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#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIFile;
interface nsIComponentManager;

 * The nsIModule interface.
 * @status FROZEN

[scriptable, uuid(7392D032-5371-11d3-994E-00805FD26FEE)]
interface nsIModule : nsISupports
     * Object Instance Creation
     * Obtains a Class Object from a nsIModule for a given CID and IID pair.  
     * This class object can either be query to a nsIFactory or a may be 
     * query to a nsIClassInfo.
     * @param aCompMgr  : The global component manager
     * @param aClass    : ClassID of object instance requested
     * @param aIID      : IID of interface requested
    void getClassObject(in nsIComponentManager aCompMgr, 
                        in nsCIDRef aClass,
                        in nsIIDRef aIID,
                        [retval, iid_is(aIID)] out nsQIResult aResult);

     * One time registration callback
     * When the nsIModule is discovered, this method will be
     * called so that any setup registration can be preformed.
     * @param aCompMgr  : The global component manager
     * @param aLocation : The location of the nsIModule on disk
     * @param aLoaderStr: Opaque loader specific string
     * @param aType     : Loader Type being used to load this module 
    void registerSelf(in nsIComponentManager aCompMgr, 
                      in nsIFile aLocation,
                      in string aLoaderStr, 
                      in string aType);
     * One time unregistration callback
     * When the nsIModule is being unregistered, this method will be
     * called so that any unregistration can be preformed
     * @param aCompMgr   : The global component manager
     * @param aLocation  : The location of the nsIModule on disk
     * @param aLoaderStr : Opaque loader specific string
   void unregisterSelf(in nsIComponentManager aCompMgr, 
                        in nsIFile aLocation,
                        in string  aLoaderStr);

    * Module load management
    * @param aCompMgr  : The global component manager
    * @return indicates to the caller if the module can be unloaded.
    * 		Returning PR_TRUE isn't a guarantee that the module will be
    *		unloaded. It constitues only willingness of the module to be
    *		unloaded.  It is very important to ensure that no outstanding 
    *       references to the module's code/data exist before returning 
    *       PR_TRUE. 
    *		Returning PR_FALSE guaratees that the module wont be unloaded.
    boolean canUnload(in nsIComponentManager aCompMgr);