2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
* Bridge . cpp
* - - - - - - - - - -
* Purpose : VST plugin bridge ( plugin side )
* Notes : ( currently none )
* Authors : OpenMPT Devs
* The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license . Read LICENSE for more details .
// TODO: Translate pointer-sized members in remaining structs: VstVariableIo, VstOfflineTask, VstAudioFile, VstWindow (all these are currently not supported by OpenMPT, so not urgent at all)
# include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp"
# include "../common/mptBaseMacros.h"
# include "../common/mptBaseTypes.h"
# include "../common/mptBaseUtils.h"
# include <Windows.h>
# include <ShellAPI.h>
# include <ShlObj.h>
# include <CommDlg.h>
# include <tchar.h>
# include <algorithm>
# include <string>
# if defined(MPT_BUILD_MSVC)
# pragma comment(lib, "comdlg32.lib")
# pragma comment(lib, "ole32.lib")
# pragma comment(lib, "shell32.lib")
# endif
# include <intrin.h>
# define MPT_ASSERT(x) \
{ \
if ( IsDebuggerPresent ( ) ) \
__debugbreak ( ) ; \
: : MessageBoxA ( nullptr , " Debug Assertion Failed: \n \n " # x , " OpenMPT Plugin Bridge " , MB_ICONERROR ) ; \
# else
# define MPT_ASSERT(x)
# endif
# include "../misc/WriteMemoryDump.h"
# include "Bridge.h"
// Crash handler for writing memory dumps
static LONG WINAPI CrashHandler ( _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionInfo )
WCHAR tempPath [ MAX_PATH + 2 ] ;
DWORD result = GetTempPathW ( MAX_PATH + 1 , tempPath ) ;
if ( result > 0 & & result < = MAX_PATH + 1 )
std : : wstring filename = tempPath ;
filename + = L " OpenMPT Crash Files \\ " ;
CreateDirectoryW ( filename . c_str ( ) , nullptr ) ;
tempPath [ 0 ] = 0 ;
const int ch = GetDateFormatW ( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT , 0 , nullptr , L " 'PluginBridge 'yyyy'-'MM'-'dd " , tempPath , mpt : : saturate_cast < int > ( std : : size ( tempPath ) ) ) ;
if ( ch )
GetTimeFormatW ( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT , 0 , nullptr , L " HH'.'mm'.'ss'.dmp' " , tempPath + ch - 1 , mpt : : saturate_cast < int > ( std : : size ( tempPath ) ) - ch + 1 ) ;
filename + = tempPath ;
OPENMPT_NAMESPACE : : WriteMemoryDump ( pExceptionInfo , filename . c_str ( ) , OPENMPT_NAMESPACE : : PluginBridge : : m_fullMemDump ) ;
// Let Windows handle the exception...
int _tmain ( int argc , TCHAR * argv [ ] )
if ( argc ! = 2 )
MessageBox ( nullptr , _T ( " This executable is part of OpenMPT. You do not need to run it by yourself. " ) , _T ( " OpenMPT Plugin Bridge " ) , 0 ) ;
return - 1 ;
: : SetUnhandledExceptionFilter ( CrashHandler ) ;
// We don't need COM, but some plugins do and don't initialize it themselves.
// Note 1: Which plugins? This was added in r6459 on 2016-05-31 but with no remark whether it fixed a specific plugin,
// but the fix doesn't seem to make a lot of sense since back then no plugin code was ever running on the main thread.
// Could it have been for file dialogs, which were added a while before?
// Note 2: M1 editor crashes if it runs on this thread and it was initialized with COINIT_MULTITHREADED
const bool comInitialized = SUCCEEDED ( CoInitializeEx ( nullptr , COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED ) ) ;
OPENMPT_NAMESPACE : : PluginBridge : : MainLoop ( argv ) ;
if ( comInitialized )
CoUninitialize ( ) ;
return 0 ;
int WINAPI WinMain ( _In_ HINSTANCE /*hInstance*/ , _In_opt_ HINSTANCE /*hPrevInstance*/ , _In_ LPSTR /*lpCmdLine*/ , _In_ int /*nCmdShow*/ )
int argc = 0 ;
auto argv = CommandLineToArgvW ( GetCommandLineW ( ) , & argc ) ;
return _tmain ( argc , argv ) ;
using namespace Vst ;
std : : vector < BridgeCommon * > BridgeCommon : : m_plugins ;
HWND BridgeCommon : : m_communicationWindow = nullptr ;
int BridgeCommon : : m_instanceCount = 0 ;
thread_local bool BridgeCommon : : m_isAudioThread = false ;
// This is kind of a back-up pointer in case we couldn't sneak our pointer into the AEffect struct yet.
// It always points to the last initialized PluginBridge object.
