#pragma once

#define TOKEN_UNKNOWN        -1 // BLAAAAA!!!!!!!!
#define TOKEN_EOQ             0 // End of Query
#define TOKEN_IDENTIFIER      1 // Column name or data to match against
#define TOKEN_EQUAL           2 // =, ==, IS
#define TOKEN_NOTEQUAL        3 // !=, =!, <>, ><
#define TOKEN_BELOW           4 // <
#define TOKEN_ABOVE           5 // >
#define TOKEN_BOREQUAL        6 // <=, =<
#define TOKEN_AOREQUAL        7 // >=, =>
#define TOKEN_NOT             8 // !, NOT
#define TOKEN_AND             9 // &, &&, AND
#define TOKEN_OR             10 // |, ||, OR
#define TOKEN_PAROPEN        11 // (
#define TOKEN_PARCLOSE       12 // )
#define TOKEN_CONTAINS       13 // HAS
#define TOKEN_BEGINS         14	// string starts with...
#define TOKEN_ENDS           15	// string ends with...
#define TOKEN_LIKE           16 // string is nearly (excluding "the " and whitespace etc)
#define TOKEN_ISEMPTY        17	// field does not exists
#define TOKEN_SQBRACKETOPEN  18 // [
#define TOKEN_COMMA          20 // ,
#define TOKEN_NOTCONTAINS    21    // NOTHAS
#define TOKEN_ISNOTEMPTY     22	// field does not exists
#define TOKEN_BEGINSLIKE     23 // string is nearly starts with (excluding "the " and whitespace etc)

// in-place
void Query_Unescape(char *p);