#include <precomp.h> #include "historyeditbox.h" XMLParamPair HistoryEditBox::params[] = { {HISTORYEDITBOX_SETNAVBUTTONS, L"NAVBUTTONS"}, // param is implemented by script }; HistoryEditBox::HistoryEditBox() { history_pos = 0; xuihandle = newXuiHandle(); CreateXMLParameters(xuihandle); setXmlParam(L"navbuttons", L"1"); // so we need to set a default value in the xml param list } void HistoryEditBox::CreateXMLParameters(int master_handle) { //HISTORYEDITBOX_PARENT::CreateXMLParameters(master_handle); int numParams = sizeof(params) / sizeof(params[0]); hintNumberOfParams(xuihandle, numParams); for (int i = 0;i < numParams;i++) addParam(xuihandle, params[i], XUI_ATTRIBUTE_IMPLIED); } HistoryEditBox::~HistoryEditBox() { history.deleteAll(); } void HistoryEditBox::history_forward() { if (history_pos > 0 && !isListOpen()) { history_pos--; if (history_pos > 0) setText(history.enumItem(history.getNumItems()-history_pos)->getValue(), 1); } } void HistoryEditBox::history_back() { if (!isListOpen() && history_pos < history.getNumItems()) { history_pos++; setText(history.enumItem(history.getNumItems()-history_pos)->getValue(), 1); } } void HistoryEditBox::onEditKeyDown(int vk) { HISTORYEDITBOX_PARENT::onEditKeyDown(vk); if (Std::keyDown(VK_CONTROL)) return; if (vk == VK_DOWN) { history_forward(); } else if (vk == VK_UP) { history_back(); } } int HistoryEditBox::onInit() { int r = HISTORYEDITBOX_PARENT::onInit(); #ifdef WASABI_COMPILE_CONFIG loadHistory(); #endif return r; } void HistoryEditBox::dropdownlist_onCloseList() { HISTORYEDITBOX_PARENT::dropdownlist_onCloseList(); history_pos = 0; } void HistoryEditBox::onPreOpenList() { HISTORYEDITBOX_PARENT::onPreOpenList(); addHistory(getText()); } void HistoryEditBox::onEditEnter(const wchar_t *txt) { HISTORYEDITBOX_PARENT::onEditEnter(txt); if (Std::keyDown(VK_CONTROL)) return; addHistory(txt); } void HistoryEditBox::addHistory(const wchar_t *txt) { HISTORYEDITBOX_PARENT::onEditEnter(txt); history_pos = 0; if (!txt || !*txt) return; // yay multi-instances on unique history #ifdef WASABI_COMPILE_CONFIG loadHistory(0); #endif foreach(history) StringW *s = history.getfor(); if (!_wcsicmp(s->getValue(), txt)) { delete s; history.removeByPos(foreach_index); break; } endfor; history.addItem(new StringW(txt)); while (history.getNumItems() > 64) { StringW *s = history.enumItem(0); delete s; history.removeByPos(1); } #ifdef WASABI_COMPILE_CONFIG saveHistory(); loadHistory(1); #endif } #ifdef WASABI_COMPILE_CONFIG void HistoryEditBox::loadHistory(int refill) { history.deleteAll(); wchar_t d[256] = {0}; wchar_t c[WA_MAX_PATH] = {0}; int i; for (i=0;;i++) { StringCbPrintfW(d,sizeof(d), L"%s_history_%d", getId(), i); WASABI_API_CONFIG->getStringPrivate(d, c, WA_MAX_PATH, L""); if (!*c) break; history.addItem(new StringW(c)); } if (refill) { deleteAllItems(); for (i=history.getNumItems()-1;i>=0;i--) { addItem(history.enumItem(i)->getValue()); } } } void HistoryEditBox::saveHistory() { wchar_t d[256] = {0}; int i; for (i=0;i<history.getNumItems();i++) { StringCbPrintfW(d, sizeof(d), L"%s_history_%d", getId(), i); WASABI_API_CONFIG->setStringPrivate(d, history.enumItem(i)->getValue()); } StringCbPrintfW(d, sizeof(d), L"%s_history_%d", getId(), i); WASABI_API_CONFIG->setStringPrivate(d, L""); } #endif int HistoryEditBox::onAction(const wchar_t *action, const wchar_t *param, int x, int y, intptr_t p1, intptr_t p2, void *data, size_t datalen, ifc_window *source) { int r = HISTORYEDITBOX_PARENT::onAction(action, param, x, y, p1, p2, data, datalen, source); if (WCSCASEEQLSAFE(action, L"back")) history_back(); if (WCSCASEEQLSAFE(action, L"forward")) history_forward(); return r; }