/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//     This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or
//     nondisclosure agreement with Intel Corporation and may not be copied
//     or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement.
//          Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
//                    Intel(R) Performance Primitives
//                  Realistic Rendering Library (ippRR)
#if !defined( __IPPR_H__ ) || defined( _OWN_BLDPCS )
#define __IPPR_H__

#if defined (_WIN32_WCE) && defined (_M_IX86) && defined (__stdcall)
  #undef __stdcall

#ifndef __IPPDEFS_H__
  #include "ippdefs.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#if !defined( _OWN_BLDPCS )

typedef float           IppPoint2D_32f[2];
typedef float           IppPoint3D_32f[3];
typedef float           IppVector3D_32f[4];
typedef IppPoint3D_32f  IppBox3D_32f[2];
typedef IppPoint3D_32f  IppTriangle3D_32f[3];

typedef struct TriangleAccel IpprTriangleAccel;

typedef struct KDTreeNode{
    Ipp32s  flag_k_ofs;
    union _tree_data{
        Ipp32f  split;
        Ipp32s  items;

typedef struct IntersectContext{
    IppBox3D_32f        *pBound;    /* pointer to bounding box for a whole object */
    IpprTriangleAccel   *pAccel;    /* pointer to triangle acceleration structure */
    IpprKDTreeNode      *pRootNode; /* pointer to KD-tree root node */

/* Tree building algorithm identifiers */
typedef enum {
    ippKDTBuildSimple    = 0x499d3dc2,  /* Simple building mode */
    ippKDTBuildPureSAH   = 0x2d07705b   /* SAH building mode */

/* Context for simple building mode */
typedef struct SimpleBuilderContext{
    IpprKDTreeBuildAlg   Alg;           /* Must be equal to ippKDTBuildSimple constant */
    Ipp32s               MaxDepth;      /* Subdivision depth (with middle point subdivision) */

/* Context for SAH building mode */
typedef struct PSAHBuilderContext{
    IpprKDTreeBuildAlg   Alg;           /* Must be equal to ippKDTBuildPureSAH constant */
    Ipp32s               MaxDepth;      /* Maximum tree subdivision depth (minimum - 0, maximum - 51) */
    Ipp32f               QoS;           /* Termination criteria modifier */
    Ipp32s               AvailMemory;   /* Maximum available memory in Mb */
    IppBox3D_32f        *Bounds;        /* Cut-off bounding box */

typedef enum {
    ippNormInd  = 3,
    ippTriInd   = 4
} IpprIndexType;

typedef enum _IpprSHType{
    ipprSHNormDirect=0, /* Normalized Spherical harmonic functions, direct computation */
    ipprSHNormRecurr    /* Normalized Spherical harmonic functions, recurrent computation */

typedef struct rSHState IpprSHState;

#endif /* _OWN_BLDPCS */

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//                   Functions declarations
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Name:       ipprGetLibVersion
//  Purpose:    getting of the library version
//  Returns:    the structure of information about version
//              of ippRR library
//  Parameters:
//  Notes:      not necessary to release the returned structure
IPPAPI( const IppLibraryVersion*, ipprGetLibVersion, (void) )

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//           Acceleration Functions
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Name:
//    ipprTriangleAccelInit
//  Purpose:
//    Initialize a IpprtTriangleAccel for future usage in ipprIntersect...
//  Input Arguments:
//    pVertexCoord    - pointer to the array of vertex coordinate.
//    pTrnglIndex     - pointer to the triangle's indexes.
//     cntTrngl       - the number of triangles.
// Input Arguments:
//    pTrnglAccel     - pointer to the structure IpprTriangleAccel
//  Returns:
//    ippStsNoErr        No error.
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprTriangleAccelInit,(
       IpprTriangleAccel* pTrnglAccel,const Ipp32f* pVertexCoord,const Ipp32s* pTrnglIndex,int cntTrngl ))

/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Name:
//    ipprTriangleAccelGetSize
//  Purpose:
//    Return size of IpprtTriangleAccel
//  Parameters:
//    pTrnglAccelSize - pointer to the resulting size of the structure
//                                  IpprtTriangleAccel
//  Returns:
//    ippStsNoErr        No error.
//    ippStsNullPtrErr   Indicates an error when pointer pTrnglAccelSize is NULL.
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprTriangleAccelGetSize,(int* pTrnglAccelSize))

/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    Build the k-D tree for the set of triangles using one of predefined construction
    algorithms controlled by service parameters context.
    pDstKDTree     - address of a pointer to the built tree;
    pSrcVert       - pointer to the scene element vertices array;
    pSrcTriInx     - pointer to the scene element indexed triangles array;
    SrcVertSize    - size of vertices array;
    SrcTriSize     - size of triangles array;
    pDstKDTreeSize - address of the built tree size;
    QoS            - fuzzy quality control parameter. takes values from 0.0 to 1.0;
    AlgType        - type of tree construction algorithm
    ippStsNoErr           No error.
    ippStsNullPtrErr      Indicates an error when one of the pointers is NULL.
    ippStsSizeErr         Wrong (negative) size of one of arrays.
    ippStsOutOfRangeErr   QoS is out of [0.0, 1.0] range.
    ippStsNoMemErr        Not enough memory for the tree construction algorithm.
    ippStsBadArgErr       Unknown algorithm type.
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprKDTreeBuildAlloc,(
       IpprKDTreeNode     **pDstKDTree,
       const Ipp32f * const pSrcVert,
       const Ipp32s * const pSrcTriInx,
       Ipp32s               SrcVertSize,
       Ipp32s               SrcTriSize,
       Ipp32s              *pDstKDTreeSize,
       const void * const   pBldContext))

