#pragma once #include "../nx/nxstring.h" #include "../nx/nxuri.h" #include "../foundation/error.h" #include <stdlib.h> template <nx_charset_t charset> class AutoCharNX { public: AutoCharNX() { Init(); } AutoCharNX(size_t bytes) { Init(); ptr = (char *)malloc(bytes); malloc_size = bytes; } AutoCharNX(nx_string_t string) { Init(); Set(string); } AutoCharNX(nx_uri_t filename) { Init(); Set(filename); } ~AutoCharNX() { if (owned) free(ptr); if (reference_string) NXStringRelease(reference_string); } int Set(nx_string_t string) { if (reference_string == string) return NErr_Success; if (reference_string) NXStringRelease(reference_string); reference_string=0; size_t byte_count=0; int ret = NXStringGetBytesSize(&byte_count, string, charset, nx_string_get_bytes_size_null_terminate); if(ret == NErr_DirectPointer) { if (owned) { free(ptr); ptr=0; length=0; malloc_size=0; } ret = NXStringGetBytesDirect((const void **)&ptr, &length, string, charset, nx_string_get_bytes_size_null_terminate); reference_string = NXStringRetain(string); owned=false; } else if (ret == NErr_Success) { if (owned) { if (byte_count > malloc_size) { ptr = (char *)realloc(ptr, byte_count); malloc_size = byte_count; } } else { /* not owned. need to allocate */ ptr = (char *)malloc(byte_count); malloc_size = byte_count; owned=true; } if (ptr) { ret = NXStringGetBytes(&length, string, ptr, byte_count, charset, nx_string_get_bytes_size_null_terminate); } else { return NErr_OutOfMemory; } } else { Clear(); } return ret; } int Set(nx_uri_t filename) { int ret; nx_string_t string; ret = NXURIGetNXString(&string, filename); if (ret == NErr_Success) { ret = Set(string); NXStringRelease(string); } else { Clear(); // failed! we need to clean up } return ret; } operator const char *() const { if (length) return ptr; else return 0; } /* this one will never return a NULL, always a valid string */ const char *GetValidString() const { if (length) return ptr; else return ""; } /* the Clear function clears the string but doesn't deallocate memory */ void Clear() { if (!owned) ptr=0; length=0; if (reference_string) NXStringRelease(reference_string); reference_string=0; } size_t size() { if (length) return length-1; else return 0; } private: void Init() { ptr=0; length=0; owned=false; reference_string=0; malloc_size=0; } char *ptr; size_t length; size_t malloc_size; bool owned; nx_string_t reference_string; }; typedef AutoCharNX<nx_charset_utf8> AutoCharUTF8; #define AutoCharPrintfUTF8(x) (AutoCharUTF8(x).GetValidString()) class AutoCharNative { public: }; class AutoFilename { public: };