/* * Notification.h * -------------- * Purpose: GUI update notification struct * Notes : (currently none) * Authors: OpenMPT Devs * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details. */ #pragma once #include "openmpt/all/BuildSettings.hpp" OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_BEGIN // struct Notification requires working copy constructor / copy assignment, keep in mind when extending struct Notification { enum Type { GlobalVU = 0x00, // Global VU meters (always enabled) Position = 0x01, // Pattern playback position Sample = 0x02, // pos[i] contains sample position on this channel VolEnv = 0x04, // pos[i] contains volume envelope position PanEnv = 0x08, // pos[i] contains panning envelope position PitchEnv = 0x10, // pos[i] contains pitch envelope position VUMeters = 0x20, // pos[i] contains pattern VU meter for this channel EOS = 0x40, // End of stream reached, the GUI should stop the audio device Stop = 0x80, // Audio device has been stopped -> reset GUI Default = GlobalVU, }; typedef uint16 Item; static constexpr SmpLength PosInvalid = SmpLength(-1); // pos[i] is not valid (if it contains sample or envelope position) static constexpr uint32 ClipVU = 0x80000000; // Master VU clip indicator bit (sound output has previously clipped) int64 timestampSamples; FlagSet<Notification::Type> type; Item item; // Sample or instrument number, depending on type ROWINDEX row; // Always valid uint32 tick, ticksOnRow; // ditto ORDERINDEX order; // ditto PATTERNINDEX pattern; // ditto uint32 mixedChannels; // ditto std::array<uint32, 4> masterVUin; // ditto std::array<uint32, 4> masterVUout; // ditto uint8 masterVUinChannels; // ditto uint8 masterVUoutChannels; // ditto std::array<SmpLength, MAX_CHANNELS> pos; // Sample / envelope pos for each channel if != PosInvalid, or pattern channel VUs Notification(FlagSet<Notification::Type> t = Default, Item i = 0, int64 s = 0, ROWINDEX r = 0, uint32 ti = 0, uint32 tir = 0, ORDERINDEX o = 0, PATTERNINDEX p = 0, uint32 x = 0, uint8 outChannels = 0, uint8 inChannels = 0) : timestampSamples(s), type(t), item(i), row(r), tick(ti), ticksOnRow(tir), order(o), pattern(p), mixedChannels(x), masterVUinChannels(inChannels), masterVUoutChannels(outChannels) { masterVUin.fill(0); masterVUout.fill(0); pos.fill(0); } }; DECLARE_FLAGSET(Notification::Type); OPENMPT_NAMESPACE_END