/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    Frees memory allocated for the k-D tree during ippiKDTreeBuildAlloc.
    pSrcKDTree     - a pointer to the k-D tree;
IPPAPI(void, ipprKDTreeFree,(
       IpprKDTreeNode   *pSrcKDTree))

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//           Ray-scene Intersection Engine
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Names:             ipprIntersectMO_32f
//  Purpose:   Calculates intersection points of rays with triangles,the indexes those triangles,
//             the distances from origin points to intersection points.
// Input Arguments:
//       pOrigin    - array of pointers to a separate coordinates(x,y,z)of planes of the origin points..
//       pDirection - array of pointers to a separate coordinates(x,y,z)of planes of the ray's directions.
//         pContext - pointer to the intersection's context.
//       blockSize  - size of rays' block.
// Input/Output Arguments:
//            pDist - pointer to the distance from origin to intersection point. Else it is input value.
//                    As input pDist[i] should be 0.f if you don't want to process this ray.
// Output Arguments:
//            pHit  - pointer to the local surface parameters( u, v )at hit point in case of intersection was found.
//          pTrngl  - pointer to the Triangle index in case of intersection was found. Else it is -1.
//  Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors
//  ippStsNoMemErr   The node stack is overfilled.

       const Ipp32f* const       pOrigin[3],
       const Ipp32f* const    pDirection[3],
       Ipp32f*                        pDist,
       Ipp32f*                      pHit[2],
       Ipp32s*                       pTrngl,
       const IpprIntersectContext* pContext,
       IppiSize blockSize
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Names:     ipprIntersectEyeSO_32f
//  Purpose:   Calculates intersection points of rays with triangles,the indexes those triangles,
//             the distances from origin points to intersection points.
// Input Arguments:
//       originEye  - origin point.All rays have a single origin.
//       pDirection - array of pointers to a separate coordinates(x,y,z)of planes of the ray's directions.
//         pContext - pointer to the intersection's context.
//       blockSize  - size of rays' block.
// Output Arguments:
//            pDist - pointer to the distance from origin to intersection point. Else it is IPP_MAXABS_32F.
//            pHit  - pointer to the local surface parameters( u, v )at hit point in case of intersection was found.
//          pTrngl  - pointer to the Triangle index in case of intersection was found. Else it is -1.
//  Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors
//  ippStsNoMemErr   The node stack is overfilled.
       IppPoint3D_32f             originEye,
       const Ipp32f* const    pDirection[3],
       Ipp32f*                        pDist,
       Ipp32f*                      pHit[2],
       Ipp32s*                       pTrngl,
       const IpprIntersectContext* pContext,
       IppiSize blockSize

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Names:             ipprIntersectMultipleSO_32f
//  Purpose:   Calculates intersection points of rays with triangles,the indexes those triangles,
//             the distances from origin points to intersection points.
//Input parameters:
//  originEye        origin point.All rays have a single origin.
//  pDirection       2D array of pointers to the vectors of directions.
//  pContext         Pointer to the intersection context.
//  blockVolume      blockVolume.width * blockVolume.height is total number of the rays.
//                   blockVolume.depth - the specified number of the scene triangles.
//Input Output parameters:
//pDist         Pointer to the 3D array of distances between the hit point and origin of  the rays.
//Output parameters:
//pHit        3D array of pointers to the local surface parameters (u, v) at the hit
//              point if the intersection is found.
//pTrngl    Pointer to the 3D array of triangle indexes if the intersection is found. If not it is set to-1.
//  Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors
       IppPoint3D_32f            originEye,
       const Ipp32f* const   pDirection[3],
       Ipp32f*                   pDistance,
       Ipp32f*                     pHit[2],
       Ipp32s*                      pTrngl,
       IpprVolume              blockVolume,
       const IpprIntersectContext* pContext

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Names:     ipprIntersectAnySO_32f
//  Purpose:   performs occlusion tests for block of rays with single origin.
// Input Arguments:
//       originEye  - origin point.All rays have a single origin.
//       pDirection - array of pointers to a separate coordinates(x,y,z)of planes of the ray's directions.
//         pContext - pointer to the intersection's context.
//       blockSize  - size of rays' block.
// Input/Output Arguments:
//            pMask - pointer to the array of the mask. If output pMask[i][j] = 0, occlusion test for this ray is true.
//                    Else it is input value.
//                    As input pMask[i][j] should be 0 if you don't want to process this ray.Else it should be -1.
//          pTrngl  - pointer to the Triangle index in case of intersection was found. Else it is -1.
//  Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors
//  ippStsNoMemErr   The node stack is overfilled.
       IppPoint3D_32f             originEye,
       const Ipp32f* const    pDirection[3],
       Ipp32s*                    pOccluder,
       Ipp32s*                        pMask,
       IppiSize                   blockSize,
       const IpprIntersectContext* pContext

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//           Shaders Support Functions
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Name:     ipprMul_32f_C1P3IM
//  Purpose: Purpose: multiplies each element of three vectors of the accumulator (pSrcDst)
//           for which the corresponding element of a vector of a mask more or is equal to zero,
//           by an element of an source vector.
//  Name:     ipprMul_32f_IM
//  Purpose: Multiplies an element of the accumulator (pSrcDst)
//           for which the corresponding element of a vector of a mask more or is equal to zero,
//           by an element of an source vector.
// Input Arguments:
//           pSrc -  pointer to the first source vector
//          pMask -  pointer to the first mask's vector
//          len                  length of the vectors
// Input/Output Arguments:
//          pSrcDst - pointer to the source/destination (accumulator) vectors.
// Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors
IPPAPI(IppStatus,ipprMul_32f_C1P3IM,( const Ipp32f* pSrc, const Ipp32s* pMask,
       Ipp32f* pSrcDst[3], int len ))

