//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // File: Vtrans.cpp // // Desc: DirectShow base classes. // // Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include <streams.h> #include <measure.h> // #include <vtransfr.h> // now in precomp file streams.h CVideoTransformFilter::CVideoTransformFilter ( __in_opt LPCTSTR pName, __inout_opt LPUNKNOWN pUnk, REFCLSID clsid) : CTransformFilter(pName, pUnk, clsid) , m_itrLate(0) , m_nKeyFramePeriod(0) // No QM until we see at least 2 key frames , m_nFramesSinceKeyFrame(0) , m_bSkipping(FALSE) , m_tDecodeStart(0) , m_itrAvgDecode(300000) // 30mSec - probably allows skipping , m_bQualityChanged(FALSE) { #ifdef PERF RegisterPerfId(); #endif // PERF } CVideoTransformFilter::~CVideoTransformFilter() { // nothing to do } // Reset our quality management state HRESULT CVideoTransformFilter::StartStreaming() { m_itrLate = 0; m_nKeyFramePeriod = 0; // No QM until we see at least 2 key frames m_nFramesSinceKeyFrame = 0; m_bSkipping = FALSE; m_tDecodeStart = 0; m_itrAvgDecode = 300000; // 30mSec - probably allows skipping m_bQualityChanged = FALSE; m_bSampleSkipped = FALSE; return NOERROR; } // Overriden to reset quality management information HRESULT CVideoTransformFilter::EndFlush() { { // Synchronize CAutoLock lck(&m_csReceive); // Reset our stats // // Note - we don't want to call derived classes here, // we only want to reset our internal variables and this // is a convenient way to do it CVideoTransformFilter::StartStreaming(); } return CTransformFilter::EndFlush(); } HRESULT CVideoTransformFilter::AbortPlayback(HRESULT hr) { NotifyEvent(EC_ERRORABORT, hr, 0); m_pOutput->DeliverEndOfStream(); return hr; } // Receive() // // Accept a sample from upstream, decide whether to process it // or drop it. If we process it then get a buffer from the // allocator of the downstream connection, transform it into the // new buffer and deliver it to the downstream filter. // If we decide not to process it then we do not get a buffer. // Remember that although this code will notice format changes coming into // the input pin, it will NOT change its output format if that results // in the filter needing to make a corresponding output format change. Your // derived filter will have to take care of that. (eg. a palette change if // the input and output is an 8 bit format). If the input sample is discarded // and nothing is sent out for this Receive, please remember to put the format // change on the first output sample that you actually do send. // If your filter will produce the same output type even when the input type // changes, then this base class code will do everything you need. HRESULT CVideoTransformFilter::Receive(IMediaSample *pSample) { // If the next filter downstream is the video renderer, then it may // be able to operate in DirectDraw mode which saves copying the data // and gives higher performance. In that case the buffer which we // get from GetDeliveryBuffer will be a DirectDraw buffer, and // drawing into this buffer draws directly onto the display surface. // This means that any waiting for the correct time to draw occurs // during GetDeliveryBuffer, and that once the buffer is given to us // the video renderer will count it in its statistics as a frame drawn. // This means that any decision to drop the frame must be taken before // calling GetDeliveryBuffer. ASSERT(CritCheckIn(&m_csReceive)); AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtOut, *pmt; #ifdef DEBUG FOURCCMap fccOut; #endif HRESULT hr; ASSERT(pSample); IMediaSample * pOutSample; // If no output pin to deliver to then no point sending us data ASSERT (m_pOutput != NULL) ; // The source filter may dynamically ask us to start transforming from a // different media type than the one we're using now. If we don't, we'll // draw garbage. (typically, this is a palette change in the movie, // but could be something more sinister like the compression type changing, // or even the video size changing) #define rcS1 ((VIDEOINFOHEADER *)(pmt->pbFormat))->rcSource #define rcT1 ((VIDEOINFOHEADER *)(pmt->pbFormat))->rcTarget pSample->GetMediaType(&pmt); if (pmt != NULL && pmt->pbFormat != NULL) { // spew some debug output ASSERT(!IsEqualGUID(pmt->majortype, GUID_NULL)); #ifdef DEBUG fccOut.SetFOURCC(&pmt->subtype); LONG lCompression = HEADER(pmt->pbFormat)->biCompression; LONG lBitCount = HEADER(pmt->pbFormat)->biBitCount; LONG lStride = (HEADER(pmt->pbFormat)->biWidth * lBitCount + 7) / 8; lStride = (lStride + 3) & ~3; DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,3,TEXT("*Changing input type on the fly to"))); DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,3,TEXT("FourCC: %lx Compression: %lx BitCount: %ld"), fccOut.GetFOURCC(), lCompression, lBitCount)); DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,3,TEXT("biHeight: %ld rcDst: (%ld, %ld, %ld, %ld)"), HEADER(pmt->pbFormat)->biHeight, rcT1.left, rcT1.top, rcT1.right, rcT1.bottom)); DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,3,TEXT("rcSrc: (%ld, %ld, %ld, %ld) Stride: %ld"), rcS1.left, rcS1.top, rcS1.right, rcS1.bottom, lStride)); #endif // now switch to using the new format. I am assuming that the // derived filter will do the right thing when its media type is // switched and streaming is restarted. StopStreaming(); m_pInput->CurrentMediaType() = *pmt; DeleteMediaType(pmt); // if this fails, playback will stop, so signal an error hr = StartStreaming(); if (FAILED(hr)) { return AbortPlayback(hr); } } // Now that we have noticed any format changes on the input sample, it's // OK to discard it. if (ShouldSkipFrame(pSample)) { MSR_NOTE(m_idSkip); m_bSampleSkipped = TRUE; return NOERROR; } // Set up the output sample hr = InitializeOutputSample(pSample, &pOutSample); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } m_bSampleSkipped = FALSE; // The renderer may ask us to on-the-fly to start transforming to a // different format. If we don't obey it, we'll draw garbage #define rcS ((VIDEOINFOHEADER *)(pmtOut->pbFormat))->rcSource #define rcT ((VIDEOINFOHEADER *)(pmtOut->pbFormat))->rcTarget pOutSample->GetMediaType(&pmtOut); if (pmtOut != NULL && pmtOut->pbFormat != NULL) { // spew some debug output ASSERT(!IsEqualGUID(pmtOut->majortype, GUID_NULL)); #ifdef DEBUG fccOut.SetFOURCC(&pmtOut->subtype); LONG lCompression = HEADER(pmtOut->pbFormat)->biCompression; LONG lBitCount = HEADER(pmtOut->pbFormat)->biBitCount; LONG lStride = (HEADER(pmtOut->pbFormat)->biWidth * lBitCount + 7) / 8; lStride = (lStride + 3) & ~3; DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,3,TEXT("*Changing output type on the fly to"))); DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,3,TEXT("FourCC: %lx Compression: %lx BitCount: %ld"), fccOut.GetFOURCC(), lCompression, lBitCount)); DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,3,TEXT("biHeight: %ld rcDst: (%ld, %ld, %ld, %ld)"), HEADER(pmtOut->pbFormat)->biHeight, rcT.left, rcT.top, rcT.right, rcT.bottom)); DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,3,TEXT("rcSrc: (%ld, %ld, %ld, %ld) Stride: %ld"), rcS.left, rcS.top, rcS.right, rcS.bottom, lStride)); #endif // now switch to using the new format. I am assuming that the // derived filter will do the right thing when its media type is // switched and streaming is restarted. StopStreaming(); m_pOutput->CurrentMediaType() = *pmtOut; DeleteMediaType(pmtOut); hr = StartStreaming(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // a new format, means a new empty buffer, so wait for a keyframe // before passing anything on to the renderer. // !!! a keyframe may