/*-========================================================================-_ | - XAPOFX - | | Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |PROJECT: XAPOFX MODEL: Unmanaged User-mode | |VERSION: 1.3 EXCEPT: No Exceptions | |CLASS: N / A MINREQ: WinXP, Xbox360 | |BASE: N / A DIALECT: MSC++ 14.00 | |>------------------------------------------------------------------------<| | DUTY: Cross-platform Audio Processing Objects | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ NOTES: 1. USE THE DEBUG DLL TO ENABLE PARAMETER VALIDATION VIA ASSERTS! Here's how: Copy XAPOFXDX_X.dll to where your application exists. The debug DLL can be found under %WINDIR%\system32. Rename XAPOFXDX_X.dll to XAPOFXX_X.dll to use the debug version. */ #pragma once //--------------<D-E-F-I-N-I-T-I-O-N-S>-------------------------------------// #include "comdecl.h" // for DEFINE_CLSID // FX class IDs DEFINE_CLSID(FXEQ, A90BC001, E897, E897, 74, 39, 43, 55, 00, 00, 00, 00); DEFINE_CLSID(FXMasteringLimiter, A90BC001, E897, E897, 74, 39, 43, 55, 00, 00, 00, 01); DEFINE_CLSID(FXReverb, A90BC001, E897, E897, 74, 39, 43, 55, 00, 00, 00, 02); DEFINE_CLSID(FXEcho, A90BC001, E897, E897, 74, 39, 43, 55, 00, 00, 00, 03); #if !defined(GUID_DEFS_ONLY) // ignore rest if only GUID definitions requested #if defined(_XBOX) // general windows and COM declarations #include <xtl.h> #include <xobjbase.h> #else #include <windows.h> #include <objbase.h> #endif #include <float.h> // float bounds // EQ parameter bounds (inclusive), used with XEQ: #define FXEQ_MIN_FRAMERATE 22000 #define FXEQ_MAX_FRAMERATE 48000 #define FXEQ_MIN_FREQUENCY_CENTER 20.0f #define FXEQ_MAX_FREQUENCY_CENTER 20000.0f #define FXEQ_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_CENTER_0 100.0f // band 0 #define FXEQ_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_CENTER_1 800.0f // band 1 #define FXEQ_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_CENTER_2 2000.0f // band 2 #define FXEQ_DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_CENTER_3 10000.0f // band 3 #define FXEQ_MIN_GAIN 0.126f // -18dB #define FXEQ_MAX_GAIN 7.94f // +18dB #define FXEQ_DEFAULT_GAIN 1.0f // 0dB change, all bands #define FXEQ_MIN_BANDWIDTH 0.1f #define FXEQ_MAX_BANDWIDTH 2.0f #define FXEQ_DEFAULT_BANDWIDTH 1.0f // all bands // Mastering limiter parameter bounds (inclusive), used with XMasteringLimiter: #define FXMASTERINGLIMITER_MIN_RELEASE 1 #define FXMASTERINGLIMITER_MAX_RELEASE 20 #define FXMASTERINGLIMITER_DEFAULT_RELEASE 6 #define FXMASTERINGLIMITER_MIN_LOUDNESS 1 #define FXMASTERINGLIMITER_MAX_LOUDNESS 1800 #define FXMASTERINGLIMITER_DEFAULT_LOUDNESS 1000 // Reverb parameter bounds (inclusive), used with XReverb: #define FXREVERB_MIN_DIFFUSION 0.0f #define FXREVERB_MAX_DIFFUSION 1.0f #define FXREVERB_DEFAULT_DIFFUSION 0.9f #define FXREVERB_MIN_ROOMSIZE 0.0001f #define FXREVERB_MAX_ROOMSIZE 1.0f #define FXREVERB_DEFAULT_ROOMSIZE 0.6f // Echo parameter bounds (inclusive), used with XEcho: #define FXECHO_MIN_WETDRYMIX 0.0f #define FXECHO_MAX_WETDRYMIX 1.0f #define FXECHO_DEFAULT_WETDRYMIX 0.5f #define FXECHO_MIN_FEEDBACK 0.0f #define FXECHO_MAX_FEEDBACK 1.0f #define FXECHO_DEFAULT_FEEDBACK 0.5f #define FXECHO_MIN_DELAY 1.0f #define FXECHO_MAX_DELAY 2000.0f #define FXECHO_DEFAULT_DELAY 500.0f //--------------<D-A-T-A---T-Y-P-E-S>---------------------------------------// #pragma pack(push, 1) // set packing alignment to ensure consistency across arbitrary build environments // EQ parameters (4 bands), used with IXAPOParameters::SetParameters: // The EQ supports only FLOAT32 audio foramts. // The framerate must be within [22000, 48000] Hz. typedef struct FXEQ_PARAMETERS { float FrequencyCenter0; // center frequency in Hz, band 0 float Gain0; // boost/cut float Bandwidth0; // bandwidth, region of EQ is center frequency +/- bandwidth/2 float FrequencyCenter1; // band 1 float Gain1; float Bandwidth1; float FrequencyCenter2; // band 2 float Gain2; float Bandwidth2; float FrequencyCenter3; // band 3 float Gain3; float Bandwidth3; } FXEQ_PARAMETERS; // Mastering limiter parameters, used with IXAPOParameters::SetParameters: // The mastering limiter supports only FLOAT32 audio formats. typedef struct FXMASTERINGLIMITER_PARAMETERS { UINT32 Release; // release time (tuning factor with no specific units) UINT32 Loudness; // loudness target (threshold) } FXMASTERINGLIMITER_PARAMETERS; // Reverb parameters, used with IXAPOParameters::SetParameters: // The reverb supports only FLOAT32 audio formats with the following // channel configurations: // Input: Mono Output: Mono // Input: Stereo Output: Stereo typedef struct FXREVERB_PARAMETERS { float Diffusion; // diffusion float RoomSize; // room size } FXREVERB_PARAMETERS; // Echo parameters, used with IXAPOParameters::SetParameters: // The echo supports only FLOAT32 audio formats. typedef struct FXECHO_PARAMETERS { float WetDryMix; // ratio of wet (processed) signal to dry (original) signal float Feedback; // amount of output fed back into input float Delay; // delay (all channels) in milliseconds } FXECHO_PARAMETERS; //--------------<M-A-C-R-O-S>-----------------------------------------------// // function storage-class attribute and calltype #if defined(_XBOX) || !defined(FXDLL) #define FX_API_(type) EXTERN_C type STDAPIVCALLTYPE #else #if defined(FXEXPORT) #define FX_API_(type) EXTERN_C __declspec(dllexport) type STDAPIVCALLTYPE #else #define FX_API_(type) EXTERN_C __declspec(dllimport) type STDAPIVCALLTYPE #endif #endif #define FX_IMP_(type) type STDMETHODVCALLTYPE //--------------<F-U-N-C-T-I-O-N-S>-----------------------------------------// // creates instance of requested XAPO, use Release to free instance FX_API_(HRESULT) CreateFX (REFCLSID clsid, __deref_out IUnknown** pEffect); #pragma pack(pop) // revert packing alignment #endif // !defined(GUID_DEFS_ONLY) //---------------------------------<-EOF->----------------------------------//