IPPAPI(IppStatus,ipprMul_32f_C1IM,( const Ipp32f* pSrc, const Ipp32s* pMask,
       Ipp32f* pSrcDst, int len ))

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Name:     ipprAddMulMul_32f_AC1P3IM
//  Purpose:  multiplies elements of two triplex source vectors and adds product
//            to triplex of the accumulator vectors ???
//  Input Arguments:
//          point   - source point.
//          pSrc0   - pointer to the first source vector
//          pSrc1   - pointer to the second source vector
//          pMask   - pointer to the mask's vector
//          len     - length of the vectors
// Output Arguments:
//          pSrcDst - pointer to the source/destination (accumulator) vector.
//  Notes:
//         pSrcDst[0][n] = pSrcDst[0][n] + pSrc1[n] * pSrc2[n] * point[0], n=0,1,2,..len-1.
//         pSrcDst[1][n] = pSrcDst[1][n] + pSrc1[n] * pSrc2[n] * point[1],
//         pSrcDst[2][n] = pSrcDst[2][n] + pSrc1[n] * pSrc2[n] * point[2],
//         E.g for Lambertian cosine low.
//  Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors
       IppPoint3D_32f point,
       const Ipp32f*  pSrc0,
       const Ipp32f* const pSrc1[3],
       const Ipp32s*  pMask,
       Ipp32f*   pSrcDst[3],
       int len
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Name:     ipprDiv_32f_C1IM
//  Purpose:   divides an element of the accumulator (pSrcDst) for which the corresponding
//             element of a vector of a mask more or is equal to zero, into an element of an source vector.
//  Input Arguments:
//           pSrc - pointer to the divisor source vector
//          pMask - pointer to the mask vector.
//            len - vector's length, number of items.
//  Input-Output Argument:
//        pSrcDst - pointer to the source/destination (accumulator) vector.
//  Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors
IPPAPI(IppStatus,ipprDiv_32f_C1IM,(const Ipp32f* pSrc, const Ipp32s* pMask, Ipp32f* pSrcDst, int len ))
/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Name:
//      ipprDot_32f_P3C1M
//  Purpose:
//      calculates dot product of the incident ray directions and normales of surface.
//  Input Arguments:
// pDirection - pointer to array of pointers to a separate coordinates(x,y,z)of planes of the ray's directions.
//      pDist - pointer to the IpprPointsOnRays_SO structure
//  pSurfNorm - pointer to the surface's normals.
//  Output arguments:
// pSurfDotIn - pointer to the dot product.
//  Returns:
//      ippStsNoErr   No errors
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprDot_32f_P3C1M,( const Ipp32f* const pSrc0[3],
       const Ipp32f* const pSrc1[3],const Ipp32s* pMask, Ipp32f* pDot, int len ))
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprDotChangeNorm_32f_IM,( const Ipp32f* const pSrc[3],
       const Ipp32s* pMask, Ipp32f* pSrcDst[3],Ipp32f* pDot,int len ))

/* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Name:
//      ipprDot_32f_M
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprDistAttenuationSO_32f_M,( IppPoint3D_32f point, const Ipp32f* const  pSurfHit[3],
       const Ipp32s* pMask, Ipp32f* pDist, int len ))

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//       Rays' casting
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Name:     ipprCastEye_32f
//  Purpose:  to calculate the primary ray's vectors.
// Input Arguments:
//     imPlaneOrg - the coordinate of origin the projection's plane.
//        dW      - a step along width  of the projection's plane.
//        dH      - a step along height of the projection's plane.
//        wB      - the number of block along width of Image.
//        hB      - the number of block along height of Image.
//        cBlock  - total number of rays in the block
//     blockSize  - total number of the rays in the current block.
// Input-Output Argument:
//     pDirection - pointer to the destination vector. It is not normalised.
//  Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors


       IppPoint3D_32f imPlaneOrg,
       IppPoint3D_32f dW,
       IppPoint3D_32f dH,
       int wB,int hB,
       IppiSize cBlock,
       Ipp32f* pDirection[3],
       IppiSize blockSize ))

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Names:     ipprCastShadowSO_32f
//  Purpose:   calculates block of shadow rays.  for which the corresponding
//             element of a vector of a pMask more or is equal to zero.
// Input Arguments:
//    pOrigin       - pointer to the origin point.
//   pSurfDotIn     - pointer to the vector of dot products of incident rays and normals
//                    at intersections point.
//   pSurfNorm      - pointer  to array of pointers to a separate coordinates(x,y,z)of planes
//                    of normals at intersections point.
//    pSurfHit      - pointer to array of pointers to a separate coordinates(x,y,z)of planes of the intersection points.
//            pMask - pointer to the mask vector.
//  Output Arguments:
//     pDirection   - pointer to the destination vector. Shouldn't be normalised.
//     pDist        - . Here it is can be 0.f or 1.f
//     pDotRay      - pointer to the vector of dot products of shadow rays and normals.
//  Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors
       IppPoint3D_32f           pOrigin,
       const Ipp32f*         pSurfDotIn,
       const Ipp32f* const pSurfNorm[3],
       const Ipp32f* const  pSurfHit[3],
       Ipp32s*                    pMask,
       Ipp32f*                  pDotRay,
       Ipp32f*            pDirection[3],
       int                          len
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Names:     ipprCastReflectionRay_32f
//  Purpose:   calculates array of reflected rays, for which the corresponding
//             element of a vector of a mask more or is equal to zero.
// Input Arguments:
//    pIncident   - pointer to the array of vectors of incident rays.
//          pMask - pointer to the mask vector.
//   pSurfNorm    - pointer  to array of pointers to a separate coordinates(x,y,z)of planes
//                    of normals at intersections point.
//  Output Arguments:
//       pReflect - pointer to the array of rflected vectors.
//  Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors
       const Ipp32f* const pInc[3],
       const Ipp32s*        pMask,
       const Ipp32f* const pSurfNorm[3],
       Ipp32f*        pReflect[3],
       int len ))

