#include <lib/std.mi> #include "attribs.m" Function reset(); Function createNotifier(boolean cancel); Function showNotifier(Int w); Function onNext(); function cancelAnimation(); Function Int fillNextTrackInfo(String corneroverride); Function Int fillCustomInfo(String customstring); Function prepareAlbumArtNotifier(); Function checkPref(int bypassfs); Function String getArtist(); Function onAlbumArt(Boolean success); Global Container notifier_container; Global Layout notifier_layout; Global Timer notifier_timer; Global String last_autotitle, cur_status; Global AlbumArtLayer cover; Global boolean handleAACalback = false; Global Boolean triggerBug; //BUGFIX remove this Global Timer fallbackTempFix; //BUGFIX remove this Global Boolean b_tohide = 0; Global int width = 0; Global int left = 0; #define WEBCOVER_SHOUTCAST "winamp.cover.shoutcast" #define FORCE_BUG_MODE // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // init // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onScriptLoaded() { initAttribs(); notifier_timer = new Timer; fallbackTempFix = new Timer; //BUGFIX remove this fallbackTempFix.setDelay(3000); //BUGFIX remove this / Time that onAlbumArtLoaded have to execute before bug mode is ON } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // shutdown // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onScriptUnloading() { delete notifier_timer; delete fallbackTempFix; //BUGFIX remove this } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the global hotkey for notification is pressed // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onShowNotification() { //if (checkPref(1)) return; --mp: if we push the hotkey, we want to show the notifier, no matter what the pref settings are. createNotifier(false); if (getStatus() == STATUS_PLAYING) cur_status = "Playing"; if (getStatus() == STATUS_PAUSED) cur_status = "Playback Paused"; if (getStatus() == STATUS_STOPPED) cur_status = "Playback Stopped"; prepareAlbumArtNotifier(); complete; // prevents other scripts from getting the message return 1; // tells anybody else that might watch the returned value that, yes, we implemented that } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the title for the playing item changes, this could be the result of the player // going to the next track, or of an update in the track title // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onTitleChange(String newtitle) { if (last_autotitle == newtitle) return; if (StrLeft(newtitle, 1) == "[") { if (StrLeft(newtitle, 7) == "[Buffer" || StrLeft(newtitle, 4) == "[ICY") return; } last_autotitle = newtitle; onNext(); fallbackTempFix.stop(); //BUGFIX remove later fallbackTempFix.start(); //BUGFIX remove later } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the user clicks the next button // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ onNext() { if (checkPref(0)) return; createNotifier(false); cur_status = ""; prepareAlbumArtNotifier(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the user clicks the play button // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onPlay() { if (checkPref(0)) return; createNotifier(false); cur_status = "Playing"; prepareAlbumArtNotifier(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the user clicks the pause button // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onPause() { if (checkPref(0)) return; DebugString("onPause",9); createNotifier(true); showNotifier(fillCustomInfo("Playback Paused")); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the user clicks the pause button again // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onResume() { if (checkPref(0)) return; DebugString("onResume",9); createNotifier(false); cur_status = "Resuming Playback"; prepareAlbumArtNotifier(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the user clicks the play button // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onStop() { if (checkPref(0)) return; createNotifier(true); showNotifier(fillCustomInfo("End of