Premake is written in a mix of C and Lua. A small host executable,
 written in C, launches the app and prepares the environment, at which
 point control is handed off to a Lua script. Almost all of Premake is
 written in Lua scripts, which allow it to be easily extended and
 customized. The catch is that it is slightly more complicated to build
 it than your typical C/C++ application.

 If you find all of this very confusing and need some help, visit the
 Premake website for help and community links. We will be glad to help!


 If you downloaded a source code package (as opposed to pulling the sources
 directory from the repository) you will find project files for all of the
 officially supported toolsets in the build/ folder. Build the release
 configuration and you will be ready to go. For makefiles:

    $ cd build/gmake2.unix
    $ make config=release

 The binaries will be placed in the ./bin/release directory.


 If you have pulled sources from the Premake source repository, you can
 use `Bootstrap.mak` to generate your first premake executable:

    $ make -f Bootstrap.mak PLATFORM

 Where PLATFORM can be osx or linux.
 On Windows with Visual Studio use nmake:

    $ nmake -f Bootstrap.mak windows

 Or on Windows with MinGW use mingw32-make:

    $ CC=mingw32-gcc mingw32-make -f Bootstrap.mak mingw

 If your toolset is not supported by the bootstrap Makefile, you will need
 to embed the scripts into a C source file so they may be built into the
 executable, and also generate the project files for your chosen toolset. In
 order do either of these things, you will need a working Premake executable.

 The easiest way to get an executable is to download one of the prebuilt
 binaries from the project website. If that isn't possible, or if not binary
 is provided for your platform, you can build from a source package as
 described above, as they also include pre-generated project files.

 Once you have a working Premake available, you can generate the project
 files for your toolset by running a command like the following in the
 top-level Premake directory:

    $ premake5 gmake2  # for makefiles
    $ premake5 vs2012 # for a Visual Studio 2012 solution
    $ premake --help  # to see a list of supported toolsets

 If this is the first time you have built Premake, or if you have made
 changes to the Lua scripts, you should prepare them to be embedded into the
 Premake executable.

    $ premake5 embed

 This creates a C file (at src/host/scripts.c) which contains all of the
 Lua scripts as static string buffers. These then get compiled into the
 executable, which is how we get away with shipping a single file instead
 of a whole bunch of scripts.

 You should now have a solution/makefile/workspace in the top-level folder,
 which you can go ahead and build.


 Once you have built an executable, you can verify it by running Premake's
 unit test suites. From the top-level Premake folder, run:

    $ bin/release/premake5 test


 If you are modifying or extending Premake, you can skip the embedding
 and compilation steps and run the scripts directly from the disk. This
 removes the build from the change-build-test cycle and really speeds up

 If you are running Premake from the top of its own source tree (where its
 premake5.lua is located) you will get this behavior automatically. If you
 are running Premake from some other location, use the --scripts option to
 provide the path to that top-level folder:

    $ bin/release/premake5 --scripts=../path/to/premake test

 If you find yourself doing this repeatedly, or if you want Premake to be
 able to find other, custom scripts, you can also set a search path with the
 PREMAKE_PATH environment variable. Set it just like you would set your
 system PATH variable.