PluginBridge * PluginBridge : : m_latestInstance = nullptr ;
ATOM PluginBridge : : m_editorClassAtom = 0 ;
bool PluginBridge : : m_fullMemDump = false ;
void PluginBridge : : MainLoop ( TCHAR * argv [ ] )
WNDCLASSEX editorWndClass ;
editorWndClass . cbSize = sizeof ( WNDCLASSEX ) ;
editorWndClass . style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW ;
editorWndClass . lpfnWndProc = WindowProc ;
editorWndClass . cbClsExtra = 0 ;
editorWndClass . cbWndExtra = 0 ;
editorWndClass . hInstance = GetModuleHandle ( nullptr ) ;
editorWndClass . hIcon = nullptr ;
editorWndClass . hCursor = LoadCursor ( nullptr , IDC_ARROW ) ;
editorWndClass . hbrBackground = nullptr ;
editorWndClass . lpszMenuName = nullptr ;
editorWndClass . lpszClassName = _T ( " OpenMPTPluginBridgeEditor " ) ;
editorWndClass . hIconSm = nullptr ;
m_editorClassAtom = RegisterClassEx ( & editorWndClass ) ;
CreateCommunicationWindow ( WindowProc ) ;
SetTimer ( m_communicationWindow , TIMER_IDLE , 20 , IdleTimerProc ) ;
uint32 parentProcessId = _ttoi ( argv [ 1 ] ) ;
new PluginBridge ( argv [ 0 ] , OpenProcess ( SYNCHRONIZE , FALSE , parentProcessId ) ) ;
MSG msg ;
while ( : : GetMessage ( & msg , nullptr , 0 , 0 ) )
// Let host pre-process key messages like it does for non-bridged plugins
if ( msg . message > = WM_KEYFIRST & & msg . message < = WM_KEYLAST )
HWND owner = nullptr ;
for ( HWND hwnd = msg . hwnd ; hwnd ! = nullptr ; hwnd = GetParent ( hwnd ) )
// Does it come from a child window? (e.g. Kirnu editor)
if ( GetClassWord ( hwnd , GCW_ATOM ) = = m_editorClassAtom )
owner = GetParent ( GetParent ( hwnd ) ) ;
break ;
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
// Does the message come from a top-level window? This is required e.g. for the slider pop-up arch and patch browser in Synth1.
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
if ( ! ( GetWindowLong ( hwnd , GWL_STYLE ) & WS_CHILD ) )
owner = GetWindow ( hwnd , GW_OWNER ) ;
break ;
// Send to top-level VST editor window in host
if ( owner & & SendMessage ( owner , msg . message + WM_BRIDGE_KEYFIRST - WM_KEYFIRST , msg . wParam , msg . lParam ) )
continue ;
TranslateMessage ( & msg ) ;
DispatchMessage ( & msg ) ;
DestroyWindow ( m_communicationWindow ) ;
PluginBridge : : PluginBridge ( const wchar_t * memName , HANDLE otherProcess )
PluginBridge : : m_latestInstance = this ;
m_thisPluginID = static_cast < int32 > ( m_plugins . size ( ) ) ;
m_plugins . push_back ( this ) ;
if ( ! m_queueMem . Open ( memName )
| | ! CreateSignals ( memName ) )
MessageBox ( nullptr , _T ( " Could not connect to OpenMPT. " ) , _T ( " OpenMPT Plugin Bridge " ) , 0 ) ;
delete this ;
return ;
m_sharedMem = m_queueMem . Data < SharedMemLayout > ( ) ;
// Store parent process handle so that we can terminate the bridge process when OpenMPT closes (e.g. through a crash).
m_otherProcess . DuplicateFrom ( otherProcess ) ;
m_sigThreadExit . Create ( true ) ;
DWORD dummy = 0 ; // For Win9x
m_audioThread = CreateThread ( NULL , 0 , & PluginBridge : : AudioThread , this , 0 , & dummy ) ;
m_sharedMem - > bridgeCommWindow = m_communicationWindow ;
m_sharedMem - > bridgePluginID = m_thisPluginID ;
m_sigBridgeReady . Trigger ( ) ;
PluginBridge : : ~ PluginBridge ( )
SignalObjectAndWait ( m_sigThreadExit , m_audioThread , INFINITE , FALSE ) ;
CloseHandle ( m_audioThread ) ;
BridgeMessage dispatchMsg ;
dispatchMsg . Dispatch ( effClose , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.0f , 0 ) ;
DispatchToPlugin ( dispatchMsg . dispatch ) ;
m_plugins [ m_thisPluginID ] = nullptr ;
if ( m_instanceCount = = 1 )
PostQuitMessage ( 0 ) ;
void PluginBridge : : RequestDelete ( )
PostMessage ( m_communicationWindow , WM_BRIDGE_DELETE_PLUGIN , m_thisPluginID , 0 ) ;
// Send an arbitrary message to the host.
// Returns true if the message was processed by the host.
bool PluginBridge : : SendToHost ( BridgeMessage & sendMsg )
auto & messages = m_sharedMem - > ipcMessages ;
const auto msgID = CopyToSharedMemory ( sendMsg , messages ) ;
if ( msgID < 0 )
return false ;
BridgeMessage & sharedMsg = messages [ msgID ] ;
if ( ! m_isAudioThread )
if ( SendMessage ( m_sharedMem - > hostCommWindow , WM_BRIDGE_MESSAGE_TO_HOST , m_otherPluginID , msgID ) = = WM_BRIDGE_SUCCESS )
sharedMsg . CopyTo ( sendMsg ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
// Audio thread: Use signals instead of window messages
m_sharedMem - > audioThreadToHostMsgID = msgID ;
m_sigToHostAudio . Send ( ) ;
// Wait until we get the result from the host.
DWORD result ;
const HANDLE objects [ ] = { m_sigToHostAudio . confirm , m_sigToBridgeAudio . send , m_otherProcess } ;
result = WaitForMultipleObjects ( mpt : : saturate_cast < DWORD > ( std : : size ( objects ) ) , objects , FALSE , INFINITE ) ;
if ( result = = WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
// Message got answered
sharedMsg . CopyTo ( sendMsg ) ;
break ;
} else if ( result = = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 )
ParseNextMessage ( m_sharedMem - > audioThreadToBridgeMsgID ) ;
m_sigToBridgeAudio . Confirm ( ) ;
} while ( result ! = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2 & & result ! = WAIT_FAILED ) ;
return ( result = = WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) ;
// Copy AEffect to shared memory.
