/* * MidiInOut.cpp * ------------- * Purpose: A plugin for sending and receiving MIDI data. * Notes : (currently none) * Authors: Johannes Schultz (OpenMPT Devs) * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "MidiInOut.h" #include "MidiInOutEditor.h" #include "../../common/FileReader.h" #include "../../soundlib/Sndfile.h" #include "../Reporting.h" #include <algorithm> #include <sstream> #ifdef MODPLUG_TRACKER #include "../Mptrack.h" #endif #include "mpt/io/io.hpp" #include "mpt/io/io_stdstream.hpp" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN IMixPlugin* MidiInOut::Create(VSTPluginLib &factory, CSoundFile &sndFile, SNDMIXPLUGIN *mixStruct) { try { return new (std::nothrow) MidiInOut(factory, sndFile, mixStruct); } catch(RtMidiError &) { return nullptr; } } MidiInOut::MidiInOut(VSTPluginLib &factory, CSoundFile &sndFile, SNDMIXPLUGIN *mixStruct) : IMidiPlugin(factory, sndFile, mixStruct) , m_inputDevice(m_midiIn) , m_outputDevice(m_midiOut) #ifdef MODPLUG_TRACKER , m_programName(_T("Default")) #endif // MODPLUG_TRACKER { m_mixBuffer.Initialize(2, 2); InsertIntoFactoryList(); } MidiInOut::~MidiInOut() { MidiInOut::Suspend(); } uint32 MidiInOut::GetLatency() const { // There is only a latency if the user-provided latency value is greater than the negative output latency. return mpt::saturate_round<uint32>(std::min(0.0, m_latency + GetOutputLatency()) * m_SndFile.GetSampleRate()); } void MidiInOut::SaveAllParameters() { auto chunk = GetChunk(false); if(chunk.empty()) return; m_pMixStruct->defaultProgram = -1; m_pMixStruct->pluginData.assign(chunk.begin(), chunk.end()); } void MidiInOut::RestoreAllParameters(int32 program) { IMixPlugin::RestoreAllParameters(program); // First plugin version didn't use chunks. SetChunk(mpt::as_span(m_pMixStruct->pluginData), false); } enum ChunkFlags { kLatencyCompensation = 0x01, // Implicit in current plugin version kLatencyPresent = 0x02, // Latency value is present as double-precision float kIgnoreTiming = 0x04, // Do not send timing and sequencing information kFriendlyInputName = 0x08, // Preset also stores friendly name of input device kFriendlyOutputName = 0x10, // Preset also stores friendly name of output device }; IMixPlugin::ChunkData MidiInOut::GetChunk(bool /*isBank*/) { const std::string programName8 = mpt::ToCharset(mpt::Charset::UTF8, m_programName); uint32 flags = kLatencyCompensation | kLatencyPresent | (m_sendTimingInfo ? 0 : kIgnoreTiming); #ifdef MODPLUG_TRACKER const std::string inFriendlyName = (m_inputDevice.index == MidiDevice::NO_MIDI_DEVICE) ? m_inputDevice.name : mpt::ToCharset(mpt::Charset::UTF8, theApp.GetFriendlyMIDIPortName(mpt::ToUnicode(mpt::Charset::UTF8, m_inputDevice.name), true, false)); const std::string outFriendlyName = (m_outputDevice.index == MidiDevice::NO_MIDI_DEVICE) ? m_outputDevice.name : mpt::ToCharset(mpt::Charset::UTF8, theApp.GetFriendlyMIDIPortName(mpt::ToUnicode(mpt::Charset::UTF8, m_outputDevice.name), false, false)); if(inFriendlyName != m_inputDevice.name) { flags |= kFriendlyInputName; } if(outFriendlyName != m_outputDevice.name) { flags |= kFriendlyOutputName; } #endif std::ostringstream s; mpt::IO::WriteRaw(s, "fEvN", 4); // VST program chunk magic mpt::IO::WriteIntLE< int32>(s, GetVersion()); mpt::IO::WriteIntLE<uint32>(s, 1); // Number of programs