 * libopenmpt_impl.hpp
 * -------------------
 * Purpose: libopenmpt private interface
 * Notes  : This is not a public header. Do NOT ship in distributions dev packages.
 * Authors: OpenMPT Devs
 * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.


#include "libopenmpt_internal.h"
#include "libopenmpt.hpp"

#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4512) // assignment operator could not be generated

// forward declarations
namespace mpt {
inline namespace mpt_libopenmpt {
namespace IO {
class FileCursorTraitsFileData;
template <typename Tpath>
class FileCursorFilenameTraits;
template <typename Ttraits, typename Tfilenametraits>
class FileCursor;
} // namespace IO
} // namespace mpt_libopenmpt
} // namespace mpt
namespace OpenMPT {
namespace detail {
template <typename Ttraits, typename Tfilenametraits>
using FileCursor = mpt::IO::FileCursor<Ttraits, Tfilenametraits>;
} // namespace detail
namespace mpt {
class PathString;
} // namespace mpt
using FileCursor = detail::FileCursor<mpt::IO::FileCursorTraitsFileData, mpt::IO::FileCursorFilenameTraits<mpt::PathString>>;
class CSoundFile;
struct DithersWrapperOpenMPT;
} // namespace OpenMPT

namespace openmpt {

namespace version {

std::uint32_t get_library_version();
std::uint32_t get_core_version();
std::string get_string( const std::string & key );

} // namespace version

class log_interface {
	virtual ~log_interface();
	virtual void log( const std::string & message ) const = 0;
}; // class log_interface

class std_ostream_log : public log_interface {
	std::ostream & destination;
	std_ostream_log( std::ostream & dst );
	virtual ~std_ostream_log();
	void log( const std::string & message ) const override;
}; // class CSoundFileLog_std_ostream

class log_forwarder;

struct callback_stream_wrapper {
	void * stream;
	std::size_t (*read)( void * stream, void * dst, std::size_t bytes );
	int (*seek)( void * stream, std::int64_t offset, int whence );
	std::int64_t (*tell)( void * stream );
}; // struct callback_stream_wrapper

class module_impl {
	enum class amiga_filter_type {

	struct subsong_data {
		double duration;
		std::int32_t start_row;
		std::int32_t start_order;
		std::int32_t sequence;
		subsong_data( double duration, std::int32_t start_row, std::int32_t start_order, std::int32_t sequence );
	}; // struct subsong_data

	typedef std::vector<subsong_data> subsongs_type;

	enum class song_end_action {

	static constexpr std::int32_t all_subsongs = -1;

	enum class ctl_type {
	struct ctl_info {
		const char * name;
		ctl_type type;

	std::unique_ptr<log_interface> m_Log;
	std::unique_ptr<log_forwarder> m_LogForwarder;
	std::int32_t m_current_subsong;
	double m_currentPositionSeconds;
	std::unique_ptr<OpenMPT::CSoundFile> m_sndFile;
	bool m_loaded;
	bool m_mixer_initialized;
	std::unique_ptr<OpenMPT::DithersWrapperOpenMPT> m_Dithers;
	subsongs_type m_subsongs;
	float m_Gain;
	song_end_action m_ctl_play_at_end;
	amiga_filter_type m_ctl_render_resampler_emulate_amiga_type = amiga_filter_type::auto_filter;
	bool m_ctl_load_skip_samples;
	bool m_ctl_load_skip_patterns;
	bool m_ctl_load_skip_plugins;
	bool m_ctl_load_skip_subsongs_init;
	bool m_ctl_seek_sync_samples;
	std::vector<std::string> m_loaderMessages;
	void PushToCSoundFileLog( const std::string & text ) const;
	void PushToCSoundFileLog( int loglevel, const std::string & text ) const;
	std::string mod_string_to_utf8( const std::string & encoded ) const;
	void apply_mixer_settings( std::int32_t samplerate, int channels );
	void apply_libopenmpt_defaults();
	subsongs_type get_subsongs() const;
	void init_subsongs( subsongs_type & subsongs ) const;
	bool has_subsongs_inited() const;
	void ctor( const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	void load( const OpenMPT::FileCursor & file, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	bool is_loaded() const;
	std::size_t read_wrapper( std::size_t count, std::int16_t * left, std::int16_t * right, std::int16_t * rear_left, std::int16_t * rear_right );
	std::size_t read_wrapper( std::size_t count, float * left, float * right, float * rear_left, float * rear_right );
	std::size_t read_interleaved_wrapper( std::size_t count, std::size_t channels, std::int16_t * interleaved );
	std::size_t read_interleaved_wrapper( std::size_t count, std::size_t channels, float * interleaved );
	std::string get_message_instruments() const;
	std::string get_message_samples() const;
	std::pair< std::string, std::string > format_and_highlight_pattern_row_channel_command( std::int32_t p, std::int32_t r, std::int32_t c, int command ) const;
	std::pair< std::string, std::string > format_and_highlight_pattern_row_channel( std::int32_t p, std::int32_t r, std::int32_t c, std::size_t width, bool pad ) const;
	static double could_open_probability( const OpenMPT::FileCursor & file, double effort, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log );
	static std::vector<std::string> get_supported_extensions();

