/* ** JNetLib ** Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Nullsoft, Inc. ** Author: Justin Frankel ** File: asyncdns.cpp - JNL portable asynchronous DNS implementation ** License: see jnetlib.h */ #include "netinc.h" #include "util.h" #include "wac_network_dns.h" #include <time.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <strsafe.h> #endif enum { MODE_RESOLVE = 0, MODE_REVERSE = 1, }; struct cache_entry { time_t last_used; // timestamp. bool resolved; int mode; // 1=reverse unsigned short port; char hostname[ 256 ]; addrinfo *addr; int sockettype; }; wa::Components::WAC_Network_AsyncDNS::WAC_Network_AsyncDNS( int max_cache_entries ) { m_thread_kill = 1; m_thread = 0; m_cache_size = max_cache_entries; m_cache = (cache_entry *)malloc( sizeof( cache_entry ) * m_cache_size ); if ( m_cache ) memset( m_cache, 0, sizeof( cache_entry ) * m_cache_size ); else m_cache_size = 0; } wa::Components::WAC_Network_AsyncDNS::~WAC_Network_AsyncDNS() { m_thread_kill = 1; #ifdef _WIN32 if ( m_thread ) { WaitForSingleObject( m_thread, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( m_thread ); } #else if ( m_thread ) { void *p; pthread_join( m_thread, &p ); } #endif//!_WIN32 // free all the addrinfo stuff for ( int x = 0; x < m_cache_size; x++ ) { if ( m_cache[ x ].addr ) freeaddrinfo( m_cache[ x ].addr ); } free( m_cache ); } int wa::Components::WAC_Network_AsyncDNS::resolvenow( const char *hostname, unsigned short port, addrinfo **addr, int sockettype ) { addrinfo hints; memset( &hints, 0, sizeof( hints ) ); hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC; if ( hostname ) hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST; else hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST | AI_PASSIVE; hints.ai_socktype = sockettype; char portString[ 32 ] = { 0 }; sprintf( portString, "%u", (unsigned int)port ); if ( getaddrinfo( hostname, portString, &hints, addr ) == 0 ) { return 0; } else { hints.ai_flags = 0; if ( getaddrinfo( hostname, portString, &hints, addr ) == 0 ) return 0; else return -1; } } #ifdef _WIN32 unsigned long WINAPI wa::Components::WAC_Network_AsyncDNS::_threadfunc( LPVOID _d ) #else unsigned int WAC_Network_AsyncDNS::_threadfunc( void *_d ) #endif { int nowinsock = JNL::open_socketlib(); wa::Components::WAC_Network_AsyncDNS *_this = (WAC_Network_AsyncDNS *)_d; int x; for ( x = 0; x < _this->m_cache_size && !_this->m_thread_kill; x++ ) { if ( _this->m_cache[ x ].last_used && !_this->m_cache[ x ].resolved ) { if ( !nowinsock ) { if ( _this->m_cache[ x ].mode == 0 ) { addrinfo *res = 0; if ( resolvenow( _this->m_cache[ x ].hostname, _this->m_cache[ x ].port, &res, _this->m_cache[ x ].sockettype ) == 0 ) { _this->m_cache[ x ].addr = res; } else { _this->m_cache[ x ].addr = 0; //INADDR_NONE; } } else if ( _this->m_cache[ x ].mode == 1 ) { /* hostent *ent; // TODO: replace with getnameinfo for IPv6 ent=gethostbyaddr((const char *)&_this->m_cache[x].addr,4,AF_INET); if (ent) lstrcpyn(_this->m_cache[x].hostname, ent->h_name, 256); else _this->m_cache[x].hostname[0]=0; */ } _this->m_cache[ x ].resolved = true; } else { if ( _this->m_cache[ x ].mode == 0 ) { _this->m_cache[ x ].addr = 0;//INADDR_NONE; _this->m_cache[ x ].resolved = true; } else if ( _this->m_cache[ x ].mode == 1 ) { _this->m_cache[ x ].hostname[ 0 ] = 0; _this->m_cache[ x ].resolved = true; } } } } if ( !nowinsock ) JNL::close_socketlib(); _this->m_thread_kill = 1; return 0; } int wa::Components::WAC_Network_AsyncDNS::resolve( const char *hostname, unsigned short port, addrinfo **addr, int sockettype ) { // return 0 on success, 1 on wait, -1 on unresolvable int x; for ( x = 0; x < m_cache_size; x++ ) { if ( !strcasecmp( m_cache[ x ].hostname, hostname ) && port == m_cache[ x ].port && m_cache[ x ].mode == 0 && m_cache[ x ].sockettype == sockettype ) { m_cache[ x ].last_used = time( 0 ); if ( m_cache[ x ].resolved ) { if ( m_cache[ x ].addr == 0 )//INADDR_NONE) { return DNS_RESOLVE_UNRESOLVABLE; } *addr = m_cache[ x ].addr; return DNS_RESOLVE_SUCCESS; } makesurethreadisrunning(); return DNS_RESOLVE_WAIT; } } // add to resolve list int oi = -1; for ( x = 0; x < m_cache_size; x++ ) { if ( !m_cache[ x ].last_used ) { oi = x; break; } if ( ( oi == -1 || m_cache[ x ].last_used < m_cache[ oi ].last_used ) && m_cache[ x ].resolved ) { oi = x; } } if ( oi == -1 ) { return DNS_RESOLVE_UNRESOLVABLE; } #ifdef _WIN32 StringCchCopyA( m_cache[ oi ].hostname, 256, hostname ); #elif defined(__APPLE__) strlcpy( m_cache[ oi ].hostname, hostname, 255 ); #else strncpy( m_cache[ oi ].hostname, hostname, 255 ); m_cache[ oi ].hostname[ 255 ] = 0; #endif m_cache[ oi ].port = port; m_cache[ oi ].mode = 0; m_cache[ oi ].addr = 0;//INADDR_NONE; m_cache[ oi ].resolved = false; m_cache[ oi ].last_used = time( 0 ); m_cache[ oi ].sockettype = sockettype; makesurethreadisrunning(); return DNS_RESOLVE_WAIT; } void wa::Components::WAC_Network_AsyncDNS::makesurethreadisrunning( void ) { if ( m_thread_kill ) { #ifdef _WIN32 if ( m_thread ) { WaitForSingleObject( m_thread, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( m_thread ); } DWORD id; m_thread_kill = 0; m_thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, _threadfunc, (LPVOID)this, 0, &id ); if ( !m_thread ) { #else if ( m_thread ) { void *p; pthread_join( m_thread, &p ); } m_thread_kill = 0; if ( pthread_create( &m_thread, NULL, ( void *( * ) ( void * ) )_threadfunc, (void *)this ) != 0 ) { #endif m_thread_kill = 1; } } } #define CBCLASS wa::Components::WAC_Network_AsyncDNS START_DISPATCH; CB( API_DNS_RESOLVE, resolve ); END_DISPATCH; #undef CBCLASS