#include "main.h" #include "api__in_avi.h" #include "../nsavi/nsavi.h" #include "interfaces.h" #include "../nu/AudioOutput.h" #include "../Winamp/wa_ipc.h" #include <api/service/waservicefactory.h> #include "VideoThread.h" #include "win32_avi_reader.h" #include "http_avi_reader.h" #include "StreamSelector.h" #include <shlwapi.h> #include <strsafe.h> #include <map> nsavi::HeaderList header_list; int video_stream_num, audio_stream_num; ifc_avivideodecoder *video_decoder=0; IVideoOutput *video_output=0; HANDLE audio_break=0, audio_resume=0, audio_break_done=0; static Streams streams; static bool checked_in_dshow=false; extern int GetOutputTime(); class StatsFOURCC { public: uint32_t GetAudioStat() { uint32_t fourcc=0; uint32_t max=0; for (Stats::iterator itr = audio_types.begin();itr!=audio_types.end();itr++) { if (itr->second > max) { max = itr->second; fourcc = itr->first; } } return fourcc; } uint32_t GetVideoStat() { uint32_t fourcc=0; uint32_t max=0; for (Stats::iterator itr = video_fourccs.begin();itr!=video_fourccs.end();itr++) { if (itr->second > max) { max = itr->second; fourcc = itr->first; } } return fourcc; } typedef std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> Stats; Stats audio_types; Stats video_fourccs; }; static StatsFOURCC stats; class AVIWait { public: int WaitOrAbort(int time_in_ms) { HANDLE events[] = {killswitch, seek_event}; int ret = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, events, FALSE, time_in_ms); if (ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT) return 0; else if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0) return 1; else if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0+1) return 2; return -1; } }; static bool audio_opened=false; static ifc_aviaudiodecoder *audio_decoder=0; static char audio_output[65536]; static nu::AudioOutput<AVIWait> out(&plugin); // {B6CB4A7C-A8D0-4c55-8E60-9F7A7A23DA0F} static const GUID playbackConfigGroupGUID = { 0xb6cb4a7c, 0xa8d0, 0x4c55, { 0x8e, 0x60, 0x9f, 0x7a, 0x7a, 0x23, 0xda, 0xf } }; static int GetStreamNumber( uint32_t id ) { char *stream_data = (char *)( &id ); if ( !isxdigit( stream_data[ 0 ] ) || !isxdigit( stream_data[ 1 ] ) ) return -1; stream_data[ 2 ] = 0; int stream_number = strtoul( stream_data, 0, 16 ); return stream_number; } static ifc_aviaudiodecoder *FindAudioDecoder( const nsavi::AVIH *avi_header, const nsavi::STRL &stream ) { unsigned int bits_per_sample = (unsigned int)AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetUnsigned( playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"bits", 16 ); if ( bits_per_sample >= 24 ) bits_per_sample = 24; else bits_per_sample = 16; unsigned int max_channels; // get max channels if ( AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetBool( playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"surround", true ) ) max_channels = 6; else if ( AGAVE_API_CONFIG->GetBool( playbackConfigGroupGUID, L"mono", false ) ) max_channels = 1; else max_channels = 2; size_t n = 0; waServiceFactory *sf = 0; while ( sf = plugin.service->service_enumService( WaSvc::AVIDECODER, n++ ) ) { svc_avidecoder *dec = static_cast<svc_avidecoder *>( sf->getInterface() ); if ( dec ) { ifc_aviaudiodecoder *decoder = 0; if ( dec->CreateAudioDecoder( avi_header, stream.stream_header, stream.stream_format, stream.stream_data, bits_per_sample, max_channels, false, &decoder ) == svc_avidecoder::CREATEDECODER_SUCCESS ) { sf->releaseInterface( dec ); return decoder; } sf->releaseInterface( dec ); } } return 0; } static ifc_avivideodecoder *FindVideoDecoder(const nsavi::AVIH *avi_header, const nsavi::STRL &stream) { size_t n = 0; waServiceFactory *sf = 0; while (sf = plugin.service->service_enumService(WaSvc::AVIDECODER, n++)) { svc_avidecoder *dec = static_cast<svc_avidecoder *>(sf->getInterface()); if (dec) { ifc_avivideodecoder *decoder=0; if (dec->CreateVideoDecoder(avi_header, stream.stream_header, stream.stream_format, stream.stream_data, &decoder) == svc_avidecoder::CREATEDECODER_SUCCESS) { sf->releaseInterface(dec); return decoder; } sf->releaseInterface(dec); } } return 0; } static bool OnAudio( uint16_t type, const void **input_buffer, uint32_t *input_buffer_bytes ) { uint32_t output_len = sizeof( audio_output ); int ret = audio_decoder->DecodeChunk( type, input_buffer, input_buffer_bytes, audio_output, &output_len ); //if (*input_buffer_bytes != 0) //DebugBreak(); if ( ( ret == ifc_aviaudiodecoder::AVI_SUCCESS || ret == ifc_aviaudiodecoder::AVI_NEED_MORE_INPUT ) && output_len ) { if ( !audio_opened ) { unsigned int sample_rate, channels, bps; bool is_float; if ( audio_decoder->GetOutputProperties( &sample_rate, &channels, &bps, &is_float ) == ifc_aviaudiodecoder::AVI_SUCCESS ) { audio_opened = out.Open( 0, channels, sample_rate, bps ); if ( !audio_opened ) return false; } else { // TODO: buffer audio. can nu::AudioOutput handle this for us? } } if ( audio_opened ) out.Write( audio_output, output_len ); } return true; } static bool CheckDSHOW() { if (!checked_in_dshow) { LPCWSTR pluginsDir = (LPCWSTR)SendMessage(plugin.hMainWindow, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GETPLUGINDIRECTORYW); wchar_t in_dshow_path[MAX_PATH] = {0}; PathCombine(in_dshow_path, pluginsDir, L"in_dshow.dll"); in_dshow = LoadLibrary(in_dshow_path); checked_in_dshow = true; } return !!in_dshow; } static void CALLBACK DSHOWAPC( ULONG_PTR param ) { In_Module *dshow_mod_local = 0; wchar_t *playFile = (wchar_t *)param; if ( in_dshow ) { typedef In_Module *( *MODULEGETTER )( ); MODULEGETTER moduleGetter = (MODULEGETTER)GetProcAddress( in_dshow, "winampGetInModule2" ); if ( moduleGetter ) dshow_mod_local = moduleGetter(); } if ( dshow_mod_local ) { dshow_mod_local->outMod = plugin.outMod; if ( dshow_mod_local->Play( playFile ) ) dshow_mod_local = 0; } free( playFile ); if ( !dshow_mod_local ) { if ( WaitForSingleObject( killswitch, 200 ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) PostMessage( plugin.hMainWindow, WM_WA_MPEG_EOF, 0, 0 ); } else dshow_mod = dshow_mod_local; } /* --- Video Window text info --- */ void SetVideoInfoText() { wchar_t audio_name[128] = {0}, audio_properties[256] = {0}; wchar_t video_name[128] = {0}, video_properties[256] = {0}; wchar_t video_info[512] = {0}; if (audio_decoder && video_decoder) { GetAudioCodecName(audio_name, sizeof(audio_name)/sizeof(*audio_name), header_list.stream_list[audio_stream_num].stream_format); GetAudioCodecDescription(audio_properties, sizeof(audio_properties)/sizeof(*audio_properties), header_list.stream_list[audio_stream_num].stream_format); GetVideoCodecName(video_name, sizeof(video_name)/sizeof(*video_name), header_list.stream_list[video_stream_num].stream_format); GetVideoCodecDescription(video_properties, sizeof(video_properties)/sizeof(*video_properties), header_list.stream_list[video_stream_num].stream_format); StringCbPrintf(video_info, sizeof(video_info), L"AVI: %s (%s), %s (%s)", audio_name, audio_properties, video_name, video_properties); video_output->extended(VIDUSER_SET_INFOSTRINGW,(INT_PTR)video_info,0); } else if (audio_decoder) { GetAudioCodecName(audio_name, sizeof(audio_name)/sizeof(*audio_name), header_list.stream_list[audio_stream_num].stream_format); GetAudioCodecDescription(audio_properties, sizeof(audio_properties)/sizeof(*audio_properties), header_list.stream_list[audio_stream_num].stream_format); StringCbPrintf(video_info, sizeof(video_info), L"AVI: %s (%s)", audio_name, audio_properties); video_output->extended(VIDUSER_SET_INFOSTRINGW,(INT_PTR)video_info,0); } else if (video_decoder) { GetVideoCodecName(video_name, sizeof(video_name)/sizeof(*video_name), header_list.stream_list[video_stream_num].stream_format); GetVideoCodecDescription(video_properties, sizeof(video_properties)/sizeof(*video_properties), header_list.stream_list[video_stream_num].stream_format); StringCbPrintf(video_info, sizeof(video_info), L"AVI: %s (%s)", video_name, video_properties); video_output->extended(VIDUSER_SET_INFOSTRINGW,(INT_PTR)video_info,0); } } void Streams::Reset() { num_audio_streams = 0; num_video_streams = 0; current_audio_stream = 0; } void Streams::AddAudioStream(int stream_num) { audio_streams[num_audio_streams++]=stream_num; } void Streams::AddVideoStream(int stream_num) { video_streams[num_video_streams++]=stream_num; } void Streams::SetAudioStream(int stream_num) { for (int i=0;i<num_audio_streams;i++) { if (audio_streams[i] == stream_num) current_audio_stream=i; } } void Streams::SetVideoStream(int stream_num) { for (int i=0;i<num_video_streams;i++) { if (video_streams[i] == stream_num) current_video_stream=i; } } int Streams::getNumAudioTracks() { return num_audio_streams; } void Streams::enumAudioTrackName(int n, char *buf, int size) { StringCchPrintfA(buf, size, "Audio Stream %d", n); } int Streams::getCurAudioTrack() { return current_audio_stream; } int Streams::getNumVideoTracks() { return num_video_streams; } void Streams::enumVideoTrackName(int n, char *buf, int size) { StringCchPrintfA(buf, size, "Video Stream %d", n); } int Streams::getCurVideoTrack() { return current_video_stream; } void Streams::setAudioTrack(int n) { SetEvent(audio_break); WaitForSingleObject(audio_break_done, INFINITE); int i = audio_streams[n]; const nsavi::STRL &stream = header_list.stream_list[i]; if (audio_decoder) { audio_decoder->Close(); audio_decoder=0; } audio_decoder = FindAudioDecoder(header_list.avi_header, stream); if (audio_decoder) { current_audio_stream = n; audio_stream_num = i; video_only=0; // TODO! need to do more to get this to work if we are switching FROM video_only } else { video_only; // TODO! need to do more to get this to work here } SetEvent(audio_resume); WaitForSingleObject(audio_break_done, INFINITE); SetVideoInfoText(); } void Streams::setVideoTrack(int n) { // TODO: need to VideoBreak, destroy decoder, create new one and update video_stream_num } bool SingleReaderLoop(nsavi::Demuxer &demuxer, nsavi::avi_reader *reader, nsavi::SeekTable *&audio_seek_table, nsavi::SeekTable *&video_seek_table) { const void *input_buffer = 0; uint16_t type = 0; uint32_t input_buffer_bytes = 0; bool idx1_searched=false; HANDLE events[] = { killswitch, seek_event, audio_break, audio_resume }; void *data; uint32_t data_size; uint32_t data_type; int waitTime = 0; for (;;) { int ret = WaitForMultipleObjects(4, events, FALSE, waitTime); if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { break; } else if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0+1) { volatile