/* * Load_imf.cpp * ------------ * Purpose: IMF (Imago Orpheus) module loader * Notes : Reverb and Chorus are not supported. * Authors: Storlek (Original author - http://schismtracker.org/ - code ported with permission) * Johannes Schultz (OpenMPT Port, tweaks) * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "Loaders.h" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct IMFChannel { char name[12]; // Channel name (ASCIIZ-String, max 11 chars) uint8 chorus; // Default chorus uint8 reverb; // Default reverb uint8 panning; // Pan positions 00-FF uint8 status; // Channel status: 0 = enabled, 1 = mute, 2 = disabled (ignore effects!) }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(IMFChannel, 16) struct IMFFileHeader { enum SongFlags { linearSlides = 0x01, }; char title[32]; // Songname (ASCIIZ-String, max. 31 chars) uint16le ordNum; // Number of orders saved uint16le patNum; // Number of patterns saved uint16le insNum; // Number of instruments saved uint16le flags; // See SongFlags uint8le unused1[8]; uint8le tempo; // Default tempo (Axx, 1...255) uint8le bpm; // Default beats per minute (BPM) (Txx, 32...255) uint8le master; // Default master volume (Vxx, 0...64) uint8le amp; // Amplification factor (mixing volume, 4...127) uint8le unused2[8]; char im10[4]; // 'IM10' IMFChannel channels[32]; // Channel settings }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(IMFFileHeader, 576) struct IMFEnvelope { enum EnvFlags { envEnabled = 0x01, envSustain = 0x02, envLoop = 0x04, }; uint8 points; // Number of envelope points uint8 sustain; // Envelope sustain point uint8 loopStart; // Envelope loop start point uint8 loopEnd; // Envelope loop end point uint8 flags; // See EnvFlags uint8 unused[3]; }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(IMFEnvelope, 8) struct IMFEnvNode { uint16le tick; uint16le value; }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(IMFEnvNode, 4) struct IMFInstrument { enum EnvTypes { volEnv = 0, panEnv = 1, filterEnv = 2, }; char name[32]; // Inst. name (ASCIIZ-String, max. 31 chars) uint8le map[120]; // Multisample settings uint8le unused[8]; IMFEnvNode nodes[3][16]; IMFEnvelope env[3]; uint16le fadeout; // Fadeout rate (0...0FFFH) uint16le smpNum; // Number of samples in instrument char ii10[4]; // 'II10' (not verified by Orpheus) void ConvertEnvelope(InstrumentEnvelope &mptEnv, EnvTypes e) const { const uint8 shift = (e == volEnv) ? 0 : 2; const uint8 mirror = (e == filterEnv) ? 0xFF : 0x00; mptEnv.dwFlags.set(ENV_ENABLED, (env[e].flags & 1) != 0); mptEnv.dwFlags.set(ENV_SUSTAIN, (env[e].flags & 2) != 0); mptEnv.dwFlags.set(ENV_LOOP, (env[e].flags & 4) != 0); mptEnv.resize(Clamp(env[e].points, uint8(2), uint8(16))); mptEnv.nLoopStart = env[e].loopStart; mptEnv.nLoopEnd = env[e].loopEnd; mptEnv.nSustainStart = mptEnv.nSustainEnd = env[e].sustain; uint16 minTick = 0; // minimum tick value for next node for(uint32 n = 0; n < mptEnv.size(); n++) { mptEnv[n].tick = minTick = std::max(minTick, nodes[e][n].tick.get()); minTick++; uint8 value = static_cast<uint8>(nodes[e][n].value ^ mirror) >> shift; mptEnv[n].value = std::min(value, uint8(ENVELOPE_MAX)); } mptEnv.Convert(MOD_TYPE_XM, MOD_TYPE_IT); } // Convert an IMFInstrument to OpenMPT's internal instrument representation. void