never come, so give up after 30 frames DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,3,TEXT("Output format change means we must wait for a keyframe"))); m_nWaitForKey = 30; // if this fails, playback will stop, so signal an error } else { // Must release the sample before calling AbortPlayback // because we might be holding the win16 lock or // ddraw lock pOutSample->Release(); AbortPlayback(hr); return hr; } } // After a discontinuity, we need to wait for the next key frame if (pSample->IsDiscontinuity() == S_OK) { DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,3,TEXT("Non-key discontinuity - wait for keyframe"))); m_nWaitForKey = 30; } // Start timing the transform (and log it if PERF is defined) if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_tDecodeStart = timeGetTime(); MSR_START(m_idTransform); // have the derived class transform the data hr = Transform(pSample, pOutSample); // Stop the clock (and log it if PERF is defined) MSR_STOP(m_idTransform); m_tDecodeStart = timeGetTime()-m_tDecodeStart; m_itrAvgDecode = m_tDecodeStart*(10000/16) + 15*(m_itrAvgDecode/16); // Maybe we're waiting for a keyframe still? if (m_nWaitForKey) m_nWaitForKey--; if (m_nWaitForKey && pSample->IsSyncPoint() == S_OK) m_nWaitForKey = FALSE; // if so, then we don't want to pass this on to the renderer if (m_nWaitForKey && hr == NOERROR) { DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,3,TEXT("still waiting for a keyframe"))); hr = S_FALSE; } } if (FAILED(hr)) { DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,1,TEXT("Error from video transform"))); } else { // the Transform() function can return S_FALSE to indicate that the // sample should not be delivered; we only deliver the sample if it's // really S_OK (same as NOERROR, of course.) // Try not to return S_FALSE to a direct draw buffer (it's wasteful) // Try to take the decision earlier - before you get it. if (hr == NOERROR) { hr = m_pOutput->Deliver(pOutSample); } else { // S_FALSE returned from Transform is a PRIVATE agreement // We should return NOERROR from Receive() in this case because returning S_FALSE // from Receive() means that this is the end of the stream and no more data should // be sent. if (S_FALSE == hr) { // We must Release() the sample before doing anything // like calling the filter graph because having the // sample means we may have the DirectDraw lock // (== win16 lock on some versions) pOutSample->Release(); m_bSampleSkipped = TRUE; if (!m_bQualityChanged) { m_bQualityChanged = TRUE; NotifyEvent(EC_QUALITY_CHANGE,0,0); } return NOERROR; } } } // release the output buffer. If the connected pin still needs it, // it will have addrefed it itself. pOutSample->Release(); ASSERT(CritCheckIn(&m_csReceive)); return hr; } BOOL CVideoTransformFilter::ShouldSkipFrame( IMediaSample * pIn) { REFERENCE_TIME trStart, trStopAt; HRESULT hr = pIn->GetTime(&trStart, &trStopAt); // Don't skip frames with no timestamps if (hr != S_OK) return FALSE; int itrFrame = (int)(trStopAt - trStart); // frame duration if(S_OK==pIn->IsSyncPoint()) { MSR_INTEGER(m_idFrameType, 1); if ( m_nKeyFramePeriod < m_nFramesSinceKeyFrame ) { // record the max m_nKeyFramePeriod = m_nFramesSinceKeyFrame; } m_nFramesSinceKeyFrame = 0; m_bSkipping = FALSE; } else { MSR_INTEGER(m_idFrameType, 2); if ( m_nFramesSinceKeyFrame>m_nKeyFramePeriod && m_nKeyFramePeriod>0 ) { // We haven't seen the key frame yet, but we were clearly being // overoptimistic about how frequent they are. m_nKeyFramePeriod = m_nFramesSinceKeyFrame; } } // Whatever we might otherwise decide, // if we are taking only a small fraction of the required frame time to decode // then any quality problems are actually coming from somewhere else. // Could be a net problem at the source for instance. In this case there's // no