour ( GetModType ( ) ) ;
// Refresh mix levels now that the correct mod type has been set
m_SndFile . SetMixLevels ( m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) . defaultMixLevels ) ;
m_SndFile . Order ( ) . assign ( 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( ! m_SndFile . Patterns . IsValidPat ( 0 ) )
m_SndFile . Patterns . Insert ( 0 , 64 ) ;
Clear ( m_SndFile . m_szNames ) ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicTempo . Set ( 125 ) ;
m_SndFile . m_nDefaultTempo . Set ( 125 ) ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicSpeed = m_SndFile . m_nDefaultSpeed = 6 ;
// Set up mix levels
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nGlobalVolume = m_SndFile . m_nDefaultGlobalVolume = MAX_GLOBAL_VOLUME ;
m_SndFile . m_nSamplePreAmp = m_SndFile . m_nVSTiVolume = 48 ;
for ( CHANNELINDEX nChn = 0 ; nChn < MAX_BASECHANNELS ; nChn + + )
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . dwFlags . reset ( ) ;
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . nVolume = 64 ;
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . nPan = 128 ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ nChn ] . nGlobalVol = 64 ;
// Setup LRRL panning scheme for MODs
m_SndFile . SetupMODPanning ( ) ;
if ( ! m_SndFile . m_nSamples )
m_SndFile . m_szNames [ 1 ] = " untitled " ;
m_SndFile . m_nSamples = ( GetModType ( ) = = MOD_TYPE_MOD ) ? 31 : 1 ;
SampleEdit : : ResetSamples ( m_SndFile , SampleEdit : : SmpResetInit ) ;
m_SndFile . GetSample ( 1 ) . Initialize ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) ) ;
if ( ( ! m_SndFile . m_nInstruments ) & & ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) & MOD_TYPE_XM ) )
if ( m_SndFile . AllocateInstrument ( 1 , 1 ) )
m_SndFile . m_nInstruments = 1 ;
InitializeInstrument ( m_SndFile . Instruments [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) & ( MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT | MOD_TYPE_XM ) )
m_SndFile . m_SongFlags . set ( SONG_LINEARSLIDES ) ;
m_SndFile . ResetPlayPos ( ) ;
m_SndFile . m_songArtist = TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . defaultArtist ;
bool CModDoc : : SetDefaultChannelColors ( CHANNELINDEX minChannel , CHANNELINDEX maxChannel )
LimitMax ( minChannel , GetNumChannels ( ) ) ;
LimitMax ( maxChannel , GetNumChannels ( ) ) ;
if ( maxChannel < minChannel )
std : : swap ( minChannel , maxChannel ) ;
bool modified = false ;
if ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . defaultRainbowChannelColors ! = DefaultChannelColors : : NoColors )
const bool rainbow = TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . defaultRainbowChannelColors = = DefaultChannelColors : : Rainbow ;
CHANNELINDEX numGroups = 0 ;
if ( rainbow )
for ( CHANNELINDEX i = minChannel + 1u ; i < maxChannel ; i + + )
if ( m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . szName . empty ( ) | | m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . szName ! = m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i - 1 ] . szName )
numGroups + + ;
const double hueFactor = rainbow ? ( 1.5 * mpt : : numbers : : pi ) / std : : max ( 1 , numGroups - 1 ) : 1000.0 ; // Three quarters of the color wheel, red to purple
for ( CHANNELINDEX i = minChannel , group = minChannel ; i < maxChannel ; i + + )
if ( i > minChannel & & ( m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . szName . empty ( ) | | m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . szName ! = m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i - 1 ] . szName ) )
group + + ;
const double hue = group * hueFactor ; // 0...2pi
const double saturation = 0.3 ; // 0...2/3
const double brightness = 1.2 ; // 0...4/3
const double r = brightness * ( 1 + saturation * ( std : : cos ( hue ) - 1.0 ) ) ;
const double g = brightness * ( 1 + saturation * ( std : : cos ( hue - 2.09439 ) - 1.0 ) ) ;
const double b = brightness * ( 1 + saturation * ( std : : cos ( hue + 2.09439 ) - 1.0 ) ) ;
const auto color = RGB ( mpt : : saturate_round < uint8 > ( r * 255 ) , mpt : : saturate_round < uint8 > ( g * 255 ) , mpt : : saturate_round < uint8 > ( b * 255 ) ) ;
if ( m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . color ! = color )
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . color = color ;
modified = true ;
} else
for ( CHANNELINDEX i = minChannel ; i < maxChannel ; i + + )
if ( m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . color ! = ModChannelSettings : : INVALID_COLOR )
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . color = ModChannelSettings : : INVALID_COLOR ;
modified = true ;
return modified ;
void CModDoc : : PostMessageToAllViews ( UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition ( ) ;
while ( pos ! = nullptr )
if ( CView * pView = GetNextView ( pos ) ; pView ! = nullptr )
pView - > PostMessage ( uMsg , wParam , lParam ) ;
void CModDoc : : SendNotifyMessageToAllViews ( UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition ( ) ;
while ( pos ! = nullptr )
if ( CView * pView = GetNextView ( pos ) ; pView ! = nullptr )
pView - > SendNotifyMessage ( uMsg , wParam , lParam ) ;
void CModDoc : : SendMessageToActiveView ( UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
if ( auto * lastActiveFrame = CChildFrame : : LastActiveFrame ( ) ; lastActiveFrame ! = nullptr )
lastActiveFrame - > SendMessageToDescendants ( uMsg , wParam , lParam ) ;
void CModDoc : : ViewPattern ( UINT nPat , UINT nOrd )
SendMessageToActiveView ( WM_MOD_ACTIVATEVIEW , IDD_CONTROL_PATTERNS , ( ( nPat + 1 ) < < 16 ) | nOrd ) ;
void CModDoc : : ViewSample ( UINT nSmp )
void CModDoc : : ViewInstrument ( UINT nIns )
ScopedLogCapturer : : ScopedLogCapturer ( CModDoc & modDoc , const CString & title , CWnd * parent , bool showLog ) :
m_modDoc ( modDoc ) , m_oldLogMode ( m_modDoc . GetLogMode ( ) ) , m_title ( title ) , m_pParent ( parent ) , m_showLog ( showLog )
m_modDoc . SetLogMode ( LogModeGather ) ;
void ScopedLogCapturer : : ShowLog ( bool force )
if ( force | | m_oldLogMode = = LogModeInstantReporting )
m_modDoc . ShowLog ( m_title , m_pParent ) ;
m_modDoc . ClearLog ( ) ;
void ScopedLogCapturer : : ShowLog ( const std : : string & preamble , bool force )
if ( force | | m_oldLogMode = = LogModeInstantReporting )
m_modDoc . ShowLog ( mpt : : ToCString ( mpt : : Charset : : Locale , preamble ) , m_title , m_pParent ) ;
m_modDoc . ClearLog ( ) ;
void ScopedLogCapturer : : ShowLog ( const CString & preamble , bool force )
if ( force | | m_oldLogMode = = LogModeInstantReporting )
m_modDoc . ShowLog ( preamble , m_title , m_pParent ) ;
m_modDoc . ClearLog ( ) ;
void ScopedLogCapturer : : ShowLog ( const mpt : : ustring & preamble , bool force )
if ( force | | m_oldLogMode = = LogModeInstantReporting )
m_modDoc . ShowLog ( mpt : : ToCString ( preamble ) , m_title , m_pParent ) ;
m_modDoc . ClearLog ( ) ;
ScopedLogCapturer : : ~ ScopedLogCapturer ( )
if ( m_showLog )
ShowLog ( ) ;
m_modDoc . ClearLog ( ) ;
m_modDoc . SetLogMode ( m_oldLogMode ) ;
void CModDoc : : AddToLog ( LogLevel level , const mpt : : ustring & text ) const
if ( m_LogMode = = LogModeGather )
m_Log . push_back ( LogEntry ( level , text ) ) ;
} else
if ( level < LogDebug )
Reporting : : Message ( level , text ) ;
mpt : : ustring CModDoc : : GetLogString ( ) const
mpt : : ustring ret ;
for ( const auto & i : m_Log )
ret + = i . message ;
ret + = U_ ( " \r \n " ) ;
return ret ;
LogLevel CModDoc : : GetMaxLogLevel ( ) const
LogLevel retval = LogInformation ;
// find the most severe loglevel
for ( const auto & i : m_Log )
retval = std : : min ( retval , i . level ) ;
return retval ;
void CModDoc : : ClearLog ( )
m_Log . clear ( ) ;
UINT CModDoc : : ShowLog ( const CString & preamble , const CString & title , CWnd * parent )
if ( ! parent ) parent = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( GetLog ( ) . size ( ) > 0 )
LogLevel level = GetMaxLogLevel ( ) ;
if ( level < LogDebug )
CString text = preamble + mpt : : ToCString ( GetLogString ( ) ) ;
CString actualTitle = ( title . GetLength ( ) = = 0 ) ? CString ( MAINFRAME_TITLE ) : title ;
Reporting : : Message ( level , text , actualTitle , parent ) ;
return IDOK ;
return IDCANCEL ;
void CModDoc : : ProcessMIDI ( uint32 midiData , INSTRUMENTINDEX ins , IMixPlugin * plugin , InputTargetContext ctx )
static uint8 midiVolume = 127 ;
MIDIEvents : : EventType event = MIDIEvents : : GetTypeFromEvent ( midiData ) ;
const uint8 channel = MIDIEvents : : GetChannelFromEvent ( midiData ) ;
const uint8 midiByte1 = MIDIEvents : : GetDataByte1FromEvent ( midiData ) ;
const uint8 midiByte2 = MIDIEvents : : GetDataByte2FromEvent ( midiData ) ;
uint8 note = midiByte1 + NOTE_MIN ;
int vol = midiByte2 ;
if ( ( event = = MIDIEvents : : evNoteOn ) & & ! vol )
event = MIDIEvents : : evNoteOff ; //Convert event to note-off if req'd
PLUGINDEX mappedIndex = 0 ;
PlugParamIndex paramIndex = 0 ;
uint16 paramValue = 0 ;
bool captured = m_SndFile . GetMIDIMapper ( ) . OnMIDImsg ( midiData , mappedIndex , paramIndex , paramValue ) ;
// Handle MIDI messages assigned to shortcuts
CInputHandler * ih = CMainFrame : : GetInputHandler ( ) ;
if ( ih - > HandleMIDIMessage ( ctx , midiData ) ! = kcNull
| | ih - > HandleMIDIMessage ( kCtxAllContexts , midiData ) ! = kcNull )
// Mapped to a command, no need to pass message on.
captured = true ;
if ( captured )
// Event captured by MIDI mapping or shortcut, no need to pass message on.
return ;
switch ( event )
case MIDIEvents : : evNoteOff :
if ( m_midiSustainActive [ channel ] )
m_midiSustainBuffer [ channel ] . push_back ( midiData ) ;
return ;
if ( ins > 0 & & ins < = GetNumInstruments ( ) )
LimitMax ( note , NOTE_MAX ) ;
if ( m_midiPlayingNotes [ channel ] [ note ] )
m_midiPlayingNotes [ channel ] [ note ] = false ;
NoteOff ( note , false , ins , m_noteChannel [ note - NOTE_MIN ] ) ;
return ;
} else if ( plugin ! = nullptr )
plugin - > MidiSend ( midiData ) ;
break ;
case MIDIEvents : : evNoteOn :
if ( ins > 0 & & ins < = GetNumInstruments ( ) )
LimitMax ( note , NOTE_MAX ) ;
vol = CMainFrame : : ApplyVolumeRelatedSettings ( midiData , midiVolume ) ;
PlayNote ( PlayNoteParam ( note ) . Instrument ( ins ) . Volume ( vol ) . CheckNNA ( m_midiPlayingNotes [ channel ] ) , & m_noteChannel ) ;
return ;
} else if ( plugin ! = nullptr )
plugin - > MidiSend ( midiData ) ;
break ;
case MIDIEvents : : evControllerChange :
switch ( midiByte1 )
case MIDIEvents : : MIDICC_Volume_Coarse :
midiVolume = midiByte2 ;
break ;
case MIDIEvents : : MIDICC_HoldPedal_OnOff :
m_midiSustainActive [ channel ] = ( midiByte2 > = 0x40 ) ;
if ( ! m_midiSustainActive [ channel ] )
// Release all notes
for ( const auto offEvent : m_midiSustainBuffer [ channel ] )
ProcessMIDI ( offEvent , ins , plugin , ctx ) ;
m_midiSustainBuffer [ channel ] . clear ( ) ;
break ;
break ;
if ( ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . m_dwMidiSetup & MIDISETUP_MIDITOPLUG ) & & CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) - > GetModPlaying ( ) = = this & & plugin ! = nullptr )
plugin - > MidiSend ( midiData ) ;
// Sending midi may modify the plug. For now, if MIDI data is not active sensing or aftertouch messages, set modified.
