#include "main.h" #include <windows.h> #include <multimon.h> #include "vid_overlay.h" #include "directdraw.h" #include <api.h> #include "../Winamp/wa_ipc.h" #include <assert.h> void getViewport(RECT *r, HWND wnd, int full, RECT *sr); void YV12_to_YUY2(unsigned char *output, const YV12_PLANES *planes, int pitch, int width, int height, int flip) { const unsigned char *yi = planes->y.baseAddr; const unsigned char *ui = planes->u.baseAddr; const unsigned char *vi = planes->v.baseAddr; if (flip) output += pitch * (height - 1); while (height > 0) { int x = width; unsigned char *oo = output; while (x > 0) { output[0] = *yi++; output[1] = *ui++; output[2] = *yi++; output[3] = *vi++; output += 4; x -= 2; } ui -= width / 2; vi -= width / 2; yi += planes->y.rowBytes - width; x = width; if (flip) output = oo - pitch; else output += pitch - width * 2; oo = output; while (x > 0) { output[0] = *yi++; output[1] = *ui++; output[2] = *yi++; output[3] = *vi++; output += 4; x -= 2; } if (flip) output = oo - pitch; else output += pitch - width * 2; ui += planes->u.rowBytes - (width / 2); vi += planes->v.rowBytes - (width / 2); yi += planes->y.rowBytes - width; height -= 2; } } void YV12_to_UYVY(unsigned char *output, const YV12_PLANES *planes, int pitch, int width, int height, int flip) { const unsigned char *yi = planes->y.baseAddr; const unsigned char *ui = planes->u.baseAddr; const unsigned char *vi = planes->v.baseAddr; if (flip) output += pitch * (height - 1); while (height > 0) { int x = width; unsigned char *oo = output; while (x > 0) { output[0] = *ui++; output[1] = *yi++; output[2] = *vi++; output[3] = *yi++; output += 4; x -= 2; } ui -= width / 2; vi -= width / 2; yi += planes->y.rowBytes - width; x = width; if (flip) output = oo - pitch; else output += pitch - width * 2; oo = output; while (x > 0) { output[0] = *ui++; output[1] = *yi++; output[2] = *vi++; output[3] = *yi++; output += 4; x -= 2; } if (flip) output = oo - pitch; else output += pitch - width * 2; ui += planes->u.rowBytes - (width / 2); vi += planes->v.rowBytes - (width / 2); yi += planes->y.rowBytes - width; height -= 2; } } void YV12_to_YV12(unsigned char *output, const YV12_PLANES *planes, int pitch, int width, int height, int flip) { // woo native YV12 copy int f = !!flip; unsigned char *o = output + (f * height * pitch); const char *i = (const char*)planes->y.baseAddr; int d_o = pitch; if (f) d_o = -d_o; else o -= d_o; int h2 = height; while (h2--) { o += d_o; memcpy(o, i, width); i += planes->y.rowBytes; } d_o /= 2; int w2 = width / 2; h2 = height / 2; i = (const char*)planes->v.baseAddr; o = output + (height * pitch * (f + 4)) / 4; if (!f) o -= d_o; while (h2--) { o += d_o; memcpy(o, i, w2); i += planes->v.rowBytes; } o = output + (height * pitch * (f + 5)) / 4; i = (const char*)planes->u.baseAddr; h2 = height / 2; if (!f) o -= d_o; while (h2--) { o += d_o; memcpy(o, i, w2);i += planes->u.rowBytes; } } void YUY2_to_YUY2(unsigned char *output, const char *buf, int pitch, int width, int height, int flip) { const char *a = buf; unsigned char *b = output; int l = width * 2, l2 = pitch; if (flip) { b += (height - 1) * l2; l2 = -l2; } //wee straight YUY2 copy for (int i = 0;i < height;i++) { memcpy(b, a, l); b += l2; a += l; } } void YUY2_to_UYVY(unsigned char *output, const char *buf, int pitch, int width, int height, int flip) { const char *a = buf; unsigned char *b = output; int l = width * 