void PluginBridge : : UpdateEffectStruct ( )
if ( m_nativeEffect = = nullptr )
return ;
else if ( m_otherPtrSize = = 4 )
m_sharedMem - > effect32 . FromNative ( * m_nativeEffect ) ;
else if ( m_otherPtrSize = = 8 )
m_sharedMem - > effect64 . FromNative ( * m_nativeEffect ) ;
MPT_ASSERT ( false ) ;
// Create the memory-mapped file containing the processing message and audio buffers
void PluginBridge : : CreateProcessingFile ( std : : vector < char > & dispatchData )
static uint32 plugId = 0 ;
wchar_t mapName [ 64 ] ;
swprintf ( mapName , std : : size ( mapName ) , L " Local \\ openmpt-%u-%u " , GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , plugId + + ) ;
PushToVector ( dispatchData , mapName [ 0 ] , sizeof ( mapName ) ) ;
if ( ! m_processMem . Create ( mapName , sizeof ( ProcessMsg ) + m_mixBufSize * ( m_nativeEffect - > numInputs + m_nativeEffect - > numOutputs ) * sizeof ( double ) ) )
SendErrorMessage ( L " Could not initialize plugin bridge audio memory. " ) ;
return ;
// Receive a message from the host and translate it.
void PluginBridge : : ParseNextMessage ( int msgID )
auto & msg = m_sharedMem - > ipcMessages [ msgID ] ;
switch ( msg . header . type )
case MsgHeader : : newInstance :
NewInstance ( msg . newInstance ) ;
break ;
case MsgHeader : : init :
InitBridge ( msg . init ) ;
break ;
case MsgHeader : : dispatch :
DispatchToPlugin ( msg . dispatch ) ;
break ;
case MsgHeader : : setParameter :
SetParameter ( msg . parameter ) ;
break ;
case MsgHeader : : getParameter :
GetParameter ( msg . parameter ) ;
break ;
case MsgHeader : : automate :
AutomateParameters ( ) ;
break ;
// Create a new bridge instance within this one (creates a new thread).
void PluginBridge : : NewInstance ( NewInstanceMsg & msg )
msg . memName [ mpt : : array_size < decltype ( msg . memName ) > : : size - 1 ] = 0 ;
new PluginBridge ( msg . memName , m_otherProcess ) ;
// Load the plugin.
void PluginBridge : : InitBridge ( InitMsg & msg )
m_otherPtrSize = msg . hostPtrSize ;
m_mixBufSize = msg . mixBufSize ;
m_otherPluginID = msg . pluginID ;
m_fullMemDump = msg . fullMemDump ! = 0 ;
msg . result = 0 ;
msg . str [ mpt : : array_size < decltype ( msg . str ) > : : size - 1 ] = 0 ;
# ifdef _CONSOLE
SetConsoleTitleW ( msg - > str ) ;
# endif
m_nativeEffect = nullptr ;
m_library = LoadLibraryW ( msg . str ) ;
m_library = nullptr ;
if ( m_library = = nullptr )
FormatMessageW ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS , nullptr , GetLastError ( ) , MAKELANGID ( LANG_NEUTRAL , SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) , msg . str , mpt : : saturate_cast < DWORD > ( std : : size ( msg . str ) ) , nullptr ) ;
RequestDelete ( ) ;
return ;
auto mainProc = ( Vst : : MainProc ) GetProcAddress ( m_library , " VSTPluginMain " ) ;
if ( mainProc = = nullptr )
mainProc = ( Vst : : MainProc ) GetProcAddress ( m_library , " main " ) ;
if ( mainProc ! = nullptr )
m_nativeEffect = mainProc ( MasterCallback ) ;
m_nativeEffect = nullptr ;
if ( m_nativeEffect = = nullptr | | m_nativeEffect - > dispatcher = = nullptr | | m_nativeEffect - > magic ! = kEffectMagic )
FreeLibrary ( m_library ) ;
m_library = nullptr ;
wcscpy ( msg . str , L " File is not a valid plugin " ) ;
RequestDelete ( ) ;
return ;
m_nativeEffect - > reservedForHost1 = this ;
msg . result = 1 ;
UpdateEffectStruct ( ) ;
// Init process buffer
DispatchToHost ( audioMasterVendorSpecific , kVendorOpenMPT , kUpdateProcessingBuffer , nullptr , 0.0f ) ;
void PluginBridge : : SendErrorMessage ( const wchar_t * str )
BridgeMessage msg ;
msg . Error ( str ) ;
SendToHost ( msg ) ;
// Wrapper for VST dispatch call with structured exception handling.
static intptr_t DispatchSEH ( AEffect * effect , VstOpcodeToPlugin opCode , int32 index , intptr_t value , void * ptr , float opt , bool & exception )
if ( effect - > dispatcher ! = nullptr )
return effect - > dispatcher ( effect , opCode , index , value , ptr , opt ) ;
exception = true ;
return 0 ;
// Host-to-plugin opcode dispatcher
void PluginBridge : : DispatchToPlugin ( DispatchMsg & msg )
if ( m_nativeEffect = = nullptr )
return ;
// Various dispatch data - depending on the opcode, one of those might be used.
std : : vector < char > extraData ;
size_t extraDataSize = 0 ;
MappedMemory auxMem ;
// Content of ptr is usually stored right after the message header, ptr field indicates size.
