/*--------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Filename: notifier.m Version: 1.3 Type: maki/notifier Date: 14. Mrz. 2007 - 14:50 Author: Martin Poehlmann aka Deimos E-Mail: martin@skinconsortium.com Internet: www.skinconsortium.com www.martin.deimos.de.vu Note: Based on notifier.m from Winamp Modern ----------------------------------------------------- // Workaround for Winamp bug by Pieter Nieuwoudt (pjn123) - pjn123@outlook.com \\ Temparary fix for the Winamp bug where the... extern AlbumArtLayer.onAlbumArtLoaded(boolean success); ...event stops working. Please note that this workaround only kicks in if the above event stops responding. If you want to test the workaround, just add // after the FORCE_BUG_MODE below. Once the above event stop responding the first notifier trigger will be delayed (3 sec), but after that there will be no delays anymore. To remove this fix in the future just search //BUGFIX for steps ;) ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------*/ #define FORCE_BUG_MODE #include <lib/std.mi> #include attribs/init_notifier.m #define DEBUG #define DebugString // Function reset(); Function createNotifier(boolean cancel); Function showNotifier(Int w); Function onNext(); function cancelAnimation(); Function Int fillNextTrackInfo(String corneroverride); Function Int fillCustomInfo(String customstring); Function prepareAlbumArtNotifier(); Function checkPref(int bypassfs); Function getArtist(); Function onAlbumArt(Boolean success); Global Container notifier_container; Global Layout notifier_layout; Global Timer notifier_timer; Global String last_autotitle, last_autopis, cur_status; Global Boolean b_tohide = 0; Global boolean handleAACalback = false; Global AlbumArtLayer cover; Global Boolean triggerBug; //BUGFIX remove this Global Timer fallbackTempFix; //BUGFIX remove this #define WEBCOVER_SHOUTCAST "winamp.cover.shoutcast" // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // init // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onScriptLoaded() { initAttribs_notifier(); notifier_timer = new Timer; fallbackTempFix = new Timer; //BUGFIX remove this fallbackTempFix.setDelay(3000); //BUGFIX remove this / Time that onAlbumArtLoaded have to execute before bug mode is ON } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // shutdown // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onScriptUnloading() { delete notifier_timer; delete fallbackTempFix; //BUGFIX remove this } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the global hotkey for notification is pressed // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onShowNotification() { //if (checkPref(1)) return; --mp: if we push the hotkey, we want to show the notifier, no matter what the pref settings are. createNotifier(false); if (getStatus() == STATUS_PLAYING) cur_status = "Playing"; if (getStatus() == STATUS_PAUSED) cur_status = "Playback Paused"; if (getStatus() == STATUS_STOPPED) cur_status = "Playback Stopped"; prepareAlbumArtNotifier(); complete; // prevents other scripts from getting the message return 1; // tells anybody else that might watch the returned value that, yes, we implemented that } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the title for the playing item changes, this could be the result of the player // going to the next track, or of an update in the track title // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // mpdeimos> seems like we get an onTitleChange callback sometimes on pause/resume, d'oh Global String lastUrl = 0; System.onTitleChange(String newtitle) { if (getPlayItemMetaDataString("streamtype") == "0" && lastUrl == getPlayItemString()) { return; } lastUrl = getPlayItemString(); if (StrLeft(newtitle, 1) == "[") { if (StrLeft(newtitle, 7) == "[Buffer" || StrLeft(newtitle, 4) == "[ICY") return; } //String newpis = System.getPlayItemString(); //if (last_autotitle == newtitle && last_autopis == newpis) return; //last_autotitle = newtitle; //last_autopis = newpis; DebugString("onTitleChange: "+getPlayItemString(), 9); onNext(); fallbackTempFix.stop(); //BUGFIX remove later fallbackTempFix.start(); //BUGFIX remove later } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the user clicks the next button // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ onNext() { if (checkPref(0)) return; createNotifier(false); cur_status = ""; prepareAlbumArtNotifier(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the