/****************************************************************************** Plush Version 1.2 render.c Rendering code: this includes transformation, lighting, etc Copyright (c) 1996-2000, Justin Frankel ******************************************************************************/ #include "plush.h" typedef struct { pl_Float zd; pl_Face *face; } _faceInfo; typedef struct { pl_Light *light; pl_Float l[3]; } _lightInfo; #define MACRO_plMatrixApply(m,x,y,z,outx,outy,outz) \ ( outx ) = ( x )*( m )[0] + ( y )*( m )[1] + ( z )*( m )[2] + ( m )[3];\ ( outy ) = ( x )*( m )[4] + ( y )*( m )[5] + ( z )*( m )[6] + ( m )[7];\ ( outz ) = ( x )*( m )[8] + ( y )*( m )[9] + ( z )*( m )[10] + ( m )[11] #define MACRO_plDotProduct(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2) \ ((( x1 )*( x2 ))+(( y1 )*( y2 ))+(( z1 )*( z2 ))) #define MACRO_plNormalizeVector(x,y,z) { \ register double length; \ length = ( x )*( x )+( y )*( y )+( z )*( z ); \ if (length > 0.0000000001) { \ pl_Float l = (pl_Float) sqrt(length); \ ( x ) /= l; \ ( y ) /= l; \ ( z ) /= l; \ } \ } pl_uInt32 plRender_TriStats[4]; static pl_uInt32 _numfaces; static _faceInfo _faces[PL_MAX_TRIANGLES]; static pl_Float _cMatrix[16]; static pl_uInt32 _numlights; static _lightInfo _lights[PL_MAX_LIGHTS]; static pl_Cam *_cam; static void _RenderObj(pl_Obj *, pl_Float *, pl_Float *); static void _sift_down(int L, int U, int dir); static void _hsort(_faceInfo *base, int nel, int dir); void plRenderBegin(pl_Cam *Camera) { pl_Float tempMatrix[16]; memset(plRender_TriStats,0,sizeof(plRender_TriStats)); _cam = Camera; _numlights = 0; _numfaces = 0; plMatrixRotate(_cMatrix,2,-Camera->Pan); plMatrixRotate(tempMatrix,1,-Camera->Pitch); plMatrixMultiply(_cMatrix,tempMatrix); plMatrixRotate(tempMatrix,3,-Camera->Roll); plMatrixMultiply(_cMatrix,tempMatrix); plClipSetFrustum(_cam); } void plRenderLight(pl_Light *light) { pl_Float *pl, xp, yp, zp; if (light->Type == PL_LIGHT_NONE || _numlights >= PL_MAX_LIGHTS) return; pl = _lights[_numlights].l; if (light->Type == PL_LIGHT_VECTOR) { xp = light->Xp; yp = light->Yp; zp = light->Zp; MACRO_plMatrixApply(_cMatrix,xp,yp,zp,pl[0],pl[1],pl[2]); } else if (light->Type & PL_LIGHT_POINT) { xp = light->Xp-_cam->X; yp = light->Yp-_cam->Y; zp = light->Zp-_cam->Z; MACRO_plMatrixApply(_cMatrix,xp,yp,zp,pl[0],pl[1],pl[2]); } _lights[_numlights++].light = light; } static void _RenderObj(pl_Obj *obj, pl_Float *bmatrix, pl_Float *bnmatrix) { pl_uInt32 i, x, facepos; pl_Float nx = 0.0, ny = 0.0, nz = 0.0; double tmp, tmp2; pl_Float oMatrix[16], nMatrix[16], tempMatrix[16]; pl_Vertex *vertex; pl_Face *face; pl_Light *light; if (obj->GenMatrix) { plMatrixRotate(nMatrix,1,obj->Xa); plMatrixRotate(tempMatrix,2,obj->Ya); plMatrixMultiply(nMatrix,tempMatrix); plMatrixRotate(tempMatrix,3,obj->Za); plMatrixMultiply(nMatrix,tempMatrix); memcpy(oMatrix,nMatrix,sizeof(pl_Float)*16); } else memcpy(nMatrix,obj->RotMatrix,sizeof(pl_Float)*16); if (bnmatrix) plMatrixMultiply(nMatrix,bnmatrix); if (obj->GenMatrix) { plMatrixTranslate(tempMatrix, obj->Xp, obj->Yp, obj->Zp); plMatrixMultiply(oMatrix,tempMatrix); } else memcpy(oMatrix,obj->Matrix,sizeof(pl_Float)*16); if (bmatrix) plMatrixMultiply(oMatrix,bmatrix); for (i = 0; i < PL_MAX_CHILDREN; i ++) if (obj->Children[i]) _RenderObj(obj->Children[i],oMatrix,nMatrix); if (!obj->NumFaces || !obj->NumVertices) return; plMatrixTranslate(tempMatrix, -_cam->X, -_cam->Y, -_cam->Z); plMatrixMultiply(oMatrix,tempMatrix); plMatrixMultiply(oMatrix,_cMatrix); plMatrixMultiply(nMatrix,_cMatrix); x = obj->NumVertices; vertex = obj->Vertices; do { MACRO_plMatrixApply(oMatrix,vertex->x,vertex->y,vertex->z, vertex->xformedx, vertex->xformedy, vertex->xformedz); MACRO_plMatrixApply(nMatrix,vertex->nx,vertex->ny,vertex->nz, vertex->xformednx,vertex->xformedny,vertex->xformednz); vertex++; } while (--x); face = obj->Faces; facepos = _numfaces; if (_numfaces + obj->NumFaces >= PL_MAX_TRIANGLES) // exceeded maximum face coutn { return; } plRender_TriStats[0] += obj->NumFaces; _numfaces += obj->NumFaces; x = obj->NumFaces; do { if (obj->BackfaceCull || face->Material->_st & PL_SHADE_FLAT) { MACRO_plMatrixApply(nMatrix,face->nx,face->ny,face->nz,nx,ny,nz); } if (!obj->BackfaceCull || (MACRO_plDotProduct(nx,ny,nz, face->Vertices[0]->xformedx, face->Vertices[0]->xformedy, face->Vertices[0]->xformedz) < 0.0000001)) { if (plClipNeeded(face)) { if (face->Material->_st & (PL_SHADE_FLAT|PL_SHADE_FLAT_DISTANCE)) { tmp = face->sLighting; if (face->Material->_st & PL_SHADE_FLAT) { for (i = 0; i < _numlights; i ++) { tmp2 = 0.0; light = _lights[i].light; if (light->Type & PL_LIGHT_POINT_ANGLE) { double nx2 = _lights[i].l[0] - face->Vertices[0]->xformedx; double ny2 = _lights[i].l[1] - face->Vertices[0]->xformedy; double nz2 = _lights[i].l[2] - face->Vertices[0]->xformedz; MACRO_plNormalizeVector(nx2,ny2,nz2); tmp2 = MACRO_plDotProduct(nx,ny,nz,nx2,ny2,nz2)*light->Intensity; } if (light->Type & PL_LIGHT_POINT_DISTANCE) { double nx2 = _lights[i].l[0] - face->Vertices[0]->xformedx; double ny2 = _lights[i].l[1] - face->Vertices[0]->xformedy; double nz2 = _lights[i].l[2] - face->Vertices[0]->xformedz; if (light->Type & PL_LIGHT_POINT_ANGLE) { nx2 = (1.0 - 0.5*((nx2*nx2+ny2*ny2+nz2*nz2)/ light->HalfDistSquared)); tmp2 *= plMax(0,plMin(1.0,nx2))*light->Intensity; } else { tmp2 = (1.0 - 0.5*((nx2*nx2+ny2*ny2+nz2*nz2)/ light->HalfDistSquared)); tmp2 = plMax(0,plMin(1.0,tmp2))*light->Intensity; } } if (light->Type == PL_LIGHT_VECTOR) tmp2 = MACRO_plDotProduct(nx,ny,nz,_lights[i].l[0],_lights[i].l[1],_lights[i].l[2]) * light->Intensity; if (tmp2 > 0.0) tmp += tmp2; else if (obj->BackfaceIllumination) tmp -= tmp2; } /* End of light loop */ } /* End of flat shading if */ if (face->Material->_st & PL_SHADE_FLAT_DISTANCE) tmp += 1.0-(face->Vertices[0]->xformedz+face->Vertices[1]->xformedz+ face->Vertices[2]->xformedz) / (face->Material->FadeDist*3.0); face->fShade = (pl_Float) tmp; } else face->fShade = 0.0; /* End of flatmask lighting if */ if (face->Material->_ft & PL_FILL_ENVIRONMENT) { face->eMappingU[0] = 32768 + (pl_sInt32) (face->Vertices[0]->xformednx*32768.0); face->eMappingV[0] = 32768 - (pl_sInt32) (face->Vertices[0]->xformedny*32768.0); face->eMappingU[1] = 32768 + (pl_sInt32) (face->Vertices[1]->xformednx*32768.0); face->eMappingV[1] = 32768 - (pl_sInt32) (face->Vertices[1]->xformedny*32768.0); face->eMappingU[2] = 32768 + (pl_sInt32) (face->Vertices[2]->xformednx*32768.0); face->eMappingV[2] = 32768 - (pl_sInt32) (face->Vertices[2]->xformedny*32768.0); } if (face->Material->_st &(PL_SHADE_GOURAUD|PL_SHADE_GOURAUD_DISTANCE)) { register pl_uChar a; for (a = 0; a < 3; a ++) { tmp = face->vsLighting[a]; if (face->Material->_st & PL_SHADE_GOURAUD) { for (i = 0; i < _numlights ; i++) { tmp2 = 0.0; light = _lights[i].light; if (light->Type & PL_LIGHT_POINT_ANGLE) { nx = _lights[i].l[0] - face->Vertices[a]->xformedx; ny = _lights[i].l[1] - face->Vertices[a]->xformedy; nz = _lights[i].l[2] - face->Vertices[a]->xformedz; MACRO_plNormalizeVector(nx,ny,nz); tmp2 = MACRO_plDotProduct(face->Vertices[a]->xformednx, face->Vertices[a]->xformedny, face->Vertices[a]->xformednz, nx,ny,nz) * light->Intensity; } if (light->Type & PL_LIGHT_POINT_DISTANCE) { double nx2 = _lights[i].l[0] - face->Vertices[a]->xformedx; double ny2 = _lights[i].l[1] - face->Vertices[a]->xformedy; double nz2 = _lights[i].l[2] - face->Vertices[a]->xformedz; if (light->Type & PL_LIGHT_POINT_ANGLE) { double t= (1.0 - 0.5*((nx2*nx2+ny2*ny2+nz2*nz2)/light->HalfDistSquared)); tmp2 *= plMax(0,plMin(1.0,t))*light->Intensity; } else { tmp2 = (1.0 - 0.5*((nx2*nx2+ny2*ny2+nz2*nz2)/light->HalfDistSquared)); tmp2 = plMax(0,plMin(1.0,tmp2))*light->Intensity; } } if (light->Type == PL_LIGHT_VECTOR) tmp2 = MACRO_plDotProduct(face->Vertices[a]->xformednx, face->Vertices[a]->xformedny, face->Vertices[a]->xformednz, _lights[i].l[0],_lights[i].l[1],_lights[i].l[2]) * light->Intensity; if (tmp2 > 0.0) tmp += tmp2; else if (obj->BackfaceIllumination) tmp -= tmp2; } /* End of light loop */ } /* End of gouraud shading if */ if (face->Material->_st & PL_SHADE_GOURAUD_DISTANCE) tmp += 1.0-face->Vertices[a]->xformedz/face->Material->FadeDist; face->Shades[a] = (pl_Float) tmp; } /* End of vertex loop for */ } /* End of gouraud shading mask if */ _faces[facepos].zd = face->Vertices[0]->xformedz+ face->Vertices[1]->xformedz+face->Vertices[2]->xformedz; _faces[facepos++].face = face; plRender_TriStats[1] ++; } /* Is it in our area Check */ } /* Backface Check */ _numfaces = facepos; face++; } while (--x); /* Face loop */ } void plRenderObj(pl_Obj *obj) { _RenderObj(obj,0,0); } void plRenderEnd() { _faceInfo *f; if (_cam->Sort > 0) _hsort(_faces,_numfaces,0); else if (_cam->Sort < 0) _hsort(_faces,_numfaces,1); f = _faces; while (_numfaces--) { if (f->face->Material && f->face->Material->_PutFace) { plClipRenderFace(f->face); } f++; } _numfaces=0; _numlights = 0; } static _faceInfo *Base, tmp; static void _hsort(_faceInfo *base, int nel, int dir) { static int i; Base=base-1; for (i=nel/2; i>0; i--) _sift_down(i,nel,dir); for (i=nel; i>1; ) { tmp = base[0]; base[0] = Base[i]; Base[i] = tmp; _sift_down(1,i-=1,dir); } } #define Comp(x,y) (( x ).zd < ( y ).zd ? 1 : 0) static void _sift_down(int L, int U, int dir) { static int c; while (1) { c=L+L; if (c>U) break; if ( (c < U) && dir^Comp(Base[c+1],Base[c])) c++; if (dir^Comp(Base[L],Base[c])) return; tmp = Base[L]; Base[L] = Base[c]; Base[c] = tmp; L=c; } } #undef Comp