void * ptr = ( msg . ptr ! = 0 ) ? ( & msg + 1 ) : nullptr ;
if ( msg . size > sizeof ( BridgeMessage ) )
if ( ! auxMem . Open ( static_cast < const wchar_t * > ( ptr ) ) )
return ;
ptr = auxMem . Data ( ) ;
void * origPtr = ptr ;
switch ( msg . opcode )
case effGetProgramName :
case effGetParamLabel :
case effGetParamDisplay :
case effGetParamName :
case effString2Parameter :
case effGetProgramNameIndexed :
case effGetEffectName :
case effGetErrorText :
case effGetVendorString :
case effGetProductString :
case effShellGetNextPlugin :
// Name in [ptr]
extraDataSize = 256 ;
break ;
case effMainsChanged :
// [value]: 0 means "turn off", 1 means "turn on"
: : SetThreadPriority ( m_audioThread , msg . value ? THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL : THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL ) ;
m_sharedMem - > tailSize = static_cast < int32 > ( Dispatch ( effGetTailSize , 0 , 0 , nullptr , 0.0f ) ) ;
break ;
case effEditGetRect :
// ERect** in [ptr]
extraDataSize = sizeof ( void * ) ;
break ;
case effEditOpen :
2024-09-29 02:04:03 +00:00
// HWND in [ptr] - Note: Window handles are interoperable between 32-bit and 64-bit applications in Windows (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/arch/desktop/aa384203%28v=vs.85%29.aspx)
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
TCHAR str [ _MAX_PATH ] ;
GetModuleFileName ( m_library , str , mpt : : saturate_cast < DWORD > ( std : : size ( str ) ) ) ;
const auto parentWindow = reinterpret_cast < HWND > ( msg . ptr ) ;
ptr = m_window = CreateWindow (
MAKEINTATOM ( m_editorClassAtom ) ,
str ,
1 , 1 ,
parentWindow ,
nullptr ,
GetModuleHandle ( nullptr ) ,
nullptr ) ;
SetWindowLongPtr ( m_window , GWLP_USERDATA , reinterpret_cast < LONG_PTR > ( this ) ) ;
break ;
case effGetChunk :
// void** in [ptr] for chunk data address
extraDataSize = sizeof ( void * ) ;
break ;
case effProcessEvents :
// VstEvents* in [ptr]
TranslateBridgeToVstEvents ( m_eventCache , ptr ) ;
ptr = m_eventCache . data ( ) ;
break ;
case effOfflineNotify :
// VstAudioFile* in [ptr]
extraData . resize ( sizeof ( VstAudioFile * ) * static_cast < size_t > ( msg . value ) ) ;
ptr = extraData . data ( ) ;
for ( int64 i = 0 ; i < msg . value ; i + + )
// TODO create pointers
break ;
case effOfflinePrepare :
case effOfflineRun :
// VstOfflineTask* in [ptr]
extraData . resize ( sizeof ( VstOfflineTask * ) * static_cast < size_t > ( msg . value ) ) ;
ptr = extraData . data ( ) ;
for ( int64 i = 0 ; i < msg . value ; i + + )
// TODO create pointers
break ;
case effSetSpeakerArrangement :
case effGetSpeakerArrangement :
// VstSpeakerArrangement* in [value] and [ptr]
msg . value = reinterpret_cast < int64 > ( ptr ) + sizeof ( VstSpeakerArrangement ) ;
break ;
case effVendorSpecific :
// Let's implement some custom opcodes!
if ( msg . index = = kVendorOpenMPT )
msg . result = 1 ;
switch ( msg . value )
case kUpdateEffectStruct :
UpdateEffectStruct ( ) ;
break ;
case kUpdateEventMemName :
if ( ptr )
m_eventMem . Open ( static_cast < const wchar_t * > ( ptr ) ) ;
break ;
case kCacheProgramNames :
if ( ptr )
int32 progMin = static_cast < const int32 * > ( ptr ) [ 0 ] ;
int32 progMax = static_cast < const int32 * > ( ptr ) [ 1 ] ;
char * name = static_cast < char * > ( ptr ) ;
for ( int32 i = progMin ; i < progMax ; i + + )
strcpy ( name , " " ) ;
if ( m_nativeEffect - > numPrograms < = 0 | | Dispatch ( effGetProgramNameIndexed , i , - 1 , name , 0 ) ! = 1 )
// Fallback: Try to get current program name.
strcpy ( name , " " ) ;
int32 curProg = static_cast < int32 > ( Dispatch ( effGetProgram , 0 , 0 , nullptr , 0.0f ) ) ;
if ( i ! = curProg )
Dispatch ( effSetProgram , 0 , i , nullptr , 0.0f ) ;
Dispatch ( effGetProgramName , 0 , 0 , name , 0 ) ;
if ( i ! = curProg )
Dispatch ( effSetProgram , 0 , curProg , nullptr , 0.0f ) ;
name [ kCachedProgramNameLength - 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
name + = kCachedProgramNameLength ;
break ;
case kCacheParameterInfo :
if ( ptr )
int32 paramMin = static_cast < const int32 * > ( ptr ) [ 0 ] ;
int32 paramMax = static_cast < const int32 * > ( ptr ) [ 1 ] ;
ParameterInfo * param = static_cast < ParameterInfo * > ( ptr ) ;
for ( int32 i = paramMin ; i < paramMax ; i + + , param + + )
strcpy ( param - > name , " " ) ;
strcpy ( param - > label , " " ) ;
strcpy ( param - > display , " " ) ;
Dispatch ( effGetParamName , i , 0 , param - > name , 0.0f ) ;
Dispatch ( effGetParamLabel , i , 0 , param - > label , 0.0f ) ;
Dispatch ( effGetParamDisplay , i , 0 , param - > display , 0.0f ) ;
param - > name [ mpt : : array_size < decltype ( param - > label ) > : : size - 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
param - > label [ mpt : : array_size < decltype ( param - > label ) > : : size - 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
param - > display [ mpt : : array_size < decltype ( param - > display ) > : : size - 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
if ( Dispatch ( effGetParameterProperties , i , 0 , & param - > props , 0.0f ) ! = 1 )