if ( midiData ! = MIDIEvents : : System ( MIDIEvents : : sysActiveSense )
& & event ! = MIDIEvents : : evPolyAftertouch & & event ! = MIDIEvents : : evChannelAftertouch
& & event ! = MIDIEvents : : evPitchBend
& & m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) . supportsPlugins )
SetModified ( ) ;
CHANNELINDEX CModDoc : : PlayNote ( PlayNoteParam & params , NoteToChannelMap * noteChannel )
CHANNELINDEX channel = GetNumChannels ( ) ;
ModCommand : : NOTE note = params . m_note ;
if ( ModCommand : : IsNote ( ModCommand : : NOTE ( note ) ) )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( pMainFrm = = nullptr | | note = = NOTE_NONE ) return CHANNELINDEX_INVALID ;
if ( pMainFrm - > GetModPlaying ( ) ! = this )
// All notes off when resuming paused playback
m_SndFile . ResetChannels ( ) ;
m_SndFile . m_SongFlags . set ( SONG_PAUSED ) ;
pMainFrm - > PlayMod ( this ) ;
CriticalSection cs ;
if ( params . m_notesPlaying )
CheckNNA ( note , params . m_instr , * params . m_notesPlaying ) ;
// Find a channel to play on
channel = FindAvailableChannel ( ) ;
ModChannel & chn = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ channel ] ;
// reset channel properties; in theory the chan is completely unused anyway.
chn . Reset ( ModChannel : : resetTotal , m_SndFile , CHANNELINDEX_INVALID , CHN_MUTE ) ;
chn . nNewNote = chn . nLastNote = static_cast < uint8 > ( note ) ;
chn . nVolume = 256 ;
if ( params . m_instr )
// Set instrument (or sample if there are no instruments)
chn . ResetEnvelopes ( ) ;
m_SndFile . InstrumentChange ( chn , params . m_instr ) ;
} else if ( params . m_sample > 0 & & params . m_sample < = GetNumSamples ( ) ) // Or set sample explicitely
ModSample & sample = m_SndFile . GetSample ( params . m_sample ) ;
chn . pCurrentSample = sample . samplev ( ) ;
chn . pModInstrument = nullptr ;
chn . pModSample = & sample ;
chn . nFineTune = sample . nFineTune ;
chn . nC5Speed = sample . nC5Speed ;
chn . nLoopStart = sample . nLoopStart ;
chn . nLoopEnd = sample . nLoopEnd ;
chn . dwFlags = ( sample . uFlags & ( CHN_SAMPLEFLAGS & ~ CHN_MUTE ) ) ;
chn . nPan = 128 ;
if ( sample . uFlags [ CHN_PANNING ] ) chn . nPan = sample . nPan ;
chn . UpdateInstrumentVolume ( & sample , nullptr ) ;
chn . nFadeOutVol = 0x10000 ;
chn . isPreviewNote = true ;
if ( params . m_currentChannel ! = CHANNELINDEX_INVALID )
chn . nMasterChn = params . m_currentChannel + 1 ;
chn . nMasterChn = 0 ;
if ( chn . dwFlags [ CHN_ADLIB ] & & chn . pModSample & & m_SndFile . m_opl )
m_SndFile . m_opl - > Patch ( channel , chn . pModSample - > adlib ) ;
m_SndFile . NoteChange ( chn , note , false , true , true , channel ) ;
if ( params . m_volume > = 0 ) chn . nVolume = std : : min ( params . m_volume , 256 ) ;
// Handle sample looping.
// Changed line to fix http://forum.openmpt.org/index.php?topic=1700.0
//if ((loopstart + 16 < loopend) && (loopstart >= 0) && (loopend <= (LONG)pchn.nLength))
if ( ( params . m_loopStart + 16 < params . m_loopEnd ) & & ( params . m_loopStart > = 0 ) & & ( chn . pModSample ! = nullptr ) )
chn . position . Set ( params . m_loopStart ) ;
chn . nLoopStart = params . m_loopStart ;
chn . nLoopEnd = params . m_loopEnd ;
chn . nLength = std : : min ( params . m_loopEnd , chn . pModSample - > nLength ) ;
// Handle extra-loud flag
chn . dwFlags . set ( CHN_EXTRALOUD , ! ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_NOEXTRALOUD ) & & params . m_sample ) ;
// Handle custom start position
if ( params . m_sampleOffset > 0 & & chn . pModSample )
chn . position . Set ( params . m_sampleOffset ) ;
// If start position is after loop end, set loop end to sample end so that the sample starts
// playing.
if ( chn . nLoopEnd < params . m_sampleOffset )
chn . nLength = chn . nLoopEnd = chn . pModSample - > nLength ;
// VSTi preview
if ( params . m_instr > 0 & & params . m_instr < = m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) )
const ModInstrument * pIns = m_SndFile . Instruments [ params . m_instr ] ;
if ( pIns & & pIns - > HasValidMIDIChannel ( ) ) // instro sends to a midi chan
PLUGINDEX nPlugin = 0 ;
if ( chn . pModInstrument )
nPlugin = chn . pModInstrument - > nMixPlug ; // First try instrument plugin
if ( ( ! nPlugin | | nPlugin > MAX_MIXPLUGINS ) & & params . m_currentChannel ! = CHANNELINDEX_INVALID )
nPlugin = m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ params . m_currentChannel ] . nMixPlugin ; // Then try channel plugin
if ( ( nPlugin ) & & ( nPlugin < = MAX_MIXPLUGINS ) )
IMixPlugin * pPlugin = m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ nPlugin - 1 ] . pMixPlugin ;
if ( pPlugin ! = nullptr )
pPlugin - > MidiCommand ( * pIns , pIns - > NoteMap [ note - NOTE_MIN ] , static_cast < uint16 > ( chn . nVolume ) , channel ) ;
// Remove channel from list of mixed channels to fix https://bugs.openmpt.org/view.php?id=209
// This is required because a previous note on the same channel might have just stopped playing,
// but the channel is still in the mix list.
// Since the channel volume / etc is only updated every tick in CSoundFile::ReadNote, and we
// do not want to duplicate mixmode-dependant logic here, CSoundFile::CreateStereoMix may already
// try to mix our newly set up channel at volume 0 if we don't remove it from the list.
auto mixBegin = std : : begin ( m_SndFile . m_PlayState . ChnMix ) ;
auto mixEnd = std : : remove ( mixBegin , mixBegin + m_SndFile . m_nMixChannels , channel ) ;
m_SndFile . m_nMixChannels = static_cast < CHANNELINDEX > ( std : : distance ( mixBegin , mixEnd ) ) ;
if ( noteChannel )
noteChannel - > at ( note - NOTE_MIN ) = channel ;
} else
CriticalSection cs ;
// Apply note cut / off / fade (also on preview channels)
m_SndFile . NoteChange ( m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ channel ] , note ) ;
for ( CHANNELINDEX c = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ; c < MAX_CHANNELS ; c + + )
ModChannel & chn = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ c ] ;
if ( chn . isPreviewNote & & ( chn . pModSample | | chn . pModInstrument ) )
m_SndFile . NoteChange ( chn , note ) ;
return channel ;
bool CModDoc : : NoteOff ( UINT note , bool fade , INSTRUMENTINDEX ins , CHANNELINDEX currentChn )
CriticalSection cs ;
if ( ins ! = INSTRUMENTINDEX_INVALID & & ins < = m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) & & ModCommand : : IsNote ( ModCommand : : NOTE ( note ) ) )
const ModInstrument * pIns = m_SndFile . Instruments [ ins ] ;
if ( pIns & & pIns - > HasValidMIDIChannel ( ) ) // instro sends to a midi chan
PLUGINDEX plug = pIns - > nMixPlug ; // First try intrument VST
if ( ( ! plug | | plug > MAX_MIXPLUGINS ) // No good plug yet
& & currentChn < MAX_BASECHANNELS ) // Chan OK
plug = m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ currentChn ] . nMixPlugin ; // Then try Channel VST
if ( plug & & plug < = MAX_MIXPLUGINS )
IMixPlugin * pPlugin = m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ plug - 1 ] . pMixPlugin ;
if ( pPlugin )
pPlugin - > MidiCommand ( * pIns , pIns - > NoteMap [ note - NOTE_MIN ] + NOTE_KEYOFF , 0 , currentChn ) ;
const FlagSet < ChannelFlags > mask = ( fade ? CHN_NOTEFADE : ( CHN_NOTEFADE | CHN_KEYOFF ) ) ;
const CHANNELINDEX startChn = currentChn ! = CHANNELINDEX_INVALID ? currentChn : m_SndFile . m_nChannels ;
const CHANNELINDEX endChn = currentChn ! = CHANNELINDEX_INVALID ? currentChn + 1 : MAX_CHANNELS ;
ModChannel * pChn = & m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ startChn ] ;
for ( CHANNELINDEX i = startChn ; i < endChn ; i + + , pChn + + )
// Fade all channels > m_nChannels which are playing this note and aren't NNA channels.
if ( ( pChn - > isPreviewNote | | i < m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) )
& & ! pChn - > dwFlags [ mask ]
& & ( pChn - > nLength | | pChn - > dwFlags [ CHN_ADLIB ] )
& & ( note = = pChn - > nNewNote | | note = = NOTE_NONE ) )
m_SndFile . KeyOff ( * pChn ) ;
if ( ! m_SndFile . m_nInstruments ) pChn - > dwFlags . reset ( CHN_LOOP | CHN_PINGPONGFLAG ) ;
if ( fade ) pChn - > dwFlags . set ( CHN_NOTEFADE ) ;
// Instantly stop samples that would otherwise play forever
if ( pChn - > pModInstrument & & ! pChn - > pModInstrument - > nFadeOut )
pChn - > nFadeOutVol = 0 ;
if ( pChn - > dwFlags [ CHN_ADLIB ] & & m_SndFile . m_opl )
m_SndFile . m_opl - > NoteOff ( i ) ;
if ( note ) break ;
return true ;
// Apply DNA/NNA settings for note preview. It will also set the specified note to be playing in the playingNotes set.
void CModDoc : : CheckNNA ( ModCommand : : NOTE note , INSTRUMENTINDEX ins , std : : bitset < 128 > & playingNotes )
if ( ins > GetNumInstruments ( ) | | m_SndFile . Instruments [ ins ] = = nullptr | | note > = playingNotes . size ( ) )
return ;
const ModInstrument * pIns = m_SndFile . Instruments [ ins ] ;
for ( CHANNELINDEX chn = GetNumChannels ( ) ; chn < MAX_CHANNELS ; chn + + )
const ModChannel & channel = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ chn ] ;
if ( channel . pModInstrument = = pIns & & channel . isPreviewNote & & ModCommand : : IsNote ( channel . nLastNote )
& & ( channel . nLength | | pIns - > HasValidMIDIChannel ( ) ) & & ! playingNotes [ channel . nLastNote ] )
CHANNELINDEX nnaChn = m_SndFile . CheckNNA ( chn , ins , note , false ) ;
// Keep the new NNA channel playing in the same channel slot.
// That way, we do not need to touch the ChnMix array, and we avoid the same channel being checked twice.
if ( nnaChn ! = chn )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ chn ] = std : : move ( m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ nnaChn ] ) ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ nnaChn ] = { } ;
// Avoid clicks if the channel wasn't ramping before.
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ chn ] . dwFlags . set ( CHN_FASTVOLRAMP ) ;
m_SndFile . ProcessRamping ( m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ chn ] ) ;
playingNotes . set ( note ) ;
// Check if a given note of an instrument or sample is playing from the editor.
// If note == 0, just check if an instrument or sample is playing.
bool CModDoc : : IsNotePlaying ( UINT note , SAMPLEINDEX nsmp , INSTRUMENTINDEX nins )
ModChannel * pChn = & m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ] ;
for ( CHANNELINDEX i = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i + + , pChn + + ) if ( pChn - > isPreviewNote )
if ( pChn - > nLength ! = 0 & & ! pChn - > dwFlags [ CHN_NOTEFADE | CHN_KEYOFF | CHN_MUTE ]
& & ( note = = pChn - > nNewNote | | note = = NOTE_NONE )
& & ( pChn - > pModSample = = & m_SndFile . GetSample ( nsmp ) | | ! nsmp )
& & ( pChn - > pModInstrument = = m_SndFile . Instruments [ nins ] | | ! nins ) ) return true ;
return false ;
bool CModDoc : : MuteToggleModifiesDocument ( ) const
return ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) & ( MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT | MOD_TYPE_S3M ) ) & & TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . MiscSaveChannelMuteStatus ;
bool CModDoc : : MuteChannel ( CHANNELINDEX nChn , bool doMute )
if ( nChn > = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) )
return false ;
// Mark channel as muted in channel settings
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . dwFlags . set ( CHN_MUTE , doMute ) ;
const bool success = UpdateChannelMuteStatus ( nChn ) ;
if ( success & & MuteToggleModifiesDocument ( ) )
SetModified ( ) ;
return success ;
bool CModDoc : : UpdateChannelMuteStatus ( CHANNELINDEX nChn )
const ChannelFlags muteType = CSoundFile : : GetChannelMuteFlag ( ) ;
if ( nChn > = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) )
return false ;
const bool doMute = m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . dwFlags [ CHN_MUTE ] ;
// Mute pattern channel
if ( doMute )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ nChn ] . dwFlags . set ( muteType ) ;
if ( m_SndFile . m_opl ) m_SndFile . m_opl - > NoteCut ( nChn ) ;
// Kill VSTi notes on muted channel.