Playback")); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // checks if we should display anything // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int checkPref(int bypassfs) { if (!bypassfs && notifier_disablefullscreen_attrib.getData() == "1" && isVideoFullscreen()) return 1; if (notifier_never_attrib.getData() == "1") return 1; if (notifier_minimized_attrib.getData() == "1" && !isMinimized()) return 1; if (notifier_windowshade_attrib.getData() == "1") { if (isMinimized()) return 0; Container c = getContainer("main"); if (!c) return 1; Layout l = c.getCurLayout(); if (!l) return 1; if (l.getId() != "shade") return 1; } return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // fade in/out completed // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ notifier_layout.onTargetReached() { int a = notifier_layout.getAlpha(); if (a == 255) { notifier_timer.setDelay(StringToInteger(notifier_holdtime_attrib.getData())); notifier_timer.start(); } else if (a == 0) { reset(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // hold time elapsed // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ notifier_timer.onTimer() { stop(); if (notifier_layout.isTransparencySafe()) { notifier_layout.setTargetA(0); notifier_layout.setTargetSpeed(StringToInteger(notifier_fadeouttime_attrib.getData()) / 1000); notifier_layout.gotoTarget(); } else { reset(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // when notifier is clicked, bring back the app from minimized state if its minimized and focus it // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ notifier_layout.onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y) { cancelAnimation(); restoreApplication(); activateApplication(); /*if (notifier_opennowplaying_attrib.getData() == "1") { String artist = getArtist(); if (artist == "") return; System.navigateUrlBrowser("http://client.winamp.com/nowplaying/artist/?icid=notifiermodern&artistName=" + artist); }*/ reset(); } notifier_layout.onRightButtonUp(int x, int y) { cancelAnimation(); reset(); complete; return; } //TODO merge w/ code below String getArtist () { String artist = getPlayItemMetaDataString("artist"); if (artist == "") artist = getPlayItemMetaDataString("uvox/artist"); if (artist == "") artist = getPlayItemMetaDataString("cbs/artist"); if (artist == "") artist = getPlayItemMetaDataString("streamtitle"); if (artist == "") artist = getPlayItemDisplayTitle(); return artist; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // close the notifier window, destroys the container automatically because it's dynamic // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ reset() { notifier_container.close(); notifier_container = NULL; notifier_layout = NULL; handleAACalback = FALSE; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ createNotifier(boolean cancel) { if (notifier_container == NULL) { notifier_container = newDynamicContainer("notifier"); if (!notifier_container) return; // reinstall duh! if (isDesktopAlphaAvailable()) notifier_layout = notifier_container.getLayout("desktopalpha"); else notifier_layout = notifier_container.getLayout("normal"); if (!notifier_layout) return; // reinstall twice, man } else if (cancel) { cancelAnimation(); } } cancelAnimation() { notifier_layout.cancelTarget(); notifier_timer.stop(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ showNotifier(int w) { w = w + 32; Layout m = getContainer("main").getCurLayout(); int x = left = getViewportWidthFromGuiObject(m) + getViewportLeftFromGuiObject(m) - w - 2; int y = getViewportHeightFromGuiObject(m) + getViewportTopFromGuiObject(m) - 80 - 2; // show if not there or if already shown then lets resize on the fly (bento style) if (!notifier_layout.isVisible()) { notifier_layout.resize(x, y, w, 80); } else { notifier_layout.resize(notifier_layout.getguiX(), y, notifier_layout.getGuiW(), 80); } if (notifier_layout.isTransparencySafe()) { notifier_layout.show(); notifier_layout.setTargetA(255); notifier_layout.setTargetX(x); notifier_layout.setTargetY(y); notifier_layout.setTargetW(w); notifier_layout.setTargetH(80); notifier_layout.setTargetSpeed(StringToInteger(notifier_fadeintime_attrib.getData()) / 