LONG _this_seek_position; do { InterlockedExchange(&_this_seek_position, seek_position); if (_this_seek_position != -1) { int this_seek_position = _this_seek_position; ResetEvent(seek_event); // reset this first so nothing aborts on it if (!idx1_searched) { nsavi::IDX1 *index; ret = demuxer.GetSeekTable(&index); if (ret == nsavi::READ_OK) { if (video_seek_table) video_seek_table->AddIndex(index); if (audio_seek_table) audio_seek_table->AddIndex(index); } idx1_searched=true; } uint64_t index_position, start_time; while (video_seek_table && video_seek_table->GetIndexLocation(this_seek_position, &index_position, &start_time)) { nsavi::INDX *next_index=0; if (demuxer.GetIndexChunk(&next_index, index_position) == 0) { video_seek_table->AddIndex(next_index, start_time); // seek table takes ownership free(next_index); } } while (audio_seek_table && audio_seek_table->GetIndexLocation(this_seek_position, &index_position, &start_time)) { nsavi::INDX *next_index=0; if (demuxer.GetIndexChunk(&next_index, index_position) == 0) { audio_seek_table->AddIndex(next_index, start_time); // seek table takes ownership free(next_index); } } if (video_seek_table) { int curr_time = GetOutputTime(); int direction = (curr_time < this_seek_position)?nsavi::SeekTable::SEEK_FORWARD:nsavi::SeekTable::SEEK_BACKWARD; const nsavi::SeekEntry *video_seek_entry=video_seek_table->GetSeekPoint(this_seek_position, curr_time, direction); if (video_seek_entry) { Video_Break(); if (video_only) { demuxer.Seek(video_seek_entry->file_position, video_seek_entry->absolute, reader); video_clock.Seek(this_seek_position); } else if (audio_seek_table) { const nsavi::SeekEntry *audio_seek_entry=audio_seek_table->GetSeekPoint(this_seek_position); if (audio_seek_entry) { if (audio_seek_entry->file_position < video_seek_entry->file_position) demuxer.Seek(audio_seek_entry->file_position, audio_seek_entry->absolute, reader); else demuxer.Seek(video_seek_entry->file_position, video_seek_entry->absolute, reader); audio_decoder->Flush(); out.Flush(this_seek_position); } } video_total_time = video_seek_entry->stream_time; Video_Flush(); } } else if (audio_seek_table) { int curr_time = GetOutputTime(); int direction = (curr_time < this_seek_position)?nsavi::SeekTable::SEEK_FORWARD:nsavi::SeekTable::SEEK_BACKWARD; const nsavi::SeekEntry *audio_seek_entry=audio_seek_table->GetSeekPoint(this_seek_position, curr_time, direction); if (audio_seek_entry) { demuxer.Seek(audio_seek_entry->file_position, audio_seek_entry->absolute, reader); audio_decoder->Flush(); out.Flush(this_seek_position); } } } } while (InterlockedCompareExchange(&seek_position, -1, _this_seek_position) != _this_seek_position); // loop again if seek point changed } else if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0+2) { // audio break ResetEvent(audio_break); SetEvent(audio_break_done); waitTime = INFINITE; continue; } else if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0+3) { // audio resume ResetEvent(audio_resume); SetEvent(audio_break_done); waitTime = 0; continue; } else if (ret != