 * \file  erc_api.h
 * \brief
 *      External (still inside video decoder) interface for error concealment module
 * \author
 *      - Ari Hourunranta                <ari.hourunranta@nokia.com>
 *      - Ye-Kui Wang                    <wyk@ieee.org>
 *      - Jill Boyce                     <jill.boyce@thomson.net>
 *      - Saurav K Bandyopadhyay         <saurav@ieee.org>
 *      - Zhenyu Wu                      <Zhenyu.Wu@thomson.net
 *      - Purvin Pandit                  <Purvin.Pandit@thomson.net>
 * ************************************************************************

#ifndef _ERC_API_H_
#define _ERC_API_H_

#include "erc_globals.h"

* Defines

/* If the average motion vector of the correctly received macroblocks is less than the
threshold, concealByCopy is used, otherwise concealByTrial is used. */
#define MVPERMB_THR 8

/* used to determine the size of the allocated memory for a temporal Region (MB) */
#define DEF_REGION_SIZE 384  /* 8*8*6 */

#define ERC_BLOCK_OK                3
#define ERC_BLOCK_CONCEALED         2
#define ERC_BLOCK_CORRUPTED         1
#define ERC_BLOCK_EMPTY             0

* Functions to convert MBNum representation to blockNum

#define xPosYBlock(currYBlockNum,picSizeX) \

#define yPosYBlock(currYBlockNum,picSizeX) \

#define xPosMB(currMBNum,picSizeX) \

#define yPosMB(currMBNum,picSizeX) \

#define MBxy2YBlock(currXPos,currYPos,comp,picSizeX) \

#define MBNum2YBlock(currMBNum,comp,picSizeX) \

* typedefs

/* segment data structure */
typedef struct ercSegment_s
  int      startMBPos;
  int      endMBPos;
  int      fCorrupted;
} ercSegment_t;

/* Error detector & concealment instance data structure */
typedef struct ercVariables_s
  /*  Number of macroblocks (size or size/4 of the arrays) */
  int   nOfMBs;
  /* Number of segments (slices) in frame */
  int     nOfSegments;

  /*  Array for conditions of Y blocks */
  int     *yCondition;
  /*  Array for conditions of U blocks */
  int     *uCondition;
  /*  Array for conditions of V blocks */
  int     *vCondition;

  /* Array for Slice level information */
  ercSegment_t *segments;
  int     currSegment;

  /* Conditions of the MBs of the previous frame */
  int   *prevFrameYCondition;

  /* Flag telling if the current segment was found to be corrupted */
  int   currSegmentCorrupted;
  /* Counter for corrupted segments per picture */
  int   nOfCorruptedSegments;

  /* State variables for error detector and concealer */
  int   concealment;

} ercVariables_t;

* External function interface

void ercInit(VideoParameters *p_Vid, int pic_sizex, int pic_sizey, int flag);
ercVariables_t *ercOpen( void );
void ercReset( ercVariables_t *errorVar, int nOfMBs, int numOfSegments, int picSizeX );
void ercClose( VideoParameters *p_Vid, ercVariables_t *errorVar );
void ercSetErrorConcealment( ercVariables_t *errorVar, int value );

void ercStartSegment( int currMBNum, int segment, unsigned int bitPos, ercVariables_t *errorVar );
void ercStopSegment( int currMBNum, int segment, unsigned int bitPos, ercVariables_t *errorVar );
void ercMarkCurrSegmentLost(int picSizeX, ercVariables_t *errorVar );
void ercMarkCurrSegmentOK(int picSizeX, ercVariables_t *errorVar );
void ercMarkCurrMBConcealed( int currMBNum, int comp, int picSizeX, ercVariables_t *errorVar );

int ercConcealIntraFrame( VideoParameters *p_Vid, frame *recfr, int picSizeX, int picSizeY, ercVariables_t *errorVar );
int ercConcealInterFrame( frame *recfr, objectBuffer_t *object_list,
                          int picSizeX, int picSizeY, ercVariables_t *errorVar, int chroma_format_idc );

/* Thomson APIs for concealing entire frame loss */

#include "mbuffer.h"
#include "output.h"

struct concealment_node {
    StorablePicture* picture;
    int  missingpocs;
    struct concealment_node *next;

extern struct concealment_node * init_node(StorablePicture* , int );
extern void print_node( struct concealment_node * );
extern void print_list( struct concealment_node * );
extern void init_lists_for_non_reference_loss(VideoParameters *p_Vid, int , PictureStructure );

extern void conceal_non_ref_pics(VideoParameters *p_Vid, int diff);
extern void conceal_lost_frames(VideoParameters *p_Vid);

extern void sliding_window_poc_management(DecodedPictureBuffer *p_Dpb, StorablePicture *p);

extern void write_lost_non_ref_pic(VideoParameters *p_Vid, int poc);
extern void write_lost_ref_after_idr(VideoParameters *p_Vid, int pos);

extern int comp(const void *, const void *);
