#include <windowsx.h> #include "Main.h" #include "vis.h" #include "fft.h" #include <bfc/platform/types.h> #include <math.h> #include <assert.h> #include "./api.h" #include "../nsutil/window.h" #include "../nu/threadname.h" static winampVisModule *vis_mod; static DWORD WINAPI vis_thread(void *tmp); static HANDLE hThread; static DWORD visThreadId=0; static volatile int killThread; static int _nch = 2, _numframes=1; int _srate = 44100; static wchar_t _visplugin_name[512]; static int _visplugin_num; static char *vsa_data; static int vsa_position, vsa_entrysize=577*4; static int vsa_length,size=576*4; static int vis_stopping; static CRITICAL_SECTION cs; static HWND external_window = NULL; static HWND external_window_host = NULL; #ifdef _M_IX86 __inline static int lrint(float flt) { int intgr; _asm { fld flt fistp intgr } return intgr; } #else __inline static int lrint(float flt) { return (int)flt; } #endif // quantizes to 23 bits - use appropriately #define FASTMIN(x,b) { x = b - x; x += (float)fabs(x); x *= 0.5f; x = b - x; } static size_t vis_refCount=0; static winampVisModule *GetVis() { winampVisModule *ret = 0; EnterCriticalSection(&cs); if (vis_stopping) { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return 0; } if (vis_mod) { ret = vis_mod; vis_refCount++; } LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return ret; } static void DestroyVis() { killThread=1; vis_stopping=1; if (GetCurrentThreadId() != visThreadId) { HANDLE thisThread = hThread; LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); // run message pump. this shouldn't last long. int x=200; while (WaitForSingleObject(thisThread,10) == WAIT_TIMEOUT && x-- > 0) { WASABI_API_APP->app_messageLoopStep(); } WaitForSingleObject(thisThread,INFINITE); EnterCriticalSection(&cs); } CloseHandle(hThread); if (vis_mod) FreeLibrary(vis_mod->hDllInstance); vis_stopping=0; vis_mod=0; hThread=0; killThread=0; } static void ReleaseVis(winampVisModule *vis) { if (vis) { EnterCriticalSection(&cs); vis_refCount--; if (vis_refCount == 0) { DestroyVis(); } LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); } } void vis_init(void) { InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&cs, 4000); } static char *vsa_get(int timestamp); static void vsa_setdatasize(); int vis_running() { int running=0; winampVisModule *vis = GetVis(); if (vis) { running = !vis_stopping; ReleaseVis(vis); } return running; } static int priorities[5] = { THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST }; void vis_start(HWND hwnd, wchar_t *fn) { if (vis_stopping || g_safeMode) return; vis_stop(); vsa_deinit(); if (!config_visplugin_name[0]) return; killThread=0; if (!fn || !*fn) { PathCombineW(_visplugin_name, VISDIR, config_visplugin_name); _visplugin_num=config_visplugin_num; } else { wchar_t buf[MAX_PATH] = {0}; wchar_t *p; StringCchCopyW(buf,MAX_PATH,fn); p=wcsstr(buf,L","); if (p) { *p++=0; _visplugin_num=_wtoi(p); } else _visplugin_num=0; if (PathIsFileSpecW(buf) || PathIsRelativeW(buf)) PathCombineW(_visplugin_name, VISDIR, buf); else StringCchCopyW(_visplugin_name,512,buf); } hThread = (HANDLE) CreateThread(NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) vis_thread,NULL,0,&visThreadId); SetThreadPriority(hThread,priorities[config_visplugin_priority]); } void vis_setprio() { if (vis_stopping) return; if (hThread) SetThreadPriority(hThread,priorities[config_visplugin_priority]); } void vis_stop() { if (vis_stopping||!hThread) return; EnterCriticalSection(&cs); // go into critical section so vis_mod doesn't suddenly appear out of nowhere winampVisModule *thisVis = vis_mod; LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); ReleaseVis(thisVis); } void vis_setinfo(int srate, int nch) { if (srate > 0) _srate = srate; if (nch > 0) _nch = nch; if (!vis_running()) return; EnterCriticalSection(&cs); winampVisModule *vis = GetVis(); if (vis) { vis->sRate = _srate; vis->nCh = _nch; ReleaseVis(vis); } LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); } void vis_setextwindow(HWND hwnd) { HWND test_window; unsigned int test_window_style_ex; unsigned long