PLUGINDEX nPlug = m_SndFile . GetBestPlugin ( m_SndFile . m_PlayState , nChn , PrioritiseInstrument , EvenIfMuted ) ;
if ( ( nPlug ) & & ( nPlug < = MAX_MIXPLUGINS ) )
IMixPlugin * pPlug = m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ nPlug - 1 ] . pMixPlugin ;
const ModInstrument * pIns = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ nChn ] . pModInstrument ;
if ( pPlug & & pIns )
pPlug - > MidiCommand ( * pIns , NOTE_KEYOFF , 0 , nChn ) ;
} else
// On unmute alway cater for both mute types - this way there's no probs if user changes mute mode.
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ nChn ] . dwFlags . reset ( CHN_SYNCMUTE | CHN_MUTE ) ;
// Mute any NNA'd channels
for ( CHANNELINDEX i = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i + + )
if ( m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ i ] . nMasterChn = = nChn + 1u )
if ( doMute )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ i ] . dwFlags . set ( muteType ) ;
if ( m_SndFile . m_opl ) m_SndFile . m_opl - > NoteCut ( i ) ;
} else
// On unmute alway cater for both mute types - this way there's no probs if user changes mute mode.
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ i ] . dwFlags . reset ( CHN_SYNCMUTE | CHN_MUTE ) ;
return true ;
bool CModDoc : : IsChannelSolo ( CHANNELINDEX nChn ) const
if ( nChn > = m_SndFile . m_nChannels ) return true ;
return m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . dwFlags [ CHN_SOLO ] ;
bool CModDoc : : SoloChannel ( CHANNELINDEX nChn , bool bSolo )
if ( nChn > = m_SndFile . m_nChannels ) return false ;
if ( MuteToggleModifiesDocument ( ) ) SetModified ( ) ;
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . dwFlags . set ( CHN_SOLO , bSolo ) ;
return true ;
bool CModDoc : : IsChannelNoFx ( CHANNELINDEX nChn ) const
if ( nChn > = m_SndFile . m_nChannels ) return true ;
return m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . dwFlags [ CHN_NOFX ] ;
bool CModDoc : : NoFxChannel ( CHANNELINDEX nChn , bool bNoFx , bool updateMix )
if ( nChn > = m_SndFile . m_nChannels ) return false ;
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . dwFlags . set ( CHN_NOFX , bNoFx ) ;
if ( updateMix ) m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ nChn ] . dwFlags . set ( CHN_NOFX , bNoFx ) ;
return true ;
RecordGroup CModDoc : : GetChannelRecordGroup ( CHANNELINDEX channel ) const
if ( channel > = GetNumChannels ( ) )
return RecordGroup : : NoGroup ;
if ( m_bsMultiRecordMask [ channel ] )
return RecordGroup : : Group1 ;
if ( m_bsMultiSplitRecordMask [ channel ] )
return RecordGroup : : Group2 ;
return RecordGroup : : NoGroup ;
void CModDoc : : SetChannelRecordGroup ( CHANNELINDEX channel , RecordGroup recordGroup )
if ( channel > = GetNumChannels ( ) )
return ;
m_bsMultiRecordMask . set ( channel , recordGroup = = RecordGroup : : Group1 ) ;
m_bsMultiSplitRecordMask . set ( channel , recordGroup = = RecordGroup : : Group2 ) ;
void CModDoc : : ToggleChannelRecordGroup ( CHANNELINDEX channel , RecordGroup recordGroup )
if ( channel > = GetNumChannels ( ) )
return ;
if ( recordGroup = = RecordGroup : : Group1 )
m_bsMultiRecordMask . flip ( channel ) ;
m_bsMultiSplitRecordMask . reset ( channel ) ;
} else if ( recordGroup = = RecordGroup : : Group2 )
m_bsMultiRecordMask . reset ( channel ) ;
m_bsMultiSplitRecordMask . flip ( channel ) ;
void CModDoc : : ReinitRecordState ( bool unselect )
if ( unselect )
m_bsMultiRecordMask . reset ( ) ;
m_bsMultiSplitRecordMask . reset ( ) ;
} else
m_bsMultiRecordMask . set ( ) ;
m_bsMultiSplitRecordMask . set ( ) ;
bool CModDoc : : MuteSample ( SAMPLEINDEX nSample , bool bMute )
if ( ( nSample < 1 ) | | ( nSample > m_SndFile . GetNumSamples ( ) ) ) return false ;
m_SndFile . GetSample ( nSample ) . uFlags . set ( CHN_MUTE , bMute ) ;
return true ;
bool CModDoc : : MuteInstrument ( INSTRUMENTINDEX nInstr , bool bMute )
if ( ( nInstr < 1 ) | | ( nInstr > m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) ) | | ( ! m_SndFile . Instruments [ nInstr ] ) ) return false ;
m_SndFile . Instruments [ nInstr ] - > dwFlags . set ( INS_MUTE , bMute ) ;
return true ;
bool CModDoc : : SurroundChannel ( CHANNELINDEX nChn , bool surround )
if ( nChn > = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ) return false ;
if ( ! ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) & ( MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT ) ) ) surround = false ;
if ( surround ! = m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . dwFlags [ CHN_SURROUND ] )
// Update channel configuration
if ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) & ( MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT ) ) SetModified ( ) ;
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . dwFlags . set ( CHN_SURROUND , surround ) ;
if ( surround )
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . nPan = 128 ;
// Update playing channel
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ nChn ] . dwFlags . set ( CHN_SURROUND , surround ) ;
if ( surround )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ nChn ] . nPan = 128 ;
return true ;
bool CModDoc : : SetChannelGlobalVolume ( CHANNELINDEX nChn , uint16 nVolume )
bool ok = false ;
if ( nChn > = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) | | nVolume > 64 ) return false ;
if ( m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . nVolume ! = nVolume )
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . nVolume = nVolume ;
if ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) & ( MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT ) ) SetModified ( ) ;
ok = true ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ nChn ] . nGlobalVol = nVolume ;
return ok ;
bool CModDoc : : SetChannelDefaultPan ( CHANNELINDEX nChn , uint16 nPan )
bool ok = false ;
if ( nChn > = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) | | nPan > 256 ) return false ;
if ( m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . nPan ! = nPan | | m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . dwFlags [ CHN_SURROUND ] )
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . nPan = nPan ;
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . dwFlags . reset ( CHN_SURROUND ) ;
if ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) & ( MOD_TYPE_S3M | MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT ) ) SetModified ( ) ;
ok = true ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ nChn ] . nPan = nPan ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ nChn ] . dwFlags . reset ( CHN_SURROUND ) ;
return ok ;
bool CModDoc : : IsChannelMuted ( CHANNELINDEX nChn ) const
if ( nChn > = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ) return true ;
return m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ nChn ] . dwFlags [ CHN_MUTE ] ;
bool CModDoc : : IsSampleMuted ( SAMPLEINDEX nSample ) const
if ( ! nSample | | nSample > m_SndFile . GetNumSamples ( ) ) return false ;
return m_SndFile . GetSample ( nSample ) . uFlags [ CHN_MUTE ] ;
bool CModDoc : : IsInstrumentMuted ( INSTRUMENTINDEX nInstr ) const
if ( ! nInstr | | nInstr > m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) | | ! m_SndFile . Instruments [ nInstr ] ) return false ;
return m_SndFile . Instruments [ nInstr ] - > dwFlags [ INS_MUTE ] ;
UINT CModDoc : : GetPatternSize ( PATTERNINDEX nPat ) const
if ( m_SndFile . Patterns . IsValidIndex ( nPat ) ) return m_SndFile . Patterns [ nPat ] . GetNumRows ( ) ;
return 0 ;
void CModDoc : : SetFollowWnd ( HWND hwnd )
m_hWndFollow = hwnd ;
bool CModDoc : : IsChildSample ( INSTRUMENTINDEX nIns , SAMPLEINDEX nSmp ) const
return m_SndFile . IsSampleReferencedByInstrument ( nSmp , nIns ) ;
// Find an instrument that references the given sample.
// If no such instrument is found, INSTRUMENTINDEX_INVALID is returned.
INSTRUMENTINDEX CModDoc : : FindSampleParent ( SAMPLEINDEX sample ) const
if ( sample = = 0 )
for ( INSTRUMENTINDEX i = 1 ; i < = m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) ; i + + )
const ModInstrument * pIns = m_SndFile . Instruments [ i ] ;
if ( pIns ! = nullptr )
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < NOTE_MAX ; j + + )
if ( pIns - > Keyboard [ j ] = = sample )
return i ;
SAMPLEINDEX CModDoc : : FindInstrumentChild ( INSTRUMENTINDEX nIns ) const
if ( ( ! nIns ) | | ( nIns > m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) ) ) return 0 ;
const ModInstrument * pIns = m_SndFile . Instruments [ nIns ] ;
if ( pIns )
for ( auto n : pIns - > Keyboard )
if ( ( n ) & & ( n < = m_SndFile . GetNumSamples ( ) ) ) return n ;
return 0 ;
LRESULT CModDoc : : ActivateView ( UINT nIdView , DWORD dwParam )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( ! pMainFrm ) return 0 ;
CMDIChildWnd * pMDIActive = pMainFrm - > MDIGetActive ( ) ;
if ( pMDIActive )
CView * pView = pMDIActive - > GetActiveView ( ) ;
if ( ( pView ) & & ( pView - > GetDocument ( ) = = this ) )
return ( ( CChildFrame * ) pMDIActive ) - > ActivateView ( nIdView , dwParam ) ;
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition ( ) ;
while ( pos ! = NULL )
CView * pView = GetNextView ( pos ) ;
if ( ( pView ) & & ( pView - > GetDocument ( ) = = this ) )
CChildFrame * pChildFrm = ( CChildFrame * ) pView - > GetParentFrame ( ) ;
pChildFrm - > MDIActivate ( ) ;
return pChildFrm - > ActivateView ( nIdView , dwParam ) ;
return 0 ;
// Activate document's window.
void CModDoc : : ActivateWindow ( )
CChildFrame * pChildFrm = GetChildFrame ( ) ;
if ( pChildFrm ) pChildFrm - > MDIActivate ( ) ;
void CModDoc : : UpdateAllViews ( CView * pSender , UpdateHint hint , CObject * pHint )
// Tunnel our UpdateHint into an LPARAM
CDocument : : UpdateAllViews ( pSender , hint . AsLPARAM ( ) , pHint ) ;
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( pMainFrm ) pMainFrm - > UpdateTree ( this , hint , pHint ) ;
if ( hint . GetType ( ) [ HINT_MODCHANNELS | HINT_MODTYPE ] )
auto instance = CChannelManagerDlg : : sharedInstance ( ) ;
if ( instance ! = nullptr & & pHint ! = instance & & instance - > GetDocument ( ) = = this )
instance - > Update ( hint , pHint ) ;
# ifndef NO_PLUGINS
if ( hint . GetType ( ) [ HINT_MIXPLUGINS | HINT_PLUGINNAMES ] )
for ( auto & plug : m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins )
auto mixPlug = plug . pMixPlugin ;
if ( mixPlug ! = nullptr & & mixPlug - > GetEditor ( ) )
mixPlug - > GetEditor ( ) - > UpdateView ( hint ) ;
# endif
void CModDoc : : UpdateAllViews ( UpdateHint hint )
CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) - > SendNotifyMessage ( WM_MOD_UPDATEVIEWS , reinterpret_cast < WPARAM > ( this ) , hint . AsLPARAM ( ) ) ;
// CModDoc commands
void CModDoc : : OnFileWaveConvert ( )
void CModDoc : : OnFileWaveConvert ( ORDERINDEX nMinOrder , ORDERINDEX nMaxOrder , const std : : vector < EncoderFactoryBase * > & encFactories )
ASSERT ( ! encFactories . empty ( ) ) ;
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( ( ! pMainFrm ) | | ( ! m_SndFile . GetType ( ) ) | | encFactories . empty ( ) ) return ;
CWaveConvert wsdlg ( pMainFrm , nMinOrder , nMaxOrder , m_SndFile . Order ( ) . GetLengthTailTrimmed ( ) - 1 , m_SndFile , encFactories ) ;
BypassInputHandler bih ;
if ( wsdlg . DoModal ( ) ! = IDOK ) return ;
EncoderFactoryBase * encFactory = wsdlg . m_Settings . GetEncoderFactory ( ) ;
const mpt : : PathString extension = encFactory - > GetTraits ( ) . fileExtension ;
FileDialog dlg = SaveFileDialog ( )
. DefaultExtension ( extension )
. DefaultFilename ( GetPathNameMpt ( ) . GetFileName ( ) + P_ ( " . " ) + extension )
. ExtensionFilter ( encFactory - > GetTraits ( ) . fileDescription + U_ ( " (*. " ) + extension . ToUnicode ( ) + U_ ( " )|*. " ) + extension . ToUnicode ( ) + U_ ( " || " ) )
. WorkingDirectory ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . PathExport . GetWorkingDir ( ) ) ;
if ( ! wsdlg . m_Settings . outputToSample & & ! dlg . Show ( ) ) return ;
// will set default dir here because there's no setup option for export dir yet (feel free to add one...)
TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . PathExport . SetDefaultDir ( dlg . GetWorkingDirectory ( ) , true ) ;
mpt : : PathString drive , dir , name , ext ;
dlg . GetFirstFile ( ) . SplitPath ( & drive , & dir , & name , & ext ) ;
const mpt : : PathString fileName = drive + dir + name ;
const mpt : : PathString fileExt = ext ;
const ORDERINDEX currentOrd = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nCurrentOrder ;
const ROWINDEX currentRow = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nRow ;
int nRenderPasses = 1 ;
// Channel mode
std : : vector < bool > usedChannels ;
std : : vector < FlagSet < ChannelFlags > > channelFlags ;
// Instrument mode
std : : vector < bool > instrMuteState ;
// CHN_SYNCMUTE is used with formats where CHN_MUTE would stop processing global effects and could thus mess synchronization between exported channels
const ChannelFlags muteFlag = m_SndFile . m_playBehaviour [ kST3NoMutedChannels ] ? CHN_SYNCMUTE : CHN_MUTE ;
// Channel mode: save song in multiple wav files (one for each enabled channels)
if ( wsdlg . m_bChannelMode )
// Don't save empty channels
CheckUsedChannels ( usedChannels ) ;
nRenderPasses = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ;
channelFlags . resize ( nRenderPasses , ChannelFlags ( 0 ) ) ;
for ( CHANNELINDEX i = 0 ; i < m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ; i + + )
// Save channels' flags
channelFlags [ i ] = m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . dwFlags ;
// Ignore muted channels
if ( channelFlags [ i ] [ CHN_MUTE ] ) usedChannels [ i ] = false ;
// Mute each channel
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . dwFlags . set ( muteFlag ) ;
// Instrument mode: Same as channel mode, but renders per instrument (or sample)
if ( wsdlg . m_bInstrumentMode )
if ( m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) = = 0 )
nRenderPasses = m_SndFile . GetNumSamples ( ) ;
instrMuteState . resize ( nRenderPasses , false ) ;
for ( SAMPLEINDEX i = 0 ; i < m_SndFile . GetNumSamples ( ) ; i + + )
instrMuteState [ i ] = IsSampleMuted ( i + 1 ) ;
MuteSample ( i + 1 , true ) ;
} else
nRenderPasses = m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) ;
instrMuteState . resize ( nRenderPasses , false ) ;
for ( INSTRUMENTINDEX i = 0 ; i < m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) ; i + + )
instrMuteState [ i ] = IsInstrumentMuted ( i + 1 ) ;
MuteInstrument ( i + 1 , true ) ;
pMainFrm - > PauseMod ( this ) ;
int oldRepeat = m_SndFile . GetRepeatCount ( ) ;
const SEQUENCEINDEX currentSeq = m_SndFile . Order . GetCurrentSequenceIndex ( ) ;
for ( SEQUENCEINDEX seq = wsdlg . m_Settings . minSequence ; seq < = wsdlg . m_Settings . maxSequence ; seq + + )
m_SndFile . Order . SetSequence ( seq ) ;
mpt : : ustring fileNameAdd ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nRenderPasses ; i + + )
mpt : : PathString thisName = fileName ;
CString caption = _T ( " file " ) ;
fileNameAdd . clear ( ) ;
if ( wsdlg . m_Settings . minSequence ! = wsdlg . m_Settings . maxSequence )
fileNameAdd = MPT_UFORMAT ( " -{} " ) ( mpt : : ufmt : : dec0 < 2 > ( seq + 1 ) ) ;
mpt : : ustring seqName = m_SndFile . Order ( seq ) . GetName ( ) ;
if ( ! seqName . empty ( ) )
fileNameAdd + = UL_ ( " - " ) + seqName ;
// Channel mode
if ( wsdlg . m_bChannelMode )
// Re-mute previously processed channel
if ( i > 0 )
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i - 1 ] . dwFlags . set ( muteFlag ) ;
// Was this channel actually muted? Don't process it then.
if ( ! usedChannels [ i ] )
continue ;
// Add channel number & name (if available) to path string
if ( ! m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . szName . empty ( ) )
fileNameAdd + = MPT_UFORMAT ( " -{}_{} " ) ( mpt : : ufmt : : dec0 < 3 > ( i + 1 ) , mpt : : ToUnicode ( m_SndFile . GetCharsetInternal ( ) , m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . szName ) ) ;
caption = MPT_CFORMAT ( " {}: {} " ) ( i + 1 , mpt : : ToCString ( m_SndFile . GetCharsetInternal ( ) , m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . szName ) ) ;
} else
fileNameAdd + = MPT_UFORMAT ( " -{} " ) ( mpt : : ufmt : : dec0 < 3 > ( i + 1 ) ) ;
caption = MPT_CFORMAT ( " channel {} " ) ( i + 1 ) ;
// Unmute channel to process
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . dwFlags . reset ( muteFlag ) ;
// Instrument mode
if ( wsdlg . m_bInstrumentMode )
if ( m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) = = 0 )
// Re-mute previously processed sample
if ( i > 0 ) MuteSample ( static_cast < SAMPLEINDEX > ( i ) , true ) ;
if ( ! m_SndFile . GetSample ( static_cast < SAMPLEINDEX > ( i + 1 ) ) . HasSampleData ( ) | | ! IsSampleUsed ( static_cast < SAMPLEINDEX > ( i + 1 ) , false ) | | instrMuteState [ i ] )
continue ;
// Add sample number & name (if available) to path string
if ( ! m_SndFile . m_szNames [ i + 1 ] . empty ( ) )
fileNameAdd + = MPT_UFORMAT ( " -{}_{} " ) ( mpt : : ufmt : : dec0 < 3 > ( i + 1 ) , mpt : : ToUnicode ( m_SndFile . GetCharsetInternal ( ) , m_SndFile . m_szNames [ i + 1 ] ) ) ;
caption = MPT_CFORMAT ( " {}: {} " ) ( i + 1 , mpt : : ToCString ( m_SndFile . GetCharsetInternal ( ) , m_SndFile . m_szNames [ i + 1 ] ) ) ;
} else
fileNameAdd + = MPT_UFORMAT ( " -{} " ) ( mpt : : ufmt : : dec0 < 3 > ( i + 1 ) ) ;
caption = MPT_CFORMAT ( " sample {} " ) ( i + 1 ) ;
// Unmute sample to process
MuteSample ( static_cast < SAMPLEINDEX > ( i + 1 ) , false ) ;
} else
// Re-mute previously processed instrument
if ( i > 0 ) MuteInstrument ( static_cast < INSTRUMENTINDEX > ( i ) , true ) ;
if ( m_SndFile . Instruments [ i + 1 ] = = nullptr | | ! IsInstrumentUsed ( static_cast < SAMPLEINDEX > ( i + 1 ) , false ) | | instrMuteState [ i ] )
continue ;
if ( ! m_SndFile . Instruments [ i + 1 ] - > name . empty ( ) )
fileNameAdd + = MPT_UFORMAT ( " -{}_{} " ) ( mpt : : ufmt : : dec0 < 3 > ( i + 1 ) , mpt : : ToUnicode ( m_SndFile . GetCharsetInternal ( ) , m_SndFile . Instruments [ i + 1 ] - > name ) ) ;
caption = MPT_CFORMAT ( " {}: {} " ) ( i + 1 , mpt : : ToCString ( m_SndFile . GetCharsetInternal ( ) , m_SndFile . Instruments [ i + 1 ] - > name ) ) ;
} else
fileNameAdd + = MPT_UFORMAT ( " -{} " ) ( mpt : : ufmt : : dec0 < 3 > ( i + 1 ) ) ;
caption = MPT_CFORMAT ( " instrument {} " ) ( i + 1 ) ;
// Unmute instrument to process
MuteInstrument ( static_cast < SAMPLEINDEX > ( i + 1 ) , false ) ;
if ( ! fileNameAdd . empty ( ) )
SanitizeFilename ( fileNameAdd ) ;
thisName + = mpt : : PathString : : FromUnicode ( fileNameAdd ) ;
thisName + = fileExt ;
if ( wsdlg . m_Settings . outputToSample )
thisName = mpt : : CreateTempFileName ( P_ ( " OpenMPT " ) ) ;
// Ensure this temporary file is marked as temporary in the file system, to increase the chance it will never be written to disk
HANDLE hFile = : : CreateFile ( thisName . AsNative ( ) . c_str ( ) , GENERIC_WRITE , FILE_SHARE_READ , NULL , OPEN_ALWAYS , FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY , NULL ) ;
: : CloseHandle ( hFile ) ;
// Render song (or current channel, or current sample/instrument)
bool cancel = true ;
mpt : : SafeOutputFile safeFileStream ( thisName , std : : ios : : binary , mpt : : FlushModeFromBool ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . MiscFlushFileBuffersOnSave ) ) ;
mpt : : ofstream & f = safeFileStream ;
f . exceptions ( f . exceptions ( ) | std : : ios : : badbit | std : : ios : : failbit ) ;
if ( ! f )
Reporting : : Error ( " Could not open file for writing. Is it open in another application? " ) ;
} else
BypassInputHandler bih ;
CDoWaveConvert dwcdlg ( m_SndFile , f , caption , wsdlg . m_Settings , pMainFrm ) ;
dwcdlg . m_bGivePlugsIdleTime = wsdlg . m_bGivePlugsIdleTime ;
dwcdlg . m_dwSongLimit = wsdlg . m_dwSongLimit ;
cancel = dwcdlg . DoModal ( ) ! = IDOK ;
} catch ( const std : : exception & )
Reporting : : Error ( _T ( " Error while writing file! " ) ) ;
if ( wsdlg . m_Settings . outputToSample )
if ( ! cancel )
InputFile f ( thisName , TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . MiscCacheCompleteFileBeforeLoading ) ;
if ( f . IsValid ( ) )
FileReader file = GetFileReader ( f ) ;
SAMPLEINDEX smp = wsdlg . m_Settings . sampleSlot ;
if ( smp = = 0 | | smp > GetNumSamples ( ) ) smp = m_SndFile . GetNextFreeSample ( ) ;
Reporting : : Error ( _T ( " Too many samples! " ) ) ;
cancel = true ;
if ( ! cancel )
if ( GetNumSamples ( ) < smp ) m_SndFile . m_nSamples = smp ;
GetSampleUndo ( ) . PrepareUndo ( smp , sundo_replace , " Render To Sample " ) ;
if ( m_SndFile . ReadSampleFromFile ( smp , file , false ) )
m_SndFile . m_szNames [ smp ] = " Render To Sample " + mpt : : ToCharset ( m_SndFile . GetCharsetInternal ( ) , fileNameAdd ) ;
UpdateAllViews ( nullptr , SampleHint ( ) . Info ( ) . Data ( ) . Names ( ) ) ;
if ( m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) & & ! IsSampleUsed ( smp ) )
// Insert new instrument for the generated sample in case it is not referenced by any instruments yet.
// It should only be already referenced if the user chose to export to an existing sample slot.