memset ( & param - > props , 0 , sizeof ( param - > props ) ) ;
strncpy ( param - > props . label , param - > name , std : : size ( param - > props . label ) ) ;
break ;
case kBeginGetProgram :
if ( ptr )
int32 numParams = static_cast < int32 > ( ( msg . size - sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) ) / sizeof ( float ) ) ;
float * params = static_cast < float * > ( ptr ) ;
for ( int32 i = 0 ; i < numParams ; i + + )
params [ i ] = m_nativeEffect - > getParameter ( m_nativeEffect , i ) ;
break ;
default :
msg . result = 0 ;
return ;
break ;
if ( extraDataSize ! = 0 )
extraData . resize ( extraDataSize , 0 ) ;
ptr = extraData . data ( ) ;
//std::cout << "about to dispatch " << msg.opcode << " to effect...";
bool exception = false ;
msg . result = static_cast < int32 > ( DispatchSEH ( m_nativeEffect , static_cast < VstOpcodeToPlugin > ( msg . opcode ) , msg . index , static_cast < intptr_t > ( msg . value ) , ptr , msg . opt , exception ) ) ;
if ( exception & & msg . opcode ! = effClose )
msg . type = MsgHeader : : exceptionMsg ;
return ;
//std::cout << "done" << std::endl;
// Post-fix some opcodes
switch ( msg . opcode )
case effClose :
m_nativeEffect = nullptr ;
FreeLibrary ( m_library ) ;
m_library = nullptr ;
RequestDelete ( ) ;
return ;
case effGetProgramName :
case effGetParamLabel :
case effGetParamDisplay :
case effGetParamName :
case effString2Parameter :
case effGetProgramNameIndexed :
case effGetEffectName :
case effGetErrorText :
case effGetVendorString :
case effGetProductString :
case effShellGetNextPlugin :
// Name in [ptr]
extraData . back ( ) = 0 ;
char * dst = static_cast < char * > ( origPtr ) ;
size_t length = static_cast < size_t > ( msg . ptr - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( dst , extraData . data ( ) , length ) ;
dst [ length ] = 0 ;
break ;
case effEditGetRect :
// ERect** in [ptr]
ERect * rectPtr = * reinterpret_cast < ERect * * > ( extraData . data ( ) ) ;
if ( rectPtr ! = nullptr & & origPtr ! = nullptr )
MPT_ASSERT ( static_cast < size_t > ( msg . ptr ) > = sizeof ( ERect ) ) ;
std : : memcpy ( origPtr , rectPtr , std : : min ( sizeof ( ERect ) , static_cast < size_t > ( msg . ptr ) ) ) ;
m_windowWidth = rectPtr - > right - rectPtr - > left ;
m_windowHeight = rectPtr - > bottom - rectPtr - > top ;
// For plugins that don't know their size until after effEditOpen is done.
if ( m_window )
SetWindowPos ( m_window , nullptr , 0 , 0 , m_windowWidth , m_windowHeight , SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ) ;
break ;
case effEditClose :
DestroyWindow ( m_window ) ;
m_window = nullptr ;
break ;
case effGetChunk :
// void** in [ptr] for chunk data address
if ( m_getChunkMem . Create ( static_cast < const wchar_t * > ( origPtr ) , msg . result ) )
std : : memcpy ( m_getChunkMem . Data ( ) , * reinterpret_cast < void * * > ( extraData . data ( ) ) , msg . result ) ;
break ;
UpdateEffectStruct ( ) ; // Regularly update the struct
intptr_t PluginBridge : : Dispatch ( VstOpcodeToPlugin opcode , int32 index , intptr_t value , void * ptr , float opt )
return m_nativeEffect - > dispatcher ( m_nativeEffect , opcode , index , value , ptr , opt ) ;
SendErrorMessage ( L " Exception in dispatch()! " ) ;
return 0 ;
// Set a plugin parameter.
void PluginBridge : : SetParameter ( ParameterMsg & msg )
m_nativeEffect - > setParameter ( m_nativeEffect , msg . index , msg . value ) ;
msg . type = MsgHeader : : exceptionMsg ;
// Get a plugin parameter.
void PluginBridge : : GetParameter ( ParameterMsg & msg )
msg . value = m_nativeEffect - > getParameter ( m_nativeEffect , msg . index ) ;
msg . type = MsgHeader : : exceptionMsg ;
// Execute received parameter automation messages
void PluginBridge : : AutomateParameters ( )
const AutomationQueue : : Parameter * param = m_sharedMem - > automationQueue . params ;
const AutomationQueue : : Parameter * paramEnd = param + std : : min ( m_sharedMem - > automationQueue . pendingEvents . exchange ( 0 ) , static_cast < int32 > ( std : : size ( m_sharedMem - > automationQueue . params ) ) ) ;
while ( param ! = paramEnd )
m_nativeEffect - > setParameter ( m_nativeEffect , param - > index , param - > value ) ;
param + + ;
SendErrorMessage ( L " Exception in setParameter()! " ) ;
// Audio rendering thread
DWORD WINAPI PluginBridge : : AudioThread ( LPVOID param )
static_cast < PluginBridge * > ( param ) - > AudioThread ( ) ;
return 0 ;
void PluginBridge : : AudioThread ( )
m_isAudioThread = true ;
const HANDLE objects [ ] = { m_sigProcessAudio . send , m_sigToBridgeAudio . send , m_sigThreadExit , m_otherProcess } ;
DWORD result = 0 ;
result = WaitForMultipleObjects ( mpt : : saturate_cast < DWORD > ( std : : size ( objects ) ) , objects , FALSE , INFINITE ) ;
if ( result = = WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
ProcessMsg * msg = m_processMem . Data < ProcessMsg > ( ) ;
AutomateParameters ( ) ;
m_sharedMem - > tailSize = static_cast < int32 > ( Dispatch ( effGetTailSize , 0 , 0 , nullptr , 0.0f ) ) ;
m_isProcessing = true ;
// Prepare VstEvents.