1000); notifier_layout.gotoTarget(); } else { notifier_layout.setAlpha(255); notifier_layout.show(); notifier_timer.setDelay(StringToInteger(notifier_holdtime_attrib.getData())); notifier_timer.start(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ prepareAlbumArtNotifier() { if (!notifier_layout) return; Group g_albumart = notifier_layout.findObject("notifier.albumart"); DebugString("prepareAlbumArtNotifier: handleAACalback="+integerToString(handleAACalback), 9); if (g_albumart) { cover = g_albumart.findObject("notifier.cover"); DebugString("prepareAlbumArtNotifier: cover.isLoading="+integerToString(cover.isLoading()), 9); DebugString("prepareAlbumArtNotifier: cover.isInvalid="+integerToString(cover.isInvalid()), 9); handleAACalback = true; cover.refresh(); } } cover.onAlbumArtLoaded(boolean success) { /* Created a seperate function for the code that was here because for some reason I couldn't force this event (from the fallbackTempFix.onTimer) with cover.onAlbumArtLoaded(success) after the Winamp bug appears. Weird, yes. */ FORCE_BUG_MODE onAlbumArt(success); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int fillNextTrackInfo(String corneroverride) { Int maxv = 0; Int stream = 0; if (!notifier_layout) return 0; Group g_text = notifier_layout.findObject("notifier.text"); Group g_albumart = notifier_layout.findObject("notifier.albumart"); Text plentry = g_text.findObject("plentry"); Text nexttrack = g_text.findObject("nexttrack"); Text _title = g_text.findObject("title"); Text album = g_text.findObject("album"); Text artist = g_text.findObject("artist"); Text endofplayback = notifier_layout.findObject("endofplayback"); DebugString("got callback for " + getPlayItemString(), 0); // Get Stream Name - if no stream returns "" string s = getPlayItemMetaDataString("streamname"); string stype = getPlayItemMetaDataString("streamtype"); //"streamtype" will return "2" for SHOUTcast and "5" for SHOUTcast 2 if (stype == "2" || stype == "5") stream = 1; if (endofplayback) endofplayback.hide(); if (plentry) { plentry.setText(integerToString(getPlaylistIndex()+1)+translate(" of ")+integerToString(getPlaylistLength())); plentry.show(); } if (nexttrack) { if (corneroverride == "") { if (!stream) { if (!isVideo()) { nexttrack.setText("New track"); } else { nexttrack.setText("New video"); } } else { nexttrack.setText("On air"); } } else { nexttrack.setText(corneroverride); } nexttrack.show(); } string set_artist = ""; string set = ""; if (_title) { String str; if (!stream) { _title.setXmlParam("ticker", "0"); _title.setXmlParam("display", ""); str = getPlayitemMetaDataString("title"); if (str == "") str = getPlayitemDisplayTitle(); String l = getPlayItemMetaDataString("length"); if (l != "") { str += " (" + integerToTime(stringtointeger(l)) + ")"; } _title.setText(str); } else { if (str = getPlayItemMetaDataString("streamtitle") != "") { int v = strsearch(str, " - "); // We divide the string by a " - " sublimiter - no luck for old / wrong tagged stations if (v > 0) { set_artist = strleft (str, v); // Store artist string str = strright (str, strlen(str) - 3 - v); _title.setText(str); } else { _title.setXmlParam("ticker", "1"); // These titles can be _very_ long _title.setText(str); } } else { _title.setXmlParam("ticker", "1"); _title.setXmlParam("display", "songtitle"); _title.setText(""); } } _title.show(); } if (artist) { if (!stream) { if (isVideo()) { artist.setText(""); } else { artist.setText(getPlayitemMetaDataString("artist")); } } else { // Perhaps we've stored the artist before? if (set_artist != "") { artist.setText(set_artist); } // Then display the station name else if (s != "") { artist.setText(s); } // So, we've had no luck - just display a static text :( else { if (isVideo()) { artist.setText("Internet TV"); } else { artist.setText("Internet Radio"); } } } artist.show(); } if (album) { String str; if (!stream && !isVideo()) { album.setXmlParam("display", ""); str = getPlayitemMetaDataString("album"); String l = getPlayitemMetaDataString("track"); if (l != "" && l != "-1") str += " (" + translate("Track ") + l + ")"; album.setText(str); } else { album.setXmlParam("display", ""); // we have divided the songname - let's display the station name if (set_artist != "" && s != "") { album.setText(s); } // no luck either... else { album.setText(""); album.setXmlParam("display", "songinfo_localise"); } } album.show(); } // Album Art Stuff Layer webcover; if (g_albumart) { cover = g_albumart.findObject("notifier.cover"); webcover = g_albumart.findObject("notifier.webcover"); } Boolean showAlbumArt = FALSE; if (cover != NULL && webcover != NULL && notifier_artworkinnotification_attrib.getData() == "1") { if (stream) { if(stype == "2" || stype == "5" && cover.isInvalid()) { webcover.setXMLParam("image", WEBCOVER_SHOUTCAST); cover.hide(); webcover.show(); showAlbumArt = TRUE; } else if(stype == "5" && !cover.isInvalid()) { webcover.hide(); cover.show(); showAlbumArt = TRUE; } } else { if (cover.isInvalid()) // Check if the album art obj shows a pic { showAlbumArt = FALSE; } else { webcover.hide(); cover.show(); showAlbumArt = TRUE; } } } if (showAlbumArt) { if (g_albumart) g_albumart.show(); if (g_text) g_text.setXmlParam("x", "75"); if (g_text) g_text.setXmlParam("w", "-95"); } else { if (g_albumart) g_albumart.hide(); if (g_text) g_text.setXmlParam("x", "15"); if (g_text) g_text.setXmlParam("w", "-35"); } if (g_text) g_text.show(); maxv = artist.getAutoWidth(); if (maxv < album.getAutoWidth()) maxv = album.getAutoWidth(); if (maxv < _title.getAutoWidth()) maxv = _title.getAutoWidth(); if (maxv < (nexttrack.getAutoWidth() + plentry.getAutoWidth() - 5) ) maxv = nexttrack.getAutoWidth() + plentry.getAutoWidth() - 5; if (maxv < 128) maxv = 128; Layout m = getContainer("main").getCurLayout(); if (maxv > getViewportWidthFromGuiObject(m)/4) maxv = getViewportWidthFromGuiObject(m)/4; width = maxv; return maxv + ( showAlbumArt * 91 ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int fillCustomInfo(String customtext) { Group p = notifier_layout; Group g_text = p.findObject("notifier.text"); Group g_albumart = p.findObject("notifier.albumart"); Text plentry = p.findObject("plentry"); Text nexttrack = p.findObject("nexttrack"); Text _title = p.findObject("title"); Text album = p.findObject("album"); Text artist = p.findObject("artist"); Text endofplayback = p.findObject("endofplayback"); if (g_text) { g_text.hide(); } if (g_albumart) g_albumart.hide(); if (plentry) { plentry.hide(); } if (nexttrack) nexttrack.hide(); if (_title) { _title.hide(); } if (artist) { artist.hide(); } if (album) { album.hide(); } if (endofplayback != NULL /*&& s_endofplayback != NULL*/) { endofplayback.setText(translate(customtext)+" "); //s_endofplayback.setText(translate(customtext)+" "); int aw = endofplayback.getAutoWidth(); endofplayback.show(); //s_endofplayback.show(); if (aw > 128) return aw; } return 128; } //BUGFIX remove this timer later fallbackTempFix.onTimer() //As soon as this timer runs, bug mode is ON ;) { if (checkPref(0)) return; if (!notifier_layout) onNext(); if(!triggerBug) { triggerBug = true; onAlbumArt(cover.isInvalid()); //First time we see the bug fallbackTempFix.setDelay(30); DebugString("Hello Bug", 9); } else if(triggerBug && !cover.isLoading()) onAlbumArt(cover.isInvalid()); } onAlbumArt(Boolean success){ fallbackTempFix.stop(); //BUGFIX remove later DebugString("onAlbumArtLoaded: success="+integerToString(success), 9); DebugString("onAlbumArtLoaded: handleAACalback="+integerToString(handleAACalback), 9); DebugString("onAlbumArtLoaded: cover.isLoading="+integerToString(cover.isLoading()), 9); DebugString("onAlbumArtLoaded: cover.isInvalid="+integerToString(cover.isInvalid()), 9); if (!handleAACalback || !notifier_layout /*|| isLoading()*/) { return; } handleAACalback = cover.isLoading(); cancelAnimation(); showNotifier(fillNextTrackInfo(cur_status)); }