#include <precomp.h>

#include "gradient.h"

#include <math.h>//floor
#include <bfc/ptrlist.h>
#include <bfc/parse/pathparse.h>

#define DEFAULT_GRAD_MODE L"linear"

template<class T> inline void SWAP(T &a, T &b) {
  T c = a;
  a = b;
  b = c;

inline unsigned int LERPu(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, double p) {
//  ASSERT(p >= 0);
//  ASSERT(p <= 1.f);
  unsigned int ret = (unsigned int)((double)b * p + (double)a * (1. - p));
  return ret;

inline float LERPf(double a, double b, float p) {
//  ASSERT(p >= 0);
//  ASSERT(p <= 1.f);
  return (float)(b * p + a * (1. - p));

Gradient::Gradient() :
  gradient_x1 = 0.0f;
  gradient_y1 = 0.0f;
  gradient_x2 = 1.0f;
  gradient_y2 = 1.0f;
  reverse_colors = 0;
  antialias = 0;
  list.addItem(new GradientPoint(0.0f, 0xff00ff00));
  list.addItem(new GradientPoint(.5, 0x000000ff));
  list.addItem(new GradientPoint(1.0f, 0xffff0000));

Gradient::~Gradient() {

void Gradient::setX1(float x1) {
  gradient_x1 = x1;

void Gradient::setY1(float y1) {
  gradient_y1 = y1;

void Gradient::setX2(float x2) {
  gradient_x2 = x2;

void Gradient::setY2(float y2) {
  gradient_y2 = y2;

void Gradient::clearPoints() {

void Gradient::addPoint(float pos, ARGB32 color)
  list.addItem(new GradientPoint(pos, color, gammagroup));

void Gradient::setPoints(const wchar_t *pointlist) 
  if (pointlist == NULL || *pointlist == '\0') return;
// 0.5=233,445,245,123;
  PathParserW pp(pointlist, L";");
  if (pp.getNumStrings() <= 0) return;
  for (int i = 0; i < pp.getNumStrings(); i++) 
    PathParserW rp(pp.enumString(i), L"=");
    if (rp.getNumStrings() != 2) 
    float pos = (float)WTOF(rp.enumString(0));
    ARGB32 color = (ARGB32)WASABI_API_SKIN->parse(rp.enumString(1), L"coloralpha");
    addPoint(pos, color);

void Gradient::setReverseColors(int c) {
  reverse_colors = c;

void Gradient::setAntialias(int c) {
  antialias = c;

void Gradient::setMode(const wchar_t *_mode) {
  mode = _mode;
  if (mode.isempty())

void Gradient::setGammaGroup(const wchar_t *group) {
  gammagroup = group;
  // reset our points

static inline ARGB32 colorLerp(ARGB32 color1, ARGB32 color2, double pos) {
  unsigned int a1 = (color1>>24) & 0xff;
  unsigned int a2 = (color2>>24) & 0xff;
  unsigned int r1 = (color1>>16) & 0xff;
  unsigned int r2 = (color2>>16) & 0xff;
  unsigned int g1 = (color1>>8) & 0xff;
  unsigned int g2 = (color2>>8) & 0xff;
  unsigned int b1 = (color1) & 0xff;
  unsigned int b2 = (color2) & 0xff;
  return (LERPu(a1, a2, pos)<<24) | (LERPu(r1, r2, pos) << 16) | (LERPu(g1,g2,pos)<<8) | LERPu(b1, b2, pos);

void Gradient::renderGrad(ARGB32 *ptr, int len, int *positions) {

  int npos = list.getNumItems();
  ASSERT(npos >= 2);

  ARGB32 color1, color2;
  for (int i = 0; i < npos-1; i++) {
    color1 = list.q(i)->color.getColor();
    color2 = list.q(i+1)->color.getColor();

    if (reverse_colors) {
      color1 = BGRATOARGB(color1);
      color2 = BGRATOARGB(color2);

    int x1 = positions[i];
    int x2 = positions[i+1];
    if (x1 == x2) continue;
    // hflip if need be
    if (x1 > x2) {
      SWAP(x1, x2);
      SWAP(color1, color2);
    float c = 0;
    float segment_len = (float)((x2 - x1)+1);

    if (x1 < 0) {	// clip left
      c += -x1;
      x1 = 0;
    for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++, c += 1.0f) {
      if (x >= len) break;	// clip right
      ptr[x] = colorLerp(color1, color2, c / segment_len);
#if 0//later
  // fill in left if needed
  if (positions[0] > 0) MEMFILL<ARGB32>(ptr, list.q(0)->color, positions[0]);

