#pragma once #include <bfc/platform/types.h> #include <bfc/std_mkncc.h> // for MKnCC #ifdef WIN32 # include <bfc/platform/win32.h> #define OSMODULEHANDLE HINSTANCE #define INVALIDOSMODULEHANDLE ((OSMODULEHANDLE)0) #define OSWINDOWHANDLE HWND #define INVALIDOSWINDOWHANDLE ((OSWINDOWHANDLE)0) #define OSICONHANDLE HICON #define INVALIDOSICONHANDLE ((OSICONHANDLE)0) #define OSCURSORHANDLE HICON #define INVALIDOSCURSORHANDLE ((OSCURSORHANDLE)0) #define OSTHREADHANDLE HANDLE #define INVALIDOSTHREADHANDLE ((OSTHREADHANDLE)0) #define OSREGIONHANDLE HRGN #define INVALIDOSREGIONHANDLE ((OSREGIONHANDLE)0) typedef HMENU OSMENUHANDLE; #define RGBA(r,g,b,a) ((ARGB32)((uint8_t)(r) | ((uint8_t)(g) << 8) | ((uint8_t)(b) << 16) | ((uint8_t)(a) << 24))) #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX MAX_PATH #endif #elif defined(LINUX) # include <bfc/platform/linux.h> #elif defined(__APPLE__) #include <Carbon/Carbon.h> typedef HIShapeRef OSREGIONHANDLE; typedef int OSCURSOR; // TODO: find a good one for this typedef int OSCURSORHANDLE; // TODO: find a good one for this typedef HIWindowRef OSWINDOWHANDLE; typedef void *OSMODULEHANDLE; // TODO: typedef CGContextRef HDC; // TODO: find a better name typedef MenuRef OSMENUHANDLE; typedef CGImageRef OSICONHANDLE; #ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ #define RGBA(r,g,b,a) ((ARGB32)((uint8_t)(r) | ((uint8_t)(g) << 8) | ((uint8_t)(b) << 16) | ((uint8_t)(a) << 24))) #elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) #define RGBA(r,g,b,a) ((ARGB32)((uint8_t)(a) | ((uint8_t)(r) << 8) | ((uint8_t)(g) << 16) | ((uint8_t)(b) << 24))) #else #error endian preprocessor symbol not defined #endif #define RGB(r,g,b) RGBA(r,g,b,0xFF) static const HIWindowRef INVALIDOSWINDOWHANDLE = 0; // TODO: maybe there's an apple-defined name for this #define INVALIDOSMODULEHANDLE 0 #define INVALIDOSCURSORHANDLE 0 typedef char OSFNCHAR; typedef char *OSFNSTR; typedef const char OSFNCCHAR; typedef const char *OSFNCSTR; #define FNT(x) x typedef struct tagRECT { int left; int top; int right; int bottom; } RECT; typedef RECT * LPRECT; inline RECT RECTFromHIRect(const HIRect *r) { RECT rect; rect.left = r->origin.x; rect.right = r->origin.x + r->size.width; rect.top = r->origin.y; rect.bottom = r->origin.y + r->size.height; return rect; } inline HIRect HIRectFromRECT(const RECT *r) { HIRect rect; rect.origin.x = r->left; rect.origin.y = r->top; rect.size.width = r->right - r->left; rect.size.height = r->bottom - r->top; return rect; } typedef struct tagPOINT { int x; int y; } POINT; typedef struct tagPOINT * LPPOINT; inline HIPoint HIPointFromPOINT(const POINT *pt) { HIPoint p; p.x = pt->x; p.y = pt->y; return p; } inline int MulDiv(int a, int b, int c) { int s; int v; s = 0; if (a < 0) { s = !s; a = -a; } if (b < 0) { s = !s; b = -b; } if (c < 0) { s = !s; c = -c; } double d; d = ((double)a * (double)b) / (double)c; if (d >= 4294967296.) return -1; v = d; if (s) v = -v; return v; } #else #error port me // Windows API dependant definitions for non-windows platforms #define __cdecl #define __stdcall #define WINAPI #define WINBASEAPI #define WINUSERAPI #define WINGDIAPI #define WINOLEAPI #define CALLBACK #define FARPROC void * #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define ERROR 0 #define CONST const #define VOID void typedef unsigned long DWORD; typedef unsigned short WORD; typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef long LONG; typedef int INT; typedef int BOOL; typedef short SHORT; typedef void * PVOID; typedef void * LPVOID; typedef char CHAR; typedef unsigned short WCHAR; typedef char * LPSTR; typedef WCHAR * LPWSTR; typedef const char * LPCSTR; typedef const WCHAR * LPCWSTR; typedef LPWSTR PTSTR, LPTSTR; typedef LPCWSTR LPCTSTR; typedef char TCHAR; typedef WCHAR OLECHAR; typedef void * HANDLE; typedef void * HWND; typedef void * HDC; typedef void * HFONT; typedef void * HBITMAP; typedef void * HINSTANCE; typedef void * HICON; typedef void * HRGN; typedef void * HPEN; typedef void * HBRUSH; typedef void * HRSRC; typedef void * HGLOBAL; typedef void * HACCEL; typedef void * HMODULE; typedef void * HMENU; typedef void * HGDIOBJ; typedef void * ATOM; typedef void * CRITICAL_SECTION; typedef void * LPCRITICAL_SECTION; typedef UINT WPARAM; typedef UINT LPARAM; typedef LONG LRESULT; typedef UINT COLORREF; typedef LRESULT(*WNDPROC)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); typedef BOOL CALLBACK WNDENUMPROC(HWND, LPARAM); typedef VOID CALLBACK *TIMERPROC(HWND, UINT, UINT, DWORD); typedef struct tagPOINT { LONG x; LONG y; } POINT; typedef struct tagPOINT * LPPOINT; typedef struct tagSIZE { LONG cx; LONG cy; } SIZE; typedef struct tagRECT { LONG left; LONG top; LONG right; LONG bottom; } RECT; typedef RECT * LPRECT; typedef struct _COORD { SHORT X; SHORT Y; } COORD, *PCOORD; typedef struct tagPAINTSTRUCT { HDC hdc; BOOL fErase; RECT rcPaint; BOOL fRestore; BOOL fIncUpdate; BYTE rgbReserved[32]; } PAINTSTRUCT; typedef struct tagBITMAP { /* bm */ int bmType; int bmWidth; int bmHeight; int bmWidthBytes; BYTE bmPlanes; BYTE bmBitsPixel; LPVOID bmBits; } BITMAP; typedef struct tagRGBQUAD { BYTE rgbRed; BYTE rgbGreen; BYTE rgbBlue; BYTE rgbReserved; } RGBQUAD; typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER { DWORD biSize; LONG biWidth; LONG biHeight; WORD biPlanes; WORD biBitCount; DWORD biCompression; DWORD biSizeImage; LONG biXPelsPerMeter; LONG biYPelsPerMeter; DWORD biClrUsed; DWORD biClrImportant; } BITMAPINFOHEADER; typedef struct tagBITMAPINFO { BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader; RGBQUAD bmiColors[1]; } BITMAPINFO, *LPBITMAPINFO; typedef struct tagMSG { HWND hwnd; UINT message; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; DWORD time; POINT pt; } MSG; typedef MSG * LPMSG; typedef struct _RGNDATAHEADER { DWORD dwSize; DWORD iType; DWORD nCount; DWORD nRgnSize; RECT rcBound; } RGNDATAHEADER, *PRGNDATAHEADER; typedef struct _RGNDATA { RGNDATAHEADER rdh; char Buffer[1]; } RGNDATA, *PRGNDATA; // Windows messages #define WM_SYSCOMMAND 0x112 #define WM_LBUTTONDOWN 0x201 #define WM_LBUTTONUP 0x202 #define WM_RBUTTONDOWN 0x204 #define WM_RBUTTONUP 0x205 #define WM_USER 0x400 #define WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW 0x00000080L #define WS_OVERLAPPED 0x00000000L #define WS_MAXIMIZEBOX 0x00010000L #define WS_MINIMIZEBOX 0x00020000L #define WS_SYSMENU 0x00080000L #define WS_CAPTION 0x00C00000L #define