 * tuningCollection.h
 * ------------------
 * Purpose: Alternative sample tuning collection class.
 * Notes  : (currently none)
 * Authors: OpenMPT Devs
 * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.

#pragma once

#include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp"

#include "tuning.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>


namespace Tuning {

class CTuningCollection


	static constexpr char s_FileExtension[4] = ".tc";

	// OpenMPT <= 1.26 had to following limits:
	//  *  255 built-in tunings (only 2 were ever actually provided)
	//  *  255 local tunings
	//  *  255 tune-specific tunings
	// As 1.27 copies all used tunings into the module, the limit of 255 is no
	// longer sufficient. In the worst case scenario, the module contains 255
	// unused tunings and uses 255 local ones. In addition to that, allow the
	// user to additionally import both built-in tunings.
	// Older OpenMPT versions will silently skip loading tunings beyond index
	// 255.
	static constexpr size_t s_nMaxTuningCount = 255 + 255 + 2 ;


	// returns observer ptr if successful
	CTuning* AddTuning(std::unique_ptr<CTuning> pT);
	CTuning* AddTuning(std::istream &inStrm, mpt::Charset defaultCharset);
	bool Remove(const std::size_t i);
	bool Remove(const CTuning *pT);

	std::size_t GetNumTunings() const
		return m_Tunings.size();

	CTuning* GetTuning(std::size_t i)
		if(i >= m_Tunings.size())
			return nullptr;
		return m_Tunings[i].get();
	const CTuning* GetTuning(std::size_t i) const
		if (i >= m_Tunings.size())
			return nullptr;
		return m_Tunings[i].get();
	CTuning* GetTuning(const mpt::ustring &name);
	const CTuning* GetTuning(const mpt::ustring &name) const;

	Tuning::SerializationResult Serialize(std::ostream &oStrm, const mpt::ustring &name) const;
	Tuning::SerializationResult Deserialize(std::istream &iStrm, mpt::ustring &name, mpt::Charset defaultCharset);

	auto begin() { return m_Tunings.begin(); }
	auto begin() const { return m_Tunings.begin(); }
	auto cbegin() { return m_Tunings.cbegin(); }
	auto end() { return m_Tunings.end(); }
	auto end() const { return m_Tunings.end(); }
	auto cend() { return m_Tunings.cend(); }


	std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CTuning> > m_Tunings;


	Tuning::SerializationResult DeserializeOLD(std::istream &inStrm, mpt::ustring &uname, mpt::Charset defaultCharset);


bool UnpackTuningCollection(const CTuningCollection &tc, const mpt::PathString &prefix);

} // namespace Tuning

typedef Tuning::CTuningCollection CTuningCollection;