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#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIURI;
interface nsIChannel;

 * nsIProtocolHandler
 * @status FROZEN
[scriptable, uuid(15fd6940-8ea7-11d3-93ad-00104ba0fd40)]
interface nsIProtocolHandler : nsISupports
     * The scheme of this protocol (e.g., "file").
    readonly attribute ACString scheme;

     * The default port is the port that this protocol normally uses.
     * If a port does not make sense for the protocol (e.g., "about:")
     * then -1 will be returned.
    readonly attribute long defaultPort;

     * Returns the protocol specific flags (see flag definitions below).  
    readonly attribute unsigned long protocolFlags;

     * Makes a URI object that is suitable for loading by this protocol,
     * where the URI string is given as an UTF-8 string.  The caller may
     * provide the charset from which the URI string originated, so that
     * the URI string can be translated back to that charset (if necessary)
     * before communicating with, for example, the origin server of the URI
     * string.  (Many servers do not support UTF-8 IRIs at the present time,
     * so we must be careful about tracking the native charset of the origin
     * server.)
     * @param aSpec          - the URI string in UTF-8 encoding. depending
     *                         on the protocol implementation, unicode character
     *                         sequences may or may not be %xx escaped.
     * @param aOriginCharset - the charset of the document from which this URI
     *                         string originated.  this corresponds to the
     *                         charset that should be used when communicating
     *                         this URI to an origin server, for example.  if
     *                         null, then UTF-8 encoding is assumed (i.e.,
     *                         no charset transformation from aSpec).
     * @param aBaseURI       - if null, aSpec must specify an absolute URI.
     *                         otherwise, aSpec may be resolved relative
     *                         to aBaseURI, depending on the protocol. 
     *                         If the protocol has no concept of relative 
     *                         URI aBaseURI will simply be ignored.
    nsIURI newURI(in AUTF8String aSpec,
                  in string aOriginCharset,
                  in nsIURI aBaseURI);

     * Constructs a new channel from the given URI for this protocol handler. 
    nsIChannel newChannel(in nsIURI aURI);

     * Allows a protocol to override blacklisted ports.
     * This method will be called when there is an attempt to connect to a port 
     * that is blacklisted.  For example, for most protocols, port 25 (Simple Mail
     * Transfer) is banned.  When a URI containing this "known-to-do-bad-things" 
     * port number is encountered, this function will be called to ask if the 
     * protocol handler wants to override the ban.  
    boolean allowPort(in long port, in string scheme);

     * Constants for the protocol flags (the first is the default mask, the
     * others are deviations):
     * NOTE: Implementation must ignore any flags they do not understand.

     * standard full URI with authority component and concept of relative
     * URIs (http, ftp, ...)
    const unsigned long URI_STD = 0;

     * no concept of relative URIs (about, javascript, finger, ...)
    const unsigned long URI_NORELATIVE = (1<<0);

     * no authority component (file, ...)
    const unsigned long URI_NOAUTH = (1<<1);

     * This protocol handler can be proxied via a proxy (socks or http)
     * (e.g., irc, smtp, http, etc.).  If the protocol supports transparent
     * proxying, the handler should implement nsIProxiedProtocolHandler.
     * If it supports only HTTP proxying, then it need not support
     * nsIProxiedProtocolHandler, but should instead set the ALLOWS_PROXY_HTTP
     * flag (see below).
     * @see nsIProxiedProtocolHandler
    const unsigned long ALLOWS_PROXY = (1<<2);

     * This protocol handler can be proxied using a http proxy (e.g., http,
     * ftp, etc.).  nsIIOService::newChannelFromURI will feed URIs from this
     * protocol handler to the HTTP protocol handler instead.  This flag is
     * ignored if ALLOWS_PROXY is not set.
    const unsigned long ALLOWS_PROXY_HTTP = (1<<3);

 * Protocol handlers are registered with XPCOM under the following CONTRACTID prefix:
#define NS_NETWORK_PROTOCOL_CONTRACTID_PREFIX "@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name="
 * For example, "@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=http"