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//       Surface properties ( pSurfHit, pSurfNorm, pSurfDotIn )
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Name:
//      ipprHitPoint3DS0_32f/ipprHitPoint3DM0_32f
//  Purpose:
//      calculates explicit intersection coordinates in world coordinate system for a block
//      of rays from single/multiple origin.
//  Input Arguments:
//       pDist - generalized distance from origin to intersection point.
//   originEye - origin point. All rays have a single origin.
//     pOrigin - pointer to array of pointers to a separate coordinates(x,y,z)of planes of the origin points.
//  pDirection - pointer to array of pointers to a separate coordinates(x,y,z)of planes of the ray's directions.
//  blockSize  - size of rays' block.
//  Output arguments:
//    pSurfHit - pointer to array of pointers to a separate coordinates(x,y,z)of planes of the intersection points.
//  Returns:
//      ippStsNoErr   No errors
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprHitPoint3DEpsS0_32f_M,(
       const IppPoint3D_32f    originEye,
       const Ipp32f* const pDirection[3],
       const Ipp32f*               pDist,
       const Ipp32s*               pMask,
       Ipp32f*               pSurfHit[3],
       int                           len,
       Ipp32f                        eps
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprHitPoint3DEpsM0_32f_M,(
       const Ipp32f* const       pOrigin[3],
       const Ipp32f* const pDirection[3],
       const Ipp32f*               pDist,
       const Ipp32s*               pMask,
       Ipp32f*               pSurfHit[3],
       int                           len,
       Ipp32f                        eps

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Names:     ipprSurfTriangleNormal_32f
//  Purpose:   calculates the surface's normals from triangles' normals.
// Input Arguments:
//    pTrnglNorm    - pointer to the triangles' normal. Interlived
//    pTrngl        - pointer to triangles' indexes
//    pHit          - pointer to the local surface parameters( u, v )at hit point in case of intersection was found.
//    blockSize     - size of rays' block.
//  Output Arguments:
//    pSurfNorm     - pointer to the surface's normals.
//    sameTri ???
//  Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSurfFlatNormal_32f,(
       const Ipp32f*  pTrnglNorm,
       const Ipp32s*      pTrngl,
       Ipp32f*      pSurfNorm[3],
       int                   len
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSurfSmoothNormal_32f,(
       const Ipp32f* pVertNorm,
       const Ipp32s* pIndexNorm,
       const Ipp32s* pTrngl,
       const Ipp32f* const pHit[2],
       Ipp32f* pSurfNorm[3], int len, IpprIndexType ippInd

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//           Helper Functions
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Names:        ipprSetBoundBox_32f
//  Purpose:   Calculates an axis aligned bounding box for the object.
// Input Arguments:
//    pVertCoor     - pointer to the coordinates of triangle's vertexes.
//    lenTri        - the number of triangles in the mesh.
// Output Arguments:
//             pBound  - pointer to the axis aligned bounding box of current object.
//  Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSetBoundBox_32f,(
       const Ipp32f* pVertCoor,
       int             lenTri,
       IppBox3D_32f*   pBound
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Names:     ipprTriangleNormal_32f
//  Purpose:   calculates triangles' normals from object.
// Input Arguments:
//    pTrnglCoor      - pointer to the coordinates of triangle's vertexes.
//    pTrnglIndex     - pointer to the triangle's indexes.
//    lenTri          - the number of triangles in the mesh.
//  Output Arguments:
//    pTrnglNorm      - pointer to the triangles' normals.
//  Returns:
//  ippStsNoErr      No errors
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprTriangleNormal_32f,(
       const Ipp32f* pTrnglCoor,
       const int*   pTrnglIndex,
       Ipp32f*       pTrnglNorm,
       int             lenTrngl

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//           3D Geometric Transform Functions
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

//  Name:               ipprResizeGetBufSize
//  Purpose:            Computes the size of an external work buffer (in bytes)
//  Parameters:
//    srcVOI            region of interest of source volume
//    dstVOI            region of interest of destination volume
//    nChannel          number of channels
//    interpolation     type of interpolation to perform for resizing the input volume:
//                        IPPI_INTER_NN      nearest neighbor interpolation
//                        IPPI_INTER_LINEAR  trilinear interpolation
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC   tricubic polynomial interpolation
//                      including two-parameter cubic filters:
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_BSPLINE      B-spline filter (1, 0)
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_CATMULLROM   Catmull-Rom filter (0, 1/2)
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_B05C03       special filter with parameters (1/2, 3/10)
//    pSize             pointer to the external buffer`s size
//  Returns:
//    ippStsNoErr             no errors
//    ippStsNullPtrErr        pSize == NULL
//    ippStsSizeErr           width or height or depth of volumes is less or equal zero
//    ippStsNumChannelsErr    number of channels is not one
//    ippStsInterpolationErr  (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_NN) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_LINEAR) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_CUBIC) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_BSPLINE) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_CATMULLROM) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_B05C03)

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprResizeGetBufSize, (
    IpprCuboid srcVOI, IpprCuboid dstVOI, int nChannel, int interpolation, int* pSize))

