#include "main.h" #include "api.h" #include "../Winamp/wa_ipc.h" #include "../Winamp/strutil.h" #include <shlwapi.h> #include "FLVExternalInterface.h" #include <api/service/waServiceFactory.h> #include <strsafe.h> #include "resource.h" #define SWF_PLUGIN_VERSION L"1.15" FLVExternalInterface flashExternalInterface; IVideoOutput *videoOutput=0; int playPosition=0; int playLength=-1000; api_application *WASABI_API_APP = 0; api_language *WASABI_API_LNG = 0; HINSTANCE WASABI_API_LNG_HINST = 0, WASABI_API_ORIG_HINST = 0; wchar_t pluginName[256] = {0}, status[256] = {0}; Nullsoft::Utility::LockGuard statusGuard; template <class api_T> static void ServiceBuild(api_T *&api_t, GUID factoryGUID_t) { if (plugin.service) { waServiceFactory *factory = plugin.service->service_getServiceByGuid(factoryGUID_t); if (factory) api_t = reinterpret_cast<api_T *>( factory->getInterface() ); } } template <class api_T> static void ServiceRelease(api_T *api_t, GUID factoryGUID_t) { if (plugin.service) { waServiceFactory *factory = plugin.service->service_getServiceByGuid(factoryGUID_t); if (factory) factory->releaseInterface(api_t); } api_t = NULL; } void SetFileExtensions(void) { static char fileExtensionsString[1200] = {0}; // "SWF\0Shockwave Flash Files\0" char* end = 0; StringCchCopyExA(fileExtensionsString, 1200, "SWF", &end, 0, 0); StringCchCopyExA(end+1, 1200, WASABI_API_LNGSTRING(IDS_SWF_FILES), 0, 0, 0); plugin.FileExtensions = fileExtensionsString; } int Init() { if (!IsWindow(plugin.hMainWindow)) return IN_INIT_FAILURE; ServiceBuild(WASABI_API_APP, applicationApiServiceGuid); ServiceBuild(WASABI_API_LNG, languageApiGUID); WASABI_API_START_LANG(plugin.hDllInstance,InSwfLangGUID); StringCchPrintfW(pluginName,256,WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_NULLSOFT_SWF),SWF_PLUGIN_VERSION); plugin.description = (char*)pluginName; SetFileExtensions(); return IN_INIT_SUCCESS; } void Quit() { ServiceRelease(WASABI_API_APP, applicationApiServiceGuid); ServiceRelease(WASABI_API_LNG, languageApiGUID); } void GetFileInfo(const in_char *file, in_char *title, int *length_in_ms) { if (length_in_ms) { if (file && *file) *length_in_ms=-1000; else *length_in_ms = playLength; } if (title) { if (file && *file) *title=0; else { Nullsoft::Utility::AutoLock autolock(statusGuard); if (status[0]) StringCchPrintf(title, GETFILEINFO_TITLE_LENGTH, L"[%s]", status); else *title=0; } } } int InfoBox(const in_char *file, HWND hwndParent) { return INFOBOX_UNCHANGED; } int IsOurFile(const in_char *fn) { if (!_wcsnicmp(fn, L"rtmp://", 7)) return 1; return 0; } static bool isFLV = false; static int PlaySWF(BSTR filename) { #ifdef WIN64 if (!activeContainer || (unsigned long long)activeContainer < 65536) { isFLV = false; return 1; } #else if (!activeContainer || (unsigned long)activeContainer < 65536) { isFLV = false; return 1; } #endif isFLV = false; activeContainer->externalInterface = &flashExternalInterface; activeContainer->flash->DisableLocalSecurity(); activeContainer->flash->put_BackgroundColor(0); activeContainer->flash->put_EmbedMovie(FALSE); activeContainer->flash->put_Scale(L"showAll"); activeContainer->flash->put_AllowScriptAccess(L"always"); HRESULT hr = activeContainer->flash->LoadMovie(0, filename); activeContainer->setVisible(TRUE); plugin.is_seekable = 0; // not seekable to start, we'll find out after opening if it's really seekable or not return 0; } static int PlayFLV(const wchar_t *filename) { #ifdef WIN64 if (!activeContainer || (unsigned long long)activeContainer < 65536) { isFLV = false; return 1; } # else if (!activeContainer || (unsigned long)activeContainer < 65536) { isFLV = false; return 1; } #endif // // if (!activeContainer || (unsigned long)activeContainer < 65536) // { // isFLV = false; // return 1; // } isFLV = true; activeContainer->externalInterface = &flashExternalInterface; activeContainer->flash->DisableLocalSecurity(); activeContainer->flash->put_BackgroundColor(0); activeContainer->flash->put_EmbedMovie(FALSE); activeContainer->flash->put_Scale(L"showAll"); activeContainer->flash->put_AllowScriptAccess(L"always"); static wchar_t pluginPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}, swfPath[MAX_PATH+7] = {0}; if (!pluginPath[0] && !swfPath[0]) { lstrcpynW(pluginPath, (wchar_t*)SendMessage(plugin.hMainWindow, WM_WA_IPC, 0, IPC_GETPLUGINDIRECTORYW), MAX_PATH); PathAppend(pluginPath, L"winampFLV.swf"); for (wchar_t *itr = pluginPath; *itr; itr++) { if (*itr == '\\') *itr = '/'; } StringCchPrintf(swfPath, MAX_PATH+7, L"file://%s", pluginPath); } HRESULT hr = activeContainer->flash->LoadMovie(0, swfPath); activeContainer->setVisible(TRUE); // TODO: make filename XML-safe wchar_t funcCall[1024] = {0}; StringCchPrintf(funcCall, 1024, L"<invoke name=\"PlayFLV\" returntype=\"xml\"><arguments><string>%s</string></arguments></invoke>", filename); BSTR bstr_ret = 0; activeContainer->flash->CallFunction(funcCall, &bstr_ret); SetVolume(volume); SetPan(pan); plugin.is_seekable = 1; // not seekable to start, we'll find out after opening if it's really seekable or not return 0; } int Play(const in_char *filename) { status[0]=0; playPosition=0; playLength=-1000; if (!filename || !*filename) return 1; if (!videoOutput) videoOutput = (IVideoOutput *)SendMessage(plugin.hMainWindow,WM_WA_IPC,0,IPC_GET_IVIDEOOUTPUT); if (!videoOutput) return 1; HWND videoWnd = (HWND)videoOutput->extended(VIDUSER_GET_VIDEOHWND, 0, 0); // ask for the video hwnd wchar_t *mangledFilename = 0; if (PathIsURL(filename)) mangledFilename = const_cast<wchar_t *>(filename); else { mangledFilename = (wchar_t *)malloc((MAX_PATH + 7)*sizeof(wchar_t)); StringCchPrintf(mangledFilename, MAX_PATH+7, L"file://%s", filename); } videoOutput->open(0, 0, 0, 1.0, 'ENON'); activeContainer = new SWFContainer(videoWnd); if (!activeContainer->flash) { delete activeContainer; activeContainer=0; if (mangledFilename != filename) free(mangledFilename); return 1; // failed } oldVidProc = (WNDPROC)(LONG_PTR)SetWindowLongPtr(videoWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG)(LONG_PTR)WndProc); wchar_t ext[16]=L""; extension_exW(filename, ext, 16); if (!