mpt::IO::WriteIntLE<uint32>(s, static_cast<uint32>(programName8.size())); mpt::IO::WriteIntLE<uint32>(s, m_inputDevice.index); mpt::IO::WriteIntLE<uint32>(s, static_cast<uint32>(m_inputDevice.name.size())); mpt::IO::WriteIntLE<uint32>(s, m_outputDevice.index); mpt::IO::WriteIntLE<uint32>(s, static_cast<uint32>(m_outputDevice.name.size())); mpt::IO::WriteIntLE<uint32>(s, flags); mpt::IO::WriteRaw(s, programName8.c_str(), programName8.size()); mpt::IO::WriteRaw(s, m_inputDevice.name.c_str(), m_inputDevice.name.size()); mpt::IO::WriteRaw(s, m_outputDevice.name.c_str(), m_outputDevice.name.size()); mpt::IO::WriteIntLE<uint64>(s, IEEE754binary64LE(m_latency).GetInt64()); #ifdef MODPLUG_TRACKER if(flags & kFriendlyInputName) { mpt::IO::WriteIntLE<uint32>(s, static_cast<uint32>(inFriendlyName.size())); mpt::IO::WriteRaw(s, inFriendlyName.c_str(), inFriendlyName.size()); } if(flags & kFriendlyOutputName) { mpt::IO::WriteIntLE<uint32>(s, static_cast<uint32>(outFriendlyName.size())); mpt::IO::WriteRaw(s, outFriendlyName.c_str(), outFriendlyName.size()); } #endif m_chunkData = s.str(); return mpt::byte_cast<mpt::const_byte_span>(mpt::as_span(m_chunkData)); } // Try to match a port name against stored name or friendly name (preferred) static void FindPort(MidiDevice::ID &id, unsigned int numPorts, const std::string &name, const std::string &friendlyName, MidiDevice &midiDevice, bool isInput) { bool foundFriendly = false; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numPorts; i++) { try { auto portName = midiDevice.GetPortName(i); bool deviceNameMatches = (portName == name); #ifdef MODPLUG_TRACKER if(!friendlyName.empty() && friendlyName == mpt::ToCharset(mpt::Charset::UTF8, theApp.GetFriendlyMIDIPortName(mpt::ToUnicode(mpt::Charset::UTF8, portName), isInput, false))) { // Preferred match id = i; foundFriendly = true; if(deviceNameMatches) { return; } } #else MPT_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(friendlyName) #endif if(deviceNameMatches && !foundFriendly) { id = i; } } catch(const RtMidiError &) { } } } void MidiInOut::SetChunk(const ChunkData &chunk, bool /*isBank*/) { FileReader file(chunk); if(!file.CanRead(9 * sizeof(uint32)) || !file.ReadMagic("fEvN") // VST program chunk magic || file.ReadInt32LE() > GetVersion() // Plugin version || file.ReadUint32LE() < 1) // Number of programs return; uint32 nameStrSize = file.ReadUint32LE(); MidiDevice::ID inID = file.ReadUint32LE(); uint32 inStrSize = file.ReadUint32LE(); MidiDevice::ID outID = file.ReadUint32LE(); uint32 outStrSize = file.ReadUint32LE(); uint32 flags = file.ReadUint32LE(); std::string progName, inName, outName, inFriendlyName, outFriendlyName; file.ReadString<mpt::String::maybeNullTerminated>(progName, nameStrSize); m_programName = mpt::ToCString(mpt::Charset::UTF8, progName); file.ReadString<mpt::String::maybeNullTerminated>(inName, inStrSize); file.ReadString<mpt::String::maybeNullTerminated>(outName, outStrSize); if(flags & kLatencyPresent) m_latency = file.ReadDoubleLE(); else m_latency = 0.0f; m_sendTimingInfo = !(flags & kIgnoreTiming); if(flags & kFriendlyInputName) file.ReadString<mpt::String::maybeNullTerminated>(inFriendlyName, file.ReadUint32LE()); if(flags & kFriendlyOutputName) file.ReadString<mpt::String::maybeNullTerminated>(outFriendlyName, file.ReadUint32LE()); // Try to match an input port name against stored name or friendly name (preferred) FindPort(inID, m_midiIn.getPortCount(), inName, inFriendlyName, m_inputDevice, true); FindPort(outID, m_midiOut.getPortCount(), outName, outFriendlyName, m_outputDevice, false); SetParameter(MidiInOut::kInputParameter, DeviceIDToParameter(inID)); SetParameter(MidiInOut::kOutputParameter, DeviceIDToParameter(outID)); } void