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#include "domstubs.idl"

interface nsISelection;

 * The nsIDOMWindow interface is the primary interface for a DOM
 * window object. It represents a single window object that may
 * contain child windows if the document in the window contains a
 * HTML frameset document or if the document contains iframe elements.
 * This interface is not officially defined by any standard bodies, it
 * originates from the defacto DOM Level 0 standard.
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(a6cf906b-15b3-11d2-932e-00805f8add32)]
interface nsIDOMWindow : nsISupports
   * Accessor for the document in this window.
  readonly attribute nsIDOMDocument                     document;

   * Accessor for this window's parent window, or the window itself if
   * there is no parent, or if the parent is of different type
   * (i.e. this does not cross chrome-content boundaries).
  readonly attribute nsIDOMWindow                       parent;

   * Accessor for the root of this hierarchy of windows. This root may
   * be the window itself if there is no parent, or if the parent is
   * of different type (i.e. this does not cross chrome-content
   * boundaries).
   * This property is "replaceable" in JavaScript */
  readonly attribute nsIDOMWindow                       top;

   * Accessor for the object that controls whether or not scrollbars
   * are shown in this window.
   * This attribute is "replaceable" in JavaScript
  readonly attribute nsIDOMBarProp                      scrollbars;

   * Accessor for the child windows in this window.
  [noscript] readonly attribute nsIDOMWindowCollection  frames;

   * Set/Get the name of this window.
   * This attribute is "replaceable" in JavaScript
           attribute DOMString                          name;
   * Set/Get the document scale factor as a multiplier on the default
   * size. When setting this attribute, a NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
   * error may be returned by implementations not supporting
   * zoom. Implementations not supporting zoom should return 1.0 all
   * the time for the Get operation. 1.0 is equals normal size,
   * i.e. no zoom.
  [noscript] attribute float                            textZoom;

   * Accessor for the current x scroll position in this window in
   * pixels.
   * This attribute is "replaceable" in JavaScript
  readonly attribute long                               scrollX;

   * Accessor for the current y scroll position in this window in
   * pixels.
   * This attribute is "replaceable" in JavaScript
  readonly attribute long                               scrollY;

   * Method for scrolling this window to an absolute pixel offset.
  void                      scrollTo(in long xScroll, in long yScroll);

   * Method for scrolling this window to a pixel offset relative to
   * the current scroll position.
  void                      scrollBy(in long xScrollDif, in long yScrollDif);

   * Method for accessing this window's selection object.
  nsISelection              getSelection();

   * Method for scrolling this window by a number of lines.
  void                      scrollByLines(in long numLines);

   * Method for scrolling this window by a number of pages.
  void                      scrollByPages(in long numPages);

   * Method for sizing this window to the content in the window.
  void                      sizeToContent();