//  Name:               ipprResize_<mode>
//  Purpose:            Performs RESIZE transform of the source volume
//                      by xFactor, yFactor, zFactor and xShift, yShift, zShift
//                            |X'|   |xFactor    0       0   |   |X|   |xShift|
//                            |Y'| = |        yFactor    0   | * |Y| + |yShift|
//                            |Z'|   |   0       0    zFactor|   |Z|   |zShift|
//  Parameters:
//    pSrc              pointer to source volume data (8u_C1V, 16u_C1V, 32f_C1V modes)
//                      or array of pointers to planes in source volume data
//    srcVolume         size of source volume
//    srcStep           step in every plane of source volume
//    srcPlaneStep      step between planes of source volume (8u_C1V, 16u_C1V, 32f_C1V modes)
//    srcVOI            volume of interest of source volume
//    pDst              pointer to destination volume data (8u_C1V and 16u_C1V modes)
//                      or array of pointers to planes in destination volume data
//    dstStep           step in every plane of destination volume
//    dstPlaneStep      step between planes of destination volume (8u_C1V, 16u_C1V, 32f_C1V modes)
//    dstVOI            volume of interest of destination volume
//    xFactor           they specify fraction of resizing in X direction
//    yFactor           they specify fraction of resizing in Y direction
//    zFactor           they specify fraction of resizing in Z direction
//    xShift            they specify shifts of resizing in X direction
//    yShift            they specify shifts of resizing in Y direction
//    zShift            they specify shifts of resizing in Z direction
//    interpolation     type of interpolation to perform for resizing the input volume:
//                        IPPI_INTER_NN      nearest neighbor interpolation
//                        IPPI_INTER_LINEAR  trilinear interpolation
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC   tricubic polynomial interpolation
//                      including two-parameter cubic filters:
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_BSPLINE      B-spline filter (1, 0)
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_CATMULLROM   Catmull-Rom filter (0, 1/2)
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_B05C03       special filter with parameters (1/2, 3/10)
//    pBuffer           pointer to work buffer
//  Returns:
//    ippStsNoErr             no errors
//    ippStsNullPtrErr        pSrc == NULL or pDst == NULL or pBuffer == NULL
//    ippStsSizeErr           width or height or depth of volumes is less or equal zero
//    ippStsWrongIntersectVOI VOI hasn't an intersection with the source or destination volume
//    ippStsResizeFactorErr   xFactor or yFactor or zFactor is less or equal zero
//    ippStsInterpolationErr  (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_NN) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_LINEAR) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_CUBIC) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_BSPLINE) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_CATMULLROM) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_B05C03)
//  Notes:
//    <mode> are 8u_C1V or 16u_C1V or 32f_C1V or 8u_C1PV or 16u_C1PV or 32f_C1PV

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprResize_8u_C1V, (
    const Ipp8u* pSrc, IpprVolume srcVolume, int srcStep, int srcPlaneStep, IpprCuboid srcVOI,
    Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int dstPlaneStep, IpprCuboid dstVOI,
    double xFactor, double yFactor, double zFactor, double xShift, double yShift, double zShift,
    int interpolation, Ipp8u* pBuffer))

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprResize_16u_C1V, (
    const Ipp16u* pSrc, IpprVolume srcVolume, int srcStep, int srcPlaneStep, IpprCuboid srcVOI,
    Ipp16u* pDst, int dstStep, int dstPlaneStep, IpprCuboid dstVOI,
    double xFactor, double yFactor, double zFactor, double xShift, double yShift, double zShift,
    int interpolation, Ipp8u* pBuffer))

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprResize_32f_C1V, (
    const Ipp32f* pSrc, IpprVolume srcVolume, int srcStep, int srcPlaneStep, IpprCuboid srcVOI,
    Ipp32f* pDst, int dstStep, int dstPlaneStep, IpprCuboid dstVOI,
    double xFactor, double yFactor, double zFactor, double xShift, double yShift, double zShift,
    int interpolation, Ipp8u* pBuffer))

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprResize_8u_C1PV, (
    const Ipp8u* const pSrc[], IpprVolume srcVolume, int srcStep, IpprCuboid srcVOI,
    Ipp8u* const pDst[], int dstStep, IpprCuboid dstVOI,
    double xFactor, double yFactor, double zFactor, double xShift, double yShift, double zShift,
    int interpolation, Ipp8u* pBuffer))

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprResize_16u_C1PV, (
    const Ipp16u* const pSrc[], IpprVolume srcVolume, int srcStep, IpprCuboid srcVOI,
    Ipp16u* const pDst[], int dstStep, IpprCuboid dstVOI,
    double xFactor, double yFactor, double zFactor, double xShift, double yShift, double zShift,
    int interpolation, Ipp8u* pBuffer))

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprResize_32f_C1PV, (
    const Ipp32f* const pSrc[], IpprVolume srcVolume, int srcStep, IpprCuboid srcVOI,
    Ipp32f* const pDst[], int dstStep, IpprCuboid dstVOI,
    double xFactor, double yFactor, double zFactor, double xShift, double yShift, double zShift,
    int interpolation, Ipp8u* pBuffer))