InsertInstrument ( smp ) ;
UpdateAllViews ( nullptr , InstrumentHint ( ) . Info ( ) . Names ( ) ) ;
SetModified ( ) ;
} else
GetSampleUndo ( ) . RemoveLastUndoStep ( smp ) ;
// Always clean up after ourselves
for ( int retry = 0 ; retry < 10 ; retry + + )
// stupid virus scanners
if ( DeleteFile ( thisName . AsNative ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ! = EACCES )
break ;
Sleep ( 10 ) ;
if ( cancel ) break ;
// Restore channels' flags
if ( wsdlg . m_bChannelMode )
for ( CHANNELINDEX i = 0 ; i < m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ; i + + )
m_SndFile . ChnSettings [ i ] . dwFlags = channelFlags [ i ] ;
// Restore instruments' / samples' flags
if ( wsdlg . m_bInstrumentMode )
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < instrMuteState . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) = = 0 )
MuteSample ( static_cast < SAMPLEINDEX > ( i + 1 ) , instrMuteState [ i ] ) ;
MuteInstrument ( static_cast < INSTRUMENTINDEX > ( i + 1 ) , instrMuteState [ i ] ) ;
m_SndFile . Order . SetSequence ( currentSeq ) ;
m_SndFile . SetRepeatCount ( oldRepeat ) ;
m_SndFile . GetLength ( eAdjust , GetLengthTarget ( currentOrd , currentRow ) ) ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nNextOrder = currentOrd ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nNextRow = currentRow ;
CMainFrame : : UpdateAudioParameters ( m_SndFile , true ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnFileWaveConvert ( ORDERINDEX nMinOrder , ORDERINDEX nMaxOrder )
WAVEncoder wavencoder ;
FLACEncoder flacencoder ;
AUEncoder auencoder ;
OggOpusEncoder opusencoder ;
VorbisEncoder vorbisencoder ;
MP3Encoder mp3lame ( MP3EncoderLame ) ;
MP3Encoder mp3lamecompatible ( MP3EncoderLameCompatible ) ;
RAWEncoder rawencoder ;
std : : vector < EncoderFactoryBase * > encoders ;
if ( wavencoder . IsAvailable ( ) ) encoders . push_back ( & wavencoder ) ;
if ( flacencoder . IsAvailable ( ) ) encoders . push_back ( & flacencoder ) ;
if ( auencoder . IsAvailable ( ) ) encoders . push_back ( & auencoder ) ;
if ( rawencoder . IsAvailable ( ) ) encoders . push_back ( & rawencoder ) ;
if ( opusencoder . IsAvailable ( ) ) encoders . push_back ( & opusencoder ) ;
if ( vorbisencoder . IsAvailable ( ) ) encoders . push_back ( & vorbisencoder ) ;
if ( mp3lame . IsAvailable ( ) )
encoders . push_back ( & mp3lame ) ;
if ( mp3lamecompatible . IsAvailable ( ) ) encoders . push_back ( & mp3lamecompatible ) ;
OnFileWaveConvert ( nMinOrder , nMaxOrder , encoders ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnFileMidiConvert ( )
# ifndef NO_PLUGINS
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( ( ! pMainFrm ) | | ( ! m_SndFile . GetType ( ) ) ) return ;
mpt : : PathString filename = GetPathNameMpt ( ) . ReplaceExt ( P_ ( " .mid " ) ) ;
FileDialog dlg = SaveFileDialog ( )
. DefaultExtension ( " mid " )
. DefaultFilename ( filename )
. ExtensionFilter ( " MIDI Files (*.mid)|*.mid|| " ) ;
if ( ! dlg . Show ( ) ) return ;
CModToMidi mididlg ( m_SndFile , pMainFrm ) ;
BypassInputHandler bih ;
if ( mididlg . DoModal ( ) = = IDOK )
mpt : : SafeOutputFile sf ( dlg . GetFirstFile ( ) , std : : ios : : binary , mpt : : FlushModeFromBool ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . MiscFlushFileBuffersOnSave ) ) ;
mpt : : ofstream & f = sf ;
f . exceptions ( f . exceptions ( ) | std : : ios : : badbit | std : : ios : : failbit ) ;
if ( ! f . good ( ) )
Reporting : : Error ( " Could not open file for writing. Is it open in another application? " ) ;
return ;
CDoMidiConvert doconv ( m_SndFile , f , mididlg . m_instrMap ) ;
doconv . DoModal ( ) ;
} catch ( const std : : exception & )
Reporting : : Error ( _T ( " Error while writing file! " ) ) ;
# else
Reporting : : Error ( " In order to use MIDI export, OpenMPT must be built with plugin support. " ) ;
# endif // NO_PLUGINS
//HACK: This is a quick fix. Needs to be better integrated into player and GUI.
void CModDoc : : OnFileCompatibilitySave ( )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( ! pMainFrm ) return ;
CString pattern ;
const MODTYPE type = m_SndFile . GetType ( ) ;
switch ( type )
case MOD_TYPE_IT :
pattern = FileFilterIT ;
MsgBoxHidable ( CompatExportDefaultWarning ) ;
break ;
case MOD_TYPE_XM :
pattern = FileFilterXM ;
MsgBoxHidable ( CompatExportDefaultWarning ) ;
break ;
default :
// Not available for this format.
return ;
const std : : string ext = m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) . fileExtension ;
mpt : : PathString filename ;
mpt : : PathString drive ;
mpt : : PathString dir ;
mpt : : PathString fileName ;
GetPathNameMpt ( ) . SplitPath ( & drive , & dir , & fileName , nullptr ) ;
filename = drive ;
filename + = dir ;
filename + = fileName ;
if ( ! strstr ( fileName . ToUTF8 ( ) . c_str ( ) , " compat " ) )
filename + = P_ ( " .compat. " ) ;
filename + = P_ ( " . " ) ;
filename + = mpt : : PathString : : FromUTF8 ( ext ) ;
FileDialog dlg = SaveFileDialog ( )
. DefaultExtension ( ext )
. DefaultFilename ( filename )
. ExtensionFilter ( pattern )
. WorkingDirectory ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . PathSongs . GetWorkingDir ( ) ) ;
if ( ! dlg . Show ( ) ) return ;
filename = dlg . GetFirstFile ( ) ;
bool ok = false ;
BeginWaitCursor ( ) ;
mpt : : SafeOutputFile sf ( filename , std : : ios : : binary , mpt : : FlushModeFromBool ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . MiscFlushFileBuffersOnSave ) ) ;
mpt : : ofstream & f = sf ;
if ( f )
f . exceptions ( f . exceptions ( ) | std : : ios : : badbit | std : : ios : : failbit ) ;
ScopedLogCapturer logcapturer ( * this ) ;
FixNullStrings ( ) ;
switch ( type )
case MOD_TYPE_XM : ok = m_SndFile . SaveXM ( f , true ) ; break ;
case MOD_TYPE_IT : ok = m_SndFile . SaveIT ( f , filename , true ) ; break ;
} catch ( const std : : exception & )
ok = false ;
EndWaitCursor ( ) ;
if ( ! ok )
ErrorBox ( IDS_ERR_SAVESONG , CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnPlayerPlay ( )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( pMainFrm )
CChildFrame * pChildFrm = GetChildFrame ( ) ;
if ( strcmp ( " CViewPattern " , pChildFrm - > GetCurrentViewClassName ( ) ) = = 0 )
//User has sent play song command: set loop pattern checkbox to false.
pChildFrm - > SendViewMessage ( VIEWMSG_PATTERNLOOP , 0 ) ;
bool isPlaying = ( pMainFrm - > GetModPlaying ( ) = = this ) ;
if ( isPlaying & & ! m_SndFile . m_SongFlags [ SONG_PAUSED | SONG_STEP /*|SONG_PATTERNLOOP*/ ] )
OnPlayerPause ( ) ;
return ;
CriticalSection cs ;
// Kill editor voices
for ( CHANNELINDEX i = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i + + ) if ( m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ i ] . isPreviewNote )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ i ] . dwFlags . set ( CHN_NOTEFADE | CHN_KEYOFF ) ;
if ( ! isPlaying ) m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ i ] . nLength = 0 ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_bPositionChanged = true ;
if ( isPlaying )
m_SndFile . StopAllVsti ( ) ;
cs . Leave ( ) ;
m_SndFile . m_SongFlags . reset ( SONG_STEP | SONG_PAUSED | SONG_PATTERNLOOP ) ;
pMainFrm - > PlayMod ( this ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnPlayerPause ( )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( pMainFrm )
if ( pMainFrm - > GetModPlaying ( ) = = this )
bool isLooping = m_SndFile . m_SongFlags [ SONG_PATTERNLOOP ] ;
PATTERNINDEX nPat = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nPattern ;
ROWINDEX nRow = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nRow ;
ROWINDEX nNextRow = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nNextRow ;
pMainFrm - > PauseMod ( ) ;
if ( ( isLooping ) & & ( nPat < m_SndFile . Patterns . Size ( ) ) )
CriticalSection cs ;
if ( ( m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nCurrentOrder < m_SndFile . Order ( ) . GetLength ( ) ) & & ( m_SndFile . Order ( ) [ m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nCurrentOrder ] = = nPat ) )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nNextOrder = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nCurrentOrder ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nNextRow = nNextRow ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nRow = nRow ;
} else
for ( ORDERINDEX nOrd = 0 ; nOrd < m_SndFile . Order ( ) . GetLength ( ) ; nOrd + + )
if ( m_SndFile . Order ( ) [ nOrd ] = = m_SndFile . Order . GetInvalidPatIndex ( ) ) break ;
if ( m_SndFile . Order ( ) [ nOrd ] = = nPat )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nCurrentOrder = nOrd ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nNextOrder = nOrd ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nNextRow = nNextRow ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nRow = nRow ;
break ;
} else
pMainFrm - > PauseMod ( ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnPlayerStop ( )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( pMainFrm ) pMainFrm - > StopMod ( ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnPlayerPlayFromStart ( )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( pMainFrm )
CChildFrame * pChildFrm = GetChildFrame ( ) ;
if ( strcmp ( " CViewPattern " , pChildFrm - > GetCurrentViewClassName ( ) ) = = 0 )
//User has sent play song command: set loop pattern checkbox to false.
pChildFrm - > SendViewMessage ( VIEWMSG_PATTERNLOOP , 0 ) ;
pMainFrm - > PauseMod ( ) ;
CriticalSection cs ;
m_SndFile . m_SongFlags . reset ( SONG_STEP | SONG_PATTERNLOOP ) ;
m_SndFile . ResetPlayPos ( ) ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_bPositionChanged = true ;
cs . Leave ( ) ;
pMainFrm - > PlayMod ( this ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnEditGlobals ( )
void CModDoc : : OnEditPatterns ( )
void CModDoc : : OnEditSamples ( )
void CModDoc : : OnEditInstruments ( )
void CModDoc : : OnEditComments ( )
void CModDoc : : OnShowCleanup ( )
CModCleanupDlg dlg ( * this , CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ) ;
dlg . DoModal ( ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnSetupZxxMacros ( )
CMidiMacroSetup dlg ( m_SndFile ) ;
if ( dlg . DoModal ( ) = = IDOK )
if ( m_SndFile . m_MidiCfg ! = dlg . m_MidiCfg )
m_SndFile . m_MidiCfg = dlg . m_MidiCfg ;
SetModified ( ) ;
// Enable menu item only module types that support MIDI Mappings
void CModDoc : : OnUpdateHasMIDIMappings ( CCmdUI * p )
if ( p )
p - > Enable ( ( m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) . MIDIMappingDirectivesMax > 0 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ) ;
// Enable menu item only for IT / MPTM / XM files
void CModDoc : : OnUpdateXMITMPTOnly ( CCmdUI * p )
if ( p )
p - > Enable ( ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) & ( MOD_TYPE_XM | MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT ) ) ? TRUE : FALSE ) ;
// Enable menu item only for IT / MPTM files
void CModDoc : : OnUpdateHasEditHistory ( CCmdUI * p )
if ( p )
p - > Enable ( ( ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) & ( MOD_TYPE_IT | MOD_TYPE_MPT ) ) | | ! m_SndFile . GetFileHistory ( ) . empty ( ) ) ? TRUE : FALSE ) ;
// Enable menu item if current module type supports compatibility export
void CModDoc : : OnUpdateCompatExportableOnly ( CCmdUI * p )
if ( p )
p - > Enable ( ( m_SndFile . GetType ( ) & ( MOD_TYPE_XM | MOD_TYPE_IT ) ) ? TRUE : FALSE ) ;
static CString FormatSongLength ( double length )
length = mpt : : round ( length ) ;
double minutes = std : : floor ( length / 60.0 ) , seconds = std : : fmod ( length , 60.0 ) ;
CString s ;
s . Format ( _T ( " %.0fmn%02.0fs " ) , minutes , seconds ) ;
return s ;
void CModDoc : : OnEstimateSongLength ( )
CString s = _T ( " Approximate song length: " ) ;
const auto subSongs = m_SndFile . GetAllSubSongs ( ) ;
if ( subSongs . empty ( ) )
Reporting : : Information ( _T ( " No patterns found! " ) ) ;
return ;
std : : vector < uint32 > songsPerSequence ( m_SndFile . Order . GetNumSequences ( ) , 0 ) ;
SEQUENCEINDEX prevSeq = subSongs [ 0 ] . sequence ;
for ( const auto & song : subSongs )
songsPerSequence [ song . sequence ] + + ;
if ( prevSeq ! = song . sequence )
double totalLength = 0.0 ;
uint32 songCount = 0 ;
// If there are multiple sequences, indent their subsongs
const TCHAR * indent = ( prevSeq = = SEQUENCEINDEX_INVALID ) ? _T ( " \t " ) : _T ( " " ) ;
for ( const auto & song : subSongs )
double songLength = song . duration ;
if ( subSongs . size ( ) > 1 )
totalLength + = songLength ;
if ( prevSeq ! = song . sequence )
songCount = 0 ;
prevSeq = song . sequence ;
if ( m_SndFile . Order ( prevSeq ) . GetName ( ) . empty ( ) )
s . AppendFormat ( _T ( " \n Sequence %u: " ) , prevSeq + 1u ) ;
s . AppendFormat ( _T ( " \n Sequence %u (%s): " ) , prevSeq + 1u , mpt : : ToWin ( m_SndFile . Order ( prevSeq ) . GetName ( ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
songCount + + ;
if ( songsPerSequence [ song . sequence ] > 1 )
s . AppendFormat ( _T ( " \n %sSong %u, starting at order %u: \t " ) , indent , songCount , song . startOrder ) ;
s . AppendChar ( _T ( ' \t ' ) ) ;
if ( songLength ! = std : : numeric_limits < double > : : infinity ( ) )
songLength = mpt : : round ( songLength ) ;
s + = FormatSongLength ( songLength ) ;
} else
s + = _T ( " Song too long! " ) ;
if ( subSongs . size ( ) > 1 & & totalLength ! = std : : numeric_limits < double > : : infinity ( ) )
s + = _T ( " \n \n Total length: \t " ) + FormatSongLength ( totalLength ) ;
Reporting : : Information ( s ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnApproximateBPM ( )
if ( CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) - > GetModPlaying ( ) ! = this )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nCurrentRowsPerBeat = m_SndFile . m_nDefaultRowsPerBeat ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nCurrentRowsPerMeasure = m_SndFile . m_nDefaultRowsPerMeasure ;
m_SndFile . RecalculateSamplesPerTick ( ) ;
const double bpm = m_SndFile . GetCurrentBPM ( ) ;
CString s ;
switch ( m_SndFile . m_nTempoMode )
case TempoMode : : Alternative :
s . Format ( _T ( " Using alternative tempo interpretation. \n \n Assuming: \n . %.8g ticks per second \n . %u ticks per row \n . %u rows per beat \n the tempo is approximately: %.8g BPM " ) ,
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicTempo . ToDouble ( ) , m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicSpeed , m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nCurrentRowsPerBeat , bpm ) ;
break ;
case TempoMode : : Modern :
s . Format ( _T ( " Using modern tempo interpretation. \n \n The tempo is: %.8g BPM " ) , bpm ) ;
break ;
case TempoMode : : Classic :
default :
s . Format ( _T ( " Using standard tempo interpretation. \n \n Assuming: \n . A mod tempo (tick duration factor) of %.8g \n . %u ticks per row \n . %u rows per beat \n the tempo is approximately: %.8g BPM " ) ,
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicTempo . ToDouble ( ) , m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicSpeed , m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nCurrentRowsPerBeat , bpm ) ;
break ;
Reporting : : Information ( s ) ;
CChildFrame * CModDoc : : GetChildFrame ( )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( ! pMainFrm ) return nullptr ;
CMDIChildWnd * pMDIActive = pMainFrm - > MDIGetActive ( ) ;
if ( pMDIActive )
CView * pView = pMDIActive - > GetActiveView ( ) ;
if ( ( pView ) & & ( pView - > GetDocument ( ) = = this ) )
return static_cast < CChildFrame * > ( pMDIActive ) ;
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition ( ) ;
while ( pos ! = NULL )
CView * pView = GetNextView ( pos ) ;
if ( ( pView ) & & ( pView - > GetDocument ( ) = = this ) )
return static_cast < CChildFrame * > ( pView - > GetParentFrame ( ) ) ;
return nullptr ;
// Get the currently edited pattern position. Note that ord might be ORDERINDEX_INVALID when editing a pattern that is not present in the order list.
