** JNetLib
** Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Nullsoft, Inc.
** Author: Justin Frankel
** File: util.h - JNL interface for basic network utilities
** License: see jnetlib.h
** routines you may be interested in:
**   JNL::open_socketlib();
**    opens the socket library. Call this once before using any network
**    code. If you create a new thread, call this again. Only really an
**    issue for Win32 support, but use it anyway for portability/
**   JNL::close_Socketlib();
**    closes the socketlib. Call this when you're done with the network,
**    after all your JNetLib objects have been destroyed.
**   unsigned long JNL::ipstr_to_addr(const char *cp);
**    gives you the integer representation of a ip address in dotted
**    decimal form.
**  JNL::addr_to_ipstr(unsigned long addr, char *host, int maxhostlen);
**    gives you the dotted decimal notation of an integer ip address.


class JNL
    static int           open_socketlib();
    static void          close_socketlib();

    static unsigned long ipstr_to_addr( const char *cp );
    static void          addr_to_ipstr( unsigned long addr, char *host, int maxhostlen );

    static int           parse_url( const char *url, char **prot, char **host, unsigned short *port, char **req, char **lp );