#include "circlebuffer.h"

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> /* memory copy */
#include "duck_mem.h"

/* this is just a debugging trick so that we can "see" the free space */
void* circleread_memcpy(void* dst, void* src, int64_t count);
void* circleread_memcpy(void* dst, void* src, int64_t count)
	return duck_memcpy64(dst, src, count);

void CircleReport(const CircleBuffer_t* cb, const char* title)
    printf("-----(%s)------\n", title);
    printf("max Size cb = %ld\n", cb->bufSize);
    printf("fills at = %ld\n", cb->bufSize * cb->percent / 100 );
    printf("Current amount = %ld, level = %ld\n", cb->count, cb->count * 100 / cb->bufSize);

int ForwardBuffer(CircleBuffer_t* cb, int64_t len)
    if (len >= (int64_t)cb->count)
        return -1;
	if (  (cb->head + len) < cb->bufSize  )
	    cb->head += (int)len;
	    cb->head = (int)len - (cb->bufSize - cb->head);
	cb->count -= (int)len;
	return 0;

int RewindBuffer(CircleBuffer_t* cb, int64_t len)
    if (len >= (int64_t)(cb->bufSize - cb->count) )
	    return -1; /* not enough history in buffer ! */

	if (cb->head <= (size_t)len)
	    if (cb->wrapped == 0) 
		    return -1;
	    cb->head = cb->bufSize - ((int)len - cb->head); 
		cb->count += (int)len;
	    return 0;
	    cb->head -= (int)len;
	    cb->count += (int)len;
	return 0;

void destroyCircleBuffer(CircleBuffer_t* cb)
	if (cb->buffer)
	if (cb->maxChunk)

int resetCircleBuffer(CircleBuffer_t* cb)
    cb->count = 0;
	cb->bytesConsumed = 0;
	cb->wrapped = 0;                
	cb->starvedBytes = 0;  
	cb->starvedRequests = 0;  
	return 0;

int initCircleBuffer(
    CircleBuffer_t* cb, 
    size_t countRecords, 
    int percent, 
    size_t maxChunk,
    FuncLock_t lock,
    FuncLock_t unlock
	cb->buffer = (unsigned char * ) calloc(1, countRecords);
	cb->maxChunk = (unsigned char *) calloc(1, maxChunk);
	cb->maxChunkLen = maxChunk;
	if (cb->buffer)
		cb->head = cb->count = 0;
		cb->balance = 0;
		cb->bufSize = countRecords;
		cb->bytesConsumed = 0;
		cb->muted = false;
		cb->percent = percent;
		cb->wrapped = 0;
		cb->lock = lock;
		cb->unlock = unlock;
		return 0;
		return -1; /* error */

/* return zero if plenty of room and success */
/* free space nested in the middle of the buffer is consider endSpace */
/* and when free space nested in middle, startSpace is considered to be zero */
int addToCircleBuffer(CircleBuffer_t* cb, void* data, size_t requestSpace)
	int64_t freeSpace;				/* count total free space in buffer */
	int64_t head = cb->head;			/* offset start of valid data */
	int64_t tail = (cb->head + cb->count) % cb->bufSize;			/* offest first free byte after valid data */
	int64_t endSpace;

	freeSpace = cb->bufSize - cb->count;
	/* if not enough room to do the add */
	if (requestSpace > freeSpace)
		return CB_FULL;

	endSpace = cb->bufSize - tail;
	if (tail >= head && requestSpace > endSpace)  /* additional data write will wrap  */
			duck_memcpy64(&cb->buffer[tail], data, endSpace);
            (unsigned char *)data+endSpace,
            requestSpace - endSpace);
	else /* existing data wrapped around from end of buffer through beginning of buffer. */
		memcpy(&cb->buffer[tail], data, requestSpace);
	cb->count 		+= requestSpace;
	cb->balance     += 1;

	return 0;   /* -1 will mean error,m  zero is OK  */

/* get info need so we can write direct as in memcpy into the circle buffer */
void FreeWrapless(const CircleBuffer_t* cb, void* handle, int64_t* sizeWrapless)
    int64_t tail = 			(cb->head + cb->count) % cb->bufSize;
    if ((cb->head + cb->count) < cb->bufSize)
        *((void **) handle) = &cb->buffer[tail];
        *sizeWrapless =  (cb->bufSize -(cb->head + cb->count));
        *((void **) handle) = &cb->buffer[tail];
        *sizeWrapless =  (cb->bufSize - cb->count);

