#ifndef NULLSOFT_AMFOBJECT_H #define NULLSOFT_AMFOBJECT_H #include "FLVUtil.h" #include <windows.h> #include <map> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <time.h> class AMFType // no, not bowling, ActionScript Message Format { public: AMFType() : refCount(1) {} virtual ~AMFType() {} virtual size_t Read(uint8_t *data, size_t size)=0; // returns number of bytes read, 0 on failure uint8_t type; virtual void DebugPrint(int spaces, wchar_t *&str, size_t &len)=0; enum { TYPE_DOUBLE = 0x0, TYPE_BOOL = 0x1, TYPE_STRING = 0x2, TYPE_OBJECT = 0x3, TYPE_MOVIE = 0x4, TYPE_NULL = 0x5, TYPE_REFERENCE = 0x7, TYPE_MIXEDARRAY = 0x8, TYPE_TERMINATOR = 0x9, TYPE_ARRAY = 0xA, TYPE_DATE = 0xB, TYPE_LONG_STRING = 0xC, TYPE_XML = 0xF, }; ULONG AddRef(void) { return InterlockedIncrement((volatile LONG *)&refCount); } ULONG Release(void) { ULONG count = InterlockedDecrement((volatile LONG *)&refCount); if (count == 0) delete this; return count; } private: ULONG refCount; }; class AMFString : public AMFType { public: AMFString(); ~AMFString(); void DebugPrint(int spaces, wchar_t *&str, size_t &len); size_t Read(uint8_t *data, size_t size); wchar_t *str; }; class AMFLongString : public AMFType { public: AMFLongString(); ~AMFLongString(); void DebugPrint(int spaces, wchar_t *&str, size_t &len); size_t Read(uint8_t *data, size_t size); wchar_t *str; }; class AMFObj : public AMFType { public: size_t Read(uint8_t *data, size_t size); void DebugPrint(int spaces, wchar_t *&str, size_t &len); }; class AMFArray : public AMFType { public: size_t Read(uint8_t *data, size_t size); void DebugPrint(int spaces, wchar_t *&str, size_t &len); ~AMFArray(); std::vector<AMFType*> array; }; class AMFMixedArray : public AMFType { public: size_t Read(uint8_t *data, size_t size); void DebugPrint(int spaces, wchar_t *&str, size_t &len); ~AMFMixedArray(); typedef std::map<std::wstring, AMFType *> AMFTypeList; AMFTypeList array; }; class AMFDouble : public AMFType { public: void DebugPrint(int spaces, wchar_t *&str, size_t &len); size_t Read(uint8_t *data, size_t size) { if (size < 8) return 0; val = FLV::ReadDouble(data); return 8; } double val; }; class AMFTime : public AMFType { public: void DebugPrint(int spaces, wchar_t *&str, size_t &len); size_t Read(uint8_t *data, size_t size) { if (size < 10) return 0; val = FLV::ReadDouble(data); data+=8; offset = FLV::Read16(data); return 10; } double val; // same epoch as time_t, just stored as a double instead of an unsigned int int16_t offset; // offset in minutes from UTC. presumably from the encoding machine's timezone }; class AMFBoolean : public AMFType { public: void DebugPrint(int spaces, wchar_t *&str, size_t &len); size_t Read(uint8_t *data, size_t size) { if (size < 1) return 0; boolean = !!data[0]; return 1; } bool boolean; }; class AMFTerminator : public AMFType { public: void DebugPrint(int spaces, wchar_t *&str, size_t &len); size_t Read(uint8_t *data, size_t size) { return 0; } }; class AMFReference : public AMFType { public: void DebugPrint(int spaces, wchar_t *&str, size_t &len); size_t Read(uint8_t *data, size_t size) { if (size < 2) return 0; val = FLV::Read16(data); return 2; } uint16_t val; }; inline double AMFGetDouble(AMFType *obj) { if (obj->type == 0x0) return ((AMFDouble *)obj)->val; return 0; } AMFType *MakeObject(uint8_t type); #endif