//  Name:               ipprWarpAffineGetBufSize
//  Purpose:            Computes the size of an external work buffer (in bytes)
//  Parameters:
//    srcVOI            region of interest of source volume
//    dstVOI            region of interest of destination volume
//    nChannel          number of channels
//    interpolation     type of interpolation to perform for resizing the input volume:
//                        IPPI_INTER_NN      nearest neighbor interpolation
//                        IPPI_INTER_LINEAR  trilinear interpolation
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC   tricubic polynomial interpolation
//                      including two-parameter cubic filters:
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_BSPLINE      B-spline filter (1, 0)
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_CATMULLROM   Catmull-Rom filter (0, 1/2)
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_B05C03       special filter with parameters (1/2, 3/10)
//    pSize             pointer to the external buffer`s size
//  Returns:
//    ippStsNoErr             no errors
//    ippStsNullPtrErr        pSize == NULL
//    ippStsSizeErr           size of source or destination volumes is less or equal zero
//    ippStsNumChannelsErr    number of channels is not one
//    ippStsInterpolationErr  (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_NN) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_LINEAR) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_CUBIC) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_BSPLINE) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_CATMULLROM) &&
//                            (interpolation != IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_B05C03)

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprWarpAffineGetBufSize, (
    IpprCuboid srcVOI, IpprCuboid dstVOI, int nChannel, int interpolation, int* pSize))

//  Names:              ipprWarpAffine_<mode>
//  Purpose:            Performs AFFINE transform of the source volume by matrix a[3][4]
//                            |X'|   |a00 a01 a02|   |X|   |a03|
//                            |Y'| = |a10 a11 a12| * |Y| + |a13|
//                            |Z'|   |a20 a21 a22|   |Z|   |a23|
//  Parameters:
//    pSrc              array of pointers to planes in source volume data
//    srcVolume         size of source volume
//    srcStep           step in every plane of source volume
//    srcVOI            volume of interest of source volume
//    pDst              array of pointers to planes in destination volume data
//    dstStep           step in every plane of destination volume
//    dstVOI            volume of interest of destination volume
//    coeffs            affine transform matrix
//    interpolation     type of interpolation to perform for affine transform the input volume:
//                        IPPI_INTER_NN      nearest neighbor interpolation
//                        IPPI_INTER_LINEAR  trilinear interpolation
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC   tricubic polynomial interpolation
//                      including two-parameter cubic filters:
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_BSPLINE      B-spline filter (1, 0)
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_CATMULLROM   Catmull-Rom filter (0, 1/2)
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_B05C03       special filter with parameters (1/2, 3/10)
//    pBuffer           pointer to work buffer
//  Returns:
//    ippStsNoErr             no errors
//    ippStsNullPtrErr        pSrc == NULL or pDst == NULL or pBuffer == NULL
//    ippStsSizeErr           width or height or depth of source volume is less or equal zero
//    ippStsWrongIntersectVOI VOI hasn't an intersection with the source or destination volume
//    ippStsCoeffErr          determinant of the transform matrix Aij is equal to zero
//    ippStsInterpolationErr  interpolation has an illegal value
//  Notes:
//    <mode> are 8u_C1PV or 16u_C1PV or 32f_C1PV

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprWarpAffine_8u_C1PV, (
    const Ipp8u* const pSrc[], IpprVolume srcVolume, int srcStep, IpprCuboid srcVOI,
    Ipp8u* const pDst[], int dstStep, IpprCuboid dstVOI,
    const double coeffs[3][4], int interpolation, Ipp8u* pBuffer))

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprWarpAffine_16u_C1PV, (
    const Ipp16u* const pSrc[], IpprVolume srcVolume, int srcStep, IpprCuboid srcVOI,
    Ipp16u* const pDst[], int dstStep, IpprCuboid dstVOI,
    const double coeffs[3][4], int interpolation, Ipp8u* pBuffer))

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprWarpAffine_32f_C1PV, (
    const Ipp32f* const pSrc[], IpprVolume srcVolume, int srcStep, IpprCuboid srcVOI,
    Ipp32f* const pDst[], int dstStep, IpprCuboid dstVOI,
    const double coeffs[3][4], int interpolation, Ipp8u* pBuffer))

//  Names:              ipprRemap_<mode>
//  Purpose:            Performs REMAP TRANSFORM of the source volume by remapping
//                        dst[i,j,k] = src[xMap[i,j,k], yMap[i,j,k], zMap[i,j,k]]
//  Parameters:
//    pSrc              array of pointers to planes in source volume data
//    srcVolume         size of source volume
//    srcStep           step in every plane of source volume
//    srcVOI            volume of interest of source volume
//    pxMap             array of pointers to images with X coordinates of map
//    pyMap             array of pointers to images with Y coordinates of map
//    pzMap             array of pointers to images with Z coordinates of map
//    mapStep           step in every plane of each map volumes
//    pDst              array of pointers to planes in destination volume data
//    dstStep           step in every plane of destination volume
//    dstVolume         size of destination volume
//    interpolation     type of interpolation to perform for resizing the input volume:
//                        IPPI_INTER_NN      nearest neighbor interpolation
//                        IPPI_INTER_LINEAR  trilinear interpolation
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC   tricubic polynomial interpolation
//                      including two-parameter cubic filters:
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_BSPLINE    B-spline filter (1, 0)
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_CATMULLROM Catmull-Rom filter (0, 1/2)
//                        IPPI_INTER_CUBIC2P_B05C03     special filter with parameters (1/2, 3/10)
//  Returns:
//    ippStsNoErr             no errors
//    ippStsNullPtrErr        pSrc == NULL or pDst == NULL or
//                            pxMap == NULL or pyMap == NULL or pzMap == NULL
//    ippStsSizeErr           width or height or depth of volumes is less or equal zero
//    ippStsInterpolationErr  interpolation has an illegal value
//    ippStsWrongIntersectVOI srcVOI hasn't intersection with the source volume, no operation
//  Notes:
//    <mode> are 8u_C1PV or 16u_C1PV or 32f_C1PV

