*smalheap.c - small, simple heap manager
*       Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <windows.h>

#define BYTES_PER_PARA      16
#define DWORDS_PER_PARA     4

#define PARAS_PER_PAGE      256     //  tunable value
#define PAGES_PER_GROUP     8       //  tunable value
#define GROUPS_PER_REGION   32      //  tunable value (max 32)

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
HANDLE _crtheap;

 * Primary heap routines (Initialization, termination, malloc and free).

void __cdecl free (
        void * pblock
        if ( pblock == NULL )

        HeapFree(_crtheap, 0, pblock);

int __cdecl _heap_init (
        int mtflag
        if ( (_crtheap = HeapCreate( mtflag ? 0 : HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,
                                     BYTES_PER_PAGE, 0 )) == NULL )
            return 0;

        return 1;

void __cdecl _heap_term (
        HeapDestroy( _crtheap );

void * __cdecl _nh_malloc (
        size_t size,
        int nhFlag
        void * retp;

          retp = HeapAlloc( _crtheap, 0, size );

             * if successful allocation, return pointer to memory
             * if new handling turned off altogether, return NULL

              return retp;


void * __cdecl malloc (
        size_t size
        return _nh_malloc( size, 0 );

 * Secondary heap routines.

void * __cdecl calloc (
        size_t num,
        size_t size
        void * retp;

        size *= num;

            retp = HeapAlloc( _crtheap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size );

                return retp;

            /* new handler was successful -- try to allocate again */


void * __cdecl _expand (
        void * pblock,
        size_t newsize
        return HeapReAlloc( _crtheap,
                            newsize );

int __cdecl _heapchk(void)
        int retcode = _HEAPOK;

        if ( !HeapValidate( _crtheap, 0, NULL ) &&
             (GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) )
                retcode = _HEAPBADNODE;

        return retcode;

int __cdecl _heapmin(void)
        if ( (HeapCompact( _crtheap, 0 ) == 0) &&
             (GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) )
            return -1;

        return 0;

size_t __cdecl _msize (
        void * pblock
        return (size_t)HeapSize( _crtheap, 0, pblock );

void * __cdecl realloc (
        void * pblock,
        size_t newsize
        void * retp;

        /* if pblock is NULL, call malloc */
        if ( pblock == (void *) NULL )
            return malloc( newsize );

        /* if pblock is !NULL and size is 0, call free and return NULL */
        if ( newsize == 0 ) {
            free( pblock );
            return NULL;

            retp = HeapReAlloc( _crtheap, 0, pblock, newsize );

                return retp;


#ifdef __cplusplus