/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // INTEL CORPORATION PROPRIETARY INFORMATION // This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or // nondisclosure agreement with Intel Corporation and may not be copied // or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement. // Copyright(c) 2001-2009 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // // Intel(R) Integrated Performance Primitives // Video Coding (ippVC) // */ #if !defined( __IPPVC_H__ ) || defined( _OWN_BLDPCS ) #define __IPPVC_H__ #if defined (_WIN32_WCE) && defined (_M_IX86) && defined (__stdcall) #define _IPP_STDCALL_CDECL #undef __stdcall #endif #ifndef __IPPDEFS_H__ #include "ippdefs.h" #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Structures and definitions // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ #if !defined( _OWN_BLDPCS ) /* flags for motion compensation */ #define IPPVC_VLC_FORBIDDEN 0xf0f1 #define IPPVC_ESCAPE 0x00ff #define IPPVC_ENDOFBLOCK 0x00fe #define IPPVC_FRAME_PICTURE 0x0003 typedef enum _IPPVC_ESCAPE_FLAG { IPPVC_EF_NONE = 0x0, IPPVC_EF_REVERSIBLE_VLC = 0x1, IPPVC_EF_SHORT_HEADER = 0x2 } IPPVC_ESCAPE_FLAG; typedef enum _IPPVC_MC_APX { IPPVC_MC_APX_FF = 0x0, IPPVC_MC_APX_FH = 0x4, IPPVC_MC_APX_HF = 0x8, IPPVC_MC_APX_HH = 0x0c } IPPVC_MC_APX; typedef enum _IPPVC_MV_TYPE { IPPVC_MV_FIELD = 0x0, IPPVC_MV_FRAME = 0x1 } IPPVC_MV_TYPE; typedef enum _IppvcFrameFieldFlag { IPPVC_FRAME = 0x0, IPPVC_TOP_FIELD = 0x1, IPPVC_BOTTOM_FIELD = 0x2 }IppvcFrameFieldFlag; /* VL code longer than 8 bits */ typedef struct _IppVCHuffmanSpec_32u { Ipp32u code; /* right justified */ Ipp32u len; } IppVCHuffmanSpec_32u; typedef Ipp32s IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s ; /* Motion Vector */ typedef struct _IppMotionVector { Ipp16s dx; Ipp16s dy; } IppMotionVector; typedef enum { IPP_4x4_VERT = 0, IPP_4x4_HOR = 1, IPP_4x4_DC = 2, IPP_4x4_DIAG_DL = 3, IPP_4x4_DIAG_DR = 4, IPP_4x4_VR = 5, IPP_4x4_HD = 6, IPP_4x4_VL = 7, IPP_4x4_HU = 8, /* these modes are not supported by all h264 prediction functions. read the manual for details. */ IPP_4x4_DC_TOP = 9, IPP_4x4_DC_LEFT = 10, IPP_4x4_DC_128 = 11 } IppIntra4x4PredMode_H264; typedef enum { IPP_8x8_VERT = 0, IPP_8x8_HOR = 1, IPP_8x8_DC = 2, IPP_8x8_DIAG_DL = 3, IPP_8x8_DIAG_DR = 4, IPP_8x8_VR = 5, IPP_8x8_HD = 6, IPP_8x8_VL = 7, IPP_8x8_HU = 8, /* these modes are not supported by all h264 prediction functions. read the manual for details. */ IPP_8x8_DC_TOP = 9, IPP_8x8_DC_LEFT = 10, IPP_8x8_DC_128 = 11 } IppIntra8x8PredMode_H264; typedef IppIntra8x8PredMode_H264 IppIntra8x8PredMode_AVS; typedef enum { IPP_16X16_VERT = 0, IPP_16X16_HOR = 1, IPP_16X16_DC = 2, IPP_16X16_PLANE = 3, /* these modes are not supported by all h264 prediction functions. read the manual for details. */ IPP_16X16_DC_TOP = 4, IPP_16X16_DC_LEFT = 5, IPP_16X16_DC_128 = 6 } IppIntra16x16PredMode_H264; typedef struct _IppiFilterDeblock_16u { Ipp16u* pSrcDstPlane; /* Pointer to the left upper pixel of macroblock. and resultant samples. */ Ipp32s srcDstStep; /* Plane step (pitch). */ Ipp16u* pAlpha; /* Alpha Thresholds */ Ipp16u* pBeta; /* Beta Thresholds */ Ipp16u* pThresholds; /* Thresholds (Tc0) */ Ipp8u* pBs; /* BS parameters */ Ipp32s bitDepth; /* number of bits of plane's sample (range - [8..14]) */ } IppiFilterDeblock_16u; typedef struct _IppiFilterDeblock_8u { Ipp8u* pSrcDstPlane; /* Pointer to the left upper pixel of macroblock. and resultant samples. */ Ipp32s srcDstStep; /* Plane step (pitch). */ Ipp8u* pAlpha; /* Alpha Thresholds */ Ipp8u* pBeta; /* Beta Thresholds */ Ipp8u* pThresholds; /* Thresholds (Tc0) */ Ipp8u* pBs; /* BS parameters */ } IppiFilterDeblock_8u; typedef struct _IppVCInterpolate_8u { const Ipp8u* pSrc; /* Pointer to the source. */ Ipp32s srcStep; /* Step of the pointer pSrc (source array) in bytes. */ Ipp8u* pDst; /* Pointer to the destination. */ Ipp32s dstStep; /* Step of the pointer pDst (destination array) in bytes. */ Ipp32s dx; /* Fractional parts of the motion vector */ Ipp32s dy; /* in 1/4 pel units (0, 1, 2, or 3). */ IppiSize roiSize; /* Flag that specifies the region of interest (could be 16, 8, 4 or 2 in each dimension). */ Ipp32s roundControl; /* Reserved for VC1 using. */ } IppVCInterpolate_8u; typedef struct _IppVCInterpolate_16u { const Ipp16u* pSrc; /* Pointer to the source. */ Ipp32s srcStep; /* Step of the pointer pSrc (source array) in bytes. */ Ipp16u* pDst; /* Pointer to the destination. */ Ipp32s dstStep; /* Step of the pointer pDst (destination array) in bytes. */ Ipp32s dx; /* Fractional parts of the motion vector */ Ipp32s dy; /* in 1/4 pel units (0, 1, 2, or 3). */ IppiSize roiSize; /* Flag that specifies the region of interest (could be 16, 8, 4 or 2 in each dimension). */ Ipp32s bitDepth; /* Number of significant bits in Ipp16u sample. */ } IppVCInterpolate_16u; typedef struct _IppVCInterpolateBlock_8u { const Ipp8u *pSrc[2]; /* pointers to reference image planes */ Ipp32s srcStep; /* step of the reference image planes */ Ipp8u *pDst[2]; /* pointers to destination image planes */ Ipp32s dstStep; /* step of the destination image planes */ IppiSize sizeFrame; /* dimensions of the reference image planes */ IppiSize sizeBlock; /* dimensions of the block to be interpolated */ IppiPoint pointBlockPos; /* current position of the block in the being interpolated image */ IppiPoint pointVector; /* relative difference between current position and reference data to be used */ } IppVCInterpolateBlock_8u; typedef struct _IppVCInterpolateBlock_16u { const Ipp16u *pSrc[2]; /* pointers to reference image planes */ Ipp32s srcStep; /* step of the reference image planes */ Ipp16u *pDst[2]; /* pointers to destination image planes */ Ipp32s dstStep; /* step of the destination image planes */ IppiSize sizeFrame; /* dimensions of the reference image planes */ IppiSize sizeBlock; /* dimensions of the block to be interpolated */ IppiPoint pointBlockPos; /* current position of the block in the being interpolated image */ IppiPoint pointVector; /* relative difference between current position and reference data to be used */ Ipp32s bitDepth; /* data capacity depth in range 8..14 */ } IppVCInterpolateBlock_16u; typedef struct _IppVCInterpolateBlockIC_8u { const Ipp8u *pSrc; /* Pointer to the source. */ Ipp32s srcStep; /* Step of the pointer pSrc (source array) in bytes. */ Ipp8u *pDst; /* Pointer to the destination. */ Ipp32s dstStep; /* Step of the pointer pDst (destination array) in bytes. */ Ipp8u *pLUTTop; /* pointer to top Intensity Compensation LUT table */ Ipp8u *pLUTBottom; /* pointer to bottom Intensity Compensation LUT table */ IppiSize sizeFrame; /* dimensions of the reference image plane */ IppiSize sizeBlock; /* dimensions of the block to be interpolated */ IppiPoint pointRefBlockPos; /* position inside reference frame. Which was calculated as sum of current position and integer part of motion vector */ IppiPoint pointVectorQuarterPix; /* quarter part of MV */ Ipp32u oppositePadding; /* flag that specified padding correspondence between current frame and reference frame */ Ipp32u fieldPrediction; /* flag that specified prediction type for current MB progressive or field */ Ipp32u roundControl; /* indicates type of rounding for the current frame */ Ipp32u isPredBottom; /* flag that specified type of reference field in case of interlace reference picture - top or bottom */ } IppVCInterpolateBlockIC_8u; typedef struct _IppiBidir_16u { const Ipp16u * pSrc1; Ipp32s srcStep1; const Ipp16u* pSrc2; Ipp32s srcStep2; Ipp16u* pDst; Ipp32s dstStep; IppiSize roiSize; Ipp32s bitDepth; } IppVCBidir_16u; typedef struct _IppiMBReconstructHigh_32s16u { Ipp32s** ppSrcDstCoeff; /* Pointer to the order of blocks of residual coefficients for this macroblock */ Ipp16u* pSrcDstPlane; /* Pointer to macroblock that is reconstructed in current plane. This macroblock should contain inter prediction samples if exist.*/ Ipp32s srcDstStep; /* Plane step. */ Ipp32u cbp; /* Coded block pattern. */ Ipp32s qp; /* quantizer */ Ipp16s* pQuantTable; /* Pointer to the quantization table for plane */ Ipp32s bypassFlag; /* Flag enabling lossless coding (reserved for future use). */ Ipp32s bitDepth; /* Number of significant bits in Ipp16u sample. */ } IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u; typedef struct _IppiReconstructHighMB_16s8u { Ipp16s** ppSrcDstCoeff; /* Pointer to the order of blocks of residual coefficients for this macroblock */ Ipp8u* pSrcDstPlane; /* Pointer to macroblock that is reconstructed in current plane. This macroblock should contain inter prediction samples if exist.*/ Ipp32s srcDstStep; /* Plane step. */ Ipp32u cbp; /* Coded block pattern. */ Ipp32s qp; /* quantizer */ Ipp16s* pQuantTable; /* Pointer to the quantization table for plane */ Ipp32s bypassFlag; /* Flag enabling lossless coding (reserved for future use). */ } IppiReconstructHighMB_16s8u; typedef enum { IPP_CHROMA_DC = 0, IPP_CHROMA_HOR = 1, IPP_CHROMA_VERT = 2, IPP_CHROMA_PLANE = 3, /* these modes are not supported by all h264 prediction functions. read the manual for details. */ IPP_CHROMA_DC_TOP = 4, IPP_CHROMA_DC_LEFT = 5, IPP_CHROMA_DC_128 = 6 } IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264; typedef IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 IppIntraChromaPredMode_AVS; enum { IPPVC_LEFT_EDGE = 0x1, IPPVC_RIGHT_EDGE = 0x2, IPPVC_TOP_EDGE = 0x4, IPPVC_BOTTOM_EDGE = 0x8, IPPVC_TOP_LEFT_EDGE = 0x10, IPPVC_TOP_RIGHT_EDGE = 0x20 }; #define IPPVC_CBP_1ST_CHROMA_DC_BITPOS 17 #define IPPVC_CBP_1ST_CHROMA_AC_BITPOS 19 #define IPPVC_CBP_CHROMA_DC (0x3<<IPPVC_CBP_1ST_CHROMA_DC_BITPOS) #define IPPVC_CBP_CHROMA_AC (0xff<<IPPVC_CBP_1ST_CHROMA_AC_BITPOS) #define IPPVC_CBP_LUMA_AC (0xffff<<IPPVC_CBP_1ST_LUMA_AC_BITPOS) #define IPPVC_CBP_1ST_LUMA_AC_BITPOS 1 #define IPPVC_CBP_LUMA_DC 1 #define MAX_CAVLC_LEVEL_VALUE 2063 #define IPPVC_CBP_DC 1 #define IPPVC_CBP_1ST_AC_BITPOS 1 enum { IPPVC_MBTYPE_INTER = 0, /* P picture or P-VOP */ IPPVC_MBTYPE_INTER_Q = 1, /* P picture or P-VOP */ IPPVC_MBTYPE_INTER4V = 2, /* P picture or P-VOP */ IPPVC_MBTYPE_INTRA = 3, /* I and P picture, or I- and P-VOP */ IPPVC_MBTYPE_INTRA_Q = 4, /* I and P picture, or I- and P-VOP */ IPPVC_MBTYPE_INTER4V_Q = 5, /* P picture or P-VOP(H.263)*/ IPPVC_MBTYPE_DIRECT = 6, /* B picture or B-VOP (MPEG-4 only) */ IPPVC_MBTYPE_INTERPOLATE = 7, /* B picture or B-VOP */ IPPVC_MBTYPE_BACKWARD = 8, /* B picture or B-VOP */ IPPVC_MBTYPE_FORWARD = 9, /* B picture or B-VOP */ IPPVC_MB_STUFFING = 255 }; enum { IPPVC_SCAN_NONE = -1, IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG = 0, IPPVC_SCAN_VERTICAL = 1, IPPVC_SCAN_HORIZONTAL = 2 }; /* Block Type */ enum { IPPVC_BLOCK_LUMA = 0, IPPVC_BLOCK_CHROMA = 1 }; /* Interpolation types */ enum { IPPVC_INTERP_NONE = 0, IPPVC_INTERP_HORIZONTAL = 1, IPPVC_INTERP_VERTICAL = 2, IPPVC_INTERP_2D = 3 }; /* Sprite Type */ enum { IPPVC_SPRITE_STATIC = 1, IPPVC_SPRITE_GMC = 2 }; typedef struct WarpSpec_MPEG4 IppiWarpSpec_MPEG4; typedef struct QuantInvIntraSpec_MPEG4 IppiQuantInvIntraSpec_MPEG4; typedef struct QuantInvInterSpec_MPEG4 IppiQuantInvInterSpec_MPEG4; typedef struct QuantIntraSpec_MPEG4 IppiQuantIntraSpec_MPEG4; typedef struct QuantInterSpec_MPEG4 IppiQuantInterSpec_MPEG4; /* General Color Conversion Enumerated Types */ enum { IPPVC_ROTATE_DISABLE = 0, IPPVC_ROTATE_90CCW = 1, IPPVC_ROTATE_90CW = 2, IPPVC_ROTATE_180 = 3 }; enum { IPPVC_CbYCr422ToBGR565 = 0, IPPVC_CbYCr422ToBGR555 = 1 }; /* enum used in VC1 deblocking and smoothing */ enum { IPPVC_EDGE_QUARTER_1 = 0x01, IPPVC_EDGE_QUARTER_2 = 0x02, IPPVC_EDGE_QUARTER_3 = 0x04, IPPVC_EDGE_QUARTER_4 = 0x08, IPPVC_EDGE_HALF_1 = IPPVC_EDGE_QUARTER_1 + IPPVC_EDGE_QUARTER_2, IPPVC_EDGE_HALF_2 = IPPVC_EDGE_QUARTER_3 + IPPVC_EDGE_QUARTER_4, IPPVC_EDGE_ALL = IPPVC_EDGE_HALF_1 + IPPVC_EDGE_HALF_2 }; /* deinterlacing structure */ typedef struct DeinterlaceBlendState_8u_C1 IppiDeinterlaceBlendState_8u_C1; /* denoise structures & enums */ typedef enum _IppvcNoiseBlurFlag { IPPVC_NOISE_BLUR0 = 0x0, IPPVC_NOISE_BLUR1 = 0x1, IPPVC_NOISE_BLUR2 = 0x2, IPPVC_NOISE_BLUR3 = 0x3 }IppvcNoiseBlurFlag; struct DenoiseSmoothState; typedef struct DenoiseSmoothState IppiDenoiseSmoothState_8u_C1; struct DenoiseAdaptiveState; typedef struct DenoiseAdaptiveState IppiDenoiseAdaptiveState_8u_C1; struct DenoiseMNRState; typedef struct DenoiseMNRState IppiDenoiseMosquitoState_8u_C1; /* user-open structure */ typedef struct { Ipp8u TemporalDifferenceThreshold; /* default 16 - range [0, 255] */ Ipp8u NumberOfMotionPixelsThreshold; /* default 0 - range [0, 16] */ Ipp8u StrongEdgeThreshold; /* default 8 - range [0, 255] */ Ipp8u BlockWidth; /* default 4 - range [1, 16] */ Ipp8u BlockHeight; /* default 4 - range [1, 16] */ Ipp8u EdgePixelWeight; /* default 128 - range [0, 255] */ Ipp8u NonEdgePixelWeight; /* default 16 - range [0, 255] */ Ipp8u GaussianThresholdY; /* default 12 */ Ipp8u GaussianThresholdUV; /* default 6 */ Ipp8u HistoryWeight; /* default 192 - range [0, 255] */ } IppDenoiseCAST; #endif /* _OWN_BLDPCS */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippvcGetLibVersion // Purpose: getting of the library version // Returns: the structure of information about version of ippvc library // Parameters: // // Notes: not necessary to release the returned structure */ IPPAPI( const IppLibraryVersion*, ippvcGetLibVersion, (void) ) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Video Decoding Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* Variable Length Decoding Functions */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiHuffmanTableInitAlloc_32s // // Purpose: // allocates memory and initializes the table that contains codes // for macroblock address increment, macroblock type, macroblock pattern, // or motion vectors. // // Parameters: // pSrcTable Pointer to the source table // ppDstSpec Pointer to pointer to the destination decoding table // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsMemAllocErr No memory is allocated. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiHuffmanTableInitAlloc_32s, ( const Ipp32s* pSrcTable, IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s** ppDstSpec)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiHuffmanRunLevelTableInitAlloc_32s // // Purpose: // Allocates memory and initializes the table that contains Run-Level codes. // // Parameters: // pSrcTable Pointer to the source table // ppDstSpec Pointer to pointer to the destination decoding table // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsMemAllocErr No memory is allocated. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiHuffmanRunLevelTableInitAlloc_32s, ( const Ipp32s* pSrcTable, IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s** ppDstSpec)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeHuffmanOne_1u32s // // Purpose: // Decodes one code using a specified table // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Double pointer to the current position in the bit stream // pOffset Pointer to offset between the bit pointed by pBitStream // and the start of the code // pDst Pointer to the destination result // pDecodeTable Pointer to the decoding table // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsH263VLCCodeErr Decoding in accordance with H.263 Standard */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeHuffmanOne_1u32s, ( Ipp32u** ppBitStream, int* pOffset, Ipp32s* pDst, const IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s* pDecodeTable)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeHuffmanPair_1u16s // // Purpose: // Decodes one code using a specified table // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Double pointer to the current position in the bit stream // pOffset Pointer to offset between the bit pointed by pBitStream // and the start of the code // pDecodeTable Pointer to the decoding table // pFirst Pointer to the first destination result // pSecond Pointer to the second destination result // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsH263VLCCodeErr Decoding in accordance with H.263 Standard */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeHuffmanPair_1u16s, ( Ipp32u **ppBitStream, Ipp32s *pOffset, const IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s *pDecodeTable, Ipp8s *pFirst, Ipp16s *pSecond)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructDCTBlock_MPEG1_32s // // Purpose: // Decodes 8x8 non-intra block using a table with Run-Level codes // for MPEG-1 Standard, rearranges and performs inverse quantization. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Double pointer to the current position in the bitstream. // pOffset Pointer to offset between the bit pointed by pBitStream // and the start of the code // pDCSizeTable Pointer to the table with DC coefficient, // that is the first of the DCT coefficients // pACTable Pointer to the table with Run-Level codes for // all DCT coefficients but the first // pScanMatrix Pointer to the matrix containing indices of elements // in scanning sequence // QP Quantizer scale factor which is read from the bitstream // pQPMatrix Pointer to the weighting matrix imposed by the Standard // or user-defined // pDstBlock Pointer to the decoded elements // pDstSize Pointer to the position of the last non-zero block coefficient // in scanning sequence // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsH263VLCCodeErr Decoding in accordance with H.263 Standard */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructDCTBlock_MPEG1_32s, ( Ipp32u** ppBitStream, int* pOffset, const Ipp32s* pDCSizeTable, const Ipp32s* pACTable, Ipp32s* pScanMatrix, int QP, Ipp16s* pQPMatrix, Ipp16s* pDstBlock, Ipp32s* pDstSize)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructDCTBlockIntra_MPEG1_32s // // Purpose: // Decodes 8x8 intra block using a table with Run-Level codes // for MPEG-1 Standard, rearranges and performs inverse quantization. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Double pointer to the current position in the bitstream. // pOffset Pointer to offset between the bit pointed by pBitStream // and the start of the code // pDCSizeTable Pointer to the table with codes for DC coefficient, // that is the first of the DCT coefficients // pACTable Pointer to the table with Run-Level codes for // all DCT coefficients but the first // pScanMatrix Pointer to the scanning matrix imposed by the Standard // or user-defined // QP Quantizer scale factor which is read from the bitstream // pQPMatrix Pointer to the weighting matrix imposed by the Standard // or user-defined // pDCPred Pointer to the value to be added to the DC coefficient // pDstBlock Pointer to the decoded elements // pDstSize Pointer to the position of the last non-zero block // coefficient in scanning sequence // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsH263VLCCodeErr Decoding in accordance with H.263 Standard */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructDCTBlockIntra_MPEG1_32s, ( Ipp32u** ppBitStream, int* pOffset, const Ipp32s* pDCSizeTable, const Ipp32s* pACTable, Ipp32s* pScanMatrix, int QP, Ipp16s* pQPMatrix, Ipp16s* pDCPred, Ipp16s* pDstBlock, Ipp32s* pDstSize)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructDCTBlock_MPEG2_32s // // Purpose: // Decodes 8x8 non-intra block using a table with Run-Level codes for // MPEG-2 Standard, rearranges and performs inverse quantization. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Double pointer to the current position in the bitstream. // pOffset Pointer to offset between the bit pointed by pBitStream // and the start of the code // pDCTable Pointer to the table with codes for DC coefficient, // that is the first of the DCT coefficients // pACTable Pointer to the table with Run-Level codes for // all DCT coefficients but the first // pScanMatrix Pointer to the matrix containing indices of elements // in scanning sequence // QP Quantizer scale factor which is read from the bitstream // pQPMatrix Pointer to the weighting matrix imposed by the Standard // or user-defined // pDstBlock Pointer to the decoded elements // pDstSize Pointer to the position of the last non-zero block // coefficient in scanning sequence // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsH263VLCCodeErr Decoding in accordance with H.263 Standard */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructDCTBlock_MPEG2_32s, ( Ipp32u** ppBitStream, int* pOffset, const IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s* pDCTable, const IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s* pACTable, Ipp32s* pScanMatrix, int QP, Ipp16s* pQPMatrix, Ipp16s* pDstBlock, Ipp32s* pDstSize)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructDCTBlockIntra_MPEG2_32s // // Purpose: // Decodes 8x8 intra block using a table with Run-Level codes for // MPEG-1 Standard, rearranges and performs inverse quantization. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Double pointer to the current position in the bitstream. // pOffset Pointer to offset between the bit pointed by pBitStream // and the start of the code // pDCSizeTable Pointer to the table with codes for DC coefficient, // that is the first of the DCT coefficients // pACTable Pointer to the table with Run-Level codes for // all DCT coefficients but the first // pScanMatrix Pointer to the scanning matrix imposed by the Standard // or user-defined // QP Quantizer scale factor which is read from the bitstream // pQPMatrix Pointer to the weighting matrix imposed by the Standard // or user-defined // pDCPred Pointer to the value to be added to the DC coefficient // shiftDCVal Integer value, DC coefficient must be multiplied by // 2**shiftDCVal // pDstBlock Pointer to the decoded elements // pDstSize Pointer to the position of the last non-zero block // coefficient in scanning sequence // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsH263VLCCodeErr Decoding in accordance with H.263 Standard */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructDCTBlockIntra_MPEG2_32s, ( Ipp32u** ppBitStream, int* pOffset, const IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s* pDCSizeTable, const IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s* pACTable, Ipp32s* pScanMatrix, int QP, Ipp16s* pQPMatrix, Ipp16s* pDCPred, Ipp32s shiftDCVal, Ipp16s* pDstBlock, Ipp32s* pDstSize)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiHuffmanTableFree_32s // // Purpose: // Frees memory allocated for VLC table // // Parameters: // pDecodeTable Pointer to the allocated table // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiHuffmanTableFree_32s, (IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s *pDecodeTable)) /* Inverse Quantization */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInvIntra_MPEG2_16s_C1I // ippiQuantInv_MPEG2_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Performs inverse quantization for intra and non-intra frames // respectively in accordance with the MPEG-2 Standard // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the block of DCT coefficients // QP Quantizer scale factor which is read from the bitstream // pQPMatrix Pointer to the weighting matrix imposed by the Standard // or user-defined // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvIntra_MPEG2_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, int QP, Ipp16s* pQPMatrix)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInv_MPEG2_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, int QP, Ipp16s* pQPMatrix)) /* Inverse Discrete Cosine Transformation */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDCT8x8Inv_AANTransposed_16s_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs inverse DCT on a pre-transposed block // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the block of DCT coefficients // pDst Pointer to the destination array // dstStep Step through the destination array // count Number of the last non-zero coefficient in zig-zag order // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Notes: // This function is used for non-intra macroblocks */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiDCT8x8Inv_AANTransposed_16s_C1R, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp16s* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s count)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDCT8x8Inv_AANTransposed_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs inverse DCT on a pre-transposed block and // converts output to unsigned char format // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the block of DCT coefficients // pDst Pointer to the destination array // dstStep Step through the destination array // count Number of the last non-zero coefficient in zig-zag order // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Notes: // This function is used for non-intra macroblocks */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiDCT8x8Inv_AANTransposed_16s8u_C1R, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s count)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDCT8x8Inv_AANTransposed_16s_P2C2R // // Purpose: // Performs Inverse DCT on pre-transposed data of two input chroma blocks // and joins the output data into one array // // Parameters: // pSrcU Pointer to block of DCT coefficients for U component // pSrcV Pointer to block of DCT coefficients for V component // pDstUV Pointer to the destination array // dstStep Step through the destination array // countU Number of the last non-zero U coefficient in zig-zag order // countV Number of the last non-zero V coefficient in zig-zag order // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Notes: // This function is used for non-intra macroblocks */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiDCT8x8Inv_AANTransposed_16s_P2C2R, ( const Ipp16s* pSrcU, const Ipp16s* pSrcV, Ipp16s* pDstUV, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s countU, Ipp32s countV)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDCT8x8Inv_AANTransposed_16s8u_P2C2R // // Purpose: // Performs inverse DCT on pre-transposed data of two input chroma // blocks and joins the output data into one unsigned char array // // Parameters: // pSrcU Pointer to block of DCT coefficients for U component // pSrcV Pointer to block of DCT coefficients for V component // pDstUV Pointer to the destination array // dstStep Step through the destination array // countU Number of the last non-zero U coefficient in zig-zag order // countV Number of the last non-zero V coefficient in zig-zag order // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Notes: // This function is used for non-intra macroblocks */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDCT8x8Inv_AANTransposed_16s8u_P2C2R, ( const Ipp16s* pSrcU, const Ipp16s* pSrcV, Ipp8u* pDstUV, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s countU, Ipp32s countV)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDCT8x8Fwd_8u16s_C2P2 // // Purpose: // The function performs forward discrete cosines transform at block 8x8 // of chrominance part of NV12 plane and after put results into separate // blocks of 8x8 for U (Cb) and V (Cr) components. // // Parameters: // pSrc - the pointer to the source block ( chrominance part of NV12 plane). // 0 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV // 1 UV UV UV UV ... UV // ... // 7 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV // // pSrc Pointer to block of DCT coefficients for U component // srcStep Step of the current source block, specifying width of the plane // in bytes.negative step works. // pDstU - the pointer to the destination buffer for U coefficients of DCT // pDstV - the pointer to the destination buffer for U coefficients of DCT // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiDCT8x8Fwd_8u16s_C2P2, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp16s* pDstU, Ipp16s* pDstV )) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDCT8x8InvOrSet_16s8u_P2C2 // // Purpose: // The function performs inverse discrete cosines transform at block 8x8 // and after put results into chrominance part of NV12 plane. Or fill // chrominance part of NV12 plane by constant values depends on flag parameter. // Parameters: // pSrcU - the pointer to the source of U(Cb) DCT coefficients // pSrcV - the pointer to the source of U(Cb) DCT coefficients // pDst - the pointer to the destination block ( chrominance part of NV12 plane). // 0 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV // 1 UV UV UV UV UV // ... // 7 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV // // dstStep Step of the current destination block, specifying width of the plane // in bytes.negative step works. // flag - Bits from 2 to 31 are reserved. Take into account only two low bits. // (flag&0x03) == 0x00 - Do iDCT for U and V // (flag&0x03) == 0x01 - Do iDCT for U and SET for V // (flag&0x03) == 0x02 - Do SET for U and iDCT for V // (flag&0x03) == 0x03 - Do SET for U and V // SET means that destination blok fill by (pSrcU[0]/8) value for U // or (pSrcV[0]/8) value for V. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDCT8x8InvOrSet_16s8u_P2C2, ( const Ipp16s* pSrcU, const Ipp16s* pSrcV, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s flag)) /* Motion Compensation */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiMC16x16_8u_C1, ippiMC16x8_8u_C1, ippiMC8x16_8u_C1, // ippiMC8x8_8u_C1, ippiMC8x4_8u_C1, ippiMC4x8_8u_C1, // ippiMC4x4_8u_C1, ippiMC2x4_8u_C1, ippiMC4x2_8u_C1, // ippiMC2x2_8u_C1 // // Purpose: // Performs motion compensation for a predicted block of // the correspondent size // // Parameters: // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference intra block // srcStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned reference frame // pSrcYData Pointer to the data obtained after inverse DCT // srcYDataStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned data after inverse DCT // pDst Pointer to the destination predicted block // dstStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned destination frame // mcType Type of motion compensation, IPPVC_MC_APX // roundControl Type of rounding for half-pixel approximation; // may be 0 or 1 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC16x16_8u_C1,( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC16x8_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC8x16_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC8x8_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC8x4_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC4x8_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC4x4_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC2x4_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC4x2_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC2x2_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiMC16x4_8u_C1 // ippiMC16x8UV_8u_C1 // // Purpose: // Performs motion compensation for a predicted UV block of // the correspondent size // // Parameters: // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned reference frame // pSrcYData Pointer to the data obtained after inverse DCT // srcYDataStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned data after inverse DCT // pDst Pointer to the destination predicted block // dstStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned destination frame // mcType Type of motion compensation, IPPVC_MC_APX // roundControl Type of rounding for half-pixel approximation; // may be 0 or 1 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC16x4_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC16x8UV_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiMC16x16B_8u_C1, ippiMC16x8B_8u_C1, ippiMC8x16B_8u_C1, // ippiMC8x8B_8u_C1, ippiMC8x4B_8u_C1, ippiMC4x8B_8u_C1, // ippiMC4x4B_8u_C1, ippiMC2x4B_8u_C1, ippiMC4x2B_8u_C1, // ippiMC2x2B_8u_C1 // // Purpose: // Performs motion compensation for a bi-predicted block of // the correspondent size // // Parameters: // pSrcRefB Pointer to the forward reference block // srcStepF Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned forward reference frame // mcTypeF Forward motion compensation type, IPPVC_MC_APX // pSrcRefB Pointer to the backward reference block // srcStepB Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned backward reference frame // mcTypeB Backward motion compensation type, IPPVC_MC_APX // pSrcYData Pointer to the data obtained after inverse DCT // srcYDataStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned data after inverse DCT // pDst Pointer to the destination predicted block // dstStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned destination frame // roundControl Type of rounding for half-pixel approximation; // may be 0 or 1 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC16x16B_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC16x8B_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC8x16B_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC8x8B_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC8x4B_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC4x8B_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC4x4B_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC2x4B_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC4x2B_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC2x2B_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiMC16x4B_8u_C1 // ippiMC16x8BUV_8u_C1 // // Purpose: // Performs motion compensation for a bi-predicted UV block of // the correspondent size // // Parameters: // pSrcRefB Pointer to the forward reference block // srcStepF Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned forward reference frame // mcTypeF Forward motion compensation type, IPPVC_MC_APX // pSrcRefB Pointer to the backward reference block // srcStepB Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned backward reference frame // mcTypeB Backward motion compensation type, IPPVC_MC_APX // pSrcYData Pointer to the data obtained after inverse DCT // srcYDataStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned data after inverse DCT // pDst Pointer to the destination predicted block // dstStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of the aligned destination frame // roundControl Type of rounding for half-pixel approximation; // may be 0 or 1 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC16x4B_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC16x8BUV_8u_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcYData, Ipp32s srcYDataStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiMC8x8_16s8u_P2C2R // ippiMC8x4_16s8u_P2C2R // // Purpose: // Performs motion compensation for UV block (as a part of // chrominance part of NV12 plane) of the correspondent size. // // Parameters: // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned reference frame // pSrcU Pointer to the U data obtained after inverse DCT // pSrcV Pointer to the V data obtained after inverse DCT // srcUVStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned data after inverse DCT // pDst Pointer to the destination predicted block // dstStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned destination frame // mcType Type of motion compensation, IPPVC_MC_APX // roundControl Type of rounding for half-pixel approximation; // may be 0 or 1 // // pSrcRef and pDst - the pointer to the chrominance part of NV12 plane. // 0 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV // 1 UV UV UV UV ... UV // ... // 7 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC8x8_16s8u_P2C2R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcRefStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcU, const Ipp16s* pSrcV, Ipp32s srcUVStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC8x4_16s8u_P2C2R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcRefStep, const Ipp16s* pSrcU, const Ipp16s* pSrcV, Ipp32s srcUVStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiMC8x8B_16s8u_P2C2R // ippiMC8x4B_16s8u_P2C2R // // Purpose: // Performs motion compensation for a bi-predicted UV block (as a part of // chrominance part of NV12 plane) of the correspondent size. // // Parameters: // pSrcRefF Pointer to the forward reference block // srcStepF Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned forward reference frame // mcTypeF Forward motion compensation type, IPPVC_MC_APX // pSrcRefB Pointer to the backward reference block // srcStepB Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned backward reference frame // mcTypeB Backward motion compensation type, IPPVC_MC_APX // pSrcU Pointer to the U data obtained after inverse DCT // pSrcV Pointer to the V data obtained after inverse DCT // srcUVStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned data after inverse DCT // pDst Pointer to the destination predicted block // dstStep Step in bytes, specifying the width of // the aligned destination frame // roundControl Type of rounding for half-pixel approximation; // may be 0 or 1 // // pSrcRefF, pSrcRefB and pDst - the pointer to the chrominance part of NV12 plane. // 0 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV // 1 UV UV UV UV ... UV // ... // 7 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC8x8B_16s8u_P2C2R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcRefFStep, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcRefBStep, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcU, const Ipp16s* pSrcV, Ipp32s srcUVStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMC8x4B_16s8u_P2C2R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcRefFStep, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcRefBStep, Ipp32s mcTypeB, const Ipp16s* pSrcU, const Ipp16s* pSrcV, Ipp32s srcUVStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Video Encoding Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* Motion Estimation and Compensation Functions */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiGetDiff16x16_8u16s_C1 // ippiGetDiff16x8_8u16s_C1 // ippiGetDiff8x8_8u16s_C1 // ippiGetDiff8x16_8u16s_C1 // ippiGetDiff8x4_8u16s_C1 // // Purpose: // Evaluates the difference between current predicted and reference blocks // of the specified size in accordance with the type of motion compensation. // // Parameters: // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Step in bytes of the current block // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Step in bytes of the reference block // pDstDiff Pointer to the destination block containing // differences between current and reference blocks // dstDiffStep Step in bytes through the destination block // pDstPredictor Pointer to the block containing predictors // dstPredictorStep Step in bytes through the predictor block // mcType Type of the following motion compensation // roundControl Type of rounding for half-pixel approximation; // may be 0 or 1 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Notes: // These operations are inverse to that performed by correspondent motion // compensation functions */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff16x16_8u16s_C1,( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcRefStep, Ipp16s* pDstDiff, Ipp32s dstDiffStep, Ipp16s* pDstPredictor, Ipp32s dstPredictorStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff16x8_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcRefStep, Ipp16s* pDstDiff, Ipp32s dstDiffStep, Ipp16s* pDstPredictor, Ipp32s dstPredictorStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff8x8_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcRefStep, Ipp16s* pDstDiff, Ipp32s dstDiffStep, Ipp16s* pDstPredictor, Ipp32s dstPredictorStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff8x16_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcRefStep, Ipp16s* pDstDiff, Ipp32s dstDiffStep, Ipp16s* pDstPredictor, Ipp32s dstPredictorStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff8x4_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcRefStep, Ipp16s* pDstDiff, Ipp32s dstDiffStep, Ipp16s* pDstPredictor, Ipp32s dstPredictorStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) /* Motion Estimation and Compensation Functions for NV12 chroma format */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiGetDiff8x8_8u16s_C2P2 // ippiGetDiff8x4_8u16s_C2P2 // // Purpose: // Evaluates the difference between current predicted and reference blocks // of the specified size in accordance with the type of motion compensation. // Chroma is presented in NV12 format // // Parameters: // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Step in bytes of the current block // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Step in bytes of the reference block // pDstDiffU Pointer to the destination block containing // differences between current and reference blocks U-plane // dstDiffStepU Step in bytes through the destination block for U-plane // pDstDiffV Pointer to the destination block containing // differences between current and reference blocks V-plane // dstDiffStepV Step in bytes through the destination block for V-plane // mcType Type of the following motion compensation // roundControl Type of rounding for half-pixel approximation; // may be 0 or 1 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Notes: // These operations are inverse to that performed by correspondent motion // compensation functions */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff8x4_8u16s_C2P2,(const Ipp8u *pSrcCur,Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef,Ipp32s srcRefStep, Ipp16s *pDstDiffU,Ipp32s dstDiffStepU, Ipp16s *pDstDiffV,Ipp32s dstDiffStepV, Ipp32s mcType,Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff8x8_8u16s_C2P2,(const Ipp8u *pSrcCur,Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef,Ipp32s srcRefStep, Ipp16s *pDstDiffU,Ipp32s dstDiffStepU, Ipp16s *pDstDiffV,Ipp32s dstDiffStepV, Ipp32s mcType,Ipp32s roundControl)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiGetDiff4x4_8u16s_C1 // // Purpose: // Evaluates the difference between current predicted and reference blocks // of the specified size in accordance with the type of motion compensation. // // Parameters: // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Step in bytes of the current block // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Step in bytes of the reference block // pDstDiff Pointer to the destination block containing // differences between current and reference blocks // dstDiffStep Step in bytes through the destination block // pDstPredictor Reserved parameter (must be 0). // dstPredictorStep Reserved parameter (must be 0). // mcType Reserved parameter (must be 0). // roundControl Reserved parameter (must be 0). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Notes: // These operations are inverse to that performed by correspondent motion // compensation functions */ IPPAPI( IppStatus, ippiGetDiff4x4_8u16s_C1,( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcRefStep, Ipp16s* pDstDiff, Ipp32s dstDiffStep, Ipp16s* pDstPredictor, Ipp32s dstPredictorStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s roundControl)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiGetDiff16x16B_8u16s_C1 // // Purpose: // Evaluates difference between current bi-predicted and mean of two // reference blocks of the specified size in accordance with the type of // motion compensation. // // Parameters: // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Step in bytes through the current block (stride1) // pSrcRefF Pointer to the forward reference block // srcRefStepF Step in bytes through the forward reference block // (stride1) // mcTypeF Forward motion compensation type // pSrcRefB Pointer to the backward reference block // srcRefStepB Step in bytes through the backward reference block // (stride1) // mcTypeB Backward motion compensation type // pDstDiff Pointer to the destination block containing the // differences between current and reference blocks // dstDiffStep Step in bytes through the destination block // roundControl Type of rounding for half-pixel approximation; // may be 0 or 1 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Notes: // These operations are inverse to that performed by correspondent motion // compensation functions */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff16x16B_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcRefStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcRefStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, Ipp16s* pDstDiff, Ipp32s dstDiffStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff16x8B_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcRefStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcRefStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, Ipp16s* pDstDiff, Ipp32s dstDiffStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff8x8B_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcRefStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcRefStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, Ipp16s* pDstDiff, Ipp32s dstDiffStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff8x16B_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcRefStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcRefStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, Ipp16s* pDstDiff, Ipp32s dstDiffStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff8x4B_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefF, Ipp32s srcRefStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pSrcRefB, Ipp32s srcRefStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, Ipp16s* pDstDiff, Ipp32s dstDiffStep, Ipp32s roundControl)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiGetDiff8x8B_8u16s_C2P2 // ippiGetDiff8x4B_8u16s_C2P2 // // Purpose: // Evaluates difference between current bi-predicted and mean of two // reference blocks of the specified size in accordance with the type of // motion compensation. // Chroma is presented in NV12 format // // Parameters: // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Step in bytes through the current block (stride1) // pSrcRefF Pointer to the forward reference block // srcRefStepF Step in bytes through the forward reference block // (stride1) // mcTypeF Forward motion compensation type // pSrcRefB Pointer to the backward reference block // srcRefStepB Step in bytes through the backward reference block // (stride1) // mcTypeB Backward motion compensation type // pDstDiffU Pointer to the destination block containing the // differences between current and reference blocks U plane // dstDiffStepU Step in bytes through the destination block for U plane // pDstDiffV Pointer to the destination block containing the // differences between current and reference blocks V plane // dstDiffStepV Step in bytes through the destination block for V plane // roundControl Type of rounding for half-pixel approximation; // may be 0 or 1 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Notes: // These operations are inverse to that performed by correspondent motion // compensation functions */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff8x4B_8u16s_C2P2, (const Ipp8u *pSrcCur,Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRefF,Ipp32s srcRefStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u *pSrcRefB,Ipp32s srcRefStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, Ipp16s *pDstDiffU, Ipp32s dstDiffStepU, Ipp16s *pDstDiffV, Ipp32s dstDiffStepV, Ipp32s roundControl)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGetDiff8x8B_8u16s_C2P2, (const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRefF,Ipp32s srcRefStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u *pSrcRefB,Ipp32s srcRefStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, Ipp16s *pDstDiffU, Ipp32s dstDiffStepU, Ipp16s *pDstDiffV, Ipp32s dstDiffStepV, Ipp32s roundControl)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSAD16x16_8u32s // // Purpose: // Evaluates the sum of absolute difference (SAD) between all elements of // the current block and the corresponding elements of the reference block. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsStepErr srcCurStep or srcRefStep is less than or equal to 0 // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the current block // srcStep Step in bytes through the current block // pRef Pointer to the reference block // refStep Step in bytes through the reference block // mcType Type of motion compensation // pSAD Pointer to the result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD16x16_8u32s, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u* pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp32s* pSAD, Ipp32s mcType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSAD4x4_8u32s // // Purpose: // Evaluates the sum of absolute difference (SAD) between all elements of // the current block and the corresponding elements of the reference block. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsStepErr srcCurStep or srcRefStep is less than or equal to 0 // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the current block // srcStep Step in bytes through the current block // pRef Pointer to the reference block // refStep Step in bytes through the reference block // mcType reserved and must be 0. // pSAD Pointer to the result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD4x4_8u32s,(const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u* pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp32s* pSAD, Ipp32s mcType )) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // SAD16x16Blocks8x8_8u16u // // Purpose: // Evaluates four partial sums of absolute differences // between current and reference 16X16 blocks. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to 16x16 block in the source plane. // srcStep Pitch of the source plane (in bytes). // pRef Pointer to 16x16 block in the reference plane. // refStep Pitch of the reference plane (in bytes). // pSAD Pointer to array of size 4 to store SAD values. // mcType reserved and must be 0. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD16x16Blocks8x8_8u16u,(const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u* pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp16u* pDstSAD, Ipp32s mcType )) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // SAD16x16Blocks4x4_8u16u // // Purpose: // Evaluates 16 partial sums of absolute differences // between current and reference 16X16 blocks. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to 16x16 block in the source plane. // srcStep Pitch of the source plane (in bytes). // pRef Pointer to 16x16 block in the reference plane. // refStep Pitch of the reference plane (in bytes). // pSAD Pointer to array of size 16 to store SAD values. // mcType reserved and must be 0. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD16x16Blocks4x4_8u16u, (const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u* pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp16u* pDstSAD, Ipp32s mcType)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSATD16x16_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: Evaluates sum of absolute transformed differences between current and reference 16x16 blocks // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSATD16x16_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSATD16x8_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: Evaluates sum of absolute transformed differences between current and reference 16x8 blocks // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSATD16x8_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSATD8x16_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: Evaluates sum of absolute transformed differences between current and reference 8x16 blocks // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSATD8x16_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSATD8x8_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: Evaluates sum of absolute transformed differences between current and reference 8x8 blocks // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSATD8x8_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSATD8x4_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: Evaluates sum of absolute transformed differences between current and reference 8x4 blocks // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSATD8x4_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSATD4x8_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: Evaluates sum of absolute transformed differences between current and reference 4x8 blocks // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSATD4x8_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSATD4x4_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: Evaluates sum of absolute transformed differences between current and reference 4x4 blocks // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSATD4x4_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSAT8x8D_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: Evaluates sum of absolute transformed differences between current and reference 8x8 blocks // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current 8x8 block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference 8x8 block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAT8x8D_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s* pDst)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSAT8x8D_16u32s_C1R // Purpose: Evaluates sum of absolute transformed differences between current and reference 8x8 blocks // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current 8x8 block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference 8x8 block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAT8x8D_16u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp16u* pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp16u* pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s* pDst)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSqrDiff16x16_8u32s // // Purpose: // Evaluates the sum of square differences between all the elements of // the current block and correspondent elements of the reference block. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the current block // srcStep Step in bytes through the current block // pRef Pointer to the reference block // refStep Step in bytes through the reference block // mcType Type of motion compensation // pSqrDiff Pointer to the result // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsStepErr srcCurStep or srcRefStep is less than or equal to 0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSqrDiff16x16_8u32s, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u* pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp32s mcType, Ipp32s* pSqrDiff)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSqrDiff16x16B_8u32s // // Purpose: // Evaluates the sum of square differences between all the elements of // the current block and the mean of correspondent elements of // two reference blocks. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the current block // srcStep Step in bytes through the current block // pRefF Pointer to the forward reference block // refStepF Step in bytes through the forward reference block // pRefB Pointer to the backward reference block // refStepB Step in bytes through the backward reference block // mcTypeF Forward motion compensation type // mcTypeB Backward motion compensation type // pSqrDiff Pointer to the result // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsStepErr one of step values is less than or equal to 0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSqrDiff16x16B_8u32s, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u* pRefF, Ipp32s refStepF, Ipp32s mcTypeF, const Ipp8u* pRefB, Ipp32s refStepB, Ipp32s mcTypeB, Ipp32s* pSqrDiff)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiVariance16x16_8u32s // // Purpose: // Evaluates the variance of the current block // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the current block // srcStep Step through the current block // pVar Pointer to the variance // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrc is NULL // ippStsStepErr srcStep is less than or equal to 0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiVariance16x16_8u32s, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp32s* pVar)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiVarSum8x8_8u32s // // Purpose: // Evaluates the variance and sum of 8x8 block of unsigned char values // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source block // srcStep Step through the source block (stride1) // pVar Pointer to the variance // pSum Pointer to the sum value // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrc is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiVarSum8x8_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp32s* pVar, Ipp32s* pSum)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiVarSum8x8_16s32s // // Purpose: // Evaluates the variance and sum of 8x8 block of short integer values // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source block // srcStep Step through the source block (stride1) // pVar Pointer to the variance // pSum Pointer to the sum value // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrc is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiVarSum8x8_16s32s_C1R, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp32s* pVar, Ipp32s* pSum)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiVarMean8x8_8u32s // // Purpose: // Evaluates the Variance and mean of 8x8 block of unsigned char values // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source block // srcStep Step through the source block (stride1) // pVar Pointer to the variance // pMean Pointer to the mean value // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrc is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiVarMean8x8_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp32s* pVar, Ipp32s* pMean)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiVarMean8x8_16s32s // // Purpose: // Evaluates the variance and mean of 8x8 block of short integer values // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source block // srcStep Step through the source block (stride1) // pVar Pointer to the variance // pMean Pointer to the mean value // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrc is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiVarMean8x8_16s32s_C1R, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp32s* pVar, Ipp32s* pMean)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiEdgesDetect16x16_8u_C1R // ippiEdgesDetect16x16_16u_C1R // // Purpose: // This function detects edges inside 16x16 block: // finds pair of neighboring (horizontal and vertical) elements with // difference is greater than EdgePelDifference. // In the case of number of pairs is greater than EdgePelCount, // edges are detected and flag (* pRes) is set to 1. // Otherwise, edges aren't detected ((* pRes) is set to 0) // // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to 16x16 block in current plan // srcStep Step of the current plan, specifying width of the plane in bytes. // EdgePelDifference The value for estimation of difference between neighboring elements. // EdgePelCount The value for estimation of number of pairs with "big difference" // pRes Pointers to output value. (*pRes) is equal 1 in // the case of edges are detected and it is equal // 0 in the case of edges aren't detected. I // // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr one of the input pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEdgesDetect16x16_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrc, Ipp32u srcStep, Ipp8u EdgePelDifference, Ipp8u EdgePelCount, Ipp8u *pRes )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEdgesDetect16x16_16u_C1R, ( const Ipp16u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp32s EdgePelDifference, Ipp32s EdgePelCount, Ipp32s* pRes)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiVarMeanDiff16x16_8u32s_C1R // // Purpose: // Evaluates the variances and means of four 8x8 blocks containing // differences between two 16x16 blocks // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the current block 16x16 // srcStep Step in bytes through the current block // pRef Pointer to the reference block 16x16 // refStep Step in bytes through the reference block // pSrcSum Pointer to the sum of pixel values for the current block // pVar Pointer to four element array that contains the variances // pMean Pointer to four element array that contains the Mean values // mcType Type of motion compensation // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr one of the input pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiVarMeanDiff16x16_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u* pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp32s* pSrcSum, Ipp32s* pVar, Ipp32s* pMean, Ipp32s mcType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiVarMeanDiff16x8_8u32s_C1R // // Purpose: // Evaluates the variances and means of four 8x8 blocks containing // differences between two 16x8 blocks // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the current block 16x16 // srcStep Step in bytes through the current block // pRef Pointer to the reference block 16x16 // refStep Step in bytes through the reference block // pSrcSum Pointer to the sum of pixel values for the current block // pVar Pointer to four element array that contains the variances // pMean Pointer to four element array that contains the Mean values // mcType Type of motion compensation // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr one of the input pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiVarMeanDiff16x8_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u* pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp32s* pSrcSum, Ipp32s* pVar, Ipp32s* pMean, Ipp32s mcType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSumsDiff16x16Blocks4x4_8u16s_C1, ippiSumsDiff16x16Blocks4x4_8u16s_C1 // // Purpose: // These functions evaluates difference between current and reference 4x4 blocks // and calculates sums of 4x4 residual blocks elements // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer block in current plane // srcStep Step of the current plane, specifying width of the plane in bytes. // pPred Pointer to reference block // predStep Step of the reference plane, specifying width of the plane in bytes. // pDiff If it isn't zero, pointer to array that contains a sequence of 4x4 // residual blocks. The array's filled by function if pDiff isn't null. // pSums Pointer to array that contains sums of 4x4 difference blocks coefficients. // The array's filled by function. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr one of the input pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSumsDiff16x16Blocks4x4_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u* pPred, Ipp32s predStep, Ipp16s* pSums, Ipp16s* pDiff )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSumsDiff8x8Blocks4x4_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u* pPred, Ipp32s predStep, Ipp16s* pSums, Ipp16s* pDiff )) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSumsDiff8x8Blocks4x4_8u16s_C2P2 // // Purpose: // These functions evaluates difference between current and reference 4x4 blocks and // calculates sums of 4x4 residual blocks elements. Clone of ippiSumsDiff8x8Blocks4x4_8u16s_C1, // but source image is chominance part of NV12 plane. // NV12 Plane // YY YY YY YY // YY YY YY YY // UV UV UV UV - chominance part of NV12 plane. // Parameters: // pSrcUV the pointer to the source block ( chrominance part of NV12 plane). // 0...UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV // 1...UV UV UV UV ... // ... // 7...UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV // srcStep - Step of the current source block, specifying width of the plane in bytes.negative step works // pPredU - Pointer to reference U block // pPredPitchU - Step of the reference U plane, specifying width of the plane in bytes. // pPredV - Pointer to reference V block // pPredPitchV - Step of the reference V plane, specifying width of the plane in bytes. // pDiffU - If it isn't zero, pointer to array that contains a sequence of 4x4 residual blocks. The array's filled by function if pDifUf isn't null. // pDCU - Pointer to array that contains sums of 4x4 difference blocks coefficients. The array's filled by function. // pDiffV - If it isn't zero, pointer to array that contains a sequence of 4x4 residual blocks. The array's filled by function if pDifUf isn't null. // pDCV - Pointer to array that contains sums of 4x4 difference blocks coefficients. The array's filled by function. // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr one of the input pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSumsDiff8x8Blocks4x4_8u16s_C2P2, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcUV, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u* pPredU, Ipp32s predStepU, const Ipp8u* pPredV, Ipp32s predStepV, Ipp16s* pSumsU, Ipp16s* pDiffU, Ipp16s* pSumsV, Ipp16s* pDiffV )) /* Quantization Functions */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantIntra_MPEG2_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Performs quantization on DCT coefficients for intra block in-place with // specified quantization matrix according to the MPEG-2 standard. // Returns the number of last non-zero coefficient for // future considerations. If pointer to inverse quantization matrix is NULL, // the default matrix is used // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the block of DCT coefficients // QP Quantizer // pQPMatrix Pointer to the matrix of inverted quantization // coefficients (floating point) // pCount Pointer to the position of the last non-zero coefficient // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsDivByZeroErr QP is equal to 0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantIntra_MPEG2_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s QP, const Ipp32f* pQPMatrix, Ipp32s* pCount)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuant_MPEG2_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Performs quantization on DCT coefficients for non-intra block // in-place with specified quantization matrix according to the // MPEG-2 standard. Returns the number of last non-zero coefficient for // future considerations. If pointer to inverse quantization matrix is NULL, // the default matrix is used // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the block of DCT coefficients // QP Quantizer // pQPMatrix Pointer to the matrix of inverted quantization // coefficients (floating point) // pCount Pointer to the position of the last non-zero coefficient // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsDivByZeroErr QP is equal to 0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuant_MPEG2_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s QP, const Ipp32f* pQPMatrix, Ipp32s* pCount)) /* Huffman Encoding Functions */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiCreateRLEncodeTable // // Purpose: // Creates Run-Level Encode Table // // Parameters: // pSrcTable Pointer to the source table // ppDstSpec Double pointer to the destination table // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiCreateRLEncodeTable, ( const Ipp32s* pSrcTable, IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s** ppDstSpec)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiPutIntraBlock // // Purpose: // Encodes, rearranges and puts intra block into bitstream // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Double pointer to the current position in the bitstream. // pOffset Pointer to offset between the bit pointed by pBitStream and // the start of the code // pSrcBlock Pointer to the block // pDCPred Pointer to the value to be added to the DC coefficient // pDCTable Pointer to the table with codes for DC coefficient, // that is the first of the DCT coefficients // pACTable Pointer to the table with Run-Level codes for // AC coefficients, that is all DCT coefficients but the first // pScanMatrix Pointer to the scanning matrix // EOBLen Length of the block end code // EOBCode Value of the block end code // count Number of the last non-zero coefficient // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiPutIntraBlock, ( Ipp32u** ppBitStream, int* pOffset, Ipp16s* pSrcBlock, Ipp32s* pDCPred, IppVCHuffmanSpec_32u* pDCTable, IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s* pACTable, Ipp32s* pScanMatrix, Ipp32s EOBLen, Ipp32s EOBCode, Ipp32s count)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiPutNonIntraBlock // Purpose: // Encodes, rearranges and puts non-intra block into bitstream // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Double pointer to the current position in the bitstream. // pOffset Pointer to offset between the bit pointed by pBitStream and // the start of the code // pSrcBlock Pointer to the block // pACTable Pointer to the table with Run-Level codes for // AC coefficients, that is all DCT coefficients but the first // pScanMatrix Pointer to the scanning matrix // EOBLen Length of the block end code // EOBCode Value of the block end code // count Number of the last non-zero coefficient // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiPutNonIntraBlock, ( Ipp32u** pBitStream, int* pOffset, Ipp16s* pSrcBlock, IppVCHuffmanSpec_32s* pACTable, Ipp32s* pScanMatrix, Ipp32s EOBLen, Ipp32s EOBCode, Ipp32s count)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Video Data Decoding Functions for DV //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInitAllocHuffmanTable_DV_32u // // Purpose: // Allocates memory and initializes the table with Run-Level codes for // DCT coefficients // // Parameters: // pSrcTable1 Pointer to the source table 1 // pSrcTable2 Pointer to the source table 2 // ppHuffTable Double pointer to the destination decoding table // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsMemAllocErr No memory is allocated. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInitAllocHuffmanTable_DV_32u, ( Ipp32s* pSrcTable1, Ipp32s* pSrcTable2, Ipp32u** ppHuffTable)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFreeHuffmanTable_DV_32u // // Purpose: // Frees the memory allocated for the VLC table // // Parameters: // pHuffTable Pointer to the decoding table // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pHuffTable is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFreeHuffmanTable_DV_32u, (Ipp32u* pHuffTable)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiHuffmanDecodeSegment_DV_8u16s // // Purpose: // Decodes DV video segment, rearranges block // elements, multiplies first element by 128. // // Parameters: // pStream Pointer to the bitstream // pZigzagTables Pointer to the array of two scanning matrices // pHuffTable Pointer to the decoding Huffman Table // pBlock Pointer to decoded elements // pBlockParam Pointer to the output parameters array [30] // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiHuffmanDecodeSegment_DV_8u16s, ( const Ipp8u* pStream, const Ipp32u* pZigzagTables, const Ipp32u* pHuffTable, Ipp16s* pBlock, Ipp32u* pBlockParam)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiHuffmanDecodeSegmentOnePass_DV_8u16s // // Purpose: // Performs first pass of video segment decoding process. Rearranges block // elements, multiplies first element by 128. // // Parameters: // pStream Pointer to the bitstream // pZigzagTables Pointer to the array of two scanning matrices // pHuffTable Pointer to the decoding Huffman Table // pBlock Pointer to decoded elements // pBlockParam Pointer to the output parameters array [30] // nNumCoeffs Max number of coefficients to extract // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiHuffmanDecodeSegmentOnePass_DV_8u16s, ( const Ipp8u* pStream, const Ipp32u* pZigzagTables, const Ipp32u* pHuffTable, Ipp16s* pBlock, Ipp32u* pBlockParam, Ipp32s nNumCoeffs)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiHuffmanDecodeSegment_DV100_8u16s // // Purpose: // Decodes DV100 video segment, rearranges block // elements, multiplies first element by 128. // // Parameters: // pStream Pointer to the bitstream // pZigzagTable Pointer to the scanning matrix // pHuffTable Pointer to the decoding Huffman Table // pBlock Pointer to decoded elements // pBlockParam Pointer to the output parameters array [40] // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiHuffmanDecodeSegment_DV100_8u16s, ( const Ipp8u* pStream, const Ipp32u* pZigzagTable, const Ipp32u* pHuffTable, Ipp16s* pBlock, Ipp32u* pBlockParam)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInv_DV_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Performs inverse quantization on a block // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the block // pDequantTable Pointer to the dequantization table // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInv_DV_16s_C1I, (Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp16s* pDequantTable)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDCT2x4x8Inv_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Performs the inverse DCT for block of type 2 // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the block // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDCT2x4x8Inv_16s_C1I, (Ipp16s* pSrcDst)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Video Data Encoding Functions for DV //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDCT2x4x8Frw_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Performs DCT for a block of type 2 // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to block // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDCT2x4x8Frw_16s_C1I, (Ipp16s* pSrcDst)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiCountZeros8x8_16s_C1 // // Purpose: // Evaluates number of zeros in a block // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to 8x8 block // pCount Pointer the evaluated number of zeros // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiCountZeros8x8_16s_C1, (Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp32u* pCount)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Common Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFrameFieldSAD16x16_8u32s_C1R // ippiFrameFieldSAD16x16_16s32s_C1R // Purpose: compute SAD between Frame and Field lines // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrc Pointer to the 16x16 block // srcStep Width of the source plane // pFrameSAD Pointer to result of Frame SAD // pFieldSAD Pointer to result of Field SAD */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFrameFieldSAD16x16_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32s* pFrameSAD, Ipp32s* pFieldSAD)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFrameFieldSAD16x16_16s32s_C1R, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32s* pFrameSAD, Ipp32s* pFieldSAD)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSAD16x8_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: Computes SAD of two blocks 16x8 // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // mcType Interpolate type // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD16x8_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst, Ipp32s mcType)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSAD8x16_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: Computes SAD of two blocks 8x16 // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // mcType Reserved and must be 0. // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD8x16_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst, Ipp32s mcType)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSAD8x4_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: Computes SAD of two blocks 8x4 // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // mcType Reserved and must be 0. // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD8x4_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst, Ipp32s mcType)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSAD4x8_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: Computes SAD of two blocks 4x8 // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // mcType Reserved and must be 0. // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD4x8_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst, Ipp32s mcType)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSSD8x8_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: compute SSD of two blocks 8x8 // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // mcType Interpolate type // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSSD8x8_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst, Ipp32s mcType)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiSSD4x4_8u32s_C1R // Purpose: compute SSD of two blocks 4x4 // Returns: // // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL // Arguments: // // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width of the current plane // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width of the reference plane // mcType Interpolate type // pDst Pointer to result */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSSD4x4_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u *pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s *pDst, Ipp32s mcType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiScanFwd_16s_C1 // // Purpose: // Performs classical zigzag, alternate-horizontal, or alternate-vertical // forward scan on a block. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to input block (coefficients in the normal order). // pDst Pointer to output block (coefficients in the scan order). // countNonZero Number of non-zero coefficients in the block. Valid within // the range 1 to 64. // scan Type of the scan, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_HORIZONTAL - alternate-horizontal scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_VERTICAL - alternate-vertical scan // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsOutOfRangeErr Indicates an error condition if countNonZero is out // of the range [1, 64]. // Notes: */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiScanFwd_16s_C1, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp16s* pDst, int countNonZero, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiScanInv_16s_C1 // // Purpose: // Performs classical zigzag, alternate-horizontal, or alternate-vertical // inverse scan on a block stored in a compact buffer. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to input block (coefficients in the scan order). // pDst Pointer to output block (coefficients in the normal order). // indxLastNonZero Index of the last non-zero coefficient. Valid within the // range 0 to 63. // scan Type of the scan, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_HORIZONTAL - alternate-horizontal scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_VERTICAL - alternate-vertical scan // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsOutOfRangeErr Indicates an error condition if indxLastNonZero is // out of the range [0, 63]. // Notes: */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiScanInv_16s_C1, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp16s* pDst, int indxLastNonZero, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSAD8x8_8u32s_C1R // // Purpose: // Computes SAD. // // Parameters: // pSrcCur Pointer to the current block // srcCurStep Width in bytes of the current plane. // pSrcRef Pointer to the reference block // srcRefStep Width in bytes of the reference plane. // mcType Type of motion compensation // pDst Pointer to the output value // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD8x8_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s* pDst, Ipp32s mcType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSAD8x8_8u32s_C2R // // Purpose: // Computes SAD for chrominance part of NV12 plane. // // Parameters: // pSrcCur - the pointer to the current 8x8 block // srcCurStep - Step of the current block, specifying width of the plane in bytes.. // pSrcRef - the pointer to the reference 8x8 block. // srcRefStep - Step of the reference block, specifying width of the plane in bytes. // pDstU - pointer to return value - calculated SAD for U(Cb). // pDstV - pointer to return value - calculated SAD for V(Cr). // mcType - type of motion compensation - IPPVC_MC_APX. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD8x8_8u32s_C2R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, int srcCurStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcRef, int srcRefStep, Ipp32s* pDstU, Ipp32s* pDstV, Ipp32s mcType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiMeanAbsDev16x16_8u32s_C1R // ippiMeanAbsDev8x8_8u32s_C1R // // Purpose: // Computes mean absolute dev = sum(|Bij-M|). // // Parameters: // pSrcCur Pointer to the block 16x16 or 8x8. // srcStep Width in bytes of the source plane. // pDst Pointer to the deviation value. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMeanAbsDev16x16_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32s* pDst)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiMeanAbsDev8x8_8u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp32s* pDst)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSub8x8_16s8u_C1R // ippiSub16x16_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Subtract two blocks and store the result in the third block // // Parameters: // pSrc1 Pointer to the first source block. // src1Step Step in bytes through the first source plane // pSrc2 Pointer to the second source block. // src2Step Step in bytes through the second source plane // pSrcDst Pointer to the destination block. // srcDstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSub8x8_8u16s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc1, int src1Step, const Ipp8u* pSrc2, int src2Step, Ipp16s* pDst, int dstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSub16x16_8u16s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc1, int src1Step, const Ipp8u* pSrc2, int src2Step, Ipp16s* pDst, int dstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSubSAD8x8_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Subtract two blocks and store the result in the third block and // computes a SAD // // Parameters: // pSrc1 Pointer to the first source block. // src1Step Step in bytes through the first source plane // pSrc2 Pointer to the second source block. // src2Step Step in bytes through the second source plane // pDst Pointer to the destination block. // dstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane // pSAD Pointer to the result of SAD // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSubSAD8x8_8u16s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc1, int src1Step, const Ipp8u* pSrc2, int src2Step, Ipp16s* pDst, int dstStep, Ipp32s* pSAD)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiCopy8x8_8u_C1R // ippiCopy16x16_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Copy fixed sizes blocks // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source block. // srcStep Step in bytes through the source plane. // pDst Pointer to the destination block. // dstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiCopy8x8_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiCopy16x16_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiAverage8x8_8u_C1IR // ippiAverage16x16_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs averaging of two blocks with rounding. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the first source block. // srcStep Step in bytes through the first source plane. // pSrcDst Pointer to the second source/destination block. // srcDstStep Step in bytes through the second plane. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiAverage8x8_8u_C1IR, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiAverage16x16_8u_C1IR, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiAverage8x8_8u_C1R // ippiAverage16x16_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs averaging of two blocks with rounding. // // Parameters: // pSrc1 Pointer to the first source block. // src1Step Step in bytes through the first source plane. // pSrc2 Pointer to the second source block. // src2Step Step in bytes through the second source plane. // pDst Pointer to the destination block. // dstStep Step in bytes through the second plane. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiAverage8x8_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc1, int src1Step, const Ipp8u* pSrc2, int src2Step, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiAverage16x16_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc1, int src1Step, const Ipp8u* pSrc2, int src2Step, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiCopy8x4HP_8u_C1R // ippiCopy8x8HP_8u_C1R // ippiCopy16x8HP_8u_C1R // ippiCopy16x16HP_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Copy fixed sizes blocks with half-pixel accuracy // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source block. // srcStep Step in bytes through the source plane. // pDst Pointer to the destination block. // dstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane. // acc Parameter that determines half-pixel accuracy. // rounding Parameter that determines type of rounding for pixel // interpolation; may be 0 or 1 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiCopy8x4HP_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int acc, int rounding)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiCopy8x8HP_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int acc, int rounding)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiCopy16x8HP_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int acc, int rounding)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiCopy16x16HP_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int acc, int rounding)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateAverage8x4_8u_C1IR // ippiInterpolateAverage8x8_8u_C1IR // ippiInterpolateAverage16x8_8u_C1IR // ippiInterpolateAverage16x16_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Interpolate source block according to half-pixel offset and // average the result with destination block // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source block. // srcStep Step in bytes through the source plane. // pSrcDst Pointer to the destination block. // srcDstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane. // acc Parameter that determines half-pixel accuracy. // rounding Parameter that determines type of rounding for pixel // interpolation; may be 0 or 1 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateAverage8x4_8u_C1IR, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, int acc, int rounding)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateAverage8x8_8u_C1IR, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int acc, int rounding)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateAverage16x8_8u_C1IR, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int acc, int rounding)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateAverage16x16_8u_C1IR, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int acc, int rounding)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiAdd8x8_16s8u_C1IRS // // Purpose: // Add two blocks with saturation // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source block. // srcStep Step in bytes through the source plane // pSrcDst Pointer to the second source/destination block. // srcDstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiAdd8x8_16s8u_C1IRS, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiAdd8x8HP_16s8u_C1RS // // Purpose: // Add interpolated with half-pixel accuracy prediction to difference with // saturation // // Parameters: // pSrc1 Pointer to the 16s source block. // src1Step Step in bytes through the first source plane // pSrc2 Pointer to the 8u source block. // src2Step Step in bytes through the second source plane // pDst Pointer to the destination block. // dstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiAdd8x8HP_16s8u_C1RS, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc1, int src1Step, Ipp8u* pSrc2, int src2Step, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int acc, int rounding)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiAddC8x8_16s8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Adds a constant to 8x8 block with saturation // // Parameters: // value The constant value to add to block. // pSrcDst Pointer to the source/destination block. // srcDstStep Step in bytes through the destination block. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiAddC8x8_16s8u_C1IR, ( Ipp16s value, Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // H.261 Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilter8x8_H261_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs "loop" filtering on one block as specified in // "ITU-T Recommendation H.261", subclause 3.2.3. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the origin of the source block. // srcStep Width in bytes of the source image plane. // pDst Pointer to the origin of the destination block. // dstStep Width in bytes of the destination image plane. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilter8x8_H261_8u_C1R, ( Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeCoeffsIntra_H261_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs decoding and, optionally, inverse scan of quantized DCT // coefficients (DC and AC) for one Intra coded block. DC fixed length and // AC VLC decoding processes are specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, // subclause". // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream // buffer, updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream. Valid within the range [0, 7], // updated by the function. // pCoef Pointer to the output coefficients. // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of the last non-zero coefficient in // the scanning order. If an error is detected while // decoding a coefficient, the index of the last decoded // coefficient is returned in *pIndxLastNonZero. // *pIndxLastNonZero is set to -1 if there are no correctly // decoded coefficients in the block. // scan Type of the inverse scan, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_NONE, indicating that no inverse scan is // performed. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCErr Illegal VL code is detected through the stream // processing. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCoeffsIntra_H261_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoef, int* pIndxLastNonZero, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeCoeffsInter_H261_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs decoding and, optionally, inverse scan of quantized DCT // coefficients for one Inter coded block. Inter DCT VLC decoding process // is specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.261, subclause". // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream // buffer, updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream. Valid within the range [0, 7], // updated by the function. // pCoef Pointer to the output coefficients. // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of the last non-zero coefficient in // the scanning order. If an error is detected while // decoding a coefficient, the index of the last decoded // coefficient is returned in *pIndxLastNonZero. // *pIndxLastNonZero is set to -1 if there are no correctly // decoded coefficients in the block. // scan Type of the inverse scan, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_NONE, indicating that no inverse scan is // performed. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCErr Illegal VL code is detected through the stream // processing. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCoeffsInter_H261_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoef, int* pIndxLastNonZero, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructCoeffsIntra_H261_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs decoding, dequantization and inverse scan of // DCT coefficients for one intra coded block. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream buffer, // updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by *ppBitStream. // Valid within the range [0, 7], updated by the function. // pCoef Pointer to the output coefficients. // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of the last non-zero coefficient in the scanning order. // If an error is detected while decoding a coefficient, the index of the // last decoded coefficient is returned in *pIndxLastNonZero. *pIndxLastNonZero // is set to -1 if there are no correctly decoded coefficients in the block. // QP Quantization parameter. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsQPErr QP is out of the range [1, 31]. // ippStsVLCErr Illegal VL code is detected through the stream // processing. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructCoeffsIntra_H261_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoef, int* pIndxLastNonZero, int QP)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructCoeffsInter_H261_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs decoding, dequantization and inverse scan of // DCT coefficients for one inter coded block. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream buffer, // updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by *ppBitStream. // Valid within the range [0, 7], updated by the function. // pCoef Pointer to the output coefficients. // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of the last non-zero coefficient in the scanning order. // If an error is detected while decoding a coefficient, the index of the // last decoded coefficient is returned in *pIndxLastNonZero. *pIndxLastNonZero // is set to -1 if there are no correctly decoded coefficients in the block. // QP Quantization parameter. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsQPErr QP is out of the range [1, 31]. // ippStsVLCErr Illegal VL code is detected through the stream // processing. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructCoeffsInter_H261_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoef, int* pIndxLastNonZero, int QP)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiEncodeCoeffsIntra_H261_16s1u // // Purpose: // Performs encoding of quantized DCT coefficients (DC and AC) in a scan // order for one Intra coded block, and puts the codes into the bitstream. // DC fixed length and AC VLC encoding processes are specified in "ITU-T // Recommendation H.261, subclause". // // Parameters: // pQCoef Pointer to the array of quantized DCT coefficients. // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream // buffer, updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream. Valid within the range [0, 7], // updated by the function. // countNonZero Number of non-zero coefficients in the block. // Valid within the range [1, 64]. // scan Type of the scan to be performed on the coefficients before // encoding, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_NONE, indicating that no scan is to be // performed (the input coefficients are already in the scan // order). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsOutOfRangeErr countNonZero is out of the range [1, 64]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeCoeffsIntra_H261_16s1u, ( Ipp16s* pQCoef, Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, int countNonZero, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiEncodeCoeffsInter_H261_16s1u // // Purpose: // Performs encoding of quantized DCT coefficients in a scan order for one // Inter coded block, and puts the codes into the bitstream. The encoding // process is specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.261, subclause". // // Parameters: // pQCoef Pointer to the array of quantized DCT coefficients. // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream // buffer, updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream. Valid within the range [0, 7], // updated by the function. // countNonZero Number of non-zero coefficients in the block. // Valid within the range [1, 64]. // scan Type of the scan to be performed on the coefficients before // encoding, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_NONE, indicating that no scan is to be // performed (the input coefficients are already in the scan // order). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsOutOfRangeErr countNonZero is out of the range [1, 64]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeCoeffsInter_H261_16s1u, ( Ipp16s* pQCoef, Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, int countNonZero, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // H.263 Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeDCIntra_H263_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs fixed length decoding of the DC coefficient for one Intra coded // block, as specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, subclause 5.4.1." // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream // buffer, updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream. Valid within the range [0, 7], // updated by the function. // pDC Pointer to the output coefficient. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCErr Illegal code is detected through the stream // processing. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeDCIntra_H263_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pDC)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeCoeffsIntra_H263_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs decoding and, optionally, inverse scan of quantized DCT // coefficients for one Intra coded block. Intra AC VLC decoding process // is specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, subclause 5.4.2", and is // modified as specified in the Recommendation, Annex T, clause T.4, when // Modified Quantization mode is in use. When in Advanced Intra Coding // mode, VLC Table I.2 from Annex I of the Recommendation is used for all // Intra DC and Intra AC coefficients, otherwise Table 16 from the // Recommendation is used to decode AC coefficients (starting from // pCoef[1]) only. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream // buffer, updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream. Valid within the range [0, 7], // updated by the function. // pCoef Pointer to the output coefficients. // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of the last non-zero coefficient in // the scanning order. If an error is detected while // decoding a coefficient, the index of the last decoded // coefficient is returned in *pIndxLastNonZero. // If there are no correctly decoded coefficients in the // block, *pIndxLastNonZero is set to -1 when in Advanced // Intra Coding mode, and to 0 otherwise. // advIntraFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Advanced Intra Coding // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // modQuantFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Modified Quantization // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // scan Type of the inverse scan, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_HORIZONTAL - alternate-horizontal scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_VERTICAL - alternate-vertical scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_NONE, indicating that no inverse scan is // performed. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCErr Illegal VL code is detected through the stream // processing. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCoeffsIntra_H263_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoef, int* pIndxLastNonZero, int advIntraFlag, int modQuantFlag, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeCoeffsInter_H263_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs decoding and, optionally, inverse scan of quantized DCT // coefficients for one Inter coded block. Inter DCT VLC decoding process // is specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, subclause 5.4.2", and is // modified as specified in the Recommendation, Annex T, clause T.4, when // Modified Quantization mode is in use. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream // buffer, updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream. Valid within the range [0, 7], // updated by the function. // pCoef Pointer to the output coefficients. // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of the last non-zero coefficient in // the scanning order. If an error is detected while // decoding a coefficient, the index of the last decoded // coefficient is returned in *pIndxLastNonZero. // *pIndxLastNonZero is set to -1 if there are no correctly // decoded coefficients in the block. // modQuantFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Modified Quantization // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // scan Type of the inverse scan, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_NONE, indicating that no inverse scan is // performed. // // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCErr Illegal VL code is detected through the stream // processing. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCoeffsInter_H263_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoef, int* pIndxLastNonZero, int modQuantFlag, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInvIntra_H263_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // This function performs inverse quantization on intra coded block. // When (advIntraFlag == 0 && modQuantFlag == 0), the output coefficients // other than pSrcDst[0] are saturated to lie in the range [-2048; 2047]. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the decoded DCT coefficient of the current // block // QP Quantization parameter. // indxLastNonZero Index of the last non-zero coefficient, should be set // to 63 if not known. // advIntraFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Advanced Intra Coding // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // modQuantFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Modified Quantization // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL // ippStsQPErr QP is out of the range [1, 31]. // ippStsOutOfRangeErr indxLastNonZero is negative. // // NOTE // The function can be applied to a buffer of arbitrary size (indxLastNonZero // can be any positive number), and can thus be used, for example, to process // multiple blocks in one call. (In this case for any Intra block following // the first one the Intra DC should be processed separately, if not in // Advanced Intra mode). */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvIntra_H263_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, int indxLastNonZero, int QP, int advIntraFlag, int modQuantFlag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInvInter_H263_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // This function performs inverse quantization on intra coded block. // When (advIntraFlag == 0 && modQuantFlag == 0), the output coefficients // other than pSrcDst[0] are saturated to lie in the range [-2048; 2047]. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the decoded DCT coefficient of the current // block // QP Quantization parameter. // indxLastNonZero Index of the last non-zero coefficient, should be set // to 63 if not known. // modQuantFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Modified Quantization // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL // ippStsQPErr QP is out of the range [1, 31] // ippStsOutOfRangeErr indxLastNonZero is negative. // // NOTE // The function can be applied to a buffer of arbitrary size (indxLastNonZero // can be any positive number), and can thus be used, for example, to process // multiple blocks in one call. // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvInter_H263_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, int indxLastNonZero, int QP, int modQuantFlag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiAddBackPredPB_H263_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Calculates backward prediction for a B-block of a PB-frame and adds it // to the block, previously reconstructed with forward prediction. All the // operations are restricted to the bidirectionally-predicted part of the // B-block, the area size is defined by srcRoiSize. The backward prediction // is performed with pixel accuracy defined by acc, the sum of the forward // and backward predictions for every pixel within srcRoiSize is divided // by 2 (division by truncation). The bidirectional prediction procedure // is specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, Annex G, clause G.5". // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the origin of the source image (P-macroblock) // region of interest (ROI). // srcStep Width in bytes of the source image plane. // srcRoiSize Size of the source ROI. // pSrcDst Pointer to the origin of the source-destination image ROI // (bidirectionally-predicted part of the block). // srcDstStep Width in bytes of the source-destination image plane. // acc Pixel accuracy for backward prediction: bit 0 (the least // significant bit) contains the horizontal half-pixel offset, // bit 1 - the vertical offset. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr The pointer is NULL. // ippStsSizeErr srcRoiSize has a field with zero or negative value. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiAddBackPredPB_H263_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, IppiSize srcRoiSize, Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, int acc)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiResample_H263_8u_P3R // // Purpose: // Resamples a YCbCr picture as specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, // Annex P". The destination picture region of interest (ROI) is mapped // onto the source picture ROI as defined by warpParams, the pixels falling // outside the source picture are treated according to fillMode. // // Parameters: // pSrcY Pointer to the origin of the source image ROI in the // luminance plane. // srcYStep Width in bytes of the source image luminance (Y) plane. // yRoiSize Size of the source and destination ROI in the luminance plane. // pSrcCb Pointer to the origin of the source ROI in Cb chrominance // plane. // srcCbStep Width in bytes of the source image Cb chrominance plane. // pSrcCr Pointer to the origin of the source ROI in Cr chrominance // plane. // srcCrStep Width in bytes of the source image Cr chrominance plane. // pDstY Pointer to the origin of the destination image ROI in the // luminance plane. // dstYStep Width in bytes of the destination image luminance plane. // pDstCb Pointer to the origin of the destination ROI in Cb // chrominance plane. // dstCbStep Width in bytes of the destination image Cb chrominance plane. // pDstCr Pointer to the origin of the destination ROI in Cr // chrominance plane. // dstCrStep Width in bytes of the destination image Cr chrominance plane. // warpParams Array of warping parameters - 4 pairs of motion vectors, // describing, in the order they are stored in the array, how the // upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right corners // of the destination ROI are mapped onto the source image. // wda Warping displacement accuracy flag, if set to 0, pixel // displacements are quantized to half-pixel accuracy, otherwise - // to 1/16-pixel accuracy. // fillMode Flag that defines the fill-mode action to be taken for the // values of the source pixels for which the calculated location // in the source image lies outside of the source image ROI. // Takes one of the following values: // 0, indicating color fill mode, the "outside" Y, Cb and Cr // pixel values are set to fillColor[0], fillColor[1], and // fillColor[2], respectively. // 1 - black fill mode, the "outside" pixel values are set as follows: // Y = 16, Cb = Cr = 128. // 2 - gray fill mode, the "outside" pixel values are all set to 128. // 3 - clip fill mode, the "outside" pixel values are extrapolated // from the values of pixels at the ROI border, as specified in // "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, Annex D". // fillColor Array of fill color values used in color fill mode. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsSizeErr yRoiSize has a field which is odd or less than 4. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiResample_H263_8u_P3R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcY, int srcYStep, IppiSize ySrcRoiSize, const Ipp8u* pSrcCb, int srcCbStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcCr, int srcCrStep, Ipp8u* pDstY, int dstYStep, IppiSize yDstRoiSize, Ipp8u* pDstCb, int dstCbStep, Ipp8u* pDstCr, int dstCrStep, IppMotionVector warpParams[4], int wda, int rounding, int fillMode, int fillColor[3])) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiUpsampleFour_H263_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs factor-of-4 picture upsampling, as specified in // "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, Annex P, subclause P.5.1". // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the origin of the source image region // of interest (ROI). // srcStep Width in bytes of the source image plane. // srcRoiSize Size of the source ROI. // pDst Pointer to the origin of the destination image ROI. // dstStep Width in bytes of the destination image plane. // rounding Rounding value used in pixel interpolation, // can be 0 or 1. // fillColor Fill color value used for the source pixels for which // the calculated location in the source image lies outside // of the source image ROI. When negative, "clip" fill-mode // action is employed - the "outside" pixel values are // extrapolated from the values of pixels at the ROI border, // as specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, Annex D". // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsSizeErr srcRoiSize has a field which is odd or less than 4. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiUpsampleFour_H263_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, IppiSize srcRoiSize, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int rounding, int fillColor)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDownsampleFour_H263_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs factor-of-4 picture downsampling, as specified in // "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, Annex P, subclause P.5.2". // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the origin of the source image region // of interest (ROI). // srcStep Width in bytes of the source image plane. // srcRoiSize Size of the source ROI. // pDst Pointer to the origin of the destination image ROI. // dstStep Width in bytes of the destination image plane. // rounding Rounding value used in pixel interpolation, // can be 0 or 1. // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsSizeErr srcRoiSize has a field with zero or negative value. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDownsampleFour_H263_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, IppiSize srcRoiSize, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int rounding)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSpatialInterpolation_H263_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs picture interpolation for 1-D or 2-D spatial scalability, as // specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, Annex O, clause O.6". // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the origin of the source image region // of interest (ROI). // srcStep Width in bytes of the source image plane. // srcRoiSize Size of the source ROI. // pDst Pointer to the origin of the destination image ROI. // dstStep Width in bytes of the destination image plane. // interpType Interpolation type, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_INTERP_HORIZONTAL, IPPVC_INTERP_VERTICAL, or // IPPVC_INTERP_2D, indicating one-dimensional (1-D) // horizontal, 1-D vertical, and 2-D interpolation, // respectively. // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsSizeErr srcRoiSize has a field which is odd or less than 4. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSpatialInterpolation_H263_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, IppiSize srcRoiSize, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int interpType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiUpsampleFour8x8_H263_16s_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs factor-of-4 upsampling of an 8x8 source block to a // 16x16 destination block, as specified in // "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, Annex Q, clause Q.6". // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the origin of the source 8x8 block. // srcStep Width in bytes of the source image plane. // pDst Pointer to the origin of the destination 16x16 block. // dstStep Width in bytes of the destination image plane. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiUpsampleFour8x8_H263_16s_C1R, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp16s* pDst, int dstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDownsampleFour16x16_H263_16s_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs factor-of-4 downsampling of a 16x16 source block to an // 8x8 destination block to be applied for the block encoding in // Reduced-Resolution Update mode specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, // Annex Q. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the origin of the source 16x16 block. // srcStep Width in bytes of the source image plane. // pDst Pointer to the origin of the destination 8x8 block. // dstStep Width in bytes of the destination image plane. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDownsampleFour16x16_H263_16s_C1R, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp16s* pDst, int dstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblocking8x8HorEdge_H263_8u_C1IR // ippiFilterDeblocking8x8VerEdge_H263_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Perform deblocking filtering on bordering edges, horizontal and // vertical respectively, of two adjacent 8x8 blocks, as specified in // "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, Annex J, clause J.3" // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the first pixel of lower (HorEdge) or // right (VerEdge) block. // srcDstStep Width in bytes of the source and destination plane. // QP Quantization parameter. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst pointer is NULL. // ippStsQPErr QP is out of the range [1, 31]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblocking8x8HorEdge_H263_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, int QP)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblocking8x8VerEdge_H263_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, int QP)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblocking16x16HorEdge_H263_8u_C1IR // ippiFilterDeblocking16x16VerEdge_H263_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Perform deblocking filtering on bordering edges, horizontal and // vertical respectively, of two adjacent 16x16 blocks, as specified in // "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, Annex Q, subclause Q.7.2" // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the first pixel of lower (HorEdge) or // right (VerEdge) block. // srcDstStep Width in bytes of the source and destination plane. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst pointer is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblocking16x16HorEdge_H263_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblocking16x16VerEdge_H263_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterBlockBoundaryHorEdge_H263_8u_C1IR // ippiFilterBlockBoundaryVerEdge_H263_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Perform block boundary filtering on bordering edges, horizontal and // vertical respectively, of two adjacent 16x16 blocks, as specified in // "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, Annex Q, subclause Q.7.1". // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the origin of the lower (HorEdge) or the right // (VerEdge) 16x16 block. // srcDstStep Width in bytes of the image plane. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr The pointer is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterBlockBoundaryHorEdge_H263_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterBlockBoundaryVerEdge_H263_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructCoeffsIntra_H263_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs decoding, dequantization and inverse scan of the DCT // coefficients for one intra coded block. Intra DC decoding process is // specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, subclause 5.4.1". // Intra AC VLC decoding process is specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, // subclause 5.4.2", and is modified as specified in the Recommendation, // Annex T, clause T.4, when Modified Quantization mode is in use. When // in Advanced Intra Coding mode, VLC Table I.2 from Annex I of the // Recommendation is used for all Intra DC and Intra AC coefficients, // otherwise Table 16 from the Recommendation is used to decode AC // coefficients (starting from pCoef[1]) only. When not in Advanced Intra // Coding mode, the dequantization processes for the Intra DC and for all // other non-zero coefficients are specified in the Recommendation, // subclause 6.2.1, otherwise all the coefficients are dequantized as // specified in the Recommendation, Annex I, clause I.3. When not in // Advanced Intra Coding mode and not in Modified Quantization mode, the // output coefficients other than the Inta DC one are clipped to the range // [-2048, 2047] (the Recommendation, subclause 6.2.2). // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream // buffer, updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream. Valid within the range [0, 7], // updated by the function. // pCoef Pointer to the output coefficients. // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of the last non-zero coefficient in // the scanning order. If an error is detected while // decoding a coefficient, the index of the last decoded // coefficient is returned in *pIndxLastNonZero. // If there are no correctly decoded coefficients in the // block, *pIndxLastNonZero is set to -1. // cbp Coded block pattern, when set to 0 indicates that the // block contains only Intra DC coefficient. // QP Quantization parameter. // advIntraFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Advanced Intra Coding // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // scan Type of the inverse scan, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_HORIZONTAL - alternate-horizontal scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_VERTICAL - alternate-vertical scan. // modQuantFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Modified Quantization // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCErr Illegal VL code is detected through the stream // processing. // ippStsQPErr QP is out of the range [1, 31]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructCoeffsIntra_H263_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoef, int* pIndxLastNonZero, int cbp, int QP, int advIntraFlag, int scan, int modQuantFlag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructCoeffsInter_H263_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs decoding, dequantization and inverse zigzag scan of the DCT // coefficients for one inter coded block. Inter DCT VLC decoding process // is specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, subclause 5.4.2", and is // modified as specified in the Recommendation, Annex T, clause T.4, when // Modified Quantization mode is in use. The dequantization process is // specified in the Recommendation, subclause 6.2.1. When not in // Modified Quantization mode, the output coefficients are clipped to the // range [-2048, 2047] (the Recommendation, subclause 6.2.2). // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream // buffer, updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream. Valid within the range [0, 7], // updated by the function. // pCoef Pointer to the output coefficients. // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of the last non-zero coefficient in // the scanning order. If an error is detected while // decoding a coefficient, the index of the last decoded // coefficient is returned in *pIndxLastNonZero. // If there are no correctly decoded coefficients in the // block, *pIndxLastNonZero is set to -1. // QP Quantization parameter. // modQuantFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Modified Quantization // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No errors. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCErr Illegal VL code is detected through the stream // processing. // ippStsQPErr QP is out of the range [1, 31]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructCoeffsInter_H263_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoef, int* pIndxLastNonZero, int QP, int modQuantFlag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiEncodeDCIntra_H263_16s1u // // Purpose: // Performs fixed length encoding of the DC coefficient for one Intra coded // block and puts the code into the bitstream. Intra DC encoding process is // specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, subclause 5.4.1". // // Parameters: // qDC Quantized DC coefficient. // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream // buffer, updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream. Valid within the range [0, 7], // updated by the function. // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeDCIntra_H263_16s1u, ( Ipp16s qDC, Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiEncodeCoeffsIntra_H263_16s1u // // Purpose: // Performs encoding of the quantized AC coefficients in a scan order for // one Intra coded block, and puts the codes into the bitstream. Intra AC // VLC encoding process is specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, // subclause 5.4.2", and is modified as specified in the Recommendation, // Annex T, clause T.4, when Modified Quantization mode is in use. When in // Advanced Intra Coding mode, VLC Table I.2 from Annex I of the // Recommendation is used for all Intra DC and Intra AC coefficients, // otherwise Table 16 from the Recommendation is used to encode AC // coefficients (starting from pQCoef[1]) only. // // Parameters: // pQCoef Pointer to the array of quantized DCT coefficients. // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream // buffer, updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream. Valid within the range [0, 7], // updated by the function. // countNonZero Number of non-zero coefficients in the block. // Valid within the range [1, 64]. // advIntraFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Advanced Intra Coding // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // modQuantFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Modified Quantization // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // scan Type of the scan to be performed on the coefficients before // encoding, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_HORIZONTAL - alternate-horizontal scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_VERTICAL - alternate-vertical scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_NONE, indicating that no scan is to be // performed (the input coefficients are already in a scan // order). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsOutOfRangeErr countNonZero is out of the range [1, 64]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeCoeffsIntra_H263_16s1u, ( Ipp16s* pQCoef, Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, int countNonZero, int advIntraFlag, int modQuantFlag, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiEncodeCoeffsInter_H263_16s1u // // Purpose: // Performs encoding of the quantized DCT coefficients in a scan order for // one Inter coded block, and puts the codes into the bitstream. Inter DCT // VLC encoding process is specified in "ITU-T Recommendation H.263, // subclause 5.4.2", and is modified as specified in the Recommendation, // Annex T, clause T.4, when Modified Quantization mode is in use. // // Parameters: // pQCoef Pointer to the array of quantized DCT coefficients. // ppBitStream Pointer to pointer to the current byte in the bitstream // buffer, updated by the function. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream. Valid within the range [0, 7], // updated by the function. // countNonZero Number of non-zero coefficients in the block. // Valid within the range [1, 64]. // modQuantFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Modified Quantization // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // scan Type of the scan to be performed on the coefficients before // encoding, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_NONE, indicating that no scan is to be // performed (the input coefficients are already in the scan // order). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one of the pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsOutOfRangeErr countNonZero is out of the range [1, 64]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeCoeffsInter_H263_16s1u, ( Ipp16s* pQCoef, Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, int countNonZero, int modQuantFlag, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantIntra_H263_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Performs quantization on Intra coded block according to H.263 standard. // The standard specifies dequantization process, while quantization // decision levels are not defined. When not in Advanced Intra Coding mode, // the Intra DC coefficient is dequantized using uniformly placed // reconstruction levels with a step size of 8, and the other DCT // coefficients are reconstructed using equally spaced levels with a // central dead-zone around zero and with a step size of 2*QP // ("ITU-T Recommendation H.263, subclauses 4.2.4, 6.2"). When in Advanced // Intra Coding mode, all the block coefficients are dequantized using a // reconstruction spacing without a dead-zone and with a step size of 2*QP // ("ITU-T Recommendation H.263, Annex I, clause I.3"). When not in // Modified Quantization mode, the quantized Intra DC coefficient (when not // in Advanced Intra Coding mode) is clipped to the range [1, 254], and the // other quantized coefficients (all coefficients, if in Advanced Intra // Coding mode) are clipped to the range [-127, 127]. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the decoded DCT coefficient of the current // block // QP Quantization parameter. // pCountNonZero Pointer to the number of non-zero coefficients after // quantization // advIntraFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Advanced Intra Coding // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // modQuantFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Modified Quantization // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL. // ippStsQPErr QP is out of the range [1, 31]. // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantIntra_H263_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, int QP, int* pCountNonZero, int advIntraFlag, int modQuantFlag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInter_H263_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Performs quantization on Inter coded block according to H.263 standard. // The standard specifies dequantization process, while quantization // decision levels are not defined. The DCT coefficients are reconstructed // using equally spaced levels with a central dead-zone around zero and // with a step size of 2*QP ("ITU-T Recommendation H.263, subclauses 4.2.4, // 6.2"). When not in Modified Quantization mode, the quantized coefficients // are clipped to the range [-127, 127]. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the decoded DCT coefficient of the current // block // QP Quantization parameter. // pCountNonZero Pointer to the number of non-zero coefficients after // quantization // modQuantFlag Flag equal to a non-zero value when Modified Quantization // mode is in use, equal to 0 otherwise. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL. // ippStsQPErr QP is out of the range [1, 31]. // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInter_H263_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, int QP, int* pCountNonZero, int modQuantFlag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MPEG-4 Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblocking8x8HorEdge_MPEG4_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs deblocking filtering on a horizontal edge of two adjacent // blocks in the reconstructed frame, which is described in Annex F.3.1. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the first pixel of the lower block. // step Width of the source and destination plane. // QP Quantization parameter. // THR1, THR2 Threshold values specifying the filter mode // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsQPErr QP is out of range [1, 31]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblocking8x8HorEdge_MPEG4_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int step, int QP, int THR1, int THR2)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblocking8x8VerEdge_MPEG4_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs deblocking filtering on a vertical edge of two adjacent // blocks in the reconstructed frame, which is described in Annex F.3.1. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the first pixel of the right block. // step Width of the source and destination plane. // QP Quantization parameter. // THR1,THR2 Threshold values specifying the filter mode // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsQPErr QP is out of range [1, 31]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblocking8x8VerEdge_MPEG4_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int step, int QP, int THR1, int THR2)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeringingThreshold_MPEG4_8u_P3R // // Purpose: // Computes threshold values of 6 blocks in one macroblock // (4Y, Cb, Cr) for the deringing filter described in Annex F.3.2.1. // // Parameters: // pSrcY Pointer to the first pixel of the first Y block // in the current macroblock. // stepY Width of the Y plane. // pSrcCb Pointer to the first pixel of the Cb block // stepCb Width of the Cb plane. // pSrcCr Pointer to the first pixel of the Cr block // stepCr Width of the Cr plane. // threshold Array of 6 threshold values for each block // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeringingThreshold_MPEG4_8u_P3R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcY, int stepY, const Ipp8u* pSrcCb, int stepCb, const Ipp8u* pSrcCr, int stepCr, int threshold[6])) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeringingSmooth8x8_MPEG4_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs index acquisition and adaptive smoothing // (Annex F.3.2) of a block // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the first pixel of the source block // srcStep Width of the source plane. // pDst Pointer to the first pixel of the destination block // dstStep Width of the destination plane. // QP Quantization parameter. // threshold Threshold values for block // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsQPErr QP is out of range [1, 31]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeringingSmooth8x8_MPEG4_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int QP, int threshold)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiEncodeDCIntra_MPEG4_16s1u // // Purpose: // Encodes one DC coefficient for intra coded block. // // Parameters: // dcCoeff DC coefficient to be encoded // ppBitStream Pointer to the pointer to the current byte in // the bitstream, it is updated after encoding. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream, it is updated after encoding. // blockType Indicates the type of block, takes one of the following // values: // IPPVC_BLOCK_LUMA - for luma and alpha blocks, // IPPVC_BLOCK_CHROMA - for chroma blocks // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeDCIntra_MPEG4_16s1u, ( Ipp16s dcCoeff, Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, int blockType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiEncodeCoeffsIntra_MPEG4_16s1u // // Purpose: // Encodes DCT coefficients for intra coded block. // // Parameters: // pCoeffs Pointer to the DCT coefficients // ppBitStream Pointer to the pointer to the current byte in // the bitstream, it is updated after encoding. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream, it is updated after encoding. // countNonZero The number of nonzero coefficients // rvlcFlag This is a flag which when set to '0' indicates that VLC // tables B.16, B.18, B.19 and B.21 [ISO14496] will be used // when decoding DCT coefficients otherwise the RVLC tables // B.23, B.24 and B.25 [ISO14496] will be used. // noDCFlag This is a flag which when set to '0' indicates that // pCoeffs will be encoded starting with zero element otherwise // with first // scan Type of the scan, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_NONE, indicating do not perform scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_HORIZONTAL - alternate-horizontal scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_VERTICAL - alternate-vertical scan // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeCoeffsIntra_MPEG4_16s1u, ( const Ipp16s* pCoeffs, Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, int countNonZero, int rvlcFlag, int noDCFlag, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiEncodeCoeffsInter_MPEG4_16s1u // // Purpose: // Encodes DCT coefficients for inter coded block.. // // Parameters: // pCoeffs Pointer to the DCT coefficients // ppBitStream Pointer to the pointer to the current byte in // the bitstream, it is updated after block decoding. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream, it is updated after block decoding. // pCoeffs Pointer to the decoded DCT coefficient of the current // block // countNonZero The number of nonzero coefficients // rvlcFlag This is a flag which when set to '0' indicates that VLC // tables B.16, B.18, B.19 and B.21 [ISO14496] will be used // when decoding DCT coefficients otherwise the RVLC tables // B.23, B.24 and B.25 [ISO14496] will be used. // scan Type of the scan, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_NONE, indicating do not perform scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_VERTICAL - alternate-vertical scan // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeCoeffsInter_MPEG4_16s1u, ( const Ipp16s* pCoeffs, Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, int countNonZero, int rvlcFlag, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeDCIntra_MPEG4_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs VLC decoding of the DC coefficient for one intra coded block // using Intra DC VLC. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to the pointer to the current byte in // the bitstream, it is updated after block decoding. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream, it is updated after block decoding. // pDst Pointer to the decoded DC coefficient of the current block // blockType Indicates the type of block, takes one of the following // values: // IPPVC_BLOCK_LUMA - for luma and alpha blocks, // IPPVC_BLOCK_CHROMA - for chroma blocks // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCCodeErr An illegal code is detected through the // DC stream processing. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeDCIntra_MPEG4_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pDst, int blockType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeCoeffsIntra_MPEG4_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs VLC decoding of the DCT coefficient for one intra coded block // using Intra DC VLC. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to the pointer to the current byte in // the bitstream, it is updated after block decoding. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream, it is updated after block decoding. // pCoeffs Pointer to the decoded DCT coefficient of the current // block // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of last non zero coefficient. // In case of error during decoding the index on wich // error occurred will be stored in pIndxLastNonZero // rvlcFlag This is a flag which when set to '0' indicates that VLC // tables B.16, B.18, B.19 and B.21 [ISO14496] will be used // when decoding DCT coefficients otherwise the RVLC tables // B.23, B.24 and B.25 [ISO14496] will be used. // noDCFlag This is a flag which when set to '0' indicates that // pCoeffs will be set starting with zero element otherwise // with first // scan Type of the scan, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_NONE, indicating do not perform inverse scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_HORIZONTAL - alternate-horizontal scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_VERTICAL - alternate-vertical scan // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCCodeErr An illegal code is detected through the // DC stream processing. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCoeffsIntra_MPEG4_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoeffs, int* pIndxLastNonZero, int rvlcFlag, int noDCFlag, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeCoeffsIntraRVLCBack_MPEG4_1u16s // // Purpose: // Decodes DCT coefficients in backward direction for intra coded block // using RVLC. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to the pointer to the current byte in // the bitstream, it is updated after block decoding. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream, it is updated after block decoding. // pCoeffs Pointer to the decoded DCT coefficient of the current // block // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of last non zero coefficient. // In case of error during decoding the index on wich // error occurred will be stored in pIndxLastNonZero // noDCFlag This is a flag which when set to '0' indicates that // pCoeffs will be set starting with zero element otherwise // with first // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCCodeErr An illegal code is detected through the // DC stream processing. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCoeffsIntraRVLCBack_MPEG4_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoeffs, int* pIndxLastNonZero, int noDCFlag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeCoeffsInter_MPEG4_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs VLC decoding of the DCT coefficient for one inter coded block // using Inter DC VLC. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to the pointer to the current byte in // the bitstream, it is updated after block decoding. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream, it is updated after block decoding. // pCoeffs Pointer to the decoded DCT coefficient of the current // block // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of last non zero coefficient. // In case of error during decoding the index on wich // error occurred will be stored in pIndxLastNonZero // rvlcFlag This is a flag which when set to '0' indicates that VLC // tables B.16, B.18, B.19 and B.21 [ISO14496] will be used // when decoding DCT coefficients otherwise the RVLC tables // B.23, B.24 and B.25 [ISO14496] will be used. // scan Type of the scan, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_NONE, indicating do not perform inverse scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_VERTICAL - alternate-vertical scan // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCCodeErr An illegal code is detected through the // DC stream processing. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCoeffsInter_MPEG4_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoeffs, int* pIndxLastNonZero, int rvlcFlag, int scan)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeCoeffsInterRVLCBack_MPEG4_1u16s // // Purpose: // Decodes DCT coefficients in backward direction for inter coded block // using RVLC. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to the pointer to the current byte in // the bitstream, it is updated after block decoding. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream, it is updated after block decoding. // pCoeffs Pointer to the decoded DCT coefficient of the current // block // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of last non zero coefficient. // In case of error during decoding the index on wich // error occurred will be stored in pIndxLastNonZero // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCCodeErr An illegal code is detected through the // DC stream processing. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCoeffsInterRVLCBack_MPEG4_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoeffs, int* pIndxLastNonZero)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructCoeffsInter_MPEG4_1u16s // // Purpose: // Performs VLC decoding of the DCT coefficient for one inter coded block // using Inter DC VLC. // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Pointer to the pointer to the current byte in // the bitstream, it is updated after block decoding. // pBitOffset Pointer to the bit position in the byte pointed by // *ppBitStream, it is updated after block decoding. // pCoeffs Pointer to the decoded DCT coefficient of the current // block // pIndxLastNonZero Pointer to the index of last non zero coefficient. // In case of error during decoding the index on wich // error occurred will be stored in pIndxLastNonZero // rvlcFlag This is a flag which when set to '0' indicates that VLC // tables B.16, B.18, B.19 and B.21 [ISO14496] will be used // when decoding DCT coefficients otherwise the RVLC tables // B.23, B.24 and B.25 [ISO14496] will be used. // scan Type of the scan, takes one of the following values: // IPPVC_SCAN_ZIGZAG, indicating the classical zigzag scan, // IPPVC_SCAN_VERTICAL - alternate-vertical scan // pQuantInvInterSpec Pointer to the structure IppiQuantInterSpec_16s which // QP Quantization parameter. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsBitOffsetErr *pBitOffset is out of the range [0, 7]. // ippStsVLCErr An illegal code is detected through the // stream processing. // ippStsQPErr Indicates an error condition if QP is out of the // range [1; 2^(bitsPerPixel - 3) - 1] */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructCoeffsInter_MPEG4_1u16s, ( Ipp8u** ppBitStream, int* pBitOffset, Ipp16s* pCoeffs, int* pIndxLastNonZero, int rvlcFlag, int scan, const IppiQuantInvInterSpec_MPEG4* pQuantInvInterSpec, int QP)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInvIntraInit_MPEG4 // ippiQuantInvInterInit_MPEG4 // // Purpose: // Initialize a IppiQuantInvIntraSpec_16s or IppiQuantInvInterSpec_MPEG4 for // future usage in ippiQuantInvIntra_MPEG4_16s_C1I or // ippiQuantInvInter_MPEG4_16s_C1I. If pQuantMatrix is NULL, the second // quantization method will be used; otherwise, the first // // Parameters: // pQuantMatrix Pointer to the quantization matrix size of 64. // pSpec Pointer to the structure IppiQuantInvIntraSpec_16s or // IppiQuantInvInterSpec_MPEG4 which will initialized. // bitsPerPixel Video data precision used for saturation of result. This // parameter is valid within the range [4; 12]. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when pointer pSpec is NULL. // ippStsOutOfRangeErrIndicates an error when bitsPerPixel is out of // the range [4; 12]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvIntraInit_MPEG4, ( const Ipp8u* pQuantMatrix, IppiQuantInvIntraSpec_MPEG4* pSpec, int bitsPerPixel)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvInterInit_MPEG4, ( const Ipp8u* pQuantMatrix, IppiQuantInvInterSpec_MPEG4* pSpec, int bitsPerPixel)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInvIntraGetSize_MPEG4 // ippiQuantInvInterGetSize_MPEG4 // // Purpose: // Return size of IppiQuantInvIntraSpec_MPEG4 or IppiQuantInvInterSpec_MPEG4. // // Parameters: // pSpecSize Pointer to the resulting size of the structure // IppiQuantInvIntraSpec_MPEG4 or IppiQuantInvInterSpec_MPEG4. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when pointer pSpecSize is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvIntraGetSize_MPEG4, ( int* pSpecSize)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvInterGetSize_MPEG4, ( int* pSpecSize)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInvIntra_MPEG4_16s_C1I // ippiQuantInvInter_MPEG4_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Perform inverse quantization. Output coefficients are saturated to lie // in the range: [-2^(bitsPerPixel + 3); 2^(bitsPerPixel + 3) - 1]. If the // index of last nonzero coefficient is known the parameter len may be set // to indxLastNonZero + 1 otherwise the len should be set to 64 // // Parameters: // pCoeffs Pointer to the decoded DCT coefficient of the current // block // indxLastNonZero The index of last non zero coeff.. // pSpec Pointer to the structure IppiQuantInvIntraSpec_MPEG4 or // IppiQuantInvInterSpec_MPEG4 which will initialized. // QP Quantization parameter. // blockType Indicates the type of block, takes one of the following // values: // IPPVC_BLOCK_LUMA - for luma and alpha blocks, // IPPVC_BLOCK_CHROMA - for chroma blocks // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL // ippStsQPErr Indicates an error condition if QP is out of the // range [1; 2^(bitsPerPixel - 3) - 1] */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvIntra_MPEG4_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pCoeffs, int indxLastNonZero, const IppiQuantInvIntraSpec_MPEG4* pSpec, int QP, int blockType)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvInter_MPEG4_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pCoeffs, int indxLastNonZero, const IppiQuantInvInterSpec_MPEG4* pSpec, int QP)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantIntraInit_MPEG4 // ippiQuantInterInit_MPEG4 // // Purpose: // Initialize a IppiQuantIntraSpec_MPEG4 or IppiQuantInterSpec_MPEG4 for // future usage in ippiQuantIntra_MPEG4_16s_C1I or // ippiQuantInter_MPEG4_16s_C1I. If pQuantMatrix is NULL, the second // quantization method will be used; otherwise, the first // // Parameters: // pQuantMatrix Pointer to the quantization matrix size of 64. // pSpec Pointer to the structure IppiQuantIntraSpec_MPEG4 or // IppiQuantInterSpec_MPEG4 which will initialized. // bitsPerPixel Video data precision used for saturation of result. This // parameter is valid within the range [4; 12]. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when pointer pSpec is NULL. // ippStsOutOfRangeErrIndicates an error when bitsPerPixel is out of // the range [4; 12]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantIntraInit_MPEG4, ( const Ipp8u* pQuantMatrix, IppiQuantIntraSpec_MPEG4* pSpec, int bitsPerPixel)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInterInit_MPEG4, ( const Ipp8u* pQuantMatrix, IppiQuantInterSpec_MPEG4* pSpec, int bitsPerPixel)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantIntraGetSize_MPEG4 // ippiQuantInterGetSize_MPEG4 // // Purpose: // Return size of IppiQuantIntraSpec_MPEG4 or IppiQuantInterSpec_MPEG4. // // Parameters: // pSpecSize Pointer to the resulting size of the structure // IppiQuantIntraSpec_MPEG4 or IppiQuantInterSpec_MPEG4. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when pointer pSpecSize is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantIntraGetSize_MPEG4, ( int* pSpecSize)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInterGetSize_MPEG4, ( int* pSpecSize)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantIntra_MPEG4_16s_C1I // ippiQuantInter_MPEG4_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Perform quantization. Output coefficients are saturated to lie in the // range: [-2047; 2047]. Also these functions calculate the number of // nonzero coefficients after quantization // // Parameters: // pCoeffs Pointer to the decoded DCT coefficient of the current // block // pSpec Pointer to the structure IppiQuantIntraSpec_MPEG4 or // IppiQuantInterSpec_MPEG4 which will initialized. // QP Quantization parameter. // pCountNonZero Pointer to the count of non zero coefficients. // blockType Indicates the type of block, takes one of the following // values: // IPPVC_BLOCK_LUMA - for luma and alpha blocks, // IPPVC_BLOCK_CHROMA - for chroma blocks // len The number of coefficients to dequantize. // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL // ippStsQPErr Indicates an error condition if QP is out of the // range [1; 2^(bitsPerPixel - 3) - 1] */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantIntra_MPEG4_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pCoeffs, const IppiQuantIntraSpec_MPEG4* pSpec, int QP, int* pCountNonZero, int blockType)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInter_MPEG4_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pCoeffs, const IppiQuantInterSpec_MPEG4* pSpec, int QP, int* pCountNonZero)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiWarpInit_MPEG4 // // Purpose: // Init an IppiWarpSpec_MPEG4 structure for further usage in GMC or Sprite // reconstruction // // Parameters: // pSpec Pointer to the IppiWarpSpec_MPEG4 structure. // pDU Pointer to array of the x-coordinate of warping points // pDV Pointer to array of the y-coordinate of warping points // numWarpingPoints The number of warping points, valid in [0-4]. // spriteType Indicates a sprite coding mode, // IPPVC_SPRITE_STATIC - static sprites // IPPVC_SPRITE_GMC - GMC(Global Motion Compensation) // warpingAccuracy The accuracy of warping, valid in [0-3]. // roundingType Parameter that determines type of rounding for pixel // approximation; may be 0 or 1 // quarterSample Parameter that indicates a quarter sample mode; // may be 0 or 1. // fcode Parameter that determines the range of motion vector, // valid in diapason [1-7] // spriteRect Parameter that determines rectangle region for Sprite // (or ref VOP for GMC) // vopRect Parameter that determines rectangle region for // current VOP // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when pSpec is NULL or pDU,pDV are // NULL for numWarpingPoints > 0. // ippStsSizeErr Indicates an error when width or height of images is // less than or equal to zero // ippStsOutOfRangeErr Indicates an error when numWarpingPoints or // warpingAccuracy are out of valid diapason. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiWarpInit_MPEG4, ( IppiWarpSpec_MPEG4* pSpec, const int* pDU, const int* pDV, int numWarpingPoints, int spriteType, int warpingAccuracy, int roundingType, int quarterSample, int fcode, const IppiRect* spriteRect, const IppiRect* vopRect)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiWarpGetSize_MPEG4 // // Purpose: // Return size of IppiWarpSpec_MPEG4 structure // // Parameters: // pSpecSize Pointer to the resulting size of the structure // IppiWarpSpec_MPEG4. // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when pointer pSpecSize is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiWarpGetSize_MPEG4, ( int* pSpecSize)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiWarpLuma_MPEG4_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Warp an arbitrary luma rectangular region according motion parameters // stored in IppiWarpSpec_MPEG4 structure // // Parameters: // pSrcY Pointer to the origin of the source plane. // srcStep Step in bytes through the source plane // pDst Pointer to the destination region. // dstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane // dstRect The rectangular destination region // pSpec Pointer to the structure with motion parameters. // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when at least one pointer is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiWarpLuma_MPEG4_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcY, int srcStepY, Ipp8u* pDstY, int dstStepY, const IppiRect* dstRect, const IppiWarpSpec_MPEG4* pSpec)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiWarpChroma_MPEG4_8u_P2R // // Purpose: // Warp an arbitrary chroma rectangular region according motion parameters // stored in IppiWarpSpec_MPEG4 structure // // Parameters: // pSrcCb Pointer to the origin of the first source plane. // srcStepCb Step in bytes through the first source plane // pSrcCr Pointer to the origin of the second source plane. // srcStepCr Step in bytes through the second source plane // pDstCb Pointer to the first destination plane. // dstStepCb Step in bytes through the first destination plane // pDstCr Pointer to the second destination plane. // dstStepCr Step in bytes through the second destination plane // dstRect The rectangular destination region // pSpec Pointer to the structure with motion parameters. // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when at least one pointer is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiWarpChroma_MPEG4_8u_P2R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrcCb, int srcStepCb, const Ipp8u* pSrcCr, int srcStepCr, Ipp8u* pDstCb, int dstStepCb, Ipp8u* pDstCr, int dstStepCr, const IppiRect* dstRect, const IppiWarpSpec_MPEG4* pSpec)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiCalcGlobalMV_MPEG4 // // Purpose: // Calculate a Global Motion Vector for one macroblock according motion // parameters stored in IppiWarpSpec_MPEG4 structure // // Parameters: // xOffset The left coordinate of top-left corner of luma 16x16 block // yOffset The top coordinate of top-left corner of luma 16x16 block // pGMV Pointer to the resulting motion vector. // pSpec Pointer to the structure with motion parameters. // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when at least one pointer is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiCalcGlobalMV_MPEG4, ( int xOffset, int yOffset, IppMotionVector* pGMV, const IppiWarpSpec_MPEG4* pSpec)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiChangeSpriteBrightness_MPEG4_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Change brightness after sprite warping // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to the video plane. // srcDstStep Step in bytes through the video plane // width The width of the video plane // height The height of the video plane // brightnessChangeFactor Factor for changing brightness; valid in diapason // [-112; 1648] // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when at least one pointer is NULL. // ippStsOutOfRangeErrIndicates an error when brightnessChangeFactor is out // of valid diapason. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiChangeSpriteBrightness_MPEG4_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, int width, int height, int brightnessChangeFactor)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiCopy8x8QP_MPEG4_8u_C1R // ippiCopy16x8QP_MPEG4_8u_C1R // ippiCopy16x16QP_MPEG4_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Copy fixed sizes blocks with quarter-pixel accuracy // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source block. // srcStep Step in bytes through the source plane. // pDst Pointer to the destination block. // dstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane. // acc Parameter that determines quarter-pixel accuracy. // rounding Parameter that determines type of rounding for pixel // interpolation; may be 0 or 1 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiCopy8x8QP_MPEG4_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int acc, int rounding)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiCopy16x8QP_MPEG4_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int acc, int rounding)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiCopy16x16QP_MPEG4_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, int acc, int rounding)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiOBMC8x8HP_MPEG4_8u_C1R // ippiOBMC16x16HP_MPEG4_8u_C1R // ippiOBMC8x8QP_MPEG4_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs the OBMC for a block with half-pixel and quarter pixel accuracy // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the first pixel of the reference macroblock. // srcStep Width of the source plane. // pDst Pointer to the first pixel of the destination macroblock. // dstStep Width of the destination plane. // pMVCur Pointer to the motion vector for the current block. // pMVLeft Pointer to the motion vector for left block. // pMVRight Pointer to the motion vector for right block. // pMVAbove Pointer to the motion vector for above block. // pMVBelow Pointer to the motion vector for bellow block. // rounding Parameter specifying type of rounding according to // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the specified pointers is NULL. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiOBMC8x8HP_MPEG4_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, const IppMotionVector* pMVCur, const IppMotionVector* pMVLeft, const IppMotionVector* pMVRight, const IppMotionVector* pMVAbove, const IppMotionVector* pMVBelow, int rounding)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiOBMC16x16HP_MPEG4_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, const IppMotionVector* pMVCur, const IppMotionVector* pMVLeft, const IppMotionVector* pMVRight, const IppMotionVector* pMVAbove, const IppMotionVector* pMVBelow, int rounding)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiOBMC8x8QP_MPEG4_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, const IppMotionVector* pMVCur, const IppMotionVector* pMVLeft, const IppMotionVector* pMVRight, const IppMotionVector* pMVAbove, const IppMotionVector* pMVBelow, int rounding)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // H.264 Video Decoder Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiPredictIntra_4x4_H264_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs intra prediction for a 4x4 luma component. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the source and destination array // srcDstStep - Step (in bytes) of the source and destination array, // predMode - prediction mode, valid range [0, 8] // avilability - flag that specifies the availability of // the samples for prediction. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsStepErr srcDstStep is less than 4 // ippStsOutOfRangeErr predMode is out of range [0,8] */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiPredictIntra_4x4_H264_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcdstStep, IppIntra4x4PredMode_H264 predMode, Ipp32s availability)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiPredictIntra_16x16_H264_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs intra prediction for a 16x16 luma component. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the source and destination array // srcDstStep - Step (in bytes) of the source and destination array, // predMode - prediction mode, valid range [0,3] // avilability - flag that specifies the availability of // the samples for prediction. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsStepErr srcDstStep is less than 16 // ippStsOutOfRangeErr predMode is out of range [0,3] */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiPredictIntra_16x16_H264_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcdstStep, IppIntra16x16PredMode_H264 predMode, Ipp32s availability)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiPredictIntraChroma8x8_H264_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Perform intra prediction for an 8x8 chroma component. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the source and destination array // srcDstStep - Step (in bytes) of the source and destination array, // predMode - prediction mode, valid range [0,3] // avilability - flag that specifies the availability of // the samples for prediction. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsStepErr srcDstStep is less than 8 // ippStsOutOfRangeErr predMode is out of range [0,3] */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiPredictIntraChroma8x8_H264_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcdstStep, IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 predMode, Ipp32s availability)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformDequantLumaDC_H264_16s_C1I // ippiTransformDequantChromaDC_H264_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Perform integer inverse transformation and dequantization // for 4x4 luma DC coefficients, // and 2x2 chroma DC coefficients respectively. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to initial coefficients and resultant DC, // QP - quantization parameter. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 1 or greater than 51 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformDequantLumaDC_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s QP)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformDequantChromaDC_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s QP)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDequantTransformResidual_H264_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Places a DC coefficient (if any) to its place, // Performs dequantization, integer inverse transformation and // shift by 6 bits for 4x4 block of residuals. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial coefficients and resultant residuals, // step - step (in bytes) of the source and destination array, // pDC - pointer to the DC coefficient. If it is set to NULL, than // Inter 4x4 Inverse quantization is performed on the DC // coefficient in the top left corner of the macroblock, // otherwise function just gets it in the specified location; // AC - flag that is not zero, if at least one AC coefficient exists, // and equals zero otherwise. // QP - quantization parameter. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 1 or greater than 51 // ippStsStepErr step is less than 8 respectively */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDequantTransformResidual_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s step, Ipp16s* pDC, Ipp32s AC, Ipp32s QP)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDequantTransformResidualAndAdd_H264_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Places a DC coefficient (if any) to its place, // Performs dequantization, integer inverse transformation and // shift by 6 bits for 4x4 block of residuals // with subsequent intra prediction or motion // compensation. // // // Parameters: // pPred - pointer to the reference 4x4 block, which is used for intra // prediction or motion compensation. // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial coefficients and resultant residuals (4x4 // block) - array of size 16. // pDC - pointer to the DC coefficient. In the case of Intra 4x4 // macroblock type pDC is set to NULL. // pDst - pointer to the destination 4x4 block. // PredStep - reference frame step in bytes. // DstStep - destination frame step in bytes. // QP - quantization parameter // AC - flag that is not equal to zero, if at least one AC coefficient // exists, and is equal to zero otherwise. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 1 or greater than 51 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDequantTransformResidualAndAdd_H264_16s_C1I,( const Ipp8u* pPred, Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp16s* pDC, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s PredStep, Ipp32s DstStep, Ipp32s QP, Ipp32s AC)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_H264_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs deblocking filtering on the vertical edges of the // luma macroblock(16x16) in accordance with 8.7.2. of H.264 standard // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial and resultant coefficients, // srcdstStep - step of the arrays, // pAlpha - array of size 2 of Alpha Thresholds(values for external // and internal vertical edge) // pBeta - array of size 2 of Beta Thresholds(values for external // and internal vertical edge) // pTresholds - array of size 16 of Thresholds (TC0)(values for // the left edge of each 4x4 block) // pBS - array of size 16 of BS parameters // // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation // and Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_H264_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcdstStep, const Ipp8u* pAlpha, const Ipp8u* pBeta, const Ipp8u* pThresholds, const Ipp8u* pBs)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_MBAFF_H264_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs deblocking filtering on the vertical edges of the // luma macroblock(16x16) in accordance with 8.7.2. of H.264 standard // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial and resultant coefficients, // srcdstStep - step of the arrays, // nAlpha - Alpha Threshold (value for external vertical edge) // nBeta - Beta Threshold (value for external vertical edge) // pTresholds - array of size 16 of Thresholds // pBS - array of size 16 of BS parameters // // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation // and Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_MBAFF_H264_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcdstStep, Ipp32u nAlpha, Ipp32u nBeta, const Ipp8u* pThresholds, const Ipp8u* pBs)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_HorEdge_H264_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs deblocking filtering on the horizontal edges of the // luma macroblock(16x16) in accordance with 8.7.2. of H.264 standard // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial and resultant coefficients, // srcdstStep - step of the arrays, // pAlpha - array of size 2 of Alpha Thresholds(values for external // and internal vertical edge) // pBeta - array of size 2 of Beta Thresholds(values for external // and internal vertical edge) // pTresholds - array of size 16 of Thresholds (TC0)(values for // the left edge of each 4x4 block) // pBS - array of size 16 of BS parameters // // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_HorEdge_H264_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcdstStep, const Ipp8u* pAlpha, const Ipp8u* pBeta, const Ipp8u* pThresholds, const Ipp8u* pBS)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_H264_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs deblocking filtering on the vertical edges of the // chroma macroblock(8x8) in accordance with 8.7.2. of the H.264 standard // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial and resultant coefficients, // srcdstStep - step of the arrays, // pAlpha - array of size 2 of Alpha Thresholds(values for // external and internal vertical edge) // pBeta - array of size 2 of Beta Thresholds(values for // external and internal vertical edge) // pTresholds - array of size 16 of Thresholds (TC0)(values for // the left edge of each 2x2 block) // pBS - array of size 16 of BS parameters // // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_H264_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcdstStep, const Ipp8u* pAlpha, const Ipp8u* pBeta, const Ipp8u* pThresholds, const Ipp8u* pBS)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_H264_8u_C2IR // // Purpose: // Performs deblocking filtering on the vertical edges of the // NV12 chroma macroblock(16x8) in accordance with 8.7.2. of the H.264 standard // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial and resultant coefficients in NV12 format (UV...UV), // srcdstStep - step of the arrays, // pAlpha - array of size 2 of Alpha Thresholds(values for // external and internal vertical edge) // pBeta - array of size 2 of Beta Thresholds(values for // external and internal vertical edge) // pTresholds - array of size 16 of Thresholds (TC0)(values for // the left edge of each 4x2 block) // pBS - array of size 16 of BS parameters // // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_H264_8u_C2IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32u srcdstStep, const Ipp8u* pAlpha, const Ipp8u* pBeta, const Ipp8u* pThresholds, const Ipp8u* pBS)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_MBAFF_H264_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs deblocking filtering on the vertical edges of the // chroma macroblock(8x8) in accordance with 8.7.2. of the H.264 standard // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial and resultant coefficients, // srcdstStep - step of the arrays, // nAlpha - Alpha Threshold (value for external vertical edge) // nBeta - Beta Threshold (value for external vertical edge) // pTresholds - array of size 16 of Thresholds // pBS - array of size 16 of BS parameters // // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_MBAFF_H264_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcdstStep, Ipp32u nAlpha, Ipp32u nBeta, const Ipp8u* pThresholds, const Ipp8u* pBS)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_HorEdge_H264_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs deblocking filtering on the horizontal edges of the // chroma macroblock(8x8) in accordance with 8.7.2. of H.264 standard // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial and resultant coefficients, // srcdstStep - step of the arrays, // pAlpha - array of size 2 of Alpha Thresholds (values for // external and internal horizontal edge) // pBeta - array of size 2 of Beta Thresholds (values for // external and internal horizontal edge) // pTresholds - array of size 16 of Thresholds (TC0) (values for // the upper edge of each 2x2 block) // pBS - array of size 16 of BS parameters (values for // external and internal horizontal edge) // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_HorEdge_H264_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcdstStep, const Ipp8u* pAlpha, const Ipp8u* pBeta, const Ipp8u* pThresholds, const Ipp8u* pBS)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_HorEdge_H264_8u_C2IR // // Purpose: // Performs deblocking filtering on the horizontal edges of the // chroma macroblock in NV12 format (16x8) in accordance with 8.7.2. of H.264 standard // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial and resultant coefficients in NV12 format (UV...UV), // srcdstStep - step of the arrays, // pAlpha - array of size 2 of Alpha Thresholds (values for // external and internal horizontal edge) // pBeta - array of size 2 of Beta Thresholds (values for // external and internal horizontal edge) // pTresholds - array of size 16 of Thresholds (TC0) (values for // the upper edge of each 4x2 block) // pBS - array of size 16 of BS parameters (values for // external and internal horizontal edge) // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_HorEdge_H264_8u_C2IR, ( Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32u srcdstStep, const Ipp8u* pAlpha, const Ipp8u* pBeta, const Ipp8u* pThresholds, const Ipp8u* pBS)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingLumaVerEdge_H264_16u_C1IR, ( const IppiFilterDeblock_16u * pDeblockInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingLumaVerEdgeMBAFF_H264_16u_C1IR, ( const IppiFilterDeblock_16u * pDeblockInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingLumaHorEdge_H264_16u_C1IR, ( const IppiFilterDeblock_16u * pDeblockInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChromaVerEdge_H264_16u_C1IR, ( const IppiFilterDeblock_16u * pDeblockInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChromaVerEdgeMBAFF_H264_16u_C1IR, ( const IppiFilterDeblock_16u * pDeblockInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChromaHorEdge_H264_16u_C1IR, ( const IppiFilterDeblock_16u * pDeblockInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma422VerEdge_H264_16u_C1IR, ( const IppiFilterDeblock_16u * pDeblockInfo)) IPP_DEPRECATED("This function is obsolete and not supported any more") \ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma422VerEdgeMBAFF_H264_16u_C1IR, ( const IppiFilterDeblock_16u * pDeblockInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma422HorEdge_H264_16u_C1IR, ( const IppiFilterDeblock_16u * pDeblockInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma422VerEdge_H264_8u_C1IR, ( const IppiFilterDeblock_8u * pDeblockInfo)) IPP_DEPRECATED("This function is obsolete and not supported any more") \ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma422VerEdgeMBAFF_H264_8u_C1IR, ( const IppiFilterDeblock_8u * pDeblockInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma422HorEdge_H264_8u_C1IR, ( const IppiFilterDeblock_8u * pDeblockInfo)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateLuma_H264_8u_C1R // ippiInterpolateLumaTop_H264_8u_C1R // ippiInterpolateLumaBottom_H264_8u_C1R // // ippiInterpolateLuma_H264_16u_C1R // ippiInterpolateLumaTop_H264_16u_C1R // ippiInterpolateLumaBottom_H264_16u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs interpolation for motion estimation of the luma component. // // Parameters: // pSrc - pointer to the source, // srcStep - step of the source buffer in bytes // pDst - pointer to destination (should be 16-bytes aligned), // dstStep - step of the destination buffer in bytes, // dx, dy - fractional parts of the motion vector in // 1/4 pel units (0, 1, 2, or 3), // outPixels - Number of pixels by which the data specified by pSrc reaches over the // frame top boundary. // roiSize - flag that specifies the dimensions of // the ROI(could be 16, 8 or 4 in each dimension). // // or // // interpolateInfo - pointer on IppVCInterpolate_16u structure. // outPixels - Number of pixels by which the data specified by pSrc reaches over the // frame top boundary. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsBadArg dx or dy is out of range [0, 3] // ippStsSizeErr roi.width or roi.height is not equal to 16, 8, or 4 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateLuma_H264_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s dx, Ipp32s dy, IppiSize roiSize)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateLumaTop_H264_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s dx, Ipp32s dy, Ipp32s outPixels, IppiSize roiSize)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateLumaBottom_H264_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s dx, Ipp32s dy, Ipp32s outPixels, IppiSize roiSize)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateLuma_H264_16u_C1R, ( const IppVCInterpolate_16u * interpolateInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateLumaTop_H264_16u_C1R, ( const IppVCInterpolate_16u * interpolateInfo, Ipp32s outPixels)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateLumaBottom_H264_16u_C1R, ( const IppVCInterpolate_16u * interpolateInfo, Ipp32s outPixels)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateBlock_H264_8u_P2P1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrc1, const Ipp8u *pSrc2, Ipp8u *pDst, Ipp32u uWidth, Ipp32u uHeight, Ipp32s pitch)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateLumaBlock_H264_8u_P1R // // ippiInterpolateLumaBlock_H264_16u_P1R // // Purpose: // Performs interpolation for motion estimation of the luminance component. // // Parameters: // interpolateInfo - pointer to a structure having interpolation parameters // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsSizeErr roi.width or roi.height is not equal to 16, 8, or 4 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateLumaBlock_H264_8u_P1R, (const IppVCInterpolateBlock_8u *interpolateInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateLumaBlock_H264_16u_P1R, (const IppVCInterpolateBlock_16u *interpolateInfo)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateChroma_H264_8u_C1R // ippiInterpolateChromaTop_H264_8u_C1R // ippiInterpolateChromaBottom_H264_8u_C1R // // ippiInterpolateChroma_H264_16u_C1R // ippiInterpolateChromaTop_H264_16u_C1R // ippiInterpolateChromaBottom_H264_16u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs interpolation for motion estimation of the chroma component. // // Parameters: // pSrc - pointer to the source, // srcStep - step of the source buffer in bytes // pDst - pointer to destination // dstStep - step of the destination buffer in bytes, // dx, dy - fractional parts of the motion vector in // 1/8 pel units (0, 1, .., 7), // outPixels - Number of pixels by which the data specified by pSrc reaches over the // frame top boundary. // roiSiaze - flag that specifies the dimensions of // the ROI(could be 16, 8, 4 or 2 in each dimension). // // or // // interpolateInfo - pointer on IppVCInterpolate_16u structure. // outPixels - Number of pixels by which the data specified by pSrc reaches over the // frame top boundary. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsBadArg dx or dy is out of range [0,7] // ippStsSizeErr roi.width or roi.height is not equal to 16, 8, 4 or 2 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateChroma_H264_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s dx, Ipp32s dy, IppiSize roiSize)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateChromaTop_H264_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s dx, Ipp32s dy, Ipp32s outPixels, IppiSize roiSize)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateChromaBottom_H264_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s dx, Ipp32s dy, Ipp32s outPixels, IppiSize roiSize)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateChroma_H264_16u_C1R, ( const IppVCInterpolate_16u * interpolateInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateChromaTop_H264_16u_C1R, ( const IppVCInterpolate_16u * interpolateInfo, Ipp32s outPixels)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateChromaBottom_H264_16u_C1R, ( const IppVCInterpolate_16u * interpolateInfo, Ipp32s outPixels)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateChroma_H264_8u_C2P2R // // Purpose: // The function performs interpolation for motion estimation of the chrominance // component according H.264 standart. Clone of ippiInterpolateChroma_H264_8u_C1R, // but source image is chominance part of NV12 plane // NV12 Plane // YY YY YY YY // YY YY YY YY // UV UV UV UV - chominance part of NV12 plane. // // Parameters: // pSrcUV - pointer to the source (chrominance part of NV12 plane). // srcStep - step of the source buffer in bytes // pDstU - the pointer to the destination buffer for interpolated U coefficients // pDstV - the pointer to the destination buffer for interpolated V coefficients // dstStep - step of the destination U & V buffers in bytes, // dx, dy - fractional parts of the motion vector in // 1/8 pel units (0, 1, .., 7), // outPixels - Number of pixels by which the data specified by pSrc reaches over the // frame top boundary. // roi - value that specifies the dimensions of // the ROI(could be 16, 8, 4 or 2 in each dimension). */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateChroma_H264_8u_C2P2R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcUV, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp8u *pDstU, Ipp8u *pDstV, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s dx, Ipp32s dy, IppiSize roi)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateChromaBlock_H264_8u_P2R // // ippiInterpolateChromaBlock_H264_16u_P2R // // Purpose: // Performs interpolation for motion estimation of the chrominance component. // // Parameters: // interpolateInfo - pointer to a structure having interpolation parameters // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsSizeErr roi.width or roi.height is not equal to 16, 8, 4 or 2 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateChromaBlock_H264_8u_P2R, (const IppVCInterpolateBlock_8u *interpolateInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateChromaBlock_H264_16u_P2R, (const IppVCInterpolateBlock_16u *interpolateInfo)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateChromaBlock_H264_8u_C2P2R // // Purpose: // The function performs interpolation for motion estimation of the chrominance // component according H.264 standart. Clone of ippiInterpolateChromaBlock_H264_8u_P2R, // but source image is chominance part of NV12 plane. // NV12 Plane // YY YY YY YY // YY YY YY YY // UV UV UV UV - chominance part of NV12 plane. // // Parameters: // interpolateInfo - pointer to a structure having interpolation parameters // Note: // (in the IppVCInterpolateBlock_8u structure) // pSrc[0] the pointer to the source block ( chrominance part of NV12 plane). // pSrc[1] ignored. // 0...UV UV UV UV // 1...UV UV UV UV // ... // 4...UV UV UV UV // // pDst[0] = pDstU - the pointer to the destination buffer for interpolated U coefficients. // pDst[1] = pDstV - the pointer to the destination buffer for interpolated V coefficients. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsSizeErr roi.width or roi.height is not equal to 16, 8, 4 or 2 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateChromaBlock_H264_8u_C2P2R, (const IppVCInterpolateBlock_8u *interpolateInfo)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiWeightedAverage_H264_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Averages two blocks with weights (for weighted bi-directional // predictions) in accordance with of the H.264 standard. // dst = Clip( ( w1*src1 + w2*src2 + (1<<(shift-1)) )>>shift + offset ) // // Parameters: // pSrc1 - pointer to 1st source (output of preceding functions), // pSrc2Dst - pointer to 2nd source and result // srcDstStep - step value in bytes, // weight1, weight2 - weights, // shift - shift, // offset - offset, // roiSize - flag that specifies the dimensions of the ROI // (could be 16, 8 or 4 in each dimension). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsStepErr srcDstStep is less than roi.width // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiWeightedAverage_H264_8u_C1IR, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc1, Ipp8u* pSrc2Dst, Ipp32s srcDstStep, Ipp32s weight1, Ipp32s weight2, Ipp32s shift, Ipp32s offset, IppiSize roiSize)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiUniDirWeightBlock_H264_8u_C1R, ( Ipp8u *pSrcDst, Ipp32u srcDstStep, Ipp32u ulog2wd, Ipp32s iWeight, Ipp32s iOffset, IppiSize roi )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiUniDirWeightBlock_H264_8u_C1IR, ( Ipp8u *pSrcDst, Ipp32u srcDstStep, Ipp32u ulog2wd, Ipp32s iWeight, Ipp32s iOffset, IppiSize roi )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiBiDirWeightBlock_H264_8u_P2P1R,( const Ipp8u *pSrc1, const Ipp8u *pSrc2, Ipp8u *pDst, Ipp32u srcStep, Ipp32u dstStep, Ipp32u ulog2wd, Ipp32s iWeight1, Ipp32s iOffset1, Ipp32s iWeight2, Ipp32s iOffset2, IppiSize roi )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiBiDirWeightBlockImplicit_H264_8u_P2P1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrc1, const Ipp8u *pSrc2, Ipp8u *pDst, Ipp32u srcStep, Ipp32u dstStep, Ipp32s iWeight1, Ipp32s iWeight2, IppiSize roi )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiBidir_H264_16u_P2P1R, ( const IppVCBidir_16u * bidirInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiBidirWeightImplicit_H264_16u_P2P1R, ( const IppVCBidir_16u * bidirInfo, Ipp32s iWeight1, Ipp32s iWeight2)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiBidirWeight_H264_16u_P2P1R, ( const IppVCBidir_16u * bidirInfo, Ipp32u ulog2wd, Ipp32s iWeight1, Ipp32s iOffset1, Ipp32s iWeight2, Ipp32s iOffset2)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiUnidirWeight_H264_16u_IP2P1R, ( Ipp16u *pSrcDst, Ipp32u srcDstStep, Ipp32u ulog2wd, Ipp32s iWeight, Ipp32s iOffset, IppiSize roi, Ipp32s bitDepth)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformPrediction_H264_8u16s_C1 // // Purpose: // // Parameters: // pSrc - pointer to source, // step - source step in bytes, // pDst - pointer to destination // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformPrediction_H264_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u *pSrc, Ipp32s step, Ipp16s *pDst)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDequantTransformResidual_SISP_H264_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to working data, // pPredictBlock - // pDC - // AC - // qp - // qs - // Switch - // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDequantTransformResidual_SISP_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, const Ipp16s* pPredictBlock, const Ipp16s* pDC, Ipp32s AC, Ipp32s qp, Ipp32s qs, Ipp32s Switch)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformDequantChromaDC_SISP_H264_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // The function performs integer inverse transformation and // dequantization for 2x2 chroma DC coefficients. // It used for SI & SP frames. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to working data, // pDCpredict - // qp - // qs - // Switch - // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformDequantChromaDC_SISP_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, const Ipp16s* pDCpredict, Ipp32s qp, Ipp32s qs, Ipp32s Switch)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructLumaIntraMB_H264_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Intra Luma macroblock // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstYPlane - pointer to current MB which will be reconstructed // srcdstYStep - plane step // pMBIntraTypes - pointer to intra types for each subblock // cbp4x4 - coded block pattern // QP - quantizer // edgeType - MB eadge type // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntraMB_H264_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32s srcdstYStep, const IppIntra4x4PredMode_H264 *pMBIntraTypes, const Ipp32u cbp4x4, const Ipp32u QP, const Ipp8u edgeType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructChromaInterMB_H264_16s8u_P2R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Inter Chroma macroblock // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstUPlane - pointer to current U plane which will be reconstructed // pSrcDstVPlane - pointer to current V plane which will be reconstructed // srcdstUVStep - plane step // cbp4x4 - coded block pattern // ChromaQP - chroma quantizer // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr ChromaQP is less than 0 or greater than 39 // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChromaInterMB_H264_16s8u_P2R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstUPlane, Ipp8u *pSrcDstVPlane, const Ipp32u srcdstStep, const Ipp32u cbp4x4, const Ipp32u ChromaQP)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntraHalfMB_H264_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32s srcdstYStep, IppIntra4x4PredMode_H264 *pMBIntraTypes, Ipp32u cbp4x2, Ipp32u QP, Ipp8u edgeType)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChromaIntraHalfsMB_H264_16s8u_P2R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstUPlane, Ipp8u *pSrcDstVPlane, Ipp32u srcdstUVStep, IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 intra_chroma_mode, Ipp32u cbp4x4, Ipp32u ChromaQP, Ipp8u edge_type_top, Ipp8u edge_type_bottom)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChromaIntraHalvesMB_H264_16s8u_P2R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstUPlane, Ipp8u *pSrcDstVPlane, Ipp32u srcdstUVStep, IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 intra_chroma_mode, Ipp32u cbp4x4, Ipp32u ChromaQP, Ipp8u edge_type_top, Ipp8u edge_type_bottom)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructChromaIntraMB_H264_16s8u_P2R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Intra Chroma macroblock // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstUPlane - pointer to current U plane which will be reconstructed // pSrcDstVPlane - pointer to current V plane which will be reconstructed // srcdstUVStep - plane step // intra_chroma_mode - intra mode // cbp4x4 - coded block pattern // ChromaQP - chroma quantizer // edge_type - edge type // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr ChromaQP is less than 0 or greater than 39 // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChromaIntraMB_H264_16s8u_P2R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstUPlane, Ipp8u *pSrcDstVPlane, const Ipp32u srcdstUVStep, const IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 intra_chroma_mode, const Ipp32u cbp4x4, const Ipp32u ChromaQP, const Ipp8u edge_type)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructLumaInterMB_H264_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Inter Luma macroblock // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstYPlane - pointer to current Y plane which will be reconstructed // srcdsYStep - plane step // cbp4x4 - coded block pattern // QP - quantizer // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaInterMB_H264_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32u srcdstYStep, Ipp32u cbp4x4, Ipp32s QP)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructLumaIntra16x16MB_H264_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Intra 16x16 Luma macroblock // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstYPlane - pointer to current Y plane which will be reconstructed // srcdstYStep - plane step // intra_luma_mode - intra mode // cbp4x4 - coded block pattern // QP - quantizer // edge_type - edge type // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntra16x16MB_H264_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32u srcdstYStep, const IppIntra16x16PredMode_H264 intra_luma_mode, const Ipp32u cbp4x4, const Ipp32u QP, const Ipp8u edge_type)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructLumaIntra_16x16MB_H264_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Intra 16x16 Luma macroblock for high profile // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstYPlane - pointer to current Y plane which will be reconstructed // srcdstYStep - plane step // intra_luma_mode - intra mode // cbp4x4 - coded block pattern // QP - quantizer // edge_type - edge type // pQuantTable - pointer to quantization table // bypass_flag - enable lossless coding when qpprime_y is zero // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntra_16x16MB_H264_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcDstCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32u srcdstYStep, IppIntra16x16PredMode_H264 intra_luma_mode, Ipp32u cbp4x4, Ipp32u QP, Ipp8u edge_type, const Ipp16s *pQuantTable, Ipp8u bypass_flag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructLumaIntra4x4MB_H264_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Intra 4x4 Luma macroblock for high profile // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstYPlane - pointer to current Y plane which will be reconstructed // srcdstYStep - plane step // pMBIntraTypes - pointer to intra types for each subblock // cbp4x4 - coded block pattern // QP - quantizer // edge_type - edge type // pQuantTable - pointer to quantization table // bypass_flag - enable lossless coding when qpprime_y is zero // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntra4x4MB_H264_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcDstCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32s srcdstYStep, IppIntra4x4PredMode_H264 *pMBIntraTypes, Ipp32u cbp4x4, Ipp32u QP, Ipp8u edgeType, const Ipp16s *pQuantTable, Ipp8u bypass_flag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructLumaInter4x4MB_H264_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Inter 4x4 Luma macroblock for high profile // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstYPlane - pointer to current Y plane which will be reconstructed // srcdstYStep - plane step // cbp4x4 - coded block pattern // QP - quantizer // pQuantTable - pointer to quantization table // bypass_flag - enable lossless coding when qpprime_y is zero // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaInter4x4MB_H264_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcDstCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32u srcdstYStep, Ipp32u cbp4x4, Ipp32s QP, const Ipp16s *pQuantTable, Ipp8u bypass_flag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructChromaInter4x4MB_H264_16s8u_P2R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Inter Chroma 4x4 macroblock for high profile // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstUPlane - pointer to current U plane which will be reconstructed // pSrcDstVPlane - pointer to current V plane which will be reconstructed // srcdstUVStep - plane step // cbp4x4 - coded block pattern // chromaQPU - chroma quantizer for U plane // chromaQPV - chroma quantizer for V plane // edge_type - edge type // pQuantTableU - pointer to quantization table for U plane // pQuantTableV - pointer to quantization table for V plane // bypass_flag - enable lossless coding when qpprime_y is zero // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr ChromaQP is less than 0 or greater than 39 // // Notes: // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChromaInter4x4MB_H264_16s8u_P2R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcDstCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstUPlane, Ipp8u *pSrcDstVPlane, Ipp32u srcdstUVStep, Ipp32u cbp4x4, Ipp32u chromaQPU, Ipp32u chromaQPV, const Ipp16s *pQuantTableU, const Ipp16s *pQuantTableV, Ipp8u bypass_flag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructChromaIntra4x4MB_H264_16s8u_P2R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Intra Chroma 4x4 macroblock for high profile // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstUPlane - pointer to current U plane which will be reconstructed // pSrcDstVPlane - pointer to current V plane which will be reconstructed // srcdstUVStep - plane step // intra_chroma_mode - intra mode // cbp4x4 - coded block pattern // edge_type - edge type // chromaQPU - chroma quantizer for U plane // chromaQPV - chroma quantizer for V plane // pQuantTableU - pointer to quantization table for U plane // pQuantTableV - pointer to quantization table for V plane // bypass_flag - enable lossless coding when qpprime_y is zero // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr ChromaQP is less than 0 or greater than 39 // // Notes: */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChromaIntra4x4MB_H264_16s8u_P2R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcDstCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstUPlane, Ipp8u *pSrcDstVPlane, Ipp32u srcdstUVStep, IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 intra_chroma_mode, Ipp32u cbp4x4, Ipp32u chromaQPU, Ipp32u chromaQPV, Ipp8u edge_type, const Ipp16s *pQuantTableU, const Ipp16s *pQuantTableV, Ipp8u bypass_flag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructLumaIntra8x8MB_H264_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Intra 8x8 Luma macroblock for high profile // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 8x8 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstYPlane - pointer to current Y plane which will be reconstructed // srcdstYStep - plane step // pMBIntraTypes - pointer to intra types for each subblock // cbp8x8 - coded block pattern // QP - quantizer // edge_type - edge type // pQuantTable - pointer to quantization table // bypass_flag - enable lossless coding when qpprime_y is zero // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntra8x8MB_H264_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcDstCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32s srcdstYStep, IppIntra8x8PredMode_H264 *pMBIntraTypes, Ipp32u cbp8x8, Ipp32u QP, Ipp8u edgeType, const Ipp16s *pQuantTable, Ipp8u bypass_flag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructLumaInter8x8MB_H264_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Inter 8x8 Luma macroblock for high profile // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 8x8 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstYPlane - pointer to current Y plane which will be reconstructed // srcdstYStep - plane step // cbp8x8 - coded block pattern // QP - quantizer // pQuantTable - pointer to quantization table // bypass_flag - enable lossless coding when qpprime_y is zero // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaInter8x8MB_H264_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcDstCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32u srcdstYStep, Ipp32u cbp8x8, Ipp32s QP, const Ipp16s *pQuantTable, Ipp8u bypass_flag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructLumaIntraHalf4x4MB_H264_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Intra 4x4 Luma macroblock for high profile in MBAFF mode // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstYPlane - pointer to current Y plane which will be reconstructed // pMBIntraTypes - pointer to intra types for each subblock // cbp4x2 - coded block pattern // QP - quantizer // edge_type - edge type // pQuantTable - pointer to quantization table // bypass_flag - enable lossless coding when qpprime_y is zero // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntraHalf4x4MB_H264_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcDstCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32s srcdstYStep, IppIntra4x4PredMode_H264 *pMBIntraTypes, Ipp32u cbp4x2, Ipp32u QP, Ipp8u edgeType, const Ipp16s *pQuantTable, Ipp8u bypass_flag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructLumaIntraHalf8x8MB_H264_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Intra 8x8 Luma macroblock for high profile in MBAFF mode // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstYPlane - pointer to current Y plane which will be reconstructed // pMBIntraTypes - pointer to intra types for each subblock // cbp8x2 - coded block pattern // QP - quantizer // edge_type - edge type // pQuantTable - pointer to quantization table // bypass_flag - enable lossless coding when qpprime_y is zero // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntraHalf8x8MB_H264_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcDstCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32s srcdstYStep, IppIntra8x8PredMode_H264 *pMBIntraTypes, Ipp32u cbp8x2, Ipp32u QP, Ipp8u edgeType, const Ipp16s *pQuantTable, Ipp8u bypass_flag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructChromaIntra4x4MB_H264_16s8u_P2R // // Purpose: // Reconstruct Intra Chroma 4x4 macroblock for high profile in MBAFF mode // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pSrcDstUPlane - pointer to current U plane which will be reconstructed // pSrcDstVPlane - pointer to current V plane which will be reconstructed // srcdstUVStep - plane step // intra_chroma_mode - intra mode // cbp4x4 - coded block pattern // edge_type_top - edge type top // edge_type_bottom - edge type bottom // chromaQPU - chroma quantizer for U plane // chromaQPV - chroma quantizer for V plane // pQuantTableU - pointer to quantization table for U plane // pQuantTableV - pointer to quantization table for V plane // bypass_flag - enable lossless coding when qpprime_y is zero // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr ChromaQP is less than 0 or greater than 39 // // Notes: */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChromaIntraHalfs4x4MB_H264_16s8u_P2R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcDstCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstUPlane, Ipp8u *pSrcDstVPlane, Ipp32u srcdstUVStep, IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 intra_chroma_mode, Ipp32u cbp4x4, Ipp32u chromaQPU, Ipp32u chromaQPV, Ipp8u edge_type_top, Ipp8u edge_type_bottom, const Ipp16s *pQuantTableU, const Ipp16s *pQuantTableV, Ipp8u bypass_flag)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChromaIntraHalves4x4MB_H264_16s8u_P2R, (Ipp16s **ppSrcDstCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstUPlane, Ipp8u *pSrcDstVPlane, Ipp32u srcdstUVStep, IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 intra_chroma_mode, Ipp32u cbp4x4, Ipp32u chromaQPU, Ipp32u chromaQPV, Ipp8u edge_type_top, Ipp8u edge_type_bottom, const Ipp16s *pQuantTableU, const Ipp16s *pQuantTableV, Ipp8u bypass_flag)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChromaIntra4x4_H264High_32s16u_IP2R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo[2], IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 intraChromaMode, Ipp32u edgeType)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChromaIntraHalf4x4_H264High_32s16u_IP2R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo[2], IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 intraChromaMode, Ipp32u edgeTypeTop, Ipp32u edgeTypeBottom)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChromaInter4x4_H264High_32s16u_IP2R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo[2])) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChroma422Intra4x4_H264High_32s16u_IP2R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo[2], IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 intraChromaMode, Ipp32u edgeType, Ipp32u levelScaleDCU, Ipp32u levelScaleDCV)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChroma422IntraHalf4x4_H264High_32s16u_IP2R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo[2], IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 intraChromaMode, Ipp32u edgeTypeTop, Ipp32u edgeTypeBottom, Ipp32u levelScaleDCU, Ipp32u levelScaleDCV)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChroma422Inter4x4_H264High_32s16u_IP2R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo[2], Ipp32u levelScaleDCU, Ipp32u levelScaleDCV)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntra4x4_H264High_32s16u_IP1R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo, const IppIntra4x4PredMode_H264 *pMBIntraTypes, Ipp32s edgeType)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntraHalf4x4_H264High_32s16u_IP1R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo, const IppIntra4x4PredMode_H264 *pMBIntraTypes, Ipp32u edgeType)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntra8x8_H264High_32s16u_IP1R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo, IppIntra8x8PredMode_H264 *pMBIntraTypes, Ipp32u edgeType)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntraHalf8x8_H264High_32s16u_IP1R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo, IppIntra8x8PredMode_H264 *pMBIntraTypes, Ipp32u edgeType)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaIntra16x16_H264High_32s16u_IP1R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo, IppIntra16x16PredMode_H264 intraLumaMode, Ipp32u edgeType)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaInter4x4_H264High_32s16u_IP1R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructLumaInter8x8_H264High_32s16u_IP1R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_32s16u * pReconstructInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChroma422Intra4x4_H264High_16s8u_IP2R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_16s8u * pReconstructInfo[2], IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 intraChromaMode, Ipp32u edgeType, Ipp32u levelScaleDCU, Ipp32u levelScaleDCV)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChroma422IntraHalf4x4_H264High_16s8u_IP2R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_16s8u * pReconstructInfo[2], IppIntraChromaPredMode_H264 intraChromaMode, Ipp32u edgeTypeTop, Ipp32u edgeTypeBottom, Ipp32u levelScaleDCU, Ipp32u levelScaleDCV)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiReconstructChroma422Inter4x4_H264High_16s8u_IP2R, ( const IppiReconstructHighMB_16s8u * pReconstructInfo[2], Ipp32u levelScaleDCU, Ipp32u levelScaleDCV)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateBlock_H264_8u_P3P1R // // Purpose: interpolation block nHeight x nWidth // // // Parameters: // pSrc0 - pointer to first source // pSrc1 - pointer to second source // pDst - pointer to destination // nWidth - block width // nHeight - block height // iPitchSrc0 - first source pitch // iPitchSrc1 - second source pitch // iPitchDst - destination pitch // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrc0 or pSrc1 or pDst is NULL // Notes: // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateBlock_H264_8u_P3P1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrc1, const Ipp8u *pSrc2, Ipp8u *pDst, Ipp32u uWidth, Ipp32u uHeight, Ipp32s iPitchSrc1, Ipp32s iPitchSrc2, Ipp32s iPitchDst)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiBiDirWeightBlock_H264_8u_P3P1R // // Purpose: Apply specified weighting and offset to all samples of the blocks, // and combine them. // Sw = clip( (S0*weight0 + S1*weight1 + round) >> (ulog2wd+1) + // ((offset0 + offset1 + 1)>>1) ) // // Parameters: // pSrc1 - pointer to first source // pSrc2 - pointer to second source // pDst - pointer to destination // nWidth - block width // nHeight - block height // nSrcPitch1 - first source pitch // nSrcPitch2 - second source pitch // nDstPitch - destination pitch // ulog2wd - log2 weight denominator // iWeight1 - weight coefficient for first source // iOffset1 - offset for first source // iWeight2 - weight coefficient for second source // iOffset2 - offset for second source // roi - block size // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrc1 or pSrc2 or pDst is NULL // Notes: // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiBiDirWeightBlock_H264_8u_P3P1R,( const Ipp8u *pSrc1, const Ipp8u *pSrc2, Ipp8u *pDst, Ipp32u nSrcPitch1, Ipp32u nSrcPitch2, Ipp32u nDstPitch, Ipp32u ulog2wd, Ipp32s iWeight1, Ipp32s iOffset1, Ipp32s iWeight2, Ipp32s iOffset2, IppiSize roi )) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiBiDirWeightBlockImplicit_H264_8u_P3P1R // // Purpose: Implicit bidir prediction weighting using simplified weighting with // no offsets. // Sw = clip((S0*weight0 + S1*weight1 + 32) >> 6)) // // Parameters: // pDst - pointer to destination // nWidth - block width // nHeight - block height // nSrcPitch1 - first source pitch // nSrcPitch2 - second source pitch // nDstPitch - destination pitch // iWeight1 - weight coefficient for first source // iWeight2 - weight coefficient for second source // roi - block size // // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrc0 or pSrc1 or pDst is NULL // Notes: // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiBiDirWeightBlockImplicit_H264_8u_P3P1R,(const Ipp8u *pSrc1, const Ipp8u *pSrc2, Ipp8u *pDst, Ipp32u nSrcPitch1, Ipp32u nSrcPitch2, Ipp32u nDstPitch, Ipp32s iWeight1, Ipp32s iWeight2, IppiSize roi )) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeCAVLCChromaDcCoeffs_H264_1u16s // // Purpose: Decode Chroma DC coefficients CAVLC coded // // Parameters: // ppBitStream - double pointer to current dword in bitstream(will be updated by function) // pOffset - pointer to offset in current dword(will be updated by function) // pNumCoeff - output number of coefficients // ppPosCoefbuf - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // pTblCoeffToken - chroma DC CoeffToken Table // ppTblTotalZerosCR - chroma DC TotalZeros Tables // ppTblRunBefore - RunBefore Tables // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr if a pointer is NULL // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCAVLCChromaDcCoeffs_H264_1u16s, (Ipp32u **ppBitStream, Ipp32s *pOffset, Ipp16s *pNumCoeff, Ipp16s **ppDstCoeffs, const Ipp32s *pTblCoeffToken, const Ipp32s **ppTblTotalZerosCR, const Ipp32s **ppTblRunBefore)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeCAVLCCoeffs_H264_1u16s // // Purpose: // Decode any non Chroma DC coefficients CAVLC coded // // Parameters: // ppBitStream - double pointer to current dword in bitstream(will be updated by function) // pOffset - pointer to offset in current dword(will be updated by function) // pNumCoeff - output number of coefficients // ppPosCoefbuf - pointer to 4x4 block of coefficients, if it's non zero(will be update by function) // uVLCSelect - predictor on number of CoeffToken Table // uMaxNumCoeff - maximum coefficients in block(16 for Intra16x16, 15 for the rest) // pTblCoeffToken - CoeffToken Tables // ppTblTotalZeros - TotalZeros Tables // ppTblRunBefore - RunBefore Tables // pScanMatrix - inverse scan matrix for coefficients in block // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr if a pointer is NULL // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCAVLCCoeffs_H264_1u16s, (Ipp32u **ppBitStream, Ipp32s *pOffset, Ipp16s *pNumCoeff, Ipp16s **ppDstCoeffs, Ipp32u uVLCSelect, Ipp16s uMaxNumCoeff, const Ipp32s **ppTblCoeffToken, const Ipp32s **ppTblTotalZeros, const Ipp32s **ppTblRunBefore, const Ipp32s *pScanMatrix)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeExpGolombOne_H264_1u16s, (Ipp32u **ppBitStream, Ipp32s *pBitOffset, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp8u isSigned)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeExpGolombOne_H264_1u32s, (Ipp32u **ppBitStream, Ipp32s *pBitOffset, Ipp32s *pDst, Ipp32s isSigned)) IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiDecodeCAVLCChroma422DcCoeffs_H264_1u16s,(Ipp32u **ppBitStream, Ipp32s *pBitOffset, Ipp16s *pNumCoeff, Ipp16s **ppDstCoeffs, const Ipp32s *pTblCoeffToken, const Ipp32s **ppTblTotalZerosCR, const Ipp32s **ppTblRunBefore)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCAVLCCoeffs_H264_1u32s, (Ipp32u **ppBitStream, Ipp32s *pBitOffset, Ipp16s *pNumCoeff, Ipp32s **ppDstCoeffs, Ipp32u uVLCSelect, Ipp16s uMaxNumCoeff, const Ipp32s **ppTblCoeffToken, const Ipp32s **ppTblTotalZeros, const Ipp32s **ppTblRunBefore, const Ipp32s *pScanMatrix)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCAVLCChromaDcCoeffs_H264_1u32s, (Ipp32u **ppBitStream, Ipp32s *pBitOffset, Ipp16s *pNumCoeff, Ipp32s **ppDstCoeffs, const Ipp32s *pTblCoeffToken, const Ipp32s **ppTblTotalZerosCR, const Ipp32s **ppTblRunBefore)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeCAVLCChroma422DcCoeffs_H264_1u32s,(Ipp32u **ppBitStream, Ipp32s *pBitOffset, Ipp16s *pNumCoeff, Ipp32s **ppDstCoeffs, const Ipp32s *pTblCoeffToken, const Ipp32s **ppTblTotalZerosCR, const Ipp32s **ppTblRunBefore)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiExpandPlane_H264_8u_C1R, ( Ipp8u *StartPtr, Ipp32u uFrameWidth, Ipp32u uFrameHeight, Ipp32u uPitch, Ipp32u uPels, IppvcFrameFieldFlag uFrameFieldFlag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // H.264 Video Encoder Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiEncodeCoeffsCAVLC_H264_16s // ippiEncodeCoeffsCAVLC_H264_32s // // Purpose: Calculates characteristics of 4X4 block for CAVLC encoding. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to 4x4 block - array of size 16. // AC Flag, equal to zero in the cases of Luma Intra 16x16 AC block // or Chroma AC block, and is not equal to zero otherwise. // pScanMatrix Scan matrix for coefficients in block (array of size 16). // Count Position of the last non-zero block coefficient in the scanning sequence. // Traling_One The number of trailing ones transform coefficient levels // in a range[0;3]. This argument is calculated by the function. // Traling_One_Signs Code that describes signs of trailing ones. // (Trailing_One 1 - i)-bit in this code corresponds to a sign // of i-trailing one in the current block. In this code 1 indicates // negative value, 0 positive value. This argument is calculated // by the function. // NumOutCoeffs The number of non-zero coefficients in block (including trailing // ones). This argument is calculated by the function. // TotalZeros The number of zero coefficients in block (except trailing zeros). This // argument is calculated by the function. // pLevels Pointer to an array of size 16 that contains non-zero quantized // coefficients of the current block (except trailing ones) in reverse scan // matrix order. // pRuns Pointer to an array of size 16 that contains runs before non-zero // quantized coefficients (including trailing ones) of the current block in // reverse scan matrix order (except run before the first non-zero // coefficient in block, which can be calculated using TotalZeros). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr if a pointer is NULL // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeCoeffsCAVLC_H264_16s, ( const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp8u AC, const Ipp32s *pScanMatrix, Ipp8u Count, Ipp8u *Trailing_Ones, Ipp8u *Trailing_One_Signs, Ipp8u *NumOutCoeffs, Ipp8u *TotalZeros, Ipp16s *Levels, Ipp8u *Runs)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeCoeffsCAVLC_H264_32s ,( const Ipp32s* pSrc, Ipp32s AC, const Ipp32s* pScanMatrix, Ipp32s Count, Ipp8u* Trailing_Ones, Ipp8u* Trailing_One_Signs, Ipp8u* NumOutCoeffs, Ipp8u* TotalZeroes, Ipp32s* Levels, Ipp8u* Runs)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiEncodeChromaDcCoeffsCAVLC_H264_16s // // Purpose: Calculates characteristics of 2X2 Chroma DC for CAVLC encoding. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to 2x2 block - array of size 4. // Traling_One The number of trailing ones transform coefficient levels // in a range[0;3]. This argument is calculated by the function. // Traling_One_Signs Code that describes signs of trailing ones. // (Trailing_One 1 - i)-bit in this code corresponds to a sign // of i-trailing one in the current block. In this code 1 indicates // negative value, 0 positive value. This argument is calculated // by the function. // NumOutCoeffs The number of non-zero coefficients in block (including trailing // ones). This argument is calculated by the function. // TotalZeros The number of zero coefficients in block (except trailing zeros). This // argument is calculated by the function. // pLevels Pointer to an array of size 4 that contains non-zero quantized // coefficients of the current block (except trailing ones) in reverse scan // matrix order. // pRuns Pointer to an array of size 4 that contains runs before non-zero // quantized coefficients (including trailing ones) of the current block in // reverse scan matrix order (except run before the first non-zero // coefficient in block, which can be calculated using TotalZeros). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr if a pointer is NULL // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeChromaDcCoeffsCAVLC_H264_16s, ( const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp8u *pTrailingOnes, Ipp8u *pTrailingOneSigns, Ipp8u *pNumOutCoeffs, Ipp8u *pTotalZeros, Ipp16s *pLevels, Ipp8u *pRuns)) /* // Name: // ippiTransformQuantChromaDC_H264_16s_C1I // // Purpose: This function performs forward transform (if it's necessary) and quantization // for 2x2 DC Croma block // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to 2x2 chroma DC block - source & destination array of size 4 // pTBlock Pointer to 2x2 transformed chroma DC block - source or destination array of size 4 // QPCroma Quantization parameter for chroma. It's in range [0,39] // NumLevels Pointer to value, which contains: a negative value of a number of non-zero // elements in block after quantization (in the case of the first quantized element // in block is not equal zero) // a number of non-zero elements in block after quantization (in the case of the // first quantized element in block is equal zero) // This value is calculated by function. // Intra Flag that is equal 1 in the case of Intra slice, 0 otherwise. // NeedTransform Flag that is equal 1 if transforming process is used. This flag is equal 0 // if transforming process is not used. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pointers are NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QPCroma >39 // ippStsScaleRangeErr if any coefficient after quantization > MAX_CAVLC_LEVEL_VALUE */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantChromaDC_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp16s* pTBlock, Ipp32s QPCroma, Ipp8s* pNumLevels, Ipp8u intra, Ipp8u needTransform)) /* // Name: // ippiTransformQuantLumaDC_H264_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // This function performs forward transform (if it's necessary) and quantization // for 4x4 DC Luma block. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to 4x4 luma DC block - source & destination array of size 4 // pTBlock Pointer to 4x4 transformed luma DC block - source or destination array of size 4 // QP Quantization parameter for luma. It's in range [0,51] // NumLevels Pointer to value, which contains: // a negative value of a number of non-zero elements in block after // quantization (in the case of the first quantized element in block is not equal zero) // a number of non-zero elements in block after quantization (in the case // of the first quantized element in block is equal zero) // This value is calculated by function. // NeedTransform Flag that is equal 1 if transforming process is used. This flag is equal 0 if transforming process is not used. // pScanMatrix Scan matrix for coefficients in block (array of size 16) // LastCoeff Position of the last non-zero coefficient in block after quantization. This value is calculated by function. // // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pointers are NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP >51 or QP<0 // ippStsScaleRangeErr if any coefficient after quantization > MAX_CAVLC_LEVEL_VALUE */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantLumaDC_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp16s* pTBlock, Ipp32s QP, Ipp8s* pNumLevels, Ipp8u needTransform, const Ipp16s* pScanMatrix, Ipp8u* pLastCoeff)) /* // Name: // ippiTransformQuantResidual_H264_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // This function performs forward transform and quantization for 4x4 residual block. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to 4x4 residual block - source & destination array of size 16 // QP Quantization parameter for luma or for chroma. It's in range [0,51] or [0,39] // NumLevels Pointer to value, which contains: // a negative value of a number of non-zero elements in block after quantization // (in the case of the first quantized element in block is not equal zero) // a number of non-zero elements in block after quantization (in the case // of the first quantized element in block is equal zero) // This value is calculated by function. // Intra Flag that is equal 1 in the case of Intra slice, 0 otherwise. // pScanMatrix Scan matrix for coefficients in block (array of size 16) // LastCoeff Position of the last non-zero coefficient in block after quantization. This value is calculated by function. // // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pointers are NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP >51 or QP<0 // ippStsScaleRangeErr if any coefficient after quantization > MAX_CAVLC_LEVEL_VALUE */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantResidual_H264_16s_C1I , ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s QP, Ipp8s* pNumLevels, Ipp8u intra, const Ipp16s* pScanMatrix, Ipp8u* pLastCoeff)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut2_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut4_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut8_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_16x4x5MB_DV_16s8u_P3C2R // // Purpose: // Convert a YCrCb411 macro blocks to the YCbCr422 macro blocks. // Reduce size of dst image in 1/2/4/8 times accordingly. // // Parameters: // pSrc array of pointers to the five source macro blocks // pDst array of pointers to the five destination macro blocks // dstStep step for the destination image // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pSrc pDst is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut2_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut4_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut8_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5] )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_16x4x5MB_DV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstPitch ) ) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_EdgeDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut2_EdgeDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut4_EdgeDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut8_EdgeDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_8x8MB_DV_16s8u_P3C2R // // Purpose: // Converts a YCrCb411 macro block to the YCbCr422 macro block at the right edge of destination image. // Reduce size of dst image in 1/2/4/8 times accordingly. // // Parameters: // pSrc pointer to the source macro block // pDst pointer to the destination macro block // dstStep step for the destination image // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pSrc pDst is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_EdgeDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut2_EdgeDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut4_EdgeDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut8_EdgeDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb411ToYCbCr422_8x8MB_DV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstPitch ) ) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiYCrCb420ToYCbCr422_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb420ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut2_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb420ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut4_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb420ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut8_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb420ToYCbCr422_8x8x5MB_DV_16s8u_P3C2R // // Purpose: // Convert a YCrCb420 macro blocks to the YCbCr422 macro blocks. // Reduce size of dst image in 1/2/4/8 times accordingly. // // Parameters: // pSrc array of pointers to the five source macro blocks // pDst array of pointers to the five destination macro blocks // dstStep step for the destination image // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pSrc pDst is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb420ToYCbCr422_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb420ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut2_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb420ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut4_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb420ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut8_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb420ToYCbCr422_8x8x5MB_DV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstPitch ) ) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiYCrCb422ToYCbCr422_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb422ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut2_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb422ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut4_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb422ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut8_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb422ToYCbCr422_8x4x5MB_DV_16s8u_P3C2R // ippiYCrCb422ToYCbCr422_10HalvesMB16x8_DV100_16s8u_P3C2R // // Purpose: // Convert a YCrCb422 macro blocks to the YCbCr422 macro blocks. // Reduce size of dst image in 1/2/4/8 times accordingly. // // Parameters: // pSrc array of pointers to the five source macro blocks // pDst array of pointers to the five destination macro blocks // dstStep step for the destination image // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pSrc pDst is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb422ToYCbCr422_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb422ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut2_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb422ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut4_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstStep )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb422ToYCbCr422_ZoomOut8_5MBDV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5] )) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb422ToYCbCr422_8x4x5MB_DV_16s8u_P3C2R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc[5], Ipp8u* pDst[5], int dstStep ) ) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiYCrCb422ToYCbCr422_10HalvesMB16x8_DV100_16s8u_P3C2R, (const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp8u* pDst[10], int dstStep ) ) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDeinterlaceFilterTriangle_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // This function deinterlaces video plane. // The function performs triangle filtering of the image to remove interlacing // flicker effect that arises when analogue interlaced TV data is // viewed on a computer monitor. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source video plane. // srcStep Step through the source video plane. // pDst Pointer to the destination video plane. // dstStep Step through the destination video plane. // roiSize Size of ROI. Height should be greater than 3. // centerWeight Weight of filtered pixel, must lie within the range from 0 to 256. // layout Plane layout, required when the plane is only a part of the frame. // Takes the following values: // IPP_UPPER for the first slice // IPP_CENTER for the middle slices // IPP_LOWER for the last slice // IPP_LOWER && IPP_UPPER && IPP_CENTER for the image that is not sliced. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when at least one input pointer is NULL. // ippStsSizeErr Indicates an error when roiSize has a field with zero or negative value. // ippStsBadArgErr Indicates invalid argument. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDeinterlaceFilterTriangle_8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, Ipp32u centerWeight, Ipp32u layout)) /* ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General Color Conversion ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiCbYCr422ToYCbCr420Rotate_8u_C2P3R // Purpose: Converts a 2-channel YUY2 image to the I420(IYUV) image // Return: // ippStsNoErr Ok // ippStsNullPtrErr One or more pointers are NULL // ippStsSizeErr if srcRoi.width < 2 || srcRoi.height < 2 // ippStsDoubleSize If srcRoi.width and srcRoi.height are not multiples of 2, // the function reduces the values to the nearest multiples of 2. // Arguments: // pSrc pointer to the source image // srcStep step for the source image // pDst array of pointers to the components of the destination image // dstStep array of steps values for every component // srcRoi region of interest of src image to be processed, in pixels, // and roi of dst image you must calculate. // rotation rotation control parameter; must be of // the following pre-defined values: // IPPVC_ROTATE_90CCW, IPPVC_ROTATE_90CW, // IPPVC_ROTATE_180 or IPPVC_ROTATE_DISABLE, */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiCbYCr422ToYCbCr420_Rotate_8u_C2P3R,(const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, IppiSize srcRoi,Ipp8u *pDst[3], int dstStep[3], int rotation )) IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiCbYCr422ToYCbCr420_Rotate_8u_P3R,(const Ipp8u* pSrc[3], int srcStep[3], IppiSize srcRoi,Ipp8u *pDst[3], int dstStep[3], int rotation )) /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: ippiResizeCCRotate_8u_C2R // Description: synthesizes a low-resolution preview image for // high-resolution video or still capture applications. // combines scale reduction(2:1,4:1 or 8:1), color space // conversion and rotation into a a single function // Input Arguments: // pSrc pointer to the source image. Input byte ordering is Cb Y Cr Y. // srcStep step for the source image // pDst pointer to the destination image // dstStep step for the destination image // srcRoi region of interest of src image to be processed, in pixels, // and roi of dst image you must calculate. // zoomFactor parameter, indicating downscale factor, takes values 2, 4 or 8 for 2:1,4:1,and 8:1 downscale respectively. // interpolation type of interpolation to // perform resampling of the input image // The following are currently supported: // IPPI_INTER_NN nearest neighbor interpolation // IPPI_INTER_LINEAR linear interpolation // colorConversion color conversion control parameter, // must be set to one of the following // pre-defined values: // IPPVC_CbYCr422ToBGR565 // IPPVC_CbYCr422ToBGR565 // rotation rotation control parameter,must be of // the following pre-defined values: // IPPVC_ROTATE_90CCW, IPPVC_ROTATE_90CW, // IPPVC_ROTATE_180 or IPPVC_ROTATE_DISABLE, // Output Arguments: pDst pointer to the start of the buffer // containing the, resized, color-converted, // and rotated output image. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Ok // ippStsNullPtrErr one or more pointers are NULL // ippStsSizeErr srcRoi.width < zoomFactor // ippStsSizeErr srcRoi.height < zoomFactor // ippStsInterpolationErr invalid values of the interpolation control parameter. // ippStsResizeFactorErr invalid values of the zoomFactor control parameter. // ippStsBadArgErr invalid values of the rotation control parameter. // ippStsDoubleSize if srcRoi.width and srcRoi.height are not multiples of 2, // the function reduces the values to the nearest multiples of 2. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiResizeCCRotate_8u_C2R,(const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, IppiSize srcRoi, Ipp16u *pDst,int dstStep, int zoomFactor,int interpolation,int colorConversion,int rotation )) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiGenScaleLevel8x8_H264_8u16s_D2 // // Purpose: // Performs quantization including 8x8 transform normalization // // Parameters: // pSrcInvScaleMatrix - Pointer to an original inverse scaling matrix for 8x8 transform. // SrcStep - Step of the pSrcInvScaleMatrix in bytes. // pDstInvScaleMatrix - Pointer to a destination inverse scaling matrix -- array of size 64. // pDstScaleMatrix - Pointer to a destination forward scaling matrix - array of size 64. // Qp_rem - Reminder from an integer division of quantization parameter by 6. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr at least one of the pointers is NULL // ippStsQPErr Qp_rem is less than 0 or greater than 5 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGenScaleLevel8x8_H264_8u16s_D2, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcInvScaleMatrix, int SrcStep, Ipp16s *pDstInvScaleMatrix, Ipp16s *pDstScaleMatrix, int Qp_rem)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformLuma8x8Fwd_H264_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // Performs forward 8x8 transform for a 8x8 Luma block without normalization. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial 8x8 Luma block and resultant coefficients // (array of size 64). // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr at least one of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformLuma8x8Fwd_H264_16s_C1I, (Ipp16s *pSrcDst)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantLuma8x8_H264_16s_C1 // ippiQuantLuma8x8_H264_32s_C1 // // Purpose: // Performs quantization including 8x8 transform normalization // // Parameters: // pSrc - Pointer to Luma block coefficients - array of size 64. // pDst - Pointer to quantized and normalized coefficients - // array of size 64. // Qp6 - Quantization parameter divided by 6 // Intra - Flag, 1 if the slice is intra and 0 otherwise. // pScanMatrix - Pointer to a scan matrix for the coefficients in the block (array // of size 64) // pScaleLevels - Pointer to a scale level matrix taking into account 8x8 transform // normalization. // pNumLevels - Pointer to a value which contains: // - a negative value of a number of non-zero elements in block after // quantization (when the first quantized element in block is not equal // to zero), // - a number of non-zero elements in block after quantization (when // the first quantized element in block is equal to zero). // pLastCoeff - Position of the last (in order of pScanMatrix) non-zero coefficient // in block after quantization. This value is calculated by the function. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr at least one of the pointers is NULL // ippStsQPErr Qp6 is less than 0 or greater than 8 // // NOTE: // pSrc and pDst will usually point to the same memory region! */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantLuma8x8_H264_16s_C1, ( const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp16s *pDst, int Qp6, int Intra, const Ipp16s *pScanMatrix, const Ipp16s *pScaleLevels, int *pNumLevels, int *pLastCoeff)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantLuma8x8_H264_32s_C1, ( const Ipp32s* pSrc, Ipp32s* pDst, Ipp32s Qp6, Ipp32s Intra, const Ipp16s* pScanMatrix, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevels, Ipp32s* pNumLevels, Ipp32s* pLastCoeff)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantLuma8x8Inv_H264_16s_C1I // ippiQuantInvLuma8x8_H264_32s_C1I // // Purpose: // Performs dequantization including inverse 8x8 transform normalization // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - Pointer to a Luma block coefficients - source and destination // array of size 64. // Qp6 - Quantization parameter divided by 6 // pInvLevelScale - Pointer to an inverse scale levels matrix. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr at least one of the pointers is NULL // ippStsQPErr Qp6 is less than 0 or greater than 8 or // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantLuma8x8Inv_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s *pSrcDst, int Qp6, const Ipp16s *pInvLevelScale)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvLuma8x8_H264_32s_C1I, ( Ipp32s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s Qp6, const Ipp16s* pInvLevelScale)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformLuma8x8InvAddPred_H264_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs inverse 8x8 transform for a 8x8 Luma block with subsequent intra // prediction or motion compensation, coefficients are assumed to be pre-normalized. // // Parameters: // pPred - pointer to the reference 8x8 block, which is used for intra // prediction or motion compensation. // PredStep - reference frame step in bytes. // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial coefficients and buffer for the computations // (8x8 block) - array of size 64. // pDst - pointer to the destination 8x8 block. // DstStep - destination frame step in bytes. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr at least one of the pointers is NULL // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformLuma8x8InvAddPred_H264_16s8u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pPred, int PredStep, Ipp16s *pSrcDst, Ipp8u *pDst, int DstStep)) /*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantWeightBlockInv_DV_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // The function performs de quantization and de weighting at one block according to DV standard. // // Parameters: // pSrcDs - pointer to the source & destination 8x8 block. // pQuantInvTable - pointer to an array that contains values of quantification table for the current block. // pWeightInvTable - Pointer to an array that contains values of weight table for the current block. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr at least one of the pointers is NULL // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantWeightBlockInv_DV_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s *pSrcDst, const Ipp16s *pQuantInvTable, const Ipp16s *pWeightInvTable)) /*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantWeightBlockInv_DV100_16s_C1I // // Purpose: // The function performs de quantization and de weighting at one block according to DV100 standard. // // Parameters: // pSrcDs - pointer to the source & destination 8x8 block. // pWeightInvTable - Pointer to an array that contains values of weight table for the current block. // quantValue - value of quantization parameter for the current block. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr at least one of the pointers is NULL // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantWeightBlockInv_DV100_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s *pSrcDst, const Ipp16s *pWeightInvTable, Ipp32s quantValue)) /*/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDCT8x4x2To4x4Inv_DV_16s_C1I // // Purpose: The function performs inverse discrete cosines transform at 2x4x8 block. After // that create block 4x4: first, values in rows are average in pairs; // second, values in columns are average in pairs too. And we got new values // of block 4x4. // Values calculated for new 4x4 block stored in series (in a row) in memory. // // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to the source & destination 2x4x8 block. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr at least one of the pointers is NULL // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDCT8x4x2To4x4Inv_DV_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s *pSrcDst)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransform8x8Inv_VC1_16s_C1R // ippiTransform4x8Inv_VC1_16s_C1R // ippiTransform8x4Inv_VC1_16s_C1R // ippiTransform4x4Inv_VC1_16s_C1R // ippiTransform8x8Inv_VC1_16s_C1IR // ippiTransform4x8Inv_VC1_16s_C1IR // ippiTransform8x4Inv_VC1_16s_C1IR // ippiTransform4x4Inv_VC1_16s_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs inverse transform of 8x8/4x8/8x4/4x4 block according to VC-1 // standard // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source block. // srcStep Step in bytes through the source plane. // pDst Pointer to the destination block. // dstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane. // srcSizeNZ The size of top-left rectangle which contains non-zero // coefficients // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform8x8Inv_VC1_16s_C1R, ( const Ipp16s *pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp16s *pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize srcSizeNZ)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform4x4Inv_VC1_16s_C1R, ( const Ipp16s *pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp16s *pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize srcSizeNZ)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform8x4Inv_VC1_16s_C1R, ( const Ipp16s *pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp16s *pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize srcSizeNZ)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform4x8Inv_VC1_16s_C1R, ( const Ipp16s *pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp16s *pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize srcSizeNZ)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform8x8Inv_VC1_16s_C1IR, ( Ipp16s *pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, IppiSize srcSizeNZ)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform4x4Inv_VC1_16s_C1IR, ( Ipp16s *pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, IppiSize srcSizeNZ)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform8x4Inv_VC1_16s_C1IR, ( Ipp16s *pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, IppiSize srcSizeNZ)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform4x8Inv_VC1_16s_C1IR, ( Ipp16s *pSrcDst, int srcDstStep, IppiSize srcSizeNZ)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateQPBilinear_VC1_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs bilinear quarter-pel interpolation for NxM block in // accordance with of VC-1 standard // // Parameters: // pParams Pointer to structure which contains parameters for interpolation: // pSrc Pointer to the source block. // srcStep Step in bytes through the source plane. // pDst Pointer to the destination block. // dstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane. // dx, dy Fractional parts of the motion vector in 1/4 pel units // (0, 1, 2, or 3). // roiSize BlockSize. It should be equal 4x4, 8x4, 8x8, 16x16 // roundControl Frame level rounding control value as describe in section // 8.3.7 of of VC-1 standard // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateQPBilinear_VC1_8u_C1R, ( const IppVCInterpolate_8u* pParams)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateQPBilinear_VC1_8u_C2R // // Purpose: // Performs bilinear quarter-pel interpolation for NxM block in // accordance with of VC-1 standard for NV12 chroma format // // Parameters: // pParams Pointer to structure which contains parameters for interpolation: // pSrc Pointer to the source block. // srcStep Step in bytes through the source plane. // pDst Pointer to the destination block. // dstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane. // dx, dy Fractional parts of the motion vector in 1/4 pel units // (0, 1, 2, or 3). // roiSize BlockSize. It should be equal 4x4, 8x4, 8x8 // roundControl Frame level rounding control value as describe in section // 8.3.7 of of VC-1 standard // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateQPBilinear_VC1_8u_C2R, ( const IppVCInterpolate_8u* pParams)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateICBilinearBlock_VC1_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs intensity compensation and bilinear quarter-pel interpolation for motion estimation of the // luma or chroma component using entire motion vector. // // Parameters: // interpolateInfo Pointer to an instance of the structure holding interpolation // parameters. // pSrc pointer to start of reference field (or pointer to start of reference frame in the case of reference frame) // srcStep step of the reference frame // pDst pointer to destination MB // dstStep step of destination buffer // sizeFrame dimensions of the reference image planes // sizeBlock dimensions of the block to be interpolated. Maximum size is 16 in all dimensions. // pointRefBlockPos position inside reference frame. Which was calculated as sum of current position and integer part of motion vector // pointVectorQuarterPix quarter part of MV // pLUTTop pointer to Intensity Compensation LUT table. This table is calculated in accordance 8.3.8 and 10.3.7 of [SMPTE 421M] // and applied for pixels of top field. If this pointer is equal to 0, then Intensity Compensation is not applied for this field. // If both pointers are equal to 0, no then Intensity Compensation is applied for this field. // pLUTBottom pointer to Intensity Compensation LUT table. This table is calculated in accordance 8.3.8 and 10.3.7 of [SMPTE 421M] // and applied for pixels of bottom field. If this pointer is equal to 0, then Intensity Compensation is not applied for this field // // OppositePadding flag that specified padding correspondence between current frame and reference frame. // fieldPrediction flag that specified Prediction type for current MB. // RoundControl indicate type of rounding for the current frame. Defined according to 8.3.7 of [SMPTE 421M]. RoundControl can be equal 0 or 1. // isPredBottom flag that specified type of reference field in case of interlace reference picture. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateICBilinearBlock_VC1_8u_C1R,( const IppVCInterpolateBlockIC_8u* pParams)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateICBilinearBlock_VC1_8u_C2R // // Purpose: // Performs intensity compensation and bilinear quarter-pel interpolation for motion estimation of the // chroma component in NV12 format using entire motion vector. // // Parameters: // interpolateInfo Pointer to an instance of the structure holding interpolation // parameters. // pSrc pointer to start of reference field (or pointer to start of reference frame in the case of reference frame) // srcStep step of the reference frame // pDst pointer to destination MB // dstStep step of destination buffer // sizeFrame dimensions of the reference image planes // sizeBlock dimensions of the block to be interpolated. Maximum size is 16x8 (in NV12 format, that means 8x8 for each chroma plane). // pointRefBlockPos position inside reference frame. Which was calculated as sum of current position and integer part of motion vector // pointVectorQuarterPix quarter part of MV // pLUTTop pointer to Intensity Compensation LUT table. This table is calculated in accordance 8.3.8 and 10.3.7 of [SMPTE 421M] // and applied for pixels of top field. If this pointer is equal to 0, then Intensity Compensation is not applied for this field. // If both pointers are equal to 0, no then Intensity Compensation is applied for this field. // pLUTBottom pointer to Intensity Compensation LUT table. This table is calculated in accordance 8.3.8 and 10.3.7 of [SMPTE 421M] // and applied for pixels of bottom field. If this pointer is equal to 0, then Intensity Compensation is not applied for this field // // OppositePadding flag that specified padding correspondence between current frame and reference frame. // fieldPrediction flag that specified Prediction type for current MB. // RoundControl indicate type of rounding for the current frame. Defined according to 8.3.7 of [SMPTE 421M]. RoundControl can be equal 0 or 1. // isPredBottom flag that specified type of reference field in case of interlace reference picture. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateICBilinearBlock_VC1_8u_C2R,( const IppVCInterpolateBlockIC_8u* pParams)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateQPBicubic_VC1_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs bicubic quarter-pel interpolation for NxM block in // accordance with of VC-1 standard // // Parameters: // pParams Pointer to structure which contains parameters for interpolation: // pSrc Pointer to the source block. // srcStep Step in bytes through the source plane. // pDst Pointer to the destination block. // dstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane. // dx, dy Fractional parts of the motion vector in 1/4 pel units // (0, 1, 2, or 3). // roiSize BlockSize. It should be equal 4x4, 8x4, 8x8, 16x16 // roundControl Frame level rounding control value as describe in section // 8.3.7 of of VC-1 standard // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateQPBicubic_VC1_8u_C1R, ( const IppVCInterpolate_8u* pParams)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateICBicubicBlock_VC1_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs intensity compensation and bicubic quarter-pel interpolation for motion estimation of the // luma component using entire motion vector. // // Parameters: // interpolateInfo Pointer to an instance of the structure holding interpolation // parameters. // pSrc pointer to start of reference field (or pointer to start of reference frame in the case of reference frame) // srcStep step of the reference frame // pDst pointer to destination MB // dstStep step of destination buffer // sizeFrame dimensions of the reference image planes // sizeBlock dimensions of the block to be interpolated. Maximum size is 16 in all dimensions. // pointRefBlockPos position inside reference frame. Which was calculated as sum of current position and integer part of motion vector // pointVectorQuarterPix quarter part of MV // pLUTTop pointer to Intensity Compensation LUT table. This table is calculated in accordance 8.3.8 and 10.3.7 of [SMPTE 421M] // and applied for pixels of top field. If this pointer is equal to 0, then Intensity Compensation is not applied for this field. // If both pointers are equal to 0, no then Intensity Compensation is applied for this field. // pLUTBottom pointer to Intensity Compensation LUT table. This table is calculated in accordance 8.3.8 and 10.3.7 of [SMPTE 421M] // and applied for pixels of bottom field. If this pointer is equal to 0, then Intensity Compensation is not applied for this field // // OppositePadding flag that specified padding correspondence between current frame and reference frame. // fieldPrediction flag that specified Prediction type for current MB. // RoundControl indicate type of rounding for the current frame. Defined according to 8.3.7 of [SMPTE 421M]. RoundControl can be equal 0 or 1. // isPredBottom flag that specified type of reference field in case of interlace reference picture. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateICBicubicBlock_VC1_8u_C1R, ( const IppVCInterpolateBlockIC_8u* pParams)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSmoothingLuma_VerEdge_VC1_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs smoothing filtering on the vertical edge (internal or external) // of the luma 16X16 macroblocks. (SMPTE 421M, 8.5) // // Parameters: // pSrcLeft Pointer to the first pixel of the column of the left top block of the left macroblock, from which the smoothing will start. // srcLeftStep Step for transfer to the next row in the left macroblock // pSrcRight Pointer to the first pixel of the top left block of the right macroblock // srcRightStep Step for transfer to the next row in the right macroblock // pDst Pointer to the first pixel of the right macroblock in the Y-Plane. // dstStep Y-plane step (in bytes). // fieldNeighbourFlag Indicates the field macroblock property(2 bits): // if (fieldNeighbourFlag & VC1_FIELD_LEFT_MB) - the left macroblock is field decoded // if (fieldNeighbourFlag & VC1_FIELD_RIGHT_MB) - the right macroblock is field decoded // edgeDisableFlag flag which indicates: // if (edgeDisableFlag & VC1_EDGE_HALF_1) then the upper vertical edge is disabled for smoothing // if (edgeDisableFlag & VC1_EDGE_HALF_2) then the bottom vertical edge is disabled for smoothing // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSmoothingLuma_VerEdge_VC1_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s* pSrcLeft, Ipp32s srcLeftStep, Ipp16s* pSrcRight, Ipp32s srcRightStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32u fieldNeighbourFlag, Ipp32u edgeDisableFlag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSmoothingLuma_HorEdge_VC1_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs smoothing filtering on the horizontal edge (internal or external) // of the luma 16X16 macroblocks. (SMPTE 421M, 8.5) // // Parameters: // pSrcUpper The pointer to the first pixel of the left bottom block row of the upper macroblock, from which the smoothing will start // srcUpperStep Step for transfer to the next row in the upper macroblock // pSrcBottom Pointer to the first pixel of the top left block of the bottom macroblock // srcBottomStep Step for transfer to the next row in the bottom macroblock // pDst Pointer to the first pixel of the bottom macroblock in the Y-Plane. // dstStep Y-plane step (in bytes). // edgeDisableFlag flag which indicates: // if (edgeDisableFlag & VC1_EDGE_HALF_1) then the left horizontal edge is disabled for smoothing // if (edgeDisableFlag & VC1_EDGE_HALF_2) then the right horizontal edge is disabled for smoothing // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSmoothingLuma_HorEdge_VC1_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s* pSrcUpper, Ipp32s srcUpperStep, Ipp16s* pSrcBottom, Ipp32s srcBottomStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32u edgeDisableFlag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSmoothingChroma_HorEdge_VC1_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs smoothing filtering on the horizontal edge (internal or external) // of the chroma 8x8 blocks. (SMPTE 421M, 8.5) // // Parameters: // pSrcUpper The pointer to the first pixel of the left bottom block row of the upper macroblock, from which the smoothing will start // srcUpperStep Step for transfer to the next row in the upper macroblock // pSrcBottom Pointer to the first pixel of the top left block of the bottom macroblock // srcBottomStep Step for transfer to the next row in the bottom macroblock // pDst Pointer to the first pixel of the bottom macroblock in the U- or V-Plane. // dstStep U- or V-plane step (in bytes). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSmoothingChroma_HorEdge_VC1_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s* pSrcUpper, Ipp32s srcUpperStep, Ipp16s* pSrcBottom, Ipp32s srcBottomStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSmoothingChroma_HorEdge_VC1_16s8u_P2C2R // // Purpose: // Performs smoothing filtering on the horizontal edge (internal or external) // of the chroma 8x8 blocks in nv12 chroma format. (SMPTE 421M, 8.5) // // Parameters: // pSrcUpperU The pointer to the first pixel of the upper U block row // srcUpperStepU Step for transfer to the next row in the upper U block // pSrcBottomU Pointer to the first pixel of the top U block of the bottom macroblock // srcBottomStepU Step for transfer to the next row in the U bottom macroblock // pSrcUpperV The pointer to the first pixel of the upper V block row // srcUpperStepV Step for transfer to the next row in the upper V block // pSrcBottomV Pointer to the first pixel of the top V block of the bottom macroblock // srcBottomStepV Step for transfer to the next row in the V bottom macroblock // pDst Pointer to the first pixel of the bottom macroblock in the UV-Plane in nv12 format. // dstStep nv12 UV-plane step (in bytes). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiSmoothingChroma_HorEdge_VC1_16s8u_P2C2R,(Ipp16s* pSrcUpperU, Ipp32u srcUpperStepU, Ipp16s* pSrcBottomU, Ipp32u srcBottomStepU, Ipp16s* pSrcUpperV, Ipp32u srcUpperStepV, Ipp16s* pSrcBottomV, Ipp32u srcBottomStepV, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32u dstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSmoothingChroma_VerEdge_VC1_16s8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs smoothing filtering on the vertical edge (internal or external) // of the chroma 8X8 blocks. (SMPTE 421M, 8.5) // // pSrcLeft Pointer to the first pixel of the column of the left block, from which the smoothing will start. // srcLeftStep Step for transfer to the next row in the left block // pSrcRight Pointer to the first pixel of the right block // srcRightStep Step for transfer to the next row in the right block // pDst Pointer to the first pixel of the right block in the U- or V-Plane. // dstStep U- or V-plane step (in bytes). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSmoothingChroma_VerEdge_VC1_16s8u_C1R, (Ipp16s* pSrcLeft, Ipp32s srcLeftStep, Ipp16s* pSrcRight, Ipp32s srcRightStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSmoothingChroma_VerEdge_VC1_16s8u_P2C2R // // Purpose: // Performs smoothing filtering on the vertical edge (internal or external) // of the chroma 8X8 blocks in nv12 chroma format. (SMPTE 421M, 8.5) // // pSrcLeftU Pointer to the first pixel of the column of the left U difference block. // srcLeftStepU Step for transfer to the next row in the left U difference block // pSrcRightU Pointer to the first pixel of the right U difference block // srcRightStepU Step for transfer to the next row in the right U difference block // pSrcLeftV Pointer to the first pixel of the column of the left U difference block. // srcLeftStepV Step for transfer to the next row in the left U difference block // pSrcRightV Pointer to the first pixel of the right U difference block // srcRightStepV Step for transfer to the next row in the right U difference block // pDst Pointer to the first pixel of the right block in the UV-Plane in nv12 chroma format. // dstStep nv12 format UV-plane step (in bytes). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiSmoothingChroma_VerEdge_VC1_16s8u_P2C2R, (Ipp16s* pSrcLeftU, Ipp32u srcLeftStepU, Ipp16s* pSrcRightU, Ipp32u srcRightStepU, Ipp16s* pSrcLeftV, Ipp32u srcLeftStepV, Ipp16s* pSrcRightV, Ipp32u srcRightStepV, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32u dstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInvIntraUniform_VC1_16s_C1IR // ippiQuantInvIntraNonuniform_VC1_16s_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs uniform and nonuniform dequantization process of 8x8 intra block // according to VC-1 standard ( "Inverse AC Coefficient // Quantization" specification SMPTE 421M) // // pSrcDst - the pointer to the source & destination block. // srcDstStep - the step of the source & destination block. // doubleQuant - dequant coefficient. It should be in the range [2,62] // pDstSizeNZ - the pointer to a size of top left subblock with non-zero coefficients. This value is calculated by this function and could be used for inverse transformation. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvIntraUniform_VC1_16s_C1IR, (Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcDstStep, Ipp32s doubleQuant, IppiSize* pDstSizeNZ)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvIntraNonuniform_VC1_16s_C1IR,(Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcDstStep, Ipp32s doubleQuant, IppiSize* pDstSizeNZ)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInvInterUniform_VC1_16s_C1IR // ippiQuantInvInterNonuniform_VC1_16s_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs uniform and nonuniform dequantization process of inter block // according to VC-1 standard // // pSrcDst - the pointer to the source & destination block. // srcDstStep - the step of the source & destination block. // doubleQuant - dequant coefficient. It should be in the range [2,62] // roiSize - the intra block size. It should be: 8x8, 8x4, 4x8 or 4x4. // pDstSizeNZ - the pointer to a size of top left subblock with non-zero coefficients. This value is calculated by this function and can be used for inverse transformation. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr pSrcDst pointer is NULL // ippStsSizeErr width or height is not equal with 8 or 4 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvInterUniform_VC1_16s_C1IR,(Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcDstStep, Ipp32s doubleQuant, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize* pDstSizeNZ)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvInterNonuniform_VC1_16s_C1IR,(Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcDstStep, Ipp32s doubleQuant, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize* pDstSizeNZ)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInvIntraUniform_VC1_16s_C1R // ippiQuantInvIntraNonuniform_VC1_16s_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs uniform and nonuniform dequantization process of 8x8 intra block // according to VC-1 standard ( "Inverse AC Coefficient // Quantization" specification SMPTE 421M) // // pSrc - the pointer to the source block. // pDst - the pointer to the destination block. // srcStep - the step of the source block. // dstStep - the step of the destination block. // doubleQuant - dequant coefficient. It should be in the range [2,62] // pDstSizeNZ - the pointer to a size of top left subblock with non-zero coefficients. This value is calculated by this function and could be used for inverse transformation. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvIntraUniform_VC1_16s_C1R, (const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp16s* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s doubleQuant, IppiSize *pDstSizeNZ)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvIntraNonuniform_VC1_16s_C1R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp16s* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s doubleQuant, IppiSize *pDstSizeNZ )) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInvInterUniform_VC1_16s_C1R // ippiQuantInvInterNonuniform_VC1_16s_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs uniform and nonuniform dequantization process of inter block // according to VC-1 standard // // pSrc - the pointer to the source block. // pDst - the pointer to the destination block. // srcStep - the step of the source block. // dstStep - the step of the destination block. // doubleQuant - dequant coefficient. It should be in the range [2,62] // roiSize - the inter block size. It should be: 8x8, 8x4, 4x8 or 4x4 // pDstSizeNZ - the pointer to a size of top left subblock with non-zero coefficients. This value is calculated by this function and could be used for inverse transformation. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL // ippStsSizeErr width or height is not equal with 8 or 4 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvInterUniform_VC1_16s_C1R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp16s* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s doubleQuant, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize* pDstSizeNZ)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInvInterNonuniform_VC1_16s_C1R,(const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp16s* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s doubleQuant, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize* pDstSizeNZ)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_VC1_8u_C1IR // ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_HorEdge_VC1_8u_C1IR // ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_VC1_8u_C1IR // ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_HorEdge_VC1_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Luma deblocking functions perform deblocking filtering on the horizontal // and vertical edge (inner or external) of the luma 16x16 macroblock. (SMPTE 421M, 8.6) // // Chroma deblocking functions perform deblocking filtering on the horizontal // and vertical edge (inner or external) of the chroma 8x8 macroblock. (SMPTE 421M, 8.6) // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - Pointer to the first pixel of right block in the Y-Plane or U or V-Plane. // srcdstStep - Y-plane or U or V-Plane step (in bytes). // pQuant - Picture quantizer scale // EdgeDisableFlag - flag which indicates what part of block edge // is disabled for deblocking. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_VC1_8u_C1IR,(Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s pQuant, Ipp32s srcdstStep, Ipp32s edgeDisabledFlag)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_VC1_8u_C1IR,(Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s pQuant, Ipp32s srcdstStep, Ipp32s edgeDisabledFlag)) IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_HorEdge_VC1_8u_C1IR,(Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s pQuant, Ipp32s srcdstStep, Ipp32s edgeDisabledFlag)) IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_HorEdge_VC1_8u_C1IR,(Ipp8u* pSrcDst, Ipp32s pQuant, Ipp32s srcdstStep, Ipp32s edgeDisabledFlag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_VC1_8u_C2IR // ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_HorEdge_VC1_8u_C2IR // // Purpose: // // Chroma deblocking functions perform deblocking filtering on the horizontal // and vertical edge (inner or external) of the chroma macroblock in NV12 format. (SMPTE 421M, 8.6) // 0 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV // 1 UV UV UV UV ... UV // ... // 7 UV UV UV UV UV UV UV UV // Parameters: // pSrcDst - Pointer to the first pixel of right block in the UV-Plane. // srcdstStep - UV-Plane step (in bytes). // pQuant - Picture quantizer scale // EdgeDisableFlag - flag which indicates what part of block edge // is disabled for deblocking. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_VC1_8u_C2IR,(Ipp8u* pSrcDst,Ipp32u pQuant, Ipp32s srcdstStep, Ipp32u uEdgeDisabledFlag, Ipp32u vEdgeDisabledFlag)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_HorEdge_VC1_8u_C2IR,(Ipp8u* pSrcDst,Ipp32u pQuant, Ipp32s srcdstStep, Ipp32u uEdgeDisabledFlag, Ipp32u vEdgeDisabledFlag)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiRangeMapping_VC1_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs range map transformation according to VC-1 standard ( // // Parameters: // pSrc - the pointer to the source block. Block coefficient could be in the range [0, 255] // srcStep - the step of the source block // pDst - the pointer to the destination block. // dstStep - the step of the destination block // rangeMapParam - parameter for range map. It should be in the range [0, 7]. // roiSize - size of source block. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr Indicates an error if rangeMapParam is out of the range [0,7]. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiRangeMapping_VC1_8u_C1R ,(Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, IppiSize roiSize, Ipp32s rangeMapParam)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantIntraUniform_VC1_16s_C1IR // ippiQuantIntraNonuniform_VC1_16s_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs uniform and nonuniform quantization process of 8x8 intra block // according to VC-1 standard ( "Inverse AC Coefficient // Quantization" specification SMPTE 421M) // // pSrcDst - the pointer to the source & destination block. // srcDstStep - the step of the source & destination block. // doubleQuant - dequant coefficient. It should be in the range [2,62] // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantIntraUniform_VC1_16s_C1IR, (Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcDstStep, Ipp32s doubleQuant)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantIntraNonuniform_VC1_16s_C1IR,(Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcDstStep, Ipp32s doubleQuant)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantInterUniform_VC1_16s_C1IR // ippiQuantInterNonuniform_VC1_16s_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs uniform and nonuniform quantization process of inter block // according to VC-1 standard // // pSrcDst - the pointer to the source & destination block. // srcDstStep - the step of the source & destination block. // doubleQuant - dequant coefficient. It should be in the range [2,62] // roiSize - the intra block size. It should be: 8x8, 8x4, 4x8 or 4x4. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInterUniform_VC1_16s_C1IR,(Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcDstStep, Ipp32s doubleQuant, IppiSize roiSize)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantInterNonuniform_VC1_16s_C1IR,(Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcDstStep, Ipp32s doubleQuant, IppiSize roiSize)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransform8x8Fwd_VC1_16s_C1R // ippiTransform4x8Fwd_VC1_16s_C1R // ippiTransform8x4Fwd_VC1_16s_C1R // ippiTransform4x4Fwd_VC1_16s_C1R // ippiTransform8x8Fwd_VC1_16s_C1IR // ippiTransform4x8Fwd_VC1_16s_C1IR // ippiTransform8x4Fwd_VC1_16s_C1IR // ippiTransform4x4Fwd_VC1_16s_C1IR // // Purpose: // Performs forward transform of 8x8/4x8/8x4/4x4 block according to VC-1 // standard // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source block. // srcStep Step in bytes through the source plane. // pDst Pointer to the destination block. // dstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform8x8Fwd_VC1_16s_C1R, (const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp32s dstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform4x4Fwd_VC1_16s_C1R, (const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp32s dstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform8x4Fwd_VC1_16s_C1R, (const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp32s dstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform4x8Fwd_VC1_16s_C1R, (const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp32s dstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform8x8Fwd_VC1_16s_C1IR, (Ipp16s *pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcDstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform4x4Fwd_VC1_16s_C1IR, (Ipp16s *pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcDstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform8x4Fwd_VC1_16s_C1IR, (Ipp16s *pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcDstStep)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransform4x8Fwd_VC1_16s_C1IR, (Ipp16s *pSrcDst, Ipp32s srcDstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiHadamard8x8Sum_VC1_8u16s // ippiHadamard8x8Sum_VC1_16s // // Purpose: // Performs Hadamard transform H S H, were H - 8x8 Hadamard matrix, S - source 8x8 block // and calculates the sum of absolute values of transformed coefficients // (*pSum) = SUM(ABS(pDst[0]), ABS(pDst[1]),..,ABS(pDst[63])) // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the source block. // srcStep Step in bytes through the source plane. // pDst Pointer to the destination block of the transformed coefficients. dstStep has the fixed lenght of 16 bytes // pSum Pointer to the sum of absolute values of transformed coefficients. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiHadamard8x8Sum_VC1_8u16s,(Ipp8u* pSrc, Ipp32u srcStep, Ipp16s* pDst, Ipp32s* pSum)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiHadamard8x8Sum_VC1_16s,(Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp32u srcStep, Ipp16s* pDst, Ipp32s* pSum)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // // ippiSub4x4_8u16s_C1R // ippiSub4x4_16u16s_C1R // ippiSub8x8_16u16s_C1R // // Purpose: // Subtract two blocks and store the result in the third block. // // Parameters: // pSrc1 Pointer to the first source block. // src1Step Step in bytes through the first source plane. // pSrc2 Pointer to the second source block. // src2Step Step in bytes through the second source plane. // pDst Pointer to the destination block. // dstStep Step in bytes through the destination plane // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error. // ippStsNullPtrErr At least one input pointer is NULL */ IPPAPI( IppStatus, ippiSub4x4_8u16s_C1R, ( const Ipp8u* pSrc1, int src1Step, const Ipp8u* pSrc2, int src2Step, Ipp16s* pDst, int dstStep)) IPPAPI( IppStatus, ippiSub4x4_16u16s_C1R, ( const Ipp16u* pSrc1, int src1Step, const Ipp16u* pSrc2, int src2Step, Ipp16s* pDst, int dstStep)) IPPAPI( IppStatus, ippiSub8x8_16u16s_C1R, (const Ipp16u* pSrc1, Ipp32s src1Step, const Ipp16u* pSrc2, Ipp32s src2Step, Ipp16s* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // // ippiSAD16x16_16u32s_C1R // // Purpose: // Evaluates sum of absolute difference between current and reference // 16X16 blocks. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the current block of specified size. // srcStep Step of the current block, specifying width of the block in bytes. // pRef Pointer to the reference block of specified size. // refStep Step of the reference block, specifying width of the block in bytes. // pSAD Pointer to the destination integer. // mcType MC type IPPVC_MC_APX. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when at least one input pointer is NULL. // ippStsStepErr Indicates an error when srcCurStep or srcRefStep is less or equal to zero. */ IPPAPI( IppStatus, ippiSAD16x16_16u32s_C1R, (const Ipp16u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16u* pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp32s* pSAD, Ipp32s mcType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // // ippiSAD4x4_16u32s_C1R // // Purpose: // Evaluates sum of absolute difference between current // and reference 4X4 blocks. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to 4x4 block in the source plane. // srcStep Pitch of the source plane (in bytes). // pRef Pointer to 4x4 block in the reference plane. // refStep Pitch of the reference plane (in bytes). // pSAD Pointer to SAD value. // mcType MC type IPPVC_MC_APX; reserved and must be 0. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when at least one input pointer is NULL. */ IPPAPI( IppStatus, ippiSAD4x4_16u32s_C1R, (const Ipp16u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16u* pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp32s* pSAD, Ipp32s mcType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // // ippiSAD8x8_16u32s_C1R, // // Purpose: // Evaluates sum of absolute difference between current // and reference 8X8 blocks. // // Parameters: // pSrcCur Pointer to 8x8 block in the source plane. // srcCurStep Pitch of the source plane (in bytes). // pSrcRef Pointer to 8x8 block in the reference plane. // srcRefStep Pitch of the reference plane (in bytes). // pDst Pointer to store SAD value. // mcType MC type IPPVC_MC_APX. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when at least one input pointer is NULL. */ IPPAPI( IppStatus, ippiSAD8x8_16u32s_C1R, (const Ipp16u* pSrcCur, Ipp32s srcCurStep, const Ipp16u* pSrcRef, Ipp32s srcRefStep, Ipp32s* pDst, Ipp32s mcType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformQuantFwd4x4_H264_16s_C1 // ippiTransformQuantFwd4x4_H264_16s32s_C1 // // Purpose: // This function performs forward transform and quantization for 4x4 residual block. // // Parameters: // pSrcDst Pointer to 4x4 residual block - source & destination array of size 16 // QP Quantization parameter. // pNumCoeffs Pointer to value, which contains: // a negative value of a number of non-zero elements in block after quantization // (in the case of the first quantized element in block is not equal zero) // a number of non-zero elements in block after quantization (in the case // of the first quantized element in block is equal zero) // This value is calculated by function. // Intra Flag that is equal 1 in the case of Intra slice, 0 otherwise. // pScanMatrix Scan matrix for coefficients in block (array of size 16) // pLastCoeff Position of the last non-zero coefficient in block after quantization. // This value is calculated by function. // pScaleLevels pointer to Scale levels, if NULL, default is applied // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pointers are NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP >51 (87 for 16s32s) or QP<0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantFwd4x4_H264_16s_C1, ( const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp32s Qp6, Ipp32s *pNumCoeffs, Ipp32s Intra, const Ipp16s *pScanMatrix, Ipp32s *pLastCoeff, const Ipp16s *pScaleLevels)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantFwd4x4_H264_16s32s_C1, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp32s* pDst, Ipp32s QP, Ipp32s* pNumCoeffs, Ipp32s Intra, const Ipp16s* pScanMatrix, Ipp32s* pLastCoeff, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevels)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformQuantInvAddPred4x4_H264_16s_C1IR // ippiTransformQuantInvAddPred4x4_H264_32s_C1IR // // Purpose: // Places a DC coefficient (if any) to its place, // Performs dequantization, integer inverse transformation and // shift by 6 bits for 4x4 block of residuals // with subsequent intra prediction or motion // compensation. // // // Parameters: // pPred - pointer to the reference 4x4 block, which is used for intra // prediction or motion compensation. // predStep - reference frame step in bytes. // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial coefficients and resultant residuals (4x4 // block) - array of size 16. // pDC - pointer to the DC coefficient. In the case of Intra 4x4 // macroblock type pDC is set to NULL. // pDst - pointer to the destination 4x4 block. // dstStep - destination frame step in bytes. // QP - quantization parameter // AC - flag that is not equal to zero, if at least one AC coefficient // exists, and is equal to zero otherwise. // bitDepth - bit depth of pPred in range [1..14] // pScaleLevelsInv pointer to Scale levels, if NULL, default is applied // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pointers are NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP >51 (87 for 32s) or QP<0 // bitDepth not in range [1..14] // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantInvAddPred4x4_H264_16s_C1IR, ( const Ipp8u* pPred, Ipp32s predStep, Ipp16s* pSrcDst, const Ipp16s* pDC, Ipp8u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s QP, Ipp32s AC, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevelsInv)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantInvAddPred4x4_H264_32s_C1IR, ( const Ipp16u* pPred, Ipp32s predStep, Ipp32s* pSrcDst, const Ipp32s* pDC, Ipp16u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s QP, Ipp32s AC, Ipp32s bitDepth, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevelsInv)) /* // Name: // ippiTransformQuantFwdLumaDC4x4_H264_16s_C1I // ippiTransformQuantFwdLumaDC4x4_H264_32s_C1I // // Purpose: // This function performs forward transform (if it's necessary) and quantization // for 4x4 DC Luma block. // // Parameters: // pDCBuf Pointer to 4x4 luma DC block - source & destination array of size 4 // pTBuf Pointer to 4x4 transformed luma DC block - source or destination array of size 4 // QP Quantization parameter for luma // pNumCoeffs Pointer to value, which contains: // a negative value of a number of non-zero elements in block after // quantization (in the case of the first quantized element in block is not equal zero) // a number of non-zero elements in block after quantization (in the case // of the first quantized element in block is equal zero) // This value is calculated by function. // NeedTransform Flag that is equal 1 if transforming process is used. This flag is equal 0 if transforming process is not used. // pScanMatrix Scan matrix for coefficients in block (array of size 16) // pLastCoeff Position of the last non-zero coefficient in block after quantization. This value is calculated by function. // pScaleLevels pointer to Scale levels, if NULL, default is applied // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pointers are NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP >51 (87 for 32s) or QP<0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantFwdLumaDC4x4_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pDCBuf, Ipp16s* pTBuf, Ipp32s QP, Ipp32s* pNumCoeffs, Ipp32s NeedTransform, const Ipp16s* pScanMatrix, Ipp32s* LastCoeff, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevels)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantFwdLumaDC4x4_H264_32s_C1I, ( Ipp32s* pDCBuf, Ipp32s* pQBuf, Ipp32s QP, Ipp32s* NumCoeffs, Ipp32s Intra, const Ipp16s* pScanMatrix, Ipp32s* pLastCoeff, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevels)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformQuantInvLumaDC4x4_H264_16s_C1I // ippiTransformQuantInvLumaDC4x4_H264_32s_C1I // // Purpose: // Perform integer inverse transformation and dequantization // for 4x4 luma DC coefficients, // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to initial coefficients and resultant DC, // QP - quantization parameter. // pScaleLevels pointer to Scale levels, if NULL, default is applied // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pointers are NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP >51 (87 for 32s) or QP<0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantInvLumaDC4x4_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s QP, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevelsInv)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantInvLumaDC4x4_H264_32s_C1I, ( Ipp32s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s QP, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevels)) /* // Name: // ippiTransformQuantFwdChromaDC2x2_H264_16s_C1I // ippiTransformQuantFwdChromaDC2x2_H264_32s_C1I // // Purpose: // This function performs forward transform (if it's necessary) and quantization // for 2x2 DC chroma block. // // Parameters: // pDCBuf Pointer to 2x2 chroma DC block - source & destination array of size 4 // pTBuf Pointer to 2x2 transformed chroma DC block - source or destination array of size 4 // QP Quantization parameter for chroma // pNumCoeffs Pointer to value, which contains: // a negative value of a number of non-zero elements in block after // quantization (in the case of the first quantized element in block is not equal zero) // a number of non-zero elements in block after quantization (in the case // of the first quantized element in block is equal zero) // This value is calculated by function. // Intra Flag that is equal 1 in the case of Intra slice, 0 otherwise. // NeedTransform Flag that is equal 1 if transforming process is used. This flag is equal 0 if transforming process is not used. // pScaleLevels pointer to Scale levels, if NULL, default is applied // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pointers are NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP >51 (87 for 32s) or QP<0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantFwdChromaDC2x2_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s *pDCBuf, Ipp16s *pTBuf, Ipp32s QP, Ipp32s* pNumCoeffs, Ipp32s Intra, Ipp32s NeedTransform, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevels)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantFwdChromaDC2x2_H264_32s_C1I, ( Ipp32s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s* pTBlock, Ipp32s QPChroma, Ipp32s* NumCoeffs, Ipp32s Intra, Ipp32s NeedTransform, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevels)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformQuantInvChromaDCx2_H264_16s_C1I // ippiTransformQuantInvChromaDCx2_H264_32s_C1I // // Purpose: // Perform integer inverse transformation and dequantization // for 2x2 chroma DC coefficients, // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to initial coefficients and resultant DC, // QP - quantization parameter. // pScaleLevels pointer to Scale levels, if NULL, default is applied // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pointers are NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP >51 (87 for 32s) or QP<0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantInvChromaDC2x2_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s QP, const Ipp16s *pScaleLevels)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantInvChromaDC2x2_H264_32s_C1I, ( Ipp32s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s QP, const Ipp16s *pScaleLevels)) /* // Name: // ippiTransformQuantFwdChromaDC2x4_H264_16s_C1I // ippiTransformQuantFwdChromaDC2x4_H264_32s_C1I // // Purpose: // This function performs forward transform (if it's necessary) and quantization // for 2x4 DC chroma block. // // Parameters: // pDCBuf Pointer to 2x4 chroma DC block - source & destination array of size 6 // pTBuf Pointer to 2x4 transformed chroma DC block - source or destination array of size 6 // QP Quantization parameter for chroma // pNumCoeffs Pointer to value, which contains: // a negative value of a number of non-zero elements in block after // quantization (in the case of the first quantized element in block is not equal zero) // a number of non-zero elements in block after quantization (in the case // of the first quantized element in block is equal zero) // This value is calculated by function. // Intra Flag that is equal 1 in the case of Intra slice, 0 otherwise. // NeedTransform Flag that is equal 1 if transforming process is used. This flag is equal 0 if transforming process is not used. // pScaleLevels pointer to Scale levels, if NULL, default is applied // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pointers are NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP >51 (87 for 32s) or QP<0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantFwdChromaDC2x4_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s *pDCBuf, Ipp16s *pTBuf, Ipp32s QPChroma, Ipp32s* NumCoeffs, Ipp32s Intra, Ipp32s NeedTransform, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevels)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantFwdChromaDC2x4_H264_32s_C1I, ( Ipp32s *pDCBuf, Ipp32s *pTBuf, Ipp32s QPChroma, Ipp32s* NumCoeffs, Ipp32s Intra, Ipp32s NeedTransform, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevels)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformQuantInvChromaDC2x4_H264_16s_C1I // ippiTransformQuantInvChromaDC2x4_H264_32s_C1I // // Purpose: // Perform integer inverse transformation and dequantization // for 2x4 chroma DC coefficients, // // Parameters: // pSrcDst - pointer to initial coefficients and resultant DC, // QP - quantization parameter. // pScaleLevels pointer to Scale levels, if NULL, default is applied // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pointers are NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP >51 (87 for 32s) or QP<0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantInvChromaDC2x4_H264_16s_C1I, ( Ipp16s* pSrcDst, Ipp32s QPChroma, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevels)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuantInvChromaDC2x4_H264_32s_C1I, ( Ipp32s *pSrcDst, Ipp32s QPChroma, const Ipp16s* pScaleLevelsInv)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiGenScaleLevel4x4_H264_8u16s_C1 // // Purpose: // Performs generation of scale matrix // // Parameters: // pSrcScaleMatrix - Pointer to an original scaling matrix for 4x4 transform. // pDstInvScaleMatrix - Pointer to a destination inverse scaling matrix -- array of size 16. // pDstScaleMatrix - Pointer to a destination forward scaling matrix - array of size 16. // QpRem - Reminder from an integer division of quantization parameter by 6. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr at least one of the pointers is NULL // ippStsQPErr QpRem is less than 0 or greater than 5 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiGenScaleLevel4x4_H264_8u16s_C1, ( const Ipp8u *pSrcScaleMatrix, Ipp16s *pDstInvScaleMatrix, Ipp16s *pDstScaleMatrix, Ipp32s QpRem)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSAD16x16Blocks4x4_16u32u_C1R // ippiSAD16x16Blocks8x8_16u32u_C1R // // Purpose: // Evaluates partial sums of absolute differences // between current and reference 16X16 blocks. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to 16x16 block in the source plane. // srcStep Pitch of the source plane (in bytes). // pRef Pointer to 16x16 block in the reference plane. // refStep Pitch of the reference plane (in bytes). // pDstSAD Pointer to array of size 16(for 4x4) or 4(for 8x8) to store SAD values. // mcType reserved and must be 0. // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD16x16Blocks4x4_16u32u_C1R, ( const Ipp16u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16u* pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp32u* pDstSAD, Ipp32s mcType)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD16x16Blocks8x8_16u32u_C1R, ( const Ipp16u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16u* pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp32u* pDstSAD, Ipp32s mcType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSAD2x2xN_8u16u_C1R // // ippiSAD4x4xN_8u16u_C1R // ippiSAD4x4xNI_8u16u_C1R // // ippiSAD8x8xN_8u16u_C1R // ippiSAD8x8xNI_8u16u_C1R // // ippiSAD16x16xN_8u16u_C1R // ippiSAD16x16xNI_8u16u_C1R // // Purpose: // Evaluate series of sums of absolute differences // between current and reference blocks. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to the current block in the source plane. // srcStep Pitch of the source plane (in bytes). // pRef Pointer to a block in the reference plane. // refStep Pitch of the reference plane (in bytes). // pSAD Pointer to array of size of numSAD to store SAD values. // numSAD Number of SAD values to evaluate. Should be product of 8. // pMinSADIndex Index of the lowest SAD value in the given array. // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsSizeErr numSAD is less than 8 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD2x2xN_8u16u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u *pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp16u *pSAD, Ipp32s numSAD)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD4x4xN_8u16u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u *pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp16u *pSAD, Ipp32s numSAD)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD4x4xNI_8u16u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u *pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp16u *pSAD, Ipp32s numSAD, Ipp32u *pMinSADIndex)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD8x8xN_8u16u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u *pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp16u *pSAD, Ipp32s numSAD)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD8x8xNI_8u16u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u *pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp16u *pSAD, Ipp32s numSAD, Ipp32u *pMinSADIndex)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD16x16xN_8u16u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u *pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp16u *pSAD, Ipp32s numSAD)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSAD16x16xNI_8u16u_C1R, ( const Ipp8u *pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp8u *pRef, Ipp32s refStep, Ipp16u *pSAD, Ipp32s numSAD, Ipp32u *pMinSADIndex)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiSumsDiff16x16Blocks4x4_16u32s_C1R // ippiSumsDiff8x8Blocks4x4_16u32s_C1R // // Purpose: // These functions evaluates difference between current and reference 4x4 blocks // and calculates sums of 4x4 residual blocks elements // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer block in current plane // srcStep Step of the current plane, specifying width of the plane in bytes. // pPred Pointer to reference block // predStep Step of the reference plane, specifying width of the plane in bytes. // pSums Pointer to array that contains sums of 4x4 difference blocks coefficients. // The array's filled by function. // pDiff If it isn't zero, pointer to array that will contain a sequence of 4x4 // residual blocks. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr one of the input pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSumsDiff16x16Blocks4x4_16u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp16u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16u* pPred, Ipp32s predStep, Ipp32s* pSums, Ipp16s* pDiff)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiSumsDiff8x8Blocks4x4_16u32s_C1R, ( const Ipp16u* pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, const Ipp16u* pPred, Ipp32s predStep, Ipp32s* pSums, Ipp16s* pDiff)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformFwdLuma8x8_H264_16s_C1 // ippiTransformFwdLuma8x8_H264_16s32s_C1 // // Purpose: // Performs forward 8x8 transform for a 8x8 Luma block without normalization. // // Parameters: // pSrc - pointer to the initial 8x8 Luma block and resultant coefficients // (array of size 64). // pDst - pointer to the resultant coefficients (array of size 64). // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr at least one of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformFwdLuma8x8_H264_16s32s_C1, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp32s* pDst)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformFwdLuma8x8_H264_16s_C1, ( const Ipp16s* pSrc, Ipp16s* pDst)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformInvAddPredLuma8x8_H264_32s16u_C1R // // Purpose: // Performs inverse 8x8 transform for a 8x8 Luma block with subsequent intra // prediction or motion compensation, coefficients are assumed to be pre-normalized. // // Parameters: // pPred - pointer to the reference 8x8 block, which is used for intra // prediction or motion compensation. // predStep - reference frame step in bytes. // pSrcDst - pointer to the initial coefficients and buffer for the computations // (8x8 block) - array of size 64. // pDst - pointer to the destination 8x8 block. // dstStep - destination frame step in bytes. // bitDepth - bit depth of pPred in range [1..14] // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr pointers are NULL // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformInvAddPredLuma8x8_H264_32s16u_C1R, ( const Ipp16u* pPred, Ipp32s predStep, Ipp32s* pSrcDst, Ipp16u* pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32s bitDepth)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiEncodeCoeffsCAVLCChromaDC2x2_H264_32s // ippiEncodeCoeffsCAVLCChromaDC2x4_H264_16s // ippiEncodeCoeffsCAVLCChromaDC2x4_H264_32s // // Purpose: Calculates characteristics of 2x2 or 2X4 Chroma DC for CAVLC encoding. // // Parameters: // pSrc Pointer to 2x2 or 2x4 block - array of size 4 or 6. // pTraling_One The number of trailing ones transform coefficient levels // in a range[0;3]. This argument is calculated by the function. // pTraling_One_Signs Code that describes signs of trailing ones. // (Trailing_One 1 - i)-bit in this code corresponds to a sign // of i-trailing one in the current block. In this code 1 indicates // negative value, 0 positive value. This argument is calculated // by the function. // pNumOutCoeffs The number of non-zero coefficients in block (including trailing // ones). This argument is calculated by the function. // pTotalZeros The number of zero coefficients in block (except trailing zeros). This // argument is calculated by the function. // pLevels Pointer to an array of size 4 that contains non-zero quantized // coefficients of the current block (except trailing ones) in reverse scan // matrix order. // pRuns Pointer to an array of size 4 that contains runs before non-zero // quantized coefficients (including trailing ones) of the current block in // reverse scan matrix order (except run before the first non-zero // coefficient in block, which can be calculated using TotalZeros). // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr if a pointer is NULL // // Notes: // H.264 standard: JVT-G050. ITU-T Recommendation and // Final Draft International Standard of Joint Video Specification // (ITU-T Rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC) March, 2003. */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeCoeffsCAVLCChromaDC2x2_H264_32s, ( const Ipp32s* pSrc, Ipp8u* pTrailingOnes, Ipp8u* pTrailingOneSigns, Ipp8u* pNumOutCoeffs, Ipp8u* pTotalZeroes, Ipp32s* pLevels, Ipp8u* pRuns)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeCoeffsCAVLCChromaDC2x4_H264_16s, ( const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp8u *pTrailing_Ones, Ipp8u *pTrailing_One_Signs, Ipp8u *pNumOutCoeffs, Ipp8u *pTotalZeros, Ipp16s *pLevels, Ipp8u *pRuns)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiEncodeCoeffsCAVLCChromaDC2x4_H264_32s, ( const Ipp32s *pSrc, Ipp8u *pTrailing_Ones, Ipp8u *pTrailing_One_Signs, Ipp8u *pNumOutCoeffs, Ipp8u *pTotalZeros, Ipp32s *pLevels, Ipp8u *Runs)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiInterpolateLumaBlock_AVS_8u_P1R // // Purpose: Performs interpolation for motion estimation of the luminance component. // // Parameters: // interpolateInfo - pointer to a structure having interpolation parameters // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers in the interpolateInfo structure is NULL // ippStsSizeErr if roi.width or roi.height take values other than 16 or 8 // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiInterpolateLumaBlock_AVS_8u_P1R,(const IppVCInterpolateBlock_8u *interpolateInfo)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiWeightPrediction_AVS_8u_C1R // // The function performs weighting of an interpolated block. The formulae is the following: // pDst[x] = (Ipp8u) Clip1(((pSrc[x] * scale + 16) >> 5) + shift); // where Clip1 is saturating to the Ipp8u range. // // Parameters: // pSrc source pointer to a block to weight // srcStep source block's step // pDst destination pointer to leave the weighted block // dstStep destination block's step // scale multiplication value // shift resulting shift // sizeBlock block size. Could be 16x16, 16x8, 8x16, 8x8 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers in the interpolateInfo structure is NULL // ippStsSizeErr if sizeBlock.width or sizeBlock.height take values other than 16 or 8 // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiWeightPrediction_AVS_8u_C1R,(const Ipp8u *pSrc, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp8u *pDst, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp32u scale, Ipp32s shift, IppiSize sizeBlock)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructLumaIntra_AVS_16s8u_C1R // // Reconstructs Intra Luma macroblock. // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff pointer to the order of 8x8 blocks of residual coefficients // pSrcDstYPlane pointer to the current macroblock that is reconstructed in Y-plane // srcDstYStep Y-Plane step // pMBIntraTypes array of Intra_8x8 luma prediction modes for each subblock // pSrcNumCoeffs array of indices of the last coefficient in each subblock // cbp8x8 coded block pattern // QP quantization parameter // edgeType specifies the availability of the macroblocks used for prediction // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error condition if at least one of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 63 // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiReconstructLumaIntra_AVS_16s8u_C1R,(Ipp16s **ppSrcCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32s srcDstYStep, const IppIntra8x8PredMode_AVS *pMBIntraTypes, const Ipp32s *pSrcNumCoeffs, Ipp32u cbp8x8, Ipp32u QP, Ipp32u edgeType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructLumaInter_AVS_16s8u_C1R // // Reconstructs Inter Luma macroblock. // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff pointer to the order of 8x8 blocks of residual coefficients // pSrcDstYPlane pointer to the current macroblock that is reconstructed in Y-plane // srcDstYStep Y-Plane step // pSrcNumCoeffs array of indices of the last coefficient in each subblock // cbp8x8 coded block pattern // QP quantization parameter // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error condition if at least one of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 63 // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiReconstructLumaInter_AVS_16s8u_C1R,(Ipp16s **ppSrcCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstYPlane, Ipp32s srcDstYStep, const Ipp32s *pSrcNumCoeffs, Ipp32u cbp8x8, Ipp32u QP)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructChromaIntra_AVS_16s8u_C1R // // Reconstructs Intra Chroma macroblock. // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff pointer to the order of 8x8 blocks of residual coefficients // pSrcDstUPlane pointer to the current macroblock that is reconstructed in U-plane // pSrcDstVPlane pointer to the current macroblock that is reconstructed in V-plane // srcDstUVStep chrominance planes step // predMode chrominance prediction mode for both subblock // pSrcNumCoeffs array of indices of the last coefficient in each subblock // cbp8x8 coded block pattern // chromaQP quantization parameter // edgeType specifies the availability of the macroblocks used for prediction // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error condition if at least one of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiReconstructChromaIntra_AVS_16s8u_C1R,(Ipp16s **ppSrcCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstUPlane, Ipp8u *pSrcDstVPlane, Ipp32s srcDstUVStep, const IppIntraChromaPredMode_AVS predMode, const Ipp32s *pSrcNumCoeffs, Ipp32u cbp8x8, Ipp32u chromaQP, Ipp32u edgeType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiReconstructChromaInter_AVS_16s8u_C1R // // Reconstructs Inter Chroma macroblock. // // Parameters: // ppSrcCoeff pointer to the order of 8x8 blocks of residual coefficients // pSrcDstUPlane pointer to the current macroblock that is reconstructed in U-plane // pSrcDstVPlane pointer to the current macroblock that is reconstructed in V-plane // srcDstUVStep chrominance planes step // pSrcNumCoeffs array of indices of the last coefficient in each subblock // cbp8x8 coded block pattern // chromaQP quantization parameter // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error condition if at least one of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiReconstructChromaInter_AVS_16s8u_C1R,(Ipp16s **ppSrcCoeff, Ipp8u *pSrcDstUPlane, Ipp8u *pSrcDstVPlane, Ipp32s srcDstUVStep, const Ipp32s *pSrcNumCoeffs, Ipp32u cbp8x8, Ipp32u chromaQP)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_AVS_8u_C1IR // ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_HorEdge_AVS_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Perform deblocking filtering on the vertical and horizontal edges of the luma 16x16 macroblock // // Parameters: // pDeblockInfo - Pointer to deblocking parameters, where, // pSrcDstPlane - Pointer to the initial and resultant coefficients. // srcDstStep - Step of the array. // pAlpha - Array of size 2 of Alpha Thresholds. // pBeta - Array of size 2 of Beta Thresholds. // pThresholds - Array of size 2 of Thresholds. // pBs - Array of size 4 of BS parameters // // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_VerEdge_AVS_8u_C1IR,(const IppiFilterDeblock_8u *pDeblockInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiFilterDeblockingLuma_HorEdge_AVS_8u_C1IR,(const IppiFilterDeblock_8u *pDeblockInfo)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_AVS_8u_C1IR // ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_HorEdge_AVS_8u_C1IR // // Purpose: // Perform deblocking filtering on the vertical and horizontal edges of the chroma 8x8 macroblock // // Parameters: // pDeblockInfo - Pointer to deblocking parameters. // pSrcDstPlane - Pointer to the initial and resultant coefficients. // srcdstStep - Step of the array. // pAlpha - Array of size 1 of Alpha Thresholds. // pBeta - Array of size 1 of Beta Thresholds. // pThresholds - Array of size 1 of Thresholds. // pBs - Array of size 2 of BS parameters. // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_VerEdge_AVS_8u_C1IR,(const IppiFilterDeblock_8u *pDeblockInfo)) IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiFilterDeblockingChroma_HorEdge_AVS_8u_C1IR,(const IppiFilterDeblock_8u *pDeblockInfo)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeLumaBlockIntra_AVS_1u16s // ippiDecodeLumaBlockInter_AVS_1u16s // // Purpose: // Decodes a luminance 8x8 block // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Double pointer to the current position in the bit stream // pBitOffset Pointer to offset between the bit pointed by pBitStream // and the start of the code // pNumCoeff Pointer to a variable to return the number of the last // decoded element in the block // pDstCoeffs Pointer to the decoded elements // scanType Type of reordering, can be 0 or 1 // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeLumaBlockIntra_AVS_1u16s,(Ipp32u **ppBitStream, Ipp32s *pBitOffset, Ipp32s *pNumCoeff, Ipp16s *pDstCoeffs, Ipp32u scanType)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeLumaBlockInter_AVS_1u16s,(Ipp32u **ppBitStream, Ipp32s *pBitOffset, Ipp32s *pNumCoeff, Ipp16s *pDstCoeffs, Ipp32u scanType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDecodeChromaBlock_AVS_1u16s // // Purpose: // Decodes a chrominance 8x8 block // // Parameters: // ppBitStream Double pointer to the current position in the bit stream // pBitOffset Pointer to offset between the bit pointed by pBitStream // and the start of the code // pNumCoeff Pointer to a variable to return the number of the last // decoded element in the block // pDstCoeffs Pointer to the decoded elements // scanType Type of reordering, can be 0 or 1 // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDecodeChromaBlock_AVS_1u16s,(Ipp32u **ppBitStream, Ipp32s *pBitOffset, Ipp32s *pNumCoeff, Ipp16s *pDstCoeffs, Ipp32u scanType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Deinterlacing filter functions // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDeinterlaceMedianThreshold_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Median deinterlacing with threshold. // // For each pixel (x, y) in the ROI: // // if ((y & 1) != fieldNum || ((y == 0 || y == size.height - 1) && bCopyBorder)) { // pDst[x + y * dstStep] = pSrc[x + y * srcStep]; // } else { // m = MEDIAN(pSrc[x + (y - 1) * srcStep], // pSrc[x + y * srcStep], // pSrc[x + (y + 1) * srcStep]); // if (abs(m - pSrc[x + y * srcStep]) < threshold) { // pDst[x + y * dstStep] = pSrc[x + y * srcStep]; // } else { // pDst[x + y * dstStep] = m; // } // } // // Parameters: // pSrc - Pointer to the source image. // srcStep - Step in bytes through the source image buffer. // pDst - Pointer to the destination image. // dstStep - Step in bytes through the destination image buffer. // size - Size of the ROI in pixels. // threshold - Threshold value. // fieldNum - Field to process, 0 or 1. // bCopyBorder - Non-zero means copy border line to destination, // zero value means process border line like internal lines. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or a warning. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error if one of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsStepErr Indicates an error condition if step through the source/destination image buffer has a zero or negative value. // ippStsSizeErr Indicates an error condition if size has a field with zero or negative // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDeinterlaceMedianThreshold_8u_C1R, (const Ipp8u *pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u *pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize size, int threshold, int fieldNum, int bCopyBorder)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDeinterlaceEdgeDetect_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Generates image field using EdgeDetect filter. // For each pixel (x, y) in the ROI: // // if (((y == 0 && fieldNum == 0) || (y == size.height - 1 && fieldNum == 1)) && bCopyBound) { // pDst[x + y * dstStep] = pSrc[x + y * srcStep]; // } else { // y0 = y + fieldNum - 1; // y1 = y + fieldNum; // pDst[x + y*dstStep] = (Ipp8u)EDGE_DETECT(pSrc[x - 1 + y0 * srcStep], // pSrc[x + y0 * srcStep], // pSrc[x + 1 + y0 * srcStep], // pSrc[x - 1 + y1 * srcStep], // pSrc[x + y1 * srcStep], // pSrc[x + 1 + y1 * srcStep]); // } // // EDGE_DETECT is: // int EDGE_DETECT(int a0, int a1, int a2, int b0, int b1, int b2) { // int d0 = abs(a0 - b2); // int d1 = abs(a1 - b1); // int d2 = abs(a2 - b0); // if (d0 < d1 && d0 < d2) { // return (a0 + b2 + 1) >> 1; // } else // if (d1 < d0 && d1 < d2) { // return (a1 + b1 + 1) >> 1; // } else { // return (a2 + b0 + 1) >> 1; // } // } // // Parameters: // pSrc - Pointer to the source image. // srcStep - Step in bytes through the source image buffer (field). // pDst - Pointer to the destination image. // dstStep - Step in bytes through the destination image buffer (field). // size - Size of the ROI in pixels. // fieldNum - Field to generate, 0 or 1. // bCopyBorder - Non-zero means copy border line to destination, zero // value means process border line like internal lines. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or a warning. // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error if one of the specified pointers is NULL. // ippStsStepErr Indicates an error condition if step through the source/destination image buffer has a zero or negative value. // ippStsSizeErr Indicates an error condition if size has a field with zero or negative value. // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDeinterlaceEdgeDetect_8u_C1R, (const Ipp8u *pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u *pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize size, int fieldNum, int bCopyBorder)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDeinterlaceMotionAdaptive_8u_C1 // // Purpose: // Motion adaptive de-interlacing filter. Requires 4 input frames. // // Parameters: // pSrc - pointer to array of pointers to frames - 4 source plane pointers from subsequent frames // srcStep - distance between source plane rows, in bytes // pDst - pointer to destination plane // dstStep - distance between destination plane rows, in bytes // planeSize - size of the image plane in pixels // threshold - (default value: 12) tradeoff between flickering and residual combing // artifacts. Decrease the value of the threshold to reduce combing artifacts // on moving objects, but the flickering on the static region is increased. // Zero value corresponds to the bob-deinterlacing // topFirst - [range is 0, 1] - defines the field order of the videosequence. // Usage: // isTopFirst = 0 for bottom field first (bff); // isTopFirst = 1 for top field first (tff). // topField - [range is 0, 1] - defines the destination field that will be used to store processed interpolated field // copyField - [range is 0, 1] - copy unprocessed field from the source frame to the destination // artifactProtection - [range is 0, 1] - sets of the additional artifact protection, to suppress distortion. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or a warning. // ippStsSizeErr Incorrect input roiSize of the image // ippStsNullPtrErr Incorrect memory address // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDeinterlaceMotionAdaptive_8u_C1, (const Ipp8u *pSrcPlane[4], int srcStep, Ipp8u *pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize planeSize, int threshold, int topFirst, int topField, int copyField, int artifactProtection)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDeinterlaceBlendInitAlloc_8u_C1 // // Purpose: // Initialization of parameters, allocation of internal temporary buffer // // Parameters: // planeSize - size of the image plane in pixels // blendThresh - array of 2 thresholds to determine "alpha" coefficients; // must be 0 <= blendThresh[0] <= blendThresh[1] <= 255 // blendConstants - array of 2 values for "alpha"; // blendConstants[i] corresponds to blendTresh[i], // must be 0.0 <= blendConstants[i] <= 1.0 for i=0,1 // ppState - pointer to pointer to an instance of the IppiDeinterlaceBlendState_8u_C1 structure, containing temporary buffer // // Returns: // ippStsOk No error, Ok // ippStsSizeErr Incorrect input size of the image // ippStsNullPtrErr Incorrect memory address // ippStsMemAllocErr Memory allocation error // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDeinterlaceBlendInitAlloc_8u_C1, (IppiSize planeSize, int blendThresh[2], double blendConstants[2], IppiDeinterlaceBlendState_8u_C1 **ppState)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDeinterlaceBlend_8u_C1 // // Purpose: // Motion adaptive de-interlacing filter. Requires 3 input frames: previous, current, next. // // Parameters: // pSrcPlane - array of pointers to frames: [previous, // current, next] - 3 source plane pointers // srcStep - distance between source plane rows, in bytes // pDst - pointer to destination plane // dstStep - distance between destination plane rows, in bytes // planeSize - size of the image plane in pixels // topFirst - [range is 0, 1] - defines the field order of the videosequence. // Usage: // topFirst = 0 for bottom field first (bff); // topFirst = 1 for top field first (tff). // topField - [range is 0, 1] - defines the destination field that will be used to store processed interpolated field // copyField - [range is 0, 1] - copy unprocessed field from the source frame to the destination // pState - pointer to an instance of the IppiDeinterlaceBlendState_8u_C1 structure, containing temporary buffer // // Returns: // ippStsOk No error, Ok // ippStsSizeErr Incorrect input size of the image // ippStsNullPtrErr Incorrect memory address // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDeinterlaceBlend_8u_C1, (const Ipp8u *pSrcPlane[3], int srcStep, Ipp8u *pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize planeSize, int topFirst, int topField, int copyField, IppiDeinterlaceBlendState_8u_C1 *pState)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDeinterlaceBlendFree_8u_C1 // // Purpose: // Free of memory, allocated by init function. // // Parameters: // pState - pointer to an instance of the IppiDeinterlaceBlendState_8u_C1 structure, containing temporary buffer // // Returns: // ippStsOk No error, Ok // ippStsNullPtrErr Incorrect memory address // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDeinterlaceBlendFree_8u_C1, (IppiDeinterlaceBlendState_8u_C1 *pState)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDenoiseSmooth_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Perform Spatial Noise Reduction filtering. // Algorithm uses conception spatial smoothing. Effective to smooth flat area. // // Parameters: // pSrc - pointer to source image origin // srcStep - distance in bytes between starts of consecutive lines in the source image. // pDst - pointer to destination image origin // dstStep - Distance in bytes between starts of consecutive lines in the destination image // size - size of the source image in pixels. // roi - Region of interest in the source image (of the IppiRest type). // Destination image has the same ROI // threshold - parameter of denoise algorithm describes what is detected as detail and // so keep from removing. Increasing of this parameter enlarges the filtration area. // pWorkBuffer- pointer to the external work buffer, has to be 2*(roi.height*roi.width) // // // Returns: // ippStsOk No error, Ok // ippStsSizeErr Incorrect input size of the image or ROI // ippStsNullPtrErr Incorrect memory address // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDenoiseSmooth_8u_C1R, (const Ipp8u* pSrc, int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize size, IppiRect roi, int threshold, Ipp8u* pWorkBuffer)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDenoiseAdaptiveInitAlloc_8u_C1 // // Purpose: // Creates and initializes denoise specification structure. // // Parameters: // ppState - Pointer to pointer to the analysis specification structure to be created // roiSize - Size of the source image ROI in pixels which will be processed. // maskSize - parameter defines the region, which is used in current pixel transformation. // // Returns: // ippStsOk Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error // ippStsSizeErr Indicates an error condition if roiSize or maskSize have a field with zero or // negative value // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when the specified // pointer is NULL // ippStsMemAllocErr Indicates an error when no memory is allocated. // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDenoiseAdaptiveInitAlloc_8u_C1, (IppiDenoiseAdaptiveState_8u_C1 **ppState, IppiSize roiSize, IppiSize maskSize)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDenoiseAdaptive_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Perform Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Noise Reduction filtering. // The filter operates with previous, current and next frames // // Parameters: // pSrcPlane - array of pointers to frame: // pSrcPlane[0] - point to previous source image origin // pSrcPlane[1] - point to current source image origin // pSrcPlane[2] - point to next source image origin // srcStep - distance in bytes between starts of consecutive lines in the source image. // pDst - pointer to destination image origin // dstStep - Distance in bytes between starts of consecutive lines in the destination image // size - size of the source image in pixels. Destination image has the same size. // roi - Region of interest in the source image (of the IppiRect type). // Destination image has the same ROI. // maskSize - Size of the mask in pixels. // threshold - parameter of denoise algorithm describes what is detected as detail // and so keep from removing // blurType - type of blurring of noised pixel. Possible modes are // IPPVC_NOISE_BLUR0, // IPPVC_NOISE_BLUR1, // IPPVC_NOISE_BLUR2, // IPPVC_NOISE_BLUR3. See details in description. // pState - Pointer to the IppiDenoiseAdaptiveState_8u_C1 specification structure // // Returns: // ippStsOk No error, Ok // ippStsSizeErr Incorrect input size of the image origin or roi. // ippStsNullPtrErr Incorrect memory address // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDenoiseAdaptive_8u_C1R, (const Ipp8u* pSrcPlane[3], int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize size, IppiRect roi, IppiSize maskSize, int threshold, IppvcNoiseBlurFlag blurFlag, IppiDenoiseAdaptiveState_8u_C1 *pState)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDenoiseAdaptiveFree // // Purpose: // Closes denoise specification structure. // // Parameters: // pState - Pointer to the denoise specification structure to be closed. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when the specified pointer is NULL. // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDenoiseAdaptiveFree_8u_C1, (IppiDenoiseAdaptiveState_8u_C1 *pState)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDenoiseMosquitoInitAlloc_8u_C1 // // Purpose: // Creates and initializes denoise specification structure. // // Parameters: // ppState - Pointer to pointer to the analysis specification structure to be created // roiSize - Size of the ROI in pixels. // // Returns: // ippStsOk Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error // ippStsSizeErr Indicates an error condition if size has a field with zero or // negative value // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when the specified // pointer is NULL // ippStsMemAllocErr Indicates an error when no memory is allocated. // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDenoiseMosquitoInitAlloc_8u_C1, (IppiDenoiseMosquitoState_8u_C1 **ppState, IppiSize roiSize)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDenoiseMosquitoFree // // Purpose: // Closes denoise specification structure. // // Parameters: // pState - Pointer to the denoise specification structure to be closed. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr Indicates no error // ippStsNullPtrErr Indicates an error when the specified pointer is NULL. // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDenoiseMosquitoFree_8u_C1, (IppiDenoiseMosquitoState_8u_C1 *pState)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiFilterDenoiseMosquito_8u_C1R // // Purpose: // Perform Spatio-Temporal Motion Adaptive Mosquito Noise Reduction filtering // // Parameters: // pSrcPlane - array of pointers to source image origin plane // pSrcPlane[0] - point to previous source image origin // pSrcPlane[1] - point to current source image origin // srcStep - distance in bytes between starts of consecutive lines in the source image. // pDst - pointer to destination image origin // dstStep - Distance in bytes between starts of consecutive lines in the destination image // size - size of the source image in pixels. Destination image has the same size. // roi - Region of interest in the source image (of the IppiRest type) // pState - Pointer to the denoise specification structure // // Returns: // ippStsOk No error, Ok // ippStsSizeErr Incorrect input size of the image or ROI // ippStsNullPtrErr Incorrect memory address // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDenoiseMosquito_8u_C1R, (const Ipp8u *pSrcPlane[2], int srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, IppiSize size, IppiRect roi, IppiDenoiseMosquitoState_8u_C1 *pState)) /* CAST */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDenoiseCASTInit, (IppDenoiseCAST *pInParam)) IPPAPI(IppStatus,ippiFilterDenoiseCASTYUV422_8u_C2R,(const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, const Ipp8u* pSrcPrev, int srcStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcEdge, int srcEdgeStep, IppiSize srcRoiSize, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, Ipp8u* pHistoryWeight, IppDenoiseCAST *pInParam)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiFilterDenoiseCAST_8u_C1R, (const Ipp8u* pSrcCur, const Ipp8u* pSrcPrev, int srcStep, const Ipp8u* pSrcEdge, int srcEdgeStep, IppiSize srcRoiSize, Ipp8u* pDst, int dstStep, Ipp8u* pHistoryWeight, IppDenoiseCAST *pInParam)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformResidual4x4Fwd_H264_16s_C1 // ippiTransformResidual4x4Fwd_H264_32s_C1 // // The function performs forward h264 transform on the block of 4x4. // // Parameters: // pSrc - pointer to a source block // pDst - pointer to a destination block // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformResidual4x4Fwd_H264_16s_C1, (const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp16s *pDst)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformResidual4x4Fwd_H264_32s_C1, (const Ipp32s *pSrc, Ipp32s *pDst)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformResidual4x4Inv_H264_16s_C1 // ippiTransformResidual4x4Inv_H264_32s_C1 // // The function performs inverse h264 transform on the block of 4x4. // // Parameters: // pSrc - pointer to a source block // pDst - pointer to a destination block // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformResidual4x4Inv_H264_16s_C1, (const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp16s *pDst)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformResidual4x4Inv_H264_32s_C1, (const Ipp32s *pSrc, Ipp32s *pDst)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiTransformQuant8x8Fwd_AVS_16s_C1 // // The function performs AVS forward transform and forward quantization on // on the block of 8x8. // // Parameters: // pSrc - pointer to a source block. // pDst - pointer to a destination block. // pNumCoeffs - pointer to a variable to return number of coefficients // in the regular scan order. // QP - quantization parameter. // roundMode - flag specifies the round mode. 1 means rounding for intra blocks, // all others mean rounding for inter block. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 63 // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiTransformQuant8x8Fwd_AVS_16s_C1, (const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp32u *pNumCoeffs, Ipp32u QP, Ipp32u roundMode)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDisassembleLumaIntra_AVS_16s8u_C1R // // The function performs disassembling of AVS luminance macroblock 16x16. // The function performs the following step over every block 8x8 of the // macroblock: // finds the best prediction mode in pDstPlane for a block and saves // the mode into appropriate position in pPredModes array. // gets the residual between the predicted block and corresponding // block in pSrcPlane // does forward transformation and quantization of the residual and save // it to ppDstCoeff buffer, incrementing ppDstCoeff pointer and sets // the appropriate bit into the variable pointed by pLumaCBP. When block has // the zero residual after quantization, the pointer ppDstCoeff and variable // pointed by pLumaCBP are non changing. // performs the backward quantization, transforming of the residual and // adds to the predicted data in pDstPlane // // Parameters: // pSrcPlane - pointer to a source block. // srcStep - step of the source plane // pDstPLane - pointer to a destination block. // dstStep - step of the destination plane // ppDstCoeff - pointer to pointer to a buffer for coefficients // pPredModes - pointer to array of 4 to store prediction modes of blocks // pLumaCBP - pointer to a variable to return final CBP of the macroblock // QP - quantization parameter. // edgeType - flags of available neighbours. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 63 // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDisassembleLumaIntra_AVS_16s8u_C1R, (const Ipp8u *pSrcPlane, Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp8u *pDstPlane, Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp16s **ppDstCoeff, IppIntra8x8PredMode_AVS *pPredModes, Ipp32u *pLumaCBP, Ipp32u QP, Ipp32u edgeType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiDisassembleChroma420Intra_AVS_16s8u_C1R // // The function performs disassembling of AVS chrominance 420 macroblock 8x8 // The function performs the following step over every block 8x8 of the // macroblock: // finds the best prediction mode in pDstPlane for a block and saves // the mode into appropriate position in pPredModes array. // gets the residual between the predicted block and corresponding // block in pSrcPlane // does forward transformation and quantization of the residual and save // it to ppDstCoeff buffer, incrementing ppDstCoeff pointer and sets // the appropriate bit into the variable pointed by pChromaCBP. When block // has the zero residual after quantization, the pointer ppDstCoeff and // variable pointed by pChromaCBP are non changing. // performs the backward quantization, transforming of the residual and // adds to the predicted data in pDstPlane // // Parameters: // pSrcPlane - array of pointers pointer to a source block. // srcStep - step of the source plane // pDstPLane - array of pointer to a destination block. // dstStep - step of the destination plane // ppDstCoeff - pointer to pointer to a buffer for coefficients // pPredMode - pointer to a variable to store prediction mode of blocks // pChromaCBP - pointer to a variable to return final CBP of the macroblock // chromaQP - quantization parameter. // edgeType - flags of available neighbours. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr One of the pointers is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP is less than 0 or greater than 51 // // Notes: // AVS China standard : GB/T 20090.2 - 2006 // */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiDisassembleChroma420Intra_AVS_16s8u_C1R, (const Ipp8u *pSrcPlane[2], Ipp32s srcStep, Ipp8u *pDstPlane[2], Ipp32s dstStep, Ipp16s **ppDstCoeff, IppIntraChromaPredMode_AVS *pPredMode, Ipp32u *pChromaCBP, Ipp32u chromaQP, Ipp32u edgeType)) /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: // ippiQuantizeResidual4x4Fwd_H264_16s_C1 // ippiQuantizeResidual4x4Fwd_H264_16s32s_C1 // ippiQuantizeResidual4x4Fwd_H264_32s_C1 // // Purpose: // These functions perform forward quantization for 4x4 residual block. // // Parameters: // pSrc Source array of size 16 // pDst Destination array of size 16 // pNumNonZeros Number of non-zero coefficients after the quantization // process // pLastNonZeros Ordinal number of last non-zero coefficient after the // quantization process in scan order // pQuantTable Pointer to a quantizing matrix, if NULL, the default one // is applied // pScanMatrix Scan matrix for coefficients in block (array of size 16) // QP Quantization parameter. // roundMode Flag that is equal 1 in the case of Intra slice, 0 otherwise. // // Returns: // ippStsNoErr No error // ippStsNullPtrErr A pointer is NULL // ippStsOutOfRangeErr QP > 51 (87 for 32s) or QP < 0 */ IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantizeResidual4x4Fwd_H264_16s_C1, (const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp32u *pNumNonZeros, Ipp32u *pLastNonZero, const Ipp16s *pQuantTable, const Ipp16s *pScanMatrix, Ipp32s QP, Ipp32s roundMode)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantizeResidual4x4Fwd_H264_16s32s_C1, (const Ipp16s *pSrc, Ipp16s *pDst, Ipp32u *pNumNonZeros, Ipp32u *pLastNonZero, const Ipp32s *pQuantTable, const Ipp16s *pScanMatrix, Ipp32s QP, Ipp32s roundMode)) IPPAPI(IppStatus, ippiQuantizeResidual4x4Fwd_H264_32s_C1, (const Ipp32s *pSrc, Ipp32s *pDst, Ipp32u *pNumNonZeros, Ipp32u *pLastNonZero, const Ipp32s *pQuantTable, const Ipp16s *pScanMatrix, Ipp32s QP, Ipp32s roundMode)) #if defined __cplusplus } #endif #if defined (_IPP_STDCALL_CDECL) #undef _IPP_STDCALL_CDECL #define __stdcall __cdecl #endif #endif /* __IPPVC_H__ */ /* End of file ippvc.h*/