void CModDoc : : GetEditPosition ( ROWINDEX & row , PATTERNINDEX & pat , ORDERINDEX & ord )
CChildFrame * pChildFrm = GetChildFrame ( ) ;
if ( strcmp ( " CViewPattern " , pChildFrm - > GetCurrentViewClassName ( ) ) = = 0 ) // dirty HACK
pChildFrm - > SendViewMessage ( VIEWMSG_SAVESTATE , ( LPARAM ) ( & patternViewState ) ) ;
pat = patternViewState . nPattern ;
row = patternViewState . cursor . GetRow ( ) ;
ord = patternViewState . nOrder ;
} else
//patern editor object does not exist (i.e. is not active) - use saved state.
PATTERNVIEWSTATE & patternViewState = pChildFrm - > GetPatternViewState ( ) ;
pat = patternViewState . nPattern ;
row = patternViewState . cursor . GetRow ( ) ;
ord = patternViewState . nOrder ;
const auto & order = m_SndFile . Order ( ) ;
if ( order . empty ( ) )
pat = 0 ;
row = 0 ;
} else if ( ord > = order . size ( ) )
ord = 0 ;
pat = m_SndFile . Order ( ) [ ord ] ;
if ( ! m_SndFile . Patterns . IsValidPat ( pat ) )
pat = 0 ;
row = 0 ;
} else if ( row > = m_SndFile . Patterns [ pat ] . GetNumRows ( ) )
row = 0 ;
//ensure order correlates with pattern.
if ( ord > = order . size ( ) | | order [ ord ] ! = pat )
ord = order . FindOrder ( pat ) ;
// Playback
void CModDoc : : OnPatternRestart ( bool loop )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
CChildFrame * pChildFrm = GetChildFrame ( ) ;
if ( ( pMainFrm ) & & ( pChildFrm ) )
if ( strcmp ( " CViewPattern " , pChildFrm - > GetCurrentViewClassName ( ) ) = = 0 )
//User has sent play pattern command: set loop pattern checkbox to true.
pChildFrm - > SendViewMessage ( VIEWMSG_PATTERNLOOP , loop ? 1 : 0 ) ;
GetEditPosition ( nRow , nPat , nOrd ) ;
CModDoc * pModPlaying = pMainFrm - > GetModPlaying ( ) ;
CriticalSection cs ;
// Cut instruments/samples
for ( auto & chn : m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn )
chn . nPatternLoopCount = 0 ;
chn . nPatternLoop = 0 ;
chn . nFadeOutVol = 0 ;
chn . dwFlags . set ( CHN_NOTEFADE | CHN_KEYOFF ) ;
if ( ( nOrd < m_SndFile . Order ( ) . size ( ) ) & & ( m_SndFile . Order ( ) [ nOrd ] = = nPat ) ) m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nCurrentOrder = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nNextOrder = nOrd ;
m_SndFile . m_SongFlags . reset ( SONG_PAUSED | SONG_STEP ) ;
if ( loop )
m_SndFile . LoopPattern ( nPat ) ;
m_SndFile . LoopPattern ( PATTERNINDEX_INVALID ) ;
// set playback timer in the status bar (and update channel status)
SetElapsedTime ( nOrd , 0 , true ) ;
if ( pModPlaying = = this )
m_SndFile . StopAllVsti ( ) ;
cs . Leave ( ) ;
if ( pModPlaying ! = this )
SetNotifications ( m_notifyType | Notification : : Position | Notification : : VUMeters , m_notifyItem ) ;
SetFollowWnd ( pChildFrm - > GetHwndView ( ) ) ;
pMainFrm - > PlayMod ( this ) ; //rewbs.fix2977
void CModDoc : : OnPatternPlay ( )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
CChildFrame * pChildFrm = GetChildFrame ( ) ;
if ( ( pMainFrm ) & & ( pChildFrm ) )
if ( strcmp ( " CViewPattern " , pChildFrm - > GetCurrentViewClassName ( ) ) = = 0 )
//User has sent play pattern command: set loop pattern checkbox to true.
pChildFrm - > SendViewMessage ( VIEWMSG_PATTERNLOOP , 1 ) ;
GetEditPosition ( nRow , nPat , nOrd ) ;
CModDoc * pModPlaying = pMainFrm - > GetModPlaying ( ) ;
CriticalSection cs ;
// Cut instruments/samples
for ( CHANNELINDEX i = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i + + )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ i ] . dwFlags . set ( CHN_NOTEFADE | CHN_KEYOFF ) ;
if ( ( nOrd < m_SndFile . Order ( ) . size ( ) ) & & ( m_SndFile . Order ( ) [ nOrd ] = = nPat ) ) m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nCurrentOrder = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nNextOrder = nOrd ;
m_SndFile . m_SongFlags . reset ( SONG_PAUSED | SONG_STEP ) ;
m_SndFile . LoopPattern ( nPat ) ;
// set playback timer in the status bar (and update channel status)
SetElapsedTime ( nOrd , nRow , true ) ;
if ( pModPlaying = = this )
m_SndFile . StopAllVsti ( ) ;
cs . Leave ( ) ;
if ( pModPlaying ! = this )
SetNotifications ( m_notifyType | Notification : : Position | Notification : : VUMeters , m_notifyItem ) ;
SetFollowWnd ( pChildFrm - > GetHwndView ( ) ) ;
pMainFrm - > PlayMod ( this ) ; //rewbs.fix2977
void CModDoc : : OnPatternPlayNoLoop ( )
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
CChildFrame * pChildFrm = GetChildFrame ( ) ;
if ( ( pMainFrm ) & & ( pChildFrm ) )
if ( strcmp ( " CViewPattern " , pChildFrm - > GetCurrentViewClassName ( ) ) = = 0 )
//User has sent play song command: set loop pattern checkbox to false.
pChildFrm - > SendViewMessage ( VIEWMSG_PATTERNLOOP , 0 ) ;
GetEditPosition ( nRow , nPat , nOrd ) ;
CModDoc * pModPlaying = pMainFrm - > GetModPlaying ( ) ;
CriticalSection cs ;
// Cut instruments/samples
for ( CHANNELINDEX i = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ; i < MAX_CHANNELS ; i + + )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ i ] . dwFlags . set ( CHN_NOTEFADE | CHN_KEYOFF ) ;
m_SndFile . m_SongFlags . reset ( SONG_PAUSED | SONG_STEP ) ;
m_SndFile . SetCurrentOrder ( nOrd ) ;
if ( nOrd < m_SndFile . Order ( ) . size ( ) & & m_SndFile . Order ( ) [ nOrd ] = = nPat )
m_SndFile . DontLoopPattern ( nPat , nRow ) ;
m_SndFile . LoopPattern ( nPat ) ;
// set playback timer in the status bar (and update channel status)
SetElapsedTime ( nOrd , nRow , true ) ;
if ( pModPlaying = = this )
m_SndFile . StopAllVsti ( ) ;
cs . Leave ( ) ;
if ( pModPlaying ! = this )
SetNotifications ( m_notifyType | Notification : : Position | Notification : : VUMeters , m_notifyItem ) ;
SetFollowWnd ( pChildFrm - > GetHwndView ( ) ) ;
pMainFrm - > PlayMod ( this ) ; //rewbs.fix2977
void CModDoc : : OnViewEditHistory ( )
CEditHistoryDlg dlg ( CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) , * this ) ;
dlg . DoModal ( ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnViewMPTHacks ( )
ScopedLogCapturer logcapturer ( * this ) ;
if ( ! HasMPTHacks ( ) )
AddToLog ( " No hacks found. " ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnViewTempoSwingSettings ( )
if ( m_SndFile . m_nDefaultRowsPerBeat > 0 & & m_SndFile . m_nTempoMode = = TempoMode : : Modern )
TempoSwing tempoSwing = m_SndFile . m_tempoSwing ;
tempoSwing . resize ( m_SndFile . m_nDefaultRowsPerBeat , TempoSwing : : Unity ) ;
CTempoSwingDlg dlg ( CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) , tempoSwing , m_SndFile ) ;
if ( dlg . DoModal ( ) = = IDOK )
SetModified ( ) ;
m_SndFile . m_tempoSwing = dlg . m_tempoSwing ;
} else if ( GetModType ( ) = = MOD_TYPE_MPT )
Reporting : : Error ( _T ( " Modern tempo mode needs to be enabled in order to edit tempo swing settings. " ) ) ;
OnSongProperties ( ) ;
LRESULT CModDoc : : OnCustomKeyMsg ( WPARAM wParam , LPARAM /*lParam*/ )
const auto & modSpecs = m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) ;
switch ( wParam )
case kcViewGeneral : OnEditGlobals ( ) ; break ;
case kcViewPattern : OnEditPatterns ( ) ; break ;
case kcViewSamples : OnEditSamples ( ) ; break ;
case kcViewInstruments : OnEditInstruments ( ) ; break ;
case kcViewComments : OnEditComments ( ) ; break ;
case kcViewSongProperties : OnSongProperties ( ) ; break ;
case kcViewTempoSwing : OnViewTempoSwingSettings ( ) ; break ;
case kcShowMacroConfig : OnSetupZxxMacros ( ) ; break ;
case kcViewMIDImapping : OnViewMIDIMapping ( ) ; break ;
case kcViewEditHistory : OnViewEditHistory ( ) ; break ;
case kcViewChannelManager : OnChannelManager ( ) ; break ;
case kcFileSaveAsWave : OnFileWaveConvert ( ) ; break ;
case kcFileSaveMidi : OnFileMidiConvert ( ) ; break ;
case kcFileSaveOPL : OnFileOPLExport ( ) ; break ;
case kcFileExportCompat : OnFileCompatibilitySave ( ) ; break ;
case kcEstimateSongLength : OnEstimateSongLength ( ) ; break ;
case kcApproxRealBPM : OnApproximateBPM ( ) ; break ;
case kcFileSave : DoSave ( GetPathNameMpt ( ) ) ; break ;
case kcFileSaveAs : DoSave ( mpt : : PathString ( ) ) ; break ;
case kcFileSaveCopy : OnSaveCopy ( ) ; break ;
case kcFileSaveTemplate : OnSaveTemplateModule ( ) ; break ;
case kcFileClose : SafeFileClose ( ) ; break ;
case kcFileAppend : OnAppendModule ( ) ; break ;
case kcPlayPatternFromCursor : OnPatternPlay ( ) ; break ;
case kcPlayPatternFromStart : OnPatternRestart ( ) ; break ;
case kcPlaySongFromCursor : OnPatternPlayNoLoop ( ) ; break ;
case kcPlaySongFromStart : OnPlayerPlayFromStart ( ) ; break ;
case kcPlayPauseSong : OnPlayerPlay ( ) ; break ;
case kcPlaySongFromPattern : OnPatternRestart ( false ) ; break ;
case kcStopSong : OnPlayerStop ( ) ; break ;
case kcPanic : OnPanic ( ) ; break ;
case kcToggleLoopSong : SetLoopSong ( ! TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . gbLoopSong ) ; break ;
case kcTempoIncreaseFine :
if ( ! modSpecs . hasFractionalTempo )
break ;
[[fallthrough]] ;
case kcTempoIncrease :
if ( auto tempo = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicTempo ; tempo < modSpecs . GetTempoMax ( ) )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicTempo = std : : min ( modSpecs . GetTempoMax ( ) , tempo + TEMPO ( wParam = = kcTempoIncrease ? 1.0 : 0.1 ) ) ;
break ;
case kcTempoDecreaseFine :
if ( ! modSpecs . hasFractionalTempo )
break ;
[[fallthrough]] ;
case kcTempoDecrease :
if ( auto tempo = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicTempo ; tempo > modSpecs . GetTempoMin ( ) )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicTempo = std : : max ( modSpecs . GetTempoMin ( ) , tempo - TEMPO ( wParam = = kcTempoDecrease ? 1.0 : 0.1 ) ) ;
break ;
case kcSpeedIncrease :
if ( auto speed = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicSpeed ; speed < modSpecs . speedMax )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicSpeed = speed + 1 ;
