#include <lib/std.mi> Function string tokenizeSongInfo(String tkn, String sinfo); Function getSonginfo(String SongInfoString); Function loadPlaylistArtWork(); Global Group frameGroup; Global Layer channelDisplay; Global Text bitrateText, FrequencyText; Global Timer songInfoTimer; Global String SongInfoString; Global AlbumArtLayer waaa; Global Int waaaRetries = 0; System.onScriptLoaded(){ frameGroup = getScriptGroup(); bitrateText = frameGroup.findObject("Bitrate"); frequencyText = frameGroup.findObject("Frequency"); channelDisplay = frameGroup.findObject("channels"); songInfoTimer = new Timer; songInfoTimer.setDelay(1000); if (getStatus() == STATUS_PLAYING) { String sit = getSongInfoText(); waaaRetries = 0; if (sit != "") getSonginfo(sit); else songInfoTimer.setDelay(50); // goes to 1000 once info is available songInfoTimer.start(); } else if (getStatus() == STATUS_PAUSED) { getSonginfo(getSongInfoText()); } } loadPlaylistArtWork() { Container albumart = System.getContainer("winamp.albumart"); if(albumart) { Layout aalayout = albumart.getLayout("normal"); if(aalayout) { waaa = aalayout.findObject("waaa"); } } } System.onScriptUnloading(){ delete songInfoTimer; } System.onPlay(){ String sit = getSongInfoText(); waaaRetries = 0; if (sit != "") getSonginfo(sit); else songInfoTimer.setDelay(50); // goes to 1000 once info is available songInfoTimer.start(); } System.onStop(){ waaaRetries = 0; songInfoTimer.stop(); frequencyText.setText("(__)"); bitrateText.setText("(___)"); channelDisplay.setXmlParam("image", "player.songinfo.none"); } System.onResume(){ String sit = getSongInfoText(); if (sit != "") getSonginfo(sit); else songInfoTimer.setDelay(50); // goes to 1000 once info is available songInfoTimer.start(); } System.onPause(){ songInfoTimer.stop(); } songInfoTimer.onTimer(){ String sit = getSongInfoText(); if (sit == "") return; songInfoTimer.setDelay(1000); getSonginfo(sit); if(!waaa) loadPlaylistArtWork(); if(waaa) { if(waaa.isInvalid() && waaaRetries < 5) { waaaRetries += 1; waaa.refresh(); waaa.show(); } else if(!waaa.isInvalid()) { waaaRetries = 0; } } } String tokenizeSongInfo(String tkn, String sinfo){ int searchResult; String rtn; if (tkn=="Bitrate"){ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { rtn = getToken(sinfo, " ", i); searchResult = strsearch(rtn, "kbps"); if (searchResult>0) return StrMid(rtn, 0, searchResult); } return ""; } if (tkn=="Channels"){ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { rtn = getToken(sinfo, " ", i); searchResult = strsearch(rtn, "tereo"); if (searchResult>0) return "stereo"; searchResult = strsearch(rtn, "ono"); if (searchResult>0) return "mono"; // Martin: surround > 3, stereo = 2,3 searchResult = strsearch(rtn, "annels"); if (searchResult>0) { int pos = strsearch(getSongInfoText(), "annels"); pos = stringToInteger(strmid(getSongInfoText(), pos - 4, 1)); if (pos > 3) return "surround"; if (pos > 1 && pos < 4) return "stereo"; else return "mono"; } } return "none"; } if (tkn=="Frequency"){ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { rtn = getToken(sinfo, " ", i); searchResult = strsearch(strlower(rtn), "khz"); if (searchResult>0) { String r = StrMid(rtn, 0, searchResult); int dot = StrSearch(r, "."); if (dot == -1) dot = StrSearch(r, ","); if (dot != -1) return StrMid(r, 0, dot); return r; } } return ""; } else return ""; } getSonginfo(String SongInfoString) { String tkn; tkn = tokenizeSongInfo("Bitrate", SongInfoString); if(tkn != "") {bitrateText.setText("["+tkn+"]");} tkn = tokenizeSongInfo("Channels", SongInfoString); channelDisplay.setXmlParam("image", "player.songinfo." + tkn); tkn = tokenizeSongInfo("Frequency", SongInfoString); if(tkn != "") {frequencyText.setText("["+tkn+"]");} }