#ifndef NULLSOFT_WINAMP_API_ALBUMART_H #define NULLSOFT_WINAMP_API_ALBUMART_H #include <bfc/dispatch.h> #include <bfc/platform/types.h> #include <api/service/services.h> enum { ALBUMART_SUCCESS = 0, ALBUMART_FAILURE = 1, }; enum { ALBUMART_NONE = 0, ALBUMART_EMBEDDED = 1, ALBUMART_ALBUM = 2, ALBUMART_NFO = 3, ALBUMART_FILENAME = 4, ALBUMART_FOLDER = 5, ALBUMART_FRONT = 6, ALBUMART_ARTWORK = 7, }; class api_albumart : public Dispatchable { protected: api_albumart(){} ~api_albumart(){} public: static FOURCC getServiceType() { return WaSvc::UNIQUE; } // use WASABI_API_MEMMGR->sysFree on the bits you get back from here. // if this function fails (return value != ALBUMART_SUCCESS), there is no guarantee about the values // in w, h or bits. please, please, please don't check bits == 0 for success/failure int GetAlbumArt(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type, int *w, int *h, ARGB32 **bits); // hack alert int GetAlbumArt_NoAMG(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type, int *w, int *h, ARGB32 **bits); // use to get still-compressed data int GetAlbumArtData(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type, void **bits, size_t *len, wchar_t **mimeType); // use to get the origin of the artwork for the file, e.g. folder, embedded int GetAlbumArtOrigin(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type, wchar_t **mimeType); // use WASABI_API_MEMMGR->sysFree to free types int GetAlbumArtTypes(const wchar_t *filename, wchar_t **types); int GetValidAlbumArtTypes(const wchar_t *filename, wchar_t **types); // returns ALBUMART_SUCCESS or ALBUMART_FAILURE // if mimeType is NULL, bits is ARGB32. w and h are not used for mimeTypes where the dimentions are in the data // if bits is NULL, this removes albumart. int SetAlbumArt(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type, int w, int h, const void *bits, size_t len, const wchar_t *mimeType); int DeleteAlbumArt(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type); // copies all album art from one file to another // also copies bits like folder.jpg if the two files live in different places // if you don't like the logic of this function, implement your own using svc_albumArtProvider directly int CopyAlbumArt(const wchar_t *sourceFilename, const wchar_t *destinationFilename); DISPATCH_CODES { API_ALBUMART_GETALBUMART = 10, API_ALBUMART_GETALBUMART_NOAMG = 11, API_ALBUMART_GETALBUMARTDATA = 12, API_ALBUMART_GETALBUMARTORIGIN = 13, API_ALBUMART_GETALBUMARTTYPES = 20, API_ALBUMART_GETVALIDALBUMARTTYPES = 30, API_ALBUMART_SETALBUMART = 40, API_ALBUMART_DELETEALBUMART = 50, API_ALBUMART_COPYALBUMART = 60, }; }; inline int api_albumart::GetAlbumArt(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type, int *w, int *h, ARGB32 **bits) { return _call(API_ALBUMART_GETALBUMART, (int)ALBUMART_FAILURE, filename, type, w, h, bits); } inline int api_albumart::GetAlbumArt_NoAMG(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type, int *w, int *h, ARGB32 **bits) { return _call(API_ALBUMART_GETALBUMART_NOAMG, (int)ALBUMART_FAILURE, filename, type, w, h, bits); } inline int api_albumart::GetAlbumArtData(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type, void **bits, size_t *len, wchar_t **mimeType) { return _call(API_ALBUMART_GETALBUMARTDATA, (int)ALBUMART_FAILURE, filename, type, bits, len, mimeType); } inline int api_albumart::GetAlbumArtOrigin(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type, wchar_t **mimeType) { return _call(API_ALBUMART_GETALBUMARTORIGIN, (int)ALBUMART_FAILURE, filename, type, mimeType); } inline int api_albumart::GetAlbumArtTypes(const wchar_t *filename, wchar_t **types) { return _call(API_ALBUMART_GETALBUMARTTYPES, (int)ALBUMART_FAILURE, filename, types); } inline int api_albumart::GetValidAlbumArtTypes(const wchar_t *filename, wchar_t **types) { return _call(API_ALBUMART_GETVALIDALBUMARTTYPES, (int)ALBUMART_FAILURE, filename, types); } inline int api_albumart::SetAlbumArt(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type, int w, int h, const void *bits, size_t len, const wchar_t *mimeType) { return _call(API_ALBUMART_SETALBUMART, (int)ALBUMART_FAILURE, filename, type, w, h, bits, len, mimeType); } inline int api_albumart::DeleteAlbumArt(const wchar_t *filename, const wchar_t *type) { return _call(API_ALBUMART_DELETEALBUMART, (int)ALBUMART_FAILURE, filename, type); } inline int api_albumart::CopyAlbumArt(const wchar_t *sourceFilename, const wchar_t *destinationFilename) { return _call(API_ALBUMART_COPYALBUMART, (int)ALBUMART_FAILURE, sourceFilename, destinationFilename); } // {AC4C4468-F91F-41f3-A5FA-E2B81DC6EB3A} static const GUID albumArtGUID = { 0xac4c4468, 0xf91f, 0x41f3, { 0xa5, 0xfa, 0xe2, 0xb8, 0x1d, 0xc6, 0xeb, 0x3a } }; #endif