WS_CLIPCHILDREN 0x02000000L #define WS_CLIPSIBLINGS 0x04000000L #define WS_VISIBLE 0x10000000L #define WS_CHILD 0x40000000L #define WS_POPUP 0x80000000L #define HWND_TOP ((HWND)0) #define HWND_TOPMOST ((HWND)-1) #define HWND_NOTOPMOST ((HWND)-2) #define GWL_STYLE (-16) #define GW_HWNDFIRST 0 #define GW_HWNDNEXT 2 #define SWP_NOMOVE 0x0002 #define SWP_NOSIZE 0x0001 #define SWP_SHOWWINDOW 0x0040 #define SWP_DEFERERASE 0x2000 #define SWP_NOZORDER 0x0004 #define SWP_NOACTIVATE 0x0010 #define SW_SHOW 5 #define SC_MINIMIZE 0xF020 #define SC_MAXIMIZE 0xF030 #define SC_RESTORE 0xF120 #define GCL_HICONSM (-34) #define GCL_HICON (-14) #define MB_OK 0 #define MB_OKCANCEL 1 #define MB_TASKMODAL 0x2000L #define IDOK 1 #define IDCANCEL 2 #define VK_SHIFT 0x10 #define VK_CONTROL 0x11 #define VK_MENU 0x12 #define RT_RCDATA 10 #define IMAGE_BITMAP 0 #define LR_LOADFROMFILE 0x0010 #define DIB_RGB_COLORS 0 #define MAX_PATH 1024 #define _MAX_PATH MAX_PATH #define _MAX_DRIVE 3 #define _MAX_DIR 256 #define _MAX_FNAME 256 #define _MAX_EXT 256 #define GMEM_FIXED 0x0 #define GMEM_ZEROINIT 0x40 #define GPTR (GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT) #define SPI_GETWORKAREA 48 #define SM_CXDOUBLECLK 36 #define SM_CYDOUBLECLK 37 #define COLORONCOLOR 3 #define SRCCOPY (DWORD)0x00CC0020 #define BI_RGB 0L #define NULLREGION 1 #define DT_LEFT 0x00000000 #define DT_CENTER 0x00000001 #define DT_RIGHT 0x00000002 #define DT_VCENTER 0x00000004 #define DT_WORDBREAK 0x00000010 #define DT_SINGLELINE 0x00000020 #define DT_CALCRECT 0x00000400 #define DT_NOPREFIX 0x00000800 #define DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS 0x00004000 #define DT_END_ELLIPSIS 0x00008000 #define DT_MODIFYSTRING 0x00010000 #define FW_NORMAL 400 #define FW_BOLD 700 #define FF_DONTCARE (0<<4) #define BLACK_BRUSH 4 #define NULL_BRUSH 5 #define PS_SOLID 0 #define PS_DOT 2 #define TRANSPARENT 1 #define OPAQUE 2 #define ANSI_CHARSET 0 #define ANSI_VAR_FONT 12 #define OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS 0 #define CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS 0 #define PROOF_QUALITY 2 #define VARIABLE_PITCH 2 #define RGN_AND 1 #define RGN_OR 2 #define RGN_DIFF 4 #define RGN_COPY 5 #define RDH_RECTANGLES 1 #define MAXLONG 0x7fffffff // define GUID #include <bfc/platform/guid.h> #endif /* not WIN32 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> //#ifdef __cplusplus //#include <new> //#else //#include <new.h> //#endif #include <limits.h> #ifdef WIN32 #define OSPIPE HANDLE #define OSPROCESSID int #endif // Ode macro keyworkds #define DISPATCH_ // makes a method dispatchable, automatically assigns a free ID (requires Interface) #define DISPATCH(x) // makes a method dispatchable and specifies its ID (not duplicate check, requires Interface) #define NODISPATCH // prevents a method from being dispatched if the class is marked for dispatching by default #define EVENT // marks a method as being an event to which other classes can connect to receive notification (used by Script and DependentItem helpers) #define SCRIPT // exposes a method to script interfaces (requires Script helper) #define IN // Input parameter #define OUT // Output parameter #define INOUT // Input/Output parameter