if ( auto * events = m_eventMem . Data < int32 > ( ) ; events ! = nullptr & & * events ! = 0 )
TranslateBridgeToVstEvents ( m_eventCache , events ) ;
* events = 0 ;
Dispatch ( effProcessEvents , 0 , 0 , m_eventCache . data ( ) , 0.0f ) ;
switch ( msg - > processType )
case ProcessMsg : : process :
Process ( ) ;
break ;
case ProcessMsg : : processReplacing :
ProcessReplacing ( ) ;
break ;
case ProcessMsg : : processDoubleReplacing :
ProcessDoubleReplacing ( ) ;
break ;
m_isProcessing = false ;
m_sigProcessAudio . Confirm ( ) ;
} else if ( result = = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 )
ParseNextMessage ( m_sharedMem - > audioThreadToBridgeMsgID ) ;
m_sigToBridgeAudio . Confirm ( ) ;
} else if ( result = = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2 )
// Main thread asked for termination
break ;
} else if ( result = = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 3 )
// Host process died
RequestDelete ( ) ;
break ;
} while ( result ! = WAIT_FAILED ) ;
// Process audio.
void PluginBridge : : Process ( )
if ( m_nativeEffect - > process )
float * * inPointers , * * outPointers ;
int32 sampleFrames = BuildProcessPointers ( inPointers , outPointers ) ;
m_nativeEffect - > process ( m_nativeEffect , inPointers , outPointers , sampleFrames ) ;
SendErrorMessage ( L " Exception in process()! " ) ;
// Process audio.
void PluginBridge : : ProcessReplacing ( )
if ( m_nativeEffect - > processReplacing )
float * * inPointers , * * outPointers ;
int32 sampleFrames = BuildProcessPointers ( inPointers , outPointers ) ;
m_nativeEffect - > processReplacing ( m_nativeEffect , inPointers , outPointers , sampleFrames ) ;
SendErrorMessage ( L " Exception in processReplacing()! " ) ;
// Process audio.
void PluginBridge : : ProcessDoubleReplacing ( )
if ( m_nativeEffect - > processDoubleReplacing )
double * * inPointers , * * outPointers ;
int32 sampleFrames = BuildProcessPointers ( inPointers , outPointers ) ;
m_nativeEffect - > processDoubleReplacing ( m_nativeEffect , inPointers , outPointers , sampleFrames ) ;
SendErrorMessage ( L " Exception in processDoubleReplacing()! " ) ;
// Helper function to build the pointer arrays required by the VST process functions.
template < typename buf_t >
int32 PluginBridge : : BuildProcessPointers ( buf_t * * ( & inPointers ) , buf_t * * ( & outPointers ) )
MPT_ASSERT ( m_processMem . Good ( ) ) ;
ProcessMsg & msg = * m_processMem . Data < ProcessMsg > ( ) ;
const size_t numPtrs = msg . numInputs + msg . numOutputs ;
m_sampleBuffers . resize ( numPtrs , 0 ) ;
if ( numPtrs )
buf_t * offset = reinterpret_cast < buf_t * > ( & msg + 1 ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < numPtrs ; i + + )
m_sampleBuffers [ i ] = offset ;
offset + = msg . sampleFrames ;
inPointers = reinterpret_cast < buf_t * * > ( m_sampleBuffers . data ( ) ) ;
outPointers = inPointers + msg . numInputs ;
return msg . sampleFrames ;
// Send a message to the host.
intptr_t PluginBridge : : DispatchToHost ( VstOpcodeToHost opcode , int32 index , intptr_t value , void * ptr , float opt )
std : : vector < char > dispatchData ( sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) , 0 ) ;
int64 ptrOut = 0 ;
char * ptrC = static_cast < char * > ( ptr ) ;
switch ( opcode )
case audioMasterAutomate :
case audioMasterVersion :
case audioMasterCurrentId :
case audioMasterIdle :
case audioMasterPinConnected :
break ;
case audioMasterWantMidi :
return 1 ;
case audioMasterGetTime :
// VstTimeInfo* in [return value]
if ( m_isProcessing )
// During processing, read the cached time info. It won't change during the call
// and we can save some valuable inter-process calls that way.
return ToIntPtr < VstTimeInfo > ( & m_sharedMem - > timeInfo ) ;
break ;
case audioMasterProcessEvents :
// VstEvents* in [ptr]
if ( ptr = = nullptr )
return 0 ;
TranslateVstEventsToBridge ( dispatchData , * static_cast < VstEvents * > ( ptr ) , m_otherPtrSize ) ;
ptrOut = dispatchData . size ( ) - sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) ;
// If we are currently processing, try to return the events as part of the process call
if ( m_isAudioThread & & m_isProcessing & & m_eventMem . Good ( ) )
auto * memBytes = m_eventMem . Data < char > ( ) ;
auto * eventBytes = m_eventMem . Data < char > ( ) + sizeof ( int32 ) ;
int32 & memNumEvents = * m_eventMem . Data < int32 > ( ) ;
const auto memEventsSize = BridgeVstEventsSize ( memBytes ) ;
if ( m_eventMem . Size ( ) > = static_cast < size_t > ( ptrOut ) + memEventsSize )
// Enough shared memory for possibly pre-existing and new events; add new events at the end
memNumEvents + = static_cast < VstEvents * > ( ptr ) - > numEvents ;
std : : memcpy ( eventBytes + memEventsSize , dispatchData . data ( ) + sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) + sizeof ( int32 ) , static_cast < size_t > ( ptrOut ) - sizeof ( int32 ) ) ;
return 1 ;
} else if ( memNumEvents )
// Not enough memory; merge what we have and what we want to add so that it arrives in the correct order
dispatchData . insert ( dispatchData . begin ( ) + sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) + sizeof ( int32 ) , eventBytes , eventBytes + memEventsSize ) ;
* reinterpret_cast < int32 * > ( dispatchData . data ( ) + sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) ) + = memNumEvents ;
memNumEvents = 0 ;
ptrOut + = memEventsSize ;
break ;
case audioMasterSetTime :
case audioMasterTempoAt :
case audioMasterGetNumAutomatableParameters :
case audioMasterGetParameterQuantization :
break ;
case audioMasterVendorSpecific :
if ( index ! = kVendorOpenMPT | | value ! = kUpdateProcessingBuffer )
if ( ptr ! = 0 )
// Cannot translate this.