2, l2 = pitch; if (flip) { b += (height - 1) * l2; l2 = -l2; } for (int i = 0;i < height;i++) { int x = width / 2; while (x-- > 0) { b[0] = a[1]; b[1] = a[0]; b[2] = a[3]; b[3] = a[2]; a += 4; b += 4; } memcpy(b, a, l); b += l2; a += l; } } #define INIT_DIRECTDRAW_STRUCT(x) (ZeroMemory(&x, sizeof(x)), x.dwSize=sizeof(x)) // I like to set these to 255,0,255 to test that we arent drawing this color too many playces #define OV_COL_R 16 #define OV_COL_G 0 #define OV_COL_B 16 OverlayVideoOutput::OverlayVideoOutput() : frame(NULL), width(0), height(0), flip(0), type(0), uDestSizeAlign(0), uSrcSizeAlign(0), dwUpdateFlags(0) { lpDD = NULL; m_closed = 0; overlay_color = RGB(OV_COL_R, OV_COL_G, OV_COL_B); lpddsOverlay = NULL; lpddsPrimary = NULL; lpBackBuffer = NULL; yuy2_output = uyvy_output = 0; initing = false; needchange = 0; memset(&m_oldrd, 0, sizeof(m_oldrd)); memset(&winRect, 0, sizeof(winRect)); m_fontsize = 0; } OverlayVideoOutput::~OverlayVideoOutput() { OverlayVideoOutput::close(); } static DWORD DD_ColorMatch(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE pdds, COLORREF rgb) { COLORREF rgbT; HDC hdc; DWORD dw = CLR_INVALID; DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; HRESULT hres; // // use GDI SetPixel to color match for us // if (rgb != CLR_INVALID && pdds->GetDC(&hdc) == DD_OK) { rgbT = GetPixel(hdc, 0, 0); // save current pixel value SetPixel(hdc, 0, 0, rgb); // set our value pdds->ReleaseDC(hdc); } // now lock the surface so we can read back the converted color ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); while ((hres = pdds->Lock(NULL, &ddsd, 0, NULL)) == DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING) ; if (hres == DD_OK) { dw = *(DWORD *)ddsd.lpSurface; // get DWORD if (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount < 32) dw &= (1 << ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount) - 1; // mask it to bpp pdds->Unlock(NULL); } // now put the color that was there back. if (rgb != CLR_INVALID && pdds->GetDC(&hdc) == DD_OK) { SetPixel(hdc, 0, 0, rgbT); pdds->ReleaseDC(hdc); } return dw; } int OverlayVideoOutput::create(HWND parent, VideoAspectAdjuster *_adjuster, int w, int h, unsigned int ptype, int flipit, double aspectratio) { OverlayVideoOutput::close(); this->parent = parent; type = ptype; width = w; height = h; flip = flipit; adjuster = _adjuster; initing = true; HWND hwnd = this->parent; if (lpDD) lpDD->Release(); lpDD = NULL; update_monitor_coords(); if (!foundGUID) DDrawCreate(NULL, &lpDD, NULL); else DDrawCreate(&m_devguid, &lpDD, NULL); if (!lpDD) { initing = false; return 0; } lpDD->SetCooperativeLevel(hwnd, DDSCL_NOWINDOWCHANGES | DDSCL_NORMAL); DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; INIT_DIRECTDRAW_STRUCT(ddsd); ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS; ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE; lpDD->CreateSurface(&ddsd, &lpddsPrimary, NULL ); if (!lpddsPrimary) { if (lpDD) lpDD->Release(); lpDD = NULL; initing=false; return 0; } // init overlay DDSURFACEDESC ddsdOverlay; INIT_DIRECTDRAW_STRUCT(ddsdOverlay); //ddsdOverlay.ddsCaps.dwCaps=DDSCAPS_OVERLAY | DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY; //ddsdOverlay.dwFlags= DDSD_CAPS|DDSD_HEIGHT|DDSD_WIDTH|DDSD_PIXELFORMAT|DDSD_PITCH; //ddsdOverlay.dwBackBufferCount=0; ddsdOverlay.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_OVERLAY | DDSCAPS_FLIP | DDSCAPS_COMPLEX; ddsdOverlay.