 * MIDIMapping.h
 * -------------
 * Purpose: MIDI Mapping management classes
 * Notes  : (currently none)
 * Authors: OpenMPT Devs
 * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.

#pragma once

#include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp"

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

#include "../common/FileReaderFwd.h"


class CMIDIMappingDirective
		: m_Active(true), m_CaptureMIDI(false), m_AllowPatternEdit(true), m_AnyChannel(true)

	void SetActive(const bool b) { m_Active = b; }
	bool IsActive() const { return m_Active; }

	void SetCaptureMIDI(const bool b) { m_CaptureMIDI = b; }
	bool GetCaptureMIDI() const { return m_CaptureMIDI; }

	void SetAllowPatternEdit(const bool b) { m_AllowPatternEdit = b; }
	bool GetAllowPatternEdit() const { return m_AllowPatternEdit; }

	bool GetAnyChannel() const { return m_AnyChannel; }

	//Note: In these functions, channel value is in range [1,16],
	//GetChannel() returns 0 on 'any channel'.
	void SetChannel(const int c) { if(c < 1 || c > 16) m_AnyChannel = true; else { m_ChnEvent &= ~0x0F; m_ChnEvent |= c - 1; m_AnyChannel = false; } }
	uint8 GetChannel() const {return (m_AnyChannel) ? 0 : (m_ChnEvent & 0xF) + 1;} 

	void SetEvent(uint8 e) { if(e > 15) e = 15; m_ChnEvent &= ~0xF0; m_ChnEvent |= (e << 4); }
	uint8 GetEvent() const {return (m_ChnEvent >> 4) & 0x0F;}

	void SetController(int controller) { if(controller > 127) controller = 127; m_MIDIByte1 = static_cast<uint8>(controller); }
	uint8 GetController() const { return m_MIDIByte1; }

	//Note: Plug index starts from 1.
	void SetPlugIndex(const int i) { m_PluginIndex = static_cast<PLUGINDEX>(i); }
	PLUGINDEX GetPlugIndex() const { return m_PluginIndex; }

	void SetParamIndex(const int i) { m_Parameter = i; }
	uint32 GetParamIndex() const { return m_Parameter; }

	bool IsDefault() const { return *this == CMIDIMappingDirective{}; }

	bool operator==(const CMIDIMappingDirective &other) const { return memcmp(this, &other, sizeof(*this)) == 0; }
	bool operator<(const CMIDIMappingDirective &other) const { return GetController() < other.GetController(); }

	uint8 GetChnEvent() const {return m_ChnEvent;}

	uint32 m_Parameter = 0;
	PLUGINDEX m_PluginIndex = 1;
	uint8 m_MIDIByte1 = 0;
	uint8 m_ChnEvent = (0xB << 4);  // 0-3 channel, 4-7 event
	bool m_Active : 1;
	bool m_CaptureMIDI : 1;       // When true, MIDI data should not be processed beyond this directive
	bool m_AllowPatternEdit : 1;  // When true, the mapping can be used for modifying pattern.
	bool m_AnyChannel : 1;

class CSoundFile;

class CMIDIMapper
	CMIDIMapper(CSoundFile& sndfile) : m_rSndFile(sndfile) {}

	// If mapping found:
	// - mappedIndex is set to mapped value(plug index)
	// - paramindex to mapped parameter
	// - paramvalue to parameter value.
	// In case of multiple mappings, these get the values from the last mapping found.
	// Returns true if MIDI was 'captured' by some directive, false otherwise.
	bool OnMIDImsg(const DWORD midimsg, PLUGINDEX &mappedIndex, PlugParamIndex &paramindex, uint16 &paramvalue);

	// Swaps the positions of two elements.
	void Swap(const size_t a, const size_t b);

	// Return the index after sorting for the added element
	size_t SetDirective(const size_t i, const CMIDIMappingDirective& d) { m_Directives[i] = d; Sort(); return std::find(m_Directives.begin(), m_Directives.end(), d) - m_Directives.begin(); }

	// Return the index after sorting for the added element
	size_t AddDirective(const CMIDIMappingDirective& d) { m_Directives.push_back(d); Sort(); return std::find(m_Directives.begin(), m_Directives.end(), d) - m_Directives.begin(); }

	void RemoveDirective(const size_t i) { m_Directives.erase(m_Directives.begin() + i); }

	const CMIDIMappingDirective &GetDirective(const size_t i) const { return m_Directives[i]; }

	size_t GetCount() const { return m_Directives.size(); }

	// Serialize to file, or just return the serialization size if no file handle is provided.
	size_t Serialize(std::ostream *file = nullptr) const;
	// Deserialize MIDI Mappings from file. Returns true if no errors were encountered.
	bool Deserialize(FileReader &file);

	bool AreOrderEqual(const size_t a, const size_t b) const { return !(m_Directives[a] < m_Directives[b] || m_Directives[b] < m_Directives[a]); }

	void Sort() { std::stable_sort(m_Directives.begin(), m_Directives.end()); }

	CSoundFile &m_rSndFile;
	std::vector<CMIDIMappingDirective> m_Directives;
	uint16 m_lastCCvalue = 0;
	uint8 m_lastCC = uint8_max;