#include "main.h" #include "WMInformation.h" #include "resource.h" #include <exception> #include <strsafe.h> class AutoByte { public: AutoByte(size_t bytes) : data(0) { data = new BYTE[bytes]; } ~AutoByte() { if (data) delete[] data; data = 0; } operator void *() { return (void *)data; } BYTE *data; }; static void StoreData(WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type, BYTE *value, DWORD length, wchar_t *valueStr, size_t len) { switch (type) { case WMT_TYPE_DWORD: StringCchPrintf(valueStr, len, L"%lu", *(DWORD *)value); break; case WMT_TYPE_STRING: lstrcpyn(valueStr, (wchar_t *)value, len); break; case -1: // hack // if (attrName == L"WM/Text") StringCchPrintf(valueStr, len, L"%s/%s", UserTextDescription(value, length), UserTextString(value, length)); break; case WMT_TYPE_BINARY: BinaryString(value, length, valueStr, len); break; case WMT_TYPE_BOOL: if (*(BOOL *)value) { lstrcpyn(valueStr, L"True", len); } else { lstrcpyn(valueStr, L"False", len); } break; case WMT_TYPE_QWORD: StringCchPrintf(valueStr, len, L"%I64u", *(QWORD *)value); break; case WMT_TYPE_WORD: StringCchPrintf(valueStr, len, L"%hu", *(WORD *)value); break; case WMT_TYPE_GUID: GuidString(*(GUID *)value, valueStr, len); break; default: WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_UNKNOWN,valueStr,len); break; } } WMInformation::WMInformation(const wchar_t *fileName, bool noBlock) : editor(0), editor2(0), header(0), header3(0), reader(0), header2(0), openError(false) { if (fileName && fileName[0] && WMCreateEditor(&editor) == S_OK) { if (SUCCEEDED(editor->QueryInterface(&editor2))) { if (SUCCEEDED(editor2->OpenEx(fileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE))) { // good to go editor2->QueryInterface(&header); editor->QueryInterface(&header2); editor2->QueryInterface(&header3); return ; } } else { editor2 = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(editor->Open(fileName))) { // good to go editor->QueryInterface(&header); editor->QueryInterface(&header2); editor->QueryInterface(&header3); return ; } } // can't open it through the metadata editor interface, let's open a reader if (editor) editor->Release(); editor = 0; if (editor2) editor2->Release(); editor2 = 0; if (FAILED(WMCreateReader(0, WMT_RIGHT_PLAYBACK, &reader))) { reader = 0; return ; } hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); callback >> this; if (FAILED(reader->Open(fileName, &callback, 0))) { reader->Release(); reader = 0; return ; } if (noBlock) WaitForEvent(hEvent, INFINITE); else WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE); CloseHandle(hEvent); if (openError) { reader->Release(); reader = 0; } else { reader->QueryInterface(&header); reader->QueryInterface(&header2); reader->QueryInterface(&header3); } } } WMInformation::WMInformation(IWMReader *_reader) : reader(0), // reader is if we create an internal reader, we don't want to save the passed one (so we don't close it on someone else :) editor(0), editor2(0), header(0), header3(0), header2(0), openError(false), hEvent(NULL) { if (FAILED(_reader->QueryInterface(&header))) header = 0; if (FAILED(_reader->QueryInterface(&header2))) header2 = 0; if (FAILED(_reader->QueryInterface(&header3))) header3 = 0; // this error is OK, we can deal with it. } /* WMInformation::WMInformation(IWMSyncReader *reader) : editor(0), editor2(0), header(0), header3(0) { reader->QueryInterface(&header); reader->QueryInterface(&header3); }*/ WMInformation::WMInformation(IWMMetadataEditor *_editor) : editor(_editor), editor2(0), header(0), header3(0), reader(0), header2(0), openError(false), hEvent(NULL) { editor->AddRef(); editor->QueryInterface(&editor2); editor->QueryInterface(&header); editor->QueryInterface(&header2); editor->QueryInterface(&header3); } WMInformation::~WMInformation() { if (editor) { editor->Close(); editor->Release(); editor = 0; } if (editor2) editor2->Release(); editor2 = 0; if (header) header->Release(); header = 