	/// <summary>
	/// From version 0.7.0
	/// Hakan DANISIK
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="extension"></param>
	/// <returns></returns>
	static std::string get_tracker_name( const std::string & extension );

	static bool is_extension_supported( std::string_view extension );
	static double could_open_probability( callback_stream_wrapper stream, double effort, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log );
	static double could_open_probability( std::istream & stream, double effort, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log );
	static std::size_t probe_file_header_get_recommended_size();
	static int probe_file_header( std::uint64_t flags, const std::byte * data, std::size_t size, std::uint64_t filesize );
	static int probe_file_header( std::uint64_t flags, const std::uint8_t * data, std::size_t size, std::uint64_t filesize );
	static int probe_file_header( std::uint64_t flags, const void * data, std::size_t size, std::uint64_t filesize );
	static int probe_file_header( std::uint64_t flags, const std::byte * data, std::size_t size );
	static int probe_file_header( std::uint64_t flags, const std::uint8_t * data, std::size_t size );
	static int probe_file_header( std::uint64_t flags, const void * data, std::size_t size );
	static int probe_file_header( std::uint64_t flags, std::istream & stream );
	static int probe_file_header( std::uint64_t flags, callback_stream_wrapper stream );
	module_impl( callback_stream_wrapper stream, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_impl( std::istream & stream, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_impl( const std::vector<std::byte> & data, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_impl( const std::vector<std::uint8_t> & data, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_impl( const std::vector<char> & data, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_impl( const std::byte * data, std::size_t size, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_impl( const std::uint8_t * data, std::size_t size, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_impl( const char * data, std::size_t size, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	module_impl( const void * data, std::size_t size, std::unique_ptr<log_interface> log, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & ctls );
	void select_subsong( std::int32_t subsong );
	std::int32_t get_selected_subsong() const;
	void set_repeat_count( std::int32_t repeat_count );
	std::int32_t get_repeat_count() const;
	double get_duration_seconds() const;
	double set_position_seconds( double seconds );
	double get_position_seconds() const;
	double set_position_order_row( std::int32_t order, std::int32_t row );
	std::int32_t get_render_param( int param ) const;
	void set_render_param( int param, std::int32_t value );
	std::size_t read( std::int32_t samplerate, std::size_t count, std::int16_t * mono );
	std::size_t read( std::int32_t samplerate, std::size_t count, std::int16_t * left, std::int16_t * right );
	std::size_t read( std::int32_t samplerate, std::size_t count, std::int16_t * left, std::int16_t * right, std::int16_t * rear_left, std::int16_t * rear_right );
	std::size_t read( std::int32_t samplerate, std::size_t count, float * mono );
	std::size_t read( std::int32_t samplerate, std::size_t count, float * left, float * right );
	std::size_t read( std::int32_t samplerate, std::size_t count, float * left, float * right, float * rear_left, float * rear_right );
	std::size_t read_interleaved_stereo( std::int32_t samplerate, std::size_t count, std::int16_t * interleaved_stereo );
