//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // File: perflog.cpp // // Desc: Macros for DirectShow performance logging. // // Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #pragma warning (disable:4201) #include <streams.h> #include <windows.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <winperf.h> #include <wmistr.h> #include <evntrace.h> #include <strsafe.h> #include "perflog.h" // // Local function prototypes. // ULONG WINAPI PerflogCallback ( WMIDPREQUESTCODE RequestCode, __in PVOID Context, __out ULONG* BufferSize, __in PVOID Buffer ); // // Event tracing function pointers. // We have to do this to run on down-level platforms. // #ifdef UNICODE ULONG (__stdcall * _RegisterTraceGuids) ( __in IN WMIDPREQUEST RequestAddress, __in IN PVOID RequestContext, IN LPCGUID ControlGuid, IN ULONG GuidCount, __in IN PTRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION TraceGuidReg, IN LPCWSTR MofImagePath, IN LPCWSTR MofResourceName, OUT PTRACEHANDLE RegistrationHandle ); #define REGISTERTRACEGUIDS_NAME "RegisterTraceGuidsW" #else ULONG (__stdcall * _RegisterTraceGuids) ( __in IN WMIDPREQUEST RequestAddress, __in IN PVOID RequestContext, IN LPCGUID ControlGuid, IN ULONG GuidCount, __in IN PTRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION TraceGuidReg, IN LPCSTR MofImagePath, IN LPCSTR MofResourceName, __out OUT PTRACEHANDLE RegistrationHandle ); #define REGISTERTRACEGUIDS_NAME "RegisterTraceGuidsA" #endif ULONG (__stdcall * _UnregisterTraceGuids) ( TRACEHANDLE RegistrationHandle ); TRACEHANDLE (__stdcall * _GetTraceLoggerHandle) ( __in PVOID Buffer ); UCHAR (__stdcall * _GetTraceEnableLevel) ( TRACEHANDLE TraceHandle ); ULONG (__stdcall * _GetTraceEnableFlags) ( TRACEHANDLE TraceHandle ); ULONG (__stdcall * _TraceEvent) ( TRACEHANDLE TraceHandle, __in PEVENT_TRACE_HEADER EventTrace ); HINSTANCE _Advapi32; // // Global variables. // BOOL EventTracingAvailable=FALSE; ULONG PerflogEnableFlags; UCHAR PerflogEnableLevel; ULONG PerflogModuleLevel = 0; void (*OnStateChanged)(void); TRACEHANDLE PerflogTraceHandle=NULL; TRACEHANDLE PerflogRegHandle; // The Win32 wsprintf() function writes a maximum of 1024 characters to it's output buffer. // See the documentation for wsprintf()'s lpOut parameter for more information. const INT iDEBUGINFO = 1024; // Used to format strings // // This routine initializes performance logging. // It should be called from DllMain(). // VOID PerflogReadModuleLevel( HINSTANCE hInstance ) { LONG lReturn; // Create key return value TCHAR szInfo[iDEBUGINFO]; // Constructs key names TCHAR szFullName[iDEBUGINFO]; // Load the full path and module name HKEY hModuleKey; // Module key handle LPTSTR pName; // Searches from the end for a backslash DWORD dwKeySize, dwKeyType, dwKeyValue; DWORD dwSize = GetModuleFileName( (hInstance ? hInstance : GetModuleHandle( NULL )), szFullName, iDEBUGINFO ); if (0 == dwSize || iDEBUGINFO == dwSize) { return; } pName = _tcsrchr(szFullName,'\\'); if (pName == NULL) { pName = szFullName; } else { pName++; } /* Construct the base key name */ (void)StringCchPrintf(szInfo,NUMELMS(szInfo),TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Debug\\%s"),pName); /* Open the key for this module */ lReturn = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, // Handle of an open key szInfo, // Address of subkey name (DWORD) 0, // Reserved value KEY_QUERY_VALUE, // Desired security access &hModuleKey ); // Opened handle buffer if (lReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; } dwKeySize = sizeof(DWORD); lReturn = RegQueryValueEx( hModuleKey, // Handle to an open key TEXT("PERFLOG"), NULL, // Reserved field &dwKeyType, // Returns the field type (LPBYTE) &dwKeyValue, // Returns the field's value &dwKeySize ); // Number of bytes transferred if ((lReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwKeyType == REG_DWORD)) { PerflogModuleLevel = dwKeyValue; } RegCloseKey(hModuleKey); } BOOL PerflogInitIfEnabled( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, __in IN PPERFLOG_LOGGING_PARAMS LogParams ) { PerflogReadModuleLevel( hInstance ); if (PerflogModuleLevel) { return PerflogInitialize( LogParams ); } else { return FALSE; } } BOOL PerflogInitialize ( __in IN PPERFLOG_LOGGING_PARAMS LogParams ) { ULONG status; // // If we're running on a recent-enough platform, this will get // pointers to the event tracing routines. // _Advapi32 = GetModuleHandle (_T("ADVAPI32.DLL")); if (_Advapi32 == NULL) { return FALSE; } *((FARPROC*) &_RegisterTraceGuids) = GetProcAddress (_Advapi32, REGISTERTRACEGUIDS_NAME); *((FARPROC*) &_UnregisterTraceGuids) = GetProcAddress (_Advapi32, "UnregisterTraceGuids"); *((FARPROC*) &_GetTraceLoggerHandle) = GetProcAddress (_Advapi32, "GetTraceLoggerHandle"); *((FARPROC*) &_GetTraceEnableLevel) = GetProcAddress (_Advapi32, "GetTraceEnableLevel"); *((FARPROC*) &_GetTraceEnableFlags) = GetProcAddress (_Advapi32, "GetTraceEnableFlags"); *((FARPROC*) &_TraceEvent) = GetProcAddress (_Advapi32, "TraceEvent"); if (_RegisterTraceGuids == NULL || _UnregisterTraceGuids == NULL || _GetTraceEnableLevel == NULL || _GetTraceEnableFlags == NULL || _TraceEvent == NULL) { return FALSE; } EventTracingAvailable = TRUE; OnStateChanged = LogParams->OnStateChanged; // // Register our GUIDs. // status = _RegisterTraceGuids (PerflogCallback, LogParams, &LogParams->ControlGuid, LogParams->NumberOfTraceGuids, LogParams->TraceGuids, NULL, NULL, &PerflogRegHandle); return (status == ERROR_SUCCESS); } // // This routine shuts down performance logging. // VOID PerflogShutdown ( VOID ) { if (!EventTracingAvailable) { return; } _UnregisterTraceGuids (PerflogRegHandle); PerflogRegHandle = NULL; PerflogTraceHandle = NULL; } // // Event tracing callback routine. // It's called when controllers call event tracing control functions. // ULONG WINAPI PerflogCallback ( WMIDPREQUESTCODE RequestCode, __in PVOID Context, __out ULONG* BufferSize, __in PVOID Buffer ) { ULONG status; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (Context); ASSERT (EventTracingAvailable); status = ERROR_SUCCESS; switch (RequestCode) { case WMI_ENABLE_EVENTS: PerflogTraceHandle = _GetTraceLoggerHandle (Buffer); PerflogEnableFlags = _GetTraceEnableFlags (PerflogTraceHandle); PerflogEnableLevel = _GetTraceEnableLevel (PerflogTraceHandle); break; case WMI_DISABLE_EVENTS: PerflogTraceHandle = NULL; PerflogEnableFlags = 0; PerflogEnableLevel = 0; break; default: status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (OnStateChanged != NULL) { OnStateChanged(); } *BufferSize = 0; return status; } // // Logging routine. // VOID PerflogTraceEvent ( __in PEVENT_TRACE_HEADER Event ) { if (!EventTracingAvailable) { return; } _TraceEvent (PerflogTraceHandle, Event); } VOID PerflogTraceEventLevel( ULONG Level, __in PEVENT_TRACE_HEADER Event ) { if ((!EventTracingAvailable) || (Level <= PerflogModuleLevel)) { return; } _TraceEvent (PerflogTraceHandle, Event); }