ConvertToMPT(ModInstrument &mptIns, SAMPLEINDEX firstSample) const { mptIns.name = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::nullTerminated, name); if(smpNum) { for(size_t note = 0; note < std::min(std::size(map), std::size(mptIns.Keyboard) - 12u); note++) { mptIns.Keyboard[note + 12] = firstSample + map[note]; } } mptIns.nFadeOut = fadeout; mptIns.midiPWD = 1; // For CMD_FINETUNE ConvertEnvelope(mptIns.VolEnv, volEnv); ConvertEnvelope(mptIns.PanEnv, panEnv); ConvertEnvelope(mptIns.PitchEnv, filterEnv); if(mptIns.PitchEnv.dwFlags[ENV_ENABLED]) mptIns.PitchEnv.dwFlags.set(ENV_FILTER); // hack to get === to stop notes if(!mptIns.VolEnv.dwFlags[ENV_ENABLED] && !mptIns.nFadeOut) mptIns.nFadeOut = 32767; } }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(IMFInstrument, 384) struct IMFSample { enum SampleFlags { smpLoop = 0x01, smpPingPongLoop = 0x02, smp16Bit = 0x04, smpPanning = 0x08, }; char filename[13]; // Sample filename (12345678.ABC) */ uint8le unused1[3]; uint32le length; // Length (in bytes) uint32le loopStart; // Loop start (in bytes) uint32le loopEnd; // Loop end (in bytes) uint32le c5Speed; // Samplerate uint8le volume; // Default volume (0...64) uint8le panning; // Default pan (0...255) uint8le unused2[14]; uint8le flags; // Sample flags uint8le unused3[5]; uint16le ems; // Reserved for internal usage uint32le dram; // Reserved for internal usage char is10[4]; // 'IS10' // Convert an IMFSample to OpenMPT's internal sample representation. void ConvertToMPT(ModSample &mptSmp) const { mptSmp.Initialize(); mptSmp.filename = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::nullTerminated, filename); mptSmp.nLength = length; mptSmp.nLoopStart = loopStart; mptSmp.nLoopEnd = loopEnd; mptSmp.nC5Speed = c5Speed; mptSmp.nVolume = volume * 4; mptSmp.nPan = panning; if(flags & smpLoop) mptSmp.uFlags.set(CHN_LOOP); if(flags & smpPingPongLoop) mptSmp.uFlags.set(CHN_PINGPONGLOOP); if(flags & smp16Bit) { mptSmp.uFlags.set(CHN_16BIT); mptSmp.nLength /= 2; mptSmp.nLoopStart /= 2; mptSmp.nLoopEnd /= 2; } if(flags & smpPanning) mptSmp.uFlags.set(CHN_PANNING); } }; MPT_BINARY_STRUCT(IMFSample, 64) static constexpr EffectCommand imfEffects[] = { CMD_NONE, CMD_SPEED, // 0x01 1xx Set Tempo CMD_TEMPO, // 0x02 2xx Set BPM CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO, // 0x03 3xx Tone Portamento CMD_TONEPORTAVOL, // 0x04 4xy Tone Portamento + Volume Slide CMD_VIBRATO, // 0x05 5xy Vibrato CMD_VIBRATOVOL, // 0x06 6xy Vibrato + Volume Slide CMD_FINEVIBRATO, // 0x07 7xy Fine Vibrato CMD_TREMOLO, // 0x08 8xy Tremolo CMD_ARPEGGIO, // 0x09 9xy Arpeggio CMD_PANNING8, // 0x0A Axx Set Pan Position CMD_PANNINGSLIDE, // 0x0B Bxy Pan Slide CMD_VOLUME, // 0x0C Cxx Set Volume CMD_VOLUMESLIDE, // 0x0D Dxy Volume Slide CMD_VOLUMESLIDE, // 0x0E Exy Fine Volume Slide CMD_FINETUNE, // 0x0F Fxx Set Finetune CMD_NOTESLIDEUP, // 0x10 Gxy Note Slide Up CMD_NOTESLIDEDOWN, // 0x11 Hxy Note Slide Down CMD_PORTAMENTOUP, // 0x12 Ixx Slide Up CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN, // 0x13 Jxx Slide Down CMD_PORTAMENTOUP, // 0x14 Kxx Fine Slide Up CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN, // 0x15 Lxx Fine Slide Down CMD_MIDI, // 0x16 Mxx Set Filter Cutoff CMD_MIDI, // 0x17 Nxy Filter Slide + Resonance