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprRemap_8u_C1PV, (
    const Ipp8u* const pSrc[], IpprVolume srcVolume, int srcStep, IpprCuboid srcVOI,
    const Ipp32f* const pxMap[], const Ipp32f* const pyMap[], const Ipp32f* const pzMap[], int mapStep,
    Ipp8u* const pDst[], int dstStep, IpprVolume dstVolume, int interpolation))

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprRemap_16u_C1PV, (
    const Ipp16u* const pSrc[], IpprVolume srcVolume, int srcStep, IpprCuboid srcVOI,
    const Ipp32f* const pxMap[], const Ipp32f* const pyMap[], const Ipp32f* const pzMap[], int mapStep,
    Ipp16u* const pDst[], int dstStep, IpprVolume dstVolume, int interpolation))

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprRemap_32f_C1PV, (
    const Ipp32f* const pSrc[], IpprVolume srcVolume, int srcStep, IpprCuboid srcVOI,
    const Ipp32f* const pxMap[], const Ipp32f* const pyMap[], const Ipp32f* const pzMap[], int mapStep,
    Ipp32f* const pDst[], int dstStep, IpprVolume dstVolume, int interpolation))

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//           3D General Linear Filters
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */

//  Name:               ipprFilterGetBufSize
//  Purpose:            Computes the size of an external work buffer (in bytes)
//  Parameters:
//    dstVolume         size of the volume
//    kernelVolume      size of the kernel volume
//    nChannel          number of channels
//    pSize             pointer to the external buffer`s size
//  Returns:
//    ippStsNoErr           no errors
//    ippStsNullPtrErr      pSize == NULL
//    ippStsSizeErr         width or height or depth of volumes is less or equal zero
//    ippStsNumChannelsErr  number of channels is not one

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprFilterGetBufSize, (
    IpprVolume dstVolume, IpprVolume kernelVolume, int nChannel, int* pSize))

//  Name:               ipprFilter_16s_C1PV
//  Purpose:            Filters a volume using a general integer cuboidal kernel
//  Parameters:
//    pSrc              array of pointers to planes in source volume data
//    srcStep           step in every plane of source volume
//    pDst              array of pointers to planes in destination volume data
//    dstStep           step in every plane of destination volume
//    dstVolume         size of the processed volume
//    pKernel           pointer to the kernel values
//    kernelVolume      size of the kernel volume
//    anchor            anchor 3d-cell specifying the cuboidal kernel alignment
//                      with respect to the position of the input voxel
//    divisor           the integer value by which the computed result is divided
//    pBuffer           pointer to the external buffer`s size
//  Returns:
//    ippStsNoErr       no errors
//    ippStsNullPtrErr  one of the pointers is NULL
//    ippStsSizeErr     width or height or depth of volumes is less or equal zero
//    ippStsDivisorErr  divisor value is zero, function execution is interrupted

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprFilter_16s_C1PV, (
    const Ipp16s* const pSrc[], int srcStep,
    const Ipp16s* pDst[], int dstStep, IpprVolume dstVolume,
    const Ipp32s* pKernel, IpprVolume kernelVolume, IpprPoint anchor, int divisor,
    Ipp8u* pBuffer))

/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//                  Spherical Harmonics lighting function 
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
//  Name:     ipprSHGetSize_32f
//  Purpose:  Acquires the size of state structure used for Spherical Harmonic computations
//            Returns size of a memory buffer which is required for initialization of the state structure
//            used in various algorithms related to Spherical Harmonic functions. 
//  Parameters:
//      maxL    the maximal order for Spherical Harmonic to support after initialization
//              of SH structure by ipprSHInit function with given order and type
//     shType   the type of algorithm used for SH calculation: ippSHNormDirect or ippSHNormRecurr.
//     pSize    the size of memory in bytes required for this IppSHState instance to be initialized correctly
//  Returns:
//     ippStsNoErr      Indicates no error.
//     ippStsSizeErr    Indicates an error when maxL is greater then 15.
//     ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when the pSize pointer is NULL.
//     ippStsRangeErr   Indicates an error when shType is not equal to  ippSHNormDirect or ippSHNormRecurr.

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSHGetSize_32f,(Ipp32u maxL, IpprSHType shType, Ipp32u *pSize))

//  Name:     ipprSHInit_32f
//  Purpose:  Initializes the state structure used for Spherical Harmonic computations
//            in the buffer which must be provided of size not less than acquired by the ipprSHGetSize function. 
//  Parameters:
//    pSHState    pointer to the memory buffer used for pSHState structure initialization 
//    maxL        the maximal order of Spherical Harmonics to support after initialization
//                with using pSHState structure.
//    shType      the type of algorithm to use for SH calculation with using this state structure:
//                ippSHNormDirect or ippSHNormRecurr.
//  Returns:
//    ippStsNoErr      Indicates no error.
//    ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when the pSHState pointer is NULL.
//    ippStsSizeErr    Indicates an error when L is greater then 15.
//    ippStsRangeErr   Indicates an error when shType is not equal to  ippSHNormDirect or ippSHNormRecurr.