_wcsicmp(ext, L"swf")) { if (PlaySWF(mangledFilename)) { return 1; // failed } } else { if (PlayFLV(mangledFilename)) { return 1; // failed } } HRESULT hr = activeContainer->flash->Play(); if (mangledFilename != filename) free(mangledFilename); return 0; } int localPause=0; void Pause() { localPause=1; if (isFLV) { BSTR bstr_ret; activeContainer->flash->CallFunction(L"<invoke name=\"Pause\" returntype=\"xml\"><arguments></arguments></invoke>", &bstr_ret); } } void UnPause() { localPause=0; if (isFLV) { BSTR bstr_ret; activeContainer->flash->CallFunction(L"<invoke name=\"Resume\" returntype=\"xml\"><arguments></arguments></invoke>", &bstr_ret); } } int IsPaused() { return localPause; } void Stop() { videoOutput->close(); HWND videoWnd = (HWND)videoOutput->extended(VIDUSER_GET_VIDEOHWND, 0, 0); // ask for the video hwnd SetWindowLongPtr(videoWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG)(LONG_PTR)oldVidProc); activeContainer->close(); activeContainer->Release(); activeContainer=0; } int GetLength() { return playLength; } int GetOutputTime() { return playPosition; } void SetOutputTime(int time_in_ms) { if (activeContainer) { if (isFLV) { double seconds = time_in_ms; seconds/=1000.0; wchar_t funcCall[1024] = {0}; StringCchPrintf(funcCall, 1024, L"<invoke name=\"Seek\" returntype=\"xml\"><arguments><number>%.3f</number></arguments></invoke>", seconds); BSTR bstr_ret; activeContainer->flash->CallFunction(funcCall, &bstr_ret); } else { // TODO: maybe change the frame? } } } int pan = 0, volume = 255; void SetVolume(int _volume) { volume = _volume; if (activeContainer) { if (isFLV) { int newVolume = (volume * 100) / 255; wchar_t funcCall[1024] = {0}; StringCchPrintf(funcCall, 1024, L"<invoke name=\"SetVolume\" returntype=\"xml\"><arguments><number>%u</number></arguments></invoke>", newVolume); BSTR bstr_ret; activeContainer->flash->CallFunction(funcCall, &bstr_ret); } } } void SetPan(int _pan) { pan = _pan; if (activeContainer) { if (isFLV) { int left = 100; int right = 100; if (pan < 0) left += (pan * 100)/127; if (pan>0) right-=(pan*100)/127; wchar_t funcCall[1024] = {0}; StringCchPrintf(funcCall, 1024, L"<invoke name=\"SetPan\" returntype=\"xml\"><arguments><number>%u</number><number>%u</number></arguments></invoke>", left, right); BSTR bstr_ret = 0; activeContainer->flash->CallFunction(funcCall, &bstr_ret); } } } void EQSet(int on, char data[10], int preamp) {} int DoAboutMessageBox(HWND parent, wchar_t* title, wchar_t* message) { MSGBOXPARAMS msgbx = {sizeof(MSGBOXPARAMS),0}; msgbx.lpszText = message; msgbx.lpszCaption = title; msgbx.lpszIcon = MAKEINTRESOURCE(102); msgbx.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0); msgbx.dwStyle = MB_USERICON; msgbx.hwndOwner = parent; return MessageBoxIndirect(&msgbx); } void About(HWND hwndParent); In_Module plugin = { IN_VER_RET, "nullsoft(in_swf.dll)", 0, 0, 0 /*"SWF\0Shockwave Flash Files\0"*/, 1, 1, About, About, Init, Quit, GetFileInfo, InfoBox, IsOurFile, Play, Pause, UnPause, IsPaused, Stop, GetLength, GetOutputTime, SetOutputTime, SetVolume, SetPan, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, EQSet, 0, 0 }; void About(HWND hwndParent) { wchar_t message[1024] = {0}, text[1024] = {0}; WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW_BUF(IDS_NULLSOFT_SWF_OLD,text,1024); StringCchPrintf(message, 1024, WASABI_API_LNGSTRINGW(IDS_ABOUT_TEXT), plugin.description, TEXT(__DATE__)); DoAboutMessageBox(hwndParent,text,message); } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) In_Module * winampGetInModule2() { return &plugin; }