return 0 ;
break ;
[[fallthrough]] ;
case audioMasterIOChanged :
// We need to be sure that the new values are known to the master.
if ( m_nativeEffect ! = nullptr )
UpdateEffectStruct ( ) ;
CreateProcessingFile ( dispatchData ) ;
ptrOut = dispatchData . size ( ) - sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) ;
break ;
case audioMasterNeedIdle :
m_needIdle = true ;
return 1 ;
case audioMasterSizeWindow :
if ( m_window )
SetWindowPos ( m_window , nullptr , 0 , 0 , index , static_cast < int > ( value ) , SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE ) ;
break ;
case audioMasterGetSampleRate :
case audioMasterGetBlockSize :
case audioMasterGetInputLatency :
case audioMasterGetOutputLatency :
break ;
case audioMasterGetPreviousPlug :
case audioMasterGetNextPlug :
// Don't even bother, this would explode :)
return 0 ;
case audioMasterWillReplaceOrAccumulate :
case audioMasterGetCurrentProcessLevel :
case audioMasterGetAutomationState :
break ;
case audioMasterOfflineStart :
case audioMasterOfflineRead :
case audioMasterOfflineWrite :
case audioMasterOfflineGetCurrentPass :
case audioMasterOfflineGetCurrentMetaPass :
// Currently not supported in OpenMPT
return 0 ;
case audioMasterSetOutputSampleRate :
break ;
case audioMasterGetOutputSpeakerArrangement :
case audioMasterGetInputSpeakerArrangement :
// VstSpeakerArrangement* in [return value]
ptrOut = sizeof ( VstSpeakerArrangement ) ;
break ;
case audioMasterGetVendorString :
case audioMasterGetProductString :
// Name in [ptr]
ptrOut = 256 ;
break ;
case audioMasterGetVendorVersion :
case audioMasterSetIcon :
break ;
case audioMasterCanDo :
// Name in [ptr]
ptrOut = strlen ( ptrC ) + 1 ;
dispatchData . insert ( dispatchData . end ( ) , ptrC , ptrC + ptrOut ) ;
break ;
case audioMasterGetLanguage :
case audioMasterOpenWindow :
case audioMasterCloseWindow :
break ;
case audioMasterGetDirectory :
// Name in [return value]
ptrOut = 256 ;
break ;
case audioMasterUpdateDisplay :
case audioMasterBeginEdit :
case audioMasterEndEdit :
break ;
case audioMasterOpenFileSelector :
// VstFileSelect* in [ptr]
if ( ptr ! = nullptr )
auto & fileSel = * static_cast < VstFileSelect * > ( ptr ) ;
fileSel . returnMultiplePaths = nullptr ;
fileSel . numReturnPaths = 0 ;
TranslateVstFileSelectToBridge ( dispatchData , fileSel , m_otherPtrSize ) ;
ptrOut = dispatchData . size ( ) - sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) + 65536 ; // enough space for return paths
break ;
case audioMasterCloseFileSelector :
// VstFileSelect* in [ptr]
if ( auto * fileSel = static_cast < VstFileSelect * > ( ptr ) ; fileSel ! = nullptr & & fileSel - > reserved = = 1 )
fileSel - > returnPath = nullptr ;
fileSel - > returnMultiplePaths = nullptr ;
m_fileSelectCache . clear ( ) ;
m_fileSelectCache . shrink_to_fit ( ) ;
return 1 ;
case audioMasterEditFile :
break ;
case audioMasterGetChunkFile :
// Name in [ptr]
ptrOut = 256 ;
dispatchData . insert ( dispatchData . end ( ) , ptrC , ptrC + ptrOut ) ;
break ;
default :
if ( ptr ! = nullptr )
__debugbreak ( ) ;
# endif
break ;
if ( ptrOut ! = 0 )
// In case we only reserve space and don't copy stuff over...
dispatchData . resize ( sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) + static_cast < size_t > ( ptrOut ) , 0 ) ;
uint32 extraSize = static_cast < uint32 > ( dispatchData . size ( ) - sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) ) ;
// Create message header
BridgeMessage * msg = reinterpret_cast < BridgeMessage * > ( dispatchData . data ( ) ) ;
msg - > Dispatch ( opcode , index , value , ptrOut , opt , extraSize ) ;
const bool useAuxMem = dispatchData . size ( ) > sizeof ( BridgeMessage ) ;
MappedMemory auxMem ;
if ( useAuxMem )
// Extra data doesn't fit in message - use secondary memory
wchar_t auxMemName [ 64 ] ;
static_assert ( sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) + sizeof ( auxMemName ) < = sizeof ( BridgeMessage ) , " Check message sizes, this will crash! " ) ;
swprintf ( auxMemName , std : : size ( auxMemName ) , L " Local \\ openmpt-%u-auxmem-%u " , GetCurrentProcessId ( ) , GetCurrentThreadId ( ) ) ;
if ( auxMem . Create ( auxMemName , extraSize ) )
// Move message data to shared memory and then move shared memory name to message data
std : : memcpy ( auxMem . Data ( ) , & dispatchData [ sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) ] , extraSize ) ;
std : : memcpy ( & dispatchData [ sizeof ( DispatchMsg ) ] , auxMemName , sizeof ( auxMemName ) ) ;
} else
return 0 ;
//std::cout << "about to dispatch " << opcode << " to host...";
if ( ! SendToHost ( * msg ) )
return 0 ;
//std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
const DispatchMsg * resultMsg = & msg - > dispatch ;
const char * extraData = useAuxMem ? auxMem . Data < const char > ( ) : reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( resultMsg + 1 ) ;
// Post-fix some opcodes
switch ( opcode )
case audioMasterGetTime :
// VstTimeInfo* in [return value]