window_thread_id; EnterCriticalSection(&cs); external_window = hwnd; external_window_host = external_window; window_thread_id = GetWindowThreadProcessId(external_window, NULL); while(NULL != external_window_host) { test_window = GetAncestor(external_window_host, GA_PARENT); if (NULL != test_window && window_thread_id == GetWindowThreadProcessId(test_window, NULL)) { test_window_style_ex = (unsigned int)GetWindowLongPtrW(test_window, GWL_STYLE); if (0 != (WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT & test_window_style_ex)) { external_window_host = test_window; continue; } } break; } LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); } static winampVisModule *CreateVis(HINSTANCE visLib) { EnterCriticalSection(&cs); winampVisModule *ret = 0; ret = GetVis(); if (ret) { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return ret; } winampVisGetHeaderType pr; pr = (winampVisGetHeaderType) GetProcAddress(visLib,"winampVisGetHeader"); if (!pr) { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return 0; } winampVisHeader* pv = pr(hMainWindow); if (!pv) { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return 0; } vis_mod = pv->getModule(_visplugin_num); if (!vis_mod) { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return 0; } vis_mod->sRate = _srate; vis_mod->nCh = _nch; vis_mod->hwndParent = hMainWindow; vis_mod->hDllInstance = visLib; vis_refCount++; LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return vis_mod; } static BOOL vis_process_message(MSG *msg) { if (msg->message >= WM_KEYFIRST && msg->message <= WM_KEYLAST && msg->hwnd == external_window && NULL != external_window) { return FALSE; } if (WM_MOUSEWHEEL == msg->message && NULL != external_window_host) { POINT cursor; HWND target_window; POINTSTOPOINT(cursor, msg->lParam); target_window = WindowFromPoint(cursor); if (NULL != target_window && FALSE == IsChild(external_window_host, target_window ) && GetWindowThreadProcessId(target_window, NULL) != GetWindowThreadProcessId(external_window_host, NULL)) { PostMessageW(hMainWindow, msg->message, msg->wParam, msg->lParam); return TRUE; } } if (NULL != external_window_host) return IsDialogMessageW(external_window_host, msg); return FALSE; } static DWORD WINAPI vis_thread(void *tmp) { winampVisModule *vis = 0; MSG Msg; HINSTANCE hLib=0; int t=0; SetThreadName((DWORD)-1, "Vis (plugin) thread"); hLib = LoadLibrary(_visplugin_name); if (!hLib) { t=1; } else { vis = CreateVis(hLib); if (!vis) { FreeLibrary(hLib); hLib = 0; t=1; } } if (!t) { if (!(config_no_visseh&1)) { __try { t = (vis ? vis->Init(vis) : 1); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { t=1; char errstr[512] = {0}; char caption[512] = {0}; getString(IDS_PLUGINERROR,errstr,512); StringCchCatA(errstr, 512, " (1)"); MessageBoxA(NULL,errstr,getString(IDS_ERROR,caption,512),MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } else { t = vis->Init(vis); } } if (!t) { if (config_disvis) sa_setthread(0); vsa_setdatasize(); while (!killThread) { if (PeekMessage(&Msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE)) { if (Msg.message == WM_QUIT) break; if (FALSE == vis_process_message(&Msg)) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); } } else if (!paused) { static int upd; int p=playing; char *data=0; if (in_mod && p) data = vsa_get(in_mod->GetOutputTime()+vis->latencyMs); if (data) { int l=vis->spectrumNch; for (int n = 0; n < l; n ++) { memcpy(vis->spectrumData[n],data,576); data += 576; } l=vis->waveformNch; for (int n = 0; n < l; n ++) { memcpy(vis->waveformData[n],data,576); data += 576; } } if (!data) { memset(vis->spectrumData,0,576*2); memset(vis->waveformData,0,576*2); } if (p) upd=1; if (upd) if (!(config_no_visseh&1)) { __try { if (vis->Render(vis)) { break; } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { char errstr[512] = {0}; char caption[512] = {0}; getString(IDS_PLUGINERROR,errstr,512); StringCchCatA(errstr, 512, " (2)"); MessageBoxA(NULL,errstr,getString(IDS_ERROR,caption,512),MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); break; } } else { if (vis->Render(vis)) { break; } } if (!p) upd=0; Sleep(vis->delayMs); } else Sleep(min(1,vis->delayMs)); } vsa_deinit(); sa_setthread(config_sa); if (!