CMD_OFFSET, // 0x18 Oxx Set Sample Offset CMD_NONE, // 0x19 Pxx Set Fine Sample Offset - XXX CMD_KEYOFF, // 0x1A Qxx Key Off CMD_RETRIG, // 0x1B Rxy Retrig CMD_TREMOR, // 0x1C Sxy Tremor CMD_POSITIONJUMP, // 0x1D Txx Position Jump CMD_PATTERNBREAK, // 0x1E Uxx Pattern Break CMD_GLOBALVOLUME, // 0x1F Vxx Set Mastervolume CMD_GLOBALVOLSLIDE, // 0x20 Wxy Mastervolume Slide CMD_S3MCMDEX, // 0x21 Xxx Extended Effect // X1x Set Filter // X3x Glissando // X5x Vibrato Waveform // X8x Tremolo Waveform // XAx Pattern Loop // XBx Pattern Delay // XCx Note Cut // XDx Note Delay // XEx Ignore Envelope // XFx Invert Loop CMD_NONE, // 0x22 Yxx Chorus - XXX CMD_NONE, // 0x23 Zxx Reverb - XXX }; static void ImportIMFEffect(ModCommand &m) { uint8 n; // fix some of them switch(m.command) { case 0xE: // fine volslide // hackaround to get almost-right behavior for fine slides (i think!) if(m.param == 0) /* nothing */; else if(m.param == 0xF0) m.param = 0xEF; else if(m.param == 0x0F) m.param = 0xFE; else if(m.param & 0xF0) m.param |= 0x0F; else m.param |= 0xF0; break; case 0xF: // set finetune m.param ^= 0x80; break; case 0x14: // fine slide up case 0x15: // fine slide down // this is about as close as we can do... if(m.param >> 4) m.param = 0xF0 | (m.param >> 4); else m.param |= 0xE0; break; case 0x16: // cutoff m.param = (0xFF - m.param) / 2u; break; case 0x17: // cutoff slide + resonance (TODO: cutoff slide is currently not handled) m.param = 0x80 | (m.param & 0x0F); break; case 0x1F: // set global volume m.param = mpt::saturate_cast<uint8>(m.param * 2); break; case 0x21: n = 0; switch (m.param >> 4) { case 0: /* undefined, but since S0x does nothing in IT anyway, we won't care. this is here to allow S00 to pick up the previous value (assuming IMF even does that -- I haven't actually tried it) */ break; default: // undefined case 0x1: // set filter case 0xF: // invert loop m.command = CMD_NONE; break; case 0x3: // glissando n = 0x20; break; case 0x5: // vibrato waveform n = 0x30; break; case 0x8: // tremolo waveform n = 0x40; break; case 0xA: // pattern loop n = 0xB0; break; case 0xB: // pattern delay n = 0xE0; break; case 0xC: // note cut case 0xD: // note delay // Apparently, Imago Orpheus doesn't cut samples on tick 0. if(!m.param) m.command = CMD_NONE; break; case 0xE: // ignore envelope switch(m.param & 0x0F) { // All envelopes // Predicament: we can only disable one envelope at a time. Volume is probably most noticeable, so let's go with that. case 0: m.param = 0x77; break; // Volume case 1: m.param = 0x77; break; // Panning case 2: m.param = 0x79; break; // Filter case 3: m.param = 0x7B; break; } break; case 0x18: // sample offset // O00 doesn't pick up the previous value if(!m.param) m.command = CMD_NONE; break; } if(n) m.param = n | (m.param & 0x0F); break; } m.command = (m.command < std::size(imfEffects)) ? imfEffects[m.command] : CMD_NONE; if(m.command == CMD_VOLUME && m.volcmd == VOLCMD_NONE) { m.volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; m.vol = m.param; m.command = CMD_NONE; m.param = 0; } } static bool ValidateHeader(const IMFFileHeader &fileHeader) { if(std::memcmp(fileHeader.im10, "IM10", 4) || fileHeader.ordNum > 256 || fileHeader.insNum >= MAX_INSTRUMENTS || fileHeader.bpm < 32 || fileHeader.master > 64 || fileHeader.amp < 4 || fileHeader.amp > 127) { return false; } bool channelFound = false; for(const auto &chn : fileHeader.channels) { switch(chn.status) { case 0: // enabled; don't worry about it channelFound = true; break; case 1: // mute channelFound = true; break; case 2: // disabled // nothing break; default: // uhhhh.... freak out return false; } } if(!channelFound) { return false; } return true; } static uint64 GetHeaderMinimumAdditionalSize(const IMFFileHeader &fileHeader) { return 256 + fileHeader.patNum * 4 + fileHeader.insNum * sizeof(IMFInstrument); } CSoundFile::ProbeResult CSoundFile::ProbeFileHeaderIMF(MemoryFileReader file, const uint64 *pfilesize) { IMFFileHeader fileHeader; if(!file.ReadStruct(fileHeader)) { return ProbeWantMoreData; } if(!ValidateHeader(fileHeader)) { return ProbeFailure; } return ProbeAdditionalSize(file, pfilesize, GetHeaderMinimumAdditionalSize(fileHeader)); } bool CSoundFile::ReadIMF(FileReader &file, ModLoadingFlags loadFlags) { IMFFileHeader fileHeader; file.Rewind(); if(!file.ReadStruct(fileHeader)) { return false; } if(!ValidateHeader(fileHeader)) { return false; } if(!file.CanRead(mpt::saturate_cast<FileReader::off_t>(GetHeaderMinimumAdditionalSize(fileHeader)))) { return false; } if(loadFlags == onlyVerifyHeader) { return true; } // Read channel configuration std::bitset<32> ignoreChannels; // bit set for each channel that's completely disabled uint8 detectedChannels = 0; for(uint8 chn = 0; chn < 32; chn++) { ChnSettings[chn].Reset(); ChnSettings[chn].nPan = fileHeader.channels[chn].panning * 256 / 255; ChnSettings[chn].szName = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::nullTerminated, fileHeader.channels[chn].name); // TODO: reverb/chorus? switch(fileHeader.channels[chn].status) { case 0: // enabled; don't worry about it detectedChannels = chn + 1; break; case 1: // mute ChnSettings[chn].dwFlags = CHN_MUTE; detectedChannels = chn + 1; break; case 2: // disabled ChnSettings[chn].dwFlags = CHN_MUTE; ignoreChannels[chn] = true; break; default: // uhhhh.... freak out return false; } } InitializeGlobals(MOD_TYPE_IMF); m_nChannels = detectedChannels; m_modFormat.formatName = U_("Imago Orpheus"); m_modFormat.type = U_("imf"); m_modFormat.charset = mpt::Charset::CP437; //From mikmod: work around an Orpheus bug if(fileHeader.channels[0].status == 0) { CHANNELINDEX chn; for(chn = 1; chn < 16; chn++) if(fileHeader.channels[chn].status != 1) break; if(chn == 16) for(chn = 1; chn < 16; chn++) ChnSettings[chn].dwFlags.reset(CHN_MUTE); } // Song Name m_songName = mpt::String::ReadBuf(mpt::String::nullTerminated, fileHeader.title); m_SongFlags.set(SONG_LINEARSLIDES, fileHeader.flags & IMFFileHeader::linearSlides); m_nDefaultSpeed = fileHeader.tempo; m_nDefaultTempo.Set(fileHeader.bpm); m_nDefaultGlobalVolume = fileHeader.master * 4u; m_nSamplePreAmp = fileHeader.amp; m_nInstruments = fileHeader.insNum; m_nSamples = 0; // Will be incremented later uint8 orders[256]; file.ReadArray(orders); ReadOrderFromArray(Order(), orders, fileHeader.ordNum, uint16_max, 0xFF); // Read patterns if(loadFlags & loadPatternData) Patterns.ResizeArray(fileHeader.patNum); for(PATTERNINDEX pat = 0; pat < fileHeader.patNum; pat++) { const uint16 length = file.ReadUint16LE(), numRows = file.ReadUint16LE(); FileReader patternChunk = file.ReadChunk(length - 4); if(!