#include "main.h" #include "./amnwatcher.h" #include <shlobj.h> #include <strsafe.h> #include "playlists.h" #include "PlaylistManager.h" #include "PlaylistView.h" waServiceFactory *AMNWatcher::watcherFactory = NULL; BOOL IsMusicNowWantUs(void) { HKEY key; DWORD value = 0, length = sizeof(DWORD); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\AOL Music Now\\UserPreferences", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &key )) { long retCode = RegQueryValueExW(key, L"IntegrateWithWinamp", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) & value, &length); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != retCode) value = TRUE; RegCloseKey(key); } return value; } BOOL GetMusicNowPlaylistPath(LPWSTR *pathNew, LPWSTR *pathOld) // CAUTION!!! this function will allocate memory for the string using malloc { // first check rgistry HKEY key; *pathNew = NULL; *pathOld = NULL; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\AOL Music Now\\UserPreferences", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &key )) { const wchar_t *rPath = L"PlaylistDirectory"; DWORD length; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueExW(key, rPath, NULL, NULL, NULL, &length)) // try registry ( for future) { *pathNew = (LPWSTR)malloc(length); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueExW(key, rPath, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)*pathNew, &length)) { free(*pathNew); *pathNew = NULL; } } RegCloseKey(key); if (*pathNew && !PathFileExists(*pathNew)) { free(*pathNew); *pathNew = NULL; } //check that path is actualy exist LPITEMIDLIST pidl; if (S_OK == SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, &pidl)) { wchar_t path[MAX_PATH*4] = {0}; if(SHGetPathFromIDListW(pidl, path)) { const wchar_t *suffix = L"Music Now Playlists"; int cchLen = lstrlenW(path) + lstrlenW(suffix) + 32; if (!*pathNew) // no luck - use deafult's { *pathNew = (LPWSTR)malloc(cchLen*sizeof(wchar_t)); StringCchPrintfW(*pathNew, cchLen, L"%s\\%s", path, suffix); if (!PathFileExists(*pathNew)) {free(*pathNew); *pathNew = NULL; }// i give up - can't find anything } // now let's try old path *pathOld = (LPWSTR)malloc(cchLen*sizeof(wchar_t)); StringCchPrintfW(*pathOld, cchLen, L"%s\\AOL %s", path, suffix); if (!PathFileExists(*pathOld)) { free(*pathOld); *pathOld = NULL; } } CoTaskMemFree(pidl); } } return (NULL != *pathNew) || (NULL != *pathOld); } AMNWatcher::AMNWatcher(void) : watcherOld(NULL), watcherNew(NULL), dirty(FALSE) {} AMNWatcher::~AMNWatcher(void) { //Destroy(); // have to just let it leak. you should call Destroy() manually } int AMNWatcher::Init(api_service *service, const wchar_t *trackPath) { BOOL retCode = FALSE; if (!IsMusicNowWantUs()) return retCode; if (watcherFactory) return retCode; LPWSTR pathNew, pathOld; if (!GetMusicNowPlaylistPath(&pathNew, &pathOld)) return retCode; int cchLen = lstrlenW(pathNew); if (cchLen > 1 && pathNew[cchLen -1] == L'\\') pathNew[cchLen -1] = 0x00; cchLen = lstrlenW(pathOld); if (cchLen > 1 && pathOld[cchLen -1] == L'\\') pathOld[cchLen -1] = 0x00; watcherFactory = service->service_getServiceByGuid(watcherGUID); if (watcherFactory) { if (pathNew) { watcherNew = (api_watcher*)watcherFactory->getInterface(); watcherNew->Create( L"WAMN_PLS_NEW", pathNew, TRUE, WATCHER_TRACKMODE_CENTRAL, OnWatcherNotify); } if (pathOld) { watcherOld = (api_watcher*)watcherFactory->getInterface(); watcherOld->Create( L"WAMN_PLS_OLD", pathOld, TRUE, WATCHER_TRACKMODE_CENTRAL, OnWatcherNotify); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { api_watcher *watcher = (i) ? watcherOld : watcherNew; if (!watcher) continue; watcher->SetExtensionFilter(L"WPL", WATCHER_FILTERTYPE_INCLUDE); watcher->SetUserData(this); watcher->SetCallBack(OnWatcherNotify); watcher->SetTrackingPath(trackPath); watcher->Start(); watcher->ForceScan(FALSE, SCANPRIORITY_IDLE); } } free(pathNew); free(pathOld); return TRUE; } void AMNWatcher::Destroy(void) { if (watcherNew) { watcherNew->Stop(); watcherFactory->releaseInterface(watcherNew); watcherNew = NULL; } if (watcherOld) { watcherOld->Stop(); watcherFactory->releaseInterface(watcherOld); watcherOld = NULL; } } int AMNWatcher::OnWatcherNotify(api_watcher *sender, UINT message, LONG_PTR param, void* userdata) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(sender); AMNWatcher *watcher = (AMNWatcher*)userdata; if (WATCHER_MSG_FILE == message) { WATCHERCHANGEINFO *info = (WATCHERCHANGEINFO*)param; // ignore some names if (info->cchFile >= 21) // can be "AOL Music Now - Auido.wpl" or "AOL Music Now - Video.wpl" { const wchar_t *testname = info->file + info->cchFile - 21; if (CSTR_EQUAL == CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NULL, testname, 9, L"Music Now", 9)) return 1; } else if ( 17 == info->cchFile && CSTR_EQUAL == CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NULL, info->file, 13, L"AOL Music Now", 13)) return 1; wchar_t fullName[MAX_PATH*4]; PathCombineW(fullName, info->path, info->file); size_t i(0); switch (info->state) { case WATCHER_FILESTATE_ADDED: case WATCHER_FILESTATE_CHANGED: { if (!info->file) break; wchar_t *title = _wcsdup(info->file); unsigned int len = lstrlen(title); while (len && title[len] != '.') len--; if (len != 0) title[len] = 0x00; while (i != playlists.size() && lstrcmpW(fullName, playlists.at(i).filename)) i++; if ( i == playlists.size()) { AddPlaylist(title, fullName, TRUE, playlistManager->CountItems(fullName)); watcher->dirty = TRUE; } else { int length = playlistManager->GetLengthMilliseconds(fullName); int numItems = (int)playlistManager->CountItems(fullName); if (playlists.at(i).length != length || playlists.at(i).numItems != numItems) { StringCchCopy(playlists.at(i).title, 1024, title); playlists.at(i).length = length; playlists.at(i).numItems = numItems; HWND hwnd = (HWND) SendMessage(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, WM_ML_IPC, 0, ML_IPC_GETCURRENTVIEW); if (hwnd) { wchar_t* title = (wchar_t*)GetPropW(hwnd, L"TITLE"); if (title && 0 == lstrcmp(title, playlists[i].title)) SendMessage(hwnd, WM_PLAYLIST_RELOAD, 0, 0); } watcher->dirty = TRUE; } } free(title); } break; case WATCHER_FILESTATE_REMOVED: { for ( i = 0; i < playlists.size(); i++) { if (0 == lstrcmpW(fullName, playlists.at(i).filename)) { HWND hwnd = (HWND) SendMessage(plugin.hwndLibraryParent, WM_ML_IPC, 0, ML_IPC_GETCURRENTVIEW); if (hwnd) { wchar_t* title = (wchar_t *)GetPropW(hwnd, L"TITLE"); if (title && 0 == lstrcmp(title, playlists[i].title)) SendMessage(hwnd, WM_PLAYLIST_UNLOAD, 0, 0); } if (playlists.at(i).treeId) mediaLibrary.RemoveTreeItem(playlists.at(i).treeId); playlists.eraseAt(i); i--; watcher->dirty = TRUE; break; } } } break; } } else if (WATCHER_MSG_STATUS == message) { if (STATUS_SCANER_STOPPED == param || STATUS_SCANER_FINISHED == param) { if (watcher->dirty) { SavePlaylists(); RefreshPlaylistsList(); watcher->dirty = FALSE; } } } return 1; }