  // and right if needed
  int rpos = positions[npos-1];
  if (rpos < len) MEMFILL<ARGB32>(ptr+rpos, list.getLast()->color, len-rpos);

void Gradient::renderGradient(ARGB32 *bits, int w, int h, int pitch) 
	if (pitch == 0)
		pitch = w;


  ARGB32 default_color = 0xffff00ff;
  if (list.getNumItems() == 1) default_color = list.q(0)->color.getColor();
  // blank it out to start
	if (pitch == w)
		MEMFILL<ARGB32>(bits, default_color, w * h);
		for (int i=0;i<h;i++)
			MEMFILL<ARGB32>(bits+i*pitch, default_color, w);

  if (list.getNumItems() > 1) {
    if (mode.iscaseequal(L"linear")) {
//FUCKO: not if endcaps are filled

      // force non-vertical lines
      if (ABS(gradient_x1 - gradient_x2) < 0.0005f) gradient_x2 = gradient_x1+0.0005f;

      double px1 = gradient_x1 * w, py1 = gradient_y1 * h;
      double px2 = gradient_x2 * w, py2 = gradient_y2 * h;

      // convert to y = mx + b
      double m = (py2 - py1)/(px2 - px1);
      m = -1.f/m;	// invert the slope

      int nitems = list.getNumItems();

      // get the in-pixels x and y for points on the gradient
      for (int i = 0; i < nitems; i++) {
        GradientPoint *gp = list.q(i);
        // need x and y given pos
        gp->x = LERPf(px1, px2, gp->pos);
        gp->y = LERPf(py1, py2, gp->pos);

      MemBlock<int> positions(nitems);
      for (int _y = 0; _y < h; _y++) {
        // project all the color points onto this scanline
        for (int i = 0; i < nitems; i++) {
          GradientPoint *gp = list.q(i);
// y = mx + b
// b = y - mx;
          double newb = gp->y - m * gp->x;
// y = mx + newb
// y - newb = mx
// (y - newb)/m = x
          double xxx = (_y - newb)/m;
          positions[i] = (int)floor(xxx+0.5f);
        renderGrad(bits+_y*pitch, w, positions);
    } else if (mode.iscaseequal(L"circular")) {
      double tot = SQRT(SQR(gradient_x1 - gradient_x2) + SQR(gradient_y1 - gradient_y2));
        GradientPoint *gp = list.getfor();
        gp->dist = gp->pos * tot;

      ARGB32 *dst = bits;
      for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
          ARGB32 c;
          if (antialias) {
            double fx = (((double)x)-0.5f) / (double)w;
            double fy = (((double)y)-0.5f) / (double)h;
            ARGB32 ul = getPixelCirc(fx, fy);
            fx = (((double)x)+0.5f) / (double)w;
            fy = (((double)y)-0.5f) / (double)h;
            ARGB32 ur = getPixelCirc(fx, fy);
            fx = (((double)x)+0.5f) / (double)w;
            fy = (((double)y)+0.5f) / (double)h;
            ARGB32 lr = getPixelCirc(fx, fy);
            fx = (((double)x)-0.5f) / (double)w;
            fy = (((double)y)+0.5f) / (double)h;
            ARGB32 ll = getPixelCirc(fx, fy);
            c = colorLerp(colorLerp(ll, lr, 0.5f), colorLerp(ul, ur, 0.5f), 0.5);
          } else {
            double fy = (double)y / (double)h;
            double fx = (double)x / (double)w;
            c = getPixelCirc(fx, fy);
          *dst++ = c;
				dst += (pitch-w);

	if (pitch == w)
		premultiplyARGB32(bits, w * h);
		for (int i=0;i<h;i++)
			premultiplyARGB32(bits+i*pitch, w);

ARGB32 Gradient::getPixelCirc(double fx, double fy) {
  int nitems = list.getNumItems();
  //double dist = SQR(fx - gradient_x1) + SQR(fy - gradient_y1);
  double dist = SQRT(SQR(fx - gradient_x1) + SQR(fy - gradient_y1));
  ARGB32 c = 0xff00ff00;
  if (dist <= list.q(0)->dist)
    c = list.q(0)->color.getColor();
  else if (dist >= list.getLast()->dist)
    c = list.getLast()->color.getColor();
  else for (int i = 0; i < nitems-1; i++) {
    if (list.q(i)->dist <= dist && list.q(i+1)->dist >= dist) {
      double pdist = list.q(i+1)->dist - list.q(i)->dist;
      double pp = dist - list.q(i)->dist;
      pp /= pdist;
      if (list.q(i)->color.getColor() == list.q(i+1)->color.getColor())
        c = list.q(i)->color.getColor();
        c = colorLerp(list.q(i)->color.getColor(), list.q(i+1)->color.getColor(), pp);
  if (reverse_colors) c = BGRATOARGB(c);
  return c;