/* Please clone this sucker from readFromCircleBuffer */
int accessCircleBuffer(CircleBuffer_t* cb, void* handle1, size_t requestSize)
	int64_t head = 			cb->head;
	int64_t tail = 			(cb->head + cb->count) % cb->bufSize;
	void** handle = 		(void **) handle1;
	void*  dest = 			*handle;
	if (requestSize <= 0)
		return requestSize;

	if (cb->count < requestSize)
		return -1;
	if (tail > head)  /* the data does not wrap ! */
			*handle = &cb->buffer[head];
	else    /* the current data does wrap */
		/* but our read does not wrap */
		if (head + requestSize < cb->bufSize)
			*handle = &cb->buffer[head];
		else if (head + requestSize == cb->bufSize)
			*handle = &cb->buffer[head];
		else  /* our read will wrap ! */
			int64_t temp = cb->bufSize - head;
			dest = cb->maxChunk;
			assert(cb->maxChunkLen >= requestSize);
                ((unsigned char *) dest) + temp,
                requestSize - temp);
            *handle = dest;
	cb->head = (cb->head + requestSize) % cb->bufSize;
	cb->count -= requestSize;

	cb->bytesConsumed += requestSize;
	cb->balance -= 1;
	return requestSize;  /* records (16 bit or maybe other in future) */

/* return count read , or -1 if not enough data */
int readFromCircleBuffer(CircleBuffer_t* cb, void* dest, size_t requestSize)
	int64_t head = 			cb->head;
	int64_t tail = 			(cb->head + cb->count) % cb->bufSize;
	if (cb->count < requestSize)
		requestSize = cb->count; /* Give them what we have */
	if (requestSize <= 0)
		return (int)requestSize;
	if (tail > head)  /* the data does not wrap ! */
			circleread_memcpy(dest, &cb->buffer[head], requestSize);
	else    /* the current data does wrap */
		/* but our read does not wrap */
		if (head + requestSize < cb->bufSize)
			circleread_memcpy(dest, &cb->buffer[head], requestSize);
		else if (head + requestSize == cb->bufSize)
			circleread_memcpy(dest, &cb->buffer[head], requestSize);
			memset(&cb->buffer[head], 0,  (size_t)requestSize);   /* optional, debug */
		else  /* our read will wrap ! */
			int64_t temp = cb->bufSize - head;
                ((unsigned char *) dest) + temp,
                requestSize - temp);
	cb->head = (cb->head + requestSize) % cb->bufSize;
	cb->count -= requestSize;

	cb->bytesConsumed += requestSize;
	cb->balance -= 1;
	return (int)requestSize;  /* records (16 bit or maybe other in future) */

void testCircleBuffer()
	CircleBuffer_t temp;
	size_t bufSize = 256;
	const size_t maxInput = 256*3;
	size_t count = 0;
	size_t t;
	int i;
	const int maxRandom = 32;
	size_t chunkOut = 30;
	CircleRecord_t data[256*3];
	initCircleBuffer(&temp, bufSize, 75, 256, 0, 0);
	/* who cares ... take the default seed value. */
	while (count < maxInput  || temp.count > chunkOut)
		t = rand();
		/* for whatever reason this seems to be a 16 bit random number */
		t = t / ( 2 << (16 - 7) ) ;
		for(i = 0; i < (int)t; i++)
			data[i] = (unsigned char ) ( count + i  );
		if 	(	
				((temp.bufSize - temp.count) >= t*sizeof(short)+1)  &&
				(count < (maxInput - maxRandom))
			)  /* add 1 to keep buffer being completely filled */
			int64_t tail = (temp.head + temp.count) % temp.bufSize;
			addToCircleBuffer(&temp, data, t);
			printf("Add to buffer count = %ld. head = %ld, tail = %ld\n",  t, temp.head, tail);
			count += t;
		else  /* not enough space in buffer, try to empty some out */
			int r;
			r = readFromCircleBuffer(&temp, data, chunkOut);
			if (r >= 0)
				int64_t tail = (temp.head + temp.count) % temp.bufSize;
				for(i = 0; i < r; i++)
					printf("%ld  ", data[i]);

				printf("\nRead from buffer. head = %ld, tail = %ld\n", temp.head, tail);
	}    /* while we have not accumulated a large eough test ... */

int CirclePercent(CircleBuffer_t* cb)
   return  (int)(cb->count * 100 / cb->bufSize);

int CircleAtLevel(CircleBuffer_t* cb)
    return (int)(cb->count * 100 / cb->bufSize) >= cb->percent;

int CircleOverLevel(CircleBuffer_t* cb)
    return (int)(cb->count * 100 / cb->bufSize) > cb->percent;