0; if (header2) header2->Release(); header2 = 0; if (header3) header3->Release(); header3 = 0; if (reader) { reader->Close(); reader->Release(); reader = 0; } } bool WMInformation::GetDataType(const wchar_t *name, WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE &type) { if (!name) return false; WORD stream = 0; WORD dataLen = 0; if (header && SUCCEEDED(header->GetAttributeByName(&stream, name, &type, 0, &dataLen))) return true; else return false; } void WMInformation::DeleteAttribute(const wchar_t *attrName) { WORD indexCount = 0; if (header3 && SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeIndices(0, attrName, NULL, 0, &indexCount))) { WORD *indices = new WORD[indexCount]; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeIndices(0, attrName, NULL, indices, &indexCount))) { for (size_t i = 0;i != indexCount;i++) { header3->DeleteAttribute(0, indices[i]); } } } } void WMInformation::SetAttribute_BinString(const wchar_t *attrName, wchar_t *value) { if (!header || !attrName || !value) return ; if (!*value) { DeleteAttribute(attrName); return ; } AutoChar data(value); header->SetAttribute(0, attrName, WMT_TYPE_BINARY, (BYTE *)(char *)data, (WORD)strlen(data)); } void WMInformation::GetAttribute_BinString(const wchar_t attrName[], wchar_t *valueStr, size_t len) { if (!header) { valueStr[0]=0; return ; } WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type; WORD length = 0; HRESULT hr; WORD streamNum = 0; if (!header || FAILED(header->GetAttributeByName(&streamNum, attrName, &type, 0, &length))) { valueStr[0]=0; return ; } AutoByte v(length); BYTE *value = v.data; hr = header->GetAttributeByName(&streamNum, attrName, &type, value, &length); if (FAILED(hr)) { valueStr[0]=0; return ; } int converted = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (const char *)value, length, valueStr, len-1); valueStr[converted]=0; } void WMInformation::SetAttribute(const wchar_t *attrName, wchar_t *value, WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE defaultType) { if (!header || !attrName || !value) return ; if (!*value) { DeleteAttribute(attrName); return ; } WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type; if (!GetDataType(attrName, type)) type = defaultType; switch (type) { case WMT_TYPE_DWORD: { DWORD dwordValue = wcstoul(value, 0, 10); header->SetAttribute(0, attrName, WMT_TYPE_DWORD, (BYTE *) &dwordValue, sizeof(dwordValue)); } break; case WMT_TYPE_STRING: { WORD size = static_cast<WORD>((lstrlen(value) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); header->SetAttribute(0, attrName, WMT_TYPE_STRING, (BYTE *)value, size); } break; case WMT_TYPE_BINARY: { // TODO } break; case WMT_TYPE_BOOL: { BOOL boolValue; if (!_wcsicmp(L"true", value)) boolValue = TRUE; else boolValue = FALSE; header->SetAttribute(0, attrName, WMT_TYPE_BOOL, (BYTE *)&boolValue, sizeof(boolValue)); } break; case WMT_TYPE_QWORD: { { QWORD qwordValue = _wcstoui64(value, 0, 10); header->SetAttribute(0, attrName, WMT_TYPE_QWORD, (BYTE *) &qwordValue, sizeof(qwordValue)); } } break; case WMT_TYPE_WORD: { { WORD wordValue = static_cast<WORD>(wcstoul(value, 0, 10)); header->SetAttribute(0, attrName, WMT_TYPE_WORD, (BYTE *) &wordValue, sizeof(wordValue)); } } break; case WMT_TYPE_GUID: { GUID guidValue = StringGUID(value); header->SetAttribute(0, attrName, WMT_TYPE_GUID, (BYTE *) &guidValue, sizeof(guidValue)); } break; } } bool WMInformation::GetAttributeSize(const wchar_t *name, size_t &size) { WORD stream = 0; WORD resultSize; WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type; if (!header || FAILED(header->GetAttributeByName(&stream, name, &type, 0, &resultSize))) { return false; } size = resultSize; return true; } DWORD WMInformation::GetDWORDAttr(const wchar_t name[]) { WORD stream = 0; DWORD result; WORD resultSizeWord = sizeof(result); DWORD resultSize = sizeof(result); WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type = WMT_TYPE_DWORD; WORD