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { break; } if (input_buffer_bytes) // TODO: read ahead in situation where there is one giant audio chunk for the entire movie { if (!OnAudio(type, &input_buffer, &input_buffer_bytes)) { return false; } if (input_buffer_bytes == 0) { free(data); data = NULL; } } else { ret = demuxer.GetNextMovieChunk(reader, &data, &data_size, &data_type); if (ret != nsavi::READ_OK) { break; } int stream_number = GetStreamNumber(data_type); type = (data_type>>16); if (stream_number == audio_stream_num) { input_buffer = (const void *)data; input_buffer_bytes = data_size; if (!OnAudio(type, &input_buffer, &input_buffer_bytes)) { return false; } if (input_buffer_bytes == 0) { free(data); data = NULL; } } else if (stream_number == video_stream_num) { OnVideo(type, data, data_size); data = NULL; } else { free(data); data = NULL; } } } return true; } bool MultiReaderLoop(nsavi::Demuxer &demuxer, nsavi::avi_reader *reader, nsavi::avi_reader *video_reader, nsavi::SeekTable *&audio_seek_table, nsavi::SeekTable *&video_seek_table) { demuxer.SeekToMovieChunk(video_reader); CreateVideoReaderThread(&demuxer, video_reader); const void *input_buffer = 0; uint16_t type = 0; uint32_t input_buffer_bytes = 0; bool idx1_searched=false; HANDLE events[] = { killswitch, seek_event, audio_break, audio_resume}; void *data; uint32_t data_size; uint32_t data_type; int waitTime=0; for (;;) { int ret = WaitForMultipleObjects(4, events, FALSE, waitTime); if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { break; } else if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0+1) { volatile LONG _this_seek_position; do { InterlockedExchange(&_this_seek_position, seek_position); if (_this_seek_position != -1) { int this_seek_position = _this_seek_position; ResetEvent(seek_event); // reset this first so nothing aborts on it if (!idx1_searched) { nsavi::IDX1 *index; ret = demuxer.GetSeekTable(&index); if (ret == nsavi::READ_OK) { video_seek_table->AddIndex(index); audio_seek_table->AddIndex(index); } idx1_searched=true; } uint64_t index_position, start_time; while (video_seek_table->GetIndexLocation(this_seek_position, &index_position, &start_time)) { nsavi::INDX *next_index=0; if (demuxer.GetIndexChunk(&next_index, index_position) == 0) { video_seek_table->AddIndex(next_index, start_time); // seek table takes ownership free(next_index); } } while (audio_seek_table->GetIndexLocation(this_seek_position, &index_position, &start_time)) { nsavi::INDX *next_index=0; if (demuxer.GetIndexChunk(&next_index, index_position) == 0) { audio_seek_table->AddIndex(next_index, start_time); // seek table takes ownership free(next_index); } } int curr_time = GetOutputTime(); int direction = (curr_time < this_seek_position)?nsavi::SeekTable::SEEK_FORWARD:nsavi::SeekTable::SEEK_BACKWARD; const nsavi::SeekEntry *video_seek_entry=video_seek_table->GetSeekPoint(this_seek_position, curr_time, direction); if (video_seek_entry) { Video_Break(); demuxer.Seek(video_seek_entry->file_position, video_seek_entry->absolute, video_reader); const nsavi::SeekEntry *audio_seek_entry=audio_seek_table->GetSeekPoint(this_seek_position); if (audio_seek_entry) { demuxer.Seek(audio_seek_entry->file_position, audio_seek_entry->absolute, reader); audio_decoder->Flush(); out.Flush(this_seek_position); } video_total_time = video_seek_entry->stream_time; Video_Flush(); } } } while (InterlockedCompareExchange(&seek_position, -1, _this_seek_position) != _this_seek_position); // loop again if seek point changed } else if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0+2) { // audio break ResetEvent(audio_break); SetEvent(audio_break_done); waitTime = INFINITE; continue; } else if (ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0+3) { // audio resume ResetEvent(audio_resume); SetEvent(audio_break_done); waitTime = 0; continue; } else if (ret != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { break; } if (input_buffer_bytes) // TODO: read ahead in situation where there is one giant audio chunk for the entire movie { if (!OnAudio(type, &input_buffer, &input_buffer_bytes)) { return false; } if (input_buffer_bytes == 0) { free(data); data = NULL; } } else { ret = demuxer.GetNextMovieChunk(reader, &data, &data_size, &data_type, audio_stream_num); if (ret != nsavi::READ_OK) { break; } int stream_number = GetStreamNumber(data_type); type = (data_type>>16); if (stream_number == audio_stream_num && type != 0x7869) // ignore 'ix' { input_buffer = (const void *)data; input_buffer_bytes = data_size; if (!OnAudio(type, &input_buffer, &input_buffer_bytes)) { return false; } if (input_buffer_bytes == 0) { free(data); data = NULL; } } else { free(data); data = NULL; } } } return true; } void PlayLoop(nsavi::avi_reader *reader, bool multiple_readers) { AVIReaderWin32 video_reader; uint32_t riff_type; audio_decoder=0; video_decoder=0; nsavi::SeekTable *video_seek_table = 0, *audio_seek_table = 0; nsavi::Demuxer demuxer(reader); audio_opened=false; int audio_bitrate=0; streams.Reset(); out.Init(plugin.outMod); if (!video_output) video_output = (IVideoOutput *)SendMessage(plugin.hMainWindow, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GET_IVIDEOOUTPUT); audio_stream_num = 65536; video_stream_num=65536; // purposefully too big value Video_Init(); if (demuxer.GetRIFFType(&riff_type) == nsavi::READ_OK) { bool audio_no_decoder=false; bool video_no_decoder=false; if (demuxer.GetHeaderList(&header_list) == nsavi::READ_OK) { // find available codecs for (uint32_t i=0;i!=header_list.stream_list_size;i++) { const nsavi::STRL &stream = header_list.stream_list[i]; if (stream.stream_header) { if (stream.stream_header->stream_type == nsavi::stream_type_audio) { nsavi::audio_format *f = (nsavi::audio_format *)stream.stream_format; if (f) { stats.audio_types[f->format]++; streams.AddAudioStream(i); if (!audio_decoder) { // TODO: check priority audio_decoder = FindAudioDecoder(header_list.avi_header, stream); if (audio_decoder) { streams.SetAudioStream(i); audio_stream_num = i; video_only=0; } else audio_no_decoder = true; if (stream.stream_header->length && !stream.stream_header->sample_size && stream.stream_header->rate) g_duration = (uint64_t)stream.stream_header->length * (uint64_t)stream.stream_header->scale * 1000ULL / (uint64_t)stream.stream_header->rate; audio_bitrate = MulDiv(f->average_bytes_per_second, 8, 1000); plugin.SetInfo(audio_bitrate, -1, -1, -1); } } } else if (stream.stream_header->stream_type == nsavi::stream_type_video) { nsavi::video_format *f = (nsavi::video_format *)stream.stream_format; if (f) { stats.video_fourccs[f->compression]++; streams.AddVideoStream(i); if (!video_decoder) { // TODO: check priority video_decoder = FindVideoDecoder(header_list.avi_header, stream); if (video_decoder) { video_stream_num = i; streams.SetVideoStream(i); } else video_no_decoder = true; if (g_duration == -1 && stream.stream_header->rate) g_duration = (uint64_t)stream.stream_header->length * (uint64_t)stream.stream_header->scale * 1000ULL / (uint64_t)stream.stream_header->rate; } } } } } } if (AGAVE_API_STATS) { uint32_t audio_format = stats.GetAudioStat(); uint32_t video_format = stats.GetVideoStat(); AGAVE_API_STATS->SetStat(api_stats::AVI_AUDIO_FORMAT, audio_format); AGAVE_API_STATS->SetStat(api_stats::AVI_VIDEO_FOURCC, video_format); } if ((audio_no_decoder || video_no_decoder) && CheckDSHOW()) { // use