(loadFlags & loadPatternData) || !Patterns.Insert(pat, numRows)) { continue; } ModCommand dummy; ROWINDEX row = 0; while(row < numRows) { uint8 mask = patternChunk.ReadUint8(); if(mask == 0) { row++; continue; } uint8 channel = mask & 0x1F; ModCommand &m = (channel < GetNumChannels()) ? *Patterns[pat].GetpModCommand(row, channel) : dummy; if(mask & 0x20) { // Read note/instrument const auto [note, instr] = patternChunk.ReadArray<uint8, 2>(); m.note = note; m.instr = instr; if(m.note == 160) { m.note = NOTE_KEYOFF; } else if(m.note == 255) { m.note = NOTE_NONE; } else { m.note = (m.note >> 4) * 12 + (m.note & 0x0F) + 12 + 1; if(!m.IsNoteOrEmpty()) { m.note = NOTE_NONE; } } } if((mask & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { // Read both effects and figure out what to do with them const auto [e1c, e1d, e2c, e2d] = patternChunk.ReadArray<uint8, 4>(); // Command 1, Data 1, Command 2, Data 2 if(e1c == 0x0C) { m.vol = std::min(e1d, uint8(0x40)); m.volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; m.command = e2c; m.param = e2d; } else if(e2c == 0x0C) { m.vol = std::min(e2d, uint8(0x40)); m.volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME; m.command = e1c; m.param = e1d; } else if(e1c == 0x0A) { m.vol = e1d * 64 / 255; m.volcmd = VOLCMD_PANNING; m.command = e2c; m.param = e2d; } else if(e2c == 0x0A) { m.vol = e2d * 64 / 255; m.volcmd = VOLCMD_PANNING; m.command = e1c; m.param = e1d; } else { /* check if one of the effects is a 'global' effect -- if so, put it in some unused channel instead. otherwise pick the most important effect. */ m.command = e2c; m.param = e2d; } } else if(mask & 0xC0) { // There's one effect, just stick it in the effect column const auto [command, param] = patternChunk.ReadArray<uint8, 2>(); m.command = command; m.param = param; } if(m.command) ImportIMFEffect(m); if(ignoreChannels[channel] && m.IsGlobalCommand()) m.command = CMD_NONE; } } SAMPLEINDEX firstSample = 1; // first sample index of the current instrument // read instruments for(INSTRUMENTINDEX ins = 0; ins < GetNumInstruments(); ins++) { ModInstrument *instr = AllocateInstrument(ins + 1); IMFInstrument instrumentHeader; if(!file.ReadStruct(instrumentHeader) || instr == nullptr) { continue; } // Orpheus does not check this! //if(memcmp(instrumentHeader.ii10, "II10", 4) != 0) // return false; instrumentHeader.ConvertToMPT(*instr, firstSample); // Read this instrument's samples for(SAMPLEINDEX smp = 0; smp < instrumentHeader.smpNum; smp++) { IMFSample sampleHeader; file.ReadStruct(sampleHeader); const SAMPLEINDEX smpID = firstSample + smp; if(memcmp(sampleHeader.is10, "IS10", 4) || smpID >= MAX_SAMPLES) { continue; } m_nSamples = smpID; ModSample &sample = Samples[smpID]; sampleHeader.ConvertToMPT(sample); m_szNames[smpID] = sample.filename; if(sampleHeader.length) { FileReader sampleChunk = file.ReadChunk(sampleHeader.length); if(loadFlags & loadSampleData) { SampleIO( sample.uFlags[CHN_16BIT] ? SampleIO::_16bit : SampleIO::_8bit, SampleIO::mono, SampleIO::littleEndian, SampleIO::signedPCM) .ReadSample(sample, sampleChunk); } } } firstSample += instrumentHeader.smpNum; } return true; } OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END