count = 1; WORD indices[1] = {0}; if ((!header3 || FAILED(header3->GetAttributeIndices(0, name, NULL, indices, &count)) || FAILED(header3->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0, indices[0], 0, 0, &type, NULL, (BYTE *) &result, &resultSize))) && (!header || FAILED(header->GetAttributeByName(&stream, name, &type, (BYTE *)&result, &resultSizeWord)))) return 0; else return result; } long WMInformation::GetLongAttr(const wchar_t name[]) { WORD stream = 0; long result; WORD resultSize = sizeof(result); WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type; if (!header || FAILED(header->GetAttributeByName(&stream, name, &type, (BYTE *)&result, &resultSize))) { return 0; } return result; } bool WMInformation::GetBoolAttr(const wchar_t name[]) { WORD stream = 0; BOOL result; WORD resultSize = sizeof(result); WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type; if (!header || FAILED(header->GetAttributeByName(&stream, name, &type, (BYTE *)&result, &resultSize))) { return false; } return !!result; } bool WMInformation::IsSeekable() { return GetBoolAttr(g_wszWMSeekable); } long WMInformation::GetLengthMilliseconds() { WORD stream = 0; long long duration = 0; WORD resultSize = sizeof(duration); WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type; if (!header || FAILED(header->GetAttributeByName(&stream, g_wszWMDuration, &type, (BYTE *)&duration, &resultSize))) { return -1000; } duration /= 10000LL; return (long)duration; } long WMInformation::GetBitrate() { return GetDWORDAttr(g_wszWMCurrentBitrate); } WORD WMInformation::GetNumberAttributes() { WORD numAttr = 0; if ((!header3 || FAILED(header3->GetAttributeCountEx(0, &numAttr))) && (!header || FAILED(header->GetAttributeCount(0, &numAttr)))) return 0; else return numAttr; } void WMInformation::GetAttribute(WORD index, wchar_t *attrName, size_t attrLen, wchar_t *valueStr, size_t valueStrLen) { wchar_t _attrName[1025] = {0}; WORD nameLen = sizeof(_attrName) / sizeof(_attrName[0]); WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type; WORD lang; WORD stream = 0; DWORD length = 0; WORD lengthWord = 0; if ((!header3 || FAILED(header3->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0, index, _attrName, &nameLen, &type, &lang, 0, &length))) && (!header || FAILED(header->GetAttributeByIndex(index, &stream, _attrName, &nameLen, &type, 0, &lengthWord)))) { attrName[0]=0; valueStr[0]=0; return ; } if (lengthWord) length = lengthWord; AutoByte v(length); BYTE *value = v.data; lstrcpyn(attrName, _attrName, attrLen); if ((!header3 || FAILED(header3->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0, index, _attrName, &nameLen, &type, &lang, value, &length))) && (!header || FAILED(header->GetAttributeByIndex(index, &stream, _attrName, &nameLen, &type, value, &lengthWord)))) { attrName[0]=0; valueStr[0]=0; return ; } if (attrName == L"WM/Text") { type = (WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE)-1; // hack StringCchCat(attrName, attrLen, L":"); StringCchCat(attrName, attrLen, UserTextDescription(value, length)); } StoreData(type, value, length, valueStr, valueStrLen); } void WMInformation::GetAttribute(const wchar_t attrName[], wchar_t *valueStr, size_t len) { if (!header) { valueStr[0]=0; return ; } WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type; WORD length = 0; HRESULT hr; WORD streamNum = 0; if (!header || FAILED(header->GetAttributeByName(&streamNum, attrName, &type, 0, &length))) { valueStr[0]=0; return ; } AutoByte v(length); BYTE *value = v.data; hr = header->GetAttributeByName(&streamNum, attrName, &type, value, &length); if (FAILED(hr)) { valueStr[0]=0; return ; } if (attrName == L"WM/Text") type = (WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE)-1; // hack StoreData(type, value, length, valueStr, len); } bool WMInformation::MakeWritable(const wchar_t *fileName) { if (!editor || !editor2) return false; if (FAILED(editor2->OpenEx(fileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0))) { return false; } return true; } bool WMInformation::Flush() { if (!editor2 || FAILED(editor->Flush())) return false; return true; } bool WMInformation::IsAttribute(const wchar_t attrName[]) { WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type = WMT_TYPE_BOOL; WORD length = sizeof(BOOL); WORD streamNum = 0; BOOL value; if (!header || FAILED(header->GetAttributeByName(&streamNum, attrName, &type, (BYTE *)&value, &length))) { return false; } else { return !!value; } } bool WMInformation::IsNotAttribute(const wchar_t attrName[]) { if (!header) { return false; } WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type = WMT_TYPE_BOOL; WORD length = sizeof(BOOL); WORD streamNum = 0; BOOL value; if (!header || FAILED(header->GetAttributeByName(&streamNum, attrName, &type, (BYTE *)&value, &length))) { return false; } else { return !value; } } bool WMInformation::MakeReadOnly(const wchar_t *fileName) { if (!editor || !editor2) return false; //editor->Close(); if (FAILED(editor2->OpenEx(fileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE))) { return false; } return true; } bool WMInformation::NonWritable() { if (!editor2) return true; else return false; } void WMInformation::DeleteUserText(const wchar_t *description) { WORD indexCount = 0; WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type = WMT_TYPE_BOOL; WORD nameLen = 128; if (header3 && SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeIndices(0, L"WM/Text", NULL, 0, &indexCount))) { WORD *indices = new WORD[indexCount]; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeIndices(0, L"WM/Text", NULL, indices, &indexCount))) { for (size_t index = 0;index != indexCount;index++) { WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type = WMT_TYPE_BINARY; WORD lang = 0; DWORD length = 0; wchar_t _attrName[128] = L"WM/Text"; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0, indices[index], _attrName, &nameLen, &type, &lang, 0, &length))) { AutoByte v(length); BYTE *value = v.data; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0, indices[index], _attrName, &nameLen, &type, &lang, value, &length))) { if (UserTextDescription(value, length) == description) { header3->DeleteAttribute(0, indices[index]); } } } } } } } void WMInformation::SetUserText(const wchar_t *description, const wchar_t *valueStr) { if (!header3 || !description || !valueStr) return; WM_USER_TEXT userText; userText.pwszDescription = (LPWSTR)description; userText.pwszText = (LPWSTR) valueStr; WORD index; header3->AddAttribute(0, L"WM/Text", &index, WMT_TYPE_BINARY, 0, (BYTE *) &userText, sizeof(userText)); } void WMInformation::ClearAllAttributes() { WORD numAttrs; header3->GetAttributeCountEx(0xFFFF, &numAttrs); while (numAttrs--) { header3->DeleteAttribute(0xFFFF, numAttrs); } } bool WMInformation::GetCodecName(wchar_t *storage, size_t len) { if (!header2) return false; DWORD codecs=0; header2->GetCodecInfoCount(&codecs); for (DWORD i=0;i!=codecs;i++) { WORD nameLen=0, descriptionLen=0, infoLen = 0; WMT_CODEC_INFO_TYPE type; header2->GetCodecInfo(i, &nameLen, 0, &descriptionLen, 0, &type, &infoLen, 0); if (type == WMT_CODECINFO_AUDIO) { wchar_t *name = new wchar_t[nameLen]; wchar_t *description = new wchar_t[descriptionLen]; BYTE *info = new BYTE[infoLen]; header2->GetCodecInfo(i, &nameLen, name, &descriptionLen, description, &type, &infoLen, info); lstrcpynW(storage, name, len); delete[] name; delete[]description; delete[] info; return true; } } return false; } bool WMInformation::GetPicture(void **data, size_t *len, wchar_t **mimeType, int pictype) { WORD indexCount = 0; WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type = WMT_TYPE_BINARY; WORD nameLen = 128; if (header3 && SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeIndices(0, g_wszWMPicture, NULL, 0, &indexCount))) { WORD *indices = new