in_dshow to play this one HANDLE mainThread = WASABI_API_APP->main_getMainThreadHandle(); if (mainThread) { Video_Stop(); if (audio_decoder) { audio_decoder->Close(); audio_decoder=0; } Video_Close(); delete video_seek_table; delete audio_seek_table; wchar_t *fn = (wchar_t *)calloc(1024, sizeof(wchar_t *)); reader->GetFilename(fn, 1024); QueueUserAPC(DSHOWAPC, mainThread, (ULONG_PTR)fn); CloseHandle(mainThread); return ; } } if (!audio_decoder && !video_decoder) { goto btfo; } if (!audio_decoder) { video_only=1; video_clock.Start(); } } else { goto btfo; } SetVideoInfoText(); video_output->extended(VIDUSER_SET_TRACKSELINTERFACE, (INT_PTR)&streams, 0); if (video_stream_num != 65536) video_seek_table = new nsavi::SeekTable(video_stream_num, !!video_decoder, &header_list); if (audio_stream_num != 65536) audio_seek_table = new nsavi::SeekTable(audio_stream_num, false, &header_list); uint64_t content_length = reader->GetContentLength(); if (content_length && g_duration) { int total_bitrate = (int)(8ULL * content_length / (uint64_t)g_duration); plugin.SetInfo(total_bitrate, -1, -1, -1); } else if (header_list.avi_header->max_bytes_per_second) { int total_bitrate = MulDiv(header_list.avi_header->max_bytes_per_second, 8, 1000); plugin.SetInfo(total_bitrate, -1, -1, -1); } else { // use seek table for bitrate? } if (demuxer.FindMovieChunk() != nsavi::READ_OK) { goto btfo; } if (multiple_readers && video_decoder && !video_only) { wchar_t fn[MAX_PATH] = {0}; reader->GetFilename(fn, MAX_PATH); if (video_reader.Open(fn) == nsavi::READ_OK) { MultiReaderLoop(demuxer, reader, &video_reader, audio_seek_table, video_seek_table); } else SingleReaderLoop(demuxer, reader, audio_seek_table, video_seek_table); } else SingleReaderLoop(demuxer, reader, audio_seek_table, video_seek_table); if (audio_opened && WaitForSingleObject(killswitch, 0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { out.Write(0, 0); out.WaitWhilePlaying(); } btfo: if (WaitForSingleObject(killswitch, 0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) PostMessage(plugin.hMainWindow, WM_WA_MPEG_EOF, 0, 0); Video_Stop(); if (audio_decoder) { audio_decoder->Close(); audio_decoder=0; if (audio_opened) out.Close(); } Video_Close(); video_reader.Close(); delete video_seek_table; delete audio_seek_table; } DWORD CALLBACK AVIPlayThread(LPVOID param) { if (!audio_break) audio_break = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); if (!audio_resume) audio_resume = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); if (!audio_break_done) audio_break_done = CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0); wchar_t *filename = (wchar_t *)param; if (PathIsURLW(filename)) { AVIReaderHTTP reader(killswitch, seek_event); if (reader.Open(filename) != nsavi::READ_OK || reader.Connect() != nsavi::READ_OK) { if (WaitForSingleObject(killswitch, 200) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) PostMessage(plugin.hMainWindow, WM_WA_MPEG_EOF, 0, 0); } else { PlayLoop(&reader, false); reader.Close(); } } else { AVIReaderWin32 reader; if (reader.Open(filename) != nsavi::READ_OK) { if (WaitForSingleObject(killswitch, 200) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) PostMessage(plugin.hMainWindow, WM_WA_MPEG_EOF, 0, 0); } else { wchar_t root[4] = {0}; StringCchCopy(root, 4, filename); UINT drive_type = GetDriveType(root); if (drive_type == DRIVE_CDROM) PlayLoop(&reader, false); else PlayLoop(&reader, true); reader.Close(); } } free(filename); return 0; }