	std::size_t read_interleaved_quad( std::int32_t samplerate, std::size_t count, std::int16_t * interleaved_quad );
	std::size_t read_interleaved_stereo( std::int32_t samplerate, std::size_t count, float * interleaved_stereo );
	std::size_t read_interleaved_quad( std::int32_t samplerate, std::size_t count, float * interleaved_quad );
	std::vector<std::string> get_metadata_keys() const;
	std::string get_metadata( const std::string & key ) const;
	double get_current_estimated_bpm() const;
	std::int32_t get_current_speed() const;
	std::int32_t get_current_tempo() const;
	std::int32_t get_current_order() const;
	std::int32_t get_current_pattern() const;
	std::int32_t get_current_row() const;
	std::int32_t get_current_playing_channels() const;
	float get_current_channel_vu_mono( std::int32_t channel ) const;
	float get_current_channel_vu_left( std::int32_t channel ) const;
	float get_current_channel_vu_right( std::int32_t channel ) const;
	float get_current_channel_vu_rear_left( std::int32_t channel ) const;
	float get_current_channel_vu_rear_right( std::int32_t channel ) const;
	std::int32_t get_num_subsongs() const;
	std::int32_t get_num_channels() const;
	std::int32_t get_num_orders() const;
	std::int32_t get_num_patterns() const;
	std::int32_t get_num_instruments() const;
	std::int32_t get_num_samples() const;
	std::vector<std::string> get_subsong_names() const;
	std::vector<std::string> get_channel_names() const;
	std::vector<std::string> get_order_names() const;
	std::vector<std::string> get_pattern_names() const;
	std::vector<std::string> get_instrument_names() const;
	std::vector<std::string> get_sample_names() const;
	std::int32_t get_order_pattern( std::int32_t o ) const;
	std::int32_t get_pattern_num_rows( std::int32_t p ) const;
	std::uint8_t get_pattern_row_channel_command( std::int32_t p, std::int32_t r, std::int32_t c, int cmd ) const;
	std::string format_pattern_row_channel_command( std::int32_t p, std::int32_t r, std::int32_t c, int cmd ) const;
	std::string highlight_pattern_row_channel_command( std::int32_t p, std::int32_t r, std::int32_t c, int cmd ) const;
	std::string format_pattern_row_channel( std::int32_t p, std::int32_t r, std::int32_t c, std::size_t width, bool pad ) const;
	std::string highlight_pattern_row_channel( std::int32_t p, std::int32_t r, std::int32_t c, std::size_t width, bool pad ) const;
	std::pair<const module_impl::ctl_info *, const module_impl::ctl_info *> get_ctl_infos() const;
	std::vector<std::string> get_ctls() const;
	std::string ctl_get( std::string ctl, bool throw_if_unknown = true ) const;
	bool ctl_get_boolean( std::string_view ctl, bool throw_if_unknown = true ) const;
	std::int64_t ctl_get_integer( std::string_view ctl, bool throw_if_unknown = true ) const;
	double ctl_get_floatingpoint( std::string_view ctl, bool throw_if_unknown = true ) const;
	std::string ctl_get_text( std::string_view ctl, bool throw_if_unknown = true ) const;
	void ctl_set( std::string ctl, const std::string & value, bool throw_if_unknown = true );
	void ctl_set_boolean( std::string_view ctl, bool value, bool throw_if_unknown = true );
	void ctl_set_integer( std::string_view ctl, std::int64_t value, bool throw_if_unknown = true );
	void ctl_set_floatingpoint( std::string_view ctl, double value, bool throw_if_unknown = true );
	void ctl_set_text( std::string_view ctl, std::string_view value, bool throw_if_unknown = true );
}; // class module_impl

namespace helper {

template<typename T, typename... Args> std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&&... args) {
	return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));

} // namespace helper

} // namespace openmpt

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(pop)