WORD[indexCount]; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeIndices(0, g_wszWMPicture, NULL, indices, &indexCount))) { for (size_t index = 0;index != indexCount;index++) { WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type = WMT_TYPE_BINARY; WORD lang = 0; DWORD length = 0; wchar_t _attrName[128] = {0}; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0, indices[index], _attrName, &nameLen, &type, &lang, 0, &length))) { AutoByte v(length); BYTE *value = v.data; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0, indices[index], _attrName, &nameLen, &type, &lang, value, &length))) { WM_PICTURE *picture = (WM_PICTURE *)value; if (picture->bPictureType == pictype) { *len = picture->dwDataLen; *data = WASABI_API_MEMMGR->sysMalloc(*len); memcpy(*data, picture->pbData, *len); wchar_t *type=0; if (picture->pwszMIMEType) type = wcschr(picture->pwszMIMEType, L'/'); if (type && *type) { type++; wchar_t *type2 = wcschr(type, L'/'); if (type2 && *type2) type2++; else type2 = type; size_t mimelen = wcslen(type2)+1; *mimeType = (wchar_t *)WASABI_API_MEMMGR->sysMalloc(mimelen*sizeof(wchar_t)); StringCchCopyW(*mimeType, mimelen, type2); } else *mimeType = 0; // unknown! delete[] indices; return true; } } } } } delete[] indices; } return false; } bool WMInformation::SetPicture(void *data, size_t len, const wchar_t *mimeType, int type) { WM_PICTURE picture; picture.bPictureType = type; picture.dwDataLen = len; picture.pbData = (BYTE *)data; picture.pwszDescription=L""; wchar_t mt[32] = {0}; if (wcsstr(mimeType, L"/") != 0) { StringCchCopyW(mt, 32, mimeType); } else { StringCchPrintfW(mt, 32, L"image/%s", mimeType); } picture.pwszMIMEType = mt; return SUCCEEDED(header->SetAttribute(0, g_wszWMPicture, WMT_TYPE_BINARY, (const BYTE *)&picture, sizeof(picture))); } bool WMInformation::HasPicture(int pictype) { WORD indexCount = 0; WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type = WMT_TYPE_BINARY; WORD nameLen = 128; if (header3 && SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeIndices(0, g_wszWMPicture, NULL, 0, &indexCount))) { WORD *indices = new WORD[indexCount]; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeIndices(0, g_wszWMPicture, NULL, indices, &indexCount))) { for (size_t index = 0;index != indexCount;index++) { WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type = WMT_TYPE_BINARY; WORD lang = 0; DWORD length = 0; wchar_t _attrName[128] = {0}; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0, indices[index], _attrName, &nameLen, &type, &lang, 0, &length))) { AutoByte v(length); BYTE *value = v.data; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0, indices[index], _attrName, &nameLen, &type, &lang, value, &length))) { WM_PICTURE *picture = (WM_PICTURE *)value; if (picture->bPictureType == pictype) { delete[] indices; return true; } } } } } delete[] indices; } return false; } bool WMInformation::DeletePicture(int pictype) { WORD indexCount = 0; WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type = WMT_TYPE_BINARY; WORD nameLen = 128; if (header3 && SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeIndices(0, g_wszWMPicture, NULL, 0, &indexCount))) { WORD *indices = new WORD[indexCount]; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeIndices(0, g_wszWMPicture, NULL, indices, &indexCount))) { for (size_t index = 0;index != indexCount;index++) { WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type = WMT_TYPE_BINARY; WORD lang = 0; DWORD length = 0; wchar_t _attrName[128] = {0}; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0, indices[index], _attrName, &nameLen, &type, &lang, 0, &length))) { AutoByte v(length); BYTE *value = v.data; if (SUCCEEDED(header3->GetAttributeByIndexEx(0, indices[index], _attrName, &nameLen, &type, &lang, value, &length))) { WM_PICTURE *picture = (WM_PICTURE *)value; if (picture->bPictureType == pictype) { header3->DeleteAttribute(0, indices[index]); delete[] indices; return true; } } } } } delete[] indices; } return false; }