user clicks the play button // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onPlay() { if (checkPref(0)) return; createNotifier(false); cur_status = "Playing"; prepareAlbumArtNotifier(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the user clicks the pause button // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onPause() { fallbackTempFix.stop(); if (checkPref(0)) return; DebugString("onPause",9); createNotifier(true); showNotifier(fillCustomInfo("Playback Paused")); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the user clicks the pause button again // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onResume() { if (checkPref(0)) return; DebugString("onResume",9); createNotifier(false); cur_status = "Resuming Playback"; prepareAlbumArtNotifier(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // called by the system when the user clicks the play button // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ System.onStop() { fallbackTempFix.stop(); if (checkPref(0)) return; createNotifier(true); showNotifier(fillCustomInfo("End of Playback")); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // checks if we should display anything // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int checkPref(int bypassfs) { if (!bypassfs && notifier_hideinfullscreen_attrib.getData() == "1" && isVideoFullscreen()) return 1; if (notifier_never_attrib.getData() == "1") return 1; if (notifier_minimized_attrib.getData() == "1" && !isMinimized()) return 1; if (notifier_windowshade_attrib.getData() == "1") { if (isMinimized()) return 0; Container c = getContainer("main"); if (!c) return 1; Layout l = c.getCurLayout(); if (!l) return 1; if (l.getId() != "shade") return 1; } return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // fade in/out completed // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TODO: on dual monitors the notif stays on 2nd monitor :( notifier_layout.onTargetReached() { if (b_tohide) { notifier_layout.setAlpha(0); reset(); return; } int a = notifier_layout.getAlpha(); if (a == 255 && !b_tohide) { notifier_timer.setDelay(StringToInteger(notifier_holdtime_attrib.getData())); notifier_timer.start(); } else if (a == 0) { reset(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // hold time elapsed // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ notifier_timer.onTimer() { stop(); if (notifier_fdout_alpha.getData() == "1") { if (notifier_layout.isTransparencySafe()) { notifier_layout.setTargetA(0); notifier_layout.setTargetSpeed(StringToInteger(notifier_fadeouttime_attrib.getData()) / 1000); notifier_layout.gotoTarget(); return; } else { reset(); return; } } else if (notifier_fdout_vslide.getData() == "1") { b_tohide = 1; int sy; int geth; Layout m = getContainer("main").getCurLayout(); if (notifier_loc_vport_attrib.getData() == "1") { geth = getViewportHeightFromGuiObject(m); } else { geth = getMonitorHeightFromGuiObject(m); } if (notifier_layout.getGuiY() == 2) sy = -80; else sy = geth + 80; notifier_layout.setTargetY(sy); notifier_layout.setTargetSpeed(StringToInteger(notifier_fadeintime_attrib.getData()) / 1000); notifier_layout.gotoTarget(); return; } else { if (b_tohide) return; b_tohide = 1; int sx; int getw; Layout m = getContainer("main").getCurLayout(); if (notifier_loc_vport_attrib.getData() == "1") { getw = getViewportWidthFromGuiObject(m); } else { getw = getMonitorWidthFromGuiObject(m); } if (notifier_layout.getGuiX() == 2) sx = -notifier_layout.getWidth(); else sx = getw + notifier_layout.getWidth(); notifier_layout.setTargetX(sx); notifier_layout.setTargetSpeed(StringToInteger(notifier_fadeintime_attrib.getData()) / 1000); notifier_layout.gotoTarget(); return; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // when notifier is clicked, bring back the app from minimized state if its minimized and focus it // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ notifier_layout.onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y) { cancelAnimation(); restoreApplication(); activateApplication(); /*if (notifier_opennowplaying_attrib.getData() == "1") { String artist = getArtist(); if (artist == "") return; System.navigateUrlBrowser("http://client.winamp.com/nowplaying/artist/?icid=notifierbento&artistName=" + artist); }*/ reset(); } notifier_layout.onRightButtonUp(int x, int y) { cancelAnimation(); reset(); complete; return; } //TODO merge w/ code below String getArtist () { String artist = getPlayItemMetaDataString("artist"); if (artist == "") artist = getPlayItemMetaDataString("uvox/artist"); if (artist == "") artist = getPlayItemMetaDataString("cbs/artist"); if (artist == "") artist = getPlayItemMetaDataString("streamtitle"); if (artist == "") artist = getPlayItemDisplayTitle(); return artist; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // close the notifier window, destroys the container automatically because it's dynamic // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ reset() { notifier_container.close(); notifier_container = NULL; notifier_layout = NULL; handleAACalback = FALSE; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ createNotifier(boolean cancel) { if (notifier_container == NULL) { notifier_container = newDynamicContainer("notifier"); if (!notifier_container) return; // reinstall duh! if (isDesktopAlphaAvailable()) notifier_layout = notifier_container.getLayout("desktopalpha"); else notifier_layout = notifier_container.getLayout("normal"); if (!notifier_layout) return; // reinstall twice, man } else if (cancel) { cancelAnimation(); } } cancelAnimation() { notifier_layout.cancelTarget(); notifier_timer.stop(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ showNotifier(int w) { DebugString(IntegerToString(w), 0); b_tohide = 0; int x; int y; int sy; int sx; w = w + 30; int getx, gety, geth, getw; Layout m = getContainer("main").getCurLayout(); if (notifier_loc_vport_attrib.getData() == "1") { getx = getViewportLeftFromGuiObject(m); gety = getViewportTopFromGuiObject(m); geth = getViewportHeightFromGuiObject(m); getw = getViewportWidthFromGuiObject(m); } else { getx = getMonitorLeftFromGuiObject(m); gety = getMonitorTopFromGuiObject(m); geth = getMonitorHeightFromGuiObject(m); getw = getMonitorWidthFromGuiObject(m); } if (notifier_loc_br_attrib.getData() == "1") { x = getw + getx - w - 2; y = geth + gety - 80 - 2; } else if (notifier_loc_bl_attrib.getData() == "1") { x = getx + 2; y = geth + gety - 80 - 2; } else if (notifier_loc_bc_attrib.getData() == "1") { x = getx + ((getw - w) / 2); y = geth + gety - 80 - 2; } else if (notifier_loc_tr_attrib.getData() == "1") { x = getw + getx - w - 2; y = 2; } else if (notifier_loc_tc_attrib.getData() == "1") { x = getx + ((getw - w) / 2); y = 2; } else { x = getx + 2; y = 2; } if (notifier_fdin_alpha.getData() == "1") { if (!notifier_layout.isVisible()) notifier_layout.resize(x, y, w, 80); else { notifier_layout.resize(notifier_layout.getguiX(), y, notifier_layout.getGuiW(), 80); } if (notifier_layout.isTransparencySafe()) { notifier_layout.show(); notifier_layout.settargetA(255); notifier_layout.setTargetX(x); notifier_layout.setTargetY(y); notifier_layout.setTargetW(w); notifier_layout.setTargetH(80); notifier_layout.setTargetSpeed(StringToInteger(notifier_fadeintime_attrib.getData()) / 1000); notifier_layout.gotoTarget(); } else { notifier_layout.setAlpha(255); notifier_layout.show(); notifier_layout.settargetA(255); notifier_layout.setTargetX(x); notifier_layout.setTargetY(y); notifier_layout.setTargetW(w); notifier_layout.setTargetH(80); notifier_timer.setDelay(StringToInteger(notifier_holdtime_attrib.getData())); notifier_timer.start(); } } else if (notifier_fdin_vslide.getData() == "1") { if (y == 2) sy = -80; else sy = geth + 80; if (!notifier_layout.isVisible()) notifier_layout.resize(x, sy, w, 80); else { notifier_layout.resize(notifier_layout.getguiX(), y, notifier_layout.getGuiW(), 80); } notifier_layout.show(); notifier_layout.setAlpha(255); notifier_layout.setTargetX(x); notifier_layout.setTargetY(y); notifier_layout.setTargetW(w); notifier_layout.setTargetH(80); notifier_layout.setTargetSpeed(StringToInteger(notifier_fadeintime_attrib.getData()) / 1000); notifier_layout.gotoTarget(); } else { if (x < (getw + getx)/2) sx = -w; else sx = getw + w; if (!notifier_layout.isVisible()) { notifier_layout.resize(sx, y, w, 80); } else { notifier_layout.resize(notifier_layout.getguiX(), y, notifier_layout.getGuiW(), 80); } notifier_layout.show(); notifier_layout.setAlpha(255); notifier_layout.setTargetX(x); notifier_layout.setTargetY(y); notifier_layout.setTargetW(w); notifier_layout.setTargetH(80); notifier_layout.setTargetSpeed(StringToInteger(notifier_fadeintime_attrib.getData()) / 1000); notifier_layout.gotoTarget(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ prepareAlbumArtNotifier() { if (!notifier_layout) return; Group g_albumart = notifier_layout.findObject("notifier.albumart"); DebugString("prepareAlbumArtNotifier: handleAACalback="+integerToString(handleAACalback), 9); if (g_albumart) { cover = g_albumart.findObject("notifier.cover"); DebugString("prepareAlbumArtNotifier: cover.isLoading="+integerToString(cover.isLoading()), 9); DebugString("prepareAlbumArtNotifier: cover.isInvalid="+integerToString(cover.isInvalid()), 9); handleAACalback = true; cover.refresh(); } } cover.onAlbumArtLoaded(boolean success) { /* Created a seperate function for the code that was here because for some reason I couldn't force this event (from the fallbackTempFix.onTimer) with cover.onAlbumArtLoaded(success) after the Winamp bug appears. Weird, yes. */ FORCE_BUG_MODE onAlbumArt(success); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int fillNextTrackInfo(String corneroverride) { Int maxv = 0; Int stream = 0; if (!notifier_layout) return 0; Group g_text = notifier_layout.findObject("notifier.text"); Group g_albumart = notifier_layout.findObject("notifier.albumart"); Text plentry = g_text.findObject("plentry"); Text nexttrack = g_text.findObject("nexttrack"); Text _title = g_text.findObject("title"); Text album = g_text.findObject("album"); Text artist = g_text.findObject("artist"); Text endofplayback = notifier_layout.findObject("endofplayback"); Text s_plentry = g_text.findObject("plentry.shadow"); Text s_nexttrack = g_text.findObject("nexttrack.shadow"); Text s_title = g_text.findObject("title.shadow"); Text s_album = g_text.findObject("album.shadow"); Text s_artist = g_text.findObject("artist.shadow"); Text s_endofplayback = notifier_layout.findObject("endofplayback.shadow"); DebugString("got callback for " + getPlayItemString(), 0); // Get Stream Name - if no stream returns "" string s = getPlayItemMetaDataString("streamname"); string stype = getPlayItemMetaDataString("streamtype"); //"streamtype" will return "2" for SHOUTcast and "5" for SHOUTcast 2 if (stype == "2" || stype == "5") stream = 1; if (endofplayback) endofplayback.hide(); if (s_endofplayback) s_endofplayback.hide(); if (plentry) { plentry.setText(integerToString(getPlaylistIndex()+1)+translate(" of ")+integerToString(getPlaylistLength())); plentry.show(); s_plentry.setText(integerToString(getPlaylistIndex()+1)+translate(" of ")+integerToString(getPlaylistLength())); s_plentry.show(); } if (nexttrack) { if (corneroverride == "") { if (!stream) { if (!isVideo()) { nexttrack.setText("New track"); s_nexttrack.setText("New track"); } else { nexttrack.setText("New video"); s_nexttrack.setText("New video"); } } else { nexttrack.setText("On air"); s_nexttrack.setText("On air"); } } else { nexttrack.setText(corneroverride); s_nexttrack.setText(corneroverride); } nexttrack.show(); s_nexttrack.show(); } string set_artist = ""; string set = ""; if (_title) { _title.setXmlParam("ticker", "0"); _title.setXmlParam("display", ""); s_title.setXmlParam("ticker", "0"); s_title.setXmlParam("display", ""); String str; if (!stream) { str = getPlayitemMetaDataString("title"); if (str == "") str = getPlayitemDisplayTitle(); String l = getPlayItemMetaDataString("length"); if (l != "") { str += " (" + integerToTime(stringtointeger(l)) + ")"; } _title.setText(str); s_title.setText(str); } else { if (str = getPlayItemMetaDataString("streamtitle") != "") { int v = strsearch(str, " - "); // We divide the string by a " - " sublimiter - no luck for old / wrong tagged stations if (v > 0) { set_artist = strleft (str, v); // Store artist string str = strright (str, strlen(str) - 3 - v); _title.setText(str); s_title.setText(str); } else { _title.setXmlParam("ticker", "1"); // These titles can be _very_ long s_title.setXmlParam("ticker", "1"); _title.setText(str); s_title.setText(str); } } else { _title.setXmlParam("ticker", "1"); _title.setXmlParam("display", "songtitle"); _title.setText(""); s_title.setXmlParam("ticker", "1"); s_title.setXmlParam("display", "songtitle"); s_title.setText(""); } } _title.show(); s_title.show(); } if (artist) { if (!stream) { if (isVideo()) { artist.setText(""); s_artist.setText(""); } else { artist.setText(getPlayitemMetaDataString("artist")); s_artist.setText(getPlayitemMetaDataString("artist")); } } else { // Perhaps we've stored the artist before? if (set_artist != "") { artist.setText(set_artist); s_artist.setText(set_artist); } // Then display the station name else if (s != "") { artist.setText(s); s_artist.setText(s); } // So, we've had no luck - just display a static text :( else { if (isVideo()) { artist.setText("Internet TV"); s_artist.setText("Internet TV"); } else { artist.setText("Internet Radio"); s_artist.setText("Internet Radio"); } } } artist.show(); s_artist.show(); } if (album) { String str; if (!stream && !isVideo()) { s_album.setXmlParam("display", ""); album.setXmlParam("display", ""); str = getPlayitemMetaDataString("album"); String l = getPlayitemMetaDataString("track"); if (l != "" && l != "-1") str += " (" + translate("Track ") + l + ")"; album.setText(str); s_album.setText(str); } else { album.setXmlParam("display", ""); s_album.setXmlParam("display", ""); // we have divided the songname - let's display the station name if (set_artist != "" && s != "") { album.setText(s); s_album.setText(s); } // no luck either... else { album.setText(""); album.setXmlParam("display", "songinfo_localise"); s_album.setText(""); s_album.setXmlParam("display", "songinfo_localise"); } } album.show(); s_album.show(); } // Album Art Stuff Layer webcover; if (g_albumart) { cover = g_albumart.findObject("notifier.cover"); webcover = g_albumart.findObject("notifier.webcover"); } Boolean showAlbumArt = FALSE; if (cover != NULL && webcover != NULL && notifier_artworkinnotification_attrib.getData() == "1") { if (stream) { if(stype == "2" || stype == "5" && cover.isInvalid()) { webcover.setXMLParam("image", WEBCOVER_SHOUTCAST); cover.hide(); webcover.show(); showAlbumArt = TRUE; } else if(stype == "5" && !cover.isInvalid()) { webcover.hide(); cover.show(); showAlbumArt = TRUE; } } else { if (cover.isInvalid()) // Check if the album art obj shows a pic { showAlbumArt = FALSE; } else { webcover.hide(); cover.show(); showAlbumArt = TRUE; } } } if (showAlbumArt) { if (g_albumart) g_albumart.show(); if (g_text) g_text.setXmlParam("x", "75"); if (g_text) g_text.setXmlParam("w", "-95"); } else { if (g_albumart) g_albumart.hide(); if (g_text) g_text.setXmlParam("x", "15"); if (g_text) g_text.setXmlParam("w", "-35"); } if (g_text) g_text.show(); maxv = artist.getAutoWidth(); if (maxv < album.getAutoWidth()) maxv = album.getAutoWidth(); if (maxv < _title.getAutoWidth()) maxv = _title.getAutoWidth(); if (maxv < (plentry.getAutoWidth() + nexttrack.getAutoWidth())) maxv = (plentry.getAutoWidth() + nexttrack.getAutoWidth()); if (maxv < 128) maxv = 128; int getw; Layout m = getContainer("main").getCurLayout(); if (notifier_loc_vport_attrib.getData() == "1") { //getw = getViewportWidth(); getw = getViewportWidthFromGuiObject(m); } else { getw = getMonitorWidthFromGuiObject(m); } if (maxv > getw/4) maxv = getw/4; return maxv + ( showAlbumArt * 60 ) + 1; // Adds 60 extra pixels if album art is visible } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Int fillCustomInfo(String customtext) { Group g_text = notifier_layout.findObject("notifier.text"); Group g_albumart = notifier_layout.findObject("notifier.albumart"); Text endofplayback = notifier_layout.findObject("endofplayback"); Text s_endofplayback = notifier_layout.findObject("endofplayback.shadow"); if (g_text) { g_text.hide(); } if (g_albumart) g_albumart.hide(); if (endofplayback != NULL && s_endofplayback != NULL) { endofplayback.setText(translate(customtext)+" "); s_endofplayback.setText(translate(customtext)+" "); int aw = endofplayback.getAutoWidth(); endofplayback.show(); s_endofplayback.show(); if (aw > 128) return aw; } return 128; } //BUGFIX remove this timer later fallbackTempFix.onTimer() //As soon as this timer run, bug mode is ON ;) { if (checkPref(0)) return; if (!notifier_layout) onNext(); if(!triggerBug) { triggerBug = true; onAlbumArt(cover.isInvalid()); //First time we see the bug fallbackTempFix.setDelay(30); DebugString("Hello Bug", 9); } else if(triggerBug && !cover.isLoading()) onAlbumArt(cover.isInvalid()); } onAlbumArt(Boolean success){ fallbackTempFix.stop(); //BUGFIX remove later DebugString("onAlbumArtLoaded: success="+integerToString(success), 9); DebugString("onAlbumArtLoaded: handleAACalback="+integerToString(handleAACalback), 9); DebugString("onAlbumArtLoaded: cover.isLoading="+integerToString(cover.isLoading()), 9); DebugString("onAlbumArtLoaded: cover.isInvalid="+integerToString(cover.isInvalid()), 9); if (!handleAACalback || !notifier_layout /*|| isLoading()*/) { return; } handleAACalback = cover.isLoading(); cancelAnimation(); showNotifier(fillNextTrackInfo(cur_status)); }