MidiInOut::SetParameter(PlugParamIndex index, PlugParamValue value) { value = mpt::safe_clamp(value, 0.0f, 1.0f); MidiDevice::ID newDevice = ParameterToDeviceID(value); OpenDevice(newDevice, (index == kInputParameter)); // Update selection in editor MidiInOutEditor *editor = dynamic_cast<MidiInOutEditor *>(GetEditor()); if(editor != nullptr) editor->SetCurrentDevice((index == kInputParameter), newDevice); } float MidiInOut::GetParameter(PlugParamIndex index) { const MidiDevice &device = (index == kInputParameter) ? m_inputDevice : m_outputDevice; return DeviceIDToParameter(device.index); } #ifdef MODPLUG_TRACKER CString MidiInOut::GetParamName(PlugParamIndex param) { if(param == kInputParameter) return _T("MIDI In"); else return _T("MIDI Out"); } // Parameter value as text CString MidiInOut::GetParamDisplay(PlugParamIndex param) { const MidiDevice &device = (param == kInputParameter) ? m_inputDevice : m_outputDevice; return mpt::ToCString(mpt::Charset::UTF8, device.name); } CAbstractVstEditor *MidiInOut::OpenEditor() { try { return new MidiInOutEditor(*this); } catch(mpt::out_of_memory e) { mpt::delete_out_of_memory(e); return nullptr; } } #endif // MODPLUG_TRACKER // Processing (we don't process any audio, only MIDI messages) void MidiInOut::Process(float *, float *, uint32 numFrames) { if(m_midiOut.isPortOpen()) { mpt::lock_guard<mpt::mutex> lock(m_mutex); // Send MIDI clock if(m_nextClock < 1) { if(m_sendTimingInfo) { m_outQueue.push_back(Message(GetOutputTimestamp(), 0xF8)); } double bpm = m_SndFile.GetCurrentBPM(); if(bpm > 0.0) { m_nextClock += 2.5 * m_SndFile.GetSampleRate() / bpm; } } m_nextClock -= numFrames; double now = m_clock.Now() * (1.0 / 1000.0); auto message = m_outQueue.begin(); while(message != m_outQueue.end() && message->m_time <= now) { try { m_midiOut.sendMessage(message->m_message, message->m_size); } catch(const RtMidiError &) { } message++; } m_outQueue.erase(m_outQueue.begin(), message); } } void MidiInOut::InputCallback(double /*deltatime*/, std::vector<unsigned char> &message) { // We will check the bypass status before passing on the message, and not before entering the function, // because otherwise we might read garbage if we toggle bypass status in the middle of a SysEx message. bool isBypassed = IsBypassed(); if(message.empty()) { return; } else if(!m_bufferedInput.empty()) { // SysEx message (continued) m_bufferedInput.insert(m_bufferedInput.end(), message.begin(), message.end()); if(message.back() == 0xF7) { // End of message found! if(!isBypassed) ReceiveSysex(mpt::byte_cast<mpt::const_byte_span>(mpt::as_span(m_bufferedInput))); m_bufferedInput.clear(); } } else if(message.front() == 0xF0) { // Start of SysEx message... if(message.back() != 0xF7) m_bufferedInput.insert(m_bufferedInput.end(), message.begin(), message.end()); // ...but not the end! else if(!isBypassed) ReceiveSysex(mpt::byte_cast<mpt::const_byte_span>(mpt::as_span(message))); } else if(!isBypassed) { // Regular message uint32 msg = 0; memcpy(&msg, message.data(), std::min(message.size(), sizeof(msg))); ReceiveMidi(msg); } } // Resume playback void MidiInOut::Resume() { // Resume MIDI I/O m_isResumed = true; m_nextClock = 0; m_outQueue.clear(); m_clock.SetResolution(1); OpenDevice(m_inputDevice.index, true); OpenDevice(m_outputDevice.index, false); if(m_midiOut.isPortOpen() && m_sendTimingInfo) { MidiSend(0xFA); // Start } } // Stop playback void MidiInOut::Suspend() { // Suspend MIDI I/O if(m_midiOut.isPortOpen() && m_sendTimingInfo) { try { unsigned char message[1] = { 0xFC }; // Stop m_midiOut.sendMessage(message, 1); } catch(const RtMidiError &) { } } //CloseDevice(inputDevice); CloseDevice(m_outputDevice); m_clock.SetResolution(0); m_isResumed = false; } // Playback discontinuity void MidiInOut::PositionChanged() { if(m_sendTimingInfo) { MidiSend(0xFC); // Stop MidiSend(0xFA); // Start } } void MidiInOut::Bypass(bool bypass) { if(bypass) { mpt::lock_guard<mpt::mutex> lock(m_mutex); m_outQueue.clear(); } IMidiPlugin::Bypass(bypass); } bool MidiInOut::MidiSend(uint32 midiCode) { if(!m_midiOut.isPortOpen() || IsBypassed()) { // We need an output device to send MIDI messages to. return true; } mpt::lock_guard<mpt::mutex> lock(m_mutex); m_outQueue.push_back(Message(GetOutputTimestamp(), &midiCode, 3)); return true; } bool MidiInOut::MidiSysexSend(mpt::const_byte_span sysex) { if(!m_midiOut.isPortOpen() || IsBypassed()) { // We need an output device to send MIDI messages to. return true; } mpt::lock_guard<mpt::mutex> lock(m_mutex); m_outQueue.push_back(Message(GetOutputTimestamp(), sysex.data(), sysex.size())); return true; } void MidiInOut::HardAllNotesOff() { const bool wasSuspended = !IsResumed(); if(wasSuspended) { Resume(); } for(uint8 mc = 0; mc < std::size(m_MidiCh); mc++) //all midi chans { PlugInstrChannel &channel = m_MidiCh[mc]; channel.ResetProgram(); SendMidiPitchBend(mc, EncodePitchBendParam(MIDIEvents::pitchBendCentre)); // centre pitch bend MidiSend(MIDIEvents::CC(MIDIEvents::MIDICC_AllSoundOff, mc, 0)); // all sounds off for(size_t i = 0; i < std::size(channel.noteOnMap); i++) { for(auto &c : channel.noteOnMap[i]) { while(c != 0) { MidiSend(MIDIEvents::NoteOff(mc, static_cast<uint8>(i), 0)); c--; } } } } if(wasSuspended) { Suspend(); } } // Open a device for input or output. void MidiInOut::OpenDevice(MidiDevice::ID newDevice, bool asInputDevice) { MidiDevice &device = asInputDevice ? m_inputDevice : m_outputDevice; if(device.index == newDevice && device.stream.isPortOpen()) { // No need to re-open this device. return; } CloseDevice(device); device.index = newDevice; device.stream.closePort(); if(device.index == kNoDevice) { // Dummy device device.name = "<none>"; return; } device.name = device.GetPortName(newDevice); //if(m_isResumed) { mpt::lock_guard<mpt::mutex> lock(m_mutex); try { device.stream.openPort(newDevice); if(asInputDevice) { m_midiIn.setCallback(InputCallback, this); m_midiIn.ignoreTypes(false, true, true); } } catch(RtMidiError &error) { device.name = "Unavailable"; MidiInOutEditor *editor = dynamic_cast<MidiInOutEditor *>(GetEditor()); if(editor != nullptr) { Reporting::Error("MIDI device cannot be opened. Is it open in another application?\n\n" + error.getMessage(), "MIDI Input / Output", editor); } } } } // Close an active device. void MidiInOut::CloseDevice(MidiDevice &device) { if(device.stream.isPortOpen()) { mpt::lock_guard<mpt::mutex> lock(m_mutex); device.stream.closePort(); } } // Calculate the current output timestamp double MidiInOut::GetOutputTimestamp() const { return m_clock.Now() * (1.0 / 1000.0) + GetOutputLatency() + m_latency; } // Get a device name std::string MidiDevice::GetPortName(MidiDevice::ID port) { return stream.getPortName(port); } OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END