(config_no_visseh&1)) { __try { vis->Quit(vis); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { wchar_t errstr[512] = {0}; wchar_t caption[512] = {0}; getStringW(IDS_PLUGINERROR,errstr,512); StringCchCatW(errstr, 512, L" (3)"); MessageBoxW(NULL,errstr,getStringW(IDS_ERROR,caption,512),MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } else { vis->Quit(vis); } EnterCriticalSection(&cs); if (killThread) { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return 0; } else { ReleaseVis(vis); LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return 0; } } ReleaseVis(vis); if (hLib) FreeLibrary(hLib); hLib = 0; return 0; } static int last_pos; static void _vsa_init() { vsa_deinit(); if (_numframes < 1) _numframes=1; vsa_entrysize = 4+size; vsa_data = (char *) GlobalAlloc(GPTR,vsa_entrysize * _numframes); vsa_position=0; vsa_length = _numframes; } void vsa_init(int numframes) { EnterCriticalSection(&cs); if (vis_running()) { last_pos=0; _numframes=numframes; _vsa_init(); } else { last_pos=0; _numframes=numframes; } LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); } static void vsa_setdatasize() { EnterCriticalSection(&cs); winampVisModule *vis = GetVis(); if (vis) { size=576*(vis->waveformNch+vis->spectrumNch); _vsa_init(); ReleaseVis(vis); } LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); } int vsa_add(void *data, int timestamp) { if (!vsa_data) return 1; EnterCriticalSection(&cs); if (vsa_data) // check again, it might have gone away while we were waiting on the CS { if (vsa_length < 2) { vsa_position = 0; } char *c = vsa_data + vsa_position*vsa_entrysize; *(int32_t *)c=timestamp; memcpy(c+4,data,vsa_entrysize-4); if (++vsa_position >= vsa_length) vsa_position -= vsa_length; LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return 0; } else { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return 1; } } void vsa_deinit(void) { EnterCriticalSection(&cs); if (vsa_data) { GlobalFree(vsa_data); vsa_data=0; vsa_length=0; } LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); } static char *vsa_get(int timestamp) { int i,x, closest=1000000, closest_v = -1; if (!vsa_data) return NULL; if (vsa_length<2) { return vsa_data+4; } EnterCriticalSection(&cs); x=last_pos; if (x >= vsa_length) x=0; for (i = 0; i < vsa_length; i ++) { int *q = (int *)(vsa_data+x*vsa_entrysize); int d = timestamp-*q; if (++x == vsa_length) x=0; if (d < 0) d = -d; if (d < closest) { closest = d; closest_v = x; } else if (closest<200) break; } if (closest_v >= 0) { static char data[576*4]; last_pos=closest_v; memcpy(data,vsa_data+vsa_entrysize*closest_v+4,vsa_entrysize-4); LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return data; } else { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); return 0; } } int vsa_getmode(int *sp, int *wa) { int rv=0; winampVisModule *vis = GetVis(); if (vis) { EnterCriticalSection(&cs); *sp=vis->spectrumNch; *wa=vis->waveformNch; rv=1; LeaveCriticalSection(&cs); ReleaseVis(vis); } else *sp=*wa=0; return rv; } void FillRealSamples_8Bit(unsigned char *data, const int stride, const int channels, float *samples, const float divider) { int frame,c; const float p = (float)channels*divider; for (frame = 0; frame <512; frame ++) { //done by memset - samples[x*2]=0; for (c=0;c<channels;c++) { samples[frame] += (float)(*data - 128); data+=stride; // jump to the next sample (channels are interleaved) } samples[frame] /= p; //done by memset - wavetrum[x*2+1] = 0.0f; } nsutil_window_Hann_F32_IP(samples, 512); } #define SA_DC_FILTER void FillRealSamples(char *ptr, const int stride, const int channels, float *samples, const float divider) { #ifdef SA_DC_FILTER float x1=0, y1=0; #endif int frame, c; const float p=(float)channels * divider; // we're calculating using only the most significant byte, // because we only end up with 6 bit data anyway // if you want full resolution, check out CVS tag BETA_2005_1122_182830, file: vis.c for (frame = 0;frame <512;frame++) { //done by memset - wavetrum[x*2]=0; float x=0; for (c=0;c<channels;c++) { x += (float)(*ptr); ptr+=stride; // jump to the next sample (channels are interleaved) } #ifdef SA_DC_FILTER float y = x - x1 + 0.99f * y1; y1=y; x1=x; #else float y=x; #endif y/=p; samples[frame]=y; //done by memset - wavetrum[x*2+1] = 0.0f; } nsutil_window_Hann_F32_IP(samples, 512); } void vsa_addpcmdata(void *_data_buf, int numChannels, int numBits, int ts) { char *data_buf = reinterpret_cast<char *>(_data_buf); // begin vis plugin stuff winampVisModule *vis = GetVis(); if (vis) { __declspec(align(32)) float wavetrum[512]; extern int vsa_add(void *data, int timestamp); char data[576*4*2] = {0}; int data_offs=0; int y,x,spectrumChannels, waveformChannels, stride; spectrumChannels=min(numChannels,vis->spectrumNch); stride=numBits/8; for (y = 0; y < spectrumChannels; y ++) { if (spectrumChannels == 1) // downmix to mono, if necessary { if (numBits == 8) FillRealSamples_8Bit((unsigned char*)data_buf, 1, numChannels, wavetrum, 1.f); else { const int stride=numBits/8; // number of bytes between samples char *ptr = data_buf+y*stride+stride-1; // offset for little endian FillRealSamples(ptr, stride, numChannels, wavetrum, 1.f); } } else // TODO: deal with 'downmixing' to stereo if channels>2 { if (numBits == 8) FillRealSamples_8Bit((unsigned char*)data_buf, numChannels, 1, wavetrum, 1.f); else { const int stride=numBits/8; // number of bytes between samples char *ptr = data_buf+y*stride+stride-1; // offset for little endian FillRealSamples(ptr, stride*numChannels, 1, wavetrum, 1.f); } } fft_9(wavetrum); { float la=0; int thisBand=0; for (x = 0; x < 256; x ++) { float sinT = wavetrum[x*2]; float cosT = wavetrum[x*2+1]; float thisValue=(float)sqrt(sinT*sinT+cosT*cosT)/16.0f; thisBand++; FASTMIN(thisValue, 255.f); data[data_offs++] = lrint((thisValue + la)/2.f); //data[data_offs++] = lrint((thisValue + thisValue + la)/3.f); data[data_offs++] = lrint(thisValue); la=thisValue; } while ((data_offs % 576)!=0) { la/=2; data[data_offs++]=lrint(la); } assert((data_offs % 576)==0); } } if (numChannels == 1 && vis->spectrumNch == 2) // upmix, if necessary { memcpy(data+data_offs,data+data_offs-576,576); data_offs+=576; } waveformChannels=min(numChannels,vis->waveformNch); if (waveformChannels == 1) // downmix to mono, if necessary { char *ptr = data_buf+stride-1; // offset for little endian for (x=0;x<576;x++) { __int32 mix=0; for (int channel=0;channel<numChannels;channel++) { mix += (*ptr); ptr+=stride; // jump to the next sample (channels are interleaved) } data[data_offs++] = (char)(mix / numChannels); } } else // TODO: deal with 'downmixing' to stereo if numChannels>2 { for (y = 0; y < waveformChannels; y++) { char *ptr = data_buf+y*stride+stride-1; // offset for little endian for (x=0;x<576;x++) { data[data_offs++] = *ptr; ptr+=stride*numChannels; } } } if (numChannels == 1 && vis->waveformNch == 2) { memcpy(data+data_offs,data+data_offs-576,576); //data_offs+=576; } vsa_add(data,ts); ReleaseVis(vis); } } HWND hVisWindow, hPLVisWindow; LRESULT CALLBACK VIS_WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: { RECT r1, r2; int xPos = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); // horizontal position of cursor int yPos = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); if (hwnd == hVisWindow) { GetWindowRect(hMainWindow,&r1); } else GetWindowRect(hPLWindow,&r1); GetWindowRect(hwnd,&r2); xPos += r2.left-r1.left; yPos += r2.top-r1.top; lParam = MAKELPARAM(xPos,yPos); SendMessageW(hwnd == hVisWindow?hMainWindow:hPLWindow,message,wParam,lParam); return 0; } case WM_USER+0xebe: case WM_DROPFILES: return SendMessageW(GetParent(hwnd),message,wParam,lParam); case WM_CREATE: if (NULL != WASABI_API_APP) WASABI_API_APP->app_registerGlobalWindow(hwnd); break; case WM_DESTROY: if (NULL != WASABI_API_APP) WASABI_API_APP->app_unregisterGlobalWindow(hwnd); break; } if (FALSE != IsDirectMouseWheelMessage(message)) { SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_MOUSEWHEEL, wParam, lParam); return TRUE; } return DefWindowProcW(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam); }