# Ogg [](https://travis-ci.org/xiph/ogg) [](https://mf4.xiph.org/jenkins/job/libogg/) [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/rillian/ogg) Ogg project codecs use the Ogg bitstream format to arrange the raw, compressed bitstream into a more robust, useful form. For example, the Ogg bitstream makes seeking, time stamping and error recovery possible, as well as mixing several sepearate, concurrent media streams into a single physical bitstream. ## What's here ## This source distribution includes libogg and nothing else. Other modules (eg, the modules libvorbis, vorbis-tools for the Vorbis music codec, libtheora for the Theora video codec) contain the codec libraries for use with Ogg bitstreams. Directory: - `src` The source for libogg, a BSD-license inplementation of the public domain Ogg bitstream format - `include` Library API headers - `doc` Ogg specification and libogg API documents - `win32` Win32 projects and build automation ## Contact ## The Ogg homepage is located at https://www.xiph.org/ogg/ . Up to date technical documents, contact information, source code and pre-built utilities may be found there. ## Building ## #### Building from tarball distributions #### ./configure make and optionally (as root): make install This will install the Ogg libraries (static and shared) into /usr/local/lib, includes into /usr/local/include and API documentation into /usr/local/share/doc. #### Building from repository source #### A standard svn build should consist of nothing more than: ./autogen.sh ./configure make and as root if desired : make install #### Building on Windows #### Use the project file in the win32 directory. It should compile out of the box. #### Cross-compiling from Linux to Windows #### It is also possible to cross compile from Linux to windows using the MinGW cross tools and even to run the test suite under Wine, the Linux/*nix windows emulator. On Debian and Ubuntu systems, these cross compiler tools can be installed by doing: sudo apt-get mingw32 mingw32-binutils mingw32-runtime wine Once these tools are installed its possible to compile and test by executing the following commands, or something similar depending on your system: ./configure --host=i586-mingw32msvc --target=i586-mingw32msvc --build=i586-linux make make check (Build instructions for Ogg codecs such as vorbis are similar and may be found in those source modules' README files) ## Building with CMake ## Ogg supports building using [CMake](http://www.cmake.org/). CMake is a meta build system that generates native projects for each platform. To generate projects just run cmake replacing `YOUR-PROJECT-GENERATOR` with a proper generator from a list [here](http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.2/manual/cmake-generators.7.html): mkdir build cd build cmake -G YOUR-PROJECT-GENERATOR .. Note that by default cmake generates projects that will build static libraries. To generate projects that will build dynamic library use `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS` option like this: cmake -G YOUR-PROJECT-GENERATOR -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1 .. After projects are generated use them as usual #### Building on Windows #### Use proper generator for your Visual Studio version like: cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" .. #### Building on Mac OS X #### Use Xcode generator. To build framework run: cmake -G Xcode -DBUILD_FRAMEWORK=1 .. #### Building on Linux #### Use Makefile generator which is default one. cmake .. make ## Testing ## This package includes a collection of automated tests. Running them is not part of building nor installation but optional. ### Unix-like System or MinGW ### If build under automake: make check If build under CMake: make test or: ctest ### Windows with MSBuild ### If build with configuration type "Debug", then: ctest -C Debug If build with configuration type "Release", then: ctest -C Release ## License ## THIS FILE IS PART OF THE OggVorbis SOFTWARE CODEC SOURCE CODE. USE, DISTRIBUTION AND REPRODUCTION OF THIS LIBRARY SOURCE IS GOVERNED BY A BSD-STYLE SOURCE LICENSE INCLUDED WITH THIS SOURCE IN 'COPYING'. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS BEFORE DISTRIBUTING. THE OggVorbis SOURCE CODE IS COPYRIGHT (C) 1994-2019 by the Xiph.Org Foundation https://www.xiph.org/