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSHInit_32f,(IpprSHState *pSHState, Ipp32u maxL, IpprSHType shType))

//  Name:           ipprSH_32f, ipprSHBand_32f
//  Purpose:        Compute the Spherical Harmonics
//  Parameters:
//    pX, pY, pZ    pointers to the source vectors of length N 
//                  which represents the points of a unit sphere given in Cartesians coordinates
//    N             the number of Cartesians points, i.e. the length of input vectors 
//    pDstYlm       pointer to the destination vector to store SH values computed at given points
//                  for orders up to order L, of size  (L+1)*(L+1)
//    pDstBandYlm   pointer to the destination vector to store SH values computed at given points
//                  for order L only, of size (2*L+1)
//    L             the order up to which to compute SH values, 
//                  must not be greater then maximal order used in the function ipprSHInit call.
//    pSHState      pointer to the SH state structure initialized with maximal order not less then L   
//  Returns:
//    ippStsNoErr       Indicates no error.
//    ippStsNullPtrErr  Indicates an error when the pX, pY, pZ, pDstYlm or pDstBandYlm pointer is NULL.
//    ippStsRangeErr    Indicates an error when L is greater then maximal order used for SH state structure
//                      initialization by the function ipprSHInit.
//    ippStsSizeErr     Indicates an error when N is equal to zero
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSH_32f,(const Ipp32f *pX, const Ipp32f *pY, const Ipp32f *pZ, Ipp32u N, 
                     Ipp32f *pDstYlm, Ipp32u L, IpprSHState *pSHState))
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSHBand_32f,(const Ipp32f *pX, const Ipp32f *pY, const Ipp32f *pZ, Ipp32u N,
                         Ipp32f *pDstBandYlm, Ipp32u L))

//  Name:           ipprSHTFwd_32f_C1I, ipprSHTFwd_32f_C3P3I, ipprSHTFwd_32f_P3I
//  Purpose:        The functions perform projecting of a given function defined on unit sphere into SH basis
//                  i.e. computes SH transform
//                  C1I: single value function (gray)
//                  C3I: RGB color function (x,y,z) -> (R,G,B)
//  Parameters:
//    pX, pY, pZ    pointers to the source vectors of length N 
//                  which represents the points of a unit sphere given in Cartesians coordinates
//    pDst          Pointer the input vector of values of a color function on a unit sphere
//                  Points to the source image for pixel-order data or 
//                  to an array of pointers to separate source color planes for plane-order data.
//    N             the number of Cartesians points, i.e. the length of input vectors 
//    pSrcDstClm    pointer to the destination vector or arrays of vectors 
//                  storing running values of SHT coefficients. Do not forget to zero them proir to first call.  
//                  of length (L+1)*(L+1) 
//    L             the order up to which to compute SH transform, 
//                  must not be greater then maximal order used in the function ipprSHInit call.
//    pSHState      pointer to the SH state structure initialized with maximal order not less then L   
//  Returns:
//    ippStsNoErr      Indicates no error.
//    ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when the pX, pY, pZ, pSrc, pSrcDstSHT or pSHState pointer is NULL.
//    ippStsSizeErr    Indicates an error when N is equal to zero
//    ippStsRangeErr   Indicates an error when L is greater then maximal order
//                     used in SH state structure initialization by the function ipprSHInit.

IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSHTFwd_32f_C1I,(const Ipp32f *pX, const Ipp32f *pY, const Ipp32f *pZ, const Ipp32f *pSrc, 
                        Ipp32u N, Ipp32f *pSrcDstClm, Ipp32u L, IpprSHState *pSHState))
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSHTFwd_32f_C3P3I,(const Ipp32f *pX, const Ipp32f *pY, const Ipp32f *pZ, const Ipp32f *pSrc, 
                        Ipp32u N, Ipp32f *pSrcDstClm[3], Ipp32u L, IpprSHState *pSHState))
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSHTFwd_32f_P3I,(const Ipp32f *pX, const Ipp32f *pY, const Ipp32f *pZ, const Ipp32f *pSrc[3], 
                        Ipp32u N, Ipp32f *pSrcDstClm[3], Ipp32u L, IpprSHState *pSHState))

//  Name:           ipprSHTInv_32f_C1,ipprSHTInv_32f_P3
//  Purpose:        The functions reconstruct a function defined on unit sphere by its SHT coefficients
//                  i.e. computes ISHT transform
//                  C1: single value function (gray)
//                  C3: RGB color function (x,y,z) -> (R,G,B)
//  Parameters:
//    pSrcClm       the input vector or arrays of vectors of the pre-computed SHT coefficients of the length (L+1)*(L+1)  
//    L             the order of SHT, must not be greater then maximal order used in the ipprSHInit call.
//    pX, pY, pZ    pointers to the source vectors which represents the points of a unit sphere 
//                  given in Cartesians coordinates 
//    pDst          Pointer the output vector of values of reconstructed color function on a unit sphere
//                  Points to the source image for pixel-order data or 
//                  to an array of pointers to separate source color planes for plane-order data.
//    N             the number of Cartesians points, i.e. the length of input pX, pY, pZ and number of dst pixels 
//    pSHState      pointer to the SH state structure initialized with maximal order not less then L   
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSHTInv_32f_C1,(const Ipp32f *pSrcClm, Ipp32u L, const Ipp32f *pX, const Ipp32f *pY,
                         const Ipp32f *pZ, Ipp32f *pDst, Ipp32u N, IpprSHState *pSHState))
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSHTInv_32f_P3C3,(const Ipp32f *pSrcClm[3], Ipp32u L, const Ipp32f *pX, const Ipp32f *pY,
                         const Ipp32f *pZ, Ipp32f *pDst, Ipp32u N, IpprSHState *pSHState))
IPPAPI(IppStatus, ipprSHTInv_32f_P3,(const Ipp32f *pSrcClm[3], Ipp32u L, const Ipp32f *pX, const Ipp32f *pY,
                         const Ipp32f *pZ, Ipp32f *pDst[3], Ipp32u N, IpprSHState *pSHState))

#ifdef __cplusplus

#if defined (_IPP_STDCALL_CDECL)
  #define __stdcall __cdecl

#endif /* __IPPR_H__ */
/* ////////////////////////////// End of file /////////////////////////////// */