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_PIXELFORMAT | DDSD_PITCH | DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT; ddsdOverlay.dwBackBufferCount = 1; ddsdOverlay.dwWidth = w; ddsdOverlay.dwHeight = h; ddsdOverlay.lPitch = w * 4; DDPIXELFORMAT pf[] = { {sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT), DDPF_FOURCC, MAKEFOURCC('Y', 'U', 'Y', '2'), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT), DDPF_FOURCC, MAKEFOURCC('U', 'Y', 'V', 'Y'), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, // UYVY {sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT), DDPF_FOURCC, MAKEFOURCC('Y', 'V', '1', '2'), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, }; int tab[5] = {0}; if (type == VIDEO_MAKETYPE('Y', 'U', 'Y', '2')) { tab[0] = 0; // default is YUY2 tab[1] = 1; tab[2] = -1; } else if (type == VIDEO_MAKETYPE('U', 'Y', 'V', 'Y')) { tab[0] = 1; // make UYVY default tab[1] = 0; tab[2] = -1; } else if (type == VIDEO_MAKETYPE('Y', 'V', '1', '2')) { if (config_video.yv12()) { tab[0] = 2; tab[1] = 0; tab[2] = 1; tab[3] = -1; } else { //use YUY2 tab[0] = 0; // default is YUY2 tab[1] = 1; tab[2] = -1; } } else { tab[0] = -1; // default is RGB } int x = 4096; HRESULT v = -1; for (x = 0; x < sizeof(tab) / sizeof(tab[0]) && tab[x] >= 0; x ++) { ddsdOverlay.ddpfPixelFormat = pf[tab[x]]; v = lpDD->CreateSurface(&ddsdOverlay, &lpddsOverlay, NULL); if (!FAILED(v)) break; } if (FAILED(v) || x >= sizeof(tab) / sizeof(tab[0]) || tab[x] < 0) { initing = false; return 0; } yuy2_output = (tab[x] == 0); uyvy_output = (tab[x] == 1); //get the backbuffer surface DDSCAPS ddscaps; ddscaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER; v = lpddsOverlay->GetAttachedSurface(&ddscaps, &lpBackBuffer); if (v != DD_OK || lpBackBuffer == 0) { // make it use normal vsync lpBackBuffer=0; initing = FALSE; return 0; } INIT_DIRECTDRAW_STRUCT(capsDrv); lpDD->GetCaps(&capsDrv, NULL); uDestSizeAlign = capsDrv.dwAlignSizeDest; uSrcSizeAlign = capsDrv.dwAlignSizeSrc; dwUpdateFlags = DDOVER_SHOW | DDOVER_KEYDESTOVERRIDE; DEVMODE d; d.dmSize = sizeof(d); d.dmDriverExtra = 0; EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &d); int rv = OV_COL_R, gv = OV_COL_G, bv = OV_COL_B; overlay_color = RGB(rv, gv, bv); if (d.dmBitsPerPel == 8) { overlay_color = RGB(255, 0, 255); } INIT_DIRECTDRAW_STRUCT(ovfx); ovfx.dwDDFX = 0; switch (d.dmBitsPerPel) { case 8: ovfx.dckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceLowValue = 253; break; case 16: ovfx.dckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceLowValue = ((rv >> 3) << 11) | ((gv >> 2) << 5) | (bv >> 3); break; case 15: ovfx.dckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceLowValue = ((rv >> 3) << 10) | ((gv >> 3) << 5) | (bv >> 3); break; case 24: case 32: ovfx.dckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceLowValue = (rv << 16) | (gv << 8) | bv; break; } //try to get the correct bit depth thru directdraw (for fucked up 16 bits displays for ie.) { DDSURFACEDESC DDsd = {sizeof(DDsd), }; lpddsPrimary->GetSurfaceDesc(&ddsd); DDsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT; //create the surface at screen depth DDsd.dwWidth = 8; DDsd.dwHeight = 8; DDsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE tempsurf; if (lpDD->CreateSurface(&DDsd, &tempsurf, NULL) == DD_OK) { int res = DD_ColorMatch(tempsurf, overlay_color); if (res != CLR_INVALID) ovfx.dckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceLowValue = res; tempsurf->Release(); } } ovfx.dckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceHighValue = ovfx.dckDestColorkey.dwColorSpaceLowValue; getRects(&rs, &rd); if (FAILED(lpddsOverlay->UpdateOverlay(&rs, lpddsPrimary, &rd, dwUpdateFlags, &ovfx))) { initing = false; return 0; } initing = false; DDSURFACEDESC dd = {sizeof(dd), }; if (lpddsOverlay->Lock(NULL, &dd, DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL) != DD_OK) return 0; unsigned char *o = (unsigned char*)dd.lpSurface; if (uyvy_output || yuy2_output) { int x = dd.lPitch * height / 2; while (x--) { if (uyvy_output) { *o++ = 128; *o++ = 0; } else { *o++ = 0; *o++ = -128; } } } else { memset(o, 0, dd.lPitch*height); o += dd.lPitch * height; memset(o, 128, dd.lPitch*height / 2); } lpddsOverlay->Unlock(&dd); m_closed=0; needchange = 0; InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); return 1; } void OverlayVideoOutput::close() { m_closed = 1; if (lpddsOverlay) lpddsOverlay->UpdateOverlay(NULL, lpddsPrimary, NULL, DDOVER_HIDE , NULL); if (lpBackBuffer) lpBackBuffer->Release(); lpBackBuffer=0; if (lpddsOverlay) lpddsOverlay->Release(); lpddsOverlay=0; if (lpddsPrimary) lpddsPrimary->Release(); lpddsPrimary=0; if (lpDD) lpDD->Release(); lpDD=0; // BU added NULL check in response to talkback } void OverlayVideoOutput::getRects(RECT *drs, RECT *drd, int fixmultimon) const { //if(GetParent(hwnd)) hwnd=GetParent(hwnd); RECT rd, rs; GetClientRect(parent, &rd); ClientToScreen(parent, (LPPOINT)&rd); ClientToScreen(parent, ((LPPOINT)&rd) + 1); adjuster->adjustAspect(rd); rd.left -= m_mon_x; rd.right -= m_mon_x; rd.top -= m_mon_y; rd.bottom -= m_mon_y; memset(&rs, 0, sizeof(rs)); rs.right = width; rs.bottom = height; if (fixmultimon) { //resize overlay for off-screen RECT rfull; getViewport(&rfull, parent, 1, NULL); rfull.left -= m_mon_x; rfull.right -= m_mon_x; rfull.top -= m_mon_y; rfull.bottom -= m_mon_y; if (rd.right > rfull.right) { int diff = rd.right - rfull.right; float sc = (float)(width) / (float)(rd.right - rd.left); rd.right = rfull.right; rs.right = width - (int)(diff * sc); } if (rd.left < rfull.left) { int diff = rfull.left - rd.left; float sc = (float)(width) / (float)(rd.right - rd.left); rd.left = rfull.left; rs.left = (int)(diff * sc); } if (rd.bottom > rfull.bottom) { int diff = rd.bottom - rfull.bottom; float sc = (float)(height) / (float)(rd.bottom - rd.top); rd.bottom = rfull.bottom; rs.bottom = height - (int)(diff * sc); } if (rd.top < rfull.top) { int diff = rfull.top - rd.top; float sc = (float)(height) / (float)(rd.bottom - rd.top); rd.top = rfull.top; rs.top = (int)(diff * sc); } } if (capsDrv.dwCaps & DDCAPS_ALIGNSIZESRC && uDestSizeAlign) { rs.left = (int)((rs.left + uDestSizeAlign - 1) / uDestSizeAlign) * uDestSizeAlign; rs.right = (int)((rs.right + uDestSizeAlign - 1) / uDestSizeAlign) * uDestSizeAlign; } if (capsDrv.dwCaps & DDCAPS_ALIGNSIZEDEST && uDestSizeAlign) { rd.left = (int)((rd.left + uDestSizeAlign - 1) / uDestSizeAlign) * uDestSizeAlign; rd.right = (int)((rd.right + uDestSizeAlign - 1) / uDestSizeAlign) * uDestSizeAlign; } *drd = rd; *drs = rs; } void OverlayVideoOutput::timerCallback() { if (!adjuster) return; RECT rd, rs; getRects(&rs, &rd); if (memcmp(&m_oldrd, &rd, sizeof(RECT))) { m_oldrd = rd; if (!initing && lpddsOverlay) if (FAILED(lpddsOverlay->UpdateOverlay(&rs, lpddsPrimary, &rd, dwUpdateFlags, &ovfx))) { needchange = 1; } InvalidateRect(parent, NULL, FALSE); } } int OverlayVideoOutput::onPaint(HWND hwnd) { if (!adjuster) return 0; PAINTSTRUCT p; BeginPaint(hwnd, &p); if (!m_closed) { RECT r, rs, rfull, clientRect; RECT drawRect; getRects(&rs, &r, 0); // we don't just fill the entire client rect, cause that looks gross getViewport(&rfull, hwnd, 1, NULL); // go from this screen coords to global coords r.left += rfull.left; r.top += rfull.top; r.right += rfull.left; r.bottom += rfull.top; // go from global back to client ScreenToClient(hwnd, (LPPOINT)&r); ScreenToClient(hwnd, ((LPPOINT)&r) + 1); HBRUSH br = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); GetClientRect(hwnd, &clientRect); // left black box drawRect.left = clientRect.left; drawRect.right = r.left; drawRect.top = clientRect.top; drawRect.bottom = clientRect.bottom; FillRect(p.hdc, &drawRect, br); // right black box drawRect.left = r.right; drawRect.right = clientRect.right; drawRect.top = clientRect.top; drawRect.bottom = clientRect.bottom; FillRect(p.hdc, &drawRect, br); // top black box drawRect.left = clientRect.left; drawRect.right = clientRect.right; drawRect.top = clientRect.top; drawRect.bottom = r.top; FillRect(p.hdc, &drawRect, br); // bottom black box drawRect.left = clientRect.left; drawRect.right = clientRect.right; drawRect.top = r.bottom; drawRect.bottom = clientRect.bottom; FillRect(p.hdc, &drawRect, br); LOGBRUSH lb = {BS_SOLID, (COLORREF)overlay_color, }; br = CreateBrushIndirect(&lb); FillRect(p.hdc, &r, br); DeleteObject(br); } EndPaint(hwnd, &p); return 1; } void OverlayVideoOutput::displayFrame(const char * /*buf*/, int size, int time) { if (m_closed) return; DDSURFACEDESC dd = {sizeof(dd), }; //CT> vsync wait not used anymore //if (config_video.vsync()) lpDD->WaitForVerticalBlank(DDWAITVB_BLOCKBEGIN,0); HRESULT result; //if ((result=lpddsOverlay->Lock(NULL,&dd,DDLOCK_WAIT,NULL)) != DD_OK) { if ((result = lpBackBuffer->Lock(NULL, &dd, DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL)) != DD_OK) { if (result == DDERR_SURFACELOST) needchange = 1; return ; } if (type == VIDEO_MAKETYPE('Y', 'V', '1', '2')) { const YV12_PLANES *planes = (YV12_PLANES *)frame; if (uyvy_output) YV12_to_UYVY((unsigned char*)dd.lpSurface, planes, dd.lPitch, width, height, flip); else if (yuy2_output) YV12_to_YUY2((unsigned char*)dd.lpSurface, planes, dd.lPitch, width, height, flip); else YV12_to_YV12((unsigned char*)dd.lpSurface, planes, dd.lPitch, width, height, flip); } else if (type == VIDEO_MAKETYPE('Y', 'U', 'Y', '2')) { if (yuy2_output) YUY2_to_YUY2((unsigned char*)dd.lpSurface, (const char *)frame, dd.lPitch, width, height, flip); else if (uyvy_output) YUY2_to_UYVY((unsigned char*)dd.lpSurface, (const char *)frame, dd.lPitch, width, height, flip); else YUY2_to_YUY2((unsigned char*)dd.lpSurface, (const char *)frame, dd.lPitch, width, height, flip); // is this right? } else if (type == VIDEO_MAKETYPE('U', 'Y', 'V', 'Y')) { if (yuy2_output) YUY2_to_UYVY((unsigned char*)dd.lpSurface, (const char *)frame, dd.lPitch, width, height, flip); else YUY2_to_YUY2((unsigned char*)dd.lpSurface, (const char *)frame, dd.lPitch, width, height, flip); } lpBackBuffer->Unlock(&dd); lpddsOverlay->Flip(lpBackBuffer, DDFLIP_WAIT); } void OverlayVideoOutput::drawSubtitle(SubsItem *item) { } void OverlayVideoOutput::resetSubtitle() { }