return ToIntPtr < VstTimeInfo > ( & m_sharedMem - > timeInfo ) ;
case audioMasterGetOutputSpeakerArrangement :
case audioMasterGetInputSpeakerArrangement :
// VstSpeakerArrangement* in [return value]
std : : memcpy ( & m_host2PlugMem . speakerArrangement , extraData , sizeof ( VstSpeakerArrangement ) ) ;
return ToIntPtr < VstSpeakerArrangement > ( & m_host2PlugMem . speakerArrangement ) ;
case audioMasterGetVendorString :
case audioMasterGetProductString :
// Name in [ptr]
strcpy ( ptrC , extraData ) ;
break ;
case audioMasterGetDirectory :
// Name in [return value]
strncpy ( m_host2PlugMem . name , extraData , std : : size ( m_host2PlugMem . name ) - 1 ) ;
m_host2PlugMem . name [ std : : size ( m_host2PlugMem . name ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
return ToIntPtr < char > ( m_host2PlugMem . name ) ;
case audioMasterOpenFileSelector :
if ( resultMsg - > result ! = 0 & & ptr ! = nullptr )
TranslateBridgeToVstFileSelect ( m_fileSelectCache , extraData , static_cast < size_t > ( ptrOut ) ) ;
auto & fileSel = * static_cast < VstFileSelect * > ( ptr ) ;
const auto & fileSelResult = * reinterpret_cast < const VstFileSelect * > ( m_fileSelectCache . data ( ) ) ;
if ( ( fileSel . command = = kVstFileLoad | | fileSel . command = = kVstFileSave ) )
if ( FourCC ( " VOPM " ) = = m_nativeEffect - > uniqueID )
fileSel . sizeReturnPath = _MAX_PATH ;
} else if ( fileSel . command = = kVstDirectorySelect )
if ( FourCC ( " VSTr " ) = = m_nativeEffect - > uniqueID & & fileSel . returnPath ! = nullptr & & fileSel . sizeReturnPath = = 0 )
// Old versions of reViSiT (which still relied on the host's file selector) seem to be dodgy.
// They report a path size of 0, but when using an own buffer, they will crash.
// So we'll just assume that reViSiT can handle long enough (_MAX_PATH) paths here.
fileSel . sizeReturnPath = static_cast < int32 > ( strlen ( fileSelResult . returnPath ) + 1 ) ;
fileSel . numReturnPaths = fileSelResult . numReturnPaths ;
fileSel . reserved = 1 ;
if ( fileSel . command = = kVstMultipleFilesLoad )
fileSel . returnMultiplePaths = fileSelResult . returnMultiplePaths ;
} else if ( fileSel . returnPath ! = nullptr & & fileSel . sizeReturnPath ! = 0 )
// Plugin provides memory
const auto len = strnlen ( fileSelResult . returnPath , fileSel . sizeReturnPath - 1 ) ;
strncpy ( fileSel . returnPath , fileSelResult . returnPath , len ) ;
fileSel . returnPath [ len ] = ' \0 ' ;
fileSel . reserved = 0 ;
} else
fileSel . returnPath = fileSelResult . returnPath ;
fileSel . sizeReturnPath = fileSelResult . sizeReturnPath ;
break ;
case audioMasterGetChunkFile :
// Name in [ptr]
strcpy ( ptrC , extraData ) ;
break ;
return static_cast < intptr_t > ( resultMsg - > result ) ;
// Helper function for sending messages to the host.
intptr_t VSTCALLBACK PluginBridge : : MasterCallback ( AEffect * effect , VstOpcodeToHost opcode , int32 index , intptr_t value , void * ptr , float opt )
PluginBridge * instance = ( effect ! = nullptr & & effect - > reservedForHost1 ! = nullptr ) ? static_cast < PluginBridge * > ( effect - > reservedForHost1 ) : PluginBridge : : m_latestInstance ;
return instance - > DispatchToHost ( opcode , index , value , ptr , opt ) ;
LRESULT CALLBACK PluginBridge : : WindowProc ( HWND hwnd , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam )
PluginBridge * that = nullptr ;
if ( hwnd = = m_communicationWindow & & wParam < m_plugins . size ( ) )
that = static_cast < PluginBridge * > ( m_plugins [ wParam ] ) ;
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else // Editor arch
2024-09-24 12:54:57 +00:00
that = reinterpret_cast < PluginBridge * > ( GetWindowLongPtr ( hwnd , GWLP_USERDATA ) ) ;
if ( that = = nullptr )
return DefWindowProc ( hwnd , uMsg , wParam , lParam ) ;
switch ( uMsg )
// Pretend that we erased the background
return 1 ;
case WM_SIZE :
// For plugins that change their size but do not notify the host, e.g. Roland D-50
RECT rect { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
GetClientRect ( hwnd , & rect ) ;
const int width = rect . right - rect . left , height = rect . bottom - rect . top ;
if ( width > 0 & & height > 0 & & ( width ! = that - > m_windowWidth | | height ! = that - > m_windowHeight ) )
that - > m_windowWidth = width ;
that - > m_windowHeight = height ;
that - > DispatchToHost ( audioMasterSizeWindow , width , height , nullptr , 0.0f ) ;
break ;
that - > ParseNextMessage ( static_cast < int > ( lParam ) ) ;
delete that ;
return 0 ;
return DefWindowProc ( hwnd , uMsg , wParam , lParam ) ;
void PluginBridge : : IdleTimerProc ( HWND , UINT , UINT_PTR idTimer , DWORD )
if ( idTimer ! = TIMER_IDLE )
return ;
for ( auto * plugin : m_plugins )
auto * that = static_cast < PluginBridge * > ( plugin ) ;
if ( that = = nullptr )
continue ;
if ( that - > m_needIdle )
that - > Dispatch ( effIdle , 0 , 0 , nullptr , 0.0f ) ;
that - > m_needIdle = false ;
if ( that - > m_window )
that - > Dispatch ( effEditIdle , 0 , 0 , nullptr , 0.0f ) ;