break ;
case kcSpeedDecrease :
if ( auto speed = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicSpeed ; speed > modSpecs . speedMin )
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nMusicSpeed = speed - 1 ;
break ;
case kcViewToggle :
if ( auto * lastActiveFrame = CChildFrame : : LastActiveFrame ( ) ; lastActiveFrame ! = nullptr )
lastActiveFrame - > ToggleViews ( ) ;
break ;
default : return kcNull ;
return wParam ;
void CModDoc : : TogglePluginEditor ( UINT plugin , bool onlyThisEditor )
if ( plugin < MAX_MIXPLUGINS )
IMixPlugin * pPlugin = m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ plugin ] . pMixPlugin ;
if ( pPlugin ! = nullptr )
if ( onlyThisEditor )
int32 posX = int32_min , posY = int32_min ;
for ( PLUGINDEX i = 0 ; i < MAX_MIXPLUGINS ; i + + )
SNDMIXPLUGIN & otherPlug = m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ i ] ;
if ( i ! = plugin & & otherPlug . pMixPlugin ! = nullptr & & otherPlug . pMixPlugin - > GetEditor ( ) ! = nullptr )
otherPlug . pMixPlugin - > CloseEditor ( ) ;
if ( otherPlug . editorX ! = int32_min )
posX = otherPlug . editorX ;
posY = otherPlug . editorY ;
if ( posX ! = int32_min )
m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ plugin ] . editorX = posX ;
m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ plugin ] . editorY = posY ;
pPlugin - > ToggleEditor ( ) ;
void CModDoc : : SetLoopSong ( bool loop )
TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . gbLoopSong = loop ;
m_SndFile . SetRepeatCount ( loop ? - 1 : 0 ) ;
CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) - > UpdateAllViews ( UpdateHint ( ) . MPTOptions ( ) ) ;
void CModDoc : : ChangeFileExtension ( MODTYPE nNewType )
//Not making path if path is empty(case only(?) for new file)
if ( ! GetPathNameMpt ( ) . empty ( ) )
mpt : : PathString drive ;
mpt : : PathString dir ;
mpt : : PathString fname ;
mpt : : PathString fext ;
GetPathNameMpt ( ) . SplitPath ( & drive , & dir , & fname , & fext ) ;
mpt : : PathString newPath = drive + dir ;
// Catch case where we don't have a filename yet.
if ( fname . empty ( ) )
newPath + = mpt : : PathString : : FromCString ( GetTitle ( ) ) . SanitizeComponent ( ) ;
} else
newPath + = fname ;
newPath + = P_ ( " . " ) + mpt : : PathString : : FromUTF8 ( CSoundFile : : GetModSpecifications ( nNewType ) . fileExtension ) ;
// Forcing save dialog to appear after extension change - otherwise unnotified file overwriting may occur.
m_ShowSavedialog = true ;
SetPathName ( newPath , FALSE ) ;
UpdateAllViews ( NULL , UpdateHint ( ) . ModType ( ) ) ;
CHANNELINDEX CModDoc : : FindAvailableChannel ( ) const
return chn ;
return GetNumChannels ( ) ;
void CModDoc : : RecordParamChange ( PLUGINDEX plugSlot , PlugParamIndex paramIndex )
: : SendNotifyMessage ( m_hWndFollow , WM_MOD_RECORDPARAM , plugSlot , paramIndex ) ;
void CModDoc : : LearnMacro ( int macroToSet , PlugParamIndex paramToUse )
if ( macroToSet < 0 | | macroToSet > kSFxMacros )
return ;
// If macro already exists for this param, inform user and return
if ( auto macro = m_SndFile . m_MidiCfg . FindMacroForParam ( paramToUse ) ; macro > = 0 )
CString message ;
message . Format ( _T ( " Parameter %i can already be controlled with macro %X. " ) , static_cast < int > ( paramToUse ) , macro ) ;
Reporting : : Information ( message , _T ( " Macro exists for this parameter " ) ) ;
return ;
// Set new macro
if ( paramToUse < 384 )
m_SndFile . m_MidiCfg . CreateParameteredMacro ( macroToSet , kSFxPlugParam , paramToUse ) ;
} else
CString message ;
message . Format ( _T ( " Parameter %i beyond controllable range. Use Parameter Control Events to automate this parameter. " ) , static_cast < int > ( paramToUse ) ) ;
Reporting : : Information ( message , _T ( " Macro not assigned for this parameter " ) ) ;
return ;
CString message ;
message . Format ( _T ( " Parameter %i can now be controlled with macro %X. " ) , static_cast < int > ( paramToUse ) , macroToSet ) ;
Reporting : : Information ( message , _T ( " Macro assigned for this parameter " ) ) ;
return ;
void CModDoc : : OnSongProperties ( )
const bool wasUsingFrequencies = m_SndFile . PeriodsAreFrequencies ( ) ;
CModTypeDlg dlg ( m_SndFile , CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ) ;
if ( dlg . DoModal ( ) = = IDOK )
UpdateAllViews ( nullptr , GeneralHint ( ) . General ( ) ) ;
ScopedLogCapturer logcapturer ( * this , _T ( " Conversion Status " ) ) ;
bool showLog = false ;
if ( dlg . m_nType ! = GetModType ( ) )
if ( ! ChangeModType ( dlg . m_nType ) )
return ;
showLog = true ;
CHANNELINDEX newChannels = Clamp ( dlg . m_nChannels , m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) . channelsMin , m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) . channelsMax ) ;
if ( newChannels ! = GetNumChannels ( ) )
const bool showCancelInRemoveDlg = m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) . channelsMax > = m_SndFile . GetNumChannels ( ) ;
if ( ChangeNumChannels ( newChannels , showCancelInRemoveDlg ) )
showLog = true ;
// Force update of pattern highlights / num channels
UpdateAllViews ( nullptr , PatternHint ( ) . Data ( ) ) ;
UpdateAllViews ( nullptr , GeneralHint ( ) . Channels ( ) ) ;
if ( wasUsingFrequencies ! = m_SndFile . PeriodsAreFrequencies ( ) )
for ( auto & chn : m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn )
chn . nPeriod = 0 ;
SetModified ( ) ;
void CModDoc : : ViewMIDIMapping ( PLUGINDEX plugin , PlugParamIndex param )
CMIDIMappingDialog dlg ( CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) , m_SndFile ) ;
if ( plugin ! = PLUGINDEX_INVALID )
dlg . m_Setting . SetPlugIndex ( plugin + 1 ) ;
dlg . m_Setting . SetParamIndex ( param ) ;
dlg . DoModal ( ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnChannelManager ( )
CChannelManagerDlg * instance = CChannelManagerDlg : : sharedInstanceCreate ( ) ;
if ( instance ! = nullptr )
if ( instance - > IsDisplayed ( ) )
instance - > Hide ( ) ;
instance - > SetDocument ( this ) ;
instance - > Show ( ) ;
// Sets playback timer to playback time at given position.
// At the same time, the playback parameters (global volume, channel volume and stuff like that) are calculated for this position.
// Sample channels positions are only updated if setSamplePos is true *and* the user has chosen to update sample play positions on seek.
void CModDoc : : SetElapsedTime ( ORDERINDEX nOrd , ROWINDEX nRow , bool setSamplePos )
if ( nOrd = = ORDERINDEX_INVALID ) return ;
double t = m_SndFile . GetPlaybackTimeAt ( nOrd , nRow , true , setSamplePos & & ( TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . m_dwPatternSetup & PATTERN_SYNCSAMPLEPOS ) ! = 0 ) ;
if ( t < 0 )
// Position is never played regularly, but we may want to continue playing from here nevertheless.
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nCurrentOrder = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nNextOrder = nOrd ;
m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nRow = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . m_nNextRow = nRow ;
CMainFrame * pMainFrm = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) ;
if ( pMainFrm ! = nullptr ) pMainFrm - > SetElapsedTime ( std : : max ( 0.0 , t ) ) ;
CString CModDoc : : GetPatternViewInstrumentName ( INSTRUMENTINDEX nInstr ,
bool bEmptyInsteadOfNoName /* = false*/ ,
bool bIncludeIndex /* = true*/ ) const
if ( nInstr > = MAX_INSTRUMENTS | | m_SndFile . GetNumInstruments ( ) = = 0 | | m_SndFile . Instruments [ nInstr ] = = nullptr )
return CString ( ) ;
CString displayName , instrumentName , pluginName ;
// Get instrument name.
instrumentName = mpt : : ToCString ( m_SndFile . GetCharsetInternal ( ) , m_SndFile . GetInstrumentName ( nInstr ) ) ;
// If instrument name is empty, use name of the sample mapped to C-5.
if ( instrumentName . IsEmpty ( ) )
const SAMPLEINDEX nSmp = m_SndFile . Instruments [ nInstr ] - > Keyboard [ NOTE_MIDDLEC - 1 ] ;
if ( nSmp < = m_SndFile . GetNumSamples ( ) & & m_SndFile . GetSample ( nSmp ) . HasSampleData ( ) )
instrumentName = _T ( " s: " ) + mpt : : ToCString ( m_SndFile . GetCharsetInternal ( ) , m_SndFile . GetSampleName ( nSmp ) ) ;
// Get plugin name.
const PLUGINDEX nPlug = m_SndFile . Instruments [ nInstr ] - > nMixPlug ;
if ( nPlug > 0 & & nPlug < MAX_MIXPLUGINS )
pluginName = mpt : : ToCString ( m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ nPlug - 1 ] . GetName ( ) ) ;
if ( pluginName . IsEmpty ( ) )
if ( bEmptyInsteadOfNoName & & instrumentName . IsEmpty ( ) )
return TEXT ( " " ) ;
if ( instrumentName . IsEmpty ( ) )
instrumentName = _T ( " (no name) " ) ;
if ( bIncludeIndex )
displayName . Format ( _T ( " %02d: %s " ) , nInstr , instrumentName . GetString ( ) ) ;
displayName = instrumentName ;
} else
if ( bIncludeIndex )
displayName . Format ( TEXT ( " %02d: %s (%s) " ) , nInstr , instrumentName . GetString ( ) , pluginName . GetString ( ) ) ;
displayName . Format ( TEXT ( " %s (%s) " ) , instrumentName . GetString ( ) , pluginName . GetString ( ) ) ;
return displayName ;
void CModDoc : : SafeFileClose ( )
// Verify that the main window has the focus. This saves us a lot of trouble because active modal dialogs cannot know if their pSndFile pointers are still valid.
if ( GetActiveWindow ( ) = = CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) - > m_hWnd )
OnFileClose ( ) ;
// "Panic button". This resets all VSTi, OPL and sample notes.
void CModDoc : : OnPanic ( )
CriticalSection cs ;
m_SndFile . ResetChannels ( ) ;
m_SndFile . StopAllVsti ( ) ;
// Before saving, make sure that every char after the terminating null char is also null.
// Else, garbage might end up in various text strings that wasn't supposed to be there.
void CModDoc : : FixNullStrings ( )
// Macros
m_SndFile . m_MidiCfg . Sanitize ( ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnSaveCopy ( )
DoSave ( mpt : : PathString ( ) , false ) ;
void CModDoc : : OnSaveTemplateModule ( )
// Create template folder if doesn't exist already.
const mpt : : PathString templateFolder = TrackerSettings : : Instance ( ) . PathUserTemplates . GetDefaultDir ( ) ;
if ( ! templateFolder . IsDirectory ( ) )
if ( ! CreateDirectory ( templateFolder . AsNative ( ) . c_str ( ) , nullptr ) )
Reporting : : Notification ( MPT_CFORMAT ( " Error: Unable to create template folder '{}' " ) ( templateFolder ) ) ;
return ;
// Generate file name candidate.
mpt : : PathString sName ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; + + i )
sName + = P_ ( " newTemplate " ) + mpt : : PathString : : FromUnicode ( mpt : : ufmt : : val ( i ) ) ;
sName + = P_ ( " . " ) + mpt : : PathString : : FromUTF8 ( m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) . fileExtension ) ;
if ( ! ( templateFolder + sName ) . FileOrDirectoryExists ( ) )
break ;
// Ask file name from user.
FileDialog dlg = SaveFileDialog ( )
. DefaultExtension ( m_SndFile . GetModSpecifications ( ) . fileExtension )
. DefaultFilename ( sName )
. ExtensionFilter ( ModTypeToFilter ( m_SndFile ) )
. WorkingDirectory ( templateFolder ) ;
if ( ! dlg . Show ( ) )
return ;
if ( OnSaveDocument ( dlg . GetFirstFile ( ) , false ) )
// Update template menu.
CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) - > CreateTemplateModulesMenu ( ) ;
// Create an undo point that stores undo data for all existing patterns
void CModDoc : : PrepareUndoForAllPatterns ( bool storeChannelInfo , const char * description )
bool linkUndo = false ;
PATTERNINDEX lastPat = 0 ;
for ( PATTERNINDEX pat = 0 ; pat < m_SndFile . Patterns . Size ( ) ; pat + + )
if ( m_SndFile . Patterns . IsValidPat ( pat ) ) lastPat = pat ;
for ( PATTERNINDEX pat = 0 ; pat < = lastPat ; pat + + )
if ( m_SndFile . Patterns . IsValidPat ( pat ) )
GetPatternUndo ( ) . PrepareUndo ( pat , 0 , 0 , GetNumChannels ( ) , m_SndFile . Patterns [ pat ] . GetNumRows ( ) , description , linkUndo , storeChannelInfo & & pat = = lastPat ) ;
linkUndo = true ;
CString CModDoc : : LinearToDecibels ( double value , double valueAtZeroDB )
if ( value = = 0 ) return _T ( " -inf " ) ;
double changeFactor = value / valueAtZeroDB ;
double dB = 20.0 * std : : log10 ( changeFactor ) ;
CString s = ( dB > = 0 ) ? _T ( " + " ) : _T ( " " ) ;
s . AppendFormat ( _T ( " %.2f dB " ) , dB ) ;
return s ;
CString CModDoc : : PanningToString ( int32 value , int32 valueAtCenter )
if ( value = = valueAtCenter )
return _T ( " Center " ) ;
CString s ;
s . Format ( _T ( " %i%% %s " ) , ( std : : abs ( static_cast < int > ( value ) - valueAtCenter ) * 100 ) / valueAtCenter , value < valueAtCenter ? _T ( " Left " ) : _T ( " Right " ) ) ;
return s ;
// Apply OPL patch changes to live playback
void CModDoc : : UpdateOPLInstrument ( SAMPLEINDEX smp )
const ModSample & sample = m_SndFile . GetSample ( smp ) ;
if ( ! sample . uFlags [ CHN_ADLIB ] | | ! m_SndFile . m_opl | | CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) - > GetModPlaying ( ) ! = this )
return ;
CriticalSection cs ;
const auto & patch = sample . adlib ;
for ( CHANNELINDEX chn = 0 ; chn < MAX_CHANNELS ; chn + + )
const auto & c = m_SndFile . m_PlayState . Chn [ chn ] ;
if ( c . pModSample = = & sample & & c . IsSamplePlaying ( ) )
m_SndFile . m_opl - > Patch ( chn , patch ) ;
// Store all view positions t settings file
void CModDoc : : SerializeViews ( ) const
const mpt : : PathString pathName = theApp . IsPortableMode ( ) ? GetPathNameMpt ( ) . AbsolutePathToRelative ( theApp . GetInstallPath ( ) ) : GetPathNameMpt ( ) ;
if ( pathName . empty ( ) )
return ;
std : : ostringstream f ( std : : ios : : out | std : : ios : : binary ) ;
CRect mdiRect ;
: : GetClientRect ( CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) - > m_hWndMDIClient , & mdiRect ) ;
const int width = mdiRect . Width ( ) ;
const int height = mdiRect . Height ( ) ;
const int cxScreen = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN ) , cyScreen = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN ) ;
// Document view positions and sizes
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition ( ) ;
while ( pos ! = nullptr & & ! mdiRect . IsRectEmpty ( ) )
CModControlView * pView = dynamic_cast < CModControlView * > ( GetNextView ( pos ) ) ;
if ( pView )
CChildFrame * pChildFrm = ( CChildFrame * ) pView - > GetParentFrame ( ) ;
wnd . length = sizeof ( WINDOWPLACEMENT ) ;
pChildFrm - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wnd ) ;
const CRect rect = wnd . rcNormalPosition ;
// Write size information
uint8 windowState = 0 ;
if ( wnd . showCmd = = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED ) windowState = 1 ;
else if ( wnd . showCmd = = SW_SHOWMINIMIZED ) windowState = 2 ;
mpt : : IO : : WriteIntLE < uint8 > ( f , 0 ) ; // Window type
mpt : : IO : : WriteIntLE < uint8 > ( f , windowState ) ;
mpt : : IO : : WriteIntLE < int32 > ( f , Util : : muldivr ( rect . left , 1 < < 30 , width ) ) ;
mpt : : IO : : WriteIntLE < int32 > ( f , Util : : muldivr ( rect . top , 1 < < 30 , height ) ) ;
mpt : : IO : : WriteIntLE < int32 > ( f , Util : : muldivr ( rect . Width ( ) , 1 < < 30 , width ) ) ;
mpt : : IO : : WriteIntLE < int32 > ( f , Util : : muldivr ( rect . Height ( ) , 1 < < 30 , height ) ) ;
std : : string s = pChildFrm - > SerializeView ( ) ;
mpt : : IO : : WriteVarInt ( f , s . size ( ) ) ;
f < < s ;
// Plugin window positions
for ( PLUGINDEX i = 0 ; i < MAX_MIXPLUGINS ; i + + )
if ( m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ i ] . IsValidPlugin ( ) & & m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ i ] . editorX ! = int32_min & & cxScreen & & cyScreen )
// Translate screen position into percentage (to make it independent of the actual screen resolution)
int32 editorX = Util : : muldivr ( m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ i ] . editorX , 1 < < 30 , cxScreen ) ;
int32 editorY = Util : : muldivr ( m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ i ] . editorY , 1 < < 30 , cyScreen ) ;
mpt : : IO : : WriteIntLE < uint8 > ( f , 1 ) ; // Window type
mpt : : IO : : WriteIntLE < uint8 > ( f , 0 ) ; // Version
mpt : : IO : : WriteVarInt ( f , i ) ;
mpt : : IO : : WriteIntLE < int32 > ( f , editorX ) ;
mpt : : IO : : WriteIntLE < int32 > ( f , editorY ) ;
SettingsContainer & settings = theApp . GetSongSettings ( ) ;
const std : : string s = f . str ( ) ;
settings . Write ( U_ ( " WindowSettings " ) , pathName . GetFullFileName ( ) . ToUnicode ( ) , pathName ) ;
settings . Write ( U_ ( " WindowSettings " ) , pathName . ToUnicode ( ) , mpt : : encode_hex ( mpt : : as_span ( s ) ) ) ;
// Restore all view positions from settings file
void CModDoc : : DeserializeViews ( )
mpt : : PathString pathName = GetPathNameMpt ( ) ;
if ( pathName . empty ( ) ) return ;
SettingsContainer & settings = theApp . GetSongSettings ( ) ;
mpt : : ustring s = settings . Read < mpt : : ustring > ( U_ ( " WindowSettings " ) , pathName . ToUnicode ( ) ) ;
if ( s . size ( ) < 2 )
// Try relative path
pathName = pathName . RelativePathToAbsolute ( theApp . GetInstallPath ( ) ) ;
s = settings . Read < mpt : : ustring > ( U_ ( " WindowSettings " ) , pathName . ToUnicode ( ) ) ;
if ( s . size ( ) < 2 )
// Try searching for filename instead of full path name
const mpt : : ustring altName = settings . Read < mpt : : ustring > ( U_ ( " WindowSettings " ) , pathName . GetFullFileName ( ) . ToUnicode ( ) ) ;
s = settings . Read < mpt : : ustring > ( U_ ( " WindowSettings " ) , altName ) ;
if ( s . size ( ) < 2 ) return ;
std : : vector < std : : byte > bytes = mpt : : decode_hex ( s ) ;
FileReader file ( mpt : : as_span ( bytes ) ) ;
CRect mdiRect ;
: : GetWindowRect ( CMainFrame : : GetMainFrame ( ) - > m_hWndMDIClient , & mdiRect ) ;
const int width = mdiRect . Width ( ) ;
const int height = mdiRect . Height ( ) ;
const int cxScreen = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN ) , cyScreen = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN ) ;
POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition ( ) ;
CChildFrame * pChildFrm = nullptr ;
if ( pos ! = nullptr ) pChildFrm = dynamic_cast < CChildFrame * > ( GetNextView ( pos ) - > GetParentFrame ( ) ) ;
bool anyMaximized = false ;
while ( file . CanRead ( 1 ) )
const uint8 windowType = file . ReadUint8 ( ) ;
if ( windowType = = 0 )
// Document view positions and sizes
const uint8 windowState = file . ReadUint8 ( ) ;
CRect rect ;
rect . left = Util : : muldivr ( file . ReadInt32LE ( ) , width , 1 < < 30 ) ;
rect . top = Util : : muldivr ( file . ReadInt32LE ( ) , height , 1 < < 30 ) ;
rect . right = rect . left + Util : : muldivr ( file . ReadInt32LE ( ) , width , 1 < < 30 ) ;
rect . bottom = rect . top + Util : : muldivr ( file . ReadInt32LE ( ) , height , 1 < < 30 ) ;
size_t dataSize ;
file . ReadVarInt ( dataSize ) ;
FileReader data = file . ReadChunk ( dataSize ) ;
if ( pChildFrm = = nullptr )
CModDocTemplate * pTemplate = static_cast < CModDocTemplate * > ( GetDocTemplate ( ) ) ;
ASSERT_VALID ( pTemplate ) ;
pChildFrm = static_cast < CChildFrame * > ( pTemplate - > CreateNewFrame ( this , nullptr ) ) ;
if ( pChildFrm ! = nullptr )
pTemplate - > InitialUpdateFrame ( pChildFrm , this ) ;
if ( pChildFrm ! = nullptr )
if ( ! mdiRect . IsRectEmpty ( ) )
wnd . length = sizeof ( wnd ) ;
pChildFrm - > GetWindowPlacement ( & wnd ) ;
wnd . showCmd = SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE ;
if ( windowState = = 1 | | anyMaximized )
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
// Once a window has been maximized, all following arch have to be marked as maximized as well.
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
wnd . showCmd = SW_MAXIMIZE ;
anyMaximized = true ;
} else if ( windowState = = 2 )
wnd . showCmd = SW_MINIMIZE ;
if ( rect . left < width & & rect . right > 0 & & rect . top < height & & rect . bottom > 0 )
wnd . rcNormalPosition = CRect ( rect . left , rect . top , rect . right , rect . bottom ) ;
pChildFrm - > SetWindowPlacement ( & wnd ) ;
pChildFrm - > DeserializeView ( data ) ;
pChildFrm = nullptr ;
} else if ( windowType = = 1 )
if ( file . ReadUint8 ( ) ! = 0 )
break ;
// Plugin window positions
PLUGINDEX plug = 0 ;
if ( file . ReadVarInt ( plug ) & & plug < MAX_MIXPLUGINS )
int32 editorX = file . ReadInt32LE ( ) ;
int32 editorY = file . ReadInt32LE ( ) ;
if ( editorX ! = int32_min & & editorY ! = int32_min )
m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ plug ] . editorX = Util : : muldivr ( editorX , cxScreen , 1 < < 30 ) ;
m_SndFile . m_MixPlugins [ plug ] . editorY = Util : : muldivr ( editorY , cyScreen , 1 < < 30 ) ;
} else
// Unknown type
break ;