point in us skipping frames here. if (m_itrAvgDecode*4>itrFrame) { // Don't skip unless we are at least a whole frame late. // (We would skip B frames if more than 1/2 frame late, but they're safe). if ( m_itrLate > itrFrame ) { // Don't skip unless the anticipated key frame would be no more than // 1 frame early. If the renderer has not been waiting (we *guess* // it hasn't because we're late) then it will allow frames to be // played early by up to a frame. // Let T = Stream time from now to anticipated next key frame // = (frame duration) * (KeyFramePeriod - FramesSinceKeyFrame) // So we skip if T - Late < one frame i.e. // (duration) * (freq - FramesSince) - Late < duration // or (duration) * (freq - FramesSince - 1) < Late // We don't dare skip until we have seen some key frames and have // some idea how often they occur and they are reasonably frequent. if (m_nKeyFramePeriod>0) { // It would be crazy - but we could have a stream with key frames // a very long way apart - and if they are further than about // 3.5 minutes apart then we could get arithmetic overflow in // reference time units. Therefore we switch to mSec at this point int it = (itrFrame/10000) * (m_nKeyFramePeriod-m_nFramesSinceKeyFrame - 1); MSR_INTEGER(m_idTimeTillKey, it); // For debug - might want to see the details - dump them as scratch pad #ifdef VTRANSPERF MSR_INTEGER(0, itrFrame); MSR_INTEGER(0, m_nFramesSinceKeyFrame); MSR_INTEGER(0, m_nKeyFramePeriod); #endif if (m_itrLate/10000 > it) { m_bSkipping = TRUE; // Now we are committed. Once we start skipping, we // cannot stop until we hit a key frame. } else { #ifdef VTRANSPERF MSR_INTEGER(0, 777770); // not near enough to next key #endif } } else { #ifdef VTRANSPERF MSR_INTEGER(0, 777771); // Next key not predictable #endif } } else { #ifdef VTRANSPERF MSR_INTEGER(0, 777772); // Less than one frame late MSR_INTEGER(0, m_itrLate); MSR_INTEGER(0, itrFrame); #endif } } else { #ifdef VTRANSPERF MSR_INTEGER(0, 777773); // Decode time short - not not worth skipping MSR_INTEGER(0, m_itrAvgDecode); MSR_INTEGER(0, itrFrame); #endif } ++m_nFramesSinceKeyFrame; if (m_bSkipping) { // We will count down the lateness as we skip each frame. // We re-assess each frame. The key frame might not arrive when expected. // We reset m_itrLate if we get a new Quality message, but actually that's // not likely because we're not sending frames on to the Renderer. In // fact if we DID get another one it would mean that there's a long // pipe between us and the renderer and we might need an altogether // better strategy to avoid hunting! m_itrLate = m_itrLate - itrFrame; } MSR_INTEGER(m_idLate, (int)m_itrLate/10000 ); // Note how late we think we are if (m_bSkipping) { if (!m_bQualityChanged) { m_bQualityChanged = TRUE; NotifyEvent(EC_QUALITY_CHANGE,0,0); } } return m_bSkipping; } HRESULT CVideoTransformFilter::AlterQuality(Quality q) { // to reduce the amount of 64 bit arithmetic, m_itrLate is an int. // +, -, >, == etc are not too bad, but * and / are painful. if (m_itrLate>300000000) { // Avoid overflow and silliness - more than 30 secs late is already silly m_itrLate = 300000000; } else { m_itrLate = (int)q.Late; } // We ignore the other fields // We're actually not very good at handling this. In non-direct draw mode // most of the time can be spent in the renderer which can skip any frame. // In that case we'd rather the renderer handled things. // Nevertheless we will keep an eye on it and if we really start getting // a very long way behind then we will actually skip - but we'll still tell // the renderer (or whoever is downstream) that they should handle quality. return E_FAIL; // Tell the renderer to do his thing. } // This will avoid several hundred useless warnings if compiled -W4 by MS VC++ v4 #pragma warning(disable:4514)