/* * openmpt123_portaudio.hpp * ------------------------ * Purpose: libopenmpt command line player * Notes : (currently none) * Authors: OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #ifndef OPENMPT123_PORTAUDIO_HPP #define OPENMPT123_PORTAUDIO_HPP #include "openmpt123_config.hpp" #include "openmpt123.hpp" #if defined(MPT_WITH_PORTAUDIO) #include <portaudio.h> namespace openmpt123 { struct portaudio_exception : public exception { portaudio_exception( PaError code ) : exception( Pa_GetErrorText( code ) ) { } }; typedef void (*PaUtilLogCallback ) (const char *log); #ifdef _MSC_VER extern "C" void PaUtil_SetDebugPrintFunction(PaUtilLogCallback cb); #endif class portaudio_raii { private: std::ostream & log; bool log_set; bool portaudio_initialized; static std::ostream * portaudio_log_stream; private: static void portaudio_log_function( const char * log ) { if ( portaudio_log_stream ) { *portaudio_log_stream << "PortAudio: " << log; } } protected: void check_portaudio_error( PaError e ) { if ( e > 0 ) { return; } if ( e == paNoError ) { return; } if ( e == paOutputUnderflowed ) { log << "PortAudio warning: " << Pa_GetErrorText( e ) << std::endl; return; } throw portaudio_exception( e ); } public: portaudio_raii( bool verbose, std::ostream & log ) : log(log), log_set(false), portaudio_initialized(false) { if ( verbose ) { portaudio_log_stream = &log; } else { portaudio_log_stream = 0; } #ifdef _MSC_VER PaUtil_SetDebugPrintFunction( portaudio_log_function ); log_set = true; #endif check_portaudio_error( Pa_Initialize() ); portaudio_initialized = true; if ( verbose ) { *portaudio_log_stream << std::endl; } } ~portaudio_raii() { if ( portaudio_initialized ) { check_portaudio_error( Pa_Terminate() ); portaudio_initialized = false; } if ( log_set ) { #ifdef _MSC_VER PaUtil_SetDebugPrintFunction( NULL ); log_set = false; #endif } portaudio_log_stream = 0; } }; std::ostream * portaudio_raii::portaudio_log_stream = 0; class portaudio_stream_blocking_raii : public portaudio_raii, public write_buffers_interface { private: PaStream * stream; bool interleaved; std::size_t channels; std::vector<float> sampleBufFloat; std::vector<std::int16_t> sampleBufInt; public: portaudio_stream_blocking_raii( commandlineflags & flags, std::ostream & log ) : portaudio_raii(flags.verbose, log) , stream(NULL) , interleaved(false) , channels(flags.channels) { PaStreamParameters streamparameters; std::memset( &streamparameters, 0, sizeof(PaStreamParameters) ); std::istringstream device_string( flags.device ); int device = -1; device_string >> device; streamparameters.device = ( device == -1 ) ? Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice() : device; streamparameters.channelCount = flags.channels; streamparameters.sampleFormat = ( flags.use_float ? paFloat32 : paInt16 ) | paNonInterleaved; if ( flags.buffer == default_high ) { streamparameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( streamparameters.device )->defaultHighOutputLatency; flags.buffer = static_cast<std::int32_t>( Pa_GetDeviceInfo( streamparameters.device )->defaultHighOutputLatency * 1000.0 ); } else if ( flags.buffer == default_low ) { streamparameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( streamparameters.device )->defaultLowOutputLatency; flags.buffer = static_cast<std::int32_t>( Pa_GetDeviceInfo( streamparameters.device )->defaultLowOutputLatency * 1000.0 ); } else { streamparameters.suggestedLatency = flags.buffer * 0.001; } unsigned long framesperbuffer = 0; if ( flags.mode != Mode::UI ) { framesperbuffer = paFramesPerBufferUnspecified; flags.period = 50; flags.period = std::min( flags.period, flags.buffer / 3 ); } else if ( flags.period == default_high ) { framesperbuffer = paFramesPerBufferUnspecified; flags.period = 50; flags.period = std::min( flags.period, flags.buffer / 3 ); } else if ( flags.period == default_low ) { framesperbuffer = paFramesPerBufferUnspecified; flags.period = 10; flags.period = std::min( flags.period, flags.buffer / 3 ); } else { framesperbuffer = flags.period * flags.samplerate / 1000; } if ( flags.period <= 0 ) { flags.period = 1; } flags.apply_default_buffer_sizes(); if ( flags.verbose ) { log << "PortAudio:" << std::endl; log << " device: " << streamparameters.device << " [ " << Pa_GetHostApiInfo( Pa_GetDeviceInfo( streamparameters.device )->hostApi )->name << " / " << Pa_GetDeviceInfo( streamparameters.device )->name << " ] " << std::endl; log << " low latency: " << Pa_GetDeviceInfo( streamparameters.device )->defaultLowOutputLatency << std::endl; log << " high latency: " << Pa_GetDeviceInfo( streamparameters.device )->defaultHighOutputLatency << std::endl; log << " suggested latency: " << streamparameters.suggestedLatency << std::endl; log << " frames per buffer: " << framesperbuffer << std::endl; log << " ui redraw: " << flags.period << std::endl; } PaError e = PaError(); e = Pa_OpenStream( &stream, NULL, &streamparameters, flags.samplerate, framesperbuffer, ( flags.dither > 0 ) ? paNoFlag : paDitherOff, NULL, NULL ); if ( e != paNoError ) { // Non-interleaved failed, try interleaved next. // This might help broken portaudio on MacOS X. streamparameters.sampleFormat &= ~paNonInterleaved; e = Pa_OpenStream( &stream, NULL, &streamparameters, flags.samplerate, framesperbuffer, ( flags.dither > 0 ) ? paNoFlag : paDitherOff, NULL, NULL ); if ( e == paNoError ) { interleaved = true; } check_portaudio_error( e ); } check_portaudio_error( Pa_StartStream( stream ) ); if ( flags.verbose ) { log << " channels: " << streamparameters.channelCount << std::endl; log << " sampleformat: " << ( ( ( streamparameters.sampleFormat & ~paNonInterleaved ) == paFloat32 ) ? "paFloat32" : "paInt16" ) << std::endl; log << " latency: " << Pa_GetStreamInfo( stream )->outputLatency << std::endl; log << " samplerate: " << Pa_GetStreamInfo( stream )->sampleRate << std::endl; log << std::endl; } } ~portaudio_stream_blocking_raii() { if ( stream ) { PaError stopped = Pa_IsStreamStopped( stream ); check_portaudio_error( stopped ); if ( !stopped ) { check_portaudio_error( Pa_StopStream( stream ) ); } check_portaudio_error( Pa_CloseStream( stream ) ); stream = NULL; } } private: template<typename Tsample> void write_frames( const Tsample * buffer, std::size_t frames ) { while ( frames > 0 ) { unsigned long chunk_frames = static_cast<unsigned long>( std::min( static_cast<std::uint64_t>( frames ), static_cast<std::uint64_t>( std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max() ) ) ); check_portaudio_error( Pa_WriteStream( stream, buffer, chunk_frames ) ); buffer += chunk_frames * channels; frames -= chunk_frames; } } template<typename Tsample> void write_frames( std::vector<Tsample*> buffers, std::size_t frames ) { while ( frames > 0 ) { unsigned long chunk_frames = static_cast<unsigned long>( std::min( static_cast<std::uint64_t>( frames ), static_cast<std::uint64_t>( std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max() ) ) ); check_portaudio_error( Pa_WriteStream( stream, buffers.data(), chunk_frames ) ); for ( std::size_t channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel ) { buffers[channel] += chunk_frames; } frames -= chunk_frames; } } public: void write( const std::vector<float*> buffers, std::size_t frames ) override { if ( interleaved ) { sampleBufFloat.clear(); for ( std::size_t frame = 0; frame < frames; ++frame ) { for ( std::size_t channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel ) { sampleBufFloat.push_back( buffers[channel][frame] ); } } write_frames( sampleBufFloat.data(), frames ); } else { write_frames( buffers, frames ); } } void write( const std::vector<std::int16_t*> buffers, std::size_t frames ) override { if ( interleaved ) { sampleBufInt.clear(); for ( std::size_t frame = 0; frame < frames; ++frame ) { for ( std::size_t channel = 0; channel < channels; ++channel ) { sampleBufInt.push_back( buffers[channel][frame] ); } } write_frames( sampleBufInt.data(), frames ); } else { write_frames( buffers, frames ); } } bool unpause() override { check_portaudio_error( Pa_StartStream( stream ) ); return true; } bool pause() override { check_portaudio_error( Pa_StopStream( stream ) ); return true; } bool sleep( int ms ) override { Pa_Sleep( ms ); return true; } }; #define portaudio_stream_raii portaudio_stream_blocking_raii static std::string show_portaudio_devices( std::ostream & log ) { std::ostringstream devices; devices << " portaudio:" << std::endl; portaudio_raii portaudio( false, log ); for ( PaDeviceIndex i = 0; i < Pa_GetDeviceCount(); ++i ) { if ( Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i ) && Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i )->maxOutputChannels > 0 ) { devices << " " << i << ": "; if ( Pa_GetHostApiInfo( Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i )->hostApi ) && Pa_GetHostApiInfo( Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i )->hostApi )->name ) { devices << Pa_GetHostApiInfo( Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i )->hostApi )->name; } else { devices << "Host API " << Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i )->hostApi; } if ( Pa_GetHostApiInfo( Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i )->hostApi ) ) { if ( i == Pa_GetHostApiInfo( Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i )->hostApi )->defaultOutputDevice ) { devices << " (default)"; } } devices << " - "; if ( Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i )->name ) { devices << Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i )->name; } else { devices << "Device " << i; } devices << " ("; devices << "high latency: " << Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i )->defaultHighOutputLatency; devices << ", "; devices << "low latency: " << Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i )->defaultLowOutputLatency; devices << ")"; devices << std::endl; } } return devices.str(); } } // namespace openmpt123 #endif // MPT_WITH_PORTAUDIO #endif // OPENMPT123_PORTAUDIO_HPP