#include "nsid3v2.h" #include "nsid3v2/header.h" #include "nsid3v2/tag.h" #include "nsid3v2/frame_utils.h" #include "nu/ByteReader.h" #include "nu/ByteWriter.h" #include "nx/nxstring.h" struct ParsedUserText { ParsedString description; ParsedString value; }; static int ParseUserText(const void *data, size_t data_len, ParsedUserText &parsed) { int ret; if (data_len == 0) return NErr_Insufficient; bytereader_value_t byte_reader; bytereader_init(&byte_reader, data, data_len); uint8_t encoding = bytereader_read_u8(&byte_reader); ret = ParseNullTerminatedString(&byte_reader, encoding, parsed.description); if (ret != NErr_Success) return ret; return ParseFrameTerminatedString(&byte_reader, encoding, parsed.value); } int NSID3v2_Tag_TXXX_Find(const nsid3v2_tag_t t, const char *description, nsid3v2_frame_t *out_frame, int text_flags) { const ID3v2::Tag *tag = (const ID3v2::Tag *)t; if (!tag) return NErr_Empty; const ID3v2::Frame *frame = tag->FindFirstFrame(NSID3V2_FRAME_USER_TEXT); while (frame) { const void *data; size_t data_len; ParsedUserText parsed; if (frame->GetData(&data, &data_len) == NErr_Success && data_len > 0 && ParseUserText(data, data_len, parsed) == NErr_Success && DescriptionMatches(parsed.description, description, text_flags)) { *out_frame = (nsid3v2_frame_t)frame; return NErr_Success; } frame = tag->FindNextFrame(frame); } return NErr_Empty; } int NSID3v2_Tag_TXXX_Get(const nsid3v2_tag_t t, const char *description, nx_string_t *value, int text_flags) { const ID3v2::Tag *tag = (const ID3v2::Tag *)t; if (!tag) return NErr_Empty; const ID3v2::Frame *frame = tag->FindFirstFrame(NSID3V2_FRAME_USER_TEXT); while (frame) { const void *data; size_t data_len; ParsedUserText parsed; if (frame->GetData(&data, &data_len) == NErr_Success && data_len > 0 && ParseUserText(data, data_len, parsed) == NErr_Success && DescriptionMatches(parsed.description, description, text_flags)) { return NXStringCreateFromParsedString(value, parsed.value, text_flags); } frame = tag->FindNextFrame(frame); } return NErr_Empty; } int NSID3v2_Frame_UserText_Get(const nsid3v2_frame_t f, nx_string_t *description, nx_string_t *value, int text_flags) { const ID3v2::Frame *frame = (const ID3v2::Frame *)f; if (frame) { const void *data; size_t data_len; ParsedUserText parsed; if (frame->GetData(&data, &data_len) == NErr_Success && data_len > 0 && ParseUserText(data, data_len, parsed) == NErr_Success) { int ret = NXStringCreateFromParsedString(value, parsed.value, text_flags); if (ret != NErr_Success) return ret; if (description) return NXStringCreateFromParsedString(description, parsed.description, text_flags); else return NErr_Success; } } return NErr_Error; } /* ---------------- Setters ---------------- */ int NSID3v2_Frame_UserText_Set(nsid3v2_frame_t f, const char *description, nx_string_t value, int text_flags) { ID3v2::Frame *frame = (ID3v2::Frame *)f; if (frame) { /* benski> for now, we're going to store UTF-16LE always. in the future, we'll add functions to NXString to determine a 'best' encoding */ size_t description_length=strlen(description); size_t byte_count_value=0; int ret = NXStringGetBytesSize(&byte_count_value, value, nx_charset_utf16le, 0); if (ret != NErr_DirectPointer && ret != NErr_Success) return ret; /* TODO: overflow check */ size_t total_size = 1 /* encoding */ + 2 /* BOM for description */ + description_length*2 + 2 /* null separator */ + 2 /* BOM for value */ + byte_count_value; void *data; size_t data_len; ret = frame->NewData(total_size, &data, &data_len); if (ret != NErr_Success) return ret; size_t bytes_copied; bytewriter_s byte_writer; bytewriter_init(&byte_writer, data, data_len); bytewriter_write_u8(&byte_writer, 1); /* mark as UTF-16LE */ bytewriter_write_u16_le(&byte_writer, 0xFEFF); /* BOM for description */ for (size_t i=0;i<description_length;i++) bytewriter_write_u16_le(&byte_writer, description[i]); bytewriter_write_u16_le(&byte_writer, 0); /* NULL separator*/ bytewriter_write_u16_le(&byte_writer, 0xFEFF); /* BOM for value */ NXStringGetBytes(&bytes_copied, value, bytewriter_pointer(&byte_writer), bytewriter_size(&byte_writer), nx_charset_utf16le, 0); return NErr_Success; } return NErr_Error; } int NSID3v2_Tag_TXXX_Set(nsid3v2_tag_t t, const char *description, nx_string_t value, int text_flags) { ID3v2::Tag *tag = (ID3v2::Tag *)t; if (!tag) return NErr_Empty; ID3v2::Frame *frame = tag->FindFirstFrame(NSID3V2_FRAME_USER_TEXT); while (frame) { const void *data; size_t data_len; ParsedUserText parsed; if (frame->GetData(&data, &data_len) == NErr_Success && data_len > 0 && ParseUserText(data, data_len, parsed) == NErr_Success && DescriptionMatches(parsed.description, description, text_flags)) { break; } frame = tag->FindNextFrame(frame); } if (!frame) { frame = tag->NewFrame(NSID3V2_FRAME_USER_TEXT, 0); if (!frame) return NErr_OutOfMemory; tag->AddFrame(frame); } return NSID3v2